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an Explanation of F t h e o u r r u les REGARDING SHIRK Of thf Imaam and Mujaddid Muhammad bin Abdil-Wahhaab ID. I206HI By thi Lsteim ed Scholars AhdulA/tv/ hin Ahdi&ub bin FLu? Sajkhhtn Kjw/jjh Al F.m7i\n Sjjlihbtn Maluiam*d Al I uluydun Abdul \tett bin AbdtlLuih At RxMihrr Ahinjd htn Yahyjj An .Vj*tmT /A)d btn Mulumnud HakLv Al-Madklukv SjjIiIi htn Abdil‘A/iY/ AjIi Shjlkh Abdul Anv/ btn Ijnu At Rjvnk An TxpCanation of “The Tour Tjites’ First Edition, January 2009/1430H ISBN: 0-9814757-4-4; Bar Code: 978-0-9814757-4-5 © Copyright by Al-lbaanah Book Publishing, USA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the copyright owner. Cover Design: Usui Concept & Design [email protected] Printed by: Sanatech Printers, New York, NY Published by: Al-lbaanah Book Publishing Web Site: www.al-ibaanah.com E-Mail: [email protected] Subject: Tawheed Disclaimer: All information contained within this book are the views and statements of the authors. The publisher has tried its best to verify that all information is correct and accurate. However, not all views expressed within this publication are the views of the publisher or translator. Please visit us on the web at: www.al-ibaanah.com for free access to hundreds of Islamic articles, scholarly biographies, and downloadable e-books. 2 An <E\p(anation of ‘Hie Tour <RjiUs" ♦ TABLE OF CONTENTS ♦ Publisher's Foreword.......................................... 7 Arabic Text of “The Four Rules"........................... 9 English Translation of “The Four Rules”................. 13 Sources used for this Translation.......................... 18 Book One: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh ’Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz........................... 19 A Biography of Shaikh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz..... 20 Introduction to the Treatise................................ 23 A Foreword from the Reviewer........................... 24 The Commentator's Introduction........................ 26 An Explanation of the Author’s Introduction........ 27 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 3! An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 33 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 39 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 41 Book Two: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan............... 51 3 An ‘Explanation of The Tour ‘RjiCes" A Biography of Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan............ 52 An Explanation of the Author’s Introduction 54 An Explanation of the First Ruie........................... 70 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 73 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 78 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 94 7. Book Three: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh Saalih bin Muhammad Al-Luhaydaan 99 A Biography of Shaikh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan 100 The Commentator's Introduction........................ 101 An Explanation of the Author’s Introduction 102 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 112 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 114 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 120 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 133 8. Book Four: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ar-Raajihee...................... 137 A Biography of Shaikh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ar-Raajihee 138 An Explanation of the Author's Introduction 140 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 151 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 154 4 An ‘Explanation of “The Tour <R)i(es“ An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 163 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 173 9. Book Five: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh Ahmad bin Yahyaa An-Najmee............... 179 A Biography of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmee 180 An Explanation of the Author’s Introduction 182 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 189 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 191 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 196 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 199 10. Book Six: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh Zayd bin Muhammad Al-Madkhalee 203 A Biography of Shaikh Zayd Al-Madkhalee 204 Introduction to the Treatise................................. 205 An Explanation of the Author's Introduction 206 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 216 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 220 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 227 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 236 11. Book Seven: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh Saalih bin Abdil-’Azeez Aali Shaikh 239 5 An 'EjcpCanation of “The Tour <RjiCes" A Biography of Shaikh Saalih Aali Shaikh.............. 240 An Explanation of the Author’s Introduction 242 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 255 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 260 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 271 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 279 12. Book Eight: An Explanation of “The Four Rules” by Shaikh ‘Abdul-'Azeez bin Rayyis Ar-Rayyis........... 