Issue 602 TB 43-PS-602 Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited January 2003 Ammo Handling part 3 (of 3) • see page 48 How Official is PS? TB 43-PS-602, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, is an official pub- lication of the Department of the Army, providing information for all soldiers assigned to combat and combat support units and all soldiers here’s that but, gee, Yeah. with unit maintenance and supply duties. All information published has new procedure maybe we Then it’ll bmeeennt ,r epvuibewliceadti oann do ra ppporliocvye ddi sbcuy stsheed .a Agepnpcliyc arteisopno onfs ibthlee finofro trhmea etiqouni pis- on touching up should wait be official. optional with the user. Masculine pronouns may refer to both genders. bare spots on until it gets in ISSUE602 JANUARY2003 machine gun the tm before mounts. we do it. WHEELED VEHICLES 2 COMBATENGINEERING 21 Use of Ether on Construction Equipment 21 New Towing Restrictions 2-3 hold Fuel Tanker Grounding 4-5 MK2 Bridge Boat Cold Weather PM 22-23 it!! FMTV Back-up Hydraulic Pump 5 MK2 Bridge Boat Instrument Panel 23 M978 HEMTT Tanker Fuel Transfer Hose 6 HEMTT Gear Stowage 7 SOLDIER SUPPORT 24 COMBATVEHICLES 8 Improved Camouflage System 24-25 New Heater for the 4-man Crew Tent 26 M1A1/A2 Tank Gun Mount Seals 8 M2/M3-Series Bradleys, MLRS Track Pins 9 AVIATION 35 AVLB Doghouse Cover 10 M992A2 Ammo Carrier Starter Relay 11 AAFARS Filter Separator Element 35 Aviation Ground Power Unit PM 36-39 MISSILES 12 UH-60 Tail Landing Gear Yoke Tool 40-41 Patriot Missile System ECS Tips 12-13 COMMUNICATIONS 42 S don’t wait! ome units misunderstand this statement on the PS SMALLARMS 14 PP-8444A/U Battery Charger 42 if the info is in table of contents page: "Application of the informa- AN/PSG-9(V)1 & 2 Display Screens 43 PS, it’s official M2 Machine Gun Headspacing & Timing 14-19 Rechargeable Battery Adapters 44 tion is optional with the user." They think because as far as you’re AN/MJQ-37, -38 Power Plant Stud NSNs 45 concerned! what they see in PS is "optional" they can ignore it. NBC 20 SINCGARS AS-3900 Antenna PM 46-47 That's a mistake! Preventive maintenance informa- NBC on the Internet 20 AMMO HANDLING 48-60 tion gets into PS only after a difficult journey through commodity commands where the information has been reviewed by the equipment experts. If they don't approve an article's information, the article doesn't make it in the magazine. So everything you read in PS has been blessed by the command who manages that piece of equipment. You are invited to send PSyour ideas for improving mainte- The information in PS is "official" in the sense that it's nance procedures, questions on maintenance and supply By order of the Secretary of the Army: officially approved. PS articles often correct or clear problems and questions or comments on material published ERIC K. SHINSEKI in PS. up information in TMs,ARs,or FMs. The information Just write to: General, United States Army Chief of Staff appears first in PS because PS usually can get it to the MSG Half-Mast Official: PS, the Preventive Maintenance Monthly field faster. USAMC LOGSA (AMXLS-AM) 5307 Sparkman Circle You shouldn't wait until the info makes it into the Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000 JOEL B. HUDSON Or e-mail to: Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army "official" publication before you act upon it. That may [email protected] 0232401 Internet address: be too late. The option not to follow the instructions in PS lies PS, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly(ISSN 0475-2953) is published monthly by the Department of the Army, Redstone with your commander. Unless he or she says other- Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. Periodical postage is paid at the Huntsville, AL post office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster:Send address changes to PS, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, USAMC LOGSA (AMXLS-AM), 5307 Sparkman Circle, wise,use the info. Your equipment will appreciate it. Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. TToowwiinngg CChhaannggeess ffoorr SSEECCMM aanndd EEOODD there have been some towing If you drive a truck so, get changes carrying either the Secm out your for both (shop equipment, contact tms and of us! maintenance) or eOD grab a (explosive ordnance pencil! disposal) body, make a note of these towing restriction changes… SECM EOD The warning at the bottom of Page C in Change 1 to the SECM's TM 9-4940-563- The warning at the bottom of the warning summary at the front of TM 9-4940- 13&P (Jan 98) should read:"All SECMs are capable of towing either the M116- 566-23&P (Nov 99) should read: "All EODs are capable of towing either the or M101-series trailers. The maximum trailer load capacity is an evenly dis- M116 or M101 series trailers. The maximum towed load capacity is an evenly tributed 4,200 pounds with a tongue weight not to exceed 420 pounds. NOTE: distributed 4,200 pounds with a tongue weight not to exceed 420 pounds. MWOs 9-2330-392-35-1 and 9-2330-392-20-1 must be applied to the trailer and NOTE:Prior to towing trailers,MWOs 9-2330-392-35-1 and 9-2330-392-20-1 MWO 9-2320-288-20-6 must be applied to the vehicle chassis." must be applied to the trailer and MWO 9-2320-288-20-6 must be applied to the vehicle chassis." Para 1-7.b (3),Page 1-7 in Change 2 to the TM should read: "(3) Limitations. The SECM is limited by Para b.(3), Page 0002 00-1 in Change 1 to the TM should read: "Limitations. capacity from performing Depot Level Fording capability is limited to hard bottom surfaces not deeper than 30 inch- Maintenance tasks on equipment in need of es (76.2 cm). All EODs are capable of towing either the M116- or M101-series repair. Fording capability is limited to hard trailers. The maximum towed load capacity is an evenly distributed 4,200 bottom surfaces not deeper than 30 inches pounds with a tongue weight not to exceed 420 pounds. Note:Prior to towing (76.2 cm). All SECMs are capable of towing trailers, MWOs 9-2330-392-35-1 and 9-2330-392-20-1 must be applied to the either the M116 or M101-series trailers. trailer and MWO 9-2320-288-20-6 must be applied to the vehicle chassis." The maximum trailer load is an evenly dis- If you're not sure if these MWOs have been applied,check for the MWO identi- tributed 4,200 pounds with a tongue weight fication plate on the trailer/chassis. NOT to exceed 420 pounds. NOTE: Prior If you have questions about these changes,contact TACOM-RI's Tom Littlefield to towing trailers, MWOs 9-2330-392-35-1 at (309) 782-1913/DSN 793-1913 or e-mail and 9-2330-392-20-1 must be applied to the [email protected] trailer and MWO 9-2320-288-20-6 must be applied to the vehicle chassis." PS 602 3 JAN03 Fuel Tankers… Grounding Grounding is hooking up a vehi- cle to a ground rod so that static will Ground tanker flow into the earth. You can drive a rod into the ground and connect a Grounding! ground strap from the vehicle to it, It’s bonding and grounding. or you can hook the strap onto a water pipe or other grounded metal. I knewthere That should keep a spark from was something I turning into an explosion or fire. was forgetting… For more on grounding,see your vehicle operator’s TM and FM 10- 67-1, Concepts and Equipment of Petroleum Operations. FMTVs… Back-Up Hydraulic Pump M ore than one eyebrow will hit the hairline if a spark occurs during a fuel-loading or refueling operation. exercising Where does that spark come from? Static electricity. what the pump! it are you This is the same kind of electricity you feel when you walk on a carpet and reach lubricates doing?! for a metal object or touch another person. the seals! Static electricity also comes from the friction of fuel flowing through a hose or fuel falling through the air. As the static charge builds,it tries to jump across any gap separating it from other parts of the system. If there are fuel vapors in the gap when a spark flashes across—KA-BLAM— that’s all she wrote!! You can’t prevent static,but you can prevent it from arcing or sparking with bond- ing and grounding. Set a Bonding Path Bonding is connecting a wire from your tanker Bond to W ater,ice and snow play havoc with your FMTV’s back-up hydraulic pump. These to the vehicle you’re bare metal going to refuel. It equal- on vehicles elements cause the pump’s cylinder rod to rust. Rust tears the pump’s seals,causing to equalize ‘em to leak. Enough rust and corrosion cause the pump to stay stuck—that’s not izes any static electricity static and good when you need to use it. on the vehicles. You can prevent All FMTVs have the manually operated back-up hydraulic pump. If the powered also bond vehicles by sparks hydraulic system fails,this pump provides the hydraulic pressure needed to use the grounding each to the cab tilt,suspension compression and spare tire lowering and raising mechanism. same ground point. So do the hydraulic pump a favor. Exercise it every month. Exercising the pump PS 602 4 JAN03 keeps its seals lubricated. M978 HEMTT Tanker… HEMTTs… Cool It on Gear Stowage Repair, Don’t Replace Hose what’s these that? things are costing us another a fortune! new fuel transfer hose. we’d still be on the road if you’d found somewhere else to store your gear! here’s an idea… why don’t you repair my old hose instead? Dear Editor, The fuel transfer hose on our M978 HEMTT always seems to wear out fastest where it connects to the fuel nozzle. That’s where most of the bend- ing and flexing takes place. Most units I’ve seen replace the entire hose assembly when that happens. That costs more than $340. Instead of ordering a brand I new hose, we remove the fitting, Cut off damaged section n order to cool your HEMTT’s engine,the radiator needs cool air. That’s not gonna cut off the 3 or 4 inches of and reattach to nozzle happen if you pile your gear on top of the cab. damaged hose and reattach it Camo nets, backpacks, Gear on cab to the nozzle. Since the blocks air flow duffle bags and other gear repaired hose is only a few inches shorter, we can do this tied down on top of the cab several times without affecting will block the air flow chan- the mission. The money we save nel that funnels air to the can be better used for more radiator. No air, no cooling. critical maintenance items. And soon,no engine. Motor Pool Sure, space is tight. But 588th DSU Ft Sill, OK you’re better off finding somewhere else to put that From the desk You’ve given us some fuel for thought! Check out of the Editor the fabrication instructions on Page F-16 of TM gear. It beats thumbing a ride 9-2320-279-20-3 for reattaching the hose. when the engine overheats. PS 602 6 JAN03 PS 602 7 JAN 03 M1A1/A2 Tanks… M2/M3-Series Bradleys, MLRS… KEEP NUTS IN THEIR PLACE wait!you may got another only need to leaky gun replace the front mount seal great! seal and wiper! to replace! there goes another $1,000! I’m g-going to sh-shake apart if they d-don’t check muh-my track pin nuts! C N rewmen,nothing messes up your day like ormal use and regular exercise of a tank’s main gun will ensure the gun mount a broken track on your Bradley or MLRS. Two or more threads seals stay flexible and lubricated, mechanics. Even so, a leak could eventually So it pays to do your part in making sure that showing?Nut is tight develop. doesn’t happen—like keeping a close eye on When that happens,you may think you have to install a new seal kit,NSN 1090- the track pin nuts. 01-259-9112. Not only does the kit cost more than $1,000, but you have to com- Eyeball the nuts after each operation. If pletely disassemble the gun mount to install it. there are two or more threads showing past Before you do that,take a close look at the leak’s location. If the leak is coming the front edge of the nut,it’s good to go. One from the front seal only,you can replace just the front seal,NSN 1015-01-284-8303, thread or less means the nut’s loose and your and wiper,NSN 5330-01-176-8751. track is at risk. Those two parts cost about $65 and can be replaced without disassembling the Check for off-center track pin nuts. Worn gun mount. bushings result in off-center nuts, which ‘Course,if the rear seal is leaking,you’ll still need to order the kit and replace make it next to impossible to keep track ten- Report off-center both the front and rear seals. nuts like this one sion set right. M1 Idler Arm Seal Mark loose or off-center nuts and report ‘em to your mechanic. He’ll replace loose M nuts, NSN 5310-01-140-4555, and torque echanics,don’t replace the idler arm seal on M1/IPM1 tanks with NSN 5330- them to 299-325 lb-ft. Don’t let him 00-978-7353. Too many of those seals have