A Note on Four-Point Functions in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory Michael Flohr,12∗ Marco Krohn2 5 0 0 1 Physikalisches Institut 2 Institute for Theoretical Physics 2 University of Bonn University of Hannover n Nussallee 12, D-53115 Bonn, Germany Appelstr. 2, D-30167 Hannover, Germany a J 9 1 Abstract: Thegenericstructure of4-pointfunctions offields residing inindecomposable 1 v representationsofarbitraryrankisgiven. Thepresentedalgorithmisillustratedwithsome 4 non-trivial examples and permutation symmetries are exploited to reduce the number of 4 free structure-functions, which cannot be fixed by global conformal invariance alone. 1 1 0 5 0 1 Introduction / h t - During the last few years, logarithmic conformalfield theory (LCFT) hasbeen established p as a well-defined variety of conformal field theories in two dimensions. The concept was e h considered in its own right first by Gurarie [12], Since then, a large amount of work : v has appeared, see the reviews [8, 11] and references therein. The defining feature of a i LCFT is the occurrence of indecomposable representations which, in turn, may lead to X logarithmically diverging correlation functions. Thus, in the standard example of a LCFT r a a primary field φ(z) of conformal weight h has a so-called logarithmic partner field ψ with the characteristic properties hφ(z)φ(0)i = 0, hφ(z)ψ(0)i = Az−2h, hψ(z)ψ(0)i = z−2h(B −2Alog(z)) . (1) To this corresponds the fact that the highest weight state |hi associated to the primary field φ is the ground state of an irreducible representation which, however, is part of a ˜ larger, indecomposable, representation created from |hi, the state associated to ψ. The conformal weight is the eigenvalue under the action of L , the zero mode of the Virasoro 0 algebra, which in such LCFTs cannot be diagonalized. Instead, we have ˜ ˜ L |hi = h|hi , L |hi = h|hi+|hi . (2) 0 0 ˜ Thus, the two states |hi and |hi span a Jordan cell of rank two with respect to L . 0 As can be guessed from eq. (1), there must exist a zero mode which is responsible for the vanishing of the 2-pt function of the primary field. Another characteristic fact in LCFT is the existence of at least one field, which is a perfect primary field, but whose operator product expansion (OPE) with itself produces a logarithmic field. Such fields ∗correspondingauthor E-mail: [email protected] 1 µ are called pre-logarithmic fields [15]. This is important, since in many cases, the pre- logarithmicfields arisenaturallyforcingusthentoinclude thelogarithmicfielsaswellinto the operator algebra. Note that this implies that the fusion product of two irreducible representations is not necessarily completely reducible into irreducible representations. In fact, we know today quite a few LCFTs, where precisely this is the case, such as \ ghost systems [17], WZW models at level zero or at fractional level such as SU(2) −4/3 [10, 16], WZW models of supergroups such as GL(1,1) [23] or certain supersymmetric c = 0 theories such as OSP(2n|2n) or CP(n|n) [13, 21]. Finally, many LCFTs are generated from free anticommuting fields such as the symplectic fermions [14]. LCFT enjoys numerous applications in condensed matter physics, but it is important in string theory as well, e.g. for the understanding of decaying D-branes [19]. In these notes, we generalize LCFT to the case of Jordan cells of arbitrary rank, but we will restrict ourselves to the Virasoro algebra as the chiral symmetry algebra to keep things simple. As has been shown in [7, 9], the generic form of 1-, 2- and 3-pt functions can be fixed up to structure constants under mild assumption on the structure of the indecomposable