Volume 60, Number 3 149 JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 60(3),2006,149-155 A REVISION OFPSOLOPTERA BUTLER, INCLUDING A REDESCRIPTION OF ITS KNOWN SPECIES (ARCTIIDAE: ARCTIINAE: EUCHROMIINI) RebeccaB. Simmons Dept.ofBiology,UniversityofNorthDakota,P.O. Box9019,GrandForks, ND58202,[email protected] ABSTRACT. Psoloptera Butler,agenusofthreespecieswithinEuchromiini,waspreviouslydescribedbasedonwingvenationandoverall appearance,resultinginapolvphvletieassemblage. Here,speciesofPsoloptera areredescribedandillustrated. Onespecies,P. aurifera (Her- rich-Schaffer),istransferredtoCalonotosHiibnerasanewcombination. ComparisonsofmaleandfemalegenitaliaofPsolopterawithother historicallyassociatedgenerarefuteprevioushypodiesesoneuchromunerelationships. Additionalkeywords: Neotropicalfauna,taxonomy,mimicry The tribe Euchromiini (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: genitalia ol both sexes of all Psoloptera species are Arctiinae) consists of highly specialized mimics of figured for the first time here as well. Relationships of Hvmenoptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera. This Psoloptera and othereuchromiines are discussed. specialized mimicry has confounded efforts to classify these animals; distantly related species may mimic the same model, resulting in a convergence in appearance. Historically, classificationswereformedbasedonoverall wingvenation andsimilarcoloration.Thispractice often results in polvphvletie genera. One such genus is Psoloptera Buder (Figs. 1-3). Buder (1876) erected Psoloptera, and originally placed two species in the genus, P. thoracia (Walker) and P. leucosticta (Hiibner). Later, Schaus (1894) described P. ba.sifulva, citing that it was allied to P. thoracia (Walker), the type of Psoloptera. Hampson (1898) placed P. aurifera (Herrich-Schaffer) in Psoloptera because of similar overall appearance and wingvenation. Butler (1876) placed Psoloptera in the subfamily Euchromiinae (= Euchromiini of Jacobson & Weller 2002), and stated that itwas closelyallied to Calonotos Hiibner andAmijcles Herrich-Schaffer (= Pompiliodes Hampson 1898; = Sphecosoma Simmons & Weller in press),but distinctbecauseofitsplumose antennae and different hindwing venation. Hampson (1898), in his phylogeny of the Syntominae, placed Psoloptera as ancestraltoMetaloba Hampson, andsisterto Calonotos, Chrysocale Walker, Microgyria Butler, Mystrocneme Herrich-Schaffer, Orcynia Walker, Paramya Druce = ( Methysia Butler; Simmons & Weller in press), Saurita Herrich-Schaffer, and Scena Walker. Forbes (1939a) alliedPsolopterato Saurita basedonwingvenation, and Fig. 1. Male P. basifulva Schaus, tvpe specimen (USNM). noted that the genera differed in the branching ofthe F(iUgS.NM2)..AdFuilgt. P3.. lMeaulcoestPi.cttahor(aHciiibane(rW)a,lkelre)c,tottxvppee ssppeecciimmeenn radial veins. Though a consensus of these views (BMNH). indicates a close relationship with Calonotos, this Materials and Methods assertion hasneverbeenexaminedusinganycharacters otherthan external features. Standard genitalic and whole-bodv dissections were This paper redescribes