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AFVA Evaluations 1992: Index PDF

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Director Index A Bailey, Christopher 84 Boulton, David 91 Abbate, Allison 72 Baker, Morris 190 Boven, Scott 158 Abernathy, Ray 215 Balibrera, Dana 98 Bozkurt, A.N. 111 Abounader, Jean 99 Ball, William 26 Bradley, John 240 Achtenberg, Mark 99 Banks, Barbara 234 Bradley, Sandra W. 67, 88 Adair, Peter 8 Barbutza, Keith 210 Brand, Dionne 217 Aguirre, Monti 13 Barnetter, Agnes 229 Brand, Michael 217 Akuginow, Erna 139 Barros, Randi 92 Brandau, Tom 220 Albert, Allan 44 Barton, Peter 171 Bransfield, Barry 264 Alexander, Leslie 259 Batterham, Kim 256 Braun, Terry 206 Alexander, Neil 118 Battle, Murray 11 Bremer, Terry 180 Allen, Dennis T. 96, 169 Baxley, Norman 179 Briggs, Richard 61 Allen, John David 86 Beaty, Sally V. 83 Brocco, Sammy Del 60 Allion, Costanzo 247 Beck, Frank 202 Broderick, John 19 Alpert, John 167 Becker, Edith 257 Brody, Hugh 236 Altschuler, Jane 97 Beker, Brian 134 Brooks, Maria 197 Alves, Steven 143 Bell, Madeline 23 Brown, Chris 138 American Media Inc. 8, 107 Bentley, Elisabeth 32 Brown, David L. 37 Amidei, Terry 219 Berger, Sidney 68 Brown, Peter Jay 183 Anderson, Anderson, III 129 Berggold, Craig 85 Browning, Kirk 223 Anderson, Dennis 242 Bergstrom, Kirk 220 Buckle, Denis 190 Anderson, Michael 267 Berlin, Pamela 143 Buenting, Debra 217 Anderson/ Will/Anderson 128 Berliner, Alan 116 Burke, Alan 9, 128 Andrews, Scott 129 Bezjian, Roxanne 47 Burke, Joanne 56 Anglim, John 7 Bilheimer, Robert 29 Burley, Ray 95 Aranovitch, Semyon 178 Biondo, Robert 232 Burnett, Charles 13 Ardleigh, Kathy 31 Birnbaum, Mark 249 Burns, Ken 74 Arledge, Elizabeth 258 Birney, Bill 83 Burns, Ric 14 Armstrong, John 60, 175 Birringer, Johannes 37 Buruchian, Robert 159, 265 Armstrong, Timothy 73 Bissonnette, Sophie 248 Bush, Andrew 231 Arnell, Walter 131 Black, Jesse 121 Byrd, Robert 191 Arnold, Jenny 160 Blank, Donald 142 Aronson, Len 255 Blank, Jonathan 52 C Asti, Carl F. 194 Blank, Les 122 Calliner, James 109 Atkins, Paul 158 Bleecker, James 245 Campanella, Roy, II 39 Atkinson, Linda 256 Bloom, Max 168 Campbell, Scott 203 Auerbach, Scott 11 Boerckel, Denise 111 Candee, Rees W. 169 Aviram 214 Bohlen, Anne 35 Capella, Randy 101 Aviram, Moti 214 Bohler, Georges 12, 195 Caplan, Elliot 41 Bonenfant, Robert 141 Carey, Brad 23 B Boord, Dan 234, 265 Carey, Tobe 106 Baehrend, John 48 Borenstein, Joyce 54 Carpenter, George 50 Baer, John 248 Borman, Arthur 242 Carrick, Bess 26 AFVA Evaluations Carrier, Tim 79 Decker, Ken 255 Fisher, Brett 128 Carter, Dick 91 Decker, Robert 149 Fisher, Mike 42 Cerutti, Marc 167 Dee, John H. 126 Fleisher, Carol 173 Chadderton, H. C. 240 DeFelitta, Raymond 39 Fontaine, Paul 22 Chadderton, H. Clifford 124, 157, 160 Deitch, Gene 261 Fopeano, Stephan 19 Chase, Robert 30 Del Brocco, Sammy 248, 253 Fortney, David 70 Chasnoff, Debra 62 Delaney, Chris 163 Fouhy, Ed 222 Chater, Cris 120 DeLaney, Robert 139 Fountain, Fred 97 Chatlien, Michael 204 DeLeo, Maryann 167, 192 Fraenzel, Susanne 38 Cherniack, David 100 Demetrios, Eames 7 Franco, William 83 Ching, Yau 118 DePonte, Jeff 78 Frangakis, Tony 208 Choy, Christine 31, 152 Deutsch, David 158 Frank, Alan 179 Christiansen, Mark 155 Diercks, Richard 66, 69 Friedman, Peter 80 Churchill, Jane 173 Dietsche, Louis "Rusty" 69 Fritz, Sonia 189 Chvala, Wm. 48 Dillingham, Gay 267 Frye, Robert E. 199 Ciaramitaro, Sam 219 Dine, Nancy 27 Cioffi, Lee W. 153 Ditter, Judy 256 G Clark, Nick 58 Dlugacz, Judy 47 Galan, Hector 15 Clark, Norris 208 Docherty, Neil 5 Garcia, Michael 81 Clarke, John 243 Domonkos, Bill 136 Garcia, Roger 39, 64 Cohen, Nancy 155 Doob, Nick 128, 256 Gardner, Robert 191 Cohen, Rod 107 Dor-Ner, Zvi 54 Gare, David 225 Cole, D. 44 Downey, Juan 97 Garey, Diane 260 Coleman, Dave 8, 96 Draper, Jim 121 Garfunkel, Solomon 52 Coles, Chris 116 Dratch, Howard 203 Gargiulo, Maria 166 Colquhoun, Gus 