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A study of radioactive disintegration by means of absorption and coincidence counting methods PDF

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Preview A study of radioactive disintegration by means of absorption and coincidence counting methods

a m m or habxoactot BBXMORATiaii M OF ABSORPTION AND 00INCIDENCE COUNTING KOT0M BY Y. OtJENKY Indiana .university LIBRARIES BLOOMINCTON SUBHXTTlSD TO THE FACULTY OF W GRADUATE SCHOOL III PARTIAL FmilUMT OF THE EEviUffiEMSITS FOE TtE DSORES, DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, III THK DEFAHTIENT OF PHYSICS* INDIANA UmMSITT 0-uly, iS*fS ,p f(/J * ProQuest Number: 10295197 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest. ProQuest 10295197 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 ? * * ■ - > f c m its - 6 Pag® J Z« Intonation 1 II* The Xteter&in&tien of Beta and ta rn Eagr Bnergiee bj Absorption 3 A* The tedlsjw ^norgjr of anE lection Spsctmm 4 Bo The Mmlmm ISmrgj of a Ckwa Speetnm IQ HI* 08sa88$a*"^as@$a and Bata^wsa QvimMmom 14 A* mimM m ms 14 B* Beta-gaffim eoinaidsrnms 17 17* ttw Beeults of Studies of Particular Bisirv~ tegmilen A* Scandium 46 ax Bo Gallium 7a 23 G. Gold 198 25 D* Bubidiua 86 a? B* totiiionj 124 31 F. Khodlm 106 3? Go Antimony 125 40 Ho Praseodymium 24a 47 7* ApjHrndi* A* the Coincidence Circuit 51 Bo Saw Bay Counting Sensitivity 36 Hftferencfcea 61 x. iMtmimmm Special counting techniques frequently prove miceesss- ful m mi aid In solving the laqmrtant problem of determining disintegration scheme® for the radioactive nuclei* In most of such dislr&egrutiomi particles, either positive or negative electrons, are emitted by Mm dtsintegrating nucleus almost simultaneously with one or no re quanta of radiation* Much information cun be obtained from tm counters armigod %dth suitable sir cults m that rates of counting these "coincidental1* events can be determined. Such an arrangement pm video a powerful tool for obtaining direct information about modes of dieintegration* The first experiments of this kind, called coincidence counting, were done by Bayer and v» Both© (HI). Much oub©e~ quant work was done by otter groups, notably Marling (Ml), Mitchell, Lsmger, and McDaniel (Ml), Deutsoh and l&ilot (mainly in direct conjunction with a magnetic lens spectrometer) (01), Handevlllo and Soterb (M2), and #tedm\’mok md Chu (wl)« Mitchell (K3) has published a survey of the results obtained through coincidence counting prior to 1948* The construction of a disintegration scheme naturally requires m accurate measurement of the energy of tte particles and radiation which are emitted* Often precise energy nie&sure- meats alone are sufficient to yield the scheme by testing the possible combinatlona of the energies involved. In marly all instances it is asost practical to make energy measurement* with mxm typo of magnetic analyser. Beta my energies are measured directly in a magnetic spectrometer | gmm ray ener­ gies are inferred from a measurement of the energy of the secondary electrons produced by them in s&m target material or by the process of interrial conversion. In general the measurement of gamma my energies of the magnitude of those associated with nuclear disintegrations by crystal spectres*- star techniques (02) is not practical because of the excep­ tionally strong sources which are required, A less accurate, although mom convenient means of energy Measurement i® that of detemining the minimi amount of absorbing isaterial which Is required to prevent electrons (sitter beta rays or secondary electrons produced by gamma rays) from entering: a counter * L&pirlcol relalleniihips exist which connect particle energy with particle range in a given material. A detailed discussion of energy date rain* tion by absorption vdll te given in Chapter XI, In the present scries of liwestimations epectroastric energy sseasurcesnte were aval labia for most of the nuclei which were studied. Thus the absorption measurements of energy were nearly always treated as confirmatory and reliance placed on their accuracy is to be secondary to that placed on the epeobrone trie deternin&ti om • n . 'tm nwmmnhmoM of beta mb um h my ehkroxbs by ad3orptxqk Whan accuracy of measurement Is the primary oonaid* ©ration, Magnetic analysis I® to be greatly preferred aver other method a for th© determination of parti ela and quantum energies* A serious drawback is encountered, however: The resolving power of a magnetic spectre*; tor depends ultimately on source strength. In such a spectrometer, electron (either beta raye or secondary electrons produced by grata rays) Monentan is the directly mmxirwd quantity and i» proportional to the product M/> of a const mb magnetic field and the radius of Mi® electron^ trajectory in that field* In taking a mag­ netic i$eetrott«»tria measurement one must then count the nwher of electrons which lie in a JsMenium Interval W/» to \\(ptdp) whore dp la roughly the am of ilia source width and the width of a defining slit placed near the counting device. High resolution of th& instrument is achieved, only if the quantity M & p / H p 1® made astall, and in order to obtain reasonably high eeuntiqg rates when-this condition Is satisfied a source of high activity is required* A further, although lee® frequently encountered dis­ advantage of the magnetic speotrcweter is the relatively large amount of time required to obtain a precise energy measurement. This place® a serious lower limit on the decay period; of iho radioactive specie* which can be .ftiudicd without the necessity of raking repeated bef&artiments