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AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION and U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (Office of Information Services) MONOGRAPH SERIES ON INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE WILLIAM E. MCCORMICK, Managing Editor AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE EDGAR C. BARNES, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Retired) GEORGE D. CLAYTON, George D. Clayton and Assoc. Inc. WILLIAM G. HAZARD, Owens-Illinois Inc. NORTON NELSON, Ph.D., New York University Medical Center REVIEWERS OF THIS MONOGRAPH DAVID A. FRASER, SC.D., University of North Carolina THEODORE F. HATCH, SC.D., Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire (Retired) HARRY F. SCHULTE, LOS Alamos Scientific Laboratory MONOGRAPH TITLES Pulmonary Deposition and Retention of Inhaled Aerosols Beryllium—Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects Thorium—Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects Particle Size Analysis in Industrial Hygiene Aerosol Technology in Hazard Evaluation (In Preparation) Radioiodine—Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects Uranium—Its Industrial Hygiene Aspects Aerosol Technology in Hazard Evaluation THOMAS T. MERCER Department of Radiation Biology and Biophysics The University of Rochester Rochester, New York Prepared under the direction of the American Industrial Hygiene Association for The Office of Information Services, United States Atomic Energy Commission ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London 1973 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1973, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT ASSIGNED TO THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. ALL ROYALTIES FROM THE SALE OF THE BOOK ACCRUE TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. NO REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM (PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS) OF THIS BOOK IN WHOLE OR IN PART (EXCEPT FOR BRIEF QUOTATION IN CRITICAL ARTICLES OR REVIEWS) MAY BE MADE WITHOUT WRITTEN AUTHOR- IZATION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Mercer, Thomas T Aerosol technology in hazard evaluation. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Air-Pollution-Measurement. 2. Aerosols. 3. Particle size determination. 4. Respiratory organs-Foreign bodies. I. Title. [DNLM: 1. Aero- sols-Poisoning. 2. Air pollution. QV310 M554c 1973] TD890.M47 614.7ΊΌ28 72-12189 ISBN 0-12-491150-1 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Foreword The tremendous technologic achievements in the past few decades have intensified the need for a comprehensive treatment of information on a single specific topic in occupational disease detection and control. In the early 1960's the American Industrial Hygiene Association inaugurated a program of preparation of a series of monographs under the auspices of the Division of Technical Information (now the Office of Information Services) of the Atomic Energy Commission on subjects pertaining to industrial hygiene. The author of this monograph, the fifth in the series, has consolidated information with references to original reports appearing in the literature supplemented by a considerable amount of unreported work on the subject of aerosol technology. It is hoped that this treatise will not only provide a convenient source of information to those concerned in industrial hygiene but also will stimulate the interest of those involved in all phases of environmental health. We are indeed grateful to the author for his dedicated efforts in developing the information in this publication, to the competent reviewers, to the mem- bers of the AIHA Monograph Committee who assisted in the mechanics of the manuscript preparation, and to the Atomic Energy Commission for its support of the AIHA Monograph Program. PAUL D. HALLEY, President American Industrial Hygiene Association ix Preface A scientist of some eminence once pointed out to me that my interpretation of something he had said was limited in its validity by the level of competence I had reached in the subject under discussion—a level, his tone implied, that was not very high. He had reason to be annoyed with me at the time and spoke, no doubt, out of pique ; nevertheless, I could discern an element of truth in what he said. When I was asked to prepare a monograph on aerosol technology, the memory of his observation prompted me to add the qualifying phrase "in hazard evaluation," thus limiting the scope of my discussion to those areas of aerosol technology with which I am most familiar. With that restriction, I have attempted to present, as quantitatively as I could, the principles underlying the various techniques involved in the production and characterization of aerosols. A quantitative discussion requires equations and equations require symbols, which are always a source of difficulty. Rather than trying to find enough symbols to give a unique meaning to each, I have permitted certain symbols to have more than one meaning, defining them each time they are used, if there appeared to be any risk of ambiguity. Units, too, pose a problem, which I have tried to avoid by adopting the following convention : if units are not mentioned, the equation is valid for any consistent set; if units are given only for certain quantities in an equation, all other quantities are in cgs units. The manuscript for this monograph was reviewed in whole or in part by reviewers for the AIHA, who are identified elsewhere; by Jess Thomas, David Sinclair, Myron Robinson, and Lyle Schwendiman for the AEC; and by Marvin Tillery and Randall Mercer for me. I am indebted to all of them for their comments and suggestions. I am also indebted to my wife, who did the lioness's share of the work of preparing the manuscript. T. T. Mercer xi 1 Introduction 1-1 The Nature of an Inhalation Hazard 1 1-1.1 Deposition of Particles in the Respiratory Tract . . .. 