224 Drew, robert 132 Gartz, Linda 229 Comisky, Bob 80 Driver, Richard 104 Gatchel-North, Melissa 79 Condie, Richard 20 Dudley, Stewart 191, 237 Gatz, Scott A. 258 Connell, Brady 103 Duff, Teri 132 Gay, Joyce 162 Connor, Marianne 236 Duggan, Brian 116 Geraty, Virginia Mixson 183 Cottrell, Anna 25 Duggan, William, Jr. 177 Gerslanfeld, Alan 77 Cowell, Adrian 191 Duncan, Digby 252 Giges, Bob 157 Craighead, Wendel 252 Gillam, Martin 6 Cram, Bestor 111, 115, 148, 231, 251 E Gillern, Tom 162 Crane, Kevin 218 Edgington, Mark 63 Gliner, Bob 14 Craton, Christine 90 Edwards, Harvey 131 Glintenkamp, Pamela 224 Craven, Chris 19 Engleman, Dorothy 185 Gliserman, Thomas 204 Craven, Curtis 106 Ennis, Robert 134 Gluck, David 230 Crawford, William P. 28 Entell, Peter 250 Goldweber, Cary 251 Crawford-Mason, Clare 189 Epp, Janice 180 Goodman, Roger 7 Creech, David 149 Erdheim, Stuart 221 Goodwin, Neil 46 Crenshaw, M. 217 Erickson 163 Goodwin, Thomas C. 136 Crichton, Charles 106 Erickson, Sheldon 163 Goto, Jun 245 Crocker, Scott 36 Erslovas, Eduard 22 Grant, Sandy 148 Cultrera, Joe 130 Eshel, Shuli 263 Green, Frank 83 ’ Cumulus Productions 223 Espinosa, Paul 161, 244 Greer, Tyson 82 Cushner, David 40 Estus, Boyd 257 Griles, Ed 41 Ettengruber, P.P. 5 Groberg, Lee B. 17 D Gross, Maureen 150 Dalrymple, Nancy 24 F Grossman, Karen 48 Dalton, Keith 127 Fallo, Phil 176 Grossmann, Goetz 59 Damberger, Francis 10 Farnsworth, Elizabeth 230 Grubin, David 16 Danagyumplewa, James 229 Farrell, Richard 213 Gudema, Louis 134 Danitz, Brian 157 Faye, Ted 209 Guggenheim, Charles 16 David, John 86 Fefer, Sylvie 178 Guida, Louis 206 Davidson, Dave 60 Feldman, Alexander 82 Guidici, Ross 116 Davis, Charles 42 Feldman, Dick 262 Guise, Roberta 125 Davis, Glenn 257 Field, Randy 239 Davis, Julie 77 Fincke, Sueann 173 H Davis, Scott H. 225 Fine, Jeffrey 205 Haacks, Juergen 258 Davis, Zeinabu irene 184 Fingado, Eberhard 226 Haas, Philip 209 Dawkins, Kevin 64 Finlayson, Elizabeth 110 Haft, Alan 121 De Crespigny, Robin 233 Finley Holiday Films 17 Hainsworth, Shawn 58 Dean, Graham 142 Finley-Holiday Films 153 Hales, Carolyn 235 DeBono, Terri 157 Finnegan 198 306 Director Index Hallis, Ron 155 Jones, Dan 247 Lemle, Mickey 56 Hammell, Robert C. 198 Jones, Jerry 105 Lerner, Jesse 158 Hanley, Jim 3 Jones, Lucy 135, 221, 250 Levi, Robert 15 Haptas, John 74 Jones, Sherry 102 Levin, Claudia 194 Harder, Alison 76, 157 Joseph, Jamal 263 Levis, Ken 88 Harder, Bill 218 Jue, Sharon 156 Levitt, Peper 37 Hardie, Sean 226 Lewis, Richard 73 Hardin, Mary A. 19 K Lhotsky, Antonin 129 Harman, Allen 191 Kacandes, Tina 168 Lieberman, Robert H. 37 Harper, Rick 146 Kadaka, Geraldine 145 Linden, Marc 91, 150 Harrison, Richard L. 220 Kahn, Julie 228 Linder, Corinne 49 Hart, Donald S. 181 Kahn, Tony 80 Lindo, Elanore 102 Hartley, Elda 190 Kanten, Lee 20, 89 Lithgow, Webster 101 Hart-Williams, Nick 187 Karp, Morris 5 Litwinowicz, Manfred 87 Hasan, Mark 28 Katsos, Athan 134 Locker, James 222 Haskins, Linda 78 Katz, William L. 230 Lockhart, Betty Ann 262 Hayden, Jeffrey 185 Kayon, Renee K. 167 Lonigro, Jeffrey W. 19 Hazzan Green, Arlene 28 Keen, Jim 4, 41 Lorenzo, Doreen 257 Heitner, Howard 196 Kelly, Gabrielle 187 Loughrey, Scott 197 Heller, Karin 136 Kendrick, Celia 87 Loukinen, Michael 147 Henderson, Anne 219 Kennard, David 254 Love, Brett 73 Henson, Joan 47 Kessler, Lynette 203 Love, Sam 159 Heriza, Tony 216 Kessler, Suzanne 32 Loveland, Karen 172 Hershey, Barry J. 139 Kim, Ann F. 38 Lowenwarter, Paul 265 Hess, Daniel L. 141 Kimbrough, Calvin 47 Lucas, Nicole 165 Hill, Laura 265 Kinoy, Peter 228 Lynch, Graeme 139 Hinlein, Liz 258 Kirk, Jeff 60 Holland, Savage Steve 129 Knight, Christopher 266 M Hollibaugh, Amber 207 Knoop, John 230 MacAllister, Jim 109, 151 Holmes, Fred 239 Kolouchova, Eva 91 Macbeth, Serena 198 Holweger, Dane 241 Koning, Oliver 205 MacDonald, Heather 127, 242 Hooks, Kevin 101 Kotkovich, Paul J. 130 Madison, Curt 104 Horsborough, Oliver 