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Loughborough University Institutional Repository An evaluation of the production of magnesium base alloy castings by the expendable pattern casting process ThisitemwassubmittedtoLoughboroughUniversity’sInstitutionalRepository by the/an author. Additional Information: • AMaster’sThesis. Submittedinpartialful(cid:28)lmentoftherequirementsfor the award of Master of Philosophy of Loughborough University. Metadata Record: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/10488 Publisher: (cid:13)c Tantipaibulvut Chairath Please cite the published version. This item was submitted to Loughborough University as a Masters thesis by the author and is made available in the Institutional Repository (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/) under the following Creative Commons Licence conditions. For the full text of this licence, please go to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/ :\~ , l'l -,,-------~ J • ~ Lo'.1ghh.orough . I .. Uruverslty , i' Pllkington Library . I , I I Author/Filing Title .......... :J.~. .1 'I.::r.~ .. ~:('\.)"'?\J.~. y.~.rJ'" .~ ........ : Accession/Copy No. . I i .' Vol. No ............... .. Class Mark . ..................................... " ., '. r '\ : ", "'" , An Evaluation of The Production of Magnesium Base Alloy Castings by the Expendable Pattern Casting Process by T ANTIPAIBULV UT, CHAIRAT H BEng (KMITI); MSc (UMIST) './. ... ""}\'MasterThesis , (""·r~· .~ .. -::, .- ~~,\: •. } ,--.;',. ~"" " Submit(ed"lri~ partia(f4'tfi~~.eHt!qf the requirements r• '.. for th' e '-a' w:a:::• r• Jd'" 9" f Master ;;rphiiosophy of LougQb.orough University 1997"""\.l: . JJ l ...... ...... ,. . " "" -. ~ '0,"'"."" 'j' ,~ .', i Ii .~:~ .. .J ~ !;..,!C"""""• • •. ..... '. ,'", .... .. -....,~ ~ ~ ~ Y"'to~~ N •• • ',_ ... 1 .... " ..,. :~. .~ :. ; ©b"y'TantipaibulvuCCftairath 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS page Table of Contents ........................................................................ ii S y no ps is ................................................................................... viii Certificate of Originality .............................................................. ix Acknowledgements ...................................................................... x Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................. I 1.1 Objectives of the research .................................................. 2 Chapter 2 Magnesium base alloy .................................................... 3 2.1 Introduction .................................................................. 3 2.2 The reasons for using magnesium base alloys ........................... 3 2.3 Engineering design aspects of magnesium .............................. .4 2.4 Applications .................................................................. 6 Examples of Magnesium Applications .................................... 7 2.5 Advantages & Disadvantages of Magnesium in Comparison with Other Materials ............................................................... 9 2.6 Casting processes suitable for magnesium base alloys ................ 11 2.7 Metallurgical aspects of Magnesium base alloys ........................ 12 2.7.1 The classification of Magnesium base alIoys ..................... 12 2.7.2 Designation of commercial alloys in the ASTM Standard ..... 19 2.7.3 The relevant designation of different standards in different countries .................................................. 21 2.7.4 The influence of various alloying elements in magnesium base alloys ............................................. 23 2.7.5 The properties of cast alloys ....................................... 25 2.8 Cast alloys in current use ..................................................3 1 2.9 Casting processes ..........................................................3 7 2.9.1 The development of magnesium alloy casting ...................3 7 2.9.2 Casting methods .....................................................3 8 Melting and auxiliary pouring equipment .............. 38 Physical Chemistry of Magnesium Melting and Precautions ............................................... .40 Melting Procedure and Process Parameters ........... .42 2.9.3 Various Casting Processes ........................................ .48 Sand Casting ............................................. .49 Permanent Mould Casting, .............................. 54 11 page Investment Casting ....................................... 55 Low-Pressure Die Casting Process .....................5 6 High-Pressure Die Casting Process ....................5 6 Chapter 3 Expendable Pattern Casting (EPC process) ..................... 60 3.1 Introduction and History ..................................................6 0 3.2 Sequences in EPC Process in brief.. ..................................... 60 3.3 Process Technique .........................................................6 1 3.4 Part Selection and Tooling ................................................6 2 3.5 Processing Parameters .....................................................6 2 3.5.1 The Foam Pattern .................................................... 62 3.5.2 Bead pre-expansion .................................................6 3 3.5.3 Pattern moulding .................................................... 63 3.5.4 Pattern Shrinkage .................................................... 64 3.5.5 Surface Finish .......................................................6 4 3.5.6 Tolerances ............................................................6 5 Estimated Tolerances of EPS patterns ..................6 5 3.5.7 Gating design ........................................................6 5 3.5.8 Pattern Assembly ....................................................6 5 3.5.9 Coating ............................................................... 66 Functions of Coating and Coating Types ..............6 6 Application of the Coating ...............................6 7 3.5.10 Sand System ........................................................ 67 Sand Process ............................................. 67 3.5.10.l.l Unbonded Sand Process .................. 67 Bonded Sand Process .....................6 8 Flasks .....................................................6 8 Venting ................................................... 68 Sand compaction ........................................6 8 3.6 Pouring a EPC Casting .................................................... 69 3.7 Cleaning and Finishing .................................................... 69 3.8 Safety Considerations ...................................................... 69 3.9 Advantages and Disadvantages ofEPC Casting ........................7 0 3.9.1 Advantages of EPC Casting ........................................ 70 3.9.2 Disadvantages of EPC Casting ....................................7 0 3. 10 EPC Casting Features ....................................................7 1 3.11 Dimensional precision and dimension accuracy of EPC castings ... 71 111 page 3.12 Defect Problems ........................................................... 72 3.13 Properties of expandable polystyrene ..................................7 2 3.14 Casting Costs .............................................................. 