REQUEST FOR QUOTATION TO, RFQ No.: GAIL/GA/W2K8033/3300029492/C&P/ELE/S GAIL WEBSITE VENDOR Dated : 18.02.2009 India Vendor Code - 101019938 Kind Attn : Mr/Ms Dear Sir/Madam, GAIL (India) Ltd. invites you to submit your offer in sealed envelope superscribing RFQ No. & Due date for the following services in complete accordance with enquiry documents/attachments: Name of work :AMC OF ELECTRICAL WORKS Bid Due Date & Time : 05.03.2009 at 14:00 Hrs Opening of Bids on : 05.03.2009 at 15:00 Hrs (In case of Two Bid system tender,unpriced bids shall be opened.) Validity of Offer Upto : 05.07.2009 Date of Pre Bid Conference : 26.02.2009 at _________Hrs Earnest Money: BIDS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH 'EARNEST MONEY / BID SECURITY' AS MENTIONED HEREUNDER, IN THE FORM OF 'DEMAND DRAFT' [IN FAVOR OF GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, PAYABLE AT 'STATE BANK OF INDIA (BRANCH: BHARUCH)'] OR 'BANKER'S CHEQUE' OR 'BANK GUARANTEE' OR 'LETTER OF CREDIT'. BIDDERS SHALL ENSURE THAT 'EARNEST MONEY / BID SECURITY', HAVING A VALIDITY OF AT LEAST 'SIX [06] MONTHS' FROM THE FINAL 'BID DUE DATE', MUST ACCOMPANY THE BID IN THE FORMAT(S) MADE AVAILABLE IN THE BID DOCUMENT. BIDN OT ACCOMPANIED WITH 'EARNEST MONEY / BID SECURITY', OR 'EARNEST MONEY / BID SECURITY' NOT IN REQUISITE FORM SHALL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED.EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT OF RS.71,780.00 (Rupees SEVENTY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY ONLY) IN THE FORM OF DEMAND DRAFT / BANK GUARANTEE FROM ANY NATIONALIZED BANK AND IN FAVOUR OF GAIL (INDIA) LTD.P AYABLE AT BHARUCH. Instruction to Bidders : " AS PER TENDER DOCUMENT ENCLSOED SECTION-II : INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS [ITB]& GENERAL CONDITION OF CONTRACT. FURTHER, IF ANY QUERY PLEASE CONTACT: RFQ No.: GAIL/GA/W2K8033/3300029492/C&P/ELE/S Dated : 18.02.2009 MANAGER [C & P] GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED VILL:ROZATANKARIA, TA:AMOD, DISTT. BHARUCH, GUJARAT - 392140 INDIA Phone: +91-02641-231005 Fax: 0265-2336241 Delivery/Completion Scheduele : AS PER TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Terms of Payment : AS PER TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Price Reduction Schedule : AS PER TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Performance Bank Gaurantee : AS PER TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Detailed Description/ Drg./Samples etc. : AS PER TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Other Contractual Stipulations: M/S. GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED INVITES YOU TO SUBMIT YOUR BID FORT HE CAPTIONED JOB/WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ENCLOSED "RFQ" DOCUMENTS/ATTACHMENTS. 1.0 M/s. GAIL (India) Limited invites you to submit your Bid for the captioned Job/Work (Hiring of Contract Service for "ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR) in complete accordance with the enclosed RFQ Document/attachments 1.1 Bids are to be submitted as mentioned in tender document separately in THREE parts, in sealed envelopes, superscribed with the above Tender No. & Due Date, Item and Nature of Bid (Priced or Un-priced) & Information duly filled in check list. ENVELOPE - I: Superscribing "Techno-Commercial / Un-priced Bid" [PART-I] PART-I: "Techno-commercial / Un-priced