Short Communications Wilson Bull., 115(4), 2003, pp. 464-^67 A Unique Ornament Display in Female Northern Cardinals Jodie M. Jawor^’^ and Randall Breitwisch^ — ABSTRACT. Females of many species of birds (e.g., to reduce nest predation; Martin and possess either a reduced version ofmale ornaments or Badyaev 1996). There has been little empiri- ocornnsapmiecnutoudsisbpultayhihdadsenbeoernnamdeesnctrsi.beNdopfreemvailoeusslpyeciinfiac cal support for Lande’s correlated response species with reduced or hidden female ornaments. We hypothesis. However, there is growing support describe such a display in Northern Cardinals (Cardi- for the alternative hypothesis of sexual selec- nalis cardinalis). The display consists ofaperched fe- tion maintaining female ornamentation, even male rotating her wings open to expose the red, carot- when ornamentation is reduced in expression enoid-pigmented underwing coverts, which are indic- (Amundsen 2000). ative ofindividual quality in this species. Received 19 Studies on sexual selection and ornamen- March 2003, accepted 21 September2003. tation focus on the signal value of ornaments within the context of mate choice. In species with subdued ornament expression in females, Birds are some of the most elaborately or- namented vertebrates. Many studies have ad- ornaments have been linked to aspects of quality such as body size, the ability to pro- dressed ornaments in males and their use in duce nests early in the breeding season, the mate choice and intrasexual competition as in- ability to produce many eggs, or the ability to dicators ofcondition or behavior (reviewed in Andersson 1994). The relatively few studies resist disease (Burley et al. 1992, Mpller 1993, Owens et al. 1994, Amundsen et al. on female ornamentation present evidence that 1997, Roulin et al. 2000, Romero-Pujante et female ornaments can be used similarly in al. 2002). In some species with subdued fe- mate choice and intrasexual competition (re- male ornamentation, the ornaments are visu- viewed in Amundsen 2000), yet no previous ally hidden on females, presumably as a result studies have described such a female specific of natural selection. For instance, the female display. Here we describe such a display in ornament may be relatively brightly colored Northern Cardinals {Cardinalis cardinalis). feathers on the ventral surface ofthe wing, not There are three gender patterns of orna- visible when the bird is perched, but visible mentation in birds. In the first, the sexes are in flight. We have found no previous reports monomorphic in ornamentation. In the sec- ond, less common pattern, females possess ohfiddspeencioersnaimnenwthsictho fmeamlaelse,saosvewretlyhadviespolba-y more elaborate ornamentation than males. In the third, the most common pattern, females served in female Northern Cardinals. Male cardinals possess red plumage over possess a reduced version of the more elabo- the whole body, a tall head crest, a red-orange rate male ornament. Lande (1980) developed bill, and a large black face mask. Female car- the correlated response hypothesis to describe dinals are tan in overall plumage color, pos- this last pattern. Under this hypothesis, female sess a similarly tall head crest and red-orange ornaments are not sexually selected but rather are the result of genome sharing between the bill, but have a smaller, less distinct face mask and have red underwing coverts. Female face sexes and strong selection for elaborate male mask expression, bill color, and underwing ornamentation. Female ornaments are reduced covert color all indicate aspects of individual in expression in response to natural selection quality (Jawor et al. in press). Male cardinals perform a variety of physical displays during ' Dept, of Biology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN courtship that draw attention to ornaments, 47405, USA. ^Dept, of Biology, Univ. of Dayton, Dayton, OH particularly the bright red plumage of the up- 45469-2320, USA. per breast (e.g., song-dance display, song- 'Corresponding author; e-mail:[email protected] flight, alert display, and territorial singing dis- 464 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 465 play; Lemon 1968). No female displays ofor- the breeding season and during mid- to late namentation have been described previously morning. We did not observe copulations or in cardinals (see Halkin and Linville 1999). copulation