R-1889/1-AF December 1976 An Evaluation of Very Large Alrplanes and Alternative. Fuels: Executive Summary W. T. Mikolowsky A Project AIR FORCE report prepared tor the United States Alr Force Research sponsarad hy the Directorate of Operational Requirements, Deputy Chict ‘of Staf/Research and Usvelopment, Hg. USAF under Contract F49620-77-C-0023. “The United States Government fs authorized to repraduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notoithstanding any eupyright nctation hereon. Reports of The Rand Corporation da not necessarily reflect the opinions or polices ‘of the sponsors of Rand research, R-1889/1-AF December 1976 An Evaluation of Very Large Airplanes and Alternative Fuels: Executive Summary W. T. Mikolowsky A Project AIR FORCE report prepared for the United States Alr Force vRARACP ghee sauucive summary presence the peinctpal eesuies ons Feetts mend cane al tke eunearrh desrvibed in zeport hy ET, tiswtomwey find tae Nogghe, wit euebrdbot lang by a. Pe Hederman ad Re, Threat ly The Rams! poaseatlens ef Par barge Mieplann and a Tancortoe Fue! foot ivty ReIBS9-AE, Dorewber TE/5. Thal repost wmplored Une =! xy uLLlity of vers Latye altsloues (ova $ aiL) ign windy ger eiuhi) anf enamires several aTiecast ive fuels TE ceake 26 weed OF guch airpiansa. The resrancin wn Jodnely eoiucres! by Rand aut the ponungut val Sputeas Divisden of che flr Lasce Aystens Commad mney veh Denny Zor Weve” npwent “oinadry (ASTIRA). Laney We Kugede c& Aafsth vaoedinaces the A> Rorce elements af she 4b teog avalyeie of the willtars appl fsabiuue el sery large eirs an ean cxiuasivn uf roneerch inttiavad dn marly 574 as tw eeqeeas of raul! ity Torce adviouey Croag ant the Siz Teese tated Setwatee (het be, Kisueel farysgvgent seeing br his vapaccty 8 chat ors of the Afr Fore. energy REN Steering Gros. The gorrai ahvecrive of Whe rescitsh suas tn idectily G&D piogzars that, fo thy apes teem, would Degen sey Gone fer s2rm sorltsns: Geel el Lado 4 the ate Mane ts bea deme ldenew ca ¢vlacinn fks slevived fron pezrnteum, Unie seneerch fs eo fmfacd fa Tsk Gobwmur and A Le Seantey, wiein Jy We Wagane one We Zr Hikerowsky, sha sourmnial Fale of Teelousbeglan! s4ésleanfoan a aie reoiin Tandy a AFfoetabicg AES somes Pesttens, the Hand Gorzors Lowy 2B2YeeR, freember FG, shat repr. dest tbe che rust ond ery mprtzweiusa ol abternabive avigcion tile, taplirabioms Bott pertain siraeriy Le the present works HF xian dLacyones he seu tose tuelwe!ngy opsions for redceing Mie Borsa fet-f.ei vensomstie ane 1h possible Lowgercteem bene! Tus ef “seion able to uri tae jee cml GE deri og various ariney ETE ruaqueees "CoB. D@EFDI MU, SO afl ahead In midclDTh, he Chie Seivsdet rescenued thee thee dn}. 2a0 de Cotled angecemet ef eLigrraniye sedation fis ‘se ade in Ube rants of the votems al mi Leaey anaicatfow of very irae aérplanesc-a v0 Cente! shat senved a6 the “npuins far be sewvank Zork, This, aot em y fd capabicity thick may oe mara conedderafons bul alse che + provided 55 vory ‘urge eaxplanew havi coctvated hin reasearch, vi present vatk eng wenfomud ex pare of & Praject ALR MIREN (Catusely Project RAHN) spy Scat inns analysis of very large ait planes wader che rouusrel wre jost GaLi{ Led Wecheslogy &peldeat ium Reseaerh.' the coumeh inclie peswced Here should assist ihe Aig Tore co formLece patieg with rose! te Caure sriztion tai ppl ims amd alto tar dostsio its. Pour eamensa Eou advance —1cclulogy Ineye aimshimes. Mine resort whoulé hie a Aneaveee to Long-range phe aera ‘nthe Arr Seafé asd ale Feros Syatens Comune, “a fucure syatens end onezationsl seqyizemenes peeeourel in the HUTceary Adr1'#1 comm rstegis fin tectaul, and Jactienl Ay Gemeae, ang ti ole ait Fevee sertdimn BACKGROUND sey cceeee sete DESORLZ-LON OP Lik Wok SIHIMATTNT Tendeable Gharavcariet (es + Seseanieg slteroative fuel? Mesined fomneaptuel Resigns <0 wIssran aNaLyses Strategie girlaf= Went Skatdoa-Heaping Blasiond secs SOLrer CERCAUSECRS oes ncueenarug Tron: ANTOPHATLTS. ATRORATY RECOMHENDALLONS: YFRY LAREZ AI TLANES Rircralt Syssen Tea-gs vs Tetmary Hisston Comeideeusto0s Mule imisstou Consideeat iso Avera! fechaoieyy ++ mt Peeputsfin ss NEEEEE decedvramind Gocolbense Sersiures « DENT ATDLINCRAPHES : : rus pecasuorp Abr Puree dnterest tn very large airplanes (As) is motivated pr: a, sues vehielee ed rapabilst tes 2 paddy hy the potosedal far next ight provide. sur exumsley a recut ale Marre acuéy—te Rentaone hag suggestic! that cos rogabiLéty Lo deploy seinar odes wo: Idi éoy edinviee remade citheut reldance on Tosaign Fates, cay sag ene nest. ack an epoxations? sapabtlity ~sstanclelly exwaees tect pre hided by siny centsrneriiy aizetame, Ratver, an oirpiane leh 9 mance prow vokght in vxcusy oF ema akihion wousds Cone eouline dat ii don | Wbd) may be weedesl. Given Nalurical tronda, sitslanes of tds eis could hort egerae canal ay satly a8 2486, tia widenp-wel c3cngmit mu of thy attiners Jeple fon ot Haas 2e6re loom reseuvce® further suggest [het a very “age sirglang mighs deoft: fa Fuel ather shaw a eanven! onal pdiocerbi fer Fog rhe soployzene fel UH 6 "rm sxude of. Indeed, each evutgy ronetderat bons bre waffLeiontl, Lopertash fa tae Dogartmene of Ualenne seers iy te Juswet tire lie woneent nf eaezpeuffactivenrns be ineiuged with const affecrivenins tow che relatiys na22t ot 2 Lermal ioe veapor ay-tems ty The wpe Ife object.vae of law prescat say ar Ba late very Large alrylanee cv the oun ext of oder =3 and poten! int Eegieg ae Torse sbssi om. © Pelexmius the mest atersetve elternative fowl tor ate pemiey of thie Lrpe veork emplighs 4 a, Misrast eursddate kash ofthe Vite examines Foch, ort the candidates fzeide suelear ‘uel as vel. as syut fe a gynchetbe Howl as one Usse ce" be manici.tnred fecal fats, uke ee recs a pedmary cccrgy vepowrse other chen prcleum or watural gas-) A# a wef benetisurk Zor cur valuation of very large ateylanen, we he lucluded # the analy: i a proove! acu produrtion «ea?en, the “Sky of « covcemurasy Larye ateplane cenovork for farm-lating voliez soocin cu asalyeis provides a stone and rocneumdutions with veepect ro sery Large eizpliues snd 31+ ternative funle, Appropriate lulsre research snd clnceloptant acti es are alee identities