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American Airlines The East USA & Canada (1979) PDF

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Preview American Airlines The East USA & Canada (1979)

AmericanAirlines THE EAST + USA & CANADA Featuring ~ NewYork City TheatreTours American's East is a delight to the senses. I's the thrill ofthe orchestra's opening notes at a Broadway musical... the taste of a dry Bordeaux in a Montréal bistro..the touch of surf-wet sand against your toes on a Cape Cod beach... the smell of freshly baked clams ala harbor-front Boston restaurant...the sight of the Capitol dome, the Liberty Bell and the towering Toronto skyline, American's Eastis allthis and more, including your choice of the 23 vacation tours described inthis brochure. So ireat your senses to a vary special ‘experience: a 1980 vacation in American's East. Contents The Bast Fights 25 Muti Gy Tous Famous Cees efthe ZastSA 8 Daya’7 Nhs 2 Tours Famous Ges ofthe Canale 8 Daye Nits 2 Few York za iat Big Apple Dense + 3Days2 Nah © SPECIAL INFORMATION TopShensatte Waldo * 3 Dape2 Ynte i few YorcVseaton 3 aye2 Nigh 7 Geena H Breadiay ley 3Oaye2 Nene 8 Sample ir Fares b ‘Rew Yor Sicteseer 3 a2 Nor 8 Antaican Adines Crt Card % Showtime New Vate & 2 Mahtsor3 Rights 5 Luggege-Aleaness % NewYork Camce » BNighsor7 Nghe 1G Canlaon Clause B Grem White Way Abas Nis 2 Inca ts Leonaay 2 Nightgcr SMights New YorkSigusGars Days Nigh is Bostonew England Bosen Bargin 3Days2 Nghe 2 Bost and ew England Days Nghia ia ‘Boston lertsge Tour SIighser?Nighss 20 ‘GusirtNew Eagerd ens Fisorve ays? ks 2 Phidephi Paces Independence Days Nhs 2a Washington, D.C.Witamsburg Capialtrtaicn 23 ord Niss 2% WondetlWiarmsbury 3 Days Nights 36 3 Daye Nigh ” oe We're Americandirlines. 6 Beye Nits on Doing what we do best. Monlralsegainaur SDeja2 Nights 30 Toronto Toronto Bagsinour 332 Nua 4 Theatre Tove 4 Quebec Ontarie. sonora rh New York @rachener — OSraEUE ory RE ersemes nye e J Yorew vor crs Legend 1@ Ameren Aria cae Virginia NEW YORK CITY Dw Yori sill, mulated gem —o earimetce, tad tent corer at brates wih cere Whatever's Faw whaove sche whee’ fon abana foryou our the come ia Mew Yo, With gre stores ch Tillany, Shs, Lord Taylor ‘Booringdale's and Macy's f'n wonder Ne Yori cea for spurs Ars] where ee can you nd an assorrent Glresaints corpasble lo hatof New ore Tha ey oes leaicostope of deleableculsnes, hom Szzchua Ciness 10 (Gk Dagstod sandiches lane Continental ae. igh othe st of New Yar the Bondy heat. The Unforgtbk pone lv predustana the generous turnin the ogi] rinentohen te cunt opansto reveal Sere! eyelet eam yor sm: een apex oh Americas thee al sestin he Bin Ape ‘Arad New Yor eth cy of ean fabulous museums—the {Whi he Craggenem, te eden an tha might eauoyodan lume permits, you can alo ew te colectios of th presi sind neuer ap galery Reoping alee Modion divers or downer mcr Scho, Dove te Sie of Liberty holdsher torch high above Few Wek ale elie ofl a de change hanes t the World Trade ere erl los Wal Shoe Jutta he reth see Chinatown, an oxalic eywihr-eely, ard where the colle hope serve eres and he restauranseatue pote dete, {pou one Wet Sd Tincath Canes hosts the performing sts opolighting ie eprne Metorols Opara Corner the Ne Yor Praha, the New York Cy and neiean ble companies, Across ton acne very ei of het er, he Cote tons iscsi moc ss Ane right he yb with mate ae ighls and lute. ‘hehe you ge nerf. eco, rock or Raclmanial. et ‘orks al. BOSTON (One of Anes oldest and mesial imaorent chien ie sila thes. Besos vl spit derives rom the aneny of Asinebants an lini bend thal abo shows laen thee ‘Sverereaurens Felice, Chileaubvand, we feahest Seood and popes Engi tes al are ease n ton, Jie iy tl ferenn ea Paty as held (772 ane om tne sealer nt Congress Set nye, ysuean ast repeat ce af Ue chips