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Author Index Author Index Abdollahi, E., 1004 Bratt, G., 246 Abdullah, A. S. M., 27 Brockmann, K., 456 Aboud, S., 379 Brook, J. S., 215 Accoroni, A., 501 Brown, D. M., 821 Adejuyigbe, E. A., 537 Brown, K. D., 12 Adeyemi, O., 808 Brown, L., 220 Agee, B. S., S51 Broyles, S., S59 Aguirre, A., 456 Brune, L. M., 821 Aharonovich, E., 561 Bryant, F. B., 194 Alimenti, A., 1050 Buchbinder, S., 983 Amirkhanian, Y. A., 12 Bujak, G. J., 911 Anastos, K., 93 Bunch, E., 597 Andersson, R., 725 Buono, D., 998 Andrews, G., 269 Burke-Miller, J., 93 Aneshensel, C. S., 589 Bush, T., 895 Angel, J. B., 830 Butler, C., 501 Anton Basanta, J. J., 433 Bwalya, V., 629 Arfken, C., 621 Bweupe, P., 888 Arvantaj, A., 1004 Byrne, A., 501 Arvind, V. P., 366 Asadi, A., 1004 Cabral, J., 764 or, K., 1004 Cadell, S., 1050 Cafaro, L., 66 , 681 , 574 Cain, D., 178 , 846 Camden and Islington Steering Group, 183 Cameron, D. W., 830 Caprio, M., 332 achmann, M. O., 109 Carpenter, L. M., 614 3ailey-Kloche, M., 1 Carr, R., 1032 alabanova, Y., 846 Carrieri, M. P., 795 L., 830 Castle, C., 121 . 335 Castro Recio, J. M., 433 nares, R., Catalan, J., 175 3angsberg, D. R., 931 Celano, S. A., 853 I., 489 Celentano, D. D., 366 P., 589 Chan, I., 977 . J., 698 Chan, K., 968 forouz, H., 764 Chang, S. C., 426 L.-G., 569 Chapman, G. E., 1050 7, 872 Chen, M. Y., 426 thoff, F., 371 Cheng, Y., 1 Cherry, C., 178 Chima, K. L., 311 Chisenga, M. M., 812 Chung, R., 977 Ciccarone, D., 853 pera. 3. i. Cissé, G., 356 Black, R.., Clark, R. A., $59 Blanchard, J. Cleophas, B., 311 Boon, H., 388 Cohen, M. H., 93 Boris, N., 220 Coker, R., 846 30tsko, M., 853 Colbert, A., 140 Bouis, S., S18 Coleman, C., 597 Braitstein, P., 681, 690 Colfax, G. N., 983 Author Index ollin, S. M., 812 Ellis, D., 621 Ellison, D. M., 77 Emerson, E., 194 Enel, C., 514 Eng, E., 323 Corless, I. B., 597 Enny, N. P., 22 osentino, A. L., 339 Eorge, B. G., 22 ottler, L. B., 49 Eron Jr., J. J., $18, $45 Draib, K. J., 101 Esu-Williams, E., 888 crawford, J., 166 Evans, B. G., 133 Crawford, J., 942 Fairley, C. K., 934 Cree, V. E., 73 Fako, T. T., 201 remante, G., 872 Fang, X., 717 respo, C. J., 1040 Farmer, P., 764 Cropsey, K. L., 674 Fasolo, M., 376 Crosland Guimarnes, M. D., 529 Fawal, H., $51 crouse Quinn, S., 323 Fawal, H. J., S6 rump, C., 456 Fenton, K. A., 398 Sunha, M. D., 489 Fernandez, M. I., 12 Cylar, K., 786 Fielden, S. J., 1050 D’Arminio Monforte, A., 376 Fielding, R., 27 D’Entremont, D., 801 Filteau, S., 812 Danell, J., 725 Finkelstein, M., 786 Dari. E., 710 Finkelstein, R., 853 Davidson, O., 398 Fiore, S., 376 Davies, G., 895 Fishbein, M., 175 Dawson Rose, C., 417 Flisher, A. J., 388 Dawson Rose, C., 550 Flowers, P., 54 Dayl, C., 121 Flynn, P. M., 544 De Fatima Bonolo, P., 529 Forbes, J. C., 1050 de Ronchi, D., 872 Ford, K., 577 Delva, W., 189 Foster, G. L., 821 Diamond, P. M., 246 Fox, Z., 183 Dias, S. F., 208 Franceschi, S., 376 Dickinson, D. B., 931 Francois Venter, W. D., 725 Dole, P., 597 Frankis, J. S., 54 Donenberg, G. R., 194 Frankish, J. C., 1050 Dougan, S., 133 Freeman, M., 302 Dougherty, J., 853 Frey, M., 621 Douthwaite, M. R., 505 Frey, M., 839 Drobniewski, F., 846 Funkhouser, E., $35, S51 Duan, S., 647 Galavotti, C., 698 Dubois-Arber, F., 