Psoloptera and revises its performed (Winter 2000). Bodies were softened in composition by transferring one species to Calonotos. warm 10% KOH for 5-15 minutes and dien cleaned The individual species are diagnosed and figured. The (scales andvisceraremoved) inseveral rinsesof30-40% 150 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society ethanol. Structureswerestainedwith chlorazoleblack E Phylogenetie placement. In Euchromiini, male (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) dissolved in distilled water genitalia are useful for assigning species to genera, (saturated). Specimenswereviewedin30^0% ethanol. groupinggenera, andforverification oftribal affiliation. Wings were bleached and then neutralized with dilute Psoloptera shares genital features with some other aceticacid. Theywerethen rinsedindistilledwater, and euchromiines: projections on the tegumen, slightly stained overnight with Eosin Y (1% in distilled water; bilobedvalves, andenlargedjuxta. Calonotosphlegmon, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA). Permanent slide Chn/socale principalis, and Metaloba argante share an mountsofwings, abdominal pelts, appendages, genitalia enlargedjuxtawith spines, as in Fig. 4. This characteris andthoracesweremadewith Euparol (Bioquip, Rancho also present in Macrocneme Hiibner and certainly Dominguez, CA). represents a synapomorphy for this group of genera Male-female pairs of each species of Psoloptera (Deitz 1994). Methysia notabilis appears to have highly (sensuZerny 1912)were dissectedtodescribegenitalia. specialized genitaliawith trilobedvalves and a spirelike These species includedP. thoracia (Walker), P. aurifera juxta (figured in Simmons & Weller in press). Males of (Herrich-Schaffer), P. basifulva Schaus, and P. Saurita cassandra, Scena styx, and Sphecosoma aliena leucosticta Hiibner. Cameralucidadrawingswere made do not have genitalia similar to Psoloptera males (not from thesepreparations. Forewing measurementswere figured). Thevalves ofOrcynia are bilobed,while diose made from specimens representing each species of ofPsoloptera are unilobed; however, Orcynia calcarata Psoloptera. Type specimens for P. aurifera (BMNH), P. has projections on the tegumen similar to those of basifulva (USNM), and P. thoracia (BMNH) were Psoloptera anditsjuxtais slightlybutterflv-shaped. examinedtoverifyspecies identifications. Genera previously associated with Psoloptera were examined to identify putative sister taxa. Male and femalegenitaliawereexaminedforCalonotosphlegmon (Cramer), Chnjsocale principalis (Walker), Metaloba argante (Druce), Methysia notabilis (Walker), Orcynia calcarata Walker, Saurita cassandra (L.), Scena styx (Walker), and Spliccosoma aliena (Walker). Terminology for abdominal and genital morphology follows Klots (1970) and Forbes (1939b). Collections BMNH, consulted include the Natural Histoiy Museum, London (M. Scoble), and NMNH, National Museum of Natural Histoiy, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (D. Harvey). Results and Discussion Species composition. Psoloptera basifulva, P. leucosticta, and P. thoracia are