Contributions New TR, Field RP and Sands DPA (2007) Victoria’s but- YenAL(2011)Melbourne’sterrestrialinvertebratebiodiver- terflies in a national conservation context. The Victorian sity: losses, gainsandthenewperspective. The Victorian Naturalist124 243-249. Naturalist128 201-208. NewTRandSan,dsDPA (2002)Conservation concernsfor , butterflies in urban areas ofAustralia. Journal ofInsect Conservation6,207-215. RelfMC and New TR (2009) Conservation needs ofthe Altona skipper butterfly, Hesperillaflavescensflavescens Received4November2011;accepted23February2012 Waterhouse(Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae),near Melbourne, SaVnidcstoDriPa.AJaonudrnNaleowfITnRsec(t20C0o2n)seTrhveatAicotnio1n3P,l1a4n3f-o1r49A.ustral- ianButterflies.(EnvironmentAustralia:Canberra) A seagrass shading experiment to determine the effects ofa dredge plume Hugh Kirkman1 Adam Cohen, and Harry Houridis, , 'MarineScienceandEcology,5aGardenGrove,Seaholme,Victoria3018 Email:[email protected] Abstract TheenvironmentaleffectonseagrassofsedimentplumesfromdredgingisoftenquestionedinEnvironmental ImpactStatements. Seagrassinsouthern PortPhillipBay,Victoria,Australia,wasshadedinwinterandspring to the same level as the worst scenario ofshadingby an expected dredge plume. After 90 days ofshading, Heterozosteranigricaulisshootnumbersreducedby61%.After 134daysofshading,theshootdensityreduced by84%.Someoftheshadeswereremovedafter71daysofshading,butshootdensitycontinuedtodeclinefora further40daysintheseplots,andnorecoverywasobservedthroughoutthistime.Intheseplots,whereshades hadbeenremoved, shootdensities then stabilisedand no furtherlosswas reportedatday 134. A minimum lightrequirementof12.5%-25.6%appearstobesuitableforsustainingH.nigricaulisbeds.(TheVictorianNatural- ist129(3),2012,97-108) Keywords: Heterozostera nigricaulis shading,dredging, shootdensity, light requirement , Introduction Oneofthe major impacts ofdredging is an in- fectsofdredgingplumes.Recently,Mackeyetal. creaseinturbidityandsuspendedsedimentsin (2007) studied manyparameters ofAmphibolis thewater column and thesubsequent decrease griffithii biology under shade conditions, in ar- in light availability to benthic plants. This re- eas adjacent to harbour dredging programs in searchdescribessiteandseagrassspecificshad- theirregion.Althoughawiderangeofmorpho- ingexperiments to determine the potential ef- logicalandphysiologicalvariablesrespondedto fectofa dredgeplume. reduced light availability, the majority ofvari- Much research has been carried out on the ablesshowed substantial recoveryafter42 days. susceptibilityofseagrassesto shading (Bulthuis Thiswasoneofthefirstexperimentsinthepeer andWoelkerling1983;GoldsboroughandKemp reviewed literatureto match sitespecificdredg- 1988;Peraltaetal.2002;Gaciaetal. 2005).Little ingactivitieswith responsebyseagrassto those ofthisresearchhasbeenappliedtounderstand- activities.Previousworkusuallyappearedinen- ing the effects of reduced light conditions on vironmental effects and impact statements and seagrass under a dredge plume. In an excellent internal government or corporate reports. Pre- review ofthe environmental impacts ofdredg- viously accepted methods used in research on ingon seagrasses, ErftemeijerandLewis (2006) seagrass, with the modelled reduction in light looked at 45 case studies globally, accounting causedbyadredgingplumearebroughttogeth- fortheloss ofabout21000haofseagrass. They erandthewaythatsite-specificevaluationscan recommend site specific evaluations ofthe ef- bemadeisshown. Vol 129 (3) 2012 97 Research Reports Unlike Mackeyet al. (2007), this studytested for specific time periods. The degree ofshad- only changes in shoot density ofseagrass, be- ingwasequivalenttotheexpectedreductionin cause this is the most likely and most reliably lightfromadredgingplume.TherecoveryofH. consistent parameter to be affectedbyshading. nigricaulis upon return to naturallight intensi- Fundingwas not available