tee of is too tht dig. Other paar reno reali ea rece allen he Freedom Talon Boson Commnan ort shoe pst (Combe, Chart, Ladngto, Cancerd ana Pyerouth Bul Poston more than hisiny.Thepresersis emchsdy Celis bchetel games, Beton 7ops concerts, Past Contr Sywslcpancrama nd the Sew Engle Aquarurn ‘sileetion, Bajond Baton ar the beni dunes ot ape ed {andihepiouresque ages toughou New England. PHILADELPHIA “TreCiy of Bro Love wil opture your hear sth ts Sarr, tehiry, ts eur In Paaceipi re Delrin of Independence wes pannel and Betsy Rose rade ut Mesto, ‘he Liber Gl senahrnce!andyou st sell a Eve ‘Abc resided seen erica “Thecin/s amohony aches is wor renoured Ws Rein ‘Mazaur hol the French mace krgot<eBction oui ot France te hens fstre sows tov for Brody Phibdsipha's est ahapping is slang Mintek and Walrue stro “Thefood? I's phenemena, eiabe: you vet 2 Cortera class crthe Philadelphia steep snl called 9 hoagie onthe ofthe ci aby Fenge, where Cane Washinton ‘ieredMhaterbe wine. Farther est inthe Perngvara Dutch Coumiy, Aish armen il rie bce-diows buses ter ples sls ne ams toward tel ef WASHINGTON, D.c. ‘Gkaming white monuments, Youn boulauls ae ‘drama pois el ta male our nar copa of ie ‘ros grandes: lea. Ml arenes lad othe domed Caplal Bleing thatorms te y's hub andthe Capita glares are {peat the pubic when Congress isin seson. ou can alsa tourthe Whit House andthe ibeay of Conese. Ineetera Mall sete ila mare than 360 re orn ‘te Potomac tothe Capa Win are the incoMn and ‘Jeleton Memaris andthe Washington Sonarnen ar [sedge ae several bung the Srat'sanan comple he Naina Galley of Atand countess ther muscums.re only moments v3 ‘rons the Potenacis George Washington's stately home, ‘Moura eran, Ta the south. 2 Chavon lets ‘mareous Monee And farther south ie Cala. “Ulan ender sean which an 18h entry wel has ee fall crested MONTREAL ‘Less than 40 rls or te US. borders the French sping trop Mexia foe fn ned fashion are ie French {and nthe OF Gy donb the harbor, ou fe 3 cus of Feslauents and boufqucs ining qin obblesioned ets. Yaullato tind mach afte cy itory preserva hee tthe Inigsiny Chat de Remayay Musca sve Note Dare (Church an Placed Armes, antral’ st market sare. Most of Moré however quit contemporayih uh 2Istcenury noveins a an enermcus underground ly Band an amedngly quit subuay syster, The stock exch Sates. kn ba eared Nr andro id _gster. On le te lene ae the Mar: nds Wok eins, Ad Pace des Arts ea cultural ampli as sng ‘onenrh. ‘QUEBEC CITY vesting Ure wes of te St Lawrence stands Canadas ‘mest Eurepess: urbar.comsmunity, Gusbec Cy. Walling Ste Bs way fo soe Gute Cy, andthe tour bureau has produced ammap wh this mind. Mom Gateelds Park and ‘he Cael htt Lover Cy anc tne per Cy are visble Farge Hose restored LB-contunj home. andthe Cucbec cn Forts area your vale -list use yf Lin auc ational Pace a rusic ‘wooded elon, short de noth inthe eex-cappe| creda Baurets youl fred some of Forth Ames best sh slopes, i te southwest the score Kings Road ‘onects Qutb Cis wth Morte, TORONTO ‘Wiis syccraperlights able, Teron resembles acy ofthe Faure, The stn 181>feat CH Tomar ane he vlonary lest of Torna iy Hal eincece is Ruse mage Ye ‘ven you vl 98-roam Casa Loma and ets ldo Yor, ‘youn cea! tthe yee prove Re at “Te sal of Kersngtor: Made she Hockey lal cfFame and ‘he Rey Onaro usoum are ther aspects the Teronca ‘peice Sos wsurenerime baste tough the 1.000 [Hands and sel though restored Markham Stee Vege And for puro, unsduleated fur, Yor’ resturants cubs fand coffe housos are the placesto gp ake dark. NIAGARA FALLS. “Thisis one natura wonder that dein Eres up to ts acvance Dilng Whence Nisgeza such an urdecgetableaertursis Isacceeuby. Yeu ean sr the bundering wal of water rm the Skyler Tower, Hestage Toss. the Oneida Obscraion “Tone ane cher oy points. er 3 eso-up, you can cue ‘heb teal