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An FLRW Cosmology with a Chameleon Field Amir Pouyan Khosravi Karchi∗ and Hossein Shojaie† Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., Evin, Tehran 1983963113, Iran Abstract We derive the field equations of a chameleon theory of gravitation with a general matter La- grangian term and represent them in the framework of cosmology. Accordingly, the corresponding 4 1 dynamical system of the field equations is constructed and the related integral curves and global 0 2 phase portraits of some cases of interest are provided. n a J PACS numbers: 04.50.Kd; 98.80.Cq. 2 1 Keywords: Chameleon Theory of Gravitation; Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker metric; Poincar´e ] c Comapctification. q - r g [ 1 v 6 2 6 2 . 1 0 4 1 : v i X r a ∗ amir.khosravi@mail.sbu.ac.ir † h-shojaie@sbu.ac.ir 1 I. INTRODUCTION The Concordance model of the universe, or namely ΛCDM model, is in very good agree- ment with the data obtained from Planck space telescope [1]; data which has provided a very high resolution image of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) [2]. This data, in addition to a wide variety of cosmological observations such as Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) [3], Weak Lensing [4], Supernova type Ia (SNIa) [5, 6], 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) [7] and DEEP2 Redshift Survey [8] at low and high redshifts respectively, has been used to tune ΛCDM model. Accordingly, this model implies that the content of our 13.68 billion year old universe is built up of 32% non–relativistic matter and 68% unknown isotropic and homogeneous distributed matter with equation of state w = −1, dubbed as dark energy (DE) [9]. Moreover, the universe turns out to be almost spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic at its largest, and is recently experiencing an accelerating phase [10]. Although there are different models of DE [11] and also different classifications of it concerning the equation of state [12], other alternatives to general relativity (GR) are widely discussed in the literature in order to explain the nature of the late time cosmic acceleration. Among them, the scalar–tensor theories of gravitation, as extensions of Brans–Dicke (BD) theory of gravitation are the most well–known. These theories couple a scalar field with the Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian, to preserve the Mach principle. BD theory of gravitation mainly suffers to bring about a fine match with the observations in the solar system, within plausible value of its parameter [13]. Other modifications of GR concern, for instance, the replacement of the scalar field with functions of other scalars engaged in the theory, such as f(R) [14], f(T) [15] and f(G) [16], where R, T and G are the Ricci scalar, the torsion scalar and the Gauss–Bonnet term, respectively. These latter alternatives to GR are capable of explaining the inflation phase and the late time acceleration in a unified manner. In this manuscript, we investigate a chameleon theory which allows the scalar field to couple with both gravity and matter. The chameleon theory of gravitation [17], as another modification to GR, mainly differs from BD theory in a way that the matter term in the Lagrangian, is also a function of the scalar field. In other words, the Lagrangian of matter depends on the scalar field as well as the matter field and the metric. This allows the chameleon field, while behaving lightly on larger scales, to couple to matter much stronger 2 than gravity does, and consequently makes this kind of theory to be capable of being in agreement with observational constraints [18]. Like other gravitational theories, there are different models of chameleon theory regarding the way the chameleon field couples to the matter field [17]. It is worth noting that for an f(R) theory to be in agreement with Newtonianmechanics, ithastobehavelikeachameleontheory, thereforeplacingrestrictions on the forms of f(R) functions in the action [19]. As stated in [19], for an f(R) theory to have a detectable deviation from GR at astrophysical scales, it has to be equivalent to a chameleon model. In most of the studied chameleon models, the specific choice of matter Lagrangian term enables the resulting field equations to be obtained easily. However, in this manuscript, rather than choosing a specified form of the matter Lagrangian term to explain the cosmic acceleration or other observational data, we consider the most general form of it. Then the field equations of the action, using the dynamical method of solving differential equations, are derived and the corresponding integral curves in phase space and global phase portraits are represented. The Sections in this manuscript are arranged as follows: In Section 2 the field equations of a chameleon theory are derived. Section 3 briefly provides the form of these equations in the Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, which is a logical consequence of the cosmological principle. After deriving the field equations, a qualitative analysis