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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 109 Articles AGNONE, JON. See JENKINS ALDERSON, ARTHUR S., and JASON BECKFIELD. Power and Po- sition in the World City System ALMEIDA, PAUL D. Opportunity Organizations and Threat- Induced Contention: Protest Waves in Authoritarian Settings BARNETT, WILLIAM P., and MICHAEL WOYWODE. From Red Vi- enna to the Anschluss: Ideological Competition among Viennese Newspapers during the Rise of National Socialism BECHKY, BETH A. Object Lessons: Workplace Artifacts as Rep- resentations of Occupational Jurisdiction BECKFIELD, JASON. See ALDERSON BEHRENS, ANGELA, CHRISTOPHER UGGEN, and JEFF MANZA. Ballot Manipulation and the “Menace of Negro Domination”: Ra- cial Threat and Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States, 1850-2002 BITTMAN, MICHAEL, PAULA ENGLAND, LIANA SAYER, NANCY FOLBRE, and GEORGE MATHESON. When Does Gender Trump Money? Bargaining and Time in Household Work COHEN, PHILIP N. See HUFFMAN EINWOHNER, RACHEL L. Opportunity, Honor, and Action in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 ENGLAND, PAULA. See BITTMAN FERREE, MyRA MARX. Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany FITZGERALD, DAVID. See WALDINGER FOLBRE, NANCY. See BITTMAN GANGL, MARKUS. Welfare States and the Scar Effects of Unem- ployment: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and West Germany GRISWOLD, WENDY, and NATHAN WRIGHT. Cowbirds, Locals, and the Dynamic Endurance of Regionalism AJS Volume 109 Number 6 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 109 Articles AGNONE, JON. See JENKINS ALDERSON, ARTHUR S., and JASON BECKFIELD. Power and Po- sition in the World City System ALMEIDA, PAUL D. Opportunity Organizations and Threat- Induced Contention: Protest Waves in Authoritarian Settings BARNETT, WILLIAM P., and MICHAEL WOYWODE. From Red Vi- enna to the Anschluss: Ideological Competition among Viennese Newspapers during the Rise of National Socialism BECHKY, BETH A. Object Lessons: Workplace Artifacts as Rep- resentations of Occupational Jurisdiction BECKFIELD, JASON. See ALDERSON BEHRENS, ANGELA, CHRISTOPHER UGGEN, and JEFF MANZA. Ballot Manipulation and the “Menace of Negro Domination”: Ra- cial Threat and Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States, 1850-2002 BITTMAN, MICHAEL, PAULA ENGLAND, LIANA SAYER, NANCY FOLBRE, and GEORGE MATHESON. When Does Gender Trump Money? Bargaining and Time in Household Work COHEN, PHILIP N. See HUFFMAN EINWOHNER, RACHEL L. Opportunity, Honor, and Action in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 ENGLAND, PAULA. See BITTMAN FERREE, MyRA MARX. Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany FITZGERALD, DAVID. See WALDINGER FOLBRE, NANCY. See BITTMAN GANGL, MARKUS. Welfare States and the Scar Effects of Unem- ployment: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and West Germany GRISWOLD, WENDY, and NATHAN WRIGHT. Cowbirds, Locals, and the Dynamic Endurance of Regionalism AJS Volume 109 Number 6 Contents of Volume 109 HARDING, DAvip J. Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Ef- fects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on Dropping Out and Teenage Pregnancy HEISE, DAVID R. See LIVELY HUFFMAN, MatTT L., and PHILIP N. COHEN. Racial Wage Ine- quality: Job Segregation and Devaluation across U.S. Labor Markets : Jacoss, DAvID. See JENKINS JENKINS, J. CRAIG, DAvID JACOBS, and JON AGNONE. Political Opportunities and African-American Protest, 1948-1997 KELLY, ERIN L. The Strange History of Employer-Sponsored Child Care: Interested Actors, Uncertainty, and the Transformation of Law in Organizational Fields KIM, HYOJOUNG. See PFAFF KURZMAN, CHARLES, and ERIN LEAHEY. Intellectuals and De- mocratization, 1905-1912 and 1989-1996 LEAHEY, ERIN. See KURZMAN LIVELY, KATHRYN J., and DAvID R. HEISE. Sociological Realms of Emotional Experience MACKENZIE, DONALD, and YUVAL MILLO. Constructing a Market, Performing Theory: The Historical Sociology of a Financiai De- rivatives Exchange MAHONEY, JAMES. Long-Run Development and the Legacy of Co- lonialism in Spanish America MANZA, JEFF. See BEHRENS MARTIN, JOHN LEvi. What Is Field Theory? MATHESON, GEORGE. See BITTMAN MCFARLAND, DANIEL A. Resistance as a Social Drama: A Study of Change-Oriented Encounters MILLO, YUVAL. See MACKENZIE NATH, LEDA E. See SIMON PENG, YUSHENG. Kinship Networks and Entrepreneurs in China’s Transitional Economy American Journal of Sociology PETERSEN, TROND, and ISHAK SAPORTA. The Opportunity Struc- ture for Discrimination PFAFF, STEVEN, and HyojouNG KIM. Exit-Voice Dynamics in Collective Action: An Analysis of Emigration and Protest in the East German Revolution RUEF, MARTIN. The Demise of an Organizational Form: Eman- cipation and Plantation Agriculture in the American South, 1860- 1880 SAPORTA, ISHAK. See PETERSEN SAYER, LIANA. See BITTMAN SIMON, ROBIN W., and LEDA E. NATH. Gender and Emotion in the United States: Do Men and Women Differ in Self-Reports of Feelings and Expressive Behavior? STEINBERG, MARC W. Capitalist Development; the Labor Process, and the Law THOMPSON, MELISSA. See UGGEN UGGEN, CHRISTOPHER, and MELISSA THOMPSON. The Socioeco- nomic Determinants of Ill-Gotten Gains: Within-Person Changes in Drug Use and Illegal Earnings UGGEN, CHRISTOPHER. See BEHRENS WALDINGER, ROGER, and DAVID FITZGERALD. Transnationalism in Question WOYWODE, MICHAEL. See BARNETT WRIGHT, NATHAN. See GRISWOLD XIE, Yu. See ZENG ZENG, ZHEN, and .Yu XIE. Asian-Americans’ Earnings Disad- vantage Reexamined: The Role of Place of Education Review Essays 1500 HEUVELINE, PATRICK. Sociology and Biology: Can’t We Just Be Friends? Contents of Volume 109 THOMPSON, CHARIS. Otherwise Known as PUS—Sociology and the Public Understanding of Science Book Reviews ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH A. Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco, 1950-1994. Debra Minkoff ASENCIO, MARYSOL. Sex and Sexuality among New York’s Puerto Rican Youth. Elizabeth Crespo AUYERO, JAVIER. Contentious Lives: Two Argentine Women, Two Protests, and the Quest for Recognition. Pablo Vila AVRITZER, LEONARDO. Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America. Gianpaolo Baiocchi BAEHR, PETER. Founders, Classics, Canons: Modern Disputes over the Origins and Appraisal of Sociology’s Heritage. R.W. Connell BANTON, MICHAEL. The International Politics of ‘Race. John Solomos BARBER, Lucy G. Marching on Washington: The Forging of an American Political Tradition. Nella Van Dyke BARTKOWSKI, JOHN P., and HELEN A. REGIS. Charitable Choices: Religion, Race, and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era. Rebecca A. Allahyari BECKERT, JENS. Beyond the Market: The Social Foundations of Economic Efficiency. Bruce G. Carruthers BEISSINGER, MARK R., and CRAWFORD YOUNG, eds. Beyond State Crisis? Postcolonial Africa and Post-Soviet Eurasia in Compara- tive Perspective. Daniel Chirot BENDER, COURTNEY. Heaven’s Kitchen: Living Religion at God’s Love We Deliver. John P. Bartkowski BENEDIKTSSON, KARL. Harvesting Development: The Construc- tion of Fresh Food Markets in Papua New Guinea. Patrik Aspers BENNER, CHRIS. Work in the New Economy: Flexible Labor Mar- kets in Silicon Valley. Chigon Kim American Journal of Sociology 536 BEN-YEHUDA, NACHMAN. Sacrificing Truth: Archaeology and the Myth of Masada. Jeffrey K. Olick BETTIE, JULIE. Women without Class: Girls, Race, and Identity. Sarah Banet-Weiser BHAVNANI, KUM-KUM, JOHN FORAN, and PRIYA KURIAN, eds. Feminist Futures: Re-Imagining Women, Culture and Develop- ment. Matthew C. Gutmann BIMBER, BRUCE. Information and American Democracy: Tech- nology in the Evolution of Political Power. Frank Webster BLArIR-LOy, MAry. Competing Devotions: Career and Family among Women Executives. Anita Ilta Garey BLAU, FRANCINE D., and LAWRENCE M. KAHN. At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Per- spective. Bruce Western BowMaN, KIRK S. Militarization, Democracy, and