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All Crews: Journey's Through Jungle / Drum and Bass Culture PDF

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Preview All Crews: Journey's Through Jungle / Drum and Bass Culture

ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:36 Uhr Seite 1 BRIAN BELLE-FORTUNE all crews Journeys through Jungle / Drum & Bass Culture vision publishing ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:36 Uhr Seite 2 Published byVision Publishing Limited, 1 TrafalagarMews, Eastway, London, E9 5JG, UK www.vision-publishing.co.uk/ www.allcrew.co.uk © Brian Belle-Fortune, 2004 Design NadineGahr Coverphotograph Tristan O’Neill Photography Cleveland Aaron, AndyCotterill, SteveGullick, CourtneyHamilton, RobHann, Tristan O’Neill, Brian Sweeney, Lu Vu, DesWillie Printed and bound in GreatBritain byBiddlesLtd, King’sLynn Setin Notes/ NotesMonobyprimetype, Germany(www.primetype.com) TherightsofBrian Belle-Fortuneastheauthorofthisworkhasbeen asserted byhim in accordancetotheCopyrightDesignsand PatternsAct1988. Thisbookissold subjecttothecondition thatitshall not, bywayoftradeor otherwise, belent, resold, hired out, orotherwisecirculated withoutthe publisher’spriorconsentin anyform ofbinding orcoverotherthan thatin which itispublished and withouta similarcondition including thiscondition being imposed on thesubsequentpurchaser– please. Theopinionsexpressed in thisbookarenotnecessarilythoseoftheauthor. All information isbelieved tobecorrectatthetimeofwriting. Whilethepublishershavemadeeveryreasonableefforttotracethecopyright ownersforsomeofthephotographsin thisbook, theremaybeomissionsof credits, forwhich weapologise. ISBN: 0-9548897-0-3 Veryspecial thanksto: Colin & Rachel Knowledge, MissPinkand Nicky Blackmarket, LaurenceElectricPR, Tania UMC, IndyBBCand Nastya. Dedicated toMum & Dad and Kate– mybestsupporting producer In memoryofmyfriend Minako, wholived tobecreative... ... and John Peel – thankyou forthemusic! ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:36 Uhr Seite 3 CONTENTS PREFACE 004 PART 1 – ALLCREW MUSS BIG UP PART 2 – THE JOURNEYCONTINUES SEPTEMBER ’88 007 A NEWDAWN 180 BEGINNINGS 010 THIS IS OURMUSIC 185 SOME JOURNEYS THROUGH THE MUSIC 022 DANCE TO THE BEAT OFA DIFFERENT DRUM 192 CREWS 024 PRODUCERS 195 GIVE UPTHE DAYJOB 026 POINT OFSALE 209 THIS IS OURMUSIC 030 WIRELESS 214 PRODUCERS 033 INNA DE DANCE 225 DUB PLATE PRESSURE 045 WAR STORIES 236 LABELS 049 GROOVERIDIN’ 240 MAJORS 056 LYRICON OUR LIPS 254 THE WIRELESS 060 EVOLUTION OFTHE MC 261 RECORD SHOPS 086 SPREADING LOVE – DRUM & BASS LIVE 265 RAVES 091 IT’S ALLGONE PETE TONG 268 PROMOTERS 107 ONE TIME THE WORD WAS: ‘REACH RUSSIA’ 269 WORRIES IN THE DANCE 116 THE ENDS 272 BOOKING AGENTS 122 DJS 128 MCS 148 MEDIA 161 INTERNATIONAL 170 YESTERDAY, TODAY& TOMORROW 174 A FESTIVALIN HARINGEY? 176 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:36 Uhr Seite 4 PREFACE Rows of people stand facing out from dark Togettheworld ofJungleDrum & Bass(JDB) in context, banks of speakers. Dancing with militancy, imaginetheopening ofCitizen Kanethatbeginsin space, stepping on every tier of the Forum, Telepathy, focuseson theworld and descendsthrough thecloudsto AWOL, Desire, Exodus. The souls on the floor, a country, eventuallylanding on a particularstreet. The individuals, all as one, are cuttin’ animated samecan bedonewith music. Welivein a world ofmusic. human sculptures – poses frozen in strobes … Godown from thebroad range, Classical, Rockn Roll, facing Randall, Grooverider, the