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A new species of Alcyonosyllis Glasby and Watson, 2001 (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae) from Shimoda, Japan, commensal with the gorgonian Melithaea flabellifera PDF

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Preview A new species of Alcyonosyllis Glasby and Watson, 2001 (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae) from Shimoda, Japan, commensal with the gorgonian Melithaea flabellifera

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocaglical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 20: 371-375 (2003) @ 2003 Zoologica lSociety of Japan A New Speciesof AIcyonosyMs Glasbyand Watson,2001 (PolychaeStyal:lidaeS:yllinae)from Shimoda,Japan, Commensal the GorgonianMellthaeafiabeMtera with GuillermSoan MartfnltandEjjiroNhishi2 iDepartamento deBiologia(IZbologfta'cau)l,taddeCienciasU,niversictadAut6noma de IL4adr iCda,nto Blanco 28049, Madrict tspafia 2Manazuru tLaari Lnaeboratot lyor Science Education, Ybkohama National Uhiversit Iyw}a, IL,lanazu Kraun,agavva 259-(12a2 ,.Lapan ABSTRACFA new species of Alcyonosy"i sGlasby and Watson, 2001 (Poiycha eSytlal:ida eS:yllina ei)s describe dfrom shaliow water of Shimoda ,lzu Peninsula J,apan. The worms were commensal with the gor- gonian Mefitha efiabellit (eKraUkenth a1l9,09). Alcyono$yll igslasQJ tn.i sp. diffe rfsrom al lother species of the genus in having a single chaeta per parapodiu mT,he genus is new to Japan. Key words:New species, Syllida eP,olychaeta s,ymbiosis, Shimoda a new species of Aiqyonos)tn insam,ely A. glasby n,i sp, The INTRODUCTION diagnosis of the genus js that of Glasby & Watson (2001). The famil ySyllida eis one of the most divers eof the class Polychaeta (Anneli dSape)c.ies of Syllida aere distrib- MATERIALS AND METHODS uted along all the coasts. They inhabit all kinds of coastal substrates and includ ecommensal or parasi tsyimcbionts of The syllid and host gorgonians were collected in Shimoda, md1ai9n9sy8c)o . voOetnrheeer d g oefmn aturhsien seAel c$yyimonbnviooetsriyctle tb SsGrylalat ste(bsiyMd aaatneadrxt a Wfaiannst dtsh oen B rre(ict2ean0tyle0yv1,). s5bpo7euet'l rh Elehr:ion iFseit r(gwp a.aK1as")r. t kTo1hef- en3l ,ts zyuh O ll1bPai9desls0ne 9,iwf)en rviseanu ttl rhai ee,oS m lohnavani$edbzdou rod akfrtarao, owrJ m iyaTt.nphhagee ns wh enreu(emsb3et r4M mea05d7l e`oi tNt w,hw oira1tm h3esf8 al0aa- I tis composed by at leas ttwo species: Atcyonosyll ipshiii compound microscope, provided wjth interference contrast optics Glasb y& Watson, 2001, a$sociated with octocorals, Nepht- (Nomars kanyd } a drawing tube, Scanning electron microscope heidae ,and Mefithae aspp, in northwestern, northern and (SEM) observations and micrographs were taken at SIDI <Servicio lnterdepartamental de Investigaci6n)U,niversidadAut6noma de eGausitenrena (coGalstass b yoafn dA uWsattrsoanl, ia an2d00 1s)o,u thaenrdn A.P axpenuiaae coNleaw Mhaasd rbied e,Sn padeipn o,asnid t eYd o akto htahme aC oNaasttiaol naB lrUannicvhe rosf i tN yaT.tyuprea lmaHties rtioalry (Hartmann-Sch r61d99e3r) ,associated with the alcyo- Museum and lnstitu tCeh,iba, Japan (CMNH) ,Museo Nacional de nacean Xenia viridis (Hartmann-Sch r169d93e;r G,lasby & Ciencia sNaturale sde Madrid (MNCNM) ,the Museum