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INDEX (The following abbreviations refer to sections of the Journal Ag., Agora; BN, Briefer Notices; BR, Book Reviews and Notes; CD, Current Developments; CE, Collected Essays; Corr., Correspondence; CP, Contemporary Practice of the US Relating to International Law; Ed., Editorial Comments; JD, International Decisions; LA, Leading Article; NC, Notes and Comments. Other abbreviations include: ASIL, American Society of International Law; EC, European Communities; Eur. Con. HR, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; FAO, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization; GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; ICRC, Interna- tional Committee of the Red Cross; ICJ, International Court of Justice; ILC, International Law Com- mission; LOS, law of the sea; UK, United Kingdom; UN, United Nations; UNGA, United Nations General Assembly; UNSC, United Nations Security Council; US, United States; USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; WTO, World Trade Organization.) Aaland Islands, and Finnish sovereignty, 611, 613 Almond, Harry H., Jr., BN of Moore & Turner, 718 Abbott, Frederick M., BR of Sykes, 162 Al-Nauimi, Najeeb, & Richard Meese (eds.), Interna- ABM Treaty (1972), 273 tional Legal Issues arising under the United Na- Académie de Droit International, Colloque 1994. La tions Decade of International Law, CE 549 Convention sur l’interdiction et l’élimination des Alvarez, Jose E., Judging the Security Council, LA 1 armes chimiques: Une percée dans I’entreprise American Convention on Human Rights, 458, 572-3 multilatérale du désarmement, CE 719. See also Re- American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of cueil des Cours Man, 461 Act of state doctrine, and Helms-Burton Act, 419-20, American Society for Judicial Settlement of Interna- 427-8, 430-40, 643-4 tional Disputes, 561-2 Afghanistan, human rights, 134 American Society of International Law African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights, 458 establishment of Journal, 564, 568-9, 574-5, African Deveiopment Bank, 214—5, 224 586-8 Agora: The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity faith of founders in arbitration, 560-2, 568, (LIBERTAD) Act, Ag. 419 576-82 Agora: The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity formative years, LA 559 (LIBERTAD) Act, Continued, Ag. 641 Arbitration Akhavan, Payam, The International Criminal Tribu- ASIL and history of, 561 nal for Rwanda: The Politics and Pragmatics of Pun- awarding compensatory interest claims, LA 40 ishment, CD 501 interest claims and general principles of interna- Albania, human rights, 135 tional law, 41, 53-4, 57 Aldrich, George H. international, conduct of arbitrators, 250, 252, BR of David, 168 254-9, 261 BR of Fleck, 709 See also Conciliation Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribu- Armenia, human rights, 135 nal for the Former Yugoslavia, Ed. 64, 239, Arms control and disarmament 242-3 Missile Technology Control Regime (1987), 276 Alexandrov, Stanimir A., Reservations in Unilateral nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruc- Declarations Accepting the Compulsory Jurisdic- tion, 86 tion of the International Court of Justice, BR 699 US acceptance of START II Treaty, CP 272-8 Aliens US-Russian cooperation, CP 89-93 excludability under Helms-Burton Act, 429 US-Russian joint statement on global protection ILC proposed diplomatic protection topic, 115 system, 277 limitations on entry by Cuban officials, 449 See also War, law of political activities of, under Eur. Con. HR, ID Asian Development Bank, 214—5, 224 456-60 Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bac- rights of Cubans and Haitians at Guantanamo, teriological Methods of Warfare, Protocol for the ID 477-83 Prohibition of the Use in War of (1925), 246 Secretary of State’s deportation authority, CP Australia, treaty with Indonesia on “Timor Gap,”’ ID 442-4 94-8 state responsibility toward, 570-2 Aviation See also Europeaa Convention for the Protection of Cuban downing of US-registered planes, 419, CP Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; United 448-51 States suspension of US-to-Cuba charter travel, 449 731 732 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 90 See also Aviation, Convention on International Civil; protection of human rights through Peace Agree- Aviation, Convention for the Suppression of Unlaw- ment, CD 301 ful Acts against; Unification of Certain Rules Relat- Bosnia and Herzegovina, General Framework Agree- ing to International Transportation by Air, Conven- ment for Peace in (1995) tion on cooperation with war crimes Tribunal, 305, 310, Aviation, Convention on International Civil (1944), 313-4 12, 449 international police force, 311-2 Aviation, Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful multinational military implementation force Acts against the Safety of (1971), and Libya’s re- (IFOR), 312, 314 quest for ICJ interim measures, 1, 28-9 refugees and displaced persons, 305, 312-3 Awarding Interest in International Arbitration, LA 40 Bothe, Michael Azerbaijan, human rights, 135 BR of Ramcharan, 337 Corr. on 1995 CD by Gasser, 76 Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, Con- reply by Gasser, 76 vention on the Prohibition of the Development, Boundaries Production, and Stockpiling of, and on Their De- deviations from uti possidetis, 599 struction (1972), 86 of new states, LA 590 Badinter Commission. See Yugoslavia postindependence changes in borders, 600 Barcroft, Peter A., ID 290-6 See also Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; Baxter, Richard R., on customary law, 241, 247 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Re- Bayefsky, Anne, International Human Rights Law. Use spect of Treaties in Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Free- Bourloyannis-Vrailas, M.