35 Dubois-Arber, F., 371 Gallo, P., 66 Gamarel, K. E., 550 Dubrow, R., 777 Gandhi, M., 93 Dudgeon, W. D., 1011 Ganesh, A. K., 121 Duncan, J. L., 821 Garber, G., 830 Duraisamy, P., 121 Dwards, S. G. E., 22 Garvie, P. A., 544 Gavyole, A., 311 Ebrahim, S. H., 27 Geense, R., 371 Eelen, J., 140 Geibel, S., 888 Elam, G., 398 Gerend, M. A., 698 Eldred, L., 853 German, D., 1 Eller, L. S., 597 Gerstle, III, J. E., 77 Ellerbrock, T. V., 895 Gifford, A. L., 663 Huszti, H. C., 698 Hutchinson, P. L., 446 Ichikawa, M., 128 Glasford Iles, K. M., 22 Gol le, M Im-Em, W., 637 Gonc Ingersoll, K. S., 674 Inspire Team, 417 Ippolito, G., 376 Ironson, G., 520 Jabs, D. A., 821 Jagannathan, P., 764 Jaworowicz, D., 1040 Jeannin, A., 35 Jenkinson, C., 614 Jhangri, G. S., 694 Johnson Johnson, Johnson, ! Johnston, Johnston, Jones, D. Jones, P., Jones, S. A., 952 Jooste, S., 178 Korner, H., 879 Kachieng’a, M. A., 215 Kadivar, H., 544 Kakoko, D. C., 554 Kaldor, J., 166, 942 Kalichman, S. C., 178 Kamali, A., 479 Kapiga, S. H., 379 Kasonka, L., 812 Kaufman, D. R., 918 Kay, H., 73 Kelly, J. A., 12 Kemppainen, J. K., 597 Kerndt, P. R., 1046 Kerr, T., 690 Kianpishe, M., 1004 Kigozi, G., 755 Kilby, J. M., $35 King, S., 194 Kipp, W., 694 , 101, 681, 690, 968 Kippax, S., 166, 230, 879, ,S D., 1046, S51 Kirk, J., 77 We. Sin, 663 Kirksey, K., 597 Wes 597 Kissinger, P., S62 Knowlton, A., 417 Ko, N. Y., 82 Koblin, B. A., 961 Koenig, L. J., 895 Koudou, B. G., 356 Author Index Kowal, J., 830 Marques, C., 489 Krawczyk, C. S., $35 Marsh, K. L., 750 Kremer, H., 520 Marx, R., 345 Kuenneth, C., 456 Mason, T. L., 60 Kumarasamy, N., 366 pees. “1... 739 Kumarsamy, N., 121 Mathews, C., 388 Mathur, A., 647 I aing, L., 694 Matos, M. G., 208 I agarde, E., 514 Mayon-White, R. T., 614 I aliberté, N., 681 Mc Curdy, S. A., 574 I ans, M., 725 McAuliffe, T. L., 12 Larsen, U., 3779 McDavid, K., 77 Laufman, L., 332 McGarrigle, C. A., 398 Lawler, J. T., 911 McGuigan, D., 166 Lee, M. P., 977 McKaig, R. G., S45 Lehman, E., 577 Meinert, C. L., 821 Leonard, N. R., 786 Meiring, N., 241 Lert, F., 254 Mendoza, M., 456 Leukefeld, C. G., 339 Menezes, P., S45 Lewis, M. P., 140 Mercey, D., 398 Li, K., 101, 690 Merson, M. H., 777 Li. FP, SET Meyers, M., 140 Li, X., 647, TET Middelkoop, K., 569 I i, Z., 647 Mildvan, D., 786 I jang, C. C., 426 Miller, C. L., 968 I jberty, H. J., 158 Miller, M.-L., 681 I ae, 'G. 'T., 554 Miller-Martinez, D., 589 I im, J.-Y., 60 Minnett, T. A., 284 I an, Ed, T37 Mirembe, F. M., 710 I incoln, K., $59 Mizuno, Y., 417 Lipton, M., 183 Mlay, J., 379 I Aster, N., 934 Mmassy, G., 311 I iu, ¥.5 345 Mngqundaniso, N., 608 I iuzzi, G., 376 Moatti, J. P., 795 I owe, K., 277 Moghadam, A. K., 1004 I ugoe, W. L., 554 Mohammed, H., S62 Luzi, A. M., 66 Molitor, F., 456 Méchali, D., 795 Mompati, K. F., 931 Mabey, D. C., 311 Montaner, J. S. G., 101, 690, 968 Mackellar, D., 961 Montoya, J. A., 1046 Macpherson, P. A., 830 Moreau-Greut, F., 35 Madougou, Z., 356 Morency, P., 371 Mahendra, V., 121 Morgenstern, J., 561 Mahlalela, X., 446 Morojele, N. K., 215 Makhema, J. M., 931 Morroni, C., 772 Makki, H., 961 Moses, S., 739 Makokha, M., 311 Motsepe, J., 888 Malatino, E., 895 Mousavi, M., 1004 Malta, M., 489 Mshana, G., 460 Mannheimer, S. B., 853 Munana, A., 821 