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by  N.A.
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4 Referk.on Tht District of Rung for € Wisacpara Joy rishi: ree a] Gow. of West Honan! A REPORT THE DISTRICT OF RUNGPORE. PART INTRODUCTORY. L—The Conor, osceoas fas betvien north Intitnde 25° 4 and 26°19 and east Tongitide 88° 46° and 88° 50. LL is boumded ou the north by the district of Jnlpigoren, om thr nowthenst by che asic of Caoch Beta, dm the oat by the river Brakmapuira agi the dstiaa of Gowalpues aod Mymensingh, on the south hy the disrict of Boga, and un te soathcarst il went by the distr of Timgere, Tes greatest lougth from urtheweek oo wothveart (Phe ran of the Aiseet) Je 96 eile, sul iin geatowe booed Seous eaxt wo west is 70 dik, arva ie 3.TER square men ‘Tho whole oounry fe Unt exe aee_no watural clerstions of uy Kil To the eth ee sey plsins of are extent, Ue comeing of old waterconzaca, in the dopressions of which are fond fou and clay, Tha rent ot tho district i low, with altcrnate sandy” and terdhy sel, inrspergad eth small but rumerms qarshey, and guile hi at the sndur water ducing tbe huight of’ tho rai, vowdwest fo wot, and Ue rivers all rr or male fine del "The fllssing ane th principal rivers: — ‘Tho Bratunjrra fori the viacern bowndary of Kangyo, vide ing it rom Gomalparn and Myuteincl j but sme alluvial land talon ‘ng to thin dined lion ow ite hte bank aljonsing Gowalpark Te bas brcen for tang years atnatily enoraacking. anita might bank, AR Chile sar the polis lgtin Ia bo tvieg removed Furr inland. within te had five pear, and at Kalleponge a lange brick-honve, belonging, fon Celovita fire, which wan situate more fan» wile fom the river Yank ap ben whe Hao ie ooo wick i al baking wey swestmads "Vie ‘Costa. or Trsrota, called by the hill poopla the Bunge, dracon, from ie Himalayan between Kikkiay and Bhootsn, at catiry Ruegpoes from dulpigmran,. Te has, at varias Ges, traversed ‘he whole of the disirict, and its old beds are to be met with everywhere. Is has uow s south-castorly course of 110 miles within our borders, and falls into the Brobmaputra, six miles north of Kulyganyo. Provious to the year 1787, it bud x south-west course, juined the Atrey river in the Dinagopore dixtriet, and fll into the Prlda; but during the great inundatious of that yea, which mask am epoch in the history of Rungpore, it fornouk its ald bed, burst into dla Ghayhat river, over~ flowed tle cowatey, and, finally, forcod an antict Hong one of ita old coomrsen in a south-east disvetion into the Bradaaputra. ince thai time it lw had another elmge. In the exely part of this omtary it forsools a westward bend of about forty milia He the ‘Upper park of iby evuree, tukingg a tees oirenitons bend ia the epposita direction, Te has sinve adhored to its cour thou formed, but with a krachrnents on ite mindy banks in different places. A large toa, Ghomintrs, on tha wctera bank, lie boo pashol -avadeally backward, uulil ust a vuolige wauaias of Une village deo which it takes ite name. ‘The Obaghat passes through the emnizc of the district Tt formerly branched off from the Toews, and previous to ike clinnge in tho evs of that river last oentnry, was an important channel of communentien ip thos nazis te resdans! bragalons, the Ons pauy’e ttre nd tho old capital, Mahignng, stretchal along ite bankss but the rusk of the great bunly of water iv the new Tecsia eesrveal tho Ghaghat, ibs ‘opening fron the Towste, tows awsurly allted up soul sli tilt waists ak adluggdk wtraumetrsining. aurliee water, a western brane lon iy open, leuving the bid of the old stream a atgnane marsh of five vuiles Téngth through tho stution, ‘The Ubighel now, ofter 3 very ciceuitona conse of 114 miles, passer inwy the Bograt district, saul, there juining with other stroune, fads ite way into the Bralaayutrs ‘Tho, Kurutiya ebirts the wesc of Rungporc, amd bas a spoctal interest trom its huving fonnad the bonndury. between dio -Kaonrup anil Bengal kingloms at the titoe of the Mahabhiest, aud enue thon bon geuerilly tw boundary af the rule of