Alggeria’s Hydrocarbon Potential GGeenneerraall OOvveerrvviieeww 11 Algeria- Hydrocarbon Acreage Open acreage: 694 000 sqKm Prospection: 458 500 sqKm 46% 31% Exploration: 365 000 sqKm 23% 22 Algeria- Hydrocarbon Acreage 33 Algeria- Sedimentary Basins TThhee AAllggeerriiaanntteerrrriittoorryyeexxtteennddss oovveerr:: 22 338811 774411 kkmm²².. AArreeaa ooff tthhee mmiinniinnggddoommaaiinn:: •• OOffffsshhoorree:: 9933550000 kkmm22((66%%)) •• OOnnsshhoorree::11 446600 000000 kkmm22 44 Algeria- General geological framework A. TELLIEN O. MYA ILLIZI TINDOUF REGGANE ILLIZI KUFRA BECHAR TIMIMOUN O. MYA GHADAMES Bassin de Syrthe 55 Algeria- Simplified Stratigraphy column & Petroleum Plays PETROLEUM PLAYS Tertiary • Eocene •• MMiioo-pplliioocceennee Mesozoic • Triassic • Cretaceous Palaeozoic • Cambro-ordovician • Carboniferous • Devonian • Silurian (SAG)** 66 Algeria - Exploration History First Activity (cid:170) 1890’s (Cheliff Basin) First Commercial Discovery (cid:170) 1948 (Oued Gueterini) in North of Algeria. 1950’s (cid:122) Extension to the Sahara with the drilling of Bg-1 in 1954 (cid:122) 1956 : Discovery of the Hassi Messaoud and Hassi R’mel giant fields 1990 - 2000 Several Oil discoveries mainly in the Berkine basin in the frame of the partnership. 2001 – 2010 Several gas discoveries ( mainly in Illizi and Berkine) and in the western ones ( Ahnet, Timimoun, Reggane) 2011-2012 : discoveries in new areas ( north of AAllgeriia andd BBechhar BBasiin)) 77 Algeria- Future Exploration •Exploring upside potential around major fields •Exploring new plays in the North and Offshore •Maintain exploration Effort for deepest horizons •Preparing for new plays (cid:190)Stratigraphic / lithologic (cid:190)Structural complexes •EExplloriing new tthhe tthhemattiics UUnconventtiiall RResources ••MMaaiinnttaaiinn eexxpplloorraattiioonn eeffffoorrtt iinn tthhee ‘’FFrroonnttiieerr AArreeaass’’ 88 Exploration Effort for deepest horizons 99 Exploration Effort for deepest horizons: Berkine basin Silurian ‘’argilo- gréseux’’ example. 1100