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AMI 4th Grade PDF

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Choose the correct answer, 2 Add, 6,000 + 3,173 = [~] AL 2,827 B. 9,173 C. 9,827 D. 10,937 3. The High Bridge in Kentucky is 1,125 feet long. The Brooklyn Bridge in New York is 4.864 feet longer than the High Bridge, What isthe lengch of the Brooklyn Bridge? AL 3,739 fee B. 5,864 feet C. 5,989 feee D. 6,989 feee 4. sson Practice « Bart 1) Show Your Wort il, ‘Add, 5.215 + 3,107 = AL 8,302 B. 8312 C. 8321 D. 8,322 AL 46,046 B. 46,946 C. 47,046 D. 77,396 Ata tie factory, 3,166 trey were sade on ‘Thutsday and 2,941 tires were made on Friday. How many tires were nade on ‘Thursday and Friday in all? AL 6,107 B, 6957 ©. 6,602 D. 6972 Parent S i@pature 7. Mr. Newton ate 2,245 calories yesterday. He ate 2,583 calotes today How many calories did Mr. Newton eatin alt AL 4782 4,828 4928 D. 5,828 pe 8, ‘Two years ago, Ms. Bolton bought used car that showed 14,854 miles ‘on the odometer. Last year, she drove 8,240 miles. This year, she drove 9,273 miles. How many miles does the odometer show now? A, 17,513 miles B. 24,127 miles C. 31,367 miles D. 32,367 miles 9. A ccoycling center reqyles plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles The table shows the number f cach material che center ecyeled in one day, Matezial | Plastic boules AL Did the center cecycle more plastic bottles of more aluminum cans and glass bottles combined that day? Show your work. B. How many materials in all did the center recycle that day? Show your work. {2H » Daman Operations ord Ngebrae Ticking Secret Code Math Muttiication: Pattems in i005 Decode the numbers and find the products. 1 2 3 4 5 ‘ 7 ’ 0 a a bt o 8 “A 8 € z e ©. Code Numbers feguier Numbers b. Code Numbers Regular Numbers Aee eee x io} x x € x alee BAee Code Numbers Regulor Numbers Code Numbers Reguior Number Gee Zee : x A x x € x Meee Comaee © Code Numbers Regular Numbers f. Cade Numbers Regular Numbers Mee moe x r4 x x 8 x moee Heee Mulfiple-Step Problems A EN 2. Cabin pens pictues ene! sels there ot on shows, He charges $5625 00} lorge painting. He cherges $25.80 fora sal painting, Lest mosth re sole sbe large peintinas ard three small ocintings. How much cid he rcke in oll? b. Jennie makes quils. She can make ? ouils with 21 vara of meterial. How mary yor melorichwould be recuired te make 12 quits? Breydon ard Gevin ware playing touch faateali egoins Cole and -redldy. Touchdowns were vd Gavin fed # teuchelowns. Cole and frediy's taarn secnett worth 7 paints. Breycien 8 touencewns, How mary more poinls id Cole ond Freddy have than Brayden and Gavin? 4. On Thursday ine Meat King Market sold 210 pounds of g’eund beef. On Hiday they sole twice thal amount. Gr Serurcay they only sele 190 pounds. How much more meat did they seller Fiday than Sotucoy? Super Teacher Wonaheets - wire zyperteachenworkshesl. com (© The fofowing bar graph shows the numberof ples sold daly at he bakery for 5 aye, 2. What oes M stand for? nt What does F stand for? — . How many pies wore sol on Tuesday’? How many pies ware gold on Wednasday? @ The following bar graph shows where A Yost tintin people would revel efor vacation if sy cauld choose one of the fale destinatians, 4. What was the most popular destination? b. What was the least popular destination? ¢. How many poople were asked? How many people preferred London? _ @. How many different locations were chosen? __ f- What location vias preferred by less than 10 people? —_ © Use the tally chart to complete tha Seely bar graph opie ° fan @ To tho rights the number [Student | —Tany” aftonks each sent” fart “pe read forareadatnon. Ip. Zack tt IT] Compete ihe bar graph et ene Te sesodonetaj eran) MAN Teta ook po 0 Walter THT HTT f [viet ACI Ser © 2. Whet was the total number of pss sold in question 1? re b, What vacation destination was peered by mare than 10 paoplenquesion 2? ¢. What was the total number of circles in question 9? 14, How many books were read atogather for he road-e-thon in question 4? © On a separate shest of paper, creste a table using the information frm ‘question 1 #9534 Isis Mats Ponctice Parent Signahve. Working with Tables @ The letters a, 6, c, d, €, and f were pul ina bag. One letter at a time was drawn from the bag al random and then put back. The below data was collected. Complete the following tally table based on these results. aboetde fee aabboae td f [> a, a, bb, b, 6, ©, b, Gb, =" a f,f,e,e,b, ¢,d, a,b, a a. ce @ Complete the following totals of the tally table. Snack Tally Talal fet TATE a chips JAIL | crackers | HTL] granola bars | carrots Ill | other ii a © Two standard dice (1 white die and 1 gray die) were rolled several times and the below results were recorded. Using the data, complete the table. ue DeBDBGS!e | Number of Times Each Number is Rolled ase HGeweaeel—7 | 2 3 4 5 6 BEBEBEBER le Te. ©. a e @ Using the data from question 3, complete the following table. 