representations. From this, the general structure of the OPE can then easilybeobtained. However, inordertobeabletocomputearbitrarycorrelationfunctions in LCFT, one at least needs the 4-point functions such that crossing symmetry can be exploited. Unfortunately, this turns out to be more complicated [5, 6]. In the following, we present an algorithm with which the generic form of 4-point functions can be fixed up to functions, which only depend on the globally conformal invariant crossing ratio. In contrast to ordinary CFT, the number of these free functions grows heavily with the total rank r of the involved Jordan cells and the number of logarithmic partner fields. However, there exist certain permutation symmetries which relate many of these functions to each other. The full derivation and further generalizations of our results will appear elsewhere [18]. 2 Ansatz for 4-point functions Let r denote the rank of the Jordan cells we consider. One can show, that in LCFTs with Jordan cells with respect to (at least) the L mode, the h = 0 sector necessarily must 0 carry such a Jordan cell structure. Furthermore, its rank defines the maximal possible rank of all Jordan cells. Thus, without loss of generality, we can assume that the rank of allJordancells isequal tor, other cases caneasily beobtained bysetting certainstructure constants to zero. Each Jordan cell contains one proper highest weight state giving rise to one proper irreducible subrepresentation. We will label this state for a Jordan cell with conformal weight h by |h;0i. We choose a basis in the Jordan cell with states |h;ki, k = 0,...,r−1, such that eq. (2) is replaced by L |h;ki = h|h;ki+|h;k −1i for k = 1,...,r−1, L |h;0i = h|h;0i . (3) 0 0 The corresponding fields will be denoted Ψ . Although the OPE of two primary fields (h;k) might produce logarithmic fields, we will further assume, that primary fields which are members of Jordan cells are proper primaries in the sense that OPEs among them only yield again primaries. As discussed by Rohsiepe [22], the possible structures of indecomposable represen- tations with respect to the Virasoro algebra are surprisingly rich. Besides the defining conditioneq.(3),furtherconditionshavetobeemployed tofixthestructure. Thesimplest 2 case is defined via the additional requirement L |h;ki = 0, 0 ≤ k < r. (4) 1 This condition means that all fields spanning the Jordan cell are quasi-primary. It will be our starting point in the following. This condition can be relaxed, but this will not concern us here. Under these assumptions, as shown in [4], the action of the Virasoro modes receives ˆ an additional non-diagonal term. The off-diagonal action is defined via δ Ψ (z) = hi (hj;kj) ˆ δ Ψ (z) for k > 0 and δ Ψ (z) = 0. Thus, ij (hj;kj−1) j hi (hj;0) L Ψ (z )...Ψ (z ) = zn z ∂ +(n+1)(h +δˆ ) Ψ (z )...Ψ (z ) n (h1;k1) 1 (hn;kn) n i i i i hi (h1;k1) 1 (hn;kn) n (cid:10) (cid:11) Xi h i(cid:10) (5) (cid:11) for n ∈ Z. Only the generators L , L , and L of the M¨obius group admit globally valid −1 0 1 conservation laws, which usually are expressed in terms of the so-called conformal Ward identities L G(z ,...z ) = ∂ G(z ,...z ), −1 1 n i i 1 n ˆ 0 = L0G(z1,...zn) = Pi(zi∂i +hi +δhi)G(z1,...zn), (6) L1G(z1,...zn) = Pi(zi2∂i +2zi[hi +δˆhi])G(z1,...zn), where G(z1,...zn) denotes an arbitraryPn-point function Ψ(h1;k1)(z1)...