YOU ALONE in the ; MAINE WOODS. ‘You Alune in the Maine Wouts ‘This is your personsl survival manual, Read it thoroughly bejore your tip me the Maine woods, ‘and then carey it sith you witen you £0. NAME ADDRESS E-MAIL PHONE, Modical problems, if any (include drug reactions) BLOOD TYPE Ta case af accident ar serous ines. please raiily NAME ADDRESS 0... PHONE ‘YOU ALONE in the MAINE WOODS Acpractieal guide to wus comfirt, safety, und survival US EBITION 1972 26 EDITION 1973, 3° KDITION 1974 4" EDITION 19; SEDITION 1976 6 EDITION 1979 7 EDITION 1983 8° EDITION U9 98 EDITION 2001 [0 EDITION 2003 Search 8 Rescue Concanator Auel Col fen Vash Mains Warden Service Stare of M Department of Inland Fisherses and Wildlife CONTENTS Be Prepaved - Have a Smvivall Kit, Eel Somegar Kase . 6 Dress Warm, Stay Warm Boots. Map and Compass Overnight Prepar Fire i Survival ie Starting in the Rain Sholuers Spending the Night Tips to Keep Wart snnsnnnanne Signals Mental Control Faible Wild Fuods First Aid Water Sufety far Ouutuurs Loadiug Your Boat . Find » Space/Shaw Your Fave. solv ans ¥e terete nrgan? mrnsgew Be ST ‘Heed Sec the ep et Vain ad recy sponte fy wares ee been Siheranl seam sc intake ei Ele Tenuta anes Sper}, Reread Were nls irae ae nia tetera Shae [PREPARED TAYE 4 SERVIVAL Bt emir tea sri tai ea tesa ‘ere wan arent ap sa Air Those that “me ramket wi asirok 2c tequicl » Spe aut ena Ulta Ste pan thoes LET SOMLONE KNOW Along wth yeu aucsie lhl you ate anther sigan afl bene ents Ine Mine wee, Make "re you ll somooae where po wre ping neluding ‘itn itinerary. ane when sou po return, 3:30 Aon she youre, Leave i she ice be oi foond ‘nd word 8 slaring pos Cr rss, once a oar Bs ‘Tae Wardon Sersizes sponsible or Fede $9 inate yes hecoms lst in ths Woods, The Sse Pi ne inradic sear nth wadone so thors consent seal ll the nearest Stas Plise hana, ey wil wy the Wedsa Servis oR WARM, STAY WARK sn ies ral wasthan of abl vase wr searcofte ponte hecag he le wae Rese Pune ac th esta srw tas ls reg’ py bl hs aly oer swanhnrn usr sci: Pisin Per py cr si ey sn Fl at ky tes we a sare Tr hanger at gp tle. ein Se AS il engi neal vnlereae hepe as # Ki er srcveaely spring plunge ine Ine Mocs er ‘le oartn' onze ee woolen so, cot ll ema deve of eosetnen and or coe EN ineeting ina vance Tasir tars more ik une hee? er, a eat srt nha i Gre care aol Deep, sm eke Bet eae FS, ‘Soll Tees consis of scaly grote! brates rade pie um OPA ch, {Seip opr inguimeri Knaluse, Socks were died "eo gh is nel regen Reopbe I ae 8 Cee expexraremer raion, Sheepskia ere Teme sve rg wed vanes, Thee aes weeaazaly Bee fee. acest li sas foresee bo cele shine er the Maes ao” They had org koa ts ixpectance owing Ibs cd owen, ve ta ro Be ae op fost we a behead lool ase the Wt. The uke serve to cep cue needs, rt He EH EE Wats stan“ ble ad Speaking hats today anlar. hy Tas eae costa solid hapterorange sles ie hundce sith First dt dese senon, nan ey nae rear sith esl, just. opie shana oS hn Suma evering the eo Thee ges Eu worn aay sears ag ane ill vedey sus sly folk peaked Le -ep it we Tsien ‘nor fev sade el oie e tne, Crea disse way sre isle he utr’ Wazeaieege, 6 the weal wewrcoe tbe ol tine guides eald switch toa fav like the od "aboger sole ele dato bei ‘rm atound Be teu SUH 3 at er ode ean as be pchased ie Bars orange an would ects ns (hag eating seasn, (dea ra iy Lil ad dn ta a Ges a Lo rvs, Mean _ 7 ab AINE a 3