287 A Biography of Shaikh ‘Abdul-’Azeez Ar-Rayyis 288 An Explanation of the Author's Introduction 289 An Explanation of the First Rule........................... 293 An Explanation of the Second Rule..................... 295 An Explanation of the Third Rule.......................... 300 An Explanation of the Fourth Rule....................... 305 13. Glossary of Terms Used...................................... 307 14. Q&A: Test Your Knowledge................................ 313 15. Q& A: Test Your Knowledge................................ 319 16. Points of Benefit................................................. 320 6 An ‘ExpCanation of “The Tour <Rji[es” ♦ PUBLISHER S FOREWORD ♦ All praise is for Allaah, and may the peace and praises be on His messenger, Muhammad, his family and Companions. To proceed: This book consists of several scholarly explanations of the classical work on Tawheed and Shirk written by the Imaam and Mujaddid of the 13th century, Muhammad bin 'Abdil-Wahhaab, may Allaah have mercy on him. The book: "The Four Rules" is a brief treatise designed for easy memorization and retention since the author lists each sequential point in a concise manner, following each one with evidences from the Qur'aan and Sunnah. It is called "The Four Rules" because it consists of four basic fundamentals that one can use to distinguish a believer from a disbeliever and a polytheist from a monotheist. This treatise is considered one of the Imaam's more significant works alongside his other famous works Thalaathat-ul-Usool, Kitaab-ut-Taivheed, and Kasli'f- ush-Shubuhaat. Even though it is more concise than these other books, it is just as comprehensive in terms of its points of benefit. This treatise is important since these four rules discuss the two most critical subjects of the Religion, i.e. Tawheed and Shirk, which every Muslim is obligated to know and understand. This is also the case since the word "qaioaa'id" (rules) is the plural of "qaa'idah" which means a basis from which many other issues or branches stem from. Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan said: "The author did not come up with these rules by himself nor did he derive them from his own ideas as many confused people do today. Rather, he only derived these rules from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah and Biography of Allaah's Messenger %. If you come to learn and understand these rules, it will become easier for you afterward to understand the Tawheed that Allaah sent His Messenger with and revealed His books upon, and it 7 An (Explanation of “The Tour ^pies" will become easier for you to understand the Shirk that Allaah warned against and whose danger and harm in this life and the Hereafter He spoke about." Due to the fact that this treatise covers such crucial topics as these, the scholars of Islaam have given it special attention and dedicated their time to explain it in detail. Some of the people of knowledge who made efforts to explain it were: Shaikhs 'Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz, Saalih Al-Fawzaan, Saalih Al-Luhaydaan, 'Abdul-'Azeez Ar- Raajihee, Ahmad An-Najmee, Zayd Al-Madkhalee, Saalih Aali Shaikh, and 'Abdul-'Azeez Ar-Rayyis.1 In an effort to bring the most benefit to the English reader, translations of all of the above explanations have been included in this present publication. Although the various explanations may appear repetitious, there are many distinct points and benefits raised within each one. So the inclusion of all of these explanations should provide the reader with a deep and comprehensive understanding of this book and the subjects it covers. The complete Arabic text of the source treatise followed by its translation can be found in the beginning of this publication under separate sections to provide students with a pure original text for easier study and memorization. It is hoped that English-speaking Muslims throughout the world will benefit from this book and use it for individual study, group lessons, and personal reading sessions. We ask Allaah to grant benefit by it and to forgive us for any shortcomings. Al-Ibaanah Book Publishing 1 Some other available explanations of “The Four Rules” in Arabic which have not been included in this book are the explanations of Shaikh ‘Abdullaah bin Jibreen and Shaikh Khaalid Ar-Raddaadee. 8 An ‘Explanation of “The Tour (Rjiles“ ♦ ARABIC TEXT OF THE BOOK ♦ jij LuUl ^ iilVyu ji II ,jij«Jl aill jLai Ijlj i fLh Ijj ja< t4U» y.j j i j tdiiS Lajji t£ jU» jlLuau ojl» mil jl jc . UiMiJl cV jA jij 1 jo»"...l t ujl Ijlj ‘ j - -*» (i a e ^ j ail I j l ^aA ljjl <La a j i A jcU al ail I ji (jjiita l V) o * n \j j?Jl U j) :J>Lu Jij US ij^ ill a] [56 :^Wj U '] £a V) SjLc V o-iUtll ji ^Jcla AjjUlI aill ji CjSjC. Ijlj vj^jjl J^-l Ijlj tojlgJall £ a Vj o!iL^a ^ a.a") V ojUaJl ji US jail ,o jlgJall ^ j J iJ Ij) <.*.i.wllS iCjAlaS ojUull j j ^ L a jL o j JahJI !->'->■' J Ujuaii SjUsJI Up -V |j| , 41 Jw.ll ji ,.- A JC. Ijlj (ji aill J*J tviUj AjjtA i ilj'r. U ^A i ji CjSjp. ijLill julUJl jA Aill jl) "4jS (jIU-i aill Jls ^jll aillj kiljJJl jk j aSjJLII oU jA tillij i[48> '-Ul'] O'®) ^5^ UJ^ ^ J j£r! y _4_ilaS ^jlUii aill U jS j -1C. I jS AxjjI AJjjuu :^ jV i Sj&oii t- (iU j Aalc. aill (j l .an - aill Jjj-uj J u' i^® ("4^4J j 'j 4 < j j ' L ^ Ui l jA J U j aill jL jjjU j«i ( _ > ® f U U l l jA ^Sajjj jA Us) ''-I j* 4^>UiVI 9

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