266 Kramer, Karen 152 Magruder, Wesley 175 Hott, Lawrence 194, 260 Kratt, Christopher 21, 137 Malmberg, Richard 169 Howard, Christopher 174 Kratt, Martin 21, 137 Maloney, David 21 Hughes, Kelly W. 33 Kronick, Bill 122 Maloney, Shereen 29 Humphreys, Douglas 14 Kushelowitz, Barry 260 Mandel, Kenneth 88 Hutchings, Patrick, Fr. 100 Kutz, David 61, 254 Mandelbaum, Juan 264 Hutton, Betty 55 Mandell, Alan 29 L Manning, Michael 241 I Lance, Natasha 204 Manucci, Mark 193 Irwin, Bill 244 Lancit, Larry 193 Marano, Eric 18 Isacsson, Magnus 246 Landau, Robert 227 Marcus, Paul 141, 172 Isner, Vince 131 Landau, Saul 243 Mardis, Bobby 259 Ivanov, Kalina 136 Landis, Bob 45 Marlin, David 233 Lanum, Robb 190 Marloff, Marilyn 265 J Large, Brian 136 Marris, Sarah 251 Jabaily, Barbara 251 Lattanzio, Robert 70 Marshall, Becky 201 Jackson, Richard E. 171 Laughlin, Stephen 81 Marshall, Teresa 85 Jagen, Edward 92 Laughlin, Trella 211 Martin, Ginny 249 James, Ashley 207 Lavine, Kaye 120 Maschio, Franco Del 8 James, Steve 94 Law, Lisa 82 Mason, Edward A. 200 Jamison, Gayla 206 Lawrence, Donna 14, 51, 248 Massingham, Gordon 57 Jardin, Doc 258 Lawson, Hilary 40 Mathias, Harry 213 Jasny, Vojtech 259 Lay, Robert L. 26 Matthews, Molly 57, 108 Jay, Paul 12 Lazarus, Margaret 9 May, Ted 212 Jean, Leo 33 Le Razer, Alain 215 Maylone, Bill 57, 163, 218 Jeannet, Francois 18 Leach, David 268 Maysles Brothers 188 Jennings, Phillip D. 230 Leaf, Caroline 242 Mazzola, Jeff 140 Jensen, Kerry Lyn 182 Leavy, Adrienne 69 McBrearty, Don 201 Jersey, Bill 192 Leddy, Jane 31 McCarthy, Betsy 154 Joffa, Bernard 210 Leduc, Jean-Jacques 151 McCarthy, Stephen 231 Johnson, Dan 69, 110, 113, 257 Leibling, Rachel 103 McCartney, Carole Ewing 88 Johnson, David 72 Leighton, Jeff 92 McCaslin, Megan 150, 175 Jokel, Lana 128 AFVA Evaluations McCay, Victoria A. 175 Oakley, Vern 143 Richmond, Lee 216, 255 McCleary, Robert F. 11 Olson, Priscilla 232 Richter, Robert 152 McElaney, Lisa 225 Olsson, Stephen 129 Ridgeway, James 35 McGowan, David 145 Otto, Linda 186 Riefert, Jack 108 McLagan, Meg 234 Ovitt, Jim 256 Rifken, Hal 181 McLeod, Christopher 249 Ovshinsky, Harvey 253 Riggs, Marlon 53 McLeod, Mike 238 Ozawa, Toshiaki 36 Ritco, Penny 182 Mead, Mary Kay 168 Rivellino, Dennis 243 Meehan, John P. 154 Pr Rivello, David 245 Meraska, Ron 38 Pace, Karen 252 Rizzo, Dick 93 Mercado, B. Charles 51 Palef, Bonnie 250 Roberts, Richard 234 Mercado, Gwen Zucker 65, 169 Paly, Melissa 241 Robinson, Kevin B. 85 Mercier, Vincent 18 Paris, William 98 Rocha, Stephen 153 Meyers, Daniel 49 * Parr, Cory 62 Rock, Marcia 200 Meyers, Ellen A. 170 Pattenden, Mary 70 Rogala, Miroslaw 237 Micksch, Tom 65, 212 Paul, Kenneth 234 Rogers, C.W. 119 Mierendorf, Michael 137 Paulson, David 176 Rogers, W.C. 156 Miesmer, Adrenne 187 Pearce, Kathleen 266 Romano, Moira 80 Mikuriya, Rob 146 Peoples, Susan 126 Rosalini, Dugan 221 Milam, K. 4 Peppard, Christian 200 Rosati, Elissa 131 Miller, Forney W. 13 Perkin, Stuart 195 Rosemond, Perry 76 Mims, Stephen 170 Peterson, Beverly 63 Rosen, Steve 58, 157 Mishan, Ahrin 90 Peterson, Roger 12 Rosow, Eugene 203 Mishima, Sumie 119 Petzall, Jill 203, 204 Ross, Gaylen 236 Mitchell, Wayne 59 Piercey, Julia 83 Ross, Sue 264 Mohl, Margaret 102, 177 Pindal, Kaj 176 Ross, Tana 226 Mommenhof, Cisca 18 Pipher, Joseph 239 Rothenberg, Nick 90 Mondell, Allen 114 Podnieks, Juris 196 Rotter, Sy 269 Moore, Lawrence 238 Poole, Mike 118 Rozsa, Nicholas 18 Moore, Richard 40 Porter, James 123 Rubin, Lucy Bruell 45, 140 Moreno, Fidel 261 Porter, Nancy 166 Ryan, David 266 Morgan, Anne B. 65 Powell, Peter 50, 162 Ryan, Patrick 61 Morin, Jean Louis 129 Powell, Tim 170 Morris, Matt 114 Powers, Allison 93 S Morrison, Bill 138 Powers, Denise 102 Sabolsky, Thomas S. 50 Morrison, Frances-Mary 143 Pratt, Nora 247 Sailers, Brian 30 Mosteller, Karen 262 Preis, Eran 48 Samuelson, Kristine 74 Mudge, Jean M. 71 Prescott, John J. 209 Sarin, Rita 197 Muir, Madeline 253 