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A note on truncations in fractional Sobolev spaces 7 Roberta Musina∗ and Alexander I. Nazarov† 1 0 2 n a J Abstract 6 1 We study the Nemytskii operators u 7→ |u| and u 7→ u± in fractional Sobolev spaces Hs(Rn), s>1. ] P A Keywords: Fractional Laplacian - Sobolev spaces - Truncation operators . h t 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46E35,47H30. a m [ 1 Introduction. Main result 1 v 5 In this paper we discuss the relation between the map u 7→ |u| and the Dirichlet 2 4 s Laplacian. Recall that the Dirichlet Laplacian (−∆Rn) u of order s > 0 of a function 4 0 u ∈ L2(Rn), n ≥ 1, is the distribution . 1 0 7 h(−∆Rn)su,ϕi ≡ u (−∆Rn)sϕdx := |ξ|2sF[ϕ]F[u]dξ , ϕ ∈ C∞(Rn), Z Z 0 1 Rn Rn : v i where X r F[u](ξ) = (2π)−n2 e−iξ·xu(x)dx a Z Rn ∗Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche, Universit`a di Udine, via delle Scienze, 206 – 33100 Udine, Italy. Email: [email protected]. Partially supported by miur-prin 2015233N54. †St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute, Fontanka, 27, St.Petersburg, 191023, Russia and St.Petersburg State University, Universitetskii pr. 28, St.Petersburg, 198504, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 is the Fourier transform in Rn. The Sobolev–Slobodetskii space s Hs(Rn) = {u ∈ L2(Rn) | (−∆Rn)2u ∈ L2(Rn) } naturally inherits an Hilbertian structure from the scalar product s (u,v) = h(−∆Rn) u,vi+ uvdx. Z Rn The standard reference for the operator (−∆Rn)s and functions in Hs(Rn) is the monograph [8] by Triebel. For any positive order s ∈/ N we introduce the constant 22ss Γ n +s C = 2 . (1) n,s n (cid:0) (cid:1) π2 Γ 1−s (cid:0) (cid:1) Notice that C > 0 if ⌊s⌋ is even; C < 0 if ⌊s⌋ is odd, (2) n,s n,s where ⌊s⌋ stands for the integer part of s. It is well known that for s ∈ (0,1) and u,v ∈ Hs(Rn) one has C (u(x)−u(y))(v(x)−v(y)) s n,s h(−∆Rn) u,vi = dx. (3) 2 Z |x−y|n+2s Rn Let us recall some known facts about the Nemytskii operator |·| : u 7→ |u|. 1. |·| is a Lipschitz transform of H0(Rn) ≡ L2(Rn) into itself. 2. Let 0 < s ≤ 1. Then | · | is a continuous transform of Hs(Rn) into itself, by general results about Nemytskii operators in Sobolev/Besov spaces, see [7, Theorem 5.5.2/3]. Also it is obvious that for u ∈ H1(Rn) h−∆|u|,|u|i = h−∆u,ui = |∇u|2dx , h−∆u+,u−i = ∇u+ ·∇u−dx = 0. Z Z Rn Rn Hereandelsewhereu± = max{±u,0} = 1(|u|±u),sothatu = u+−u−,|u| = u++u−. 2 On the other hand, for s ∈ (0,1) and u ∈ Hs(Rn) formula (3) gives u+(x)u−(y) h(−∆Rn)su+,u−i = −Cn,sZZ |x−y|n+2s dxdy. (4) Rn×Rn 2 From (4) we infer by the polarization identity 4h(−∆Rn)su+,u−i = h(−∆Rn)s|u|,|u|i−h(−∆Rn)su,ui that if u changes sign then s s h(−∆Rn) |u|,|u|i < h(−∆Rn) u,ui, s ∈ (0,1). (5) We mention also [4, Theorem 6] for a different proof and explanation of (5), that s includes thecasewhen (−∆Rn) is replacedby theNavier(orspectral Dirichlet)Lapla- cian on a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω ⊂ Rn. 3. Let 1 < s < 3. The results in [2] and [6] (see also Section 4 of the exhaustive 2 survey [3]) imply that |·| is a bounded transform of Hs(Rn) into itself. That is, there exists a constant c(n,s) such that h(−∆Rn)s|u|,|u|i ≤ c(n,s)h(−∆Rn)su,ui, u ∈ Hs(Rn). In particular, |·| is continuous at 0 ∈ Hs(Rn). It is easy to show that the assumption s < 3 can not be improved, see Example 2 1 below and [2, Proposition p. 357], where a more general setting involving Besov spaces Bs,q(Rn), s ≥ 1+ 1, is considered. p p At our knowledge, the continuity of | · | : Hs(Rn) → Hs(Rn), s ∈ (1, 3), is an 2 open problem. We can only point out the next simple result. Proposition 1 Let 0 < τ < s < 3. Then |·| : Hs(Rn) → Hτ(Rn) is continuous. 