and Art Gal- Watson, 2001) .According with Glasby & Watson (2001), lHearm yboufr tghe (NZorMtHh)ert,nh TeeArursittroar lyDi,aarMnwuisn e{uNmT,MS)y Z,donoleoygi(cAalM M>ut,sheeuSmou tofh some species currently allocated to Haplosyllis could belong Austra]i anMuse um (SAM), Senckenbe rg Mus eum, Fr ankiurt to this genus; we thin kthat H. bisetos aHartmann-SchrOder, (SMF) N,atura lHisto rMyuseum and lnstitu tCeh,iba (CBM) ,Zoo- 1960 is like ltyo belong to thi sgenus and thus compared our logica llnstitu teH,okkaido Universit y{ZIHU )T,he Allan Hancock new species to the taxon in the remarks, Foundati onPolychae teCollect ioofn the Los Angeles County le c teMd aitn eSrhiia mlootd aan, souuntdheesrcnrib epdart osfp elcziue sPe noif nssyulllia d d,wuarsin gctohl-e Ml(unUssSetNuiMmt)u t,Moi fuo NsnNae,atutimuornaaN l laMHtuiissoetnuoamfl yd( 'oLHfi ANsCatMtoui-rrNAaea Hlt HFuiPrsOetLloYlr)ey, P, ,WaTarhsiehs i(SnMgmNtioHtnhN Ds),oa ,nnCdi.an graduate course research of Mr. N. Kumagai on the amphi- Shimoda Marine Research Center , Universit yof T$u kuba, Ja pan pod Pleusymtes sJtmbiotic aGamo and Shimpo, 1992 (SMRC) T.he host gorgonian of the sylli dhas been deposit eadt the {Amphipo dPal:eustidae) symbiotic with the gorgonacean Coastal Branch of Natura lHistor yMuseum and lnstitute ,Chiba, (Kumaga 2i0,01). In this paper ,we describ ethis material as Japan {CMNH). 'Corresponding author: Tel , +34-91-3978290; FAX. +34-91-3978344. E-mail:[email protected] NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 372 G. San.Martfn and E,Nishj SMRC e e e o . OhuraBay ShizuokaKanagawa e No IzuPbn 300m " Fig. 1, Map of collection site .SMRC shows Shimoda Marine Research Center ,Universit oyf Tsukuba. In Ohura Bay, the collection sites oi syllid and gorgonians are indicated by dots, RESULT 2i0s d0e1 p, o-ZsWiOtIe 4da6t1 t,h e2 8M NJCuNlMy 200 (2.1 6Th.e0 1pa1r9at0y4pe3 u)s.ed tor SEM Systematics Color and habitat The color of livin wgorms is orange or Family Syllida eGrube ,1850 ligh ytelio wand i tmight be considered as camouflage on a Subfamil ySyllina eGrube, 1850 host whose color is ligh tto dark orange or ligh ytello w(Fig. Genus Alcyonosytlis Glasby & Watson, 2001 2A-E). Al lsyllid worms induce the host to react; some of Alqyonosyills glasby in. $p. them are burie din host tissues in tubular ne$t {Fi g2.C), (Fi g2s, 3, 4) while some others induce the formatio nof secondary tubular hateria lexaminect Holotype CMNH-ZWO1399- Ohura shelter-like structures (Fi g2,D), The color of preserved Bay {= Nabeta Bay) ,Shimoda ,lzu Peninsula ,Shizuoka, worms is semi-transparent or ligh tpink .The trunk provided Japan ,shallow water of rocky shore, 3-15 m depth ,coll. N. with a large transversal band red coloured on each seg- Kumagai, 7 Dec, 2001. Paratype NTM-WO18260, - 8 June ment, sometimes broken in three patches flanke dby two 2001, collectio nsite and collecter of all paratype sare same small patches near anterior and posterie mrargins (Fi g3,A), as for holotype; Paratype ZMH P-24460, - 7 July 1998; The new species may be obligatory commensal because of Paratypes MNCNM t6,Ol19043 -, 8 June 2001, t6.0119044. close association of sylli dand host gorgonian and free-living - 6 February ,2002, 16,Ol19045 -, 30 May, 2002, t6.0119046, forms are unknown around Shimoda (Nis heti al, 2001; Nishi - 19 June, 2002. 