7 Number of Times Each Number is Rolied (Based on Color) Coir] t | 23 | 4) 5 6 ‘white age 2 It 1 oy Te ie a 2. Vwhat was the total number of pieces of data collected in question 1? 'b, What was the total number of data collected about fruit in question 22 c, What was the total number of times the dice were rolled in question 37 d, What was the total numberof times the white dle was rolled in question 4?__ © Create & graph using the information from question 4, (othachar Creat Reso uy 2584 sont a Poatoe Practice 26 ane ann he wet aeoesewaae Dircetions: ‘Ihe following frequency luble records the responses of fifth graders when asked to name their favorite table game. Study the Cable ancl answer the questions below Game Tally Frequency Checkers Lett LE IIT 13 Chess au 7 Twenty-One WEL 4 War Let HiT 9 Hearts uw 2 Old Mai 1 1 Chinese Checkers uw 3 Solitaire Wah 4 Nona Ht 6 Which was the inost favorite table game? ee Which was the fest favorite able game? How many Sth graders liked notable game? How many more Sih graders pielérred Chess to Old Maid? 5. Mow my move students liked Checkers beter han Chess? ‘Which (wo card gomes were pretesred by 4 students? 7. How many stadents paticipated in the survey? 8. What isthe toxal number of students that preferred the board games: Chess, Checkers, and Dires Chinese Checkers? ‘This chart lists the wingspan (ftom the tip of one wing to the lip af the otber wing) of some birds. Study the chart and answer the questions hel Towkey vallure Rinehes —_] golien eagle D2 inches lack vulture 60 inches | bald eagle 96 inches ted tailed huwk 54 inctes | ted-shouldered hawk 4B inches sparrow hasek 22 inches What isthe wingspan of the sparrow hav What isthe wingspan ofthe black vulture? __ Which bird om the chart has the widest wingspan? Which bird on the chort has the shortes! wingspan? "ow much longer isthe wingspan ofthe bald eagle than the wingspan of the turkey vulture? - What isthe difference between the wingspans of the red tailed huwk and the black vulture? (© Taacher Created Resources ne _ HPA Proce Walaa Pers Word Prob =O Name: Mr, Hemancia?’s class teok a vote on their favorite lunchtime atinks nd graphed the results. Use the graph ‘© arswar the questions. Favorite Drinks Chocolate Milk, write bal Fruil Juice Drinks ty-cnis} wate’ a6 Number of Kids (x-axis) 1. At the end of each bor, wile tne conect number of votes. How many Kids chose chocolate milk as their favorite? 3. How many kids voted n ale 3 4. Haw meny more kios voted! for water than white rik ‘ 5. How many more kids voted! for fil juice than while ik? 5, 4. two more kis voles for tnt juice, how many votes 4 would fit juice have? 7. If two more kids voted for chocolate milk, would it be the cin wilh the mos! votes Super Teacher Workshoets - www superfeacherworkshoeks com om £ Is It a Seriténce? Name Remember that a sentence is @ group of words that expresses a complete thought. tt always begins with a capital letter. alvays ends with 2 punctuation mark Example: | ‘The capital of tlnois is Springfield. 80 © 6900060 996000996 09000000008 GbE ithe group of words iss sentence, w word, and end the sentence with @ period. If the group is not a sentence, write aot a sentence. 1. we memorized the capitals of all of the states it correctly. Capitalize the first 2. everyone knew the capital of Arkansas 3. the vapital is not always the largest city in the state 4. you should picture the map in your mind 5. the lel side is the west side 6. right through the middle of the country 7. that river emplics imto the Gulf of Mexico 8. the Hudson River valley in New York 9. three penple found Delaware right away 10. a sup of the thirteen original colonies Rerent Signature 90006 00000 0000sc0c0s00000000f

The table shows the number of each material the center recycled in one day. Materials Recycled. Material Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com .. D. which scientists are studying languages WILL HAVE TO unDeRSTAND LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATes.
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