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Today, when anyone asks what’s for dinner, I still echo your words: ‘Hog ass and hominy grits’ ~ meaning: ‘You’ll eat whatever’s on the table and like it.’ heartfelt thanks to~ My sisters, Kathryn and Mary Ellen: Long ago, my imagination was purely foddered by spending immeasurable time in the mountains playing with you. Thank you for always being there for me and having our common love of ‘King Wensel’s Palace’ ~ a magical place that gave us a passport around the world. Noni, my surrogate Italian mother for half a century and now 92 years young: You’re always showing me how to keep that adventurous spirit alive. The remarkable women along my path of life who have given me not only cooking lessons, but life lessons: Grandma Cook ~ I’m named after you, and the hours spent in your kitchen as a child seared treasures in my mind; Mama Helen for always cooking and sharing your amazing cast-iron skillets and recipes; Mama Jo you sparked my crusade to make the perfect Bolognese for my boys and it has become award- winning; Dr. Ruth T. Wellman, my beloved college professor and my lifelong friend who gave me more than academia you gave your wisdom, life experiences, and wonderful cooking; and Georgia, my Greek surrogate big sis since I was ever so young and exceptionally impressionable you truly opened to me the world of Camelot. My food seekers who over the many years helped me hone my skills: My boys Matthew, Andrew, and Nicholas, for whom I cooked thousands of meals while raising them, and yes, Michael, my second son, who is my angel tastetester; my big and growing family; and our amazing friends in South Carolina and Colorado, especially Sally ~ when I’m there, you drop by two to three times a day and you’re always ready to taste. Thank you all for trying just about anything I created for dinners and holidays, or when you dropped by just in time to eat. You were either very hungry or the food was really good. Nan ~ my very best and trusted friend for life: You’ve always believed in me, encouraged me, and pushed me to stick my head above the crowd regardless of the shots taken, to go for the competitions and share my culinary talents with others. Whatever I serve you elicits big smiles and giggles, and I get giddy when you savor a bite and say in all seriousness: ‘It’s better than communion’ or ‘The little hairs on the back of my neck are tingling.’ Whitney Messervy ~ my yogini, webmeister, little sister, soul-sister, and trusted friend in this Ally’s Kitchen adventure: You keep me young, you make me laugh, you believe. We share the ups and downs of blogger world and a mutual vision for taking this dream to higher and higher peaks. You’re in the trenches with me! Soon we’ll be dusting off our boots for more Boho adventures and I’m so thankful you’re there every step of the way. Kim Bultman ~ my behind-the-scenes wordsmith ~ you questioned me, challenged me, corrected, and revised. For that, and for your many imaginative ideas and creative contributions to this cookbook far beyond the editing process, I’m eternally grateful. Your strengths offset my weaknesses during this entire process. Rosemary DeGange ~ You’re helping to steer this cookbook in so many ways, not the least of which is the actual tour ~ keeping all our ducks in a row, finding and securing venues, and championing the Boho magic carpet world of eats that’s to unleash very soon. It was my lucky day when I won the Dole California Cook-Off and you came into my life. My global and stateside virtual foodie friends and food lovers on social media who have followed, supported, and believed in my shenanigans for the past three years: Continually asking ‘when’ I was going to do a cookbook was a major jetpack of fuel to get me started. The sprawling world of food has erupted in my kitchen as you’ve shared your cultures, recipes, and food legacies with me, and I’m grateful to you all ~ especially Naima (Nanou), Larry, Azlin, Shabnam, Victoria, and Natasha. I treasure dining at your boholicious worldwide web tables every day. Laurie ~ an avid foodie, a cookbook collector, and the first to read this manuscript outside of our small ‘circle of trust’: You noted its immense potential and cutting- edge format, and your spiritual copy of this cookbook will be shipped via angel wings. Cedar Fort Publishing ~ Thank you for believing in my vision of a nomadic foodie cookbook. I’m especially grateful to Hannah Ballard, who helped ignite its birth. To Rozelle, Meagan, Rodney, Justin, Lauren, Michelle, and everyone who touched the manuscript or sifted through thousands of my photos looking for that perfect one ~ thank you. JHP Photography ~ Jacqueline ~ a young 20-year-old girl, an artist and photographer, a friend I’ve known since you were just a kid: Watching you emerge with your artistry has been a gift. You saw things as you worked with me on this cookbook that only a ‘sage’ skilled eye would see. You are way ahead of your time and have a magnificent career ahead of you! Finally, and most importantly, to my boyfriend, lover, and husband, Ben: Usually, when you taste one of my new dishes, you say, ‘Best thing I’ve ever eaten . . . well, since last night.’ However, you’re honest when you say some recipes need more work, and if I disagree I usually say your taste buds must be impaired! What fun we’re having on this crazy ‘magic carpet’ as we rocket through our third chapters of life ~ from experiencing real Russian food at Vladimir and Tatiana’s home in St. Petersburg, toting a picnic of crusty bread, cheese, and wine to the salt mines, searching for my family and roots in Dišnik, dining our way through adventures abroad, hiking the Grand Canyon from rim to rim with kettle chips hooked to my backpack, riding the Harley and discovering some of the best diner food all over America to being my sous chef at food competitions, and more yes, you’re always there to pick me up, eat the leftovers, and make me run faster and jump higher. Our dream that started with ‘having fun’ is now an unbelievable reality for us both. some notes for my readers~ Everyone’s palate is different, so adjust and adapt these recipes and ingredient amounts to your liking. In my boho culinary world, your rules trump make each recipe with your own branding you are the goddess or general of your kitchen. Cooking is about sharing your soul, spirit, and love it’ll ooze through in so many ways continue sharing with others. The language of love comes in breaking bread with friends and family ~ make it part of each day. All appliances, like ovens, are different, and things like altitude affect cooking ~ make these adjustments as you journey through my recipes. One goal of this cookbook was to use ingredients that would be easily accessible to most everyone regardless of where you live. All can be found either at your local grocer or on the Internet ~ yes, I have to order special things like pearl sugar. These recipes are based on my interpretations of locations, ingredients, dishes, and foods ~ I’m a global eater with no formal culinary training other than that you find in the trenches of the kitchen and travel. It doesn’t take a lot of fancy appliances, gadgets, or a kitchen to turn out good eats ~ use what you have in your pantry and cupboard, improvise, and adapt. Your kitchen is your laboratory where you experiment and try new things ~ welcome mistakes, and let the splatters, spills, smudges, and flub ups bring you along the boho journey of loving what you’re doing. contents foreword introduction boholicious sauces & spice mixtures charming european flavors the stunning mediterranean middle eastern allure an african excursion exploring exotic asia caribbean island eats side trip escapades recipe index until the next magic carpet ride sources foreword Larry Oliphant Cocreator of World Food Championships As a professional mentor, coach and successful serial entrepreneur, and having developed driven business strategy for the largest companies and industries in the world, I fancy myself a “kite flyer.” In the midst of all the noise in the world and business, I find the most beautiful kites in the quietness that exists in the middle of chaos. My “kites” are people and opportunities—if I just pick them up and run as hard as I can, the wind will lift them high into the sky, and when I feel the tug so firm that now I hold the kite back, I let go, as my work is done. I had not met another kite flyer until experiencing Ally in the midst of thousands of people all celebrating their love of cooking, competing, and communing in the midst of food. My partner and I launched the World Food Championships in 2012 in Las Vegas—the world’s largest food competition, food event, and food/cooking marketing platform in the world. In the sea of people at the very corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo—there Ally was. Ah, but this felt different. When we met and began a beautiful friendship, through multiple conversations and a real connection—I felt myself being lifted by her. She was my kite flyer. She is many people’s kite flyer. Through her food, her cooking, her incredible spirit and strength—she lifts people. Ally’s Kitchen ~ A Passport for Adventurous Palates is Ally. She invites you into her life and experiences through her food—then, with her special way, she lifts you. A Passport for Adventurous Palates is indeed a magical journey of love, adventure, and self-expression through food. Ally’s Kitchen is a real place, but it is also a loving way to live your life. Through this book, and with a true understanding of flying high and letting go— your spirit and palate will soar with amazing adventure and joy. Ally’s ability to demystify, simplify, and bring to your Adventurous Palate this Passport to happiness and yumminess, is her incredible gift to you and me. Thank you, Ally, for your incredible gifts, the joy and clarity you bring, and your “kite flying” spirit.