Ψ(hn;kn)(zn) ≡ hk k ...k i of primary fields and/or their logarithmic partner fields. Here, we already 1 2 n (cid:10) (cid:11) have written down the Ward identities in the form valid for proper Jordan cells in loga- rithmic conformal field theories. Note that these are now inhomogeneous equations. In principle, we thus obtain a hierarchical scheme of solutions, starting with correlators of total Jordan-level K = k = r−1, which fix the generic form of all n-pt functions. In i i particular, correlators of solely proper primary fields vanish identically. P It is helpful to use a graphical representation where each field Ψ (z) in a Jordan cell (h;k) is depicted by a vertex with k outgoing lines. Contractions of logarithmic fields give rise to logarithms in the correlators, where the possible powers with which log(z ) may occur ij are determined by graph combinatorics. i Ψ (h;k) k’-i’ k-i i’ Ψ(h’;k’) Essentially, the terms of the generic of an n-pt function are given by a sum over all admissible graphs subject to the rules • Each vertex with k > 0 legs may at most receive k′ i ≤ r −1 legs. out in • Each vertex i may only receive legs from vertices j 6= i. • A vertex for a proper primary field, k = 0, does never receive legs. out • A total of exactly r −1 legs remains open, i.e. are not linked to other vertices. Let us look at a small example. All admissible graphs, up to permutations, for a 4-pt functions of a r = 2 LCFT, where all fields are logarithmic, are given by graphs(h1111i) = . 3 Here, and in the following, we suppress all dependencies on the conformal weights and coordinates and denote correlations functions simply by the set of Jordan-levels k of the i fields Ψ (z ). (hi;ki) i The linking numbers A (g) of a graph g yield upper bounds on the powers, with which ij log(z ) may occur. One needs a recursive procedure to find all possible terms. One starts ij withthesetofalldifferentchoicesf ofr−1legswhichremainunlinked. Then,foralllevels i K′ andallchoicesf onehastofindallgraphswhichconnect theremainingK−K′−(r−1) i legs to vertices. Since the recurrence runs over K′, one can now immediately write down themonomialsinthelog(z )asgivenbythegraphsg,multipliedwithasyetundetermined ij constants C(g). Imposing global conformal invariance via eq. (6) fixes some of these constants. Further constraints stem from certain permutation symmetries, since much of the generic structure of the correlators only depends on the Jordan-levels, but not on which fields has what Jordan-levels. Thus, the general ansatz is of the form hk1k2k3k4i = (zij)µij C(g) logAij(g)(zij) Fk′k′k′k′(x), (7) Yi<j (k1′,kX2′,k3′,k4′)g∈GXK−K′ Yi<j ! 1 2 3 4 where GK−K′ is set of graphs for (k1−k1′,...,k4−k4′), x = zz1142zz2334 is thecrossing ratio, and µ = 1 ( h )−h −h . Since the only explicit dependence on the conformal weights ij 3 k k i j is through the µ , one may put h = ... = h = 0 for simplicity. A further convenient ij 1 4 P abbreviation is ℓ ≡ log(z ). Then, for r = 2, one easily finds ij ij h1000i = F , 0 h1100i = F −2ℓ F , 1100 12 0 h1110i = F +(ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )F +(ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )F −(ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )F 1110 12 13 23 1100 13 12 23 1010 23 12 13 0110 +(−ℓ2 −ℓ2 −ℓ2 +2ℓ ℓ +2ℓ ℓ +2ℓ ℓ )F 12 13 23 12 23 12 13 23 13 0 = F +P {(ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )F }+P {ℓ (ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )F } . 1110 (123) 12 23 13 1100 (123) 12 12 23 13 0 Inthelastcase, weusedthefactthattheresultingformofthecorrelatormustobviouslybe invariant under permutation symmetry of the first three Jordan-levels (not the first three fields!), which leads to identifications between many of the F (x). The only caveat k1k2k3k4 is that one has to respect the ordering i < j in all z or ℓ . Thus, in the above example, ij ij P = (123)+(231)+(312)subject totheabove rule. However, since thefullcorrelators, (123) i.e. the correct single-valued combinations