-Christiane, & Virginia Mor- doms Litigation, BN 181 ris, The Work of the Sixth Committee at the Fiftieth Beck, Robert J., BR of Skran, 176 Session of the UN General Assembly, CD 491 Bedjaoui, Mohammed Brazil Lockerbie dissent, 29 interest on arbitral awards, 4-5 Nouvel ordre mondial et contréle de la légalité challenge to US gasoline rule, 670-1 des actes du Conseil de sécurité, BR 157 (The) British Year Book of International Law 1994 Bekker, Peter H. F. (Vol. 65), CE 351 Corr. on 1996 NC by Vagts, 645 Broches, Aron, on governing law of World Bank loan ID 94-8 agreements, 217-8, 221-3 ID 280-6 Brown, Catherine W., BR of Lee, 178 The 1995 Judicial Activity of the International Brown, Cynthia, BN of Report of the Chilean National Court of Justice, CD 328 Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, 182 Bello, Judith Hippler Brown, E. D. (ed.), The International Law of the Sea, International Decisions, 94, 280, 456, 655 Vol. I: Introductory Manual; Vol. II: Documents, The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding: Cases and Tables, BR 165 Less Is More, Ed. 416 Brownlie, Ian, & James Crawford (eds.), The British Benvenisti, Eyal Year Book of International Law 1994 (Vol. 65), CE Collective Action in the Utilization of Shared 351 Freshwater: The Challenges of International Bugnion, Francois, Le Comité International de la Water Resources Law, LA 384 Croix-Rouge et la protection des victimes de la The International Law of Occupation, BR 712 guerre, BR 339 Bernhardt, Rudolf, Festschrift fir, CE 184 Burma/Myanmar, human rights, 134 Bernhardt, Rudolf (ed.), Interim Measures by Inter- Burundi, human rights, 134 national Courts, BR 531 Byerlin, Ulrich, et al. (eds.), Recht zwischen Umbruch Best, Geoffrey, War and Law Since 1945, BR 167 und Bewahrung: Vélkerrecht, Europarecht, Staats- Bhagwati, Jagdish N., & Robert E. Hudec (eds.), Fair recht. Festschrift fiir Rudolf Bernhardt, CE 184 Trade and Harmonization. Prerequisite for Free Trade? Vol. 1: Economic Analysis; Vol. 2: Legal Cambodia, human rights, 135 Analysis, BR 543 Canada Bilder, Richard B. amendment of migratory birds Convention with BN of Henkin, and of Schachter, 715 US, CP 649-54 Book Reviews and Notes, 150, 331, 519, 690 borders of Quebec, 591, 603, 605, 607-8, 616, Blakesley, Christopher L., BR of Lambert, 346 621 Book Reviews and Notes, 150, 331, 519, 690 Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 462-3 Borchers, Patrick J., BR of Park, 547 Deschénes Commission Report, 463, 475-6 Borek, Jamison S., BR of Caron & Pellonpaa, 529 and dual citizenship, 380-1 Bosnia-Herzegovina interest on arbitral awards, 44-5 claims before ICJ re UNSC decisions, 1-3, 6-7, Supreme Court on alleged Nazi war criminal, ID 22, 28, 31-2, 34, 39 460-76 1996] 733 US court on extradition to, ID 102-5 joint statement with Russia on nuclear weapons, Carnahan, Burrus M., & Marjorie Robertson, The Pro- 89-90 tocol on “Blinding Laser Weapons’’: A New Direc- measures re Colombian narcotics trafficking, CP tion for International Humanitarian Law, CD 484 87-9 Caron, David D., BR of Ratner, 335 proclamation on anchorage and movement of Caron, David D., & Matti Pellonpaa, The UNCITRAL US vessels, 450-1 Arbitration Rules as Interpreted and Applied, BR transmittal to Senate of Natural Rubber Agree- 529 ment, CP 647-9 Cassese, Antonio, Self-Determination of Peoples. A transmittal to Senate of straddling fish stocks Legal Reappraisal, BR 331 Agreement, CP 270-2 Cassese, Antonio, & B. V. A. Réling, The Tokyo Trial COCOM. See Coordinating Committee for Multilateral and Beyond, BR 342 Export Controls Chad, human rights, 135 Collective Action in the Utilization of Shared Freshwa- Changing the Charter: The United Nations Prepares ter: The Challenges of International Water Re- for the Twenty-first Century, CD 115 sources Law, LA 384 Charney, Jonathan I., The Implications of Expanding Collier, Ellen C., BN of Falk, Johansen, & Kim, 181 International Dispute Settlement Systems: The Colombia, US blocking of narcotics traffickers’ assets, 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea, Ed. 69 CP 87-9 (The) Chemical Weapons Convention Implementa- tion Act: United States Control over Exports, CD Conciliation 138 compulsory, under LOS Convention, 73 Chemical Weapons, Convention on the Prohibition of of Disputes between States, draft UN Model the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use Rules, 497-9 of, and on Their Destruction (1993), 86, 246 under ILC state responsibility articles, 108 proposed US implementing statute, CD 138 Congress and Cuba: The Helms-Burton Act, Ag. 419 Chicago Convention. See Aviation, Convention on In- Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating ternational Civil to International Law, 79, 