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Arnaldoa 22 339 346, 2015 ISSN: 1815-8242 (edición impresa) (2): - ISSN: 2413-3299 (online edition) A new of Scaphosepalum species Pfitzer on Orchidaceae), (Pleurothallidinae: the humid montane from Perú forest Una Scaphosepalum nueva especie de Pi'úier húmedo bosque Orchidaceae) en (Pleurothallidinae: el montano de Perú ARNALDOA 339 22 Julio - Dicie (2): I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepalum (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. A new species of Scaphosepalum was found in the mountains of Yanachaga Chemillen National m on humid montano Park, a forest at 2300 in the central jungle of Perú. This species similar to is Scaphosepalum antenniferum but can be differentiated because the lateral sepáis exhibit rhomboidal and showing cushions spathuliform In contras!, the lateral sepáis of antenniferum broadly lip. S. médium lunar cushions and the sepal with the apiculate apex; by the other hand the sub- lip is panduriform and with denticulated apex. new Keywords: Oxapampa, Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae, Scaphosepalum, species, central jungle, Yanachaga National Park, Perú Resumen Se encontró una nueva especie de Scaphosepalum en montañas del Parque Nacional las m Yanachaga-Chemillén, en un bosque húmedo montano a 2300 de altitud en la Selva Central del Perú. Esta especie es similar a Scaphosepalum antenniferum pero se diferencia porque sus sépalos En laterales presentan cojines romboidales labelo espatuliforme. contraste, los sépalos laterales de y antenniferum muestran cojines lunares anchos sépalo medio con ápice apiculado; por otro lado S. y el sub-panduriforme con el labelo es y ápice denticulado. nueva Palabras clave: Orchidaceae, Pleurothallidinae, Scaphosepalum, especie. Selva Central, Oxapampa, Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén, Perú. genus the Scaphosepalum including Introducción first two them only five species, of Masdevallia known Orchids are poorly in Perú, and making verrucosa Masdevallia ochthodes, new and every year are discover species, a mistake of not considering in this genus we know over 2800 so far that exist a little Much 1890 to the others. so that in Rolfe, & Bermúdez species according Zelenko moved permanently within the genus According to the Missouri Botanical (2009). Scaphosepalum those species erroneously HOXA, Carden Herbarium database of the considered like Masdevallia (Luer, 1988). www.tropicos.org Yanachaga in the (2014); The genus Scaphosepalum belongs Chemillen National Park (central jungle), and the Epidendreae, subtribe there are about 500 species to tribe it is presumed number Pleurothallidinae, currently with over that this will increase over 600 Where Epidendrum, 46 species worldwide, of which only 4 to species. and would species such as antenniferum Rolfe, Maxillaria, Pleurothallis S. S. Stelis Luer and be the most diverse genera. The genus hreve (Rchb. Rolfe, S. martineae f.) Scaphosepalum has been poorly collected S. swertifolium (Rchb.f) Rolfe, are reported & Bermúdez and recorded for Perú according to Zelenko in this locality until 2009, and León nov Blanca being atropurpureum sp the second (2009) et (2006). al. S. and collection record so far for this genus. ñame The genus shape refers to the Initially the genus was described as of "boat" which have the sepáis; by other hand by Reichenbach because refers to the fusión of the lateral Masdevallia in 1849, form that vegetatively are not very different sepáis that generally reaching a sack with two where from Dracula and Masdevallia. Years cushions; plants prefer to later, in 1888 Pfizer proposed and described develop on cloud forests, distributed from ARNALDOA 340 22(2): Julio -Diciembre, 2015 I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepa/um (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. we Southern México, Panama, Guatemala, used, a Sony camera (12MP digital 50x). we made Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Finally the drawings to detall Perú from 500 3000 m. what was observad, which were used to Bolivia, - as comparison and To material discussion. take The genus Scaphosepalum, ineludes into account their geographical distribution médium epiphytic plants tiny to sized, short were taken geographical coordínales of its stems or rhizomes