bass bins or Country& Western, Pop, JazztoDancemusic. JDB shares nowhere in particular, they’re ‘avin’ it. common land with Reggae, HipHop, RareGroove, Soul, House, Technoand Hardcore. It’sall good music. Werespect Lasers reflected in sunglasses, whistles, otherneighbourhoodswith peoplejustaspassionateabout horns and lighter flares burn the air. They OasisorGarth BrooksasweareaboutGrooverideror dance with no room to dance … and scream for Roni Size. Peoplehavetheirpreferences. Butthis the rewind. The DJ drops the tune and it all neighbourhood isJungle. goes off again. This is Roast, Stush, Innovation, VIP Champagne Bash. ’97 the scene rolls into another weekend. MCs give out shouts to destinations The people love dressing up, enjoying an on the web of England’s motorways. edge in the air. Above all, they love the The M1, M3, M4, M6, M20, M25, crucible that is Jungle Fever. You’re outside at not forgetting the M62 … dawn in a sand quarry in Luton with Exodus, or As you drift down the motorway, on that fairground ride at World Dance. lose the pirates, switch to CD, sit back, enjoy a spliff, relax The rush of weed or E takes hold. With a and drift into the night. breathless surge you move to another level. You’re in it, it’s in you, wrapped in the music, “Theyused tocall ourmusic, ‘Devil Music.’ A lotof the air, the vibe. The mix is running and beats people don’tunderstand the kind ofstruggle we’ve burst through the night with the visceral been through tomake Dance Music predominantin intensity of a tempest. the UK.” Grooverider, October2004 I’m floating in it, at the highest plane. “Theydon’tunderstand whatwe had todo. We’d drive The ravers weave multitudes of patterns. waydown tothem farcountryplaces … drag record They look beautiful. They look wicked. boxes overmuddyfields and playforhours. The kids There’s nothing like this in this game don’tappreciate whatwe had todoto and I love it with all my soul … getwhere we are today.” DJ SS, October2004 004 PREFACE ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:36 Uhr Seite 5 MTVEurope – August 1998 One hour later Wagamamas, Soho. Paul’s from a program called Modern Times. He’s full of Leisurely coffee in staff restaurant by Camden’s questions. We chat for hours. “You’ve got your canal. A group of TV researchers are putting crews and massives, labels, there’s pirates, and together a series of pan European video diaries. record shops, then there’s your DJs and MCs, and I’m summoned to Executive Producer Stephen D producers making tunes in bedrooms, and there’s Wright’s office. MTV’s open plan innards are Music House, and your promoters and your clubs, covered by blue cushioned carpet. Beautiful Euro magazines, distributors, Rave History and people kids wearing Club Culture’s clothes sit at PCs, who design flyers, then there’s drugs, fashions, others carry piles of videos or log rushes on TV carnival, Bristol, Leicester, the crowds, One in screens. Robbie Williams is in reception. Davina the Jungle, booking agents, multicultural music, McCall holds court with a group of interns. has its own language. It’s a uniquely British scene …” Walking along Wardour Street my head’s The exec’s cramped office has glass walls – buzzing with all the info I’ve downloaded. Slope feels like a goldfish bowl. “Have you found back to MTV but can’t focus. Try to sleep that a DJ for the Jungle diary?” Yeah. That’s all night – can’t sleep. Get up and start writing sorted. We’re covering Wildchild.” “Never heard notes on scraps of paper. of him.” “Wildchild’s