of these equations is provided in Section 4. A conclusion is summarized in Section 5. II. FIELD EQUATIONS Following the pioneer paper of Brans and Dicke [20], the BD Lagrangian is (cid:90) √ φ φa I = d4x −g(φR+L −ω ,a , ) , (1) m φ where ω is a positive constant. Dimensional analysis leads one to interpret, 1 φ = . (2) 16πG eff Also, the energy–momentum Lagrangian, L , is assumed to be independent of the field φ. m Varying the Lagrangian with respect to the metric and the scalar field, and combining the 3 results, the corresponding field equations become: (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 ω 1 1 R − g R = T + φ φ − g φ φc + (φ −g φ c) , (3) ab 2 ab φ mab φ2 ,a ,b 2 ab ,c , φ ,a;b ab ,c; T b = 0 (4) ab; and 1 φ a = T . (5) ,a; 3+2ω On the other hand, and as stated before, in a simple chameleon model, the Lagrangian is identical to the BD Lagrangian (1), except it is assumed that the matter Lagrangian term is also a function of φ. So, one can assume δL √ m ≡ −gS . (6) δφ This results in a modification of the field equations, (3), (4) and (5), to (7), (8) and (9) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 8π ω 1 1 R − g R = T + φ φ − g φ φc + (φ −g φ c) , (7) ab 2 ab φ ab φ2 ,a ,b 2 ab ,c , φ ,a;b ab ,c; 1 T b = Sφ (8) ab; ,a 2 and 8π φ a = (T −φS) . (9) ,a; 3+2ω It is worth noting that, the function S in the two last equations, has the role of exchanging energy between the matter and the scalar fields. This will become clearer in the next section by assigning a density function to the scalar field. These equations are the general field equations of a chameleon theory. However, to have a specific solution, one has to apply the initial (or boundary) conditions or symmetries considered in the specific model. In the next section the specific forms of these equations in the cosmological frame are derived. III. A GENERAL CHAMELEON FIELD IN FLRW FRAME The cosmological principle states that, in the universe when viewed on sufficiently large scales, there is no preferred place or direction in space. In other words, the universe can be 4 approximated as homogeneous and isotropic in large scales. This principle is in accordance with the large scale observational evidences and as mentioned at the end of the last section, the cosmological symmetry is not a feature of GR and can be applied to all alternatives to GR. Following the cosmological principle, the Friedmann-Lemaˆıtre-Robertson-Walker met- ric, namely (cid:18) dr2 (cid:19) ds2 = −dt2 +a2(t) +r2dΩ2 (10) 1−kr2 is the best metric applicable to these scales in the universe, for in this frame all variables can be regarded only as a function of cosmic time. The observational evidences [21] also convince one to assume spatial flatness of the universe in this frame. In addition, the matter is considered to be perfect fluid with the equation of state p = (γ −1)ρ . (11) m m The field equations in this frame, after some mathematical manipulations, are simplified to (cid:18)a˙(cid:19)2 8π ω (cid:32)φ˙(cid:33)2 a˙ φ˙ = (cid:15) + − , (12) m a 3φ 6 φ aφ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:32) ˙(cid:33)2 ˙ a¨ 8π 3+ω ω ω φ a˙ φ 4π = − (cid:15) +3p − + + S , (13) m m a 3φ 3+2ω 3+2ω 3 φ aφ 3+2ω ¨ ˙ φ a˙ φ 8π 8π +3 = ((cid:15) −3p )− S (14) m m φ aφ (3+2ω)φ 3+2ω and a˙ 1 ˙ (cid:15)˙ +3γ (cid:15) = Sφ , (15) m m a 2 where dot denotes derivation with respect to cosmic time t. Now, by defining ωφ˙2 (cid:15) ≡ (16) φ 16πφ equation (9) can also be rewritten as a˙ 1 1 ˙ ˙ (cid:15)˙ +6 (cid:15) = − Rφ− Sφ , (17) φ φ a 16π 2 which can be interpreted as a non–conserved stiff matter with equation of state γ = 2. Applying the same substitution to other field equations, one can rewrite them as (cid:18)a˙(cid:19)2 8π a˙ φ˙ = ((cid:15) +(cid:15) )− (18) m φ a 3φ aφ 5 and (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) ˙ a¨ 8π 1 3+ω ω 2 a˙ φ 4π = − (cid:15) +3p + (cid:15) + + S . (19) m m φ a φ 3 3+2ω 3+2ω 3 aφ 3+2ω To study the dynamical behaviour of the universe according to the equations above, one can introduce the following dynamical variables ˙ a˙ φ ρ X = , Y = and Z = . (20) a φ φ In terms of these new variables, equations (17), (18) and (19) become ω X2 = αZ + Y2 −XY , (21) 6 ω X˙ −X2 = −αAZ − Y2 +XY +BS (22) 3 and Y˙ −Y2 +3XY = 2BCZ −2BS , (23) where 8π 3−2ω +3γ 4π α = , A = , B = and C = 2−3γ . (24) 3 3+2ω 3+2ω Now, by defining (cid:18) (cid:19) B X Q = 1−2 , (25) 1 α Y 2Bω 2BX Q = 1+ − , (26) 2 3α α Y B 2BX Q = 1− − (27) 3 α α Y and (cid:18) (cid:19) B X ω Q = − , (28) 4 α Y 3 and eliminating Z between relations (21), (22) and (23), one gets (cid:18) 2Q Q (cid:19)−1(cid:20)(cid:18)ωA ω Q ωB ωBQ γωX(cid:19) X˙ = Q − 1 4 − + 4 − − 4 − Y2 3 Q 6 3 Q 6α2 6α2Q 2α Y 2 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) B 3γ X + 1−A+ + X2 α2 2α Y (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) 3Q B BQ 3γ X 4 4 + 1−A− + + + XY (29) Q α2 α2Q α Y 2 1 6 (cid:18) Q (cid:19)−1(cid:26)(cid:20) 1 (cid:18) BC ωB 3ωBX(cid:19) ωQ (cid:18)A 2 B γBX(cid:19)(cid:21) Y˙ = 1−2 1 1− − − + 1 − − − Y2 Q Q Q 3 6α2 6α2 Y Q Q 3 3 3α2 2α Y 2 3 2 2 3 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) 1 2BC B 3B X Q 2B 3(γ +1)BX + + + + 1 2−2A+ + X2 Q α α2 2α2 Y Q Q α2 α2 Y 2 2 3 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:27) 1 2BC B 3B X Q 2B 3γBX 1 + −3+ + + + −2A+ + XY (30) Q α α2 2α2 Y Q Q α2 α2 Y 2 2 3 These two latter equations can be used to analyse the universe as a dynamical system. However, since the dependence of the matter Lagrangian term on the scalar field is not specified, one can only have a qualitative analysis of the equations by means of γ and ω, which is the aim of the next section. IV. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS As the matter Lagrangian term is assumed to be a general function of the matter and the scalar fields, it is useful to explore the behaviour and the fate of the universe by drawing the phase portraits of the dynamical variables with different values of parameters ω and γ. However, the two dimensional phase plane R2 is not as appropriate as desired, since it doesn’t tell much about the behaviour of the system at infinity. Fortunately, there is a com- pactification method invented by Henry Poincar´e which can be used to obtain a global phase portrait of a vector field in a finite disk, namely Poincar´e disk, which is briefly explained in Figure 1. It should be mentioned that one cannot expect this qualitative description to produce the exact observed cosmological eras of the universe, since in this analysis, some assumptions, for example the constancy of the equation of state of the matter field during the evolution of theuniverse, areusedwhicharenotmanifestationsofreality. However, someofthesolutions provided here are capable of describing special eras of the universe, such as the big bang and the late time acceleration. Regarding the definitions of the dynamical parameters, rela- tions(20), X istheHubbleparameter. Therefore, anyexponentialexpansionoftheuniverse, such as the inflation phase or the late time acceleration, is represented by vertical sections of the integral curves. The big bang, on the other hand, corresponds to the limit X → ∞, which is represented by half of the circumference of the Poincar´e disk. As examples, the 7 FIG. 1. To obtain the Poincar´e disk, one has to first project the whole X−Y plane onto the upper hemisphere of S2 with respect to its origin. Evidently, the infinity of X −Y plane are projected onto the equator of sphere. Finally, the upper hemisphere is projected onto the X −Y plane to get the so called Poincar´e disk. See for example [22]. phaseportraitandglobalphaseportraitofthreecases(ω = −1.49,γ = 1),(ω = −1.49,γ = 0) and (ω = 50000,γ = 1) are provided in Figures 2, 3 and 4, respectively. V. CONCLUSION & REMARKS We have derived the field equations of a chameleon field theory without any specific assumption about the matter Lagrangian term or the functional form of dynamical vari- ables. The corresponding dynamical system of the theory, using the cosmological time, is constructed in order to easily investigate the evolution of the universe through the phase portraits of the system. The behaviour of the universe at the infinity of phase plane can be studied using the powerful Poinca´re compactification method which enables us to view all the information contained in phase plane in a finite disk. The global phase portraits are prepared for the two special values ω = −1.49 and ω = 50000. It is worth noting that the BD theory with ω = −3/2 is conformally invariant and so it is equivalent to the so called conformal relativity [23]. The case ω = 50000, on the other hand, is of special interest since 8 FIG. 2. The global phase portrait for ω = −1.49 and γ = 1. These diagrams show the evolution of a dust dominated universe and include curves which can be interpreted as both the inflationary phase and the late time acceleration. it makes the BD theory consistent with the solar system measurements [24]. It should be mentioned that the analysis presented above can be extended by the struc- tural stability analysis of the field equations. The idea of a structurally stable theory is of special interest in cosmology since it guaranties the integral curves of the system not to change dramatically by small perturbations of the field equations. In other words, a cosmo- logical model needs to be structurally stable in order to be fitted with different observational data [25]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT HS would like to appreciate the research council of Shahid Beheshti University for the financial support. [1] Xu L. & Chang Y., Phys. Rev. D. 88, 127301 (2013). [2] Planck Collaboration, arXiv:1303.5075 [astro-ph.CO]. 9 FIG.3. Theglobalphaseportraitforω = −1.49andγ = 0. Thesediagramsshowtheevolutionofa dark matter dominated universe and include curves which can be interpreted as the manifestations of the late time acceleration. [3] Benitez N. et al., Astrophys. J. 691, 241 (2009); Wang X. et al., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 394, 1775 (2009); Parkinson D. et al., Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 401, 2169 (2010); Percival W. et al., Mon. Not. 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