attempts following the female dis- We observed on seven occasions female play, although in each instance the male ap- cardinals displaying their underwing plumage proached within 1 m ofthe displaying female. to males during breeding seasons between Each male was positioned for good visibility 1991 and 2002. Other researchers also have 2-7 m away from the female when the display observed this display in female cardinals (N. was performed, and each male approached the Gray, S. U. Linville, P. M. Nealen, and L. L. displaying female either during or within 5 s Wolfenbarger pers. comm.). In this display, a ofher display. Following the male’s approach, female perches in an accentuated upright pos- the pair left the area or moved into dense veg- ture facing a male, with crest erect, while etation. We did not observe the male giving holding her wings out from her body. The displays of his own during the time when a wings are not fully extended but rather bent female displayed, nor was any male heard to at the wrist, with primaries pointed down- sing. The male did not appear to investigate ward. The posture is reminiscent of a person the displaying female’s plumage upon landing holding open a jacket. The red, carotenoid- near her, but it is probable that the male car- pigmented underwing coverts are presented to dinal could see the underwing plumage from the male. This posture is held for <5 s. There several meters away. Although during our ob- is no female vocalization accompanying the servations of this display the male did not visual display. The lack of vocal announce- then feed the female, one researcher (P. M. ment and short duration of the display likely Nealen pers. comm.) has observed this se- are the reasons that we have observed this dis- quence ofevents. All displays were performed play so infrequently, despite hundreds of 5-8 m above ground in crowns of trees with hours of focal observations of pairs of cardi- sparse leaf cover. Displays do not appear to nals. The stance of the female is unlike that take place near the nest, as all observed dis- in a copulation solicitation display or a court- plays were well above the mean nest height ship feeding solicitation display (both given in this species. We do not know the displaying by female cardinals), as the female remains females’ stage of reproduction. The observed upright with her tail held straight down. Dur- displays occurred either early in the breeding ing the lopsided display (Lemon 1968) a male season before we had found an active nest (al- cardinal may lift one wing while displaying though one may have been present) or later in the underside of the body. This display is the season in cases where we had not yet quite different from the female display de- found a new nest for this repeatedly nesting scribed here in that only one wing is lifted and species. partially extended away from the body, while Additional findings with cardinals suggest the body is lowered and rotated about its axis that the described display may communicate (see Lemon 1968 for illustration). information on individual quality. In females, All of the female displays we observed the underwing plumage is indicative of mul- were given toward males. The members of tiple aspects of quality (body size, body con- one pair were both identified by band com- dition, date of first nest produced, and repro- binations during the display. For five of the ductive success; Jawor et al. in press). Also, remaining six displays observed, only one cardinal pairs mate assortatively by ornamen- member of the pair was identified. Either the tation (Jawor et al. 2003); cardinal pairs pos- male or the female was identified by color sess similar bill colors, and the redness of bands during the display, and all five occurred male upper breast plumage color is positively within the boundaries ofknown territories. We correlated with the redness of his mate’s un- observed the seventh display in a nearby un- derwing plumage color. Assortative mating is banded population. We assume that the recip- suggestive of bidirectional mate choice, and ient of the display was the female’s mate, but the described female display may facilitate it is possible that this display was given to a male assessment of this condition-dependent male other than the mate. ornament in female cardinals. This display We observed displays both early and late in may be integral to the formation ofnew pairs. 