to produce freeh 3«ress, Absorption methods for making enow measurements also have these two limitations placed on thorn, bat sources with much lower specific activity end with much shorter decay periods can be conveniently studied by .absorption methods than by the mo of a magnetic spectrometer* tier© Mm specific ac­ tivity limitation is encountered only when the thickness of the source reaches. a eiastale fraction of the range of the most energetic electrons present in a beta ray source £ for investi­ gation of gamma ray energies by absorption method® the lower limit cm. flie specific activity of a source Is governed by its physical else. For rapidly decaying sources, a rsaeonebly successful absorption measurement of energy can be made in a few minutes9 time. In order to gain these advantages over spcotrcmstric measurements, however, two sacrifices must be made: 1. Loss of accuracy, and 2. Inability to separate the components of complex spectra (under fkvcrab.1® conditions the groups which comprise a complex beta ray spectrum can be re­ solved by the up plication of special methods of data analysis; these methods will b© discussed in the section to follow). A. m MAXIMUM ttWQY OF AM BUCTBQM SFafiTtHJH. Th® followng procedure is employed to obtain an ab­ sorption curve for the electron distribution from a radio­ active source: The source to bo studied 1® placed a short distance from a Gelfer«Mulier counter, preferably om wldch present© vdiy little absorbing material for tit© elect m is to traverse in order to bo counted**, Different thicknesses of absorbing ate©ts arc placed between the source ate the counter, and tbe counting rate la measured for each thickness. A plot of the aountlng rate m a faction of absorber thickness then show* •that fraction of the initial electron distribution (I.e., the distribution for no absorber) which survives the pasture through & particular absorber thickness. The absorption of electron® in u medium lu accomplished by two competing mechanism®: X» Ionisation of tte atoms in tte absorbing material fey Coulomb collisions, and 2* Hadlativ© collision® titfe nuclei, with the release of brenwatrablung.* For tte electron energies involved in nuclear disintegration, absorption fey radiative collision represents only a small fraction of tte total energy loss, particularly in materials which have .low atomic weight, Tte process of energy loss by Ionisation is almost a continuous one a« an electron pauses through m tter. Tte average energy 1®®® suffered by an electron *I» practice on© can e&eily construct G-K Counters for teta rays which have "window®" with a surface density of the order of two to ten sag/cm through which the ©lactone must pass In order to roach the sensitive regions of tte counter* per ionls&ng collision is around thirty electron volts* The total mmb*r of such collision© per unit length of path tra­ versed is not constant for electrons of ft given energy, however* A group of electrons which is initially homogeneous in energy will thus be transformed to a group with & diet rlbution of energies on traversing a » U thickness of absorbing material* fids distribution will poems© a maximum which appi&ra at a lower energy then the initial energy of Urn group. Increased absorber thicknesses produce a further distortion of the homo­ geneity of tbs electron® wtiioh are transmitted, and it la this distortion which makes it impossible to differentiate an absorption curve md thereby to arrive *t the steps of a given electron distribution. Jt Is, however, possible to Unci that particular ab­ sorber thickness tfelch will absorb essentially all the electrons emitted by the source. On m absorption curve this thickness Is the one which corresponds to the point at which the count­ ing rate first reaches the constant background rate, Feather (FI) has constructed an empirical fomula which relates the range of an elect ran in art absorbing with its energy: ft s 0*5118 - 0,091. Here II la the range in grams per square centimeter and d is th© electron energy in Kev* The nature of tte absorption processes tees riot permit such a ©I mpls linear rsnge-energy relation for energies \®m than about ?0Q Kev, On® ssight expect to bo ablo to arrive at th* maximum energy of an electron spectrum quite accurately by locating visually the and point of an absorption curve, Comparison of result® so obtain®<1 with spootrcmetric measurements show* however* that on® usually wnaercetimfttett the range* «D3»»ti«»o by as much as twenty percant, the error a in determining the range visually become especially large for low counting rates or tdian the scums oontJlbutos a high background counting rat© from gam mdlatlon* Eleuler and &untl (112) have pro­ posed. a method of data analysis for beta my absorption curves which successfully avoids the necessity for locating th© end point, their system'is briefly m .fellows s If all beta spectra yloMod absorption curves of the smm shape* it *ould b© easy to fins th© endpoint energy of any given beta ray amittar by comparing; its absorption curve with that of some standard beta ray eoltber** The shapes of absorption curves arc net alike* to « w , but a**© found to be influenced by three factor®* 1, In the Xm m®r.$y region the miig©-©n®v$y dependence is not a linear one* but rather Hie range increases relatively slowly with Increasing energyj '“This is* in fact* the basic for Fo&th&r’a method of analysis (F2), Unfortunately, Feather obese the beta ray spectrum of Radium R* which is well known to have an anomalous shape (hi) * to produce hie standard curve.

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