16,Ol/9047 ,- 24 June, 2002. 16.el19048, and Kato, unpublished). - 27 June, 2002. 16.0119049. -18 Juby, 2002; Paratype AM Descttption :Body long ,slender, with numerous segments, W28641,-8 June, 2001; Paratype SMF 12069, -10 Feb, similar in width throughout (Fig 3sA., 4A) except on posterior 2002; Paratype SAM E3301,- 27 June 2002; Paratype end, which is abruptly tapered and subcylindrical. Holotype CBM-ZW945, - 28 July ,2002; Paratype ZIHU-2314, - 28 complete, posterio ernd regenerated, 16 mm long, O,4 mm July ,2002; Paratype AHF POLY - 28 July 2002; Paratype wide with parapodia 9,5 chaetigers. Paratyp eNTM WOI8260 USNM 1008963, - 28 July 2002; Paratype MNHN POLY i sincomplete w,ith 42 chaetigers; paratyp eZMH P-24460 is 1378, - 28 July ,2002; Paratype SMRC-POL-OOI, - 28 July, complete, with 97 chaetigers; paratype MNCNM (16,Oll 2002; Paratypes CMNH-ZWO1462 (stol o- n7) ,December 9043) is complete, broken in two pieces, 94 chaetigers, with NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocaglical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan A New Specie sof Symbjot iPcolychaeta 373 Fig. 2. Alcyonosyll igslasb yn.i sp. and host gorgonian Mefithae afiabeMier a(KOkenth 1a9l09,}. A to E shows association of syllid and gorgo- nian. In C, arrow shows tubula rstructure; in D, part of worm embedded in tubula rstructure (le afrrtow}. In A, B, D, E, arrow show syllid worm. F, non-type specimen of A. gtasbyi showing pigmentat iion npreserved worm. G, detached stolon with extended epitokal chaetae, eyes and tentacles. H, close-up view of anterior par toi stolon. an stolon; paraty pAeM W28641 is incomplete, 78 chaeti- dorsa ltentacul acrirri ;those of chaetiger 2 shorter than halt gers ,with an stolon, Prostomium oval; four eyes in open of lengt hof those of chaetiger1; those of chaetiger 3 longer trapezoid aalrrangement (Fi 3gA.). Median antenna longer than those of chaetiger 2 but shorter than those of chaetiger than combined lengt hof prostomium and palps ,inserte odn 1; subsequent segments with long or short dorsa lcirrj {Fig. middle of prostomium ;later aalntennae distinc tslhyorter 4A); long dorsa lcirr isimilar in Iengt hto width of correspond- than median one, inserte din fron tof anterior eyes, near ing segment; short cirr iabout 113 of Iengt hof long cirri ;usu- anterior margln of prostomium .Palps broad ,similar in length ally some segments in which the proventricui uiss 1ocated to prostomium ,free to each other except basall yP.eristo- when the pharynx i sretracted, have short cirr i(Fi g3.A). mium distinc tslhyorter than subsequent segments (Fig$. Posterio rsegments with dorsa lcirr ishorter than those of 3A, 4B); dorsal tentacular cirr ilong, similar in length to anterior ones, Minute pores presen ton dorsum and dorsal median antenna; ventral tentacular cirri about 113 of length cirri (Fi g4C.>. Parapodia blunt ;ventral cirr idigitifor mor con- of dorsal ones. Antennae, tentacular cirr iand dorsa lcirri ical ,longer than parapodia llobes (Fi g3.B). Parapodia each smooth, somewhat rugose, not articulated but with some with solitary chaeta, occasionatly two, slender, with a short pseudoarticulat i(oFni g4.B), somewhat inflate des,pecially subdistal boss (Fi g4,