The Meditator’s Companion to the Buddha’s Land Kory Goldberg & Michelle Décary Kory Goldberg is a Humanities professor and Michelle Décary is a freelance writer, yoga teacher and organic gardener. They have been practising Vipassana meditation and travelling to the Buddha’s Land since the late 1990s. Pariyatti Press an imprint of Pariyatti Publishing 867 Larmon Road Onalaska, WA 98570 USA Tel. [+1] 360-978-4998 © 2012 by Kory Goldberg & Michelle Décary All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. First Printing 2009 Second Printing 2012 ePub: 978-1-938754-03-6 Mobi: 978-1-938754-04-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2009940411 Updates and resources: The authors wish to thank Aleksei Gomez for permission to use his illustration on the cover and title page of this book. Thanks also goes to the following artists for the images they so readily offered for use in this publication: Lluïsot Domènech: pages 20, 22, 50, 70, 72, 117, 151 and 303. Anita Ghanekar: pages 79 and 282. Aleksei Gomez: also pages 100, 109, 132, 159, 241, 293 and 307. Gary Gronokowski: page xx. Nik ‘the Bhik’ Halay: pages 111, 139 and 274. Jenny Jeffs: pages 1, 87, 89, 91, 108, 138, 157, 205, 234, 270 and 358. Michael Pancoe: pages 42, 66, 119, and 359. Godeliève Richard: pages 3, 76, 77, 166, 305, 339 and 340. Bjarni Wark: pages 60, 81, 130, 169 and 175. Printed in the United States of America Not all who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien Wherever you travel in this world, Above, across, or below; Carefully examine at all times The arising and passing of all compounded things. – Gotama the Buddha Pariyatti Press Enriching the world by: Disseminating the words of the Buddha Providing sustenance for the seeker’s journey Illuminating the meditator’s path Contents Prologue A Note on Names, Language & References Acknowledgements Introduction Using this Book Travelling in India Planning Your Journey Planning Choosing Your Dates Seasons Cheap Flights Visas & Other Essential Documents Packing A Travel Routine Travelling with Friends Travelling Alone Women Travellers Travelling with Kids Travelling with Pets Travel Insurance Medications & Vaccinations You’ve landed Accommodations Food Health Travel: Trains, Buses, Rickshaws, etc The Conscientious Meditator Etiquette around Monks & Nuns Language Money Communications Business Hours Shopping Electricity Laundry Toilets & Bathrooms Warnings Volunteer Work Dhamma Centres Suggested Itineraries for a Dhamma Yatra The Middle Land (Majjhima Desa) Dhamma Art, Architecture & History Stūpas (Pagodas, Cetiyas, Chortens) Temples & Monasteries Statues of the Buddha Dhamma Asoka: His Pillars & Policies The Dhamma’s Decline in India The Rediscovery of Dhamma Culture & Practice in India The Middle Land: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & South Nepal Lumbinī Birth of the Bodhisatta Sleeping & Eating Coming & Going Excursions Nepalese Kapilavatthu & Surrounding Areas Kapilavastu (Kapilavatthu) Prince Siddhattha’s First 29 Years The Buddha’s Return to the Sakyans The Kapilavatthu Debate Nepalese Kapilavatthu & Surrounding Sites:Site- Sitting Sleeping & Eating Coming & Going Indian Kapilavatthu: Site-Sitting Sleeping & Eating Coming & Going Bodhgayā (Buddhagayā, Uruvelā) The Great Awakening Site-Sitting Volunteer Work in Bodhgayā Sleeping & Eating Coming & Going Excursions Sārnāth (Isipatana)