2 Proof. Recall that Hs(Rn) ֒→ Hτ(Rn) for 0 < τ < s. Actually, the Cauchy- Bunyakovsky-Schwarz inequality readily gives the well known interpolation inequal- ity τ s−τ h(−∆Rn)τv,vi = |ξ|2τ|F[v]|2dξ ≤ h(−∆Rn)sv,vi s |v|2dx s, v ∈ Hs(Rn). Z (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16)Z (cid:17) Rn Rn Since | · | is continuous L2(Rn) → L2(Rn) and bounded Hs(Rn) → Hs(Rn), the (cid:3) statement follows immediately. 3 Now we formulate our main result. It provides the complete proof of [5, Theorem 1] for s below the threshold 3 and gives a positive answer to a question raised in [1, 2 Remark 4.2] by Nicola Abatangelo, Sven Jahros and Albero Saldan˜a. Theorem 1 Let s ∈ (1, 3) and u ∈ Hs(Rn). Then formula (4) holds. In particular, 2 if u changes sign then s s h(−∆Rn) |u|,|u|i > h(−∆Rn) u,ui. Our proof is deeply based on the continuity result in Proposition 1. The knowl- edge of continuity of |·| : Hs(Rn) → Hs(Rn) could considerably simplify it. We denote by c any positive constant whose value is not important for our pur- poseses. Itsvaluemaychangelinetoline. Thedependance ofconcertainparameters is shown in parentheses. 2 Preliminary results and proof of Theorem 1 We begin with a simple but crucial identity that has been independently pointed out in [5, Lemma 1] and [1, Lemma 3.11] (without exact value of the constant). Notice that it holds for general fractional orders s > 0. Theorem 2 Let s > 0, s ∈/ N. Assume that v,w ∈ Hs(Rn) have compact and disjoint supports. Then v(x)w(y) s h(−∆Rn) v,wi = −Cn,s ZZ |x−y|n+2s dxdy. (6) Rn×Rn Proof. Let ρ be a sequence of mollifiers, and put w := w∗ρ . Formula (3) gives h h h h(−∆Rn)sv,whi = h(−∆Rn)s−⌊s⌋v,(−∆)⌊s⌋whi C v(x)−v(y) (−∆)⌊s⌋w (x)−(−∆)⌊s⌋w (y) n,s−⌊s⌋ h h = dxdy. 2 ZZ (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0)|x−y|n+2(s−⌊s⌋) (cid:1) Rn×Rn 4 Since for large h the supports of v and w are separated, we have h v(x) (−∆)⌊s⌋w (y) s h h(−∆Rn) v,whi = −Cn,s−⌊s⌋ZZ |x−y|n+2(s−⌊s⌋) dydx. Rn×Rn Here we can integrate by parts. Using (1) one computes for a > 0 C C (n+2a)(2a+2) C n,a n,a n,a+1 ∆ = = − |x−y|n+2a |x−y|n+2a+2 |x−y|n+2(a+1) and obtains (6) with w instead of w. h Since the supports of v and w are separated, it is easy to pass to the limit as h → ∞ and to conclude the proof. (cid:3) Remark 1 Motivated by (6) and (2), A.I. Nazarov conjectured in [5] that s s h(−∆Rn) |u|,|u|i−h(−∆Rn) u,ui < 0 if ⌊s⌋ is even; s s h(−∆Rn) |u|,|u|i−h(−∆Rn) u,ui > 0 if ⌊s⌋ is odd for any not integer exponent s > 0 and for any changing sign function u ∈ Hs(Rn) such that u± ∈ Hs(Rn). Lemma 1 Let s ∈ (1, 3) and ε > 0. If a function u ∈ Hs(Rn) has compact support 2 then (u−ε)+ ∈ Hs(Rn), and h(−∆Rn)s(u−ε)+,(u−ε)+i ≤ c(n,s)h(−∆Rn)su,ui+c(n,s,supp(u))ε2. Proof. Take a nonnegative function η ∈ C∞(Rn) such that η ≡ 1 on supp(u). 0 Clearly u − εη ∈ Hs(Rn). Hence, by Item 3 in the Introduction we have that (u−εη)+ = (u−ε)+ ∈ Hs(Rn) and h(−∆Rn)s(u−ε)+,(u−ε)+i ≤ c(n,s)h(−∆Rn)s(u−εη),u−εηi ≤ c(n,s) h(−∆Rn)su,ui+ε2h(−∆Rn)sη,ηi . (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) The proof is complete. 5 In order to simplify notation, for u : Rn → R and s > 0 we put u+(x)u−(y) Φs(x,y) = . u |x−y|n+2s Lemma 2 Let s ∈ (1, 3) and u ∈ Hs(Rn)∩C0(Rn). Then (4) holds, and in particular 2 0 Φs ∈ L1(Rn ×Rn). u Proof. Thanks to Lemma 1 we have that (u−−ε)+ ∈ Hs(Rn)∩C0(Rn) for anyε > 0. 