74 3.15 Environmental Factors ...................................................7 4 3.15.1 Health and Hygiene .............................................7 4 3.15.2 Environment. .................................... : ................ 75 3.15.3 Waste Disposal.. ................................................. 75 Chapter 4 Modelling development for the casting process ................ 76 Introduction ......................................................................7 6 4.1 Modelling in general and its benefits .....................................7 6 4.2 The development of modelling in an empty cavity mould process ...7 7 4.2.1 Fluid flow modelling in mould filling of an empty cavity mould process ....................................7 8 4.3 The development of modelling in the expendable pattern casting process ......................................................................9 3 4.4 Objectives of this modelling research .................................. 106 4.4.1 The purpose of this research modelling ......................... 106 4.4.2 The benefit of the experimental work in modelling ............ 106 4.4.3 Solutions of mould filling in EPC process ..................... 106 Chapter 5 Experimental Methods and Materials ............................ 108 Part A : Experimental Work on the Casting Process 5.1 Introduction ............................................................... 108 5.2 Equipment and Materials ................................................ 109 5.2.1 Counter gravity pouring method ................................. 109 5.2.2 Gravity pouring method .......................................... 118 5.2.3 Tensile testing ...................................................... 121 5.2.4 Metallography ...................................................... 127 5.3 Casting Trial Experience ................................................. 134 5.3.1 Gravity Pouring method .......................................... 134 Stage I ................................................... 134 Stage 2 ................................................... 135 Stage 3 ................................................... 136 Stage 4 ................................................... 137 Stage 5 ................................................... 138 IV page 5.3.2 Counter Gravity Pouring method ................................ 139 Stage 1 ................................................... 139 Stage 2 ................................................... 140 Stage 3 ................................................... 141 Stage 4 ................................................... 142 Stage 5 ................................................... 143 Stage 6 ................................................... 144 Stage 7 ................................................... 144 Stage 8 ................................................... 146 Stage 9 ................................................... 146 Stage 10 ................................................ 147 Stage 11 ................................................ 147 5.3.3 The last stage of test bars' casting in EPC Counter Gravity Pouring ................................................... 148 Objectives of the Experiment .................................... 148 Sand Casting Gravity Pouring ........................ 149 EPC Counter Gravity Pouring ........................ 149 Photographs for Chapter 5 ................................................... 152 Chapter 6 Results and Observations ............................................ 165 6.1 Introduction ............................................................... 166 Part A: Experimental Work on the Casting Process 6.2 Casting Trial Experience ................................................. 166 6.2.1 Gravity Pouring method .......................................... 166 Examination & Diagnosis .............................. 166 Problems & Solutions .................................. 170 6.2.2 Counter Gravity Pouring method ................................ 170 Examination & Diagnosis .............................. 170 Problems & Solutions .................................. 186 6.3 The last stage of test bars' casting in EPC Counter Gravity Pouring ........................................................... 191 6.3.1 Problems & Solutions ............................................ 191 6.3.2 Microstructure ..................................................... 193 Sand Casting Gravity Pouring ........................ 194 EPC Counter Gravity Pouring ........................ 196 v page 6.3.3 Tensile Test ........................................................ 200 Sand Casting Gravity Pouring ........................ 200 Tensile properties ........................... 200 Fracture ..................................... 200 EPC Counter Gravity Pouring ........................ 201 Tensile properties ........................... 201 Fracture ..................................... 202 Part B : Mould Filling Model of Casting Processes Analysis of Different Pouring Methods 6.4 Summary .................................................................. 203 6.5 An Empty Cavity Mould Pouring Process ............................ 203 6.5.1 Introduction ........................................................ 203 6.5.2 Gravity Pouring with Bottom Gated Filling .................... 204 6.5.3 Counter Gravity Pouring ......................................... 206 6.6 Expendable Pattern Casting process ................................... 209 6.6.1 Introduction ........................................................ 209 6.6.2 Mechanism of EPC process ...................................... 209 6.6.3 Factors affecting the EPC Process .............................. 210 6.6.4 Polymeric pattern material concern in EPC process ........... 213 6.6.5 Fluidity, Mould Filling and Gating System .................... 214 6.6.6 Conclusion ......................................................... 214 6.6.7 Counter Gravity pouring in EPC process ...................... 215 Photographs for Chapter 6 ................................................... 234 Chapter 7 Discussion ................................................................ 251 7.1 Introduction ............................................................... 251 Part A: Experimental Work on the Casting Process 7.2 Comparison between Flux and Fluxless Melting ..................... 251 7.3 Discussion of practical experiments during the trial casting experience ............................................... 253 7.3.1 Gravity Pouring Method .......................................... 253 7.3.2 Counter Gravity Pouring Method ............................... 257 7.4 Discussion of the research results ...................................... 263 7.4.1 Gravity Pouring Method .......................................... 263 7.4.2 Counter Gravity Pouring Method ............................... 264 7.4.3 The comparison of gravity pouring and counter gravity pouring methods ................................ 267 vi

magnesium base alloy castings by the expendable pattern casting process under gravity and counter gravity pouring Less draft is required for dies used to produce magnesium and die life can be up to three times that for Rivals investment process in part complexity, good finish, and close.
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