developed leaks. Order a stronger seal retorque them,though. The nuts won’t hold with NSN 5330-01-478-2379. Pencil in the change to Item 24 in Fig 240 of TM a second time. 9-2350-255-24P-1. PS 602 8 JAN03 PS 602 9 JAN03 AVLB… M992A2 Ammo Carrier… It’s already running! You’ll burn up the starter!! oh, man! I’m in the doghouse It’s not whaddaya mean what if my again! me! It’s you didn’t have ptoshaft engaging time to install breaks on its my doghouse loose?? own! cover!? C ould be that the problem isn’t the starter at all, but the ammo carrier’s starter relay,NSN 5945-01-291-0734. Depending on the age of the starting system,the current draw can be greater than what the starter relay can handle. Too much current fuses the relay’s contacts together. When that happens,the carrier may not start and the starter may engage by itself D o you have a doghouse cover over the PTO shaft in your AVLB? If not—and the while the carrier is already running. Mechanics may also get a surprise if they try shaft breaks loose—youcould be in another kind of doghouse. to replace the starter. When the last wiring harness is connected, the starter may Sure, installing the doghouse engage even if the starter switch is off and the master power is off. cover is a hassle. Space is limited and Doghouse cover If your 1.Disconnect the wiring you’re probably thinking the cover protects against carrier has harness,NSN 6150-01- doesn’t do much good anyway. But loose PTOshaft any of these 383-4031,from the symptoms, have you’ll regret not installing the cover your mechanic starter relay. if the shaft ever breaks loose. check the 2.Using a multimeter, If that happens,pieces of the PTO starter relay for fused place the red lead on pin shaft can go flying. The only thing contacts. E and the black lead on protecting you is the doghouse cover. Here’s how… pin B. So replace a missing cover with NSN 3.If the multimeter Put red 5420-00-363-3931. shows continuity,the probe in Once you have the cover in place, starter relay contacts are pin E… don’t use it as a place to store duffle fused. Replace the relay. bags,ruck sacks or other items. …and Make a note of Straps can work down past the lip this test until the black of the doghouse cover and wrap troubleshooting probe around the PTO shaft. If that doesn’t Straps can slip past lip procedures in TM in pin B 9-2350-293-20-1 break the shaft, the intense heat can of doghouse cover are updated. catch the material on fire. PS 602 10 JAN03 11 JAN03 Patriot Missile System… The bay doors inside the ECS (and Information and Turn handle Coordination Centeral and to see which Communications Relay way latch Group) actually have two turns different latches: one turns to the right and the Here are some other to the left. If you good ideas for your ECS, order the wrong latch, you patrioteers! waste time and $500. To tell which latch you need, simply turn the han- dle and see which direction Check all 12 the latch turns as you face tiedown the outside of the door. If boltsbefore it turns to the right, it's a travel right-hand latch (Item 3, Fig 12, TM 9-1430- 1600-24P) and comes with NSN 5340-01- 254-1600. The left-hand latch (Item 2, Fig 12) comes with NSN 5340- 01-254-1601. The latch- es latch better if you lube them monthly with WD-40 or some other light oil. Otherwise, they will stick. Dear Editor, Before travel, check all We have several tips for Patriot crews that will make things easier for the 12 cargo tiedown bolts on engagement control system (ECS): the ECS/ICC/CRG trucks. Keep two sets of inlet and out- The bolts often break from let filters on hand for the ECS and Keep an extra set of filters on jolts on the highway. change them monthly (weekly in the hand and rotate them monthly Broken bolts let the van Change inlet desert). When you have time, clean shake during travel and fan setting if the dirty filters with an air hose. If expensive equipment can you get air they're really dirty, wash the filters be damaged. flow fault and let them air dry. If you get an air flow By rotating and cleaning the fil- fault, try changing the air ters, you keep clean air going to all inlet fans' settings from the sophisticated electronic gear SUMMER to WINTER or inside the