Pret, Deborah Del 90 Sarrafan, Babak 67 Murgatroyd, Susan 144 Prose, Doug 63 Scalzo, Dan 213 Murphy, Bruce 181 Puccioni, Marco 35 Schechter, Danny 144 Murphy, Susan 28 Purdy, Brian E. 4 Schiller, Greta 146 Murray, James 159 Putch, John 250 Schlaman, Brett 20 Myers, Allan 32 Putnam, Tom 189 Schmid, Anka 229 Puttkamer, Peter von 46, 124 Schmid, Barbara 44, 188 N Schmitt, Ray 55 Nallaseth, Simi 64 Q Schneider, Kim 33 Nathan, John 90 Quesada, Virginia 150 Schneps, Matthew H. 133 National Center for Science Quinn, Edward 179 Scholl, Eric 199 Education 105 Quinones, Noel 30 Schuman, Werner 86 Navarro, Evelyn 135 Quint, Janina 262 Schwab, Tim 90 Nearhood, Janet 165 Schwartz, Bruce R. 173 R Neff, Chuck 23 Schwartz, Lise 27 Neff, Tom 84 Rafferty, Kevin 35 Scott, Michael 138 Newington, Peter 247 Raisz, Kate 165 Sebastian, Tom 43 Newman, Paul Robert 109 Rankin, K. 44 Sedaka, Jan 260 Newman, Wally 91 Ray, Chris 124 Seftel, Joshua 138 Nicholson, Bruce 109 Ray, Rick 27 Selenko, Bill 192 Nicolson, Marinella 219 Raymond, Alan 66 Sellers, Peter 176 Niewenhous, Kathyrn 119 Reeves, John 164 Sells, Shannon 93 Nordlicht, Jonathan 38 Reid, Frances 47 Semmens, Frank 77 Reiner, Jeff 199 Shames, Deborah 212 O Rhine, Gary 261 Shapiro-Perl, Nina 186 O’Brien, Kevin S. 163 Richard, Amy 161 Shaw, Michael 24, 249 O’Connor, Geoffrey 23 Richardson, Jim 195 Shemer, Yaron 180 Director Index Sher, Elizabeth 45 Switzer-Wareing, Sabrina 107 Way, David 70 Sherman, Edward B. 223 Szasz, Eva 58 Weaver, Kay 30 Sherman, Roger 79 Webber, Barbara 92 Shinagawa, Ernest 98 T Wechsler, Judith 7 Siegel, Allan 133 Tajima, Renee 31 Weeks, Loren 88 Siegel, Steve 237 Takahashi, Kyoko 134 Weihnacht, Doug 97 Siegel, Taggart 100 Tapper, David A. 171 Weinberg, Howard 154 Sikora, Andrew J. 124 Taylor, Nick 203 Weinberg, Wendy 32 Silber, Glenn 94 Teixera, Chico 246 Weinstock, Jerry 165 Simmons, Katina 81 Templeton, Gary 164 Weisberg, Roger 172 Simon, Andrea 22 Tewkesbury, Joan 227 Weiss, Alan 160, 161 Simon, Fred 231 The Brothers Quay 62 Weiss, Howard 222 Singh, Nidhi 125 Thomas, Gayle 179 Westbrook, Wayne 59 Sisselman, Brian 238 Thomas, K. F. 220 Wetherell, Dean 232 Skaggs, Calvin 80 Thompson, David 223 Wetherwell, Dean 36 Slane, Rod 218 Thompson, Robert 264 Wheeler, Lewis 216 Slatkin, Charles H. 17, 33, 84, 162 Thornberry, Mark 186 Wheelock, Martha 30 Sloan, Claudia 253 Thurlbeck, Grdg 186 White, Jack 144 Smith, Christine 93 Thurling, Peter 10 Whiteford, William A. 43, 92 Smith, Clive 228 Tibbetts, Richard J., Jr. 112, 130 Whitney, Helen 61 Smith, David H. 135 Tilby, Wendy 226 Whitney, Laura Scheerer 105 Smith, Lee 36, 57 Till, Eric 38, 89 Wiatrowski, Claude 180 Snyder, Doug 98 Timmons, Kirby 95 Wickesser, Paul 215 Snyder, Gary 155 Tingle, Terri 121 Wiley, Foster 102, 112 Sohn, Gina H. 260 Todd, Loretta 129 Wilkins, Dwight 197 Solomon, Michie 21 Tolf, Robert 49 Wilkinson, F.D., III 49 Sonam, Tenzing 197 Tollini, Theresa 224 Wilkos, Virginia 233 Sorensen, William F. 77 Tostevin, Nicole Harte 227 Williams, John C. 64 Sorrentino, Bruno 201 Toth, Frank J. 104 Williams, Tom 68, 103 Spears, Ross 237 Townsend, Marta 135 Willpower Productions, Inc. 21 Spencer, Cameron 198 Treurniet, Maarten 231 Wilson, Andy Abrahams 184 Spencer, Terry 188 Tsuno, Keiko 225 Wilson, Ian James 178 Sporn, Michael 120 Tuchman, Jeffrey 188 Wiltz, Chris 26 Sporn, Pam 202 Tugend, James 220 Winddance- Twine, Francine 123 Springbett, David 164 Turnure, Jacqueline 132 Wintner, Chuck 254 Spry-Leverton, Peter 118 Tusty, James 95 Wintner, Lisa 254 Spurlock, Joey 58 Tyrell, Lou 140 Wishengrad, Marc 174 Sroka, Iris 4 Withers, Robert 244 Vv Stacey, Bruce 127 Witt, Cliff 63 Stafford, Vincent 126 Valdovino, Luis 234, 264, 265 Wolfinger, Kirk 184, 224 Stahley, Susanne 266 Van Buren, Carol 195 Woodard, Dan 141, 192 Staveley, Joan I. 251 Van Cleef, Ed 121 Woodruff, Chuck 123 Stedman 141 Van Daalen, Bill 113 Wright, Georgia 133 Stedman, Joel 141, 190, 217, 229, Vanden Bosch, James 