2 1-1.2 Criteria of Particle Deposition 5 1-1.3 Factors in Lung Clearance 7 1-1.4 The Definition of Hazards 8 1-2 Sampling Procedures 9 1-2.1 Sampling to Estimate Exposures 9 1-2.2 Sampling for Hazard Control 13 1-2.3 Sample Variability 13 1-2.4 Sampling Duration 17 References 19 1-1 The Nature of an Inhalation Hazard Airborne toxic particles, swept into the respiratory tract during inhalation, may be deposited there and subsequently give rise to undesirable biological effects. Since the complete removal of contamination from the air is sometimes impossible and is always unattractive economically, it is rarely attempted. Instead, the hazards associated with the inhalation of toxic particles are minimized by maintaining the concentration of the contaminant below some level which has been deemed unlikely to cause detectable biological damage in people exposed over a long period. The two quite distinct processes of estab- lishing the criteria that define that level and of monitoring atmospheres of questionable character to see if they conform to the established criteria con- stitute hazard evaluation. Many factors that are not directly related to the chemical or radioactive properties that make a substance toxic play important roles in determining the 1 2 Introduction 1 probability that a toxic agent carried by an airborne particle will reach a site appropriate for causing biological damage. An appreciation of what these factors are and how they contribute to the problem of hazard evaluation can be obtained from a consideration of the processes of deposition in, and clear- ance from, the respiratory tract. 1-1.1 DEPOSITION OF PARTICLES IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT The conducting airways of the human lung extend to the end of the terminal bronchioles. Beginning with the trachea, they split into increasing numbers of tubes of ever-diminishing cross section. The inside surfaces of these airways are lined with a ciliated epithelium and the rhythmic beating of the hair-like cilia continually moves a thin sheet of mucus toward the entrance to the trachea. Insoluble particles deposited in these tubes are rapidly swept up through the trachea and swallowed. In the nomenclature of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Task Group on Lung Dynamics [1], these airways collectively comprise the tracheobronchial (T-B) compartment. Beyond them, the tubes are not ciliated and they lead through respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts to the alveoli. Gas exchange takes place throughout this volume, which is designated the pulmonary (P) com- partment. Some of the insoluble particles deposited in this region remain for very long periods. Figure 1.1 is a stylized portrayal of a portion of the lung structure. It is obviously an oversimplification, which is necessary for modeling purposes because the actual lung arrangement is much too complex for theoretical calculations. Moreover, despite its many shortcomings, it has permitted cal- culations that yield deposition values in quite respectable agreement with experimental results. The calculations are based on a regular system of branch- ing at a fixed angle into two tubes of equal diameter, as shown in Fig. 1.1. It is FIG. 1.1. Schematic diagram of the lung conducting airway. The Nature of an Inhalation Hazard 1-1 3 assumed that the tubes have inflexible walls and lead ultimately into spherical alveoli. Considering only particles that are too insoluble to exhibit any hygro- scopic action in the humid atmosphere of the lung, four processes may be effective in bringing about deposition : (1) Particles may be intercepted as they pass from one tube into a smaller one because the streamline along which they move enters the second tube at a distance from its wall that is less than the radius of the particle. (2) Particles having sufficient inertia may deviate far enough from the air stream- lines to impact near the tube bifurcation. (3) Particles moving through tubes that are not perfectly vertical have a component of their sedimentation velocity that is normal to the tube surface and some of them fall onto the surface. (4) Very small particles are buffeted about sufficiently by the random thermal motion of the air molecules that they are deposited on the tube walls by the process of diffusion. The effect of turbulent flow, which occurs in the larger airways, usually is not taken into consideration. As the air moves deeper into the lung, where the tubes are more numerous and have smaller diameters but have a greater total cross-sectional area, the average