263, 442, 647 Child, Convention on the Rights of the (1989), 131, (The) Continuing Role of Custom in the Formation 133 of International Humanitarian Law, Ed. 238 Chile Contracts conviction of officials for Letelier murders, ID and compensatory interest in arbitrations, LA 40 290-6 governing law of multilateral bank loans, LA 214 National Commission on Truth and Reconcilia-. relational, for management of shared freshwater, tion, BN 182, 291, 293 409-11 China Control Council for Germany, Law No. 10 and draft human rights, 127-8 code of crimes against peace, 111 interest on arbitral awards, 46 ConvWeeaponns Wthichi Maoy Bne Deaemedl to Be Choice of law, resolving compensatory interest claims, Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Ef- 41, 50-4 fects, Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions Clagett, Brice M. on the Use of Certain, and Protocols (1980), 245, A Reply to Professor Lowenfeld, Ag. 641 484-5 Title II] of the Helms-Burton Act Is Consistent Protocol IV on Blinding Laser Weapons (1995), with International Law, Ag. 434 245-6, CD 484 Claims Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Con- re air crashes on high seas, ID 655-8 trols (COCOM), New Forum as successor, CP 84-6 Cuban expropriations, 419-22, 425-8, 434-40, Copithorne, Maurice, BN of Bayefsky, 181 454, 641-4 Cotler, Irwin, ID 460-76 settlement of Iran Air ICJ case, CP 278-9 quantum of recovery in lump sum settlements, Craven, Matthew, The International Covenant on 437 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. A Perspec- See also Iran—United States Claims Tribunal tive on Its Development, BR 705 Clan and Superclan: Loyalty, Identity and Community Crawford, James, BR of Cassese, 331. See also Brownlie, in Law and Practice, LA 359 Tan Clinton, William J. Croley, Steven P., & John H. Jackson, WTO Dispute implementation of FAO fisheries Agreement, CP Procedures, Standard of Review, and Deference to 267-70 National Governments, LA 193 joint statement on Russian membership in New Crook, John R. Forum, 91 BR of Righter, 156 joint statement with Russia on nonprolifera- The Fifty-first Session of the UN Commission on tion, 90 Human Rights, CD 126 734 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 90 Cuba European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, human rights, 127-8, 130-1, 133-4, 136-8, governing law for loan agreements, LA 214 433-6, 438-9 European Communities US Helms-Burton Act, Ag. 419, Ag. 434, Ag. 641 broad interpretation of ““common commercial See also Aviation policy,” 286, 288 Current Developments, 106, 301, 484, 675 Export Regulation, 286-90 Cyprus, Republic of, locus standi before European human rights clauses in agreements with third Court of Human Rights, 99 states, 667-8 Czechoslovakia, borders after dissolution, 590, 597- judicial review in, 13-4, 18, 25, 36-7, 288-90 8, 601, 605 peace efforts in former Yugoslavia, 301-3 Czech Republic, membership in New Forum, 85-6 power to enact human rights rules, 665, 667-9 role in UN Human Rights Commission, 137-8 David, Eric, Principes de droit des conflits armés, BR and rules of origin, 634-5, 637-8 168 US trade sanctions, 682-4 (The) Decisions Bridging the GATT 1947 and the European Convention for the Protection of Human WTO Agreement, CD 317 Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and Protocols Diplomatic courier and bag, UNGA Sixth Committee (1950), 463 on ILC draft, 491-2, 500 applicability to acts outside national territory, ID Diplomatic missions, consular functions by nondiplo- 98-102 matic US officers, CP 444-6 applicability to Bosnia, 305-6, 308 Diplomatic relations applicability to overseas territories, ID 456-60 access of unrecognized governments to US common standards for state’s nationals and other courts, CP 263-5 Europeans, 458-9 establishment by US and Vietnam, CP 79-80 divergent standards under, 666-9 Dispute settlement ‘dynamic interpretation” of enforcement provi- of loans by European Development Bank, 226-30 sions, 101-2 LOS Convention and primacy of ICJ, Ed. 69 entitlement of illegal aliens to rights, 460 World Trade Organization, LA 193, 317, 319, right to fair and public hearing, 236, 238 322-8, Ed. 416, 676, 688-9 scope of restrictions on aliens’ political activity, See also Conciliation 457-60 Dolzer, Rudolf, & Margrete Stevens, Bilateral Invest- See also European Court of Human Rights ment Treaties, BR 545 European Court of Human Rights, on territorial Dominick, Mary, Corr. on self-executing treaties, 441 reach of Eur. Con. HR, JD 98-102, ID 456-60 Drawing a Better Line: Uti Possidetis and the Borders European Court of Justice of New States, LA 590 Community’s competence to accede to Eur. Con. HR, ID 664-69 East Timor on export of dual-use goods to nonmember human rights, 134 states, ID 286-90 self-determination, 96-7 rules on conduct before, 252-3, 257 status as non-self-governing territory, JD 94-8 Evidence Eastern Europe, development loans, 224-5, 233-4 re exception to UK-US Extradition Treaty, 297- Economic assistance and development, suspension of 300 aid to Niger, CP 454-5 unnamed witnesses at Yugoslav Tribunal, Ed. 235 Egypt, interest on arbitral awards, 47-8 in US extradition proceedings, 513, 516-8 El Salvador, human rights, 135 Evolution of the Governing Law for Loan Agreements Environment of the World Bank and Other