medium-sized black moths with lateral white spots on the first abdominal segment, which may mimic a wasp waist (Weller et al. 2000). Upon examination of Psoloptera species sensu Hampson, I foundthatP basifulva,P. leucosticta, andP. Fig. 4. Calonotosaurifera (Herrich-Schaffer). malegenitalia. thoracia can be distinguished from P aurifera by both 1 = juxta, U = uncus,V=valve. genitalic and nongenitalic characters. Psoloptera aurifera is colored metallic green and is largerthan die As in other Lepidoptera, the female genitalia of other species of Psoloptera. Further, P. aurifera males Euchromiini tend to be more conserved than those of have an enlarged juxta bearing large spines, bilobed the males. Psoloptera females have genitalia with two valves, and a trilobed uncus (Fig. 4). These characters signa placed opposite each other on the corpus bursae are not shared with the other members ofPsoloptera and an accessoiy bursa originating from the ductus (see following species descriptions), but are diagnostic bursae (Figs. 8, 11, 14). These traits are shared with for Calonotos males. Based on these observations, I othereuchromiines examinedhereincludingCalonotos propose the followingchange: phlegmon, Chnjsocale principalis, Metaloba argante, P. aurifera (Herrich-Schaffer), 1854 = Calonotos and Saurita cassandra. Based on tirese observations, aurifera (Herrich-Schaffer), new combination Butler's (1876) placement ofPsoloptera in Euchromiini Volume 60, Number3 151 is justified. Metaloba seems to be related to Calonotos, Ductusbursae(DB)short,membranous.Corpusbursae(CB)with Chrysocale, and Macrocneme because ofthe presence two patches of spinose signa (S) located opposite one another. ofa knob-shaped projection on the antevagellar plate, which is not found in Psoloptera. The sister taxon of Psoloptera is probably not Saurita, as proposed by Forbes (1939a) or Calonotos (Buder 1876, Hampson 1898). Female Orcynia possess a ridged bursae, like that of P. basijulva (Fig. 8), but the signa differ. Althoughthe male andfemalegenitaliaarenotidentical to diose ofPsoloptera, Orcynia seems to be the most likely candidate for the sister taxon. This relationship remains open to further exploration with other data, such as molecularorlarval characters. Taxonomy. Here, I redescribe Psoloptera and provide illustrations ofthe habitus, wingvenation, and male andfemale genitaliaofits three species. Psoloptera Butler, 1876 Psoloptera Buder, 1876: 369. Type: Euchromia thoracia Walker 1854: 243, by original designation. Diagnosis. This genus superficially resembles many Fig. 5. WingvenationofPsoloptera Butler. A. Forewing, B. other euchromiine and ctenuchine genera (Figs. 1-3). Hindwing. A = analvein, CuA = cubitalvein, M = medialvein, The male genitalia of Psoloptera, especially the R = radial vein, Rs = radial sector, Sc = subcosta, 1-5 = vein number. ornamented, V- or butterfly-shaped juxta is distinctive widiin Ctenuchini and Euchromiini. The highly Appendixbursa(AB)fromductusbursae,irregularinshape,lacking sclerotized, curved uncus is also unique toPsoloptera. ornamentation.Ductusseminalis(DS)fromappendixbursa. Adulthabitus (Figs. 1-3).WingsentirelyMack,orwithscarletat Discussion. Species of Psoloptera are easily t1h.2embams,e.nMa=l2e0)f;orfeewmianlgelfeonrgtehwi1n2g—l1e7ngmtmh 1(2a-v1e7ramgem=(1a4v.e5rmagme,=S1D4.