Bid" [to be furnished in 'original' only] shall contain the following: (a) 'Covering Letter' on Bidder's 'Letterhead' (b) 'Bidder's General Information', as per 'Format F-1' (c) A 'Bid Form', as per 'Format F-2' (d) Copies of documents, as required in 'Form F-3' (e) A confirmation that prices in requisite formats, strictly complying with the requirement, with prices blanked out written with word "QUOTED" against each item, are in 'Envelope No. - I', i.e. "Un-Priced Bid". (f) 'Documents' establishing the eligibility and conformity to the Bid Documents of all goods and services, which the Bidder proposes to supply under the Award is to be submitted. (g) One copy of 'Bid Security Bid Bond' in accordance with "RFQ" & Clause '15' of "ITB" to be furnished either in the form of " Banker's Cheque" / "Bank Draft" [in favor of GAIL (India) Limited, payable at State Bank of India, (Branch Code: Bharuch (Gujarat)] / "Bank Guarantee", as per 'Format F-4'. (h) 'Letter of Authority', as per 'Format F-5' (i) 'No Deviation Confirmation', as per 'Format F-6' (j) 'Bidder's Declaration', in 'Format F-6A' (k) 'Certificate' from Bidder, as per 'Format F-7' 'Proforma BANK GUARANTEE for contract performance serurity 'Format F-8'. (l) 'Terms and Conditions', as per 'Format F-9' (m) 'Regret Letter' [if applicable], as per 'Format F-10' (n) Documents substantiating "Bidder's Eligibility Criteria [BEC]" (o) 'REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION FOR THE APPLICABILITY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM RFQ No.: GAIL/GA/W2K8033/3300029492/C&P/ELE/S Dated : 18.02.2009 ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT ACT.2006. (o) Any other information / details required as per Bid Document Note: All pages of the Bid must be signed and stamped by the "authorized signatory" of the Bidder ENVELOPE - II: Superscribing "Price Bid" [PART-II] PART-II: "Price Bid" shall contain 'original' of "Schedule of Rates [SOR]" duly filled in, in a separate sealed envelope, duly signed & stamped on each page, superscribing on the sealed envelope "Price Bid - Not to Open with Techno-commercial / Un-priced Bid". In case of any correction, the Bidder shall put their full signature & stamp. ENVELOPE - III: Superscribing "Bid Security" [PART-III] PART-III: Shall contain 'original' of "Bid Security" in a separate sealed envelope. 2.0 GENERAL 2.1 Bid Document is 'Non-transferable'. Bidder must submit the Bid directly. Bids received from bidders in whose name Bid Document has been issued or downloaded by any prospective bidder from GAIL website shall only be considered. 2.2 Bids, complete in all respects, should reach the Office of MANAGER [C & P],GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED, VILL:ROZATANKARIA,TA:AMOD, DISTT. BHARUCH,GUJARAT - 392140 INDIA, Phone: +91-02641-231005 Fax: 0265-2336241, , on or before the 'BID DUE DATE and TIME'. Fax/Telegraphic/E-mail Bids shall be rejected. Bids received beyond the 'BID DUE DATE and TIME' shall not be considered. In case of any query please contact at the following: MANAGER [C & P] GAIL (INDIA) LIMITED VILL:ROZATANKARIA, TA:AMOD, DISTT. BHARUCH, GUJARAT - 392140 INDIA Phone: +91-02641-231005 Fax: 0265-2336241 2.3 GAIL will not be responsible for the cost incurred in preparation and delivery of Bids. 2.4 This "REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ)" is an integral and inseparable part of the enclosed Bid Document. Bidders are advised to quote strictly as per the terms and conditions of the Tender Document and not to stipulate any deviation/exception. Once quoted, the bidder shall not make any subsequent price change whether resulting or arising out of any technical/commercial clarification sought regarding the Bid. Such price changes shall render the Offer/Bid liable for rejection. Bidder must note that the work cannot be sub-contracted under any circumstances. 