Multilateral Develop- and human rights, 136, 405-8, 414-5 ment Banks, LA 214 ICJ and law of, 280, 285 Export controls ICRC guidelines for protection in armed conflict, of EC members on dual-use goods, ID 286-90 76-7 New Forum as successor to COCOM, CP 84-6 ILC proposed study of law, 115 US implementation of Chemical Weapons Con- scope of ILC liability project, 111-2, 495-6 vention, CD 138 UN Human Rights Commission and toxic wastes, and weapons of mass destruction, 86 130 Expropriation. See Jurisdiction US-Canada Protocol on migratory birds, CP Extradition 649-54 constitutionality of US statute, ID 102-5 US standards for gasoline and GATT, ID 669-74 grounds for refusal, 82-3 See also Watercourses, international political offenses in US practice, 83-4, 297, 299- Epps, Valerie, ID 296-300 300 Equatorial Guinea, human rights, 134 and Rwanda/ Yugoslav Tribunals, 510-8 Ethics, legal, in international litigation, NC 250 and World Trade Center bombing, 84 1996] 735 See also Jordan antidumping cases and standard of review, 195-8 Falk, Richard A., BR of Lyons & Mastanduno, 523 environmental exceptions, ID 669-74 Falk, Richard A., Robert S. Johansen, & Samuel S. GATT 1947 termination, 323-4 Kim, The Constitutional Foundations of World “least trade-restrictive” approach, 673-4 Peace, BN 181 Multi-Fibre Agreement, 321 Ferrajolo, G. See Marchisio, S. transitional decisions to WTO Agreement, CD (The) Fifty-first Session of the UN Commission on 317 Human Rights, CD 126 See also Environment; Uruguay Round of Multilateral Fifty Years of the International Court ofJ ustice: Essays Trade Negotiations in Honour of Sir Robert Jennings, CE 550 General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia Fisher, Louis and Herzegovina (1995), CD 301 Corr. on 1995 LA by, 77 Geneva Conventions for the protection of war victims reply, Corr. 261 (1949) Fisheries. See Law of the sea and development of customary law, Ed. 238 Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, Agreement to Pro- genocide and crimes against humanity, and com- mote Compliance with International Conservation mon Article 3, 111, 241-4, 503, 658 and Management Measures by (1993), CP 267-70 grave breaches under, 65-8, 235, 241-3, 503 Fitzmaurice, Malgosia, & Vaughan Lowe (eds.), Fifty Geneva Conventions for the protection of war victims, Years of the International Court of Justice: Essays Additionai Protocol I to (1977), and customary law, in Honour of Sir Robert Jennings, CE 550 245, 247-8, 503-4 Fitzpatrick, Joan Geneva Conventions for the protection of war victims, BR of Weis, 175 Additional Protocol II to (1977), and customary Human Rights in Crisis: The International Sys- law, 244, 248, 503-4 tem for Protecting Human Rights during States Genocide, Convention on the Prevention and Punish- of Emergency, BR 171 ment of the Crime of (1948), 4, 110, 501, 503 Fleck, Dieter (ed.), The Handbook of Humanitarian US jurisdiction over nonstate actor, ID 658-63 Law in Armed Conflicts, BR 709 See also Human rights Flinterman, Cees. See Schermers, Henry G. Georgia, human rights, 135 Force, use of Germany Cuban downing of US aircraft, 419, CP 448-51 export rules for security reasons, ID 286-90 ILC on defining aggression, 110 interest on arbitral awards, 42-3, 52-3 Foreign assets control judicial review in, 27-8, 37 Colombian narcotics traffickers, CP 87-9 Law on Foreign Trade, 286 Cuban embargo, 419-22, 424, 426, 429-30, 449, nationality in, 366, 372, 374, 381 451, 454, 641-2 Glennon, Michael J., BR of McNamara, 527 US relaxation of against China, 422 Goodwin-Gill, Guy, BR of Schermers, Flinterman, Kel- (The) Formative Years of the American Society of In- lermann, van Haersolte, & van de Meent, 538 ternational Law, LA 559 Gotanda, John Y., Awarding Interest in International Forsythe, David P., BR of Bugnion, 339 Arbitration, LA 40 (The) Forty-seventh Session of the International Law Greenwood, Christopher, BR of Benvenisti, 712 Commission, CD 106 Grewe, Wilhelm G. (ed.), Fontes Historiae Iuris Gen- France tium: Quellen zur Geschichte des Vélkerrechts, BN applicability of Eur. Con. HR to overseas territo- 183 ries, ID 456-60 Guatemala, human rights, 135 Foreign Economic Law, 46 Guéhenno, Jean-Marie (Victoria Elliott, trans.), The ICJ on underground nuclear tests, ID 280-6 End of the Nation-State, BR 697 interest on arbitral awards, 42-3 Gunn, T. Jeremy, BR of Tahzib, 707 judicial review in, 27-8, 37 nationality in, 372-3, 380-1 Haas, Peter M., Robert O. Keohane, & Marc A. Levy Franck, Thomas M. (eds.), Institutions for the Earth. Sources of Effec- BR of Schachter & Joyner, 519 tive International Environmental Protection, BR Clan and Superclan: Loyalty, Identity and Com- 701 munity in Law and Practice, LA 359 Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of Inter- national Disputes (1899, 1907, 1928), 252, 577 Gasser, Hans-Peter Hague Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs Corr. on 1995 CD by, 76 of War on Land (1899, 1907), 67 reply, 76 and customary international law, 239, 242-3, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 245, 248, 465-6 Anti-Dumping and Subsidies Codes, and WTO Peace Conferences (1899, 1907), 560-1, 570, membership, 317, 319, 324-7 572, 576, 579, 585, 588 736 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Haiti, human rights, 134 rights to ancestral lands, 