tbe surcuiva Bengal dynasties egetward. ‘Thu xeversd changes im the course of the Tost live Toit bx the west of the district a munze uf old veaioreounes und sluguunt gfecley ond it ia well nigh impossible to teace tho conte of the farmer rivers. Buchanam, who trivelled in ‘those parts in 1809, describes as the upper garb af te Kurotipa what ie now Enowa as tbe Kurio river, which lows from the hills bebo tho Mahaouddee and the Tvosta, and pavsing Uieuugh ihe Dulpigoroe distriet, joins the Arey in Diesgepnee. "Pim Keratiya, as now known, taker ive + ae amongst marshes ut the wert-wost coruor uf the distiet, and nfter forming for waao distance dhe bomndary hetwocn Itengporo and Dinege- pore, ererscs Govindgange thamuil ints the Bogert district. Terecsivos rom the exst two other streams of muck moro volume Brun its — the Sarbumaugla and the Juvancehvari—the lator of which, separating Goondy from Sorcoppore, representa, T imagine, the midMls, while the Karto atands for the upper, conray of the anciont Karativa, ‘Thaw ollie rivors ts bo wntired, are the Durlal, which for part of ite course divides Iiurygpore from Gooch Behar, and the Sunloshy whieh THe DIsTEIO€ OF RURGYORE, a. frthor ta the eat emerges from Caocl Behar. Both fall into the Brahorgpntra, within the Hneita of the dint ‘Of ome rivers, only tha Brahmaputra and the Tessta are navigable fer largo hosia throughout tho year, but ail are navigublo during’ the ‘None of the mumerous tees, or ‘marshos, call for special _notiee. ‘The largest is that, of Burrobilla, Ghaoueh Pieprangs, which gives is amne to apergunnab. Several of the mmatler Steels are situated in very. inconvenient proximity in the civil station, forming ita bouudary to the ‘Main roads von to oll the neighbouring district towne, to wit Dinagepore, Bograb, Solpizoree, andl Cooels Behar, and also to Bagwah and Rallrgunzyr on the Bruhroxputra, ‘The Inttor is the place of all of fhe Asoo sumer ad great dea of tale pases bofwern 8 sad ingore wn. “The vomde ae alt ofthe 3rd class, eamelled, and trae with Aifculry earried wn during the mains, "Nome of the rivers ure bridged ths culverts over the small wtrwame and diins ase of wood, and very rough structures. ‘Thy aniownt allotted ftom the Boa Fait was about 4 thir of the oun the district contribaind to the enme by ite ferry and reroll and wax altogether inadequate to our wants, nda the Ww ayetoru,whereliy we eball lave the speuding of all our tall prooseds, Iuiter rosnlte way br expected. ‘The country is well eultivntod, and thoro are comparxtively few wild animals. Leopards are met witb in Tuany pasts, bat tigers $70 confined ta the teart lying betwoen_the Teo aid the Brahmapotea sivera, and on theckurs of tha lirusr. - Task century, elephant, rhittooerea, eur, aud wild imide, were to Tio met with, fn 1789, the nom of Bes, 400 sus extimated for tho seme as rewards for killing Uigees. Tr IST, cont items of Its, 25 vas paid, for killing w mancealing tizer, During de tele months of 1871, BU pemong were killed fy wild afin, ice 22 iy thzern, # by pigs and 7 children enten hy jackals; ‘while G4 died from snske-bile, Ho The Prope. “The census return of this year slow our popatation to be 2,150,178, Of thaso, T2291, 01 ane Mahoning 857,179 ave Hinds, and 1209) ‘of otbne religions 5 wy that the propurtion of Mabotanedsa to Hindus ik ax 8 to 2. ‘The population por square nile is 569, xnd the nulaber of pecple per hora is 868, “Bll. proviona estinates of the popalatian hive bees vary wide of ‘the marks Gur police returns Befaew the omaus give only half the xetual nuda, aul those collate! from tho survey Yanpe (864-1860), from whieh solething diatetiy apyroriating to arr wight hag heen looket fur, give result very lite neurnr. "The asnan reported ‘he nuraher of hoases in euch villoge, and tho total fa the daaséet (eo piled fo this office from tue raps) is, mot iaeluding thank Govind- faunge, which wes murveyed io Bogeah district, 208.350 huases and kn entimatod popuktion of 100,106, agsiust” eur ‘prevent cesar,

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