Tab B, No. 5a 5/12/2017 Establish a Vermilion Snapper MSY Proxy and Adjust the Stock Annual Catch Limit Amendment 47 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico Including Environmental Assessment, Fishery Impact Statement, Regulatory Impact Review, and Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis May 2017 This is a publication of the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Pursuant to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA15NMF4410011. This page intentionally blank Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper i ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Name of Action Draft Amendment 47 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Reef Fish Resources of the Gulf of Mexico: Establish a Vermilion Snapper MSY Proxy and Adjust the Stock Annual Catch Limit Responsible Agencies and Contact Persons Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) 813-348-1630 2203 North Lois Avenue, Suite 1100 813-348-1711 (fax) Tampa, Florida 33607 [email protected] Steven Atran ([email protected]) National Marine Fisheries Service (Lead Agency) 727-824-5305 Southeast Regional Office 727-824-5308 (fax) 263 13th Avenue South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Peter Hood ([email protected]) Type of Action ( ) Administrative ( ) Legislative (X) Draft ( ) Final Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper ii ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT ABC Acceptable biological catch ACL Annual catch limit ACT Annual catch target ALS Accumulated landings system AM Accountability Measures AP Advisory Panel B Stock biomass level B Value of B capable of producing MSY on a continuing basis MSY CMAX Maximum yield-per-recruit under current fishing selectivities COI Certificate of inspection Council Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council CS Consumer surplus EA Environmental assessment EEZ Exclusive economic zone EFH Essential fish habitat EIS Environmental impact statement EJ environmental justice E.O. Executive Order EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act F Instantaneous Rate of Fishing Mortality F Fishing mortality rate corresponding to maximum yield-per-recruit CMAX under current fishing selectivities F Fishing mortality rate corresponding to conditional maximum yield- MAX per-recruit under knife-edge selectivity F Fishing mortality rate corresponding to an equilibrium yield of MSY MSY F Fishing mortality rate corresponding to an equilibrium yield of OY OY F fishing mortality corresponding to 30% spawning potential ratio 30%SPR FMP Fishery Management Plan GMFMC Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Gulf Gulf of Mexico gw Gutted weight IFQ individual fishing quota IPCC International Panel on Climate Change LEAP Law Enforcement Advisory Panel LOF List of fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act M Instantaneous Rate of Natural Mortality Magnuson-Stevens Act Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act MAX Maximum yield per recruit MFMT Maximum fishing mortality threshold MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act MRIP Marine Recreational Information Program MSST Minimum stock size threshold MSY Maximum sustainable yield Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper iii NAICS North American Industry Classification System NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NS1 National Standard 1 OFL Overfishing limit OMB Office of Management and Budget OY Optimum yield P* Probability of overfishing PDARP Programmatic Damage Assessment and Restoration Plan PIMS Permit Information Management System RFA Regulatory flexibility analysis RFFA reasonably foreseeable future actions RFFA Reasonably foreseeable future actions RFSAP Reef fish stock assessment panel RIR Regulatory impact review RQ Regional quotient SDC Status determination criteria Secretary Secretary of Commerce SEDAR Southeast Data, Assessment, and Review SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center SERO NMFS Southeast Regional Office SPR Spawning potential ratio SSB Spawning stock biomass SSBR Spawning stock biomass per recruit SSC Scientific and statistical committee SPR Spawning potential ratio TAC Total allowable catch TL Total length U.S.C. United States Code of federal regulations USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service VMS Vessel monitoring system VPA Virtual population analysis ww Whole weight Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper iv Environmental Assessment CovTeAr SBheLetE ... .O....F... .C....O....N....T...E....N....T...S.................................................. ii Abbreviations Used In This Document.......................................................................................... iii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ vii List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. x Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 11 1.2 Purpose and Need .............................................................................................................. 14 1.3 History of Management ..................................................................................................... 14 1.3.1 Vermilion Snapper History of Management ............................................................... 15 1.3.2 Status Determination Criteria History of Management .............................................. 19 1.3.3 Annual Catch Limits (ACL) and Annual Catch Targets (ACT) History of Management .......................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 2. Management Alternatives .......................................................................................... 20 2.1 Action 1 – Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Proxy ...................................................... 20 2.2 Action 2 –Annual Catch Limit (ACL) ................................................................................ 25 Chapter 3. Affected Environment ................................................................................................ 30 3.1 Description of the Physical Environment .......................................................................... 30 3.2 Description of the Biological Environment ........................................................................ 32 3.2.1 Vermilion Snapper Stock Status .................................................................................. 32 3.4.2 General Information on Reef Fish Species .................................................................. 35 3.4.3 Protected Species ......................................................................................................... 38 3.4.4 Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone ..................................................................... 44 3.4.5 Climate Change ............................................................................................................ 45 3.4.6 Deepwater Horizon MC252 Oil Spill Incident ............................................................ 46 3.3 Description of the Economic Environment........................................................................ 48 3.3.1 Recreational Sector ................................................................................................... 49 3.3.2 Commercial Sector .................................................................................................... 58 3.4 Description of the Social Environment .............................................................................. 66 3.4.1 Environmental Justice (EJ) ..................................................................................... 70 3.5 Description of the Administrative Environment ................................................................. 