2.5 GAIL reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids received at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. General Conditions of Contract : PLEASE REF AS PER " SECTION - IX : GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT [GCC]'BOOKLET FORM' ENCLOSED WITH 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Special Conditions of Contract : PLEASE REF AS PER ' SECTION-III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT [SCC]' OF ENCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Enclosures : TENDER DOCUMENT [COMPRISING OF THE FOLLOWING 'SECTIONS']WITH THIS REQUEST FOR RFQ No.: GAIL/GA/W2K8033/3300029492/C&P/ELE/S Dated : 18.02.2009 QUOTATION HAVING FOLLOWING SECTION ITS INTEGRAL PART: " SECTION-I : BIDDER'S ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA [BEC] " SECTION-II : INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS [ITB] " SECTION-III: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT [SCC] " SECTION-IV: SPECIFICATIONS & SCOPE OF WORK " SECTION-V : SCHEDULE OF RATES " SECTION-VI: FORMS AND FORMATS " SECTION-VII : HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT [HSE] SPECIFICATIONS " SECTION-VIII : LABOUR LEGISLATION " SECTION - IX : GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT [GCC] Bid Evaluation Criterion: "BIDDER'S ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA(BEC)" AS PER SECTION-I OFE NCLOSED 'TENDER DOCUMENT' Agreed upon Terms & Conditions: AS PER ENCLOSED TENDER DOCUMENT Bids complete in all respects should reach office of Incharge (C&P), GAIL (India) Ltd., at the above address on or before 14.00 hrs of the scheduled date. Bids received after the due date and time are liable to be rejected. GAIL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders received at its absolute discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. Thanking You, Yours truly, For & on behalf of GAIL (India) Ltd. (Authorised Signatory) गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) (cid:34)(cid:34) TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 1 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) (cid:34)(cid:34) IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS PPLLEEAASSEE NNOOTTEE TTHHAATT TTHHIISS ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]]"" IISS OONN ""ZZEERROO DDEEVVIIAATTIIOONN"" BBAASSIISS.. GGAAIILL WWIILLLL AACCCCEEPPTT OOFFFFEERRSS BBAASSEEDD OONN TTEERRMMSS AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]] AANNDD TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT"" OONNLLYY.. DDEEVVIIAATTIIOONN TTOO TTEERRMMSS AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]] AANNDD TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT"" MMAAYY LLEEAADD TTOO RREEJJEECCTTIIOONN OOFF OOFFFFEERR.. ""IINNCCOOMMPPLLEETTEE BBIIDDSS SSHHAALLLL NNOOTT BBEE CCOONNSSIIDDEERREEDD"" PPRRIIOORR TTOO DDEETTAAIILLEEDD