615-6 Handl, Ginther (ed.), Yearbook of International En- water resources, 406 vironmental Law (Vol. 5, 1994), BN 717 Indonesia, IC] on ‘“Timor Gap”’ treaty with Australia, Harris, Kenneth J., & Robert Kushen, Surrender of ID 94-8 Fugitives by the United States to the War Crimes INF Treaty (1988), 276 Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, CD 510 Intellectual property, US and protection of rights, Hayashi, Moritaka, BR of Brown, 165 679-80 Head, John W., Evolution of the Governing Law for Inter-American Development Bank, 214-5, 224 Loan Agreements of the World Bank and Other International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- Multilateral Development Banks, LA 214 ment. See World Bank Helms-Burton Act (Cuban Liberty and Democratic International Committee of the Red Cross Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act). See United States and ban on blinding laser weapons, 484, 486-8, Helsinki Final Act, 612 490 Henckaerts, Jean-Marie, Mass Expulsion in Modern and customary law in international humanitarian International Law and Practice, BR 539 law, 238, 244-9 Henkin, Louis, International Law: Politics and Values, guidelines for environmental protection in BN 715 armed conflict, 76—7 Higgins, Rosalyn, Problems and Process: Interna- International Convention on the Elimination of All tional Law and How We Use It, BR 153 Forms of Racial Discrimination, 481 Highet, Keith, BR of Alexandrov, and of Szafarz, 699 International Convention on the Simplification and Hoffmeister, Frank, & Juliane Kokott, ID 664-9 Harmonization of Customs Procedures (1973), 637 Hudec, Robert E. See Bhagwati, Jagdish N. International Court of Justice Humanitarian law. See War, law of advisory judgments, 8-9, 27, 31 Human rights binding effect of judgments, 4-5, 97 children, 131, 133 composition of, 330 Chilean convictions in Letelier case, ID 290-6 conduct of judges and advocates before, 250-7, discrimination between Cuban and Haitian unac- 260-1, Corr. 645 companied minors, 481-2 consent requirement for jurisdiction, 95, 97 divergent jurisprudence in European systems on creation of customary law, 239-41 protecting, 666-7 cues in Lockerbie case, 30-1 and EC agreements with third states, 667-8 dismissal of action to reopen Nuclear Tests case, 51st session of UN Commission on, CD 126 ID 280-6, 329-30 and general principles of EC law, 665-6 “ethnic cleansing” and Serbia, 31-2 genocide in Rwanda, 134, CD 501 and international humanitarian law standards, “functional parallelism” with UNSC, 3 132 jurisdiction, failure to exercise, ID 94-8 law, and UNSC decisions, 238 ; 1995 judicial activity, CD 328 under Peace Agreement on Bosnia, CD 301 provisional measures, 1, 3, 6-7, 26, 28-9, 31-4 reach of Alien Tort Claims Act, ID 658-63 review of Administrative Tribunal decisions, 493- right to development, 136 4, 500 and riparian freshwater use negotiations, 405-8, review of UNSC decisions, LA 1 414-5 right to self-determination, 96-7, 361 South Africa and Middle East, 128-9 settlement of Aerial Incident case, CP 278-9 UN Commission declares apartheid nonexistent, and settlement of LOS disputes, 17, Ed. 69 128, 137 uti possidetis as principle in decolonizations, 598, women, 130-1 607, 614 See also Genocide, Convention on the Prevention and See also United Nations Security Council Punishment of the Crime of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Hungary 137, 458, 463, 480-1 Holocauss.in, 461-2, 471-3 right to fair and public hearing, 236, 238 membership in New Forum, 85-6 and Universal Declaration, 480-1, 611-2 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cul- (The) Implications of Expanding International Dis- tural Rights, 136. See also Peace and Security of Man- pute Settlement Systems: The 1982 Convention on kind, Draft Code of Crimes Against the Law of the Sea, Ed. 69 International criminal court India draft Statute on aggression, 110, 496 Indus Waters Treaty (1960), with Pakistan, 396 establishment of preparatory committee, 496-7, interest on arbitral awards, 46 500 Indigenous peoples (The) International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: human rights, 131 The Politics and Pragmatics of Punishment, CD 501 hunting rights in US and Canada, CP 649-54 International Decisions, 94, 280, 456, 655 1996] INDEX 737 International law Jackson, John H., & Steven P. Croley, WTO Dispute codification, 577-8 Procedures, Standard of Review, and Deference to governance of profession, NC 250 National Governments, LA 193 International Law Commission Jacobson, Harold K., BR of Spruyt, 526 draft articles on diplomatic courier and bag, 491—- Jaffe, Sanford. SeeV asquez, John A. 2, 500 Japan 47th session of, CD 106, 494-6 import restrictions against US, 684 International Legal Issues arising under the United interest on arbitral awards, 46-7 Nations Decade of International Law, CE 549 migratory birds Convention with US, 650-2 International Legal Materials, Contents, 189, 357, Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri (ed.), Perspectives on Inter- 556, 725 national Law, CE 720 (The) International Legal Profession: A Need for Javicoli, V. See Marchisio, S. More Governance?, NC 250 Johansen, Robert C., Richard A. Falk, & Samuel S. International Law Association, 559 Kim, The mstitutional Foundations of World rules on international