156 Wu, Joplin 109 235, 269 Vaughan, Jesse E., Jr. 68 Wunderlich, Renner 9 Steele, Fraser 210 Verdoia, Ken 65, 213 Steele, Robert 147 Verrone, Patric M. 50 ¥ Stein, Nick 13 Victor, Fran 218 Yacker, Fawn 43 Sterling, Scott 158 Vindeni, Dino 227 Yates, Angus 7 Stern, Peggy 27 Voelpel, Mark 152 Yates, Pamela 228 Stikeman, Ginny 217 Voight, Tom 31 Yeager, Paul 68 Still, Steve 35, 52 Voorhees, J. R. H. 259 Yelchin, Eugene 196 Stimpson, John 152 Vose, Francis 82 Young, John 155, 179 Stockwell, John 267 Vuijst, Freke 226 Yu, Jessica 105 Stone, Cordelia 9 W Stone, Jon 211 Stone, Lauren 256 Wachspress, Dan 122 Stone, Tamar 205 Wagner, paul A., III 187 Stucker, Darren M. 269 Walker, Julie 185 Stucker, Richard 52 Wang, Xiao-Yen 35 Surjik, Stephen 93 Ward, Carol 111 Sutherland, David 96 Ward, Phyllis 266 Sweete, Barbara Willis 97 Ward, Tim 107 Switkes, Glenn 13 Wason, David 240 Waugh, Kathy 10 subject Index A Afghanistan Betty’s Backyard Seed Company, Last Images of War 129 etc. 31 Abbott, Berenice Africa Can You See Me Flying 43 Berenice Abbott: A View of the 20th Century 31 From the Journey to Understanding Certain Age: A Celebration of Experi- Series: Understanding Each Other ence 46 Abused women (YA) 87 Grace 93 Prisoners of Wedlock 186 African Americans Halftime: Five Yale Men at Rule of Thumb 204 Midlife 96 1990 Black History Minutes 4 Accidents American Experience: The Massachu- Healthy Aging 100 In Case of Emergency 111 setts 54th Colored Infantry (YA) 17 In and Out of Time 110 Accidents - Prevention Black America’s War 34 Live the Jazz 135 Accidents - Prevention (C) (YA) 168 Color Adjustment: Blacks in Prime Losing It All: The Reality of Alzhe- Acting Time 53 imer’s 137 Eleanora Duse: The Soul of Ebony /J et Guide to Black Excellence: My Mother, My Father: Seven Years Theater 72 The Entrepreneurs (YA) 71 Later 156 Family Across the Sea 79 Sex After 50 - A Guide to Life-Long Actors Sexual Pleasure 212 _ In the Land of Jim Crow (YA) 112 Michael Caine: Breaking the Shades of Gray 213 Mold 149 Moko Jumbie 152 Sonny and Cornblatt 220 Actors - American Powerful Thang 185 The Family Image (YA) 79 Robert Mitchum: The Reluctant Star Resurrection (YA) 199 Velhice “Old Age” 246 (YA) 202 Sepia’s Blues 211 Waking Up Vanessa 250 Addams, Jane Sermons and Sacred Pictures Howie Rubin Story 107 (YA) 211 Wetshte CLoiavsest oCfr oNniense: OAl dG lLiemspbsiea nsin to2 53 Sisters in the Struggle (YA) 217 Adoption Who Pays for Mom and Dad? (“Front- The Dancing Man- Peg Leg Bates 61 Adoption: Your Guide to Success 9 line”) 258 This Far by Faith 232 Reunion as a Therapeutic Strategy: Agriculture - Economics ABi rTtehe nMaogteh eArd op2t0e0e Encounters His TrNuee wsCo lo2r4s1 - PrimeTime Live - ABC There But for the Grace 231 Special Children...Special Families: See Also: Black Studies Agriculture - Health and hygiene Creating a Family Series 221 (Category 51) Occupational and Environmental Hazards in Agriculture 168 Advertisements African folklore AIDS (Disease) Magnevist Video 141 African Story Magic (C) 10 Absolutely Positive 8 NYCHA Good Job 167 African music AIDS 202 11 Where Does Your Gasoline Money Music of the Spirits (C) 155 Go? 257 AIDS: The Street War 11 Agee, James AIDS in Prison: Fears and Facts 11 Advertising To Render a Life (YA) 238 Barbara Fassbinder Story 28 Advertising Alcohol: Calling the Shots, Second Edition (YA) 10 Aging Bike for Life 33 After the Hospital: What’s Next? 10 Chance for Change (YA) 47 Aerobics Voicepower 248 Age Is No Barrier 10 Conducting an HIV Parent Support Beneath Vincent 30 Group 57 Bold Subject Headings are AFVA categories. AFVA Evaluations Dangerous Affair (YA) 61 Women: Coming Out of the Anasazi Health Quarterly 101 (The Health Shadows 263 Mystery of the Ancients 157 Quarterly) 99 Alexander, Lincoln Ancestry HIV/AIDS Training for Supervisors Lincoln Alexander: His Story 134 Chamarita: Festival of the Holy 104 Algebra Ghost 46 I Need a Friend: Kids Talk