=9 distinguished from each otherbyhabitus and male and mm, SD = 1.5 mm,n = 11). Antennae black. Groundcolorofhead female genitalia. The larval host plants and stages are andthoraxblackorred; abdomenblackwithpairedlateralspots on not known. Tymbal organs are present, indicating that firstHaebaddomainndalthsoergamxe.ntA.ntennaebiserrateandciliateinmales:filiform ultrasound is utilized lor either defense or intraspecific and ciliate in females; ocelli present with melanized outer ring. communication; they do not appear to be sexually Proboscis longer than head. Epiphyses and tibial spurs short and dimorphic. smooth.Tarsalclawssimple. Wings. Forewingvenation (Fig.5A): Scsinuous,extending3/4 ofthecosta. R,andR,branched,arisingfromdiscalcell. R stalked Psoloptera basifulva Schaus. 1894 wabriaitssheinRgo5ffratrohimseidnicgeelclcl.eollsCemureAdt,ioaclaellnyldbtehCtauwnAe„RenwMi.dM}ejalnydarsiMes„pi.anrgMa,ftreador;mistiAnh,gefpcrreloelsm;entMth..e, Psoloptera basifulv(aFigSsc.ha1u,s6,, 71,898)4. Proc. Zool. Soc. Hindwing venation (Fig. 5B): Sc + R, absent. Rs and M, connate. Lond. 1894: 225. Discalcellcrossveinasymmetrical,V-shaped. M, fused. CuAjand Psoloptera thoracia Druce, 1884. Biol. Centr.-Am.. 3 CuAA,bdstoamlkeend,.brIanncbhoitnhgcsleoxsees,tosweicnogndmarsgtienm.itAe, awintdhA,shporrets,enstt.ubby Het. 1: 46, preoccupied by Psoloptera thoracia Walker apodemes. Structural modifications forwaspwaistabsent (Welleret (1854). at. 2000). Malelackingandroconia. Diagnosis. Though P. basijulva resembles P. curGveenditparloijaec.tiMoanlse(sTP()Fi(gFsi.gs6.,67,,99,,121)0,,o1n2e, o13n):eiTtheegrusmideenofbuenacruisn;g thoracia, P. basifulva hasorange-redpatches atthebase uncus strongly sclerotized, hooked, setose. Valve (V) setose, ofthe fore- and hindwings (Fig. 1). These patches are spindlelike or slightly bilobed. Juxta (J) enlarged, V- or butterfly- lackingin P. thoracia (Fig. 3). Psoloptera basifulva also shaped. Aedagus with sclerotized vesicular region (SP) (Fig. 7), has an orange-red dioraxandhead: the headandthorax cornuti(C)orboth(Fig. 10),dependingonthespecies. Females(Figs.8, 11, 14):Papillaeanales(PA)laterallyflattened; are blackin P. leucosticta (Fig. 2). membranesurroundingoviporefolded;posteriorapophyses(PP)long Description. Medium-sized,blackmodisthathaveredheadsand andnarrow;anteriorapophyses(AP)longandnarroworreducedand thoraces(Fig. 1). thickened;dorsalpheromoneglandsreduced.Seventhsternite(VII) Male. HeadRed;antennablack, biserrate; fronsandlabialpalpus unmodified; antevagellarplate unmodified orbearingcrescent-like, black. heavily sclerotized lip; ostium bursae symmetrical or assymetrical. Thorax. Patagium, meso-, metathoraxorange-red; fore, mid, and 152 Journalofthe Lepidopterists' Society hindlegsblackwithwhitespotsoncoxaeandfemur;tarsiblack. (BMNH: 36, 19); MEXICO: Tabasco (BMNH: 16, 29): Teapa Wings. Forewing. Length = 14-16mm (average = 15mm,SD = 1 (USNM: 19); PANAMA: Bugaba (BMNH: 26); Chiriqui (BMNH: mm,n=3). Blackwithbasalscarletarea. Hindwing. Black,costalarea 16); NICARAGUA: No Data: Mobile 752 on a ship (USNM: 19); slightlyhyaline,basalscarletareapresent. PERU: No Data (USNM: 19); VENEZUELA: Palma Sola Abdomen. Blackwithwhitespotsonthefirstabdominalsegment. (BMNH: 16);NODATA:(USNM:26). Genitalia (Figs. 6 & 7). Tegumen heavily sclerotized, bearing spirelikeprojections (TP),oneoneachsideofuncus; uncuscurved, Psoloptera leucosticta (Hiibner, 1827) setose; saccussquare-shaped;valveunilobed,spatulate, setose;juxta enlarged, butterfly-shaped; base of phallus rounded; vesica with (Figs. 2, 9, 10, 11) sclerotizedarea. Glaucopis leucosticta Hiibner, 1827. Samml. Exot. Female.Asinmale,exceptantennaefiliformandciliate;forewing length = 12-17mm(average= 14.4mm,SD = 1.7,n = 7). Schmett. 1: t. 162. Genitalia(Fig.8).Papillaeanales,posteriorapophysesunmodified; Psoloptera leucosticta (Hiibner) Hampson 1898. Cat. anterior apophyses greatly reduced, nublike; S7 unmodified; Lep. Phal. 1: 285. antevagellarplateU-shaped,highlysclerotized;asymmetrical;ductus bursaesclerotizedtube;corpusbursaemembranous,slightlyridged, Diagnosis. Psoloptera leucosticta, unlike its bearingtwo patches ofsignanearaccessorybursa; ductus seminalis congeners, does not have any red markings on its head frommiddleofaccessorybursa. orthorax (Fig. 2). Type material. Psoloptera basifulva Schaus. The holotype mWalme Description. Medium-sized,blacktopurplish-blackmoths (Fig. (USNM)islabeled:Peru;520;not[?textunreadable];Collection 2). SchPasuosl.opTtyeprealtohcoarliatcyi:aPDerruuce(F.igT.he1).holotypemale(BMNH)islabeled: blacMka;lvee.rtHexeaadn.dBflraocnks;wiatnhtewnhniatebslpaoctks,.biserrate and ciliate; palpus Panama: Chiriqui;Godman-SalvinColl.Tvpelocality; Panama. Thorax. Patagium blackwithlateralwhitespot; mesothoraxblack; (1C169aB),;yMS5upNS9ge)Haac;n:iN(m2ModUea*,SnDtsN2ae9Mt)o;:aeB(x(8RaB6Bm,IMMiTN6nN9IHe;HS:d:BH.1M19H9N)B),O;HRNT:CAuDZOi2UIsS6LR,T(:A2AU9SS);RA:NmIMHaCP:OzAuNo:n1nt6D)Gea;UusaGR:GpoAUirSVlAdie:TlaslEa(C(MBaUFAMmSrLaNbNnAHrMc:::ea tm1i.er1etWacimtonhmxgao,s.r.anxFob=rlaec8w)ki.;ngfB.olraeLc,ek,nmgiwdti,htha=n1td3wh-oi1n6wdhmiltemegs(sbaplvoaetcrskagawetit=bha1sw4eh..i4tHmeimsn,pdowtSisDngo.n= valFvieg..F6i.g.Ps7o.loPpstoelroaptbearsaifublavsaifSuclhvaauSsc,hmaausl,eageendiatgaulisa,,lvaetnetrraallvviieeww..PJB=j=uxpthaa,llSic=bsaascec,usS,PT=Ps=clteergoutimzeendalplpatreo,ceVss,=Uves=icuan.cuFsi,g.V8=. Psolopterabasifulva Schaus,femalegenitalia,ventralview.VII = seventhsternite,AB = accessorybursa,AP = anteriorapophysis, AW = antevagellarplate,CB = coipusbursae, DB = ductusbursae, DS = ductus seminalis, O = ostium, PA = papillaeanales, PP = posteriorapophysis, S = signa. Volume 60, Number 3 153 Groundcolorblack;lightershadeofblackincostalarea. Psoloptera thoracica (Walker, 1854) Abdomen. Black. Dorsal lateral white spots on first abdominal (Figs. 3, 12, 13, 14) segment. Medialwhite,faintpatchonventeroffirstthreeabdominal segments. Euchromia thoracica Walker, 1854. List Lep. Ins. Br. Genitalia (Figs. 9 & 10). Tegumen heavily sclerotized, bearing Mus. 1: 243. spirelikeprojections,oneoneachsideofuncus;uncuscurved,setose; Psoloptera thoracica Butler, 1876. Linn. Soc. Lond. saccus rounded; valve terminating in blunt projection, setose; juxta J. elongateandnarrow,V-shaped;phallusbluntatbase;vesicabearing Zool 12: 369. singlepatchoflargecomutiapicallv. Diagnosis. Bright scarlet coloration is restricted to lenFgtehma=le15.