Al-Hegbani, Abdullah Abdulaziz (1993) Physical and economic factors and their effects on development of solar energy in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis. Copyright and moral rights for this thesis are retained by the author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Glasgow Theses Service [email protected] PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR ENERGY IN SAUDI ARABIA By ABDULLAH ABDULAZIZ AL-HEGBANI (B. A., M. Sc. ) Thesis Submitted for the degree Doctor Philosophy ( Ph. D. ) of of University Glasgow of Faculty Social Science of Department Geography Topographic Science of and March, 1993 (c) A. A. A1-Hegbani,. 1993 ICI TIPI NAME OF ALLABI THlE MERCIFUL Ti EE CO1k PASSOONA7E iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praise belong to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the messenger of Allah. The have been completion of this thesis would not possible without the co- helpful Although, to operation and great assistance of many people. much my regret, it is impossible in I like this to their to short note mention all names, would extend my thanks to all of them. I deep wish to express my appreciation and sincere gratitude to my advisors, Dr. Gordon Dickinson, Prof. Arthur Morris for help, their and guidance, and Thanks Dr. A. Morrison, Dr. A. Findlay encouragement. are also extended to and for their Also, I like Prof. I. valuable comments and suggestions. would to thank B. Thompson Dr. J. Briggs for in department for and giving me a place this and their assistance. I financial must acknowledge the support that I received from the Imam University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Also, I like Department would to thank the of Geography College Social Sciences in Riyadh for at the of the encouragement and Dr. A. Al-Khalaf Dr. I. Al-Dousary. assistance, particularly, and I would like to thank Mr. U. Tarabulsi, the deputy Petroleum minister of and Mineral Resources in Riyadh, S. A. for his in data the to assistance providing related in Saudi crude oil Arabia. Special Mr. A. Heneady, director thanks to the of Meteorology Environmental and Protection Administration in Jeddah, S. A., Mr. and S. Al-Tubaishi, the director Hydrology Division Ministry Agricultural of at the of and Water in Riyadh, S. A., for data providing the meteorological related to the research. IN, Finally, I like Mr. D. Evans for his to to would express m), appreciation Mr. H. Al-Shareedy. the assistance and comments regarding solar radiation maps. director Al-Uyaynah High School, for his hospitality during the of and assistance the fieldwork at Al-Uyaynah village. Last but not least, special thanks to my wife for her support, encouragement, and patience. V Abstract The for began in this search alternative energy resources early century after discovery but in 1973, dramatically the of crude oil, when crude oil prices increased, for intensified. The the search new energy sources conservation of oil in industrial has been due consumption, mainly countries more strictly applied, to the limited fossil fuels, is to quantities of especially crude oil which expected be depleted few decades. Moreover, increasing level the the within next of air its human, life pollution and severe consequences on animal, and plant and has forced in the to try to the climate, world reduce air pollution emissions short- for to run, and search more reliable, renewal energy resources Amongst has renewable energy resources, solar energy attracted much due its including its in huge to attention unique characteristics, wide availability latitudes, its harnessing the quantities, particularly at middle relatively simple importantly, its compared with nuclear energy, and most clean source which does discharge not any pollution emission. The intensity in Saudi Arabia 290 of solar radiation reaches an average of highest insolation in Here has been , Awm-2, one of the values the world. attention focused However, the on solar energy as main alternative source of power. is there in distribution incoming a great variation the of solar radiation within Saudi Arabia. This is factors. They variation attributed mainly to six major include the following : 1. Sunshine duration VI 2. Insolation index 3. Altitude the of station 4. Specific humidity 5. Cloud cover, and 6. Dust storms In factor to the the order measure effect of each mentioned above on incoming linear is variation of solar radiation, a multiple regression model developed This is and used. the most appropriate method to explain the interrelationships between determinants dependent the their and variable. In factors, human factor is in to the the this addition physical considered thesis as a result of the crucial effect of the perspectives and attitudes of people development. Therefore, Al- upon solar energy a questionnaire was conducted at Uyaynah