About the College Algebra: In Simplest Terms Anderson, Margaret AIDS Virus (C) (YA) 108 “Ellipses and Hyperbolas” (YA) 53 Beyond Imagining 32 In the Shadow of Love (YA) 112 Equations and Formulas from “By Kecia: Words to Live By (YA) 124 The Numbers” 76 Anderson, Marian Marian Anderson 145 Living Room: A Blueprint for Healing Alzheimer’s disease 136 Anesthetics Facing Alzheimer’s: Legal and Finan- Living with Loss: Children and HIV cial Considerations 78 Minimizing Post Dural Puncture 136 Headaches 151 Grace 93 Man Alive: Peter’s Story 143 Animal rights movement In and Out of Time 110 Nobody Told Me I Was at Risk - Teen- TBS Super Citizen of the Week - Incidental Occasion 113 agers and Aids (YA) 165 Jama Hedgecoth 229 Losing It All: The Reality of Alzhe- One Day You Hear... 171 imer’s 137 Animals - Behavior Outreach 173 Trials of Life (Episode: Hunting and Prehospital Management of the Physicians and AIDS: The Ethical Alzheimer’s Patient 185 Escaping) 240 Response 179 Animation (Category 1) Amazon rain forest Positive Motion 184 Animal Sports Network (C) (YA) 20 Rainforest (YA) 191 Public Agenda: AIDS at Issue 188 Apprentice (C) (YA) 20 Second Epidemic 207 Amazon River Bravo Papa 2040 (C) (YA) 38 90’s Our World in Transition - Ama- Teen AIDS: Sons and Daughters 230 Personality Software 178 zon: Paradise Lost? 6 Universal Precautions: AIDS & Hep- Amazonia: Voices From the Rainfor- Recycle 195 atitis B Prevention 245 est (YA) 13 Shrimp’s Eye View 215 Word on the Street (YA) 264 America - Discovery Strings (C) (YA) 226 Who’s Going to Care for These Chil- dren? 259 Columbus and the Age of Discovery The Enchanting Travels of Benjamin Episode 3: The Crossing 54 of Tudela 75 AIDS (Disease) - Prevention Thinking of Wolves 232 American flag Protect Yourself (YA) 188 Red, White and Blues (YA) 197 Wanting for Bridge 251 Spread the Word: Teens Talk about White Hole (YA) 258 AIDS (YA) 223 American Indians Anthropology (Category 61) Akhmatova, Anna See: Indians of North America At the Edge of Conquest: The Journey Personal File of Anna American literature - Southern of Chief Wai-Wai 23 Akhmatova 178 states Bali Beyond the Postcard 27 Alaska Reynolds Price: A Writer’s Inherit- Carnival in Q’Eros 44 Cu’Pik Of Alaska - Eskimos: ance 201 Discovering a Heritage 65 A Changing Culture (YA) 60 American Museum of Natural Horses of Life and Death 105 Hitting Sticks - Healing Hearts History Iraq: The Cradle of Civilization from (YA) 104 American Museum of Natural the Legacy Series 118 Making Waves - Alaska Women Fish- History (YA) 18 Mayordomia: Ritual, Gender, and ermen 142 Americans with Disabilities Act Cultural Identity in a Zapotec Com- When the Spill Hit Homer (YA) 257 ADA Maze: What You Can Do 9 munity (YA) 147 Albania Nobody Is Burning Wheelchairs 165 Mystery of the Ancients 157 Albanian Journey, End of an Era 12 Pizza and the Bus: 1992 Easter Seal Prophecy and the Bone: From the Be- Alcoholism Campaign 181 ginnings of Man Series (YA) 187 Another Chance to Change 20 Amish Trobriand Islanders of Papua New Earthbeat: Lifelines 70 Amish Riddle 18 Guinea 240 Elephant in the Living Room (YA) 73 Amnesia Virarica: “The Healing People” 247 Getting Off the Hook 90 Pat Martino: Open Road (YA) 176 Ways Of Thinking 252 Over the Influence: Preventing Our Amusement parks Apartheid Kids from Using Drugs & Alcohol American Experience: Coney Senzeni Na? (What Have We Done?) (YA) 174 Island 15 (YA) 211 Recovering Our Kids from Drugs & Veil of Good Hope 246 Amusements Alcohol (Part2) (YA) 174 Carousel (YA) 44 Apartment houses Saturday Night (YA) 205 Roller Coaster Boogie 203 Strings (C) (YA) 226 Secret Addictions: Women, Drugs and Alcohol (YA) 208 Anacostia River Appalachia This Time, Next Time 233 Year in the Life of a River 267 Appalachian Journey 20 What’s Wrong With This Picture? Anamorphosis (YA) 256 De Artificiali Perspectiva or Anamor- phosis 62 Subject Index Applied Arts and Architecture Time for