-A1s6imnmmal(ea,veerxacgeep=ta1n5.t5enmnmae,fSilDif=orm0.a7nmdmc,ilinate=;2f)o.rewing the head and thorax in P. thoracia (Fig. 3); in P. Genitalia (Fig. 11). Papillae anales, posterior and anterior basifulva, the base of the fore and hind wings are apophyses unmodified; SS unmodified; antevagellar plate orange-red, as well as the thorax and portions of the caosyrmpmuestbruicrasla,ewmietmhboruatnoorunsa,mebnetaartiinognt;wdoupcattucshebsurosfaesigmnea;mbarcacnesosuosr;y head (Fig. 1). Psoloptera leucosticta lacks redcoloration bursa membranous, from ductus bursae; ductus seminalis from altogether (Fig. 2). accessorybursa. Description. Medium-sized, black moths with red heads and Type material. The type of Glaucopis leucosticta Hiibner is thoraces(Fig.3). apparendvlost.Tvpelocality:Venezuela.Thelectotypemale(USNM, Male. Head. Vertexblackwith pairofwhite spots; galae scarlet; lheeurceostdiecstiagnHabtne.d)frisomlaBbeMl.ed:Col6l0ecmt.ionupWmMaSrcohanuis.RiTvhere,lPescotoltoyppteerias antTehnonraaxb.lacPka,tbaigsieurmrastcearalnedt;cimleiastoet;hpoarlapxusscbalralcekt.withscattered, long designatedtoensurenomenclaturalstabilityinthisgenus. black scales; metathorax scarlet; fore, mid and hind legs blackwith BRISpTeIcSiHmenGsUIAexNaAm:ineRdi.o PBoRtAaZroI.L:TuCmaatyuemnanrei ((UUSSNNMM:: 41d9));; whiWtiensgpso.tsFoornecwoixnage..Length = 12-17mm (average = 14.6mm, SD = MEXICO: No Data (USNM: 2d, 1?). VENEZEULA: Maroni 1.3mm,n =9). Black. Hindwing. Costalregiongray,gradingtoblack River(USNM: 16", 19).NODATA(USNM:2d',69). atCuAjandCuA,. Abdomen. Pair ofwhite lateral spots present on first abdominal segment; remainder ofabdomen black dorsally; medial white spot FigF.ig1.0.9.PsPosloolpotpetrearaleluecuocsotsitcitcata(H(iHiibinbenre)r,),aemdaalgeusg,enliattaelriaal,vvieewn.trCal=viceowr.nuJti=,jPuxBta=.pThPall=ictebagsuem,eVna=lvpersoicceas.sF,iUg.=11u.ncPusso,loVpte=rvaallveeu.- costicta (Hiibner),femalegenitalia,ventralview.VII = seventhsternite,AB = accessorybursa,AP = anteriorapophysis,A\~P=an- tevagellarplate, CB = corpusbursae, DB = ductusbursae, DS = ductusseminalis, PA = papillaeanales, PP = posteriorapophysis, S = signa. 154 Journalofthe Lepidofterists' Society 13.FiPgs.ol1o2p.tePrsaoltohpotrearcaiath(oWraalckiear()W,aalekdearg),usm,allaetegreanlitvaileiwa.,Cven=trcaolrnvuiteiw,.PJB=j=uxpthaa,llTiPcb=astee,guSmPen=aslclperroocteiszse,dUpla=teu,ncVus=,vVes=icvaa.lvFei.g.Fi1g4.. Psolopterathoracia (Walker),femalegenitalia,ventralview.VII = seventhsternite,AB = accessorybursa,AP= anteriorapophysis, AVP = antevagellarplate, CB = corpus bursae, DB = ductusbursae, DS = ductus seminalis, PA = papillae anales. PP = posterior apophysis, S = signa. presentonventeroffirstthreeabdominalsegments;remainderblack