asoard a famoue ak afthe se Sra ‘erider so mary good manages sat so many good vacation ‘Sop. at weinspting Negara al. NEW YORK Big Apple Deluxe : i App ays/2 Nights XK From $117.00 pee person doubiotTaaYANBA The Ste oben, Raekafler Geter. the Zt Nations and te Broshay theatres ae only a ew of he fabulcus tice ets De By Aa, Ale pute eng the Dest the iy fs oof, you bo be sting fre Fin hot of your seltie. “Tour nehides +3 days el 2 nights at tel sleet Big Ape Visors Welcome Book Chale of TIO Brosduny sts (lego A) oF ONE fe ‘ure fom each of Caleyores A B, Cand D ‘Altexes and grauties tego A A). Broadway Show. Take your seat nthe orchestra or a ening or manes performance af a Croadiay rus ‘Somed a dien, Avance sanctions are necereay at lime af bong, (Grozday sow iets ay increase in frie during Ihe yee apseaie an appropiate sur ange vibe sole category 2 AL Big Apple Dshne Escorted Metoreoach Tour Spend a falda dlscaverry Lewes New York and Chinatown Up ‘war ane Cental Prk fe Staue of Liberty and the Ennple Site Buldng Observe. (Dax. yer-sound onmetmatey hour semission ince neh otinehiced) 1) Al Around the Tos. Erjoy 2 dete escorted =osce- ‘coach rar though nharan pus te pauls: Cirle Line ene around he and ‘Day. | ough vid Nowe be euncoach ots apoternate 4 sous, crube arose 3 hours eels in lode neh ret neluced) category ¢ A) A $10.00 Dine Around Diner Cetfeate rune 2 Your ehece of 17 len remaarants OR 9 13.00 Dine [round Lunch Cette one adrieion to Racia Sy ‘Musi Hol nid fst mada are tage shen Category D Al Unted Nations Tour, tormatie sur cencuced by 25 fil LN. Catcher) 1) Empire State Bulg, ssion othe ocr beara (Daly) (“We Pew York Experience” emission to a memeraie -muniredi presentation ot New Yor (Continous preformance Pony through Trsday 1 22m t2 “Foam. ray, Saturday and Side, noon to Spams Thou) ) World Trade Cents nisin to te wort’ highest ‘beenaian dees — 10 stores ebove stret leve aly Guiness Word Records Exhibit Hal. Admission to tha et het houses Eagan seconds of wie rect (Da) incon Center for the Performing As. Guided tour of ‘the complex some of America's fest penny sts ‘el home Dai 1 hou) G)Reckeleler Centr, Cuded tour tough 25 acres of brozecoet dior and oer fecnstons. (Day, 1 hou 5 blestvee 12.980 2 Dave? Nghis Top Shows at the Waldorf 3 Days/2Nights x $152.50 perpsisn doubrTaLsTRWS? “TheValdort — sta the fessor dsc iyo baspeable home “ar dua unforgetae rights Ret York. Within ae boc ofits pride ate al Le sthops, clube and testes al sliver fiom Blooming Galea a Bradway and nore “Tourincudes: 3 cays and 2 ng athe Wolo Atos Hote + Orchetra seat fran evening peter Brose usal + Orchestra seat fran ering peafonnar ola Sreacay ‘med or dae +1 Carinera breaklosin the Wns Pooch Ley ‘Altes ard raul leat 12001090 2Nohis New York Vacation 3 Days/2 Nights From $51.50 ow pecan darts cure Feeus on upton or dren an th vee clay an Nee ‘ere Aker ing the arent yous yar a ey the ci’ shops feacranis,miseirns,sgsisapes an lee mF actons at your oom pace your ow, “Tour includes +2.daga and 24h al hse see Choe of ONE. ae fly Uptown Naw Yor See Fh Annee Cote, ‘Cal Parc Rockstar Corer an Pais Cathe ‘Das appreemaly 2 |B} Dawa Newt York. Sie Growich Vilage, he Wark nda Cantey, the Bali Wal Shwe, Chita el Oe UN. Dai apotenamatey 255 hos) Aves ays? Nigh Flere 1-129 NEW YORK Broadway Holiday 3 Days/2 Nights From $73.50 pe psson subietansTRte Anolon New Yraa would the same wthout at teasione might a he theatral On rs show bur sera tour you tie doi of Folland a cesce of Broseway’s best The stars egitetng and Ie cursins sega, 32 sha ou ating oP ‘Toorlnewises: + Bays eights hotel ected + Orcs eat fn at rerng perfec os Bane ‘ie comedy ods of you hoe sales EE New York Sightseer 3 Days/2 Nights From $62.25 perrasen dawiarserinnonz The ss ond cans of eget cyl gt you Tyosoveonee Chom and Ler