466 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 115, No. 4, December2003 Males display their quality to females via or- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS namentation, and our observations suggest a We thankN. Gray, S. U. Linville, P. M. Nealen, and reciprocal display of female quality. For es- L. L. Wolfenbarger for communicating their observa- tablished pairs, this display also may maintain tions ofthis display. We thank C. Krueger and J. Wil- pair bonds, or provide information to males son of Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm for per- on female receptivity to copulations. Cardi- mission to use the Aullwood facilities. We also thank J. A. Smallwood and three anonymous reviewers for nals nest repeatedly during the breeding sea- comments on a previous version ofthis manuscript. son (Filliater et al. 1994) and divorces occur both within season and during winter (JMJ LITERATURE CITED and RB unpubl. data). This situation would Amundsen, T. 2000. Why are female birds ornament- favor the display of individual quality at mul- ed? Trends Ecol. Evol. 15:149-155. tiple times during the year, even in established Amundsen, T, E. Gorsgren, and L. T. T. Hansen. pairs. Some of these suggested functions 1997. On the function offemale ornaments: male could be tested with captive cardinals in avi- Bluethroatsprefercolourfulfemales.Proc.R. Soc. Lond. B 264:1579-1586. ary experiments, although this species does Andersson, M. 1994. Sexual selection. Princeton not thrive in captivity (L. L. Wolfenbargerand Univ. Press, Princeton, New Jersey. G. E. Hill pers. comm.). Burley, N. T, D. K. Price, and R. A. Zann. 1992. It is clear that natural selection has acted in Bill color, reproduction and condition effects in some bird species to reduce female ornamen- wild and domesticated Zebra Finches. Auk 109: 13-23. tation from the more conspicuous male ex- Burns, K. J. 1998. A phylogenetic perspective on the pression (Burns 1998). Less appreciated is the evolution of sexual dichromatism in Tanagers fact that this process has yielded hidden or- (Thraupidae): the role of female versus male naments that are not easily assessed when a plumage. Evolution 52:1219-1224. female is perching, incubating eggs, or brood- Filliater, T. S., R. Breitwisch, and P. M. Nealen. 1994. Predation on Northern Cardinal nests: does ing nestlings. Hidden ornaments consist of choice ofnest site matter? Condor 96:761-768. brightly colored underwing coverts, primaries, Halkin, S. L. and S. U. Linville. 1999. NorthernCar- secondaries, undertail body coverts, or tail dinal (Cardinaliscardinalis). No.440inThebirds feathers that are not easily observed unless the ofNorth America(A. PooleandE Gill,Eds.).The tail or wings are spread. There are many North Birds ofNorth America, Inc., Philadelphia, Penn- sylvania. American species of birds in which females Jawor, j. M., N. Gray, S. M. Beall, and R. Breit- possess ornamental coloration that is so hid- wisch. In press. Multiple ornamentscorrelatewith den, e.g., many warblers, PyiThuloxia {Car- aspects of condition and behaviour in female dinalis sinuatus). Crimson-collared Grosbeak NorthernCardinals {Cardinaliscardinalis).Anim. Behav. {Rhodothraupis celaeno). Black-headed Gros- beak {P/ieucticus melanocephalus), and Rose- Jawor, J. M., S. U. Linville, S. M. Beall, and R. Breitwisch. 2003. Assortative matingby multiple breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus). ornaments in Northern Cardinals, Cardinalis car- We predict that at least some species with hid- dinalis. Behav. Ecol. 14:515—520. den female ornaments also possess female Lande, R. 1980. Sexual dimorphism, sexual selection limited ornament displays. and adaptation in polygenic characters. Evolution 34:292-305. Lande’s (1980) coiTelated response hypoth- Lemon, R. E. 1968. The displays and call notes of esis assumed that female ornaments are sub- cardinals. Can. J. Zool. 46:141-151. dued in expression due to the influence ofnat- Martin, T. E. and A. V. Badyaev. 1996. Sexual di- ural selection. We believe this assumption is chromatism in birds: importance ofnestpredation warranted. However, this does not mean that and nest location for females versus males. Evo- lution 50:2454-2460. subdued or hidden ornaments cannot serve as M0LLER, A. P. 1993. Sexual selectionintheBarnSwal- indicators of female quality under sexual se- low Hirundo rustica. III: female tail ornaments. lection. Hidden ornaments in female birds Evolution 47:417-431. and, perhaps, female limited displays of these Owens, I. P. E, T. Burke, and D. B. A. Thompson. 