72 3.5.1 Federal Fishery Management ....................................................................................... 72 3.5.2 State Fishery Management ........................................................................................... 73 Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper v 3.6 Description of the Fishery .................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 4. Environmental Consequences .................................................................................... 76 4.1 Action 1: Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) Proxy ...................................................... 76 4.1.1 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Physical Environment ........................................... 76 4.1.2 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Biological Environment ......................................... 76 4.1.3 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Economic Environment ........................................ 78 4.1.4 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Social Environment .............................................. 78 4.1.5 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Administrative Environment ................................. 79 4.2 Action 2: Annual Catch Limit (ACL) ............................................................................... 80 4.2.1 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Physical Environment ........................................... 80 4.2.2 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Biological Environment ......................................... 81 4.2.3 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Economic Environment ........................................ 83 4.2.4 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Social Environment .............................................. 88 4.2.5 Direct and Indirect Effects on the Administrative Environment ................................. 89 4.3 Cumulative Effects Analysis............................................................................................... 90 Chapter 5. Regulatory Impact Review ......................................................................................... 93 5.4.2 Action 2: Annual Catch Limit (ACL) ......................................................................... 94 Chapter 6. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis ........................................................................... 96 Chapter 7. List of Preparers ....................................................................................................... 103 Chapter 8. List of Agencies Consulted ...................................................................................... 104 Chapter 9. References ................................................................................................................ 105 Appendix A – Other Applicable Law ......................................................................................... 119 Appendix B – Bycatch Practicability Analysis ........................................................................... 125 Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1.1. Vermilion snapper status determination criteria from Amendment 23. ................... 11 Table 1.1.2. Vermilion snapper landings by sector and ACL, 2012-2016. Landings are in pounds whole weight. ................................................................................................................... 13 Table 2.1.1. MFMT and MSST under each MSY proxy alternative. ......................................... 23 Table 2.2.1a. Vermilion snapper ACL under each alternative for an MSY proxy of 30% SPR. 25 Table 2.2.1b. Vermilion snapper ACL under each alternative for an MSY proxy of 26% SPR. 26 Table 2.2.2. Vermilion snapper commercial and recreational landing in pounds whole weight, 1986-2015. .................................................................................................................................... 26 Table 2.2.3a. Vermilion snapper OFL and ABC projections under constant F and constant catch scenarios at an MSY proxy of F . Units are millions of pounds whole weight. ................. 27 30% SPR Table 2.2.3b. Vermilion snapper OFL and ABC projections under constant F and constant catch scenarios at an MSY proxy of F . Units are millions of pounds whole weight. ................. 28 26% SPR Table 3.1.1. List of individual reef areas, bank Habitat Areas of Particular Concern, and other managed areas within the Gulf that have management measures regarding fishing gear, anchoring, or general fishing activity. .......................................................................................... 31 Table 3.2.1 Species of the Reef Fish FMP grouped by family, their stock status, and most recent stock assessment ........................................................................................................................... 36 Table 3.2.2 Total Gulf greenhouse gas emissions estimates (tons per year) .............................. 46 Table 3.3.1. Recreational and commercial landings of vermilion snapper, 2012 – 2016. .......... 49 Table Number of saltwater anglers and saltwater finfish fishing trips in the Gulf and U.S., 2011-2015. ........................................................................................................................... 49 Table Number of anglers, trips, and economic impacts of recreational finfish fishing trips in Gulf region, 2014. ............................................................................................................. 50 Table Percentage of angler trips (excluding headboats) by mode in 2014. ................... 50 Table Percentage of angler trips by fishing area in 2014, except Louisiana in 2013. .... 51 Table Percentage of number of finfish harvested by anglers in Gulf region by state, 2011-2015. .................................................................................................................................... 52 Table Number and percentage of for-hire reef fish permits by state of mailing recipient (of permit). .................................................................................................................................... 52 Table Number of fish in species groups caught by anglers in the Gulf by area, 2014... 53 Table Number of vermilion snapper landed by anglers by area of Gulf, 2010 – 2014. . 54 Table Number of vermilion snapper landed by anglers by vessel, 2010 – 2014. ........ 54 Table Number of charter and private vessel trips that targeted and landed vermilion snapper and percentage of trips that targeted vermilion snapper, 2010 – 2015. ........................... 55 Table Estimates of average annual economic impacts of directed fishing trips, not including headboats. ..................................................................................................................... 56 Table Number of charter and private vessel trips that targeted and landed vermilion snapper and percentage of trips that targeted vermilion snapper, 2010 – 2015. ........................... 56 Table Estimates of average annual economic impacts of directed fishing trips in EEZ. ....................................................................................................................................................... 57 Table Number and percentage of vermilion snapper landed by area, 2010 – 2015. .... 57 Table Commercial landings in the Gulf region and U.S., 2010 – 2014. ........................ 59 Table Economic impacts of all Gulf region landings by state, 2014. ............................ 59 Table Economic impacts of all reef fish landings by state, 2014. .................................. 