watercourses, 384, 408-9 Peace, Biv ‘ei International liability for lawful acts, ILC 47th session Johnson, James Turner. See Vasquez, John A. on, 111-2 Jones, Thomas David, ID 477-83 International trade Jordan COCOM transition to New Forum, CP 84-6 freshwater sharing with Israel, 396, 401-2 environmental exceptions of GATT, ID 669-74 US Extradition Treaty with, CP 80-4 Harmonized Commodity Description and Cod- Joyner, Christopher C. See Schachter, Oscar ing System, 635-6 Judging the Security Council, LA 1 harmonizing and regulating rules of origin, LA Jurisdiction 625 and control resulting from military action, D98- International Natural Rubber Agreement (1995), 102 CP 647-9 US sanctions for unfair practices, CD 675 domestic, and UNSC decisions, 22 WTO dispute procedures standard of review, LA extraterritorial, re Cuban expropriations of US 193 property, 419-20, 425-33, 434-40, 454, See also Dispute settlement; Export controls; Foreign 641-3 assets control; General Agreement on Tariffs and IC] failure to exercise, ID 94-8 Trade; Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Nego- international criminal, and ad hoc tribunals, tiations; World Trade Organization 501-10 International Tribunal for Violations of International retrospective, over war crimes and crimes against Humanitarian Law in the Former Yugoslavia. See humanity, ID 460-76 Yugoslavia of UNSC under Chapter VII, 124, 126 Iran US, over individual nonstate actors, ID 658-63 human rights, 134 See also Export controls; International trade; Yugo- interest in arbitral awards, 48-50, 53-5 slavia settlement of Vincennes and certain bank claims, Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Tribunal CP 278-9 for the Former Yugoslavia, Ed. 64, 239, 242-3 See also Iran—United States Claims Tribunal Iran—United States Claims Tribunal Kacowicz, Arie Marcelo, Peaceful Territorial Change, and compensatory interest claims, 51, 54-5, 60 BR 536 conduct of arbitrators before, 250, 252, 256-7 Kaye, Dalia Dassa, & David Kaye, BR of Kacowicz, 536 settlement of certain bank claims, CP 278-9 Kaye, David, & Dalia Dassa Kaye, BR of Kacowicz, 536 Iraq Kellermann, Alfred E. See Schermers, Henry G. human rights, 134 UNSC measures re, 10, 22-3 Kelsen, Hans, on moral superiority of punishment for Islamic law (Shari’a), interest prohibition and excep- war crimes, 464 tions, 47-50, 62 Keohane, Robert O. See Haas, Peter M. Israel Kim, Samuel S., Richard A. Falk, & Robert C. Jo- national identity of, 367 hansen, The Constitutional Foundations of World shared freshwater with neighbors, 386, 389, 396, Peace, BN 181 401-2 Kimball, Lee A., BR of Haas, Keohane, & Levy, 701 Kirgis, Frederic L. (J r.) Italy interest on arbitral awards, 42-3 BR of Simma et al., 333 judicial review in, 38 The Formative Years of the American Society of Iwasawa, Yuji, WTO no Funo Shori (The Dispute Set- International Law, LA 559 tlement of the World Trade Organization), BR 160 Kokott, Juliane, & Frank Hoffmeister, ID 664-9 738 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 90 Kokott, Juliane, & Beate Rudolf Lowenfeld, Andreas F. ID 98-102 Congress and Cuba: The Helms-Burton Act, Ag. ID 286-90 419 ID 456-60 reply by Clagett, Ag. 641 Korea, interest on arbitral awards, 46 Lutz, Robert E., BN of Hand et al., 717 Korean War, legal basis of US entry, Corr. 77, Corr. Lyons, Gene M., & Michael Mastanduno (eds.), Be- 261 yond Westphalia? State Sovereignty and Interna- Kritz, Neil J. (ed.), Transitional Justice. How Emerg- tional Intervention, BR 523 ing Democracies Reckon with Former Regimes. Vol. 1: General Considerations; Vol. 2: Country McClanahan, Grant, & Jill McC. Watson, BN of Grewe, Studies; Vol. 3: Laws, Rulings, and Reports, BR 540 183 Kushen, Robert, & Kenneth J. Harris, Surrender of Macdonald, R. St. J., BR of Schwebel, 150 Fugitives by the United States to the War Crimes McNamara, Robert S., with Brian VanDeMark, In Ret- Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, CD 510 rospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam, BR Kyoto Convention. See International Convention on 527 the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Marcelli, F. See Marchisio, S. Procedures Marchisio, S., G. Ferrajolo, V. Javicoli, & F. Marcelli (eds.), La prassi italiana di diritto internazionale. Terza serie (1919-1925), BN 715 Lachs, Manfred, Lockerbie opinion, 29 Marks, Stephen P., BR of Mendlovitz & Weston, 690 Lambert, Joseph J., Terrorism and Hostages in Inter- Marshall, John, on executive authority re extradition, national Law: A Commentary on the Hostages Con- 104 vention 1979, BR 346 Mastanduno, Michael. See Lyons, Gene M. LaNasa, Joseph A., III, Rules of Origin and the Uru- Meese, Richard. See Al-Nauimi, Najeeb guay Round’s Effectiveness in Harmonizing and Meltzer, Alan D., BR of Lillich, 532 Regulating Them, LA 625 Mendlovitz, Saul H., & Burns H. Weston (eds.), Pre- Laos, human rights, 135 ferred Futures for the United Nations, BR 690 Latin America, and origin of uti possidetis, 593-5, Meron, Theodor, The Continuing Role of Custom in 598-9 the Formation of International Humanitarian Law, Latvia, human rights, 135 Ed. 238 Lauterpacht, Elihu, 6 Merrills, J. G., BR of Bernhardt, 531 ICJ’s role in documenting atrocities, 31-2 Mexico Law of the sea interest on arbitral awards, 44 Fisheries migratory birds Convention