that give rise to a leaf GPS through CSX. location a 60 more and or lanceolate a less elliptic lateral and inflorescence in ráceme, erect, curved or Result discussion somewhat pendulous, smooth warty or Taxonomic treatment The peduncles. flowers are small non- Scaphosepalum atropurpureum resupinate; from the sepáis extend small L. Valenzuela sp nov. antennae an (Fig. 1-2) tails similar to the of insect, the lateral sepáis have a couple of "pads" TYPE. PERU. Oxapampa, Pasco, whose shapes vary or "fleshy callus" Huancabamba, Oso Yanachaga Playa, from triangular, semilunar to ovoid; these Chemillen National Park, 2362 m. pads osmophores cushions or function like 10°19'27"S, 75°35'20"O. 15-X- 2009. L. according Vogel Pridgeon cells to (1962), M. Valenzuela 13592, A. Monteagudo, Cueva, and Stern the petáis are fleshy (1985); & HOXA; A. Peña Mateo (Holotype: J. and column curved small; the strongly is USM, HOXA, MO), Isotype: (Paratype: L. winged and containing a pair of pollinia. Valenzuela 13612). Diagnosis and methods Material Scaphosepalum atropurpureum similar is but The to antenniferum differs in that the description presented in the S. have rhomboids based on the available material lateral sepáis cushions; article is médium with margins the sepal revolute of Scaphosepalum atropurpureum sp nov., was found Oso and slightly warty towards the middle, the that in the area of Playa it of the Yanachaga Chemillen National Park, apex is blunted; the lip is spathuliform with two Huancabamba, longitudinal projections, with small Province District of of and Oxapampa, Región The lamellae at the central terminal región of Pasco. botanical apex rounded; were thereof, finally structures collections deposited in the herbaria all USM show MO, and HOXA. The an atropurpureous perianth. In morphological description was made according the contras!, the lateral sepáis of S. antenniferum to have widely lunar cushions and the external characteristics observad in the tails médium are strongly divergen!, the sepal botanical collections deposited in the more with different herbaria mentioned; for this was or less apiculate apex; the lip is sub-panduriform with denticulated used key genus proposed slightly the species of the by Luer The were apex; the perianth has a palé green to C. vegetativa parts (1988). brown yellowish with mottled purple carefully examinad using a stereoscope to brown reddish Olympus (40x), Laica optical microscope (Fig. 3) USB and one microscope (150x) digital Epiphytic plant, caespitose of 30-40 On we hand the other use (250x). digital cm in length including the inflorescence. photographs have that details of all Leaves and elliptic-lanceolate, erect fleshy vegetativa parts including the habit; for this ARNALDOA 341 22 Julio - Dicie (2): I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepalum (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. Fig. Scaphosepalum atropurpureum L. Valenzuela. A. Habit; B. Flower; frontal view; C. Flower 1. and Column, and view; G. Petáis; Lip, ventral, dorsal lateral view, K-L. frontal lateral view; H-I-J. M. Pollinia, inside the cover; N. Anther cap; O. Pollinia. (Drawings by the author from the Holotype: HOXA) Valenzuela 13592, L. ARNALDOA 342 22(2): Julio -Diciembre, 2015 I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepa/um (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. Scaphosepalum atropurpureum and Fig. 2. L. Valenzuela. A. Inflorescence, floral bracts, pedicels flowers in lateral view; B. Habit and leaves; C. flower buds, flower in frontal view, upper sepáis, cushions and revolute lower sepal; D. Flower in lateral view (atropurpureous and verrucous tails; with deep groove on Flower view sepáis, right petal a slightly the external face); E. in frontal (petáis). Pictures by L. Valenzuela (JBM - 2009). ARNALDOA 343 22 Julio - Dicie (2): I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepa/um (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. cm cm of 12 - 30 in length and 1.8 - 2.4 wide; flooded (wetland or bofedal), high humidity cm On and moss and petioles of 4 -14 in length, are enclosed plenty of the other litter. in protective basal sheaths. Inflorescence hand, atropurpureum was found growing S. cm a ráceme erect and rigid of 35 40 associated with other orchid species as - in length, also enclosed by a basal Zootrophium