Mansergh, G., 983 Muecke, M. A., 82 Mantell, J. E., 853 Mugarira, E. N., 220 Mao, L., 166, 942 Mujaya, B., 311 Margavio, C., 49 Mukherjee, R., 853 Marks, G., 983 Mundy, L. M., 853 Marks, M., 1 Murphy, D. A., 589 Marlink, R. G., 931 Murphy, M., $59 Author Index Murray, S. F., 812 Pence, B. W., S18, $27 Murri, R., 376 Pereira-Koller , E. M., 489 Mussini, C., 376 Perera, B., 497 Mutunga, L., 189 Peretti-Watel, P., 254 Mwandagalirwa, K., 777 Petros, G., 608 Myer, L., 569, 772 Phillips, K. D., 1011 Pierret, J., 254 Naar-King, S., 621, 717 Pignol, A. M., 356 Nakagawa, A., 786 Piselli, M., 872 Napravnik, S., $45 Plattner, I. E., 241 M. R., 1004 Plazaola Castafio, J., 433 M., 1004 Plummer, M. L., 311, 460 Pool, R., 479 a7 Posner, S., 698 Prestage, G., 166, 942 lah, F., 1004 Pritchett, E. N., 801 ¢ ht ey N., 302 Qian, H.-Z., S6 242444M4., 264942 242 Quaghebeur, A., 189 Campos, L., 52 Quartesan, R., 872 IQ Quinlivan, E. B., $45 Rassj6 , E.-B., 710 jQ Rajaraman, D., 656 banzondo, M., 777 Ramesh, B .M., 739 zaba-Biribonwoha, H., 614 ZZZZZZZ Ramirez-Marrero, F. A., 1040 hyn, M., 332 Randolph, D., 158 \., 561 Raper, J. L., S10 Ravizza, M., 376 Rawstorne, P., 934 Recsky, M., 101 Reece, M., 497 Rees Davis, W., 158 Reif, S., 277, S1, $10, $18, $27 Rey, D., 795 Reynolds, N. R., 663 Reynolds, N., 597 Rezza, G., 66 Rhodes, S. D., 1018 Richardson, J., 93 Ricketts, E. P., 1040 Riffiths, C. G., 22 Risser, J. M. H., 574 Roberts, S., 725 Rodriguez-Barradass, M. C., 332 rguson, Y., 323 Roetzer, L. M., 284 P22 Roseman, J. M., S51 262 Ross, D. A., 311, 460 574 Ross, M. W., 246, 290 §.. 44 Rough, G. B., 22 805 Ruiz Pérez, I., 433 V., 398 Russell, S., 656 T., 839 Sadler, K. E., 398 1046 Sagung Sawitri, A. A., 577 , 918 Salazar, J., 764 K., 608 Sam, N. E., 379 Author Index ndelowski, M., 323 Ssanyu-Sseruma, W., 398 itibanez, S., 417 Stanton, B., 647, 717 tos, C. Q., 808 Starace, F., 66 reoun, L., 505 Staton Tindall, M., 339 x, P. E., 149 Stein, D. J., 569 hénnesson, L. N., 246 Stephens, T. G., 77 chaalma, H. P., 388 Stevensen, L. Y., 12 1arko, A. M., 441 Stones, R. W., 44 Schechter, M. T., 101, 681, 968 Stratford, D., 895 1enk, K. D., 888 Strathdee, S. A., 489 Schilder, A., 681 Sumantera, G. M., 577 Schoenbaum, E. E., 998 Swartz, M., S18 Scott, D. P., 290 Tang, A. M., 1040 ott-Sheldon, L. A. J., 750 Tanner, M., 356 cudellari, P., 872 Tarricone, I., 872 ebesta, D. S., 345 Tasca, G. A., 830 ecord, E., 621 Taylor, M. M., 1046 >. 569 Taylor, R. D., S6 , 597 Temmerman, M., 189 ell , 872 Templin, T., 839 Semba, R. D., 1040 Tenorio, A. R., 808 erovich, J. M., 60 Tephenson, J. S., 22 erraino, D., 795 erwadda, D., 7 5 Tharaken, M., 786 The Manif 2000 Study Group, 795 Sewankambo, N., 755 The Vespa Group, 254 Shakely, D., 725 Thielman, N., $18 Shao, J. F., 379 _ A.. 998 Thior, I., 931 Thorne, J. E., 821 *kter, L., 1050 Thurman, T. R., 220 Tisdall, E. K. M., 73 Todd, J., 311 Sheps, S., 1050 Todd-Turner, M., 895 sherman, G. G., 952 Tommasello, A. C., 911 herr, L., 1:75, 183 Torian, L., 961 higongo, Z. S., 460 Sidat, M., 934 Trémoliéres, F., 795 ilverman, A., 830 Tsai, Y. F., 426 Tsai, Y-F, 597 imbayi, L. C., 178 Tschannen, A. B., 356 Tshandu, N., 725 innock, C., 544 Tugenberg, T., 904 tzler, C. A., 12 Skinner, D., 178, 269 Uche, C., 1032 Skogmar, S., 