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ADVANCES IN THE VISUAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS RESEARCH IN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, CONFLICTS AND CHANGE Series Editor: Patrick G. Coy Recent Volumes: Volume 23: Political Opportunities, Social Movements and Democratization – Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 24: Consensus Decision Making, Northern Ireland and Indigenous Movements – Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 25: Authority in Contention – Edited by Daniel J. Myers and Daniel M. Cress Volume 26: Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 27: Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 28: Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 29: Pushing the Boundaries: New Frontiers in Conflict Resolution and Collaboration – Edited by Rachel Fleishman, Catherine Gerard and Rosemary O’Leary Volume 30: Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 31: Edited by Patrick G. Coy Volume 32: Edited by Anna Christine Snyder and Stephanie Phetsamay Stobbe Volume 33: Edited by Jennifer Earl and Deana A. Rohlinger Volume 34: Edited by Sharon Erickson Nepstad and Lester R. Kurtz RESEARCH IN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, CONFLICTS AND CHANGE VOLUME 35 ADVANCES IN THE VISUAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS EDITED BY NICOLE DOERR Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA ALICE MATTONI European University Institute, Florence, Italy SIMON TEUNE Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China Emeraldgrouppublishinglimited HowardHouse,WagonLane,BingleyBD161WA,UK Firstedition2013 Copyrightr2013EmeraldGroupPublishingLimited Reprintsandpermissionservice Contact:[email protected] Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,transmittedinany formorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withouteitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisheroralicencepermitting restrictedcopyingissuedintheUKbyTheCopyrightLicensingAgencyandintheUSA byTheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Anyopinionsexpressedinthechaptersarethose oftheauthors.WhilstEmeraldmakeseveryefforttoensurethequalityandaccuracyof itscontent,Emeraldmakesnorepresentationimpliedorotherwise,astothechapters’ suitabilityandapplicationanddisclaimsanywarranties,expressorimplied,totheiruse. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-1-78190-635-4 ISSN:0163-786X(Series) ISOQAR certified Management System, awarded to Emerald for adherence to Environmental standard ISO 14001:2004. Certificate Number 1985 ISO 14001 CONTENTS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS vii FOREWORD ix TOWARD A VISUAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, CONFLICT, AND POLITICAL MOBILIZATION Nicole Doerr, Alice Mattoni and Simon Teune xi PART I: SPECIAL TOPIC: ADVANCES IN THE VISUAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS ‘‘WE ARE ALL KHALED SAID’’: VISUAL INJUSTICE SYMBOLS IN THE EGYPTIAN REVOLUTION, 2010–2011 Thomas Olesen 3 BODIES KEYING POLITICS: A VISUAL FRAME ANALYSIS OF GENDERED LOCAL ACTIVISM IN FRANCE AND FINLAND Eeva Luhtakallio 27 IMAGES OF SURVEILLANCE: THE CONTESTED AND EMBEDDED VISUAL LANGUAGE OF ANTI- SURVEILLANCE PROTESTS Priska Daphi, Anja Leˆ and Peter Ullrich 55 THE EMOTIONAL IMPERATIVE OF THE VISUAL: IMAGES OF THE FETUS IN CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIAN PRO-LIFE POLITICS Kirsty McLaren 81 v vi CONTENTS PROTEST MOVEMENTS AND SPECTACLES OF DEATH: FROM URBAN PLACES TO VIDEO SPACES Tina Askanius 105 PART II: COMMENTS ON ADVANCES IN THE VISUAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS WHAT WE CAN DO WITH VISUAL ANALYSIS IN SOCIAL MOVEMENT STUDIES: SOME (SELF) REFLECTIONS Donatella della Porta 137 PART III: GENERAL THEME: NARRATIVES AND REPERTOIRES OF CONTENTION THE WORK STORIES DO: CHARLES TILLY’S LEGACY ON THE PROVISION OF REASONS, STORYTELLING, AND TRUST IN CONTENTIOUS PERFORMANCES Marc W. Steinberg and Patricia Ewick 147 REPERTOIRES OF CONTENTION AND TACTICAL CHOICE IN LATIN AMERICA, 1981–1995 James C. Franklin 175 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS 209 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Tina Askanius Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Priska Daphi Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Donatella della Porta DepartmentofPoliticalandSocialSciences, European University Institute, Florence, Italy Nicole Doerr Department of International Relations, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA Patricia Ewick DepartmentofSociology,ClarkUniversity, Worcester, MA, USA James C. Franklin Department of Politics and Government, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, USA Anja Leˆ Freelance Teacher and Researcher, Berlin, Germany Eeva Luhtakallio Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Alice Mattoni DepartmentofPoliticalandSocialSciences, European University Institute, Center for Social Movement Studies (COSMOS), Florence, Italy Kirsty McLaren School of Politics and International Relations, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia vii viii LIST OFCONTRIBUTORS Thomas Olesen Department of Political Science and Government, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark Marc W. Steinberg Department of Sociology, Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA Simon Teune Social Science Research Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany Peter Ullrich Social Science Research Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany FOREWORD Like any established and mature body of scholarship, social movements research has changed, evolved, and grown over its decades. Now a robust and vibrant field in its own right, it has seen interpretive paradigms and theoretical frameworks come and go, and in some cases come again. A variety of frameworks and approaches have been used, emphasizing collective behavior, mobilizing structures, resource mobilization, cultural politics, social psychology, identities, cognition, framing, discourses, narra- tives, and emotions. The35volumesthatmakeupthe35-yearhistoryoftheResearchinSocial Movements, Conflicts and Change series reflect some of these changing emphases,andmore.Inthelastdecadealone,forexample,specialthematic- focusedvolumesoftheRSMCCserieshavebeenpublishedonthefollowing topics: consensus decision making in social movements; authorities in contention;newfrontiersinconflictresolution;newmediaandmovements; gender in conflict resolution and social movements; and on nonviolent action and social movements. Now with this latest themed volume, the Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change series helps develop another innovative area of scholarship:thevisualanalysisofsocialmovements.VolumeeditorsNicole Doerr, Alice Mattoni, and Simon Teune (cid:2) whose own research agendas havedonesomuchtoopenupthisnewareaofscholarship(cid:2)havecompiled an impressive set of papers. Their volume’s tripartite focus on how social movements express themselves visually, on how they are represented in variousmedia,andonthesocialvisibilityissuesthatmovementsfacecharts new pathways for future developments in social movements research. Patrick G. Coy Series Editor, Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change Professor and Director, Center for Applied Conflict Management Kent State University ix

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