for measuring many ties was also examined for a short period. The morphologicalandphysiologicalvariables.This compensation depth ofthisspecieswasusedto study demonstrated a method of determining estimatetheminimumamountoflightthespe- shadingeffects on seagrassin themost efficient ciesrequiresforsurvival. way. Recently, Bite et al (2007) measured the This studywas undertaken during thewinter photosynthetic efficiency ofZostera capricorni and spring months, and provides information and Halophila ovalis using Pulse Amplitude on seagrass response to reduced light intensi- Modulated fluorometryin short-term shading. ties only during those seasons. Some discus- Theyfound thatphotosyntheticefficienciesand sion has been provided in the text regarding effective yields increased significantly in both previous seagrass shading studies undertaken species for shaded plants. Both species showed insummer. a strong degree ofphoto-adaptation to shading Methods that may allow them to tolerate and adapt to SiteSelection short-termshading. Theseagrassspeciesexaminedduringthepresent Sites were selected in consultation with the studywas Heterozostera nigricaulis Kuo, family dredging proponent, prior to undertaking the J. shadingstudy,which consideredthefollowing: Zosteraceae, a narrow-leafed plant that inhabits subtidal,shelteredand moderatelyexposedsandy • Plume modelling data to determine the key sites where the dredge plumes will reduce bottomenvironmentsinPortPhillipBay(Bulthuis lightavailablefortheseagrassH. nigricaulis 1983). Priorto2005,Heterozosteranigricauliswas • Sites where data have been previousl;y named Heterozostera tasmanica but Kuo (2005) collected. There was a considerable amount distinguished between these species, and identi- ofuseful dataavailable from previous studies fiedtheHeterozosteragrowingin PortPhillip Bay in Western Port Bay (Bulthius 1983; Bulthius asnigricaulis. andWoerlkerling 1983); The variability of seagrass morphological • Whether the seagrass meadows were measurements is large and often prevents sta- permanent or ephemeral, as the monitored tistically-sound statements being made about communities needed to be present for the measurablechangesinlessthanfiveyears. Pro- duration of the environmental monitoring ductivity measurements, i.e. of growth using program.Thiswasdeterminedfromprevious hole punching (Short and Duarte 2001), were knowledge; initially identified as an appropriate tool for • Shading experiments were not undertaken determining seagrass health during this shad- within marineprotectedareas; ing study. However, during the initial stages of • Sites were checked for accessibility and fieldwork, it was evident that these measure- logistical constraints, because of the need ments could not be undertaken in an accurate to work in readily accessible areas and in low wave energy environments suitable for ortimeefficientmanner.Shootdensityhasbeen conductingshadingexperiments, and demonstrated to be a useful tool to assess sea- • Information on the physical characteristics grass population status and it has been exten- ofeach potential study site was sought from sivelyusedoverthelastdecade (forareviewsee initial siteinspections. Marbaetal. 2005). A single location was selected for the shading This study documents an experiment that experiment,approximately2kmeastnorth-east aided in determining how Heterozostera nigri- ofSorrento (Fig. 1). There are numerous places caulisrespondstothelowlevelsoflightexpect- in Port Phillip Bay where H. nigricaulis grows ed to be caused by dredging in southern Port (BlakeandBall2001);however,mostoftheseare Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The objective eithersparselyvegetated,orgrowwithinmarine oftheexperimentwas to determinethe impact protectedareas. Thelocationselectedneeded to of reduced light on H. nigricaulis by shading 98 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports of seagrass, from which the expected light