dayanum (Rchb.f.) Luer. it is produced protective sheath; 3-4 flowers are new known The species described, is simultaneously; perianth mostly deciduous only of the western side of the Yanachaga (while this not pollinated), the scape, is Chemillen with small populations ridge, and pedicels bracts are conduplicates, floral remnant restricted to a small of forest, slightly verrucose with rounded apex the with very few exposed, near cropland trees same which from are arranged the 24 to and whose owners make income pasture; cm from 27 the origin of the inflorescence. without due permission, grazing for cattle Flowers non-resupinate; the sepáis lateral and for the extraction of orchids that are connate, atropurpureous, verrucose of 18.5 sold in the local market; putting at risk mm mm and wide long 4-5 (basal section: way populations in this of this species, mm, mm), 10 tails section: 8.5 each sepal has which fortunately does not have attractive rhomboidal cushions, the are slightly tails The flowers. author proposes the protection médium divergen!; the sepal of 11.5 12 - and of this place to ensure the existence mm mm long by 4 wide, concave toward 3 - make perpetuation of this species; or at least middle the anterior región, verrucose, repopulation processes in similar places. with margins and with carinate revolute the ñame Etymology: The given species obtuse apex; the petáis are atropurpureous is mm mm by by and 1.8-2 the atropurpureous color displayed of 5-6 in length wide, regularly ovate-oblique, obtuse base, all floral parts. at on margin obtuse dilated the acute tabellar, Acknowledgements with prominent apexes, the internal face a The author wishes thank, Missouri to to with rib sinuous, the external face a slightly Carden economic Botanical for contribution, deep groove; the atropurpureous lip is way allowing in this scientific research many where in Perú, taxa are discovered verrucouse and spathuliform, with less and Dalstrom described to Science; Dr. Stig two towards longitudinal projections and commenting on reviewing for the the anterior región, the presence of small manuscript; Blgo. Rocío Del Pilar Rojas middle and lamellae in the central part the Gonzalos procedures for the respective for column terminal región, apex rounded; the mm Yanachaga Chemillenn National access to curved atropurpureous regularly of 5 is Park; Mr. César A. Tello Rojas for their winged above middle in length, the región; assistance in transporting the scientific the anther cap has the enveloping margins mm team to explore the area; Ing. Rodolfo and slightly verrucose of 1 long; the is mm Vásquez Martínez and María to Blgo. Isabel long compressed pollinia of 0.5 (2) Villalba Valdivia for their contributions to with and curved a short laterally foot. the respective manuscript. and Distribution ecology Literature cited The species forms small colonies of Jardín Botánico de Missouri. 2014. Base de datos was found on remnant 3-4 individuáis; a - HOXA (Oxapampa del Herbario Pasco, Perú). humid montane with sandy of forest, soil ARNALDOA 345 22 Julio - Dicie (2): I New Valenzuela: species of Scaphosepalum (Orchidaceae) from Perú L. www.tropicos.org. Reichenbach, H. G. 1849. Die orchideen Jour- in nal für die Botanik ihrem ganzen Umfange. in Zweiundzwanzeigster Band. Order: Beitráge zur Pflanzenkunde. Sechster Band. Pag. 819. & Roque, León. 2007d. Orchidaceae endé- J. B. - micas Perú (759s 878 en Blanca del s) L., Roque, C. Ulloa, P Jorgensen, N. pitman, A. J. Cano (eds.). Libro Rojo de las Plantas endémi- cas del Perú. Revista Peruana de Biología, Edi- ción Especial 971 [diciembre 2006]. 13(2): pp. Luer, C. A. 1988. Icones Pleurothallidinarum V; Systematics and Scaphose- of Dressierella palum, addenda Porroglossum (ORCHIDA- to 21- CEAE). Missouri Botanical Garden. Pag. 106. & Pfitzer, E. H. 1888. H. G. A. Engler K. A. E.PrantI Pflanzenfam. 139. (eds.), Nat. 2(6): & Pridgeon, A. M. W. Stern. 1985. Osmophores L. of Scaphosepalum. Bot. Gaz. 46(1 5-1 23. 1 ): 1 1 1890. The Genus Scaphosepalum Rolle, A. R. P^W- 28:135- 137. Bot. zer. J. Vogel, 1962. Duftdrüsen im Dienste der Bes- S. taübung. Akad. Wiss. Abh. Math.- Naturwiss. 10:80-91. Kl. & Zelenko, H. P Bermúdez. 1999. Orchids: species of Perú. ZAI Publications. Quito, Ecuador. ARNALDOA 346 22(2): Julio -Diciembre, 2015 I

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