Stanton ar eb mar sear Fh feos ceeh Caer op Ke aun bt alien dee “Tour inedes: +3 days snd 2 right 2 tel selected Choice of OVF ofthe falling: ‘Lower New You wd Chinatown Ta Highlights inca Time Square, Proslacysdstons l Chinatoon al Ba toy ir np, pela 21 hos) 1) Upper Net Yok rel Cen Pe Ter, Highligh ‘hue Rocketeer Coen m Haer vh tp tical {Cem le Cit of ll te ns, spprocimatl 23 hous) + Adizcon to The New Yor Expired presentation or: New xe 1 hoe) sGaceeage on Broach Four (Dal abject esi) Aes Showtime New York 2 Nights or 3 Nights From $136.75 pu pu nfo Yor hy ayes shee Tis ele of rte nigh your rata ose ap Pn Sy er aighofyour sty. .9 anack wh tesa st Caleghers Restart andi nay the added a actne yeu shoe right tourinchdes: + Bdaysand2 night at hoa selec + Orchesua sea ar 2exsnng pester Broadvay mule + Ores seat for an evening perfomance ofa Bos comedy or crams “Aller Uwe enack at Calagher'sRemacrant (1854 pe ‘a ipinduded) Choice of OME che faloxing AAV The United Paons Tour (aly | hoa) BB} "The iow York Experience” Dally 1 ron) sales Seight tour includess “Al otues shea abone Phas * Orchestra seat fran everiny performance of ance Broscuay corned orci eeerT) Daye? Nghe 4 Days:9 Night NEW YORK New York Entree 2 Nights or 7 Nights * From $101 .50 per person aoubiesoasnyor27 Amica Atines as wnongedor your membership inthe Sew Yok Dining Chi sa pat ofthis lb vis to te Big op Wonder deal on wonder ness are yeurs, lor) ‘Mike cholse ol hotlerd Brood show ond hres unusta, pone arr, ‘Tou Ineludest 13 digs and nights 8 ds and 7 nights hot eee + Ojchesa seat fra Broadway musical comedy o era ‘of your choles (vance resets fe rcessarya Ue otbocking) + mission to “The Hew Yo Fxpaince fabulous en red prevsation on New York Dae 1 Hou ke nes Pus + American's New YarcDining Clb Members Fino [About America’s New York Dining Oh + This uiqu Ding Gb gies you eres to—and savings at aden of at Yores bent estauras Meals ache erp) etacrants re not Petaded ntur pros show Instat the oer ncuces Dining Cheb membersip ard a Din ing Cb bit shaming te wears, ade, prone hurber, descraons cos eglenants ed compete cn fare or srs eer at ase pices elude {ain sere eases ire abd eneraeyent. ning Gub Picea om 84.50 49 #97 50—substay ower than [neregulr pies fore seve mean these etarom, Touxe the belde, you sph select restaurant al for reanstionsappeo th your per upto ie we pesca) td present the applabie book page ip your wal bere ‘Setsiny, ly tems naz shown on yur Dining Club mara ll Dechurged in adaon tothe fied pric. arepatng Restaura: hte Brows Sardis epecabana Shunlse Pace Gajord Tevervon ve Green ora e's Thebrassere Mawes Pum TheFaurSensons (Oak Rocr The Pas Thebairbow Rocen 10 Optional At Tours of Manhstsre ‘A Tous of Manhatan ee name ofan unus.anganizaion Gfeceg guded tours f New Yorks bes prvate gales, ‘ruscut and arist eudio. tour groups ae smal andl [uides hav graduate degrees and werking experience nthe aching aware of New Yor. Taurs include hotel pleup and eur andrequre advan bootng Ay Anisidar's View of Sota, Lack behind te somes top Gales in Manfoaan sexe center a conternparary [Sten poy abit veto scent Creervich Vilage ‘Daly exept Manda. yor- ound: pres per pen: $2000 for heeds, $4000 for aay tur Ut ‘neues anchin Soho bisso and, for roups of 7 rarest an arts 1). Major Museums, Vat sore of the supers ealeons of the Whitey Museum of Perercan At he Guages Pasta athe Blrepolt Museum of A (Daly tcp. Mond: yenr-etansrios petperson. 20.0 for Foy four, £4000 forall cy fou that includes neh). (©) Modern At on Tuesday Evening Lear about the maj tence of 20rexenay at represen by Coleone and changing ahbtions ofthe Mexopolln, ‘Gugenheim and Witney mseurs(Toesdsy fn 630 tos pm ony yarrauncee per parson: $1500), 2Nigitso° 7 Nigh's 12160 ipesem presale.

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