attenuationandbenthiclight levelswerethen estimatedusingthefollowingrelationship:TSS vslight attenuationcoefficient derived froma laboratory based experiment undertaken by Longmoreetal. (2004). • Incidental TSS measurements taken inside the dredge plumes during the trial dredging program;and • ThePAR(photosyntheticactiveradiation)data fromthefixedbenthiclightmetersitesduring thetrial,i.e.MudIsland,Camerons Bightetc. Light intensity was measured at Sites 4 and 6 of the six replicate sites (Fig. 2), to record incident light intensities at the sea-bed under the shades and without shade. Light attenua- Fig. 1. Port Phillip Bay. The shading experiment was tioncoefficientswerecalculatedforthelocation at Sorrento and proposeddredging in South Channel andatQueenscliff. by comparing sea-bed and mid-water read- ings. Light was measured using 2% Odyssey® beattherepresentativedepthof4-5 mandonly Photosynthetic Irradiance Loggers (with built afewplacesexistwhichcontaincontinuousbeds in sensors), programmed to take light readings at this depth. This nominal depth was chosen at 10 minute intervals. These loggers measure cminonssoiudtehreirnngtPhoarttHP.hinlilgirpicBaaulyisbectowmemeonn2lymoacncudr6s dcoomwinngweilnlifnrgo-mlitghhetsaindedofwitlhlensohtadedse.tect light depth (BlakeandBall2001). The light loggers measured light in PAR Lightmeasurementsandjustification expressed in pmole/m2/s and were calibrated To predict the amount ofincident light likely against the Primary Industries Research tooccurunderthedredgeplumesandestablish Victoria (PIRVic) Licor® meters. The sensors the light intensities for future shading experi- on the loggers were cleaned every 10-14 mentsthefollowingdatawerereviewed: days at the same time as the light data were • The initial model was based on turbidity downloaded. modelling data obtained from continuous Theloggersweresecuredbystarpicketstothe dredging in the South Channel for three sediment,withthesensorprotrudingjustabove months (March-May2005) (Cardno,Lawson the top of the picket, and run continuously and Treloar 2006). The turbidity modelling for two weeks, at which time the data were wasusedtoestablishthelikelytotalsuspended downloaded and the logger redeployed. One solid(TSS)concentrationsoverrelevantareas logger was placed underthe shade in the mid- Butterflyclipand Cabletiepoints SeagrassShadeScreens(4rti) A (70%shading,30%transmission) Ij\XS.tee/lsupports 2m _ . L"! 1.2ft Fig.2. Shadescreensoverseagrass. Vol 129 (3) 2012 99 Research Reports die ofthe plot, one mid-water 1.3 m above the posed for experimentation purposes, i.e. light seabedandoneon theseabed (0.3 mabovethe intensityundertheshadesat4 m, wasat6% of bottom). surfaceirradiance.Theminimumlightlimitre- The data from the turbidity modelling and portedforH. nigricauliswas 5% ofsub-surface trial dredge program were used to predict the light (Bulthuis 1983). average light reduction likely to occur in the Undernaturalconditions, withabackground vicinityofseagrassbeds. Theequation usedfor light attenuation coefficient of0.2 nr1 the in- estimating light attenuation was based on the cident light intensity on the seabed at, 4-5 m Bougert-BeerLaw: depth isbetween 33% and41% ofsurface irra- AC=In(IZi/IZ2)/Z Equation 1 diinagnicnet.eTnshietryefwoarse,cahossheandefocrloutshewiinthth7e0s%hasdhaidn-g where AC is the light attenuation coefficient study, as this resulted in a theoretical incident (nr1), Izi is the light at depth 1 (seabed), IZ2 is light intensity ofbetween 9% and 12% surface thelightatdepth2(mid-water)andZisthedif- irradiance under the shades. This was similar ferencebetween depths 1 and2. to the averageleveloflightreduction expected The modelled TSS concentrations at selected under the dredge plumes in thevicinityofthe seagrass sites, during 11 weeks ofdredging in seagrassmeadows. South Channel East, rarely exceeded 5 mg/L Irradiance ontheseabed (IZi) was used along (Cardno, Lawson andTreloar 2006). Since