Development: The Perils of Praetorianism in Latin America. James Mahoney BRENNER, NEIL, and NIK THEODORE, eds. Spaces of Neoliber- alism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe. David Brady BRINTON, MAry C., ed. Women’s Working Lives in East Asia. Debra Branch McBrier BRITTON, DANA M. At Work in the Iron Cage: The Prison as Gendered Organization. Beth E. Richie BROWN, WENDY, and JANET HALLEY, eds. Left Legalism/Left Cri- tique. Stanley Aronowitz BRUCE, STEVE. Politics and Religion. Joseph M. Bryant BrRYK, ANTHONY S., and BARBARA SCHNEIDER. Jrust in Schools: A Core Resource for Improvement. Doris R. Entwisle CHAKRAVARTI, ANAND. Social Power and Everyday Class Rela- tions: Agrarian Transformation in North Bihar. Arun Agrawal CHERMAK, STEVEN M. Search for a Demon: The Media Construc- tion of the Militia Movement. Shujiro Yazawa CHRISTAKIS, NICHOLAS A. Death Foretold: Prophecy and Prog- nosis in Medical Care. Ellen L. Idler Contents of Volume 109 COHEN, LIZABETH. A Consumers’ Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America. George Ritzer CORMACK, PATRICIA. Sociology and Mass Culture: Durkheim, Mills and Baudrillard. Colm J. Kelly CRISTI, MARCELA. From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersec- tion of Culture, Religion, and Politics. David Sikkink DEKKER, PAUL, and LOEK HALMAN, eds. The Values of Volun- teering: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. John Wilson DIANI, MARIO, and DouG McApaM, eds. Social Movements and Networks: Relational Approaches to Collective Action. Bert Klandermans DILLEY, PATRICK. Queer Man on Campus: A History of Non- heterosexual College Men, 1945-2000. Kristin G. Esterberg DIXON, JANE. The Changing Chicken: Chooks, Cooks and Culinary Culture. Alessandro Bonanno 1040 DUARA, PRASENJIT. Sovereignty and Authenticity: Manchukuo and the East Asian Modern. Richard Lachmann EHRENBERG, RONALD G. Tuition Rising: Why College Costs So Much. Joseph A. Soares EVANS, JOHN H. Playing God? Human Genetic Engineering and the Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate. Paul Root Wolpe FEE, DWIGHT, ed. Pathology and the Postmodern: Mental Illness as Discourse and Experience. Anthony Elliott Fopor, Eva. Working Difference: Women’s Working Lives in Hun- gary and Austria, 1945-1995. Mary Blair-Loy FONT, Mauricio A. Transforming Brazil: A Reform Era in Per- spective. Edward E. Telles FRAZIER, MARK W. The Making of the Chinese Industrial Work- place: State, Revolution, and Labor Management. Ching Kwan Lee GAL, SUSAN, and GAIL KLIGMAN. The Politics of Gender after Socialism: A Comparative-Historical Essay. Mabel Berezin GANS, HERBERT J. Democracy and the News. James S. Ettema GARFINKEL, HAROLD. Ethnomethodology’s Program: Working Out Durkheim’s Aphorism. George Psathas American Journal of Sociology GARLAND, DAVID. The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society. David Lyon GLENN, EVELYN NAKANO. Unequal Freedom: How Race and Gen- der Shaped American Citizenship and Labor. Sonya A. Michel GOLD, THOMAS, DouG GUTHRIE, and DAvID WANK, eds. Social Connections in China: Institutions, Culture, and the Changing Na- ture of “Guanxi.” Bobai Li GOLDSTONE, JACK A., ed. States, Parties, and Social Movements. Mario Diani GRAZIAN, DAvID. Blue Chicago: The Search for Authenticity in Urban Blues Clubs. Brenda Kayzar GREELEY, ANDREW M. Religion in Europe at the End oft he Sec- ond Millennium: A Sociological Profile. Nancy T. Ammerman 1000 GROOTAERT, CHRISTIAAN, and THIERRY VAN BASTELAER, eds. The Role of Social Capital in Development: An Empirical Assess- ment. Maxine Molyneux GUEST, KENNETH J. God in Chinatown: Religion and Survival in New York’s Evolving Immigrant Community. Fenggang Yang GUTMANN, MATTHEW. The Romance of Democracy: Compliant Defiance in Contemporary Mexico. Gianpaolo Baiocchi HACKER, JACOB S. The Divided Welfare State: The Battle over Public and Private Social Benefits in the United States. Jeff Manza HALLE, DAVID, ed. New York and Los Angeles: Politics, Society and Culture—A Comparative View. Anthony M. Orum HANEY LOPEZ, IAN F. Racism on Trial: The Chicano Fight for Justice. Phillip B. Gonzales HARE, BRUCE R., ed. 2001 Race Odyssey: African Americans and Sociology. Alford A. Young, Jr. HARNEY, STEFANO. State Work: Public Administration and Mass Intellectuality. Sanford F. Schram HART, GILLIAN. Disabling Globalization: Places of Power in Post- Apartheid South Africa. William G. Martin HELLEINER, ErIc. The Making of National Money: Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspective. Geoffrey Ingham Contents of Volume 109 HENRY, JACQUES M., and CARL L. BANKSTON III. Blue Collar Bayou: Louisiana Cajuns in the New Economy ofE thnicity. Ewa Morawska HERMALIN, ALBERT I., ed. The Well-Being of the Elderly in Asia: A Four-Country Comparative Study. Donald Bogue HONDAGNEU-SOTELO, PIERRETTE. Doméstica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence. Evelyn Nakano Glenn HowarpD, Marc Moryje. The Weakness of Civil Society in Post- Communist Europe. Philip Oxhorn IANKOVA, ELENA A. Eastern European Capitalism in the Making. Eric Hanley IRVINE, JANICE M. Talk about Sex: The Battles over Sex Education in the United States. Gary J. Simson Jessop, Bos. The Future of the Capitalist State. Kevin R. Cox Joas, HANns. War and Modernity. Richard Miinch JOHNSON, Davip T. The Japanese Way of Justice: Prosecuting Crime in Japan. David Jacobs JOHNSON, VALERIE C. Black Power in the Suburbs: The Myth or Reality of African-American Suburban Political Incorporation. Leonard Nevarez Joyce, PATRICK. The Rule of Freedom: Liberalism and the Modern City. David Byrne KEFALAS, MARIA. Working-Class Heroes: Protecting Home, Com- munity, and Nation in a Chicago Neighborhood. Kevin Fox Gotham KENDALL, DIANA. The Power of Good Deeds: Privileged Women and the Social Reproduction of the Upper Class. Rosanna Hertz KENNEDY, MICHAEL. Cultural Formations of Post-communism: Emancipation, Transition, Nation, and War. Gil Eyal KHURANA, RAKESH. Searching for a Corporate Savior: The Irra- tional Quest for Charismatic CEOs. Henrich R. Greve KIBRIA, NAZLI. Becoming Asian American: Second-Generation Chinese and Korean American Identities. Jonathan W. Warren 1559 American Journal of Sociology 266 KOTARBA, JOSEPH A., and JOHN M. JOHNSON, eds. Postmodern Existential Sociology. John Murphy KRAUS, VERED. Secondary Breadwinners: Israeli Women in the Labor Force. Michael Shalev KURIEN, PREMA A. Kaleidoscopic Ethnicity: International Mi- gration and the Reconstruction of Community Identities in India. David Kyle KURTZ, SHARON. Workplace Justice: Organizing Multi-Identity Movements. Linda M. Blum and Peggy Kahn LALLY, ELAINE. At Home with Computers. Christena Nippert-Eng LAUMANN, EDWARD O., and ROBERT T. MICHAEL, eds. Sex, Love, and Health in America. Roy D’Andrade LAW, JOHN, and ANNEMARIE MOL, eds. Complexities: Social Stud- ies of Knowledge Practices. Trevor Pinch LAZEGA, EMMANUEL. The Collegial Phenomenon: The Social Mechanisms of Cooperation among Peers in a Corporate Law Part- nership. William H. Starbuck LEE, CHIN-CHUAN, JOSEPH MAN CHAN, ZHONGDANG PAN, and CLEMENT Y. K. So. Global Media Spectacle: News War Over Hong Kong. Joel Smith LEvy, DANIEL, and YFAAT WEISS, eds. Challenging Ethnic Citi- zenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration. Ayelet Shachar LEWIS, AMANDA E. Race in the Schoolyard: Negotiating the Color Line in Classrooms and Communities. Maria Kefalas LIN, YI-MIN. Between Politics and Markets: Firms, Competition, and Institutional Change in Post-Mao China. Lisa A. Keister Lo, MING-CHENG M. Doctors within Borders: Profession, Eth- nicity, and Modernity in Colonial Taiwan. Lily M. Hoffman Lois, JENNIFER. Heroic Efforts: The Emotional Culture of Search and Rescue Volunteers. Lori Holyfield LONG, ELIZABETH. Book Clubs: Women and the Uses of Reading in Everyday Life. Judith A. Howard Lopes, PAUL. The Rise of a Jazz Art World. Andy Bennett

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