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Algorithms sequential and parallel: a unified approach PDF

461 Pages·2005·8.198 MB·English
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With multi-core processors replacing traditional processors and the movement to multiprocessor workstations and servers, parallel computing has moved from a specialty area to the core of computer science. In order to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions to problems, algorithms must be designed for multiprocessor systems. Algorithms Sequential and Parallel: A Unified Approach 2/E provides a state-of-the-art approach to an algorithms course. The book considers algorithms, paradigms, and the analysis of solutions to critical problems for sequential and parallel models of computation in a unified fashion. This gives practicing engineers and scientists, undergraduates, and beginning graduate students a background in algorithms for sequential and parallel algorithms within one text. Prerequisites include fundamentals of data structures, discrete mathematics, and calculus. FEATURES: • Discusses practical applications of algorithms (e.g., efficient methods to solve critical problems in computational geometry, image processing, graph theory, and scientific computing) • Provides information updated from the previous edition, including discussions of coarse-grained parallel computing • Mathematical tools are developed in the early chapters • Includes exercises at the end of each chapter that vary in difficulty, from confidence-building problems to research-oriented problems
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