this withthe irradiance mid water (IZ2) to calculate concentration isexpectedforlessthanapproxi- thelightattenuation coefficient (AC) usingthe mately 10% ofthe time, a more realistic con- Bougert-Beer Law (Equation 1). The irradi- centration likely to be regularly encountered ance just below the surface (I0) was then cal- during dredging is 3 mg/L. This concentration culated (Equation 3). The surface irradiance ofmaterialsuspendedbydredgingwouldbe in was calculated for average light measurements additiontoambient(background)TSSconcen- between 1200 hand 1300 h for theduration of trationsofapproximately2mg/L(Longmoreet thestudy. alTh2e00r4e)l.ationshipbetweenTSSandlightatten- Io=IZi xeACxd Equation3 uation (Longmore et al 2004), was then com- Thepercentagesurfaceirradianceontheseabed , pared to approximatebenthic lightlevelslikely wascalculatedusingEquation4;thepercentage during dredging. This laboratory-based study ofsurface irradianceunderthe shades was cal- derived relationships for one sediment sample culated usingEquation 5 andthepercentageof from the South Channel that found that, for a light under the shade as compared to the sea- given plume TSS concentration, the resultant bedwasdeterminedusingEquation 6. aalmoonue,nti.e.ofexlcilghutdiantgtebnaucaktgiroonudnud,ewtaos:the plume % Surfaceirradianceonseabed=Izl/I0x 100 Equation4 AC=0.115 xTSS (r2=0.89) Equation2 %Surfaceirradianceundershade=Ishade/Iox 100 where AC is the light attenuation coefficient Equation5 due to the plume from South Channel (nr1) % Light under shade compared to seabed = tainodnTiSnSthiestphleutmoeta(lmsgu/sLp);enrd2eisdtshoelicdoecfofnicceinenttrao-f Ishade/Lix 100 Equation6 determination. Therefore,foraplumeTSS of3 ExperimentalDesign mg/L,theplumerelatedlightattenuation coef- ficient would be 0.345 m 1 Ifbackground light The methods of Bulthuis (1984), Kirkman (1989), and Longstaff and Dennison (1999) attenuationisaround0.2nr1 inthesouthofthe were adopted for designing the work. Shade Bay(Longmore etal 1996), then, using Equa- ., screens were put in a dense and continuous tdirieropantdhi1a,ontcfhee4.rmeTshuielstaainpntpcrliiodgxehnittmiantltieeglnhystit1iy0nat%tenaosfintosyumripfnraaocl-e sSehaogortasdsenmseitaydaotwthaitsasinteawvaesrabgeetdweepetnh3o0f0-48m0.0 100 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports shoots nr2 Shades were steel frames each of Treatments 2 m x 2 m. and 60 cm high, on which were As depicted in Fig. 2, there was a treatment connected shadecloth screens (Bulthuis 1984), where the seagrass was shaded for the entire using plastic shade cloth clips and cable ties. durationoftheexperiment(shaded treatment); The frame was held in place by star pickets. and a treatment where seagrass was shaded Thesidesoftheshadeswereapproximately200 until seagrass health had visually diminished, mm above the sea-bed (Fig. 3). Non-shaded at which point, the shades were removed control treatments using steel frames (of the (recoverytreatment). samedimensions)werealsoestablishedateach Eighteen replicates were used for each ofthe sites (Fig. 2). Our shades were smaller treatment for the shoot density counts, to than those of Mackey et al. (2007), but had reduce the level of variation within each skirts around them to reduce lateral intrusion treatment.Experiencewithrandomorhaphaz- oflight. ardly thrown quadrats showed that 18, 0.0625 Although LongstafF and Dennison (1999) m2quadrats, in H. nigricaulis was a reasonable recorded minimal exchange of rhizomes number and size to reduce the coefficient of between transplanted and non-transplanted variationtoaminimum.Tofurtherreducevar- seagrassfrom biomass sampling under shades, iation,fixedquadratswereused(Austin, 1981). the rhizome mat was cut to an approximate Due to time constraints, a power analysis was depth of 10 cm around the boundary ofeach not undertaken to determine the appropriate shadeandthecontrolsto preventtranslocation levelofreplication andquadratsize. of