1994. Extraordinary sexrolesintheEurasianDot- indicators of quality likely are a compromise terel: female mating arenas, female-female com- between natural and sexual selection both act- petition, and female mate choice. Am. Nat. 144: ing directly on females. 76-100. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 467 Romero-Pujante, M., H. Hoi, D. Blomqvist, and F. Roulin, a., T. W. Jungi, H. Pfister, and C. Dijk- Valera. 2002. Tail lengthandmutual matechoice STRA. 2000. Female Barn Owls {Tyto alha) ad- in Bearded Tits {Pamirus hiarmicus). Ethology vertise good genes. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267: 108:885-895. 937-941. Wilson Bull., 115(4), 2003, pp. 467^70 Group Copulation Solicitation Display among Female Greater Rheas Gustavo J. Fernandez’’^ and Myriam E. Mermoz^ — ABSTRACT. In this paper we report the copula- from 2 to >10 females (usually 4-6). The tion behavior of the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana), male copulates with each female in his harem aWespedceisecsriibnewthheicfhemmaalleess’ dbeefheanvdioar hduarrienmgo1f4fceompaulleas.- at least once every 2-3 days, and the females tion events observed from 1995-1997 at Buenos Aires lay their eggs in a single communal nest built province, Argentina. During copulations, females per- by the male. The male performs all incubation formed a more active role than previously suggested. and chick-rearing behaviors. Once the egg Moreover, on three occasions we observed that harem laying at a particular nest is completed, the females performed a complex copulation solicitation females sometimes mate with other males display, forming aclosed circle to attract the male. We (Astley 1907, Bruning 1974). Thus, this mat- hypothesize that this display could be a reliable signal ing system combines harem (female defence to the male of the tendency of females to be insemi- nated and lay eggs communally. Received 10 June polygyny) with sequential polyandry (Oring 2003, accepted 15August 2003. 1982, Jenni 1974). We observed Greater Rheas at General Lav- alle (36° 25' S, 56° 56' W), Buenos Aires The Greater Rhea {Rhea americana) is a province, Argentina, during the breeding sea- precocial flightless bird that inhabits grass- sons of 1995-1997. The study area is a tem- lands and other open habitats in the southern perate grassland of the flooding Pampa (So- Nteiontarmoopuisc,s.arReheausn,usluiakle oatmheorngratibtiersdsandinsothmaet rmiaarnsohy,19w9i1t)h. mTohset ltaenrdra<in10ismfalabto,veloswe,a laenvd- they combine a complex mating system with el (see description in Fernandez and Reboreda uniparental care by males. Previous studies 1998). We made observations from 7:00-19: describing the mating behavior of Greater 00 EST from a vehicle located 100-200 m Rheas emphasized that males perform con- from rhea groups. spicuous reproductive behavior (Raikow We observed a total of 14 copulations in- 1969, Bruning 1974). Female behavior, how- volving seven males. All copulations occurred ever, has been poorly described, focusing during morning (7:00-11:30, n = 6) or even- mainly on egg laying. Here we describe the ing (16:00-19:00, n = 8), and copulations mating behavior of wild Greater Rheas, in- lasted 1-2 min. The minimum observed time cluding a previously unrecorded copulation between successive copulations by the same solicitation display performed by the females. male was 20 min. For nine copulations we Early in the breeding season (August to monitored the group before copulation solic- September) male rheas compete for and de- itation took place. In six instances the male fend a group of females. Harem sizes vary approached an isolated female of the group while she fed and he started to perform court- ship displays. These involved mostly head- ' Dep. de Ecologia Genetica y Evolucion, Facultad bobbing, in which the male moves his head drees.CiInetn.cGiiaisirEaxladcetsass/ny. NPaatbuerlalloens,2,UnCiivu.daddeUBnuievenrossitAair-- vigorously up and down (Raikow 1969). The ia. C1428EHA Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. female responded to the displaying male by 2Corre.sponding author; e-mail: [email protected] lowered her head and then remaining motion-