ECS. But you also get vice versa and see if that more life out of the filters because clears the fault. If it does, you give yourself time to clean the switch back to the original used ones instead of just replac- fan settings and continue ing them with new filters. to operate. The storage device for the tactical storage system (TSS) is cold sensi- SPC Christian Armstrong tive. If it sits in the cold all night, it won't work well until the ECS has warmed SSG Ramon Cummings up. When you're not operating and it's cold, store the storage device inside CW2 Charles Woody From the desk of the Editor where it's warm. D Co, 5/7 ADA You have indeed made it easier PS 602 12 JAN03 Babenhausen, Germany for ECS crews. Good job. M2 Machine Gun… Barrel locking spring. If the Barrel and barrel extension spring can't hold the barrel in place,the threads. If the threads are chipped or barrel can turn during firing and head- burred, it will be difficult to screw in If you don't use space is lost. So test the spring by get- the barrel. What's worse,you may think your head and take ting the correct headspace and then try- you've completely screwed in the bar- the time when it ing to unscrew the barrel. If the barrel rel, but you haven't. Result: bad head- comes to headspacing and timing your m2 turns,the spring is weak or loose. Tell space. Your armorer can usually stone machine gun, a round your armorer. The spring must be chips and burrs smooth. could go off that's replaced. Burred or not chambered. Locking spring loose, chipped weak or broken? threads? That damages the gun and maybe you and gets you in hot water with your C.O. That's why every time before you fire or after you change the barrel you must headspace and How to Headspace time your m2. Here's how:… 1.Raise the cover 2.Pull the charging handle back until the completely. barrel-locking spring lug is aligned with Pre-check Checks the3⁄-in hole on the receiver's right side. 8 If your M2's in bad shape now,you won't be able to headspace and time it later. To keep the bolt back,insert the small loop So before you go to the field,do these checks: of an M2 ammo link between the trunnion block and barrel extension. Gauges. If the headspace and timing Timing nut. If the timing nut can gauges are bent, rusted or pitted, you be easily moved with one finger or it can't accurately gauge, so get good doesn't click as you move it,its spring gauges from your armorer. He can is weak and it won't hold timing. Tell order new gauges with NSN 5220-00- your armorer. The spring must be 535-1217. replaced. Hole Gauges bent, Test timing nut spring rusted, pitted? Lug 3.Screw the barrel all the way into the barrel extension. PS 602 14 JAN03 4.Unscrew the barrel two clicks, 8.Keep the charging handle back Headspace Too Tight remove the link and let the bolt go to maintain the 1⁄ -in separation. 16 forward. If the GO To see if the barrel is locked with end won't fit, headspace is the bolt in the forward position,try too tight. Do to turn the barrel in either direction. this… If it turns,something's wrong. Don't try to fire. Tell your armorer. 5.Pull the charging handle back to Raise the extractor and try to insert cock the weapon. the GO gauge all the way up to the 1.Pull back the charging handle 4.Pull back on the charging handle ring in the T-slot between the bolt until the barrel-locking spring lug until the barrel extension and trun- face and rear of the barrel. is centered in the 3⁄-in hole. nion block are about 1⁄ inch apart. If the GO end goes down the T-slot 8 16 to the center ring and the NO GO won't go in,headspace is OK. GO 6.Ease the bolt forward. 7.Pull the charging handle back until Lug Hole the barrel extension and trunnion block are no more than 1⁄ inch apart. 16 NOGO 5.Insert the GO gauge again. 2.Unscrew the barrel one click. so what 3.Ease the bolt forward. do you do if headspace is bad? If the GO end fits and the NO GO end doesn't,the headspace is OK. If the GO read on… end still won't fit,repeat these last five steps until it does. Do not unscrew the barrel more than five clicks beyond the first two clicks in steps 1-5. If you have to turn the barrel more than seven clicks,something's wrong. Tell your armorer. JAN03 PS 602 17