material between non-shaded seagrass bed The shading experiment consisted ofa total andshadedsites.Theeffectsofrhizomecutting ofsixreplicate sitesat onelocation (see Fig. 2). could havebeen investigated byalso including Shade screensfor eachexperimental treatment controls with rhizomes that were not cut. (shadedandrecovery),plusacontroltreatment, Flowever, these controls were not established weredeployedateachofthesixsites. becauseoflogisticalconstraintsassociatedwith Placing clear plastic shades atthecontrol sites, the need to effectively sample all of the sites in accordance with the methods described in in a single day and because ofthe findings of Kirkman (1989) was considered. Previously, Fitzpatrick and Kirkman (1995) and LongstafF clear plastic shades have been used during and Dennison (1999). shading studies to mimic the shade cloth, by Fig. 3. Experimental design for the Hetero- zostera nigricaulisshad- ingexperiment. 0.0625m1 fixedquadrat withineachslie Vol 129 (3) 2012 101 Research Reports reducing the amount of water flow over the for seagrass meadow-wide health, or for seagrasspresentundertheshades.Clearplastic detecting changes during dredging and, so, shades were not deployed, however, as they was discounted (Dr Peter Ralph, University would have had significant fouling, making of Technology, North Sydney pers. comm. them unsuitable as controls and failure to 2006). The use ofphysiological or biochemical accountforshade clotheffects, otherthanlight monitoring tools during a dredging program reduction, wasconsidered to be lesssignificant alsohaslimitations,i.e.practicalityofsampling than the confounding effects of using plastic and time to analyse results. The focus was to shade cloth. Kirkman (1989) also reported document the integrated response ofthe sea- that there was no difference in productivity grass using an easilyquantifiable and rapid as- ofEcklonia radiata (a kelp) under clear plastic sessmenttechnique,i.e. shoot density. controls, compared to the unshaded controls, Shoots were defined as black, lignified stems whichsuggeststhatthereisnoimpactfromthe with green shoots attached or small, usually shadesthemselves, in relationto limitingwater single, leaves that grew directly from under- flowand reducingthe settlementofsuspended ground rhizomes (Kuo 2005). When the term particulates on benthic plants. Mackey et al. ‘newshoots’isuseditreferstothesesinglegreen (2007) also faced this problem, but eventually leaveswhichgrewfromthesandysubstratum. didnotuseproceduralcontrols. Heterozostera nigricaulisshootswerecounted within the shaded, recovery (following shade Countsandvisualobservations removal) and control treatments using 25 rSehsopootndseensviatryiiasbltehselaeansdtvaisriaablkeeoyfalplasreaamgertaesrs Tchmrexe2q5uacdrmatfsixweedre(0.p0l6a2c5edmu2n)dsetreeleaqcuhadsrhaatds.e included in any monitoring program (Duarte arenldiabKlierkpamraanme2t0e0r1)s.(ICtoilsliaelrsoetonaelof20t0h7e).moNsot sacnrdeens.ecTohnedatrotyalsnhuomotbserwoefreshocootnssi(dperriemdarya single shoot in the counts) present within the biomass sampling via coring was undertaken m 0.0625 2 quadrat areawas recorded, with the because ofits destructive nature and was also exception of dead shoots. Dead shoots were not considered suitable because fixed quadrats thosethathadnoleavesora fewdeadleaves. were used to monitor changes in shoot density (a much more reliable parameter). Fixed Qualitative observations were also made throughout the experimental period, which quadrats in terrestrial plants have been used included documenting any morphological successfullyto reducevariability (Austin 1981) changes in seagrass health, such as changes in and their use is argued by Hartnoll (1998) in leafwidth, changes in shoot, leafand rhizome marine ecosystems. Marba et al. (2005) used colourandpresence/absenceofepiphytes. shoot density in fixed quadrats as a means of measuring seagrass population dynamics