with US, 652 US acceptance of FAO “‘reflagging’’ Agree- US attempts to deport national of, CP 442-4 ment, CP 267-70 Middle East United Nations Convention human rights, 128-9 shared freshwater resources in, 385-7, 405 Agreement to implement straddling fish stocks See also Israel; Jordan provisions, CP 270-2 Migrant Workers Convention (1990), 131 and international dispute settlement systems, Minorities Ed. 69 rights and new states’ borders, 591-2, 610-2, Leben, Charles, BR of Bedjaoui, 157 614, 616-7 Lee, LukeJ .,C onsular Law and Practice (2d ed.), BR UN Human Rights Commission and, 130, 136-7 178 Moffitt, Ronni, conviction of Chilean officials for mur- * Legomsky, Stephen H., BR of Teitelbaum & Weiner, der, ID 290-6 344 Moldova, human rights, 135 Leich, Marian Nash. See Nash (Leich), Marian Montreal Convention. See Aviation, Convention for the Leigh, Monroe, The Yugoslav Tribunal: Use of Un- Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of named Witnesses Against Accused, Ed. 235 Moore, John Norton, & Robert F. Turner (eds.), Letelier, Orlando, conviction of Chilean officials for Readings on International Law from the Naval War murder, ID 290-6 College Review 1978-1994, BN 718 Levy, Marc A. See Haas, Peter M. Moore, Patrick M., The Decisions Bridging the GATT Liberia, access to US courts, CD 263 1947 and the WTO Agreement, CD 317 Libya, claims before IC] re UNSC decisions, 1-3, 6- Morris, Virginia, & M.-Christiane Bourloyannis-Vrai- 8, 22, 26, 28-34, 36, 39 las, The Work of the Sixth Committee at the Fiftieth Lillich, Richard B. (ed.), The United Nations Com- Session of the UN General Assembly, CD 491 pensation Commission, BR 532 Morris, Virginia, & Michael P. Scharf, An Insider’s Litfin, Karen T., Ozone Discourses. Science and Poli- Guide to the International Criminal Tribunal for tics in Global Environmental Cooperation, BR 703 the Former Yugoslavia: A Documentary History and Lowe, Vaughan. See Fitzmaurice, Malgosia Analysis (2 vols.), BR 169 1996] INDEX 739 Muchlinski, Peter T., Multinational Enterprises and Pakistan. See India the Law, BR 348 Palestine Liberation Organization, freshwater sharing Multilateral development banks, governing law of with Israel, 389, 396, 401-2 loan agreements, LA 214 Panama, interest on arbitral awards, 44-5 Papua New Guinea, human rights, 134 Park, William W., International Forum Selection, BR Nafziger, James A. R., BR of Réling & Cassese, 342 547 Nash (Leich), Marian, Contemporary Practice of the Paust, Jordan J., International Law as Law of the United States Relating to International Law, 79, United States, BR 693 263, 442, 647 Peace and Security of Mankind, Draft Code of Crimes Nationality against, ILC 47th session on, 109-11, 494, 496 dual, state practice on, 378-83 Pellonpaa, Matti. See Caron, David D. of IC] judges, 646 Perspectives on International Law, CE 720 ILC on state succession and, 113-5 Piccone, Theodore J., BR of Kritz, 540 and individuals’ self-definition, LA 384 Poland, membership in New Forum, 85-6 Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multi- Porras, Ileana M., BR of Litfin, and of Rowlands, 703 ple Nationality, Council of Europe Convention on Portugal, IC] on “Timor Gap” claim, ID 94-8 the Reduction of Cases of Multiple (1963), as Posner, Theodore R., ID 658-63 amended, 381-2 Private international law, conduct of arbitrators and Natural resources lawyers, 254—5, 258-9 exhaustible, GATT exception for, ID 669-74 (The) Protection of Human Rights Through the Day- utilization of shared freshwater, LA 384 ton/Paris Peace Agreement on Bosnia, CD 301 See also Environment (The) Protocol on “Blinding Laser Weapons”: A New Netherlands International Law Review, Netherlands Direction for International Humanitarian Law, CD Yearbook of International Law 1994 (Vol. 25), CE 484 184 Puckett, A. Lynne, & William L. Reynolds, Rules, Sanc- New Forum tions and Enforcement under Section 301: At Odds Russian membership in, 91 with the WTO?, CD 675 successor to COCOM, CP 84-6 New Zealand, IC] action on French nuclear tests, ID 280-6 Radio Marti, expansion of reach of, 449 Niger, suspension of assistance following military Ramcharan, B. G., The International Law and Prac- coup, CP 454-5 tice of Early-Warning and Preventive Diplomacy: Nigeria, human rights, 134 The Emerging Global Watch, BR 337 (The) 1995 Judicial Activity of the International Court Ratner, Steven R. of Justice, CD 328 Drawing a Better Line: Uti Possidetis and the Bor- Nuclear weapons ders of New Siates, LA 590 IC] on French underground texts, JD 280 The New UN Peacekeeping: Building Peace in Russian and Visegrad—4 cooperation in nonpro- Lands of Conflict After the Cold War, BR 335 liferation, 86 Recht zwischen Umbruch und Bewahrung: Vdélker- US-Russian cooperation in security and disman- recht, Europarecht, Staatsrecht. Festschrift fir Ru- tlement, 89-90, 92-3 dolf Bernhardi, CE 184 See also Arms control and disarmament Recognition, of Republika Srpska as de facto state, Nuclear Weapons, Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of 660, 662-3 (1969), 86, 125, 275 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral 1995 review and extension conference, 90-1 Awards, Convention on (1958), 62, 254 Nuremberg Charter, crimes against humanity under, Recueil des Cours. Collected Courses of the Hague 465-6 Academy of International