Magdalena Valley (BMNH: 19); Ort.: Medina (USNM: 19); R. ventrally. Cantinere Muzo(BMNH:39);RioNegro(BMNH: Id);Villaricua Genitalia (Figs. 12 & 13). Tegumen rounded with elongate (USNM: 19).COSTARICA:Guanacaste: SantaRosaNationalPark spindlelikeprojectiononeithersideofuncus;uncusstronglyhooked, (BMNH: Id, 19); Turrialba (USNM: 2d. 19). ECUADOR: Napo setose; saccus rounded; valve apically narrowed, ending in rounded Prow:YasuniResearch Station, RiosTivacuno&Tiputini, 76°36'W, projections, setose; juxta with butterfly-shaped structure, strongly 0° 38' S, 250 m (USNM: 29); Sarayacu (BMNH: Id, 19). sclerotized;vesicawithsclerotizedplateandmedialpatcholmedium- GUATEMALA: No Data (BMNH: 19); PANAMA: Alhajuelo sizedcornuti. (USNM: 19); Barro Colorado Island (USNM: 59); Canal Zone Female.Asinmale,exceptantennaefiliformandciliate;forewing (USNM: Id):Corozal(USNM:2d);Canno Saddle(USNM:29); La length= 16mm (average= 16mm,SD =0,n =2). Chorrera (BMNH: 29); Matachin (BMNH: 1?); PortoBello Genitalia (Fig. 14). Papillae anales, posterior and anterior (USNM: Id, 29); No Data (BMNH: Id; USNM: Id). PERU: apophysesunmodified;sternite7unmodified;antevagellarplatewith Amazones: Cavallo-Cocho (BMNH: 29); Pebas: Loreto (BMNH: heavily sclerotized lip, symmetrical; ductus bursae membranous; 19);RioUdayali:Contamama(BMNH: 19);Tarapoto(BMNH: Id); coipusbursaemembranous, bearingtwopatchesofsigna;accessory No Data (BMNH: Id). VENEZUELA: Aroa (USNM: 6d, 59); La bursalarge,irregularinshape, fromductusbursae;ductusseminalis Cruees Colon. (BMNH: 29); Las Quigas: San EsebanValley(8d; frombaseofaccessorybursa. 39); Las Quigas nr. San Esteban (BMNH: 3d, 29); Palma Sol Typematerial.TheholotypemaleofEuchromiathoraciaWalker (BMNH: Id); San Esteban (BMNH: lid, 39); Valencia (BMNH: (BMNH) is labeled: Ega, Bates, 51-43. Type locality: Amazones id); Valera (USNM: Id); No Data (BMNH: 2d, 19). NO DATA: [Brazil]. (BMNH: Id;USNM: Id, 19). Specimens examined. BRAZIL: Amazones: Fonte Boa (BMNH:5d,39),Pegas(BMNH: Id), RioUcayla(BMNH:2c!), S.de Acknowledgements Villa Franca (BMNH: 12c!), S. Paulo (BMNH: 19); Cundinmarca: A2C(US9laaBS)ln;oiMNaaLNMnnPocH:caawh:uee1lb9rIo)e(d.l)AB;CodmMweOSaN.LzHSAP.Oo:maMnuaAIBlnzda'otIo)n;onAddnEe:iegRsoa.OC:la((Mi(qUBavuBSdMeeMNeNntNiMcaHrHa:::a:(R2(i(BI45oodB,M*))M;ON;1rNH9HtS)H:ue;a:gmn4uTaceIa!dyf,zJ)faut;5ea9anR;nr(i:.(UoBRBSMSiMMNooNaNlMdHPhH:ee:n:rno4ieec56any!cc)?!:sa;,; WcaalseliocdllhtRlmHoieisoavaSpnirimscsvtoiaaeMbolniylnildetal(yrea(UyrsdSBswuaNoMroncMiNrdi)nkaHg,St)ieusmdMsifuracmo.nsurpreoMWaasauectscrolmiretlbssievl.sinresaIiaHwtnwnsoid.odtnuhIleMloowysaudo.nt(sulMciBlokoidMefocphNstleeopiHrklete)alchteitaiamonDoenknatndChsDfDao,rrrns.oa.ktsmDaMDwocarefonlslol-.-l-r (USNd: lc!, 19); Chiriguana District: Lake Sapatoza Region helpful discussion andsuggestions duringtheformation ofdiis (BMNH: Id); Llanos of Rio Meta: S. Martin (BMNH: Id); manuscript. Ms. DaCosta also provided editorial aid. Funding Volume 60, Number3 155 forassociatedtravelwasprovidedby ND-EPSCorand Univer- Klots,A. B. 1970. Lepidoptera, pp. 115-130. 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