TimingandFrequencyofSampling very successfully in the Mediterranean. Fixed The experiment began during the week quadratsremovetheproblemofenvironmental commencing5June2006andranforfourmonths, heterogeneity and permit the detection of fromJunetoOctober2006. Shadingexperiments relatively small changes. There are problems wereundertakenonH.nigricaulisatapproximately with the representativeness of the quadrats thesametimeofyearasdredgingisproposed,i.e. and changes within them may be artefacts of primarily winter and spring. Shoot density was biological processes rather than community reportedatbetween 14and24dayintervalswithin changes. There are also constraints on the theshadedandcontroltreatmentsovertheexperi- statistical analysis oftime seriesbasedon fixed mentalperiodondays0, 19,35,49,61,78,95, 110 quadrats. and 134and intherecoverytreatmentondays0, More subtle responses such as changes to 35, 61,78, 95, 110 and 134.Shadeswereremoved seagrassphysiologywereconsidered, including fromthe‘recoverysites’onday71. the measurement of in situ photosynthesis Statisticaldesign andanalysis via Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) For analysing the percentage change in shoot Fluoremetry. This technique, however, previously has not been applied to monitoring density, compared to Day 0, avalue of100 was 102 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports addedtothepercentagechangereportedineach Results quadrat,toensurethatallofthevaluesreported Percentagechangeinshootdensity a positive number for the statistical analysis. The percentage change in shoot density in the Average shoot density for the three quadrats shaded treatments, compared to the control presentundereach shadescreenwascalculated treatment over the four month experiment forundertakingthestatisticalanalysis. fromJunetoOctober2006,isillustrated inFig. For the purpose of the data analysis, the 4a. A gradual decline in the number ofshoots recovery treatment was excluded, to avoid an was evident after approximately two months unbalanced dataset, i.e. eight sampling events ofshading. A significant decline of61% in the in the shaded treatment and six sampling number ofshoots was detected in the shaded eventsintherecoverytreatmentand,therefore, treatmentsafterthreemonths,at Day95. the shaded treatment was directly compared Percentagechangeinseagrassshootdensityin with the control treatment. Compositing of the controls was near zero during winter then thetwo datasets, i.e. shaded and recovery, also increased during spring from Day 78. Seagrass would have meant that the main effects and shootdensityundertheshadeclothscontinued interactions on Days 18 and 52, whereno data to decline until the last sampling event (Day werecollectedfortherecoverytreatment,could 134), where therewas an 84% reduction in the nothavebeenfullyexamined. numberofshootsreportedafteralmostfourand a halfmonths ofshading, this was significantly differentfromthecontrols (p=0.002). Fig. 4a. Percentage change in shoot density for control and shaded Heterozostera nigricaulis. Vertical lines are onestandarderroraboutthe mean. 0 20 40 60 100 120 140 Day Fig. 4b. Percentage change in shoot den- sity for control and recovery treatments forHeterozostera nig- ricaulis. Verticallines are one standard er- roraboutthemean. Vol 129 (3) 2012 103 Research Reports Shoot density did not significantly change in evident from the large standard error bars de- the recovery treatment, compared to the con- pictingvariabilitybetweenthequadrats,within trols during the two month shading period sites. There was a high degree ofvariability in (p>0.05).Shadeswereremovedfromtherecov- seagrass response observed between the sites. erysites,however,becauseanumberofthesites Notethat,withrandomorhaphazardlythrown wereshowingaconsiderabledeclineinseagrass quadrats, the variance would have been much health based on qualitative observations (see greater.Inoneinstance,withintheshadedsites, Observed Changes