Village, Riyadh, has in northwest of which a solar-generated electricity Saudi Arabia. Location future facilities is important issue for of solar energy a very decision-makers the incoming as a result of great variation of solar radiation, not from but from only one site to another, also time to time. Appropriate locations factors in find should consider all six mentioned above order to the optimum intensity of solar radiation. vii CONTENTS Page No. ArlrnnwI donrnpntc 111 ......................................................... N, Abstract ....................................................................... List Tables xi of ............................................................... List Figures xiv of .............................................................. List Plates avii of ................................................................ 1 CHAPTER ONE Introduction : ..................................... 1 1.1 The Energy Dilemma ................................................ 4 1.2 Thesis Objectives ................................................ 5 1.3 Study Scope ...................................................... 7 1.4 Studv Area ...................................................... CHAPTER TWO Implication Recent Trends in Energy : of Use in Saudi Arabia 11 ..................... 11 2.1 Introduction .................................................. 2.2 The Patterns Current Energy Use in Saudi Arabia 13 of ........ 13 2.2.1 Introduction ....................................... .......... 14 2.2.2 Crude Oil Natural Gas Production and ................... 2.2.3 Consumption Refined Products Natural Gas 18 of and ..... 2.2.4 Exports Crude Oil, Refined Products Natural Gas 21 of and 22 2.2.5 Crude Oil Natural Gas Reserves and ...................... 25 2.3 Environmental Pollution .......................................... 25 2.3.1 Introduction .................................................. 27 2.3.2 The Major Causes Air Pollution of ........................ viii Page No. 31 2.3.3 The Major Effects Air Pollution of ........................ 36 2.4 The Potential for Solar Energy in Saudi Arabia ................ CHAPTER THREE Literature Review The Potential of and : Measurement Solar Radiation........ 42 of 3.1 The Potential Applications Solar Energy 42 and of ................ 56 3.2 The Measurement Solar Radiation of ............................ CHAPTER FOUR Climatological Physical Aspects : and Saudi Arabia 68 of ............................... 4.1 Climatological Characteristics Saudi Arabia 68 of ................... 4.2 The Physiography Saudi Arabia 82 of ................................ CHAPTER FIVE The Major Factors Influencing Intensity the : Solar Radiation Received the Earth's of at Surface in Saudi Arabia 88 ....................... Introduction 88 ........................................................... 5.1 Incoming Solar Radiation 89 ............................................ 5.2 The Key Factors Influencing the Intensity Incoming Solar of Radiation in Saudi Arabia 90 ......................................... 5.2.1 Insolation Index 90 .............................................. 5.2.2 Specific Humidity 92 ............................................ 5.2.3 Sunshine Duration 96 ........................................... 5.2.4 98 Altitude ........................................................ 5.2.5 Cloud Cover 99 ................................................. 5.2.6 Dust Storms 103 .................................................. 1X Page No. 5.3 Characteristics Data Used in the Research 108 of ................... 5.4 Theoretical Bases Analytical Procedures 109 and .................... 110 5.5 The Radiation Model .............................................. CHAPTER SIX Temporal Variations in the Receipt of : Solar Radiation in Saudi Arabia............ 113 CHAPTER SEVEN The Spatial Distribution Incoming of : Solar Radiation in Saudi Arabia 143 ..... 143 7.1 Introduction ................................................... 7.2 The Spatial Distribution Incoming Solar Radiation of in Saudi Arabia 157 ................................................. CHAPTER EIGHT: The Locations Solar Energy Facilities 184 of 8.1 The Physical Climatological Factors 184 and ........................... 8.1.1 Solar Radiation Intensity 184 ....................................... 8.1.2 The Altitude Location 189 the of ................................... 8.1.3 Dust Storms 191 ...................................................... 8.2 The Land Requirements Solar Energy Plants 194 of .................. 8.3 The Production Cost Solar Energy 199 of .............................. 8.4 Population Density 207 ................................................... 8.5 Evaluation Some Solar Energy Applications in Saudi Arabia. 219 of CHAPTER NINE Human Perspectives the Potential of of : Solar Radiation in Saudi Arabia 228 ..........