of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic part, will only involve monomials in log|z |2, the ordering can be neglected for the ℓ . In case ij ij that one considers the subset of correlators where all four fields have the same conformal weight, h = h , one finds that i j F (x) = F (x) ∀ σ ∈ S . k1k2k3k4 kσ(1)kσ(2)kσ(3)kσ(4) 4 In the more general case with arbitrary conformal weights, σ is restricted to the subgroup of S , under which the original Jordan-levels on the left hand side remain invariant. It 4 is important to note that this still implies identifications of structure functions with non- trivial exchanges of their Jordan-level labels on the right hand side. Furthermore, we found cases where an even higher symmetry can be implemented, identifying structure functions with each other, which are not related at all by permutation symmetries. We leave a full discussion to our forthcoming publication [18]. Unfortunately, even when all permutation symmetries are used to relate different F with each other, explicit formulæ easily become very cumbersome, in partic- k1k2k3k4 ular for r > 2. Alread the remaining case for r = 2, the correlator with four logarithmic 4 fields, explodes to the following monstrum, despite the fact that permutation symmetry has been fully exploited: h1111i = F +P (−ℓ −ℓ +ℓ +ℓ )C +(ℓ +ℓ −ℓ −ℓ )C 1111 (1234) 12 34 23 14 1 13 24 12 34 2 −ℓ +ℓ −ℓ ) F (cid:8)(cid:2) 14 34 13 0111 + P (ℓ2 +ℓ2 −ℓ2 −ℓ2 +2(−ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ (12)(34) 13 24 14 23 (cid:3) 34 24(cid:9) 12 24 34 14 13 24 −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ))C 1(cid:8)3(cid:2)34 23 34 12 23 12 13 23 14 12 14 3 +(−(ℓ +ℓ )2 +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ 23 14 23 34 12 14 13 34 34 14 13 14 −ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ))C 34 24 12 13 12 24 23 24 23 13 12 23 24 14 4 −ℓ2 −ℓ2 −ℓ2 +2ℓ ℓ +2ℓ ℓ −2ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ 34 23 14 23 34 34 14 12 34 23 14 23 24 −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ) F 12 13 12 14 12 23 12 24 13 14 13 24 1100 + 2(ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ 12 24 14 23 13 14 23 34 24 24 13 34 23 34 1(cid:3)4 (cid:9) −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ℓ +ℓ ℓ ℓ (cid:2) 12 23 34 12 34 24 23 13 24 12 23 13 13 34 14 −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ −ℓ ℓ ℓ ) 13 14 24 23 24 14 12 13 24 12 23 14 12 13 34 12 34 14 +2(ℓ2 ℓ +ℓ2 ℓ +ℓ2 ℓ +ℓ2 ℓ +ℓ2 ℓ +ℓ2 ℓ ) F . 13 24 12 34 14 23 23 14 34 12 24 13 0 (cid:3) 3 Permutation symmetries Note that certain constants still remain free. The reason for this becomes apparent, when we use the graphical notation introduced earlier, which makes the structure of the formulæ much more transparent and compact. In essence, the polynomials in the ℓ are ij completely symmetrized with respect to their generating graphs. If we assume that all conformal weights are equal, h = h , then the correlators enjoy even more symmetries, i j since this means that it must be invariant under permutations of the fields of the same Jordan-level. Due to limitation of space, we will restrict ourselves here to this nice case and refer the reader to [18] for the general case. Hence, we obtain, in our r = 2 example, h1110i = F −P (ℓ )F +P (2ℓ ℓ −ℓ2 )F 1110 S3 12 0011 S3 12 23 12 0 = F −P ( qq qq)F +P (2 q qq q − q qq q)F , (8) 1110 S3 0011 S3 0 h1111i = F − 1P ( qq qq)F + 1P ( qq qq +K(2))F 1111 6 S4 0111 4 S4 S4 0011 +P (1 qq qq + 1 q q qq − qq qq)F . (9) S4 2 3 0 Note that no free constants remained. On the other hand, to make the epxressions as symmetric as possible, we encounter additional terms K ∈ kerLoffdiag in the kernel of the m nilpotent part of