below). Following the re- theseagrassdensitiesincreased,i.e.Site4shad- moval ofthe shades in the recovery treatment edtreatment,whereasatalloftheothershaded (Fig.4b), on Day71 oftheexperiment, seagrass sites, seagrass densities decreased. Similarly, in shoot densities continued to decline signifi- some instances seagrass densities in the con- cantlyuntilDay 110, comparedtothecontrols. trols decreased, e.g. Site 5, whereas shoot den- Shootdensityhadreducedtomorethanhalf(60 sity at other control sites increased, e.g. Site 2 ± 7%) since the beginning ofthe experiment, andSite 3, after day78 (seeFig. 5). Despite the whereasshoot densityin thecontrols increased level ofnatural variability, there was sufficient 54% (p=0.012). The significant reduction in replicationwithinthetreatments (n=6) to ob- shoot density in the recovery treatment, com- serve significant differences in shoot densities pared to controls was partly due to seagrass in between theshadedsitesandthecontrols. the controls responding to a change ofseason, Observedchanges fromwintertospring,wherebynewshootswere Leaves in the shaded treatment became paler produced. This significant difference, however, was also partly due to shoot densities in the after one month ofshading, but had relatively recovery treatment reducing by a further 40% similar phenotypic characteristics compared to the controls. The main difference detected sincetheshadeswereremoved,whichsuggested after shading was the reduced overall epiphyte alag effect in seagrass response to the removal cover. ofshading.Thecontinueddeclineinshootden- sityupto Day 110 mayhavebeenduetothein- After two months of shading, no obvious morphologicalchanges were apparent inshad- ability ofplants to recover before that because ofalackofstored material (Fig. 4b). No recov- ed seagrass, except that the leaves were now ery was observed, but two months after shade clean ofepiphytes. The shoots and leaves still removal, at Day 134, shoot densities appeared appearedto containchlorophyllpigment. to stabilise (59 ± 9%), where no further loss in Afteralmostthreemonthsofshading,byDay shoot density was reported (Fig. 4b). This sug- 83, dead, blackish-brown seagrass leaves were geststhatseagrassinthepresentstudymaytake apparent. Average leafwidth was also measur- manymonthstofullyrecoverfromshading. ablylowerintheshadedtreatmentcomparedto Newshootswerefirstdocumentedinthecon- thecontroltreatmentfromDay61 untiltheend trol treatment on Day 95, at the beginning of oftheexperiment (Table 1). spring,whereasverylittlenewshootgrowthwas Adventitious roots (Cambridge et al. 1983) reported in the recovery treatment. Fewer new were reported in the recovery treatment two months after shade removal. Some flowering shoots were reported within the shaded treat- ment than in the controls. There was also new also was reported in the recovery treatment at shoot growth throughout the control treatment this time; however, there was considerablyless onDay 110,butonlyafewshootswerereported floweringcomparedto controls. in the recovery treatment. Two months after Incidentlightintensity shaderemoval,however,onDay134,largenum- Light intensities measured at Sites 4 and 6 in bers ofnew shoots atall sixsiteswere reported the H. nigricaulis experiment are presented in intherecoverytreatmentresultinginnonetloss Table 2. Light attenuation coefficients (AC) ofshoots,comparedtoDay 110 (Fig. 5). were calculated at each site and the amount of The changes reported in shoot density were light available to the plants under the shades quite variable over time, both within sites and was determined. The average light intensity between sites (Fig. 5). This was particularly measured from beneath the shades at Sites 4 104 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports and 6 was considerably lower than expected, undertheshades between Juneand September with PAR concentrations reported between 5 may be attributed, in part, to seasonal and and 15 pmol/m2/s. The 70% shade cloth was diurnal variations in the amounts of sub- intended to reduce light intensity to between surfacelightavailable. 