Law, Vols. 245 & 246, CE Nuremberg principles, 21, 237 351, Vols. 237, 244, 248, & 252, CE 719 Nuremberg trials Refugees, Convention Relating to the Status of and creation of customary law, 239, 242, 466 (1951), and Protocol (1967), 477, 479, 481 and draft code of crimes against peace, 111 Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation (2 vols.), BN 182 Oda, Shigeru Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of on Libyan IC] request for provisional measures, 29 the United States, 482 and LOS Convention dispute settlement provi- effects doctrine, 431, 436, 439, 642 sions, 69-75 Reynolds, William L., & A. Lynne Puckett, Rules, Sanc- Ohmae, Kenichi, The End of the Nation State: The tions and Enforcement under Section 301: At Odds Rise of Regional Economies, BR 697 with the WTO?, CD 675 Organization of African Unity, Cairo Declaration on Righter, Rosemary, Utopia Lost. The United Nations frontiers (1964), 595, 598-9 and World Order, BR 156 740 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [Vol. 90 Robertson, Marjorie, & Burrus M. Carnahan, The Pro- Self-determination tocol on “‘Blinding Laser Weapons’: A New Direc- emerging right to self-definition, LA 360 tion for International Humanitarian Law, CD 484 internal, 611-4 Roht-Arriaza, Naomi, Impunity and Human Rights in plebiscites, 622-3 International Law and Practice, BR 173 right of people of East Timor, 94, 96-7 Roling, B. V. A., & Antonio Cassese, The Tokyo Trial and uti possidetis, 591-2, 600, 606, 609-10, 618- and Beyond, BR 342 9, 622-4 Romania, human rights, 135 Semmelman, Jacques, JD 102-5 Root, Elihu, and formative years of ASIL, 561-4, 566, Shahabuddeen, Mohamed, Lockerbie opinion, 29 573, 579-80, 584-5 Shenk, Maury D. Rosenstock, Robert, The Forty-seventh Session of the BR of Morris & Scharf, 169 International Law Commission, CD 106 ID 669-74 Rowlands, Ian H., The Politics of Global Atmospheric Shestack, Jerome J., BR of Fitzpatrick, 171 Change, BR 703 Simma, Bruno, et al. (eds.), The Charter of the Rudolf, Beate, & Juliane Kokott United Nations: A Commentary, BR 333 ID 98-102 Skran, Claudena M., Refugees in Inter-war Europe: ID 286-90 The Emergence of a Regime, BR 176 ID 456-60 Slovak Republic, membership in New Forum, 85-6 Rules of Origin and the Uruguay Round’s Effective- Slovenia, human rights, 135 ness in Harmonizing and Regulating Them, LA 625 South Africa, suspension of Human Rights Commis- Rules, Sanctions and Enforcement under Section 301: sion scrutiny, 128, 137 At Odds with the WTO?, CD 675 Sovereignty, and GATT/WTO panel review, 211-3, Russian Federation 416-8 cooperation with US on nonproliferation and nu- Soviet Union clear weapons, 89-91 borders after dissolution, 590-1, 597, 601, 612- human rights, 127-9 4, 616, 620 membership in COCOM successor organization, successor states-US agreements on migratory 86, 91 birds, 650-2 START II Treaty with US, CP 272-8 Spiro, PeterJ .,B R of Guéhenno, and of Ohmae, 697 succession to UN membership, 118 Spruyt, Hendrik, The Sovereign State and its Compet- Rwanda, 135 itors, BR 526 US surrender of fugitives to Tribunal, CD 510 Sri Lanka, human rights, 134-5 war crimes Tribunal, 134, 242, CD 501 Stamato, Linda. See Vasquez, John A. START I Treaty. See United States Safety of Life at Sea, International Conference for START II Treaty. See United States the (1914), 579 Statelessness, Convention on the Reduction of Sands, Philippe, Robert Tarasofsky, & Mary Weiss (1961), 114 (eds.), Principles of International Environmental State responsibility Law (3 vols.), BR 338 Sapiro, Miriam, BR of Henckaerts, 539 compensation from Cuban assets for victims’ fam- ilies, 449 Schachter, Oscar, International Law in Theory and Practice, BN 715 for ‘‘crimes,”’ as well as delicts, 106-8 Schachter, Oscar, & Christopher C. Joyner (eds.), ILC 47th session on, 107-9, 494-6 United Nations Legal Order (2 vols.), BR 519 State succession Scharf, Michael P., BR of Roht-Arriaza, 173 ILC on impact on nationality, 106, 113-5, Scharf, Michael P., & Virginia Morris, An Insider’s 495-6 Guide to the International Tribunal for the Former and UN membership, 118-9, 126 Yugoslavia: A Documentary History and Analysis (2 Stevens, Margrete, & Rudolf Dolzer, Bilateral Invest- vols.), BR 169 ment Treaties, BR 545 Schermers, Henry G., Cees Flinterman, Alfred E. Kel- Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment lermann, Johan C. van Haersolte, & Gert-Wim A. (1972), Principle 21, 111 van de Meent (eds.), Free povement of Persons in St. Petersburg Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Europe: Legal Problems and Experiences, BR 538 Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles Under 400 Schindler, Dietrich, BR of Best, 167 grammes Weight (1868), 484 Schoenbaum, Thomas J., BR of Bhagwati & Hudec, Sudan, human rights, 135 543 Surrender of Fugitives by the United States to the War Schwebel, Stephen M., Justice in International Law. Crimes Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, CD Selected Writings of Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, 510 BR 150 Swan, Alan ‘C., BR of Muchlinski, 348 Scott, James Brown, and formative years of ASIL, 560- Sweden, and antivision laser weapons, 486-7 4, 573, 576-82, 585 Switzerland, interest on arbitral awards, 42-3, 53

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