725 Ujkaj, M., 872 Smiley-McDonald, H. M., 339 Useche, B., 574 Smit, E., 1040 Utzinger, J., 356 Smit, J., 569 Smith Fawzi, M. C., 764 Valleroy, L., 961 Snider, L., 220 van de Ven, P., 942 Solomon, S. S., 366 Van Den Boon, F., 1 5 / Solomon, S., 121, 366 Van Zyl, C., 674 Somlai, A. M., 12 Vanlandingham, M., 637 Soto Blanco, J. M., 433 Varga, C. A., 952 Spire, B., 254, 795 Vavrus, F., 863 Spittal, P. M., 101, 968 Veenstra, N., 262 Sreedharan, C., 44 Vermund, S. H., S6, $35, S Sripriya, P., 121 Vick, j., S59 Wilkinson, J. D., 417 Williams, M., 246 Wilson, T., 93 Wirawan, D. N., 577 wut, ©. T., 22 Wolfe, W. R., 931 Wood, E., 101, 690, 968 Wood, R., 569 Woodstock Striley, C., 49 Wright, K., 839 Wright, N., 467 Wu, A. W., 663 Wu, Z., 647 Wyatt, M. A., 904 Xu, G., 961 Watson, R., 501 Yang, H., 647, 717 Wawer, M., 755 Yao, P., 561 Webber P., 998 Yazdi, C. A., 1004 Webst J. M., 339 Yee, L. J., 1018 Weiser Yepthomi, T. H., 366 Weis Yokota, F., 637 Yoskowitz, N. A., 918 Young, C., 812 Young, M., 93 Yu, P., 977 Zulu, A., 888 Zuma, K., 269 — Q Routledge AIDS Care, November 2006; 18(8) Taylor & Francis Group AIDS Care Contents of Volume 18, 2006 Volume 18 Number1 January 2006 ORIGINAL ARTICLES The evaluation of the JEWEL project: An innovative economic enhancement and HIV prevention intervention study targeting drug using women involved in prostitution. S.G. Sherman, D. German, Y. Cheng, M. Marks & M. Bailey-Kloche Programmes, resources, and needs of HIV-prevention nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa, Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. J. A. Kelly, \. M. Somlai, E. G. Benotsch, Y. A. Amirkhanian, M. I. Fernandez, L. Y. Stevensen, C. A. Sitzler, I. L. McAuliffe, K. D. Brown & K. M. Opgenorth A formative evaluation of the potential role of nurse practitioners in a central London HIV outpatient clinic. C. Griffiths, K. Miles, N. Penny, B. George, J. Stephenson, R. Power, P. Twist, G. Brough & S. G. Edwards Narrowing sexual behavioural differences between Chinese and non-Chinese populations in Hong Kong: Implications for sexually transmitted infection (STI) transmission. A. S. M. Abdullah, R. Fielding & S. H. Ebrahim Long-term HIV/AIDS-related prevention behaviours among men having sex with men: Switzerland 1992-2000. EF. Moreau-Greut, F. Dubois-Arber & A. Jeannin Sources of AIDS awareness among women in India. 5S. Pallikadavath, C. Sreedharan & R. W. Stones Gender and race matching preferences for HIV post-test counselling in an African-American sample. C. Woodstock Striley, C. Margavio & L. B. Cottler Cruising for sex: Sexual risk behaviours and HIV testing of men who cruise, inside and outwith public sex environments (PSE). J. S. Frankis & P. Flowers The role of stigma in reasons for HIV disclosure and non-disclosure to children. R. A. Ostrom, J. M. Serovich, J.