9% and 12% of sub-surface irradiance under The reduction in sub-surface irradiance the shades, at 4-5 m depth. As indicated in compared to predicted levels was due to large Table 2, however, light intensities beneath the amountsofsiltandparticulatematerialsettling shadeswerebetween 1%and3% ofsub-surface ontheshadesbetweencleaningevents.Natural irradiance. The variability in light intensity incidentlight intensity reported on the seabed MeanPercentageChangeinShootDensity-Site1 MeanPercentageChangeinShootDensity-Site2 Days Days MeanPercentageChangeinShootDensity-Site3 MeanPercentageChangeinShootDensity-Site4 Days Days MeanPercentageChangeInShootDensity-Site6 MeanPercentageChangeinShootDensity-Site6 Days Days Fig.5.Percentagechangeinshootdensityatindividualsites.Verticalbarsareonestandarderroraboutthemean. Vol 129 (3) 2012 105 ResearchReports (U, mid-water (Iz2) and sub-surface (I0) allin- reducedby61%.Shadingofthesamespeciesin creased over the experiment, probably largely Western Portinwintercausedasimilardecline due to increasing light from winter to early in shoot density after two and a half months spring. The amount of sub-surface irradiance (Bulthuis 1983). Bulthuis (1983) reported that reaching the seabed varied between 68% in seagrass took longer to reduce in density in Juneand34%inSeptember.Thehigheramount winter, compared to the summer months. In ofsub-surface light reported on the seabed in contrast with a spring and summer shading June compared with July was due to low light study undertaken on H. nigricaulis in Corio attenuation and good water clarity during Bay(Fig. 1),wherea 100%lossofshootswasre- early winter. AC reported from June 2006 to ported after threemonths ofshadingwith 70% September2006variedfrom 0.10 to 0.27nr1. reducedincidentlight(Bulthuis 1984),thecur- The AC values determined may have been rent experiment was carried out in winter and affected somewhat by the small distance, i.e. 1 earlyspring. All shoots were not lost, although m,betweenthelightloggers,whichwereplaced four and a halfmonths ofshading did reduce mid-water and on the seabed. A longer path shoot density by 84%. The difference between length, i.e. >1 m, would have been preferable, the rapid loss ofshoots in the Bulthius (1984) but theelevatedloggercouldnotbeplaced any experimentandtheslowerreductionin density m higher than 1 due to the shallow nature of inthisoneisthathisplantsmayhaveshoweda thesites;anyhigherandthelightprobeswould greater tolerance to reduced light intensities at m havepresentedahazard toboating. 4 depth compared with 2 m, and the differ- enceinseason. Discussion The changes in shoot density were variable Heterozostera nigricaulis shoot density under shading significantly decreased over time. Af- over time, both within sites and between sites. ter three months of shading, shoot numbers There was also a high degree ofvariability in observedseagrassresponseto shadingbetween Table 1.Leafwidthchangesundershadeandatcontrol. Date DayNo. Treatment Leafwidth SE Number (mm) ofleaves 5Aug2006 61 shade 1.6 ±0.2 52 61 control 2.0 ±0.2 52 8Sept2006 95 shade 1.6 ±0.1 57 95 control 2.1 ±0.3 53 17Oct2006 134 shade 1.6 ±0.2 43 134 control 1.8 ±0.2 52 Table 2. Average light intensity taken at Sites 4 and 6, between 1200 h and 1300 h for the months ofJune throughSeptember2006. HeterozosteranigricaulisSites4and6 AverageLightfrom 1200--1300h(|imol/m2/s) Month June July August Sept LightUnderShades(IShade) 7.4 4.6 15 5.7 LightIntensityattheSeabed(Izi) 168 162 264 288 LightMidWater((Iz2) 185 203 330 342 Lightattenuationcoefficient (AC) 0.10 0.21 0.22 0.27 L%igohftSSuubb--SSuurrffaacceeI(rIr0a)dianceonSeabed 26848 43379 46229 38454 %ofSub-SurfaceIrradianceunderShade 3.0 1.2 2.3 0.7 %ofLightundershadecomparedtoSeabed 4.4 2.8 5.5 2.0 106 TheVictorianNaturalist