0 Next, the supports of the functions u+ and (u−−ε)+ are compact and disjoint. Thus we can apply Theorem 2 to get u+(x)(u(y)− −ε)+ h(−∆Rn)su+,(u− −ε)+i = −Cn,sZZ |x−y|n+2s dxdy. (7) Rn×Rn Take a decreasing sequence ε ց 0. From Lemma 1 we infer that (u− − ε)+ → u− weakly in Hs(Rn), as (u− −ε)+ → u− in L2(Rn). Hence the duality product in (7) converges to the the duality product in (4). Next, the integrand in the right-hand side of (7) increases to Φs a.e. on Rn ×Rn. By the monotone convergence theorem u (cid:3) we get the convergence of the integrals, and the conclusion follows immediately. Lemma 3 Let s ∈ (1, 3) and u ∈ Hs(Rn). Then Φs ∈ L1(Rn ×Rn). 2 u Proof. Take a sequence of functions u ∈ C∞(Rn) such that u → u in Hs(Rn) and h 0 h almost everywhere. Since Φs → Φs a.e. on Rn×Rn, Fatou’s Lemma, Lemma 2 for uh u u and the boundeness of v 7→ v± in Hs(Rn) give h ZZ Φsu(x,y)dxdy ≤ lihm→i∞nf ZZ Φsuh(x,y)dxdy = c(n,s)lihm→i∞nfh(−∆Rn)su+h,u−hi Rn×Rn Rn×Rn s s ≤ c(n,s) limh(−∆Rn) uh,uhi = c(n,s)h(−∆Rn) u,ui, h→∞ (cid:3) that concludes the proof. 6 Proof of Theorem 1. Take a sequence u ∈ C∞(Rn) such that u → u in Hs(Rn) h 0 h and almost everywhere. Consider the nonnegative functions v := u+ ∧u+ = u+ −(u+ −u+)+ , w := u− ∧u− = u− −(u− −u−)+. h h h h h h Then v ,w ∈ Hs(Rn). Next, take any exponent τ ∈ (1,s). By Proposition 1 we h h have that u± −u± → 0 in Hτ(Rn); hence (u± −u±)+ → 0 in Hτ(Rn) by Item 3 in h h the Introduction. Thus, v → u+ , w → u− in Hτ(Rn) and almost everywhere, as h → ∞. (8) h h Now we take a small ε > 0. Recall that (v − ε)+ ∈ Hτ(Rn) by Lemma 1. h Moreover, from 0 ≤ v ≤ u+, 0 ≤ w ≤ u− it follows that h h h h supp((v −ε)+) ⊆ {u ≥ ε}; supp(w ) ⊆ supp(u−). h h h h In particular, the functions (v −ε)+,w have compact and disjoint supports. Thus h h we can apply Theorem 2 to infer (v (x)−ε)+w (y) h(−∆Rn)τ(vh −ε)+,whi = −Cn,τ ZZ h |x−y|n+2τh dxdy. Rn×Rn We first take the limit as ε ց 0. The argument in the proof of Lemma 2 gives v (x)w (y) τ h h h(−∆Rn) vh,whi = −Cn,τ ZZ |x−y|n+2τ dxdy. (9) Rn×Rn Next we push h → ∞. By (8) we get limh(−∆Rn)τvh,whi = h(−∆Rn)τu+,u−i. h→∞ Further, since the integrand in the right-hand side of (9) does not exceed Φτ(x,y), u Lemma 3, (8) and Lebesgue’s theorem give v (x)w (y) lim h h dxdy = Φτ(x,y)dxdy. h→∞ ZZ |x−y|n+2τ ZZ u Rn×Rn Rn×Rn 7 Thus, we proved (4) with s replaced by τ. It remains to pass to the limit as τ ր s. By Lebesgue’s theorem, we have limh(−∆Rn)τu+,u−i = lim |ξ|2τF[u+]F[u−]dξ τրs τրs Z Rn = |ξ|2sF[u+]F[u−]dξ = h(−∆Rn)su+,u−i. Z Rn Now we fix τ ∈ (1,s) and notice that 0 ≤ Φτ ≤ max{Φτ0,Φs} for any τ ∈ (τ ,s). 0 u u u 0 Therefore, Lemma 3 and Lebesgue’s theorem give lim Φτ(x,y)dxdy = Φs(x,y)dxdy. τրs ZZ u ZZ u Rn×Rn Rn×Rn The proof of (4) is complete. The last statement follows immediately from (4), (cid:3) polarization identity and (2). Example 1 It is easy to construct a function u ∈ C∞(Rn) such that u+ ∈ Hs(Rn) 0 if and only if s < 3. 2 Take ϕ ∈ C∞(R) satisfying ϕ(0) = 0,ϕ′(0) > 0 and xϕ(x) ≥ 0 on R. By direct 0 computation one checks that ϕ+ = χ ϕ ∈ Hs(R) if and only if s < 3. If n = 1 (0,∞) 2 we are done. If n ≥ 2 we take u(x ,x ,...,x ) = ϕ(x )ϕ(x )...ϕ(x ). 1 2 n 1 2 n Acknowledgements. ThefirstauthorwishestothankUniversit´eLibredeBruxelles for the hospitality in February 2016. She is grateful to Denis Bonheure, Nicola Abatangelo, Sven Jahros and Albero Saldan˜a for valuable discussion on this subject. 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