60 Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper vii Table Number and percentage of vessels with a Gulf reef fish permit by state as of January 16, 2017. .......................................................................................................................... 60 Table Number of unique entities (mailing recipients) and vessels by size of their individual reef fish fleet. ............................................................................................................... 61 Table Number of vessels, trips, and total and average annual reef fish landings (lbs gw), 2010-2015. .................................................................................................................................... 62 Table Number of vessels, trips, and total and average annual dockside revenue (2015 $) from reef fish landings, 2010-2015. .............................................................................................. 62 Table Total dockside revenue from Gulf reef fish landings and all Gulf landings. ....... 63 Table Number of vessels, trips, and total and average vermilion snapper landings (lbs gw), 2010-2015. ............................................................................................................................ 63 Table Number of vessels, trips, and total and average annual dockside revenue (2015 $) from vermilion snapper landings, 2010-2015........................................................................... 64 Table Economic impacts of commercial vermilion snapper landings. ........................ 64 Table Commercial landings (lbs gw) of vermilion snapper by state, 2010-2015. ....... 65 Table Dockside revenue (2015 $) from Gulf vermilion snapper landings by state, 2010-2015. .................................................................................................................................... 65 Table Percentage of annual commercial landings of Gulf vermilion snapper by gear, 2010-2015. .................................................................................................................................... 66 Table Gulf of Mexico state marine resource agencies and Web pages. ......................... 73 Table Proposed vermilion snapper ACLs .................................................................... 82 Table Proposed vermilion snapper ACLs .................................................................... 82 Table Expected annual commercial sector landings from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 under each alternative for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR ................................................ 83 Table Expected annual recreational sector landings from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 under each alternative for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR ................................................ 83 Table Expected annual difference in ex-vessel commercial revenue from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value ..................................................................................................... 84 Table Cumulative expected difference in ex-vessel commercial revenue from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value .............................................................................................. 84 Table Expected annual difference in CS from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017- 2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. ............................................................................................................................................. 85 Table Cumulative expected difference in CS from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. ............................................................................................................................... 85 Table Expected annual commercial sector landings from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 under each alternative for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR ................................................ 85 Table Expected annual recreational sector landings from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 under each alternative for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR ................................................ 86 Table Expected annual difference in ex-vessel commercial revenue from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR., between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. .................................................................................................... 86 Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper viii Table Cumulative expected difference in ex-vessel commercial revenue from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR., between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. ........................................................................... 86 Table Expected annual difference in CS from the vermilion snapper ACL for 2017- 2021 for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR., between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. ............................................................................................................................................. 87 Table Cumulative expected difference in CS from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 26% SPR., between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. ............................................................................................................................... 87 Table Cumulative expected difference in ex-vessel commercial revenue from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR and of 26% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. .................................................... 88 Table Cumulative expected difference in CS from the vermilion snapper ACL from 2017-2021 for a MSY proxy of 30% SPR and of 26% SPR, between each alternative and Alternative 1, in nominal value. .................................................................................................... 88 Table 6.4.1. Vessels and businesses with a Gulf reef fish permit. .............................................. 97 Table 6.4.2. Vessels and businesses with a Gulf longline reef fish endorsement. ...................... 98 Table 6.4.3. Number of vessels with a reef fish permit and vermilion snapper landings, 2010- 2015............................................................................................................................................... 98 Table 6.4.4. Vessels and trips with vermilion snapper landings (lbs gw), and average landings per vessel, 2010 – 2015. ................................................................................................................ 99 Table 6.4.5. Dockside revenue (2015 $) from vermilion snapper and all species, 2010 – 2015 99 Table 6.4.6. Average annual landings (lbs gw) of vermilion snapper per vessel by gear, 2010 – 2015............................................................................................................................................. 100 Table 6.4.7. Average annual dockside revenue from vermilion snapper (V.S.) per vessel by gear, 2014 – 2015. ....................................................................................................................... 100 Table 6.4.8. Average dockside revenue from all species per vessel by gear, 2010 – 2015. ..... 101 Table 6.5.1. Annual landings of vermilion snapper by sector and stock ACL, 2010 -2016. .... 102 Table 6.6.1. Summary of economic impacts on small entities. ................................................. 102 Amendment 47 – Vermilion Snapper ix