-Y. Lim & T. L. Mason Knowledge and attitudes regarding preventative HIV vaccine clinical trials in Italy: Results of a national survey. F. Starace, T. M. Wagner, A. M. Luzi, L. Cafaro, P. Gallo & G. Rezza Listening to children and young people affected by parental HIV: Findings from a Scottish study. V. E. Cree, H. Kay, E. K. M. Tisdall & J. Wallace Results of the Expanded HIV Risk Factor Assessment Project (EHRAP). K. McDavid, J. E. Gerstle, III, Ir. A. Hammett, D. M. Ellison, T. G. Stephens & J. Kirk Prevailing discourses among AIDS care professionals about childbearing by couples with HIV in Taiwan. N. Y. Ko & M. A. Muecke Book reviews Global AIDS Focus Contents of Volume Volume 18 Number 2 February 2006 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Effects of treated and untreated depressive symptoms on highly active antiretroviral therapy use in a US multi-site cohort of HIV-positive women. J. A. Cook, D. Grey, J. Burke-Miller, M. H. Cohen, K. Anastos, M. Gandhi, J. Richardson, T. Wilson & M. Young Drastic elevations in mortality among female injection drug users in a Canadian setting. P. M. Spittal, R. S. Hogg, K. Li, K. J. Craib, M. Recsky, C. Johnston, J. S. G. Montaner, M. T. Schechter & E. Wood Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of early and late prevention of HIV/AIDS progression with antiretrovirals or antibiotics in Southern African adults. M.O. Bachmann Costs and financial burden of care and support services to PLHA and Households in South India. P. Duraisamy, C. Dayl, A. K. Ganesh, R. Homan, N. Kumarsamy, C. Castle, P. Sripriya, V. Mahendra & S. Solomon Perceived social environment and quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS in northern Thailand. M. Ichikawa & C. Natpratan Late diagnosis of HIV infection among individuals with low, unrecognised or unacknowledged risks in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. V. L. Gilbart, S. Dougan, K. Sinka & B. G. Evans A qualitative study of persons who are 100% adherent to antiretroviral therapy. P. Lewis, A. Colbert, J. Eelen & M. Meyers Strategies for management and treatment of dyslipidemia in HIV/AIDS. P. E. Sax Risks for HIV infection among users and sellers of crack, powder cocaine and heroin in central Harlem: Implications for interventions. W. Rees Davis, B. D. Johnson, D. Randolph & H. J. Liberty HIV risk and communication between regular partners in a cohort of HIV-negative gay men G. Prestage, L.M ao, D. McGuigan, J. Crawford, S. Kippax, J. Kaldor & A. E. Grulich BOOK REVIEWS Learning from HIV and AIDS Pain and Palliative Care in the Developing World and Marginalised populations Volume 18 Number3 April 2006 Special Issue: AIDS Impact ORIGINAL ARTICLES Editorial - AIDS Impact Cape Town 2005. F. Van Den Boom, J. Catalan, B. Hedge, M. Fishbein & L. Sherr Generalizing a model of health behaviour change and AIDS stigma for use with sexually transmitted infection clinic patients in Cape Town, South Africa. S.C. Kalichman, L. C. Simbayi, D. Cain, S. Jooste, D. Skinner & C. Cherry Sustaining HIV testing in pregnancy — Evaluation of routine offer of HIV testing in three London hospitals over 2 years. L. Sherr, Z. Fox, M. Lipton, P. Whyte, P. Jones, U. Harrison & Camden and Islington Steering Group Quality and quantity of antenatal HIV counselling in a PMTCT programme in Mombasa, Kenya. W. Delva, L. Mutunga, A. Quaghebeur & M. Temmerman Does substance use moderate the effects of parents and peers on risky sexual behaviour? G. R. Donenberg, E. Emerson, F. B. Bryant & S. King Contents of Volume Social and psychological factors associated with willingness to test for HIV infection among young people in