Art: The Millay Colony for Bali (Category 11) the Arts 236 Bali Beyond the Postcard 27 1991 Kentucky Derby Festival Poster Artists Unlimited Bali Life in the Balance: A Personal Unveiling 4 Sometimes the Metro Bus Doesn’t Journey With Rick Ray 27 901:After 45 Years of Working 7 Stop for Me 219 Ballet A Sense of Design: Designing for Peo- Artists, American Boyceball (YA) 37 ple 210 Frederic Remington: The Truth of Children With a Dream 49 Gifts from the Fire: The Ceramic Art Other Days 84 of Brother Thomas (YA) 91 Grand Prix de Baliet: The 27th Inter- Artists, Puerto Rico national Ballet Competition 93 Legacy of Excellence (C) (YA) 130 Puerto Rico: Art and Identity 189 Banking Mark of the Maker 145 Arts and Humanities (Category Money Lenders 152 Space of Pottery: The Ceramics of Paul Mathieu 220 81) Banks and banking Arab Americans Arts and Humanities (C) 29 Banking on Trust 27 Light on the Sones: The Medieval Club Connect: Racial Sensitivity Test Church of Vézalay 133 Baseball (YA) 51 Collecting America 52 Stations of Bach (YA) 224 Architecture Bates, Clayton (Peg Leg) Assertiveness Arts and Humanities (C) 29 The Dancing Man- Peg Leg Bates 61 Straight Talking: The Art of Asser- Newport Mansions (YA) 162 tiveness 226 Bauer, Wilhelm Architecture, Gothic Astronauts 52 Feet Beneath the Sea - The Subma- Suspended Abbey 227 Alan Bean: Art Off This Earth 12 rines of Wilhelm Bauer 5 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Astronomy Baum, L. Frank Arctic Project 21 Eyes on Hawaiian Skies 78 Dreamer of Oz 68 Argentina Facets: Profiles in Science ‘The Dark Bean, Alan 12 90’s Our World in Transition - S. After Daylight’ 78 Alan Bean: Art Off This Earth 12 America: Dictatorships Or Democ- Mirrors of Time (YA) 152 Bereavement racy 6 Searching for Black Holes (The As- What About Me? Kids and Grief (C) Arms control tronomers) (YA) 207 (YA) 253 End of War: Nuclear Winter 75 Where the Galaxies Are (YA) 258 Bezanson, Thomas Art Atherosclerosis Gifts from the Fire: The Ceramic Art Boneshop of the Heart (YA) 36 Atherosclerosis...New Frontiers in of Brother Thomas (YA) 91 Thinking of Wolves 232 Understanding 24 Bill of Rights Art - Composition Athletes - Drug use Bill of Rights Education Kit (YA) 33 Picasso: The Man and His Work - Athletes and Addictions: It’s Not a You’ve Got That Right: Program #1 Special Gift Box Edition (YA) 179 Game (YA) 24 Overview (YA) 267 Art and the handicapped Auschwitz Biltmore Sometimes the Metro Bus Doesn’t Special Target 221 Lifestyles: Community Portraits 33 Stop for Me 219 Australian Aborigines Biography Art, Ancient Ways Of Thinking 252 American Experience: LBJ Episodes ColoniArt 53 Austro-Hungarian Empire 1 and 3 (YA) 16 Compassion in Exile: The Life of the Art, French Hard Times and Culture 97 14th Dalai Lama 56 DirAretc ti6o5n s in Contemporary French Authors George Marshall and the American Edgar Allan Poe: Architect of Century 88 Art, Indonesian Dreams, A Documentary with Epi- John C. Stennis: A Senator’s Senator Art of Indonesia: Tales from the sodes (YA) 72 (YA) 121 Shadow World 22 Autism John Cipollina: Electric Guitarsling- Art, Italian Renaissance Autism er 121 Donatello 66 Being Friends (C) (YA) 25 Life and Death of aD ynasty 132 Art, Medieval Learning to Live 25 Mandela in America 144 Stubborn Love 25 Suspended Abbey 227 Saturday Night, Sunday Morning: Artificial intelligence Automobile racing The Travels of Gatemouth Pedal to the Metal...The Rusty Wal- Moore 206 From Information to Wisdom? 86 lace Story 176 Stalin: Revolutionary 223 Artists Automobiles Vision in the Darkness 248 Art Pushes: Art Provokes: ArtFux BMW Used Car Management Pro- Why Havel? 