velocity through a tube decreases. This favors deposition due to sedimentation and diffusion, but diminishes the effect of impaction. The smaller diameters of the tubes also favor deposition due to interception and sedimentation. Figure 1.2 brings out the manner in which these processes cooperate to bring about deposition of particles from air moving through the airways. The divisions along the top indicate the level of the lung that is under consideration. They are based on the original Findeisen [2] model of the lung structure. The ordinate is the ratio between the number of particles remaining in a given volume element of air at the indicated segment and the number it contained when it entered the trachea. For an upright man, deposition in the trachea is negligible except for particles of very high diffusivity. At each bifurcation there is a considerable loss of larger particles due to impaction. As the air flows through a tube, there is a continuous loss of particles due to sedimenta- tion and diffusion, an effect that becomes more pronounced as the air moves into the smaller airways. Air that penetrates all the way to the alveoli is cleared of the larger particles and of most of the very small particles. During exhalation, additional deposition occurs. The percentage of deposition, relative to the particles remaining airborne at the start of exhalation, is very nearly the same for the processes of sedimentation and diffusion, but deposition due to impaction is greatly reduced. It must be emphasized that this refers to deposition of particles after they enter the trachea. During nasal breathing, unit density particles of about 10 μιη and larger are completely removed from the incoming air as it passes 4 Introduction 1 SITE OF DEPOSITION FIG. 1.2. Lung deposition, during inspiration, of particles that enter the trachea. Abrupt changes represent impaction at airway entrance. Other changes represent diffusion and sedimentation losses. Losses in the alveolar sacs represent changes with time rather than distance traversed. through the nose. Calculations of nasal deposition, which is primarily an impaction phenomenon, have not been entirely satisfactory, but there are quite good empirical relationships available to describe it. Pattle [3] studied the nasal deposition TV of monodisperse méthylène blue particles and obtained the following relationship : N = -0.62 + 0.475 \ogD 2F (1.1) A where D is the aerodynamic diameter of the particle in micrometers and F A is the inspiratory flow rate in liters/minute. Hounam et al. [4] felt the cor- relation could be improved by the use of pressure drop in place of flow rate, but Lippmann's [5] data were in excellent agreement with Pattle's equation. Deposition in the mouth can be correlated with D 2Fin a similar manner [1]. A Figure 1.3 shows an example of the overall deposition patterns derived from calculations of the type described above. It is apparent at once that if it is necessary for a particle to get into the pulmonary regions to cause biological damage, then a great many particles are completely irrelevant to hazard evaluation. Of those particles that are relevant, some are more important than others. If we are to have a definition of hazard that takes account of this fact, our criteria must be based on the factors that determine relevance to hazard. Since the regional deposition apparent in Fig. 1.3 is the result of the action of The Nature of an Inhalation Hazard 1-1 5 1,0- .8- 6 I · : 15 RESPIRATIONS/MIN 1450 CM^ TIDAL VOLUME 2 A- LU a .2- I ' i ~i 1 1 r^ 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 H 5 6 7 8 9 10 AERODYNAMIC DIAMETER,ym FIG. 1.3. Calculated deposition of particles in the nasopharyngeal (N-P), tracheobronchial (T-B), and pulmonary (P) compartments, relative to number inhaled. the four processes described above, we must look for our criteria in the physical characteristics of the inhaled particles. 1-1.2 CRITERIA OF PARTICLE DEPOSITION The probability that a particle will be removed by interception upon entering a tube is related to the ratio of the particle diameter to the tube diameter. Except for particles of extreme shapes, such as long fibers, or of very low density, this effect can be ignored because particles large enough to show significant interception effects are certain to be caught by impaction or sedimentation. The probability that a particle of diameter D moving with an air stream of average velocity U in a tube of diameter W will impact at a bifurcation is related to a parameter, Stk, called the Stokes number: Stk = ρΚ Ό2ϋΙ9ηΐν, (1.2) Β where η is the viscosity of air, p is the particle's density, and K is its slip factor, s a quantity that is very nearly equal to unity for spherical particles if D is greater than 1 μτη but increases rapidly when the diameter is comparable to the mean free path of the air molecules. As far as particulate characteristics are concerned, the significant quantities are p, K , and D2. s The probability that a particle will settle out in a tube is related to the particle's terminal settling velocity U given by G U = pKD2g/\ty, (1.3) G s where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Again the significant particulate quantities are p, K, and D2. s

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