Botswana. T. T. Fako 201 AIDS-related stigma and attitudes towards AIDS-infected people among adolescents. S. F. Dias, M. G. Matos & A. C. Gongalves 208 Perceptions of sexual risk behaviours and substance abuse among adolescents in South Africa: A qualitative investigation. N.K. Morojele, J. S. Brook & M. A. Kachieng’a Psychosocial support and marginalization of youth-headed households in Rwanda. T. R. Thurman, L. Snider, N. Boris, E. Kalisa, E. N. Mugarira, J. Ntaganira & L. Brown A public health dilemma: A testing question. S. Kippax Psychosocial impacts on caregivers of people living with AIDS. P. Orner Living with HIV: The psychological relevance of meaning making. I. E. Plattner & N. Meiring Baseline predictors of three types of antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence: A 2-year follow-up. L. N. Schénnesson, P. M. Diamond, M. W. Ross, M. Williams & G. Bratt Management of HIV-related stigma and adherence to HAART: Evidence from a large representative sample of outpatients attending French hospitals (ANRS-EN12-VESPA 2003). P. Peretti-Watel, B. Spire, J. Pierret, F. Lert, Y. Obadia & The Vespa Group The burden of HIV-related illness on outpatient health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. N. Veenstra & A. Oyier Epidemiology of health and vulnerability among children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. G. Andrews, D. Skinner & K. Zuma Volume 18 Number 4 May 2006 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Association of unmet needs for support services with medication use and adherence among HIV-infected individuals in the southeastern United States. S. Reif, K. Whetten, K. Lowe & J. Ostermann Support group participation among persons with HIV: Demographic characteristics and perceived barriers. S. E. Walch, L. M. Roetzer & T. A. Minnett Predictors of post-release primary care utilization among HIV-positive prison inmates: A pilot study. A.J. Harzke, M. W. Ross & D. P. Scott Guardianship of orphans and vulnerable children. A survey of current and prospective South African caregivers. M. Freeman & N. Nkomo Rationale and design of the MEMA kwa Vijana adolescent sexual and reproductive health intervention in Mwanza Region, Tanzania A. I. Obasi, B. Cleophas, D. A. Ross, K. L. Chima, G. Mmassy, A. Gavyole, M. L. Plummer, M. Makokha, B. Mujaya, J. Todd, D. Wight, H. Grosskurth, D. C. Mabey & R. J. Hayes The gender ratio imbalance and its relationship to risk of HIV/AIDS among African American women at historically black colleges and universities. Y. Owens Ferguson, S. Crouse Quinn, E. Eng & M. Sandelowski Comimnity outreach with weekly delivery of anti-retroviral drugs compared to cognitive-behavioural health care team-based approach to improve adherence among indigent women newly starting HAART. F. Visnegarwala, M. C. Rodriguez-Barradass, E. A. Graviss, M. Caprio, M. Nykyforchyn & L. Laufman Male and female rural probationers: HIV risk behaviors and knowledge. C. B. Oser, C. G. Leukefeld, M. Staton Tindall, J. R. Havens, J. M. Webster, H. M. Smiley-McDonald & A. L. Cosentino HIV prevention case management in San Francisco: Barriers to successful implementation. D. S. Sebesta, R. Marx & Y. Liu

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