260 (YA) 21 gram - Part 3 36 Charmed Vision: The Art of Carolyn Biology Customer Caring Network 60 Plochmann 48 3-2-1 Classroom Contact - Colours ofM y Father 54 B The Inside Story (C) 5 Eye of the Beholder (C) 4 Large-Scale Projects - Claes Olden- Bach, Johann Sebastian burg /Coosje Van Bruggen 129 Vanishing Dawn Chorus 246 Stations of Bach (YA) 224 AFVA Evaluations Biosphere II Browning, John M. Rebuilding the Temple: Cambodians Our Biosphere: The Earth in Our American Gunmaker - The John M. in America 194 Hands 172 Browning Story (YA) 17 Canada Birds Bryan, Ashley Question of Justice: Your Day in Birds of the Bosque 34 Meet Ashley Bryan (C) 148 Court (YA) 191 The Nature of Things: Voices in the Black history Buddhism Forest 159 Jazztime Tale (C) 120 Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche 197 Canada - Constitution Black holes Our Constitution: The Law of the Searching for Black Holes (The As- Bulgaria Land (YA) 173 tronomers) (YA) 207 Longest Shadow 137 -Cancer Black Studies (Category 51) Burma Earthbeat: Lifelines 70 American Experience: The Massachu- Lines of Fire (YA) 134 setts 54th Colored Infantry (YA) 17 Midpeninsula Focus: Coping with Business Cancer (Parts 1&2) 150 Black America’s War 34 ADA Maze: What You Can Do 9 Voyage to Byzantium 249 EbTohney E/nJ tetr eGpuriednee utros Bl(aYcAk) E7x1c ellence: Going for the Green 91 What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You Human Touch Performance Apprais- About Cancer 255 Family Across the Sea 79 al II 108 Moko Jumbie 152 Quality .... or Else: The Global Mar- Capitalism Resurrection (YA) 199 ketplace 190 Russia for Sale: The Rough Road to Capitalism 204 Sepia’s Blues 211 Quality Excellence Achieved 190 Castro, Fidel Sermons and Sacred Pictures Rightful Discharge: The Risk and (YA) 211 Minimizing the Risk 201 Uncompromising Revolution 243 Sisters in the Struggle (YA) 217 Straight Talking: The Art of Asser- Catherine the Great True Colors - PrimeTime Live - ABC tiveness 226 Young Catherine 267 News 241 Team Building for Managers, Super- Catholic church Blacks - Political activity visors, and Team Leaders 229 Columbus Legacy: The Irish, Over- Lincoln Alexander: His Story 134 Think Twice: The Inside Story on In- coming Bigotry (YA) 54 sider Trading 232 Boats and boating Celebrities Boater Education PSA 36 Business ethics My Dinner With Abbie 156 Curtain of Ice 60 For Everyone’s Good: Social Respon- Censorship sibility from Something Boggle Ventured 83 Art Pushes 21 Monopoly Game Boy and Boggle Beyond Imagining 32 Butoh Game Boy 153 Butoh: Piercing the Mask 41 Ceramics Books - Preservation Gifts from the Fire: The Ceramic Art Kokoro Dance 128 Providing a Future for the Past 188 of Brother Thomas (YA) 91 Books and reading Buzzards Bay, MA Space of Pottery: The Ceramics of Turning the Tide: Keeping Pollution Paul Mathieu 220 Read to Me! Sharing Books with at Bay (YA) 241 Young Children 193 Cerebral palsy Bosque Del Apache Wildlife . What of Tomorrow? (YA) 254 Refuge Caddo Cheers and cheerleading Birds of the Bosque 34 Discovering a Heritage 65 Cheerleaders (YA) 48 Boston Caine, Michael Chekhov, Anton Freedom Trail (YA) 85 Michael Caine: Breaking the Duets for Cannibals 69 Mold 149 Boxing Chemical warfare Up Close and Personal 245 Calendars 152 Firm Commitment 81 Mirrors of Time (YA) 152 Boyce, William Chemicals Boyceball (YA) 37 Calgary, University of Your Part in Safe Chemical Happy Birthday U of C 97 Disposal 269 Brain Inside Information: The Brain and California Chicago Public Schools How It Works 116 Forest through the Trees 83 Teach Me! 229 Brazil California - State Parks Child abuse 90’s Our World in Transition - Ama- Jewel Keepers: A History of the Calif. Healing Our Children 99 zon: Paradise Lost? 6 State Park Ranger (YA) 120 Kid Shields 126 Bronte, Charlotte California State Railroad Museum Take Another Look: Learning to Re- In a Wild Workshop (C) (YA) 110 Evidence of a Dream 77 think Anger 228 Bronte, Emily Camara, Seni Child care In a Wild Workshop (C) (YA) 110 Seni’s Children (YA) 209 Common Childhood Ilinesses 56 Brooklyn, NY Cambodia Waking Up Vanessa 250 Made in Brooklyn 140 Cambodian Doughnut Dreams (YA) 42

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