the Virasoro generators: ′ ker(L −L ) = hK ≡ log(x), K ≡ −log(1−1/x)i m m 1 2 = hℓ +ℓ −ℓ −ℓ , ℓ +ℓ −ℓ −ℓ i , (10) 12 34 14 23 12 34 13 24 K(2) = K2 −K K +K2. (11) S4 1 1 2 2 Here, L′ denotes theordinary part ofthe Virasoro modewithout theoff-diagonalaction δˆ m from eq. (5). In principle, all 4-pt functions for arbitrary rank r LCFTs can be computed in this way. We conclude these notes with a few examples for rank r = 3 and, for the sake of simplicity, all conformal weights identical. Each individual Jordan level k may i 5 now vary in the range 0 ≤ k ≤ 2. We find i h2000i = h1100i = F , (12) 0 h2100i = F −2ℓ F , (13) 2100 12 0 h1110i = F −(ℓ +ℓ +ℓ )F (14) 1110 12 23 13 0 = F −P {ℓ F } , (15) 1110 (123) 12 0 where the first line is due to the general result that the lowest total Jordan level with non-vanishing correlator is K = r − 1 and that this correlator looks like a correlator of four primary fields in ordinray non-logarithmic CFT. A more involved correlator for r = 3 is the following, where again a kernel term shows up: 1 1 1 h1111i = F − P (ℓ )F + P − ℓ2 + ℓ ℓ +K(2) F . (16) 1111 6 S4 12 0111 S4 4 34 2 34 24 S4 0 n h i o Notethesimilaritytother = 2case. WithK = K ±K andP = 1+P +P +P P , ± 1 2 4 12 34 12 34 a really non-trivial example, where a non-graphical expansion would fill several pages, is h2211i = F 2211 + P − 1P q qq q +K F +P − 1 q qq q +K F 4 2 (13)(24) + 0122 4 2 + 1112 + P n 1P − 1 q qq q + 1o− 1P qqnqq + 1 qq qq +Ko(2) F 4 2 (24) 6 3 2 (14) 12 S4 1111 + P n(cid:2)1 − 1P (cid:3) q qq q +(cid:2)P + 1P(cid:3) qq qq − 1 q qq q +K(o2) +K K F 4 2 2 (24) (12) 2 (14) 4 S4 1 2 0112 + P n(cid:2)1P − 1(cid:3) q qq q +(cid:2)P − 1P (cid:3) qq qq − 1P q qq q +K2 Fo 4 2 (23) 2 (24) 2 (243) 4 (13)(24) − 0022 + P n(cid:2)−1 −2P (cid:3) q qq q +(cid:2) [2P +P (cid:3) −P ] qq qq o 4 2 (14) (243) (24) (13) n(cid:2)−P q qq q +(cid:3) 2 qq qq − qq qq− 1 qq qq +K2K F (14) 2 − + 0012 + P 1P − 7 − 1P qq qq − 2P + 5P + o1P q qq q 4 6 134 6 6 (13) (23) 6 (234) 2 (132) n(cid:2)+ 1 + 11P q(cid:3)q qq + 1 +(cid:2) 5P q qq q + 1 q qq q+(cid:3)1 q qq q +K2K F 12 6 (23) 6 6 (14) 2 3 − + 0111 + P 1P(cid:2) +1P (cid:3) −2P (cid:2) −1P −(cid:3)2P q qq q + 3 q qq q o 4 2 (12)(34) 2 (1243) (124) 2 (142) (143) 16 n + 1P +1P −1P qq qq + 3P −P +5P qq qq (cid:2) 2 (34) 2 (123) 2 (134) 4 (234) (cid:3) (1243) 4 (132) + 1P −1P +1P −1P q qq q + 5P −1 qq qq (cid:2)4 (12)(34) 2 (23) 2 (12(cid:3)34) 8 (14(cid:2)) 8 (24) 8 (cid:3) + P −1P −3P q qq q +[2P +P −P ] qq qq (cid:2) (234) 2 (243) 4 (14) (cid:3)(23) (14)(cid:2) (1324) (cid:3) + 1P −P −1P q qq q + 1P q qq q + qq qq +K2K K F . (cid:2)2 (123) (12)(34) 2 (1(cid:3)234) 2 (23) − 1 2 0 o (17) (cid:2) (cid:3) To summarize, the computational complexity grows heavily with the rank r and total Jordan level K. Already the generic solution for r = 2 and K = 4(r −1) = 4 needs max a computer program. The form of 4-pt functions, as determined by global conformal invariance, is much more complicated than in the ordinary case and crossing symmetry must explicitly be taken into account to fix it. There exist additional degrees of freedom ker(L −L′ ) not present in ordinary CFT. m m Acknowledgement The research of M.F. is supported by the European Union net- workHPRN-CT-2002-00325andtheresearchofM.F.andM.K.issupportedbythestring theory network (SPP no. 1096), Fl 259/2-2, of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. 6 References [1] J. Fjelstad, J. Fuchs, S. Hwang, A. M. Semikhatov and I. Y. Tipunin, Nucl. Phys. B 633 (2002) 379 [arXiv:hep-th/0201091]. [2] M. A. I. Flohr, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 11 (1996) 4147 [arXiv:hep-th/9509166]. 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