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Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration PDF

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United States Office of Air Quality EPA-450/4-87-007 Environmental Protection Planning and Standards May 1987 Agency Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 Air AMBIENT MONITORING GUIDELINES ,~~EPA FOR PREVENTION OF SIGNIFICANT DETERIORATION (PSD) ---------- - ·---·---- ---···--·-----·- -·------····--------------------- EPA~450/4~87~007 May 1987 Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) by Monitoring and Data Analysi~ Division Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory Office of Research and Development U_S_ Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park NC 27711 FOREWORD Many individuals were involved in the preparation of this document and should be contacted if any questions arise in the application of the guideline. Phone Number Subject Area Contact (Area Code 919) FTS Number Ambient Air Quality Stan Sleva 541-5652 629-5652 Monitoring David Lutz 541-5476 629-5476 Meteorological James Dicke 541-5682 629-5682 Monitoring Quality Assurance Larry Purdue 541-2665 629-2665 (Ambient Air Jack Puzak 541-2106 629-2106 Quality) PSD Policy and Gary McCutchen 541-5592 629-5592 Interpretation of Regulations Acceptable Methods Larry Purdue 541-2665 629-2665 Non-Criteria Ken Rehme 541-2666 629-2666 Pollutants i i DISCLAIMER This report has been prepared by the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. It has been subject to the Agency's peer and administrative review, and it has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. i i i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------ 1 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONSIDERATIONS--------------------------- 3 2.1 Monitoring Data Rationale------------------------------------ 3 2.1.1 Criteria Pollutants - ?reconstruction Phase----------- 3 2.1.2 Criteria Pollutants - Postconstruction Phase---------- 4 2.1.3 Noncriteria Pollutants - ?reconstruction and Postconstruction Phase-------------------------------- 5 2.2 Monitoring Objective and Data Uses--------------------------- 5 2.3 VOC and O3 Monitoring Requirements--------------------------- 5 2.4 Use of Representative Air Quality Data----------------------- 6 2.4.1 Monitor Location-------------------------------------- 6 2.4.2 Data Quality------------------------------------------ 8 2.4 .3 Currentness of Data----------------------------------- 9 2.4.4 Provisions for PM1o and TSP in Transition Period of 1987 PSD Amendments-------------------------------- 9 2.5 Duration of Monitoring--------------------------------------- 9 2.5.1 Normal Conditions------------------------------------- 9 2.5.2 Transition Period for PM1o and TSP-------------------- 10 Transition Within 10 Months After Effective Date of PM10 Amendments------------- 10 Transition During 10-16 Months After Effective Date of PM10 Amendments------------- 11 Transition During 16-24 Months After Effective Date of PM1o Amendments------------- 12 Period Following 24 Months After Effective Date of PM1o Amendments----------------------- 12 2.6 Sampling Methods and Procedures------------------------------ 13 2.7 Frequency of Sampling---------------------------------------- 13 2.8 Monitoring Plan---------------------------------------------- 14 2.9 Meteorological Parameters and Measurement Methods------------ 14 i v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3. NETWORK DESIGN AND PROBE SITING CRITERIA-------------------------- 17 3.1 Network Design----------------------------------------------- 17 3~2 Number and Location of Monitors------------------------------ 17 3.2.1 Preconstruction Phase--------------------------------- 17 3.2.2 Postconstruction Phase-------------------------------- 19 3.2.3 Special Concerns for Location of Monitors------------- 19 3.3 Probe Siting Criteria----------------------------------------- 19 3.3.1 Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)--------------------- 21 Vertical Placement---------------------------- 21 Spacing from Obstructions----------------~---- 22 Spacing from Roads---------------------------- 22 Other Considerations-------------------------- 24 a--------------------------------------------------- 3.3.2 PM1 24 Vertical Placement---------------------------- 24 Spacing from Obstructions--------------------- 24 Spacing from Roads-~-------------------------­ 25 3.3.2A Other Considerations-------------------------- 25 3.3.3 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)----------------------------------- 25 Horizontal and Vertical Probe Placement------- 25 Spacing from Obstructions--------------------- 25 3.3.4 Carbon Monoxide (CO)----------------------------------- 26 Horizontal and Vertical Probe Placement------- 26 Spacing from Obstructions--------------------- 26 Spacing from Roads---------------------------- 26 3.3.5 Ozone (03)--------------------------------------------- 27 Vertical and Horizontal Probe Placement------- 27 Spacing from Obstructions--------------------- 27 Spacing from Roads---------------------------- 27 3.3.6 Nitrogen Dioxide (N02)--------------------------------- 28 Vertical and Horizontal Probe Placement------- 28 Spacing from Obstructions--------------------- 28 v

guideline. Subject Area. Ambient Air Quality. Monitoring. Meteorological. Monitoring .. of air pollution controls rather than before controls as was sampling procedures and methods, duration of sampling, quality assurance . size of the three types of areas are determined through the applica-tien o
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