EEVVAALLUUAATTIIOONN,, PPUURRSSUUAANNTT TTOO ""BBIIDDDDEERR''SS EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY AANNDD RREEJJEECCTTIIOONN CCRRIITTEERRIIAA"",, GGAAIILL WWIILLLL DDEETTEERRMMIINNEE TTHHEE SSUUBBSSTTAANNTTIIAALL RREESSPPOONNSSIIVVEENNEESSSS OOFF EEAACCHH BBIIDD TTOO TTHHEE ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]] AANNDD TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT"".. FFOORR TTHHEE PPUURRPPOOSSEE OOFF TTHHIISS,, AA SSUUBBSSTTAANNTTIIAALLLLYY RREESSPPOONNSSIIVVEE BBIIDD IISS OONNEE WWHHIICCHH CCOONNFFOORRMMSS TTOO AALLLL TTHHEE TTEERRMMSS AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF TTHHEE BBIIDDDDIINNGG DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTSS WWIITTHHOOUUTT DDEEVVIIAATTIIOONNSS OORR RREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONNSS.. GGAAIILL''SS DDEETTEERRMMIINNAATTIIOONN OOFF AA BBIIDD''SS RREESSPPOONNSSIIVVEENNEESSSS IISS BBAASSEEDD OONN TTHHEE CCOONNTTEENNTT OOFF TTHHEE BBIIDD IITTSSEELLFF WWIITTHHOOUUTT RREECCOOUURRSSEE TTOO EEXXTTRRIINNSSIICC EEVVIIDDEENNCCEE.. TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL AANNDD//OORR CCOOMMMMEERRCCIIAALL QQUUEERRIIEESS [[TTQQ//CCQQ]] FFOORR SSEEEEKKIINNGG CCLLAARRIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS OONNLLYY,, IIFF RREEQQUUIIRREEDD,, MMAAYY BBEE IISSSSUUEEDD TTOO OONNLLYY TTHHOOSSEE BBIIDDDDEERRSS WWHHOOSSEE BBIIDDSS AARREE PPRRIIMMAA-- FFAACCIIEE RREESSPPOONNSSIIVVEE.. TTHHEE RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR SSUUCCHH CCLLAARRIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS AANNDD TTHHEE RREESSPPOONNSSEE SSHHAALLLL BBEE IINN WWRRIITTIINNGG AANNDD NNOO CCHHAANNGGEE IINN TTHHEE PPRRIICCEE OORR SSUUBBSSTTAANNCCEE OOFF BBIIDDSS SSHHAALLLL BBEE SSOOUUGGHHTT,, OOFFFFEERREEDD OORR PPEERRMMIITTTTEEDD.. TTHHEE SSUUBBSSTTAANNCCEE OOFF TTHHEE BBIIDD IINNCCLLUUDDEESS BBUUTT NNOOTT LLIIMMIITTEEDD TTOO PPRRIICCEE,, DDEELLIIVVEERRYY // CCOOMMPPLLEETTIIOONN,, SSCCOOPPEE,, TTEECCHHNNIICCAALL SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS,, EETTCC.. BBIIDDDDEERRSS AARREE RREEQQUUEESSTTEEDD TTOO NNOOTT TTOO TTAAKKEE AANNYY DDEEVVIIAATTIIOONN TTOO TTHHEE TTEERRMMSS AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]] AANNDD TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT"",, AANNDD SSUUBBMMIITT AALLLL TTHHEE RREEQQUUIISSIITTEE DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTSS AASS MMEENNTTIIOONNEEDD IINN TTHHEE ""RREEQQUUEESSTT FFOORR QQUUOOTTAATTIIOONN [[RRFFQQ]] AANNDD TTEENNDDEERR DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT"",, FFAAIILLIINNGG WWHHIICCHH YYOOUURR OOFFFFEERR SSHHAALLLL BBEE OOUUTTRRIIGGHHTT RREEJJEECCTTEEDD.. TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 2 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) TTAABBLLEE OOFF CCOONNTTEENNTTSS (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--II :: BBIIDDDDEERR''SS EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY CCRRIITTEERRIIAA [[BBEECC]] (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--IIII :: IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS TTOO BBIIDDDDEERRSS [[IITTBB]] (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--IIIIII :: SSPPEECCIIAALL CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF CCOONNTTRRAACCTT [[SSCCCC]] (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--IIVV :: SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS && SSCCOOPPEE OOFF WWOORRKK (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--VV :: SSCCHHEEDDUULLEE OOFF RRAATTEESS (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--VVII :: FFOORRMMSS AANNDD FFOORRMMAATTSS (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--VVIIII :: HHEEAALLTTHH,, SSAAFFEETTYY AANNDD EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT [[HHSSEE]] SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN--VVIIIIII :: LLAABBOOUURR LLEEGGIISSLLAATTIIOONN (cid:153)(cid:153) SSEECCTTIIOONN –– IIXX :: GGEENNEERRAALL CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF CCOONNTTRRAACCTT [[GGCCCC]] TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 3 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) (cid:31)(cid:31) (cid:32)(cid:32) SSEECCTTIIOONN--II BBIIDDDDEERR''SS EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY CCRRIITTEERRIIAA [[BBEECC]] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 4 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) ""BBIIDDDDEERR''SS EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY CCRRIITTEERRIIAA [[BBEECC]]"" [[FFOORR SSTTRRIICCTT CC OOMMPPLLIIAANNCCEE]] ((ii)) EXPERIENCE: BBiiddddeerr mmuusstt hhaavvee ““ssuucccceessssffuullllyy ccoommpplleetteedd”” aatt lleeaasstt oonnee ssiinnggllee wwoorrkk oorrddeerr // sseerrvviiccee ccoonnttrraacctt hhaavviinngg mmiinniimmuumm vvaalluuee RRss.. 1177,,9944,,448866..0000 ((RRuuppeeeess SSeevveenntteeeenn llaakkhh NNiinneettyy ffoouurr TThhoouussaanndd ffoouurr HHuunnddrreedd eeiigghhttyy ssiixx oonnllyy)) ffoorr tthhee wwoorrkk ooff mmaaiinntteennaannccee ooff eelleeccttrriiccaall wwoorrkkss // jjoobb ooff eerreeccttiioonn,, tteessttiinngg aanndd ccoommmmiissssiioonniinngg ooff eelleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemmss iinn aannyy OOiill && GGaass ttrraannssmmiissssiioonn // HHyyddrrooccaarrbboonn PPrroocceessssiinngg ppllaanntt // ffeerrttiilliizzeerr ppllaanntt // ppeettrroocchheemmiiccaallss ppllaanntt // ppoowweerr ppllaanntt aawwaarrddeedd tthheemm bbyy Govt. Deptt. / PSUs / Reputed Pvt. Organizations, in previous seven years reckon from the final bid due date ((ffiinnaall ooppeenniinngg ddaattee ooff tteecchhnniiccaall bbiidd ppaarrtt--11)) with its execution certificates in support of their experience. BBiiddddeerr mmuusstt ssuubbmmiitt ddooccuummeennttaarryy eevviiddeennccee dduullyy aatttteesstteedd bbyy NNoottaarryy PPuubblliicc ccooppiieess ooff aa ccoommpplleettee sseett ooff wwoorrkk oorrddeerr // sseerrvviiccee ccoonnttrraacctt iinncclluuddiinngg ssccooppee ooff wwoorrkk,, SSCCCC,, SSOORR eettcc.. wwhhiicchh sshhoouulldd bbee ssuuffffiicciieenntt ttoo aasscceerrttaaiinn eexxppeerriieennccee aanndd eexxeeccuutteedd vvaalluuee ooff wwoorrkk oorrddeerr iinn ffoorrmm ooff ccoommpplleettiioonn cceerrttiiffiiccaattee // pprrooooff ooff ppaayymmeenntt aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee wwoorrkk oorrddeerr // sseerrvviiccee ccoonnttrraacctt iinn ssuuppppoorrtt ooff tthhee aabboovvee eexxppeerriieennccee.. ((iiii)) EELLEECCTTRRIICCAALL CCOONNTTRRAACCTTOORR LLIICCEENNSSEE:: BBiiddddeerr mmuusstt ppoosssseessss vvaalliidd eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoonnttrraaccttoorr lliicceennssee iissssuueedd bbyy EElleeccttrriiccaall IInnssppeeccttoorraattee OOffffiiccee,, GGaannddhhiinnaaggaarr,, GGuujjaarraatt aanndd sshhaallll ssuubbmmiitt tthhee ccooppyy ooff ssaammee DDuullyy aatttteesstteedd bbyy NNoottaarryy PPuubblliicc.. FFIINNAANNCCIIAALL CCRRIITTEERRIIAA.. a. Turn Over: The annual turn over of the bidder should be minimum Rs. Rs. 8,97,243.00 (Rupees Eight Lakh Ninety seven thousand two hundred forty three only) in any of the last three financial year, if it is Single Entity. The turn over of each partner should be minimum Rs. 4,48,622.00 (Rupees Four Lakh Forty Eight thousand Six hundred twenty two only) in any of the last three financial years, if it is JV/Consortium. The leader of the JV/Consortium should have turn over minimum Rs. 8,97,243.00 (Rupees Eight Lakh Ninety seven thousand two hundred forty three only) during any of the preceding three years w.e.f. bid due date (For this purpose format “A” to be filled and submitted.) Bidder must submit Notary attested copies of audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account in support of above requirement. bb)) NNeett WWoorrtthh:: NNeett wwoorrtthh ooff tthhee bbiiddddeerr// JJVV//CCoonnssoorrttiiuumm sshhoouulldd bbee ppoossiittiivvee aass ppeerr tthhee llaasstt aauuddiitteedd ffiinnaanncciiaall ssttaatteemmeenntt.. FFoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee ffoorrmmaatt ””BB”” ttoo bbee ffiilllleedd aanndd ssuubbmmiitttteedd.. cc)) WWoorrkkiinngg ccaappiittaall:: BBiiddddeerr// LLeeaaddeerr ooff JJVV//ccoonnssoorrttiiuumm sshhoouulldd hhaavvee mmiinniimmuumm wwoorrkkiinngg ccaappiittaall ooff RRss..11,,7799,,444488//--((RRuuppeeeess OOnnee LLaakkhh SSeevveennttyy NNiinnee tthhoouussaanndd FFoouurr hhuunnddrreedd FFoorrttyy EEiigghhtt oonnllyy)) aass ppeerr tthhee llaasstt aauuddiitteedd ffiinnaanncciiaall ssttaatteemmeenntt bbiidd dduuee ddaattee.. IIff tthhee bbiiddddeerr’’ss wwoorrkkiinngg ccaappiittaall iiss iinnaaddeeqquuaattee tthhee bbiiddddeerr sshhoouulldd ssuupppplleemmeenntt tthhiiss wwiitthh bbiiddddeerr’’ss bbaannkk,, hhaavviinngg nneett wwoorrtthh nnoott lleessss tthhaann RRss..110000 ccrroorreess,, lleetttteerr ccoonnffiirrmmiinngg tthhee aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy ooff lliinnee ooff ccrreeddiitt ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt RRss.. 11,,7799,,444488//--((RRuuppeeeess OOnnee LLaakkhh SSeevveennttyy NNiinnee tthhoouussaanndd FFoouurr hhuunnddrreedd FFoorrttyy EEiigghhtt oonnllyy)) FFoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee ffoorrmmaatt ””BB”” ttoo bbee ffiilllleedd aanndd ssuubbmmiitttteedd.. IInn ccaassee ooff wwoorrkkiinngg ccaappiittaall iiss iinnaaddeeqquuaattee tthhaann lliinnee ooff ccrreeddiitt ffrroomm bbaannkk ((aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee aass ppeerr ffoorrmmaatt ffrroomm bbaannkkeerr)) iiss ttoo bbee ffuurrnniisshh.. PPFF && EESSIICC NNOO :: BBiiddddeerr mmuusstt hhaavvee ""PPeerrmmaanneenntt EEPPFF AAccccoouunntt"" && ""EEmmppllooyyeeeess'' SSttaattee IInnssuurraannccee CCoorrppoorraattiioonn [[EESSIICC]] CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee"" iinn iittss nnaammee.. WWhheerreevveerr ""EESSIICC"" iiss nnoott aapppplliiccaabbllee,, tthhee ssaammee sshhaallll bbee ggoovveerrnneedd bbyy ""WWoorrkkmmeenn''ss CCoommppeennssaattiioonn AAcctt,, 11992233"".. DDooccuummeennttaarryy pprrooooffss ooff ""PPeerrmmaanneenntt EEPPFF AAccccoouunntt"" aanndd ""EESSIICC""//""WWoorrkkmmeenn''ss CCoommppeennssaattiioonn CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee [[pprriioorr ttoo ccoommmmeenncceemmeenntt ooff wwoorrkk,, iinn ccaassee ooff aawwaarrdd]]"" mmuusstt bbee ssuubbmmiitttteedd.. TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 5 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR गगेलेल ((इइंंििडडययाा)) ििललििममटटेेडड ((भभााररतत ससररककाारर ककाा उउपपबबमम)) GGAAIILL ((IInnddiiaa)) LLiimmiitteedd ((AA GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt ooff IInnddiiaa UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg)) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 71780.00 ( Rupees Seventy One thousand Seven hundred Eighty only) in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee( submit as mentioned at section-III of GCC sub clause 6.0 Earnest Money) from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in flavor of GAIL (India) Ltd. Payable at Bharuch. NNoottee:: TThhee BBiiddddeerr((ss)) aarree rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ssuubbmmiitt tthhee ccooppiieess ooff aallll cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess // ddooccuummeennttaarryy eevviiddeennccee aass mmeennttiioonneedd aabboovvee dduullyy aatttteesstteedd bbyy NNoottaarryy PPuubblliicc ttoowwaarrddss mmeeeettiinngg tthhee BBEECC ooff tthhee HHiirriinngg ooff CCoonnttrraacctt SSeerrvviiccee ffoorr aannnnuuaall MMaaiinntteennaannccee ccoonnttrraacctt ooff EElleeccttrriicc wwoorrkkss aatt GGPPUU,, GGaannddhhaarr NNOOTTEE TTOO ""BBIIDDDDEERR''SS EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY CCRRIITTEERRIIAA [[BBEECC]]"" (cid:49)(cid:49) BBIIDDDDEERRSS MMUUSSTT FFUURRNNIISSHH AALLLL DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAARRYY PPRR0000FF // RREELLEEVVAANNTT CCEERRTTIIFFIICCAATTEESS // DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTSS // IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN DDUULLYY AATTTTEESSTTEEDD BBYY NNOOTTAARRYY PPUUBBLLIICC IINN SSUUPPPPOORRTT OOFF TTHHEEIIRR CCRREEDDEENNTTIIAALLSS TTOO AALLLL TTHHEE AABBOOVVEE ''EELLIIGGIIBBIILLIITTYY CCRRIITTEERRIIAA'' AALLOONNGGWWIITTHH TTHHEE ''OOFFFFEERR // BBIIDD'',, FFAAIILLIINNGG WWHHIICCHH TTHHEE ''OOFFFFEERR // BBIIDD'' SSHHAALLLL BBEE LLIIAABBLLEE FFOORR RREEJJEECCTTIIOONN,, WWIITTHHOOUUTT AANNYY FFUURRTTHHEERR RREEFFEERREENNCCEE.. (cid:49)(cid:49) BBIIDDDDEERRSS NNOOTT MMEEEE(cid:31)(cid:31)TTIINNGG AANNYY OOFF TTHHEE AABBOOVVEE--MMEENNTTIIOONNEEDD CCRRIITTEERRIIAA SSHHAALLLL BBEE RREEJJEECCTTEEDD WWIITTHHOOUUTT AASSSSIIGGNNIINNGG AANNYY RREEAASSOONN.. Any bidder who wishes to quote against this tender may and submit the Bid complete in all respect as per terms & conditions of contract on or before the due date along with an undertaking that the contents of the Bidding Document have not been altered or modified. An undertaking (by the bidders who quotes by down loading the tender from web site) on non judicial stamp paper of appropriate value stating that “The contents of the Tender Document have not been modified or altered by M/s ………… (Name of the bidder with complete address). In case, it is found that the tender document has been modified / altered by the bidder, the bid submitted by the M/s ………… (Name of the bidder) shall be liable for rejection”. TENDER NO. GAIL/GDR/LPG/C&P/ELECTRICAL/W2K8033 Page 6 of 68 HIRING CONTRACT SERVICES FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF ELECTRICAL WORKS AT GPU , GANDHAR