on Kool FM, works at SRD, plays Carnival. And it’s her not him.” “Her?” Reach work early. Start typing an e-mail to “Yeah. Skibadee MCs for her. She’s wicked.” Exec Producer. One hour later. Red Anna checks Wright’s not happy: “Interesting but not exactly the screen: “Looks interesting. Church of Jungle is it?” “Sorry. Don’t get you.” “Well Jungle, pirate stations, illegal raves … Jungle is a black male thing. You need to get Is it a program proposal?” “No. It’s an e-mail back out there – find someone else.” “‘A BLACK for Stephen D Wright but you know what? I don’t MALE THING!?’” think I’m going to send it.” A couple of weeks later I say to my partner, “Kate … I think I’m The other researchers clock the action through writing a book.” glass walls: “Oh mi god.” “Look. It’s all going off.” “Shit.” “What the hell that’s about?” Mostofwhatwastobethefirstversion ofAll CrewMuss “Stop staring everyone. B’s … coming out.” Big Upwaswritten in 18 months. Ithen wasted months Door opens “‘ … A BLACK MALE THING!’ You haven’t trying tofind a publisher. Theyweren’tinterested. Ialmost got a fucking clue!” People look up. Door slams. lostheart. Friendsweresaying thatthebookwasgood. Glass reverberates. “He’s coming back.” “Alright I’m notsurehowmuch Ibelieved them until Sage, my B.” “Not really. No.” “Fancy a coffee?” MCon piratestation Ruud Awakening, asked toread the manuscript. Atthetimeitwasa bundleofpaperheld Back outside by the canal with Red Anna: “What togetherwith string. Sagecallsme: “Iwasatsomeparty is it with these media types? They’re only lastnightand leftyourbookon a sofa …” Ithink, ‘He’s interested in reinforcing stereotypes. Doesn’t gonna sayhe’slostit.’ “… Leftiton thesofa right. I’ve matter what the actual truth is. I mean, what gonetogeta drink, comebackand there’sfourpeople is the point of hiring specialist researchers trying toread thesamepage! Seriousman. When’sitbeing if they won’t listen? I’m sick of them saying published?” “Itisn’t.” All Crewwasgoing nowhere. Iwent Jungle is x, y, z. It’s multicultural that’s why toretrievea draftfrom a publisherin a shining toweron …” Mobile goes off. It’s a BBC producer – wants Euston Road and wasdirected tothepostroom in the to meet soon as. “Where you going?” “To see a basement. TheythoughtIwasa courier. Itwasdepressing. man who wants to make the definitive Jungle Ifeltlikechucking themanuscriptintoa skip. ButIfelt documentary.” “You’re goin’ right now? Suppose responsibleforall thosestorieson thepages. All Crew they start asking for you?” “Tell ‘em I’m off belonged tothepeople. doing more ‘research.’ ” PREFACE 005 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:37 Uhr Seite 6 AllCrews – The Remix Rachel and Colin ofVision Publishing, whoproduce With aLittle HelpFrom MyFriends Knowledgemagazine, havemadethisthird version possible. Theirsupport, guidanceand hard workhaveproduced a dub Friendscametotherescue. ImetdesignerNadineGahr platespecial. Itincludesmanynewphotographs, mostly atBerlin’sLoveParade. Shesuggested thatifwewanted courtesyofTristan O’Neill, Cleveland Aaron, Courtney All Crewouttheresobadly, weshould putitoutourselves. Hamilton and AndyCotterill. NadineGahrhascomeup Cameron, a friend from Melbourne, had written a poetry trumpsagain re-designing thewholebook. Shehasbroken book, printed and distributed ithimself. Thatstarted me upthetextgrid structure, making itflowand jumplike thinking, “We’ll printup100 copiesand seehowtheydo.” Drum & Bassmusicwith differenttypefacesreflecting Nadinegotbusywith design. Tristan O’Neill (DJmagazine) differentvoices. Nevertheless– I’m dyslexicsoit’sbeen arrived with photographsand weall wentintothemix. We ourmission tomakethetexteasytoread aswell. Thanks couldn’tafford toprintAll Crewsowehad itphotocopied, toRicoourdistribution isbeing handled bySRD – spiral bound, then Nadineand Ihawked them ‘round record all proppa tings. and bookshops. Thinkofthisversion asa remix. PartOneincludesthe IgaveStorm a copy. Goldienicked Storm’s, startscalling original All CrewMussBig Uppublished in 1999. Many artistsand reading bitstothem. Icrawl outmytentatthe peoplefeatured in PartOnehavemoved on and arenow Eclipsefestival in Plymouth and bumpintoKennyKen. doing differentthingssosometextwill seem dated, butit Goldiehad called him: “He’sreading outstufffrom that representsa snapshotofthesceneasitwas. However, it interviewwedid. Sowhere’smycopy?” SamedayResin at featuresnewinterviewswith charactersmissed outlast ExcessiveSoundsin Enfield bellsme: “When can you drop time. PartTwocoversthemanychangesand developments offmorecopies? We’vesold out.” in JungleDrum & Basssince2000. All Crewsisnota ‘Who’sWho’ buta journeyaccompanied bymusicwith the NeitherNadinenorIhad worked on a bookbeforeso namesoftuneswoven throughoutthetext. I’verinsed out All Crew1wasa littlerough around theedges. Weeven all thepagessoadditional information like‘Thanks’, the missed outtheword ‘Culture’ from thecovertitle. Both popular‘Glossary’ and colourpicturescan befound Nadineand Tristan stayed on board forthesecond version www.allcrew.co.uk– Watch theride. and tookthebooktoanotherlevel. All Crewwasre-released in Christmas1999. Therehad been a mistakewith theISBN Sending oneouttoall theheroesImetalong theway. ordernumber, which madeitincrediblydifficulttofind but wesold all 2,000 copies. Then camestoriesofbooksbeing stolen from shops. Friendseven nicked itfrom theirfriends. Fouryearslaterordersstill camein – especiallyfrom clubbersand studentsfrom theUK/ Europe, theUS, Canada, Australia and NewZealand. I’m pleasantlysurprised with thepositivereaction thebookhasreceived. And it’s humbling hearing peoplereferring toAll Crewas‘TheDrum & BassBible.’ I’vehad somanyrequestsfora rewind that I’vetaken upmypen again. 006 SEPTEMBER 88 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:37 Uhr Seite 7 PART 1 ALL CREW MUSS BIG UP SEPTEMBER ‘88 “Freedom is a road seldom travelled bythe multitude.” Show‘Em WhatYou Got, Public Enemy, DefJam, ’88 Flashbacktoa fewweeksearlierwhen thenewclubbing season began: therewasa differentkind ofenergyin Soho thatevening. ThequeueoutsideTheWag bulged. Friday Don’tknowhowIcametobebuying a ticketfora raveat nightsatTheWag with thegood old faithful. HipHop thebackofa shoeshopin Islington. A guyon somepirate downstairs, RareGrooveupstairsand thesametrendyfaces radiostation wenton abouta partyand gaveouta strutting theirfashionablestuff. Paytheusual and realise telephonenumber. Thegirl on thephonesussed meout Ihadn’tnoticed themusicbooming beyond thedoorway. and gavemetheaddress– theshoeshopin Islington. Something odd happensin thefourfeetbetween thecash Boughttheticketwithouteven knowing ifIwasgoing. deskand theentrance. Captured byheat, smokeand the Ihadn’ttold anyofmyfriends. Ihad an instinctthatthey’d vibe, a brown-skinned Goddesswith hugeeyesand green thinkIwasmad. Doesseem crazy. I’m doing thisalone. facepaintoffersmea welcomeand somewaterfrom a Chill in theflattill the12am clubbing hour, then checkthe plasticbottle. Someoneelseisshaking myhand asking if ticketfortheaddress. Noaddress– shit– onlya mobile I’m “ ‘Avin’ a good one?” Ipan round theroom from the phonenumber. Engaged. Engaged. Engaged. Recorded centreofa timewarp. Theplaceisoneheaving massof message– M1, Junction what? Drivemyrusty, red Spitfire sweat-drenched flesh. A partyin a steam bath. It’s acrosstheEastIndia DockRoad and head north fortheM1, Heaven’sGateorDante’sInfernoand I’veneverseen still wondering whatthehell I’m doing. TheNorth Circular’s anything likeit. greylinesaresoftened byRoyAyersin thespeakers. Brent Cross, M1, alonein thecapsuleon a road toGod knows A green lasercutsthrough thehaze, striking a CD held aloft where. I’m thefunki-dreaded soul boyin a leatherjacket bya bald-headed, bare-chested blackguy, rocking, perched chugging along in theslowlane, being passed byeveryone: atopa speaker. Below, theDJ dancesfrom mixtomix, lorries, old-agepensionersand parentswith kidsasleepin mouthing thewordsofMartin LutherKing’sspeech IHave theback. Iturn down thestereotoseeifthecar’s a Dreamand applauding theaudience. Besidehim a bloke developed anynewnoises. Reallyshouldn’tbeoutdoing fiddleswith projectorsand slidemachinesshining colours mysterytoursin thismotor. Rememberthetimetheleft on faces, laughing, dancing, shouting. A strobethrowsthe wheel fell offoutsidetheAstoria? room intoslowmotion. It’spacked from thefronttothe SEPTEMBER 88 007 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:37 Uhr Seite 8 backtothesides– moisturerunsdown themirrored walls. Even thestaffarebouncing behind jugsoficed wateron thebar. Everyoneseemstoknowthemusic. Screaming Carsareabandoned asoccupantshead upthemuddyroad together. All thosehandsin theair. And themusic– in baseball capsand Timberlands. Walking with a purpose. unrelenting music. Moresmiling facesin myface. It’s Distantmusicand flashing lightspourthrough the becoming claustrophobic. Difficulttobreathe, Iclimbthe hedgerows. All thosedungarees, baggyjumpers, big floppy spiral staircaseattherearoftheclub. Below, peopleata hatsand hooded tops. Threegirlswith shining facessiton tablearehugging, stroking each other, looking up, waving. thebackofthecaruntil wewind thelastfewyardsintoa It’sall toohypnotising, toomuch totakein. Iwithdraw field / carpark. Good friendsforfifteen minutes. Istall, from thescenelikea zoom lens. Upstairs, it’sdarkand theyleavewith a ‘see-you-inside’ hug and danceoff familiar. RareGroovesplaytoa fewofthe‘faces’ wearing towardsthemusic. Acrossthefields, a largeblackbarn Gaultierand Joseph. It’skind ofmature, restrained, a bit stretchesbackintothetrees. Toitsleft, there’sa fairground empty. Iclutch a can oftrendyPilsbeerand restupby in full swing. I’m surrounded bygroupsofpeoplechatting somewindowsoverlooking thestreet. It’s2am and the ‘round cars, shouting down theway, likeeveryoneknows queueisbigger. Whatthefuckisgoing on? I’m doing a each other. Ifeel paranoid and wonderifIbelong. Ifollow retake: thelasers, smokeand handsin theair. Somany themusictoitssourceand strangerschattomein the peopletalking, touching. Thosebaggytrousers, t-shirtsfor queue. “Havesomewater, whereyou comefrom? towels. Whitepeople, blackpeople, dancing soclose Manchester? Yorkshire, London, where? What’syername? together. Everyonesoclosetogether. Themusicpounds Seethem cars? Did ya getlost? Gonna bea blinder, never through thefloor, upstairstothedarkand familiar, pastthe been tothisbeforeeither, lostmefriends, whatyou matureand restrained, trendyand too-cool-to-movebrigade. on … ?” I’m confused again, trying tofigureoutwhatitis. Thefamiliarhad lostit. Downstairs… downstairsis Feeling whatitisn’t. Attitude, there’snoattitude. Ifyou frightening yetenthralling. Ican’thelpbutdriftbackdown don’tbelong, whyareyou here? Theguysattheentrance, thespiral staircaseand stareatthemayhem. MyGod could pony-tails, shaggyhairand broad grins, riptheticketsand theyparty. Ifeel odd, outofplaceand decidetoleave. open thewayin. “Ifyou’rehere, you belong.” Backon theM1, a carpacked with peopleglidesbyin the Itwasn’ta barn. Itwasan aircrafthanger. Theonlytime middlelane– it’sbouncing, they’rewaving. Iwonder you seeanything likethisisin those‘Old Testament’ films wherethey’vecomefrom. Morepensioners, morehuge with a castofthousands. All toomuch tobereal. Somany lorrieswith theirover-sized unmellowwheels. Anothercar, peopledancing. They’redoing thatdancewith theirarmsto a geezer’sgotthewindowdown and isshouting atme thatmusic– unrelenting, uplifting music. Othersare abovethemusic. A whiteEscortpullslevel in theoutside bouncing upand down. A girl with a whistlerunsaround lane, horn honking, everyonescreaming through open windmilling herarmsand hugssomeone. DJsIdon’tknow windows. Theyzoom off, leaving atthenextjunction. Which playlikeGods, rising from themasseson a hugescaffolding junction? Justfollowthetail lights. In therear-viewmirror, platformsalong onewall. Abovethem, darkfiguresmove Iclocka stream ofheadlightsleaving themotorway. Ihope between stagelightsand barragesoflasers, releasing a they’renotfollowing me. Ihaven’tgota cluewhereI’m showerofwhiteballoonsintotherising screams. I’m going. I’m caughtupin something elsehere. Wegrind toa walking tothescaffolding, brain overloaded with images haltdown somecountrylane. Moreshoutsand calls. A guy and faces, thousandsoffaces. Blag through thesecurity, in a whiteporkpiehatand fluorescentorangejacketwalks climbuppastthespeakerstothesecond storeyand join backuptheroad, chatting brieflytoeach driverand giving otherson theplatform. We’retaking in thewholething, upbeforehegetstome. Iopen theroofand stand. The thisvibe, from thebestseatin thehouse. Peopleare sightisawesome. Toomanycarstocountat2am down a raving, well and trulyraving. There’snootherword forit. countrylane. Something connectsus. Itisn’ta trafficjam, We’retalking toeach otherabovethemusic. Theteacher, it’sa convoy. Ahead there’smovement. All thecarsare theburglarand theSaturdaygirl. Nevermetsomany doing three-pointturns. Someonemustknowwherewe’re differentpeople. going. Afterthelastleft, then right, a blokewith a walkie- talkiedirectsthetrafficpasta small sign in orangepaint– ToSunrise. 008 SEPTEMBER 88 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:37 Uhr Seite 9 Sometime‘round sixo’clock, Icrash outwith someothers in a corneramongstplasticbottles, flyersand polystyrene Paul Anderson would bethere, DJing a wicked set, leavethe cups. Lying down, there’sa strangeside-on viewof deckstojoin theboyson therink– yes, hewasa wicked bouncing legsand feet. Closemyeyesand themusicbeats skater. Atitsbest, theSaturdaynightvibewascomparable on. Open them tocheckthatit’sall still there. Everybody totheheatofa JungleFever. I’d hearaboutotherclubs looking sogood. Sleeptill I’m woken, hearing people whereitwasalsogoing off, theEmbassy, LeBeatRoute, shouting foronemoretune. Thelastrecord playsand Ifind theRoyalty, Mud Club, theCamden Palaceand TheWag. theenergytostand and dancethenight’smaddestdance. In trendystylemagazinesIread aboutAmerican clubslike Everyoneclapseveryone. A voiceon thespeakersissaying NewYork’sParadisecluband theWarehousein Chicago. thankyou toloadsofnames. TheonlyoneIrecogniseis IleftLondon and drifted outoftheclubscenefora few Paul Anderson. When thesystem’sturned off, Ican still years. When Ireturned, theplaceskicking itwerethe hearthemusic. Boilerhouse, Rawand, ofcourse, thelegendarySoul IISoul attheAfrica Centrein CoventGarden. JazzyB famously Outside, upthehill, therearefaintsoundsfrom a car berated sedentaryclubberssaying, “Ifyou’renotdancing stereo. In thesunlight, peoplearedancing on roofsand fuckoff.“ Matesofmineweregoing toWestworld, Shoom bonnets. England’sneverlooked sopleasant. Thisis and EntertheDragon, name-checking peoplelikePhil Salon, freedom. A groupofpolicemen lookon through binoculars. NickyHolloway, ReneGelston, DaveDorrell, SteveProctor Havewebeen naughtyboysand girls? Whoseland isthis and DannyRampling. anyway? Fivemileson itfeelslikea dream. Istopthecar and huntfora cassette, knowing I’vegotnoneofthat I’d heard ofsomeoftheDJswhich TheFacesaid held music. Ineed toseesomeone, tell a friend that… Somuch swayin the80s. Theirlistoffiftyincluded JazzyB, Jay totell. Mybestfriend from yearsbackhasbecomelive-in Strongman, JeremyHealy, Colin Faver, PeteTong, Tim HouseMasterofourold boarding school. Reach thecountry Westwood and MattBlack– Fabio, Grooveriderand Jumping villagefifteen milesawayand head forhiscottagebythe JackFrosthad yettocometotheirnotice. ProducersSmith sideoftheManorHouse. Iwalkintohisliving room. My & Mightyin Bristol stopped messing with Acid, cooked up friend looksold. I’m ten yearsyoungerchatting away, then someheavyReggae, drum and basslinegroovesand started realisethathedoesn’tseem atall interested. Perhapsit’s answering reporters’ questionsabout‘TheBristol Sound’. all beyond hiscomprehension. Wherethehell had Ibeen? TheHacienda had been going foryears. JamesBrown “I’vebeen in this‘thing’ man.” appeared attheTown & Country. Butthescenechanged when thenewlyconverted returned from Ibiza. DJ culture Wednesday1pm, I’m day-dreaming in thecoffeeroom at trulystarted tomakeitspresencefeltwhen S Expressand work. TheIntensiveCareSisterhandsa tabloid toa staff BombtheBasshitthecharts, all toa backdropofrising nurse. They’retalking about‘thatAcid House’ craze. I’ve houseprices, lowwages, Thatcherism, smileyfacesand been hoarding flyers, looking fornumbers, listening to tabloid hysteria ata tenfold increasein Ecstasyuse. KissFM pirates, hunting anyscrapthatwill lead mebacktolast cameoffairin search ofa licence. ByJanuary’89, Acid weekend. Tohaveitall overagain. It’ssuddenlyclearthat House, soTheFacesaid, wasout. Maybeitwas, butsince I’vebecomean outsider. theSummerofLoveseveral strandsofRavemusichave proliferated. TherewasAcid House, Garage, Balearic, Myfirsttasteofseriousclubbing wasbackin theearly80s. emergentTechno, Hardcore, Breakbeat, Garidge(sic) – Fridaynight, meand thecrewwould godancing in the butmusiclikeSoul, RareGroove, HipHop, Ragga and HorseShoeon Tottenham CourtRoad – Funkin oneroom, Reggaealsothrived. Forsomepeople, Ravewassomething Jazzin theother. Paul Anderson would beDJing a wicked differentand weird. Therewassomething aboutRavethat set, then he’d leavethedeckstojoin theboyson thefloor sucked peoplein from all overand created a kind ofunity. – hewasa wicked dancer. In thosedayspeoplewould Butby’91, theDancemusicscenefractured into takean extra setofclothestochangeintoaftertheclub. subdivisions, including theHardcoreand Breakbeatcrews. You would beDRENCHED. There’d bequeuesin thetoilets forthosenewhand blowdryers, peopletrying todry themselvesoffbeforefacing thelong walkhome. Wednesdaysand Saturdaysitwould beroller-skating atthe ElectricBallroom, Camden Town whereIwasa marshal. SEPTEMBER 88 009 ALLCREWS.qxp 29.11.2004 5:37 Uhr Seite 10 We’re in DJ Ron’s car travelling North up the M1 to Bradford where he’s playing out. The pirates on the stereo are fading into static. We’re talking about JDB. You can talk about it forever … Ron: So how did you get into this thing anyway? B: I was a raver from time, but from mid to late ’92 I started listening to Hardcore with Dub and Ragga samples, like Terminator. I always thought those dark tracks were wicked. The ‘happy’ tunes were good, but the dark ones really got you. I checked By Any Means Necessary at Brixton Academy at the end of ’92. I remember the DJs were Grooverider, Frost and Mickey Finn. The whole night was dark. I remember dancing at the front, looking ‘round and noticing there wasn’t a smile amongst the people. Not one smile. But everyone was into it. It wasn’t a bad vibe. I remember being off my head and thinking that I must remember this. This is different now. It’s still good but it was different. It was serious now like a militant army. People were concentrating, no waving hands in the air. They were seriously concentrating. I don’t know if it was billed as a Jungle rave – but it was. BEGINNINGS “We started in the fields, a lotofpeople joined the train and didn’tknow where itcame from.” Goldie reminiscesabouttheoriginal Pied Pipers: “Paul Oakenfold, Evil EddieRichards, TonyBones, Paul Anderson, DJ Face. Big up… DaveRoberts, Neil, JeremyTaylor, TonyColston-Hayter, Rickyfrom Raindance, Paul Ibiza, Wayne– Genesis, ‘nuff Dancing in the Fields, Following respect. Imetsomecharacters, Oh Mi Gosh! Remember the Music one-eyed Garyand histrickwith thecigarettebox? Bwoy.” On theground asa raverin 1989, you’d ring thenumber, Like5ive’O thevastmajorityofthosenowworking atthe hitthemeeting pointatSouth Mimmsservicestation off forefrontoftheJDB industrywereatthoseraves. theM25, followthe‘pilot’, join theconvoyon motorways Somewherein thecrowdsyou’d bedancing with thelikes and countrylanesand find x-amountofcars– horns ofDJ Brockie, MCCo-Gee, DJ Ron, Roni Size, MCGQ, DJ Ital blowing, suspension bouncing, stereosblaring, thewhole and Rebel MC, who’d been tempted outoftheinnercities lotrockin’. Crammed with yourcreworanystrangerglad tolisten towhattheirfriendscondemned as‘ThatDevil ofa lift, ittookcar-sharing intoanotherdimension. Music’. Theydidn’tcare. Bare-chested, perched atopspeaker stackssomewherearound theM25 you’d havefound Daz, You’d beexchanging chat– “Whereyou goin’? Whata Chrisand Jay, latertobecomeWorld Dance. They’d be get-up. D’ya gettothatoneoverby… ? You wasthere?! dripping with sweaton Saturdaynightand riding thefirst Lookatthatgeeza. Whatyou got, trips, EEEs? Sniffdat… ! classcarriagestoworkin theCityofLondon’sForeign Everything sorted. Pukka!” – Thecircushad hittheroad and Exchangedealing roomson Mondaymornings. DJ Storm itwasinstinctivetofollow. Oneraver, MC5ive’O, went waswedged behind theseatsofa friend’sSpitfireheading everywhere, often on hisown. Likemanyothers, theonly toa ravein Cambridgewith Kemistry. Down in theWest thing hecared aboutwasthenextparty– Sunrise, Energy, ofEngland, Roni Sizeran through fields, chasing thebeats BacktotheFuture, Perception, Confusion, Land ofOz, ofBukem, Grooverider, FabioorJumping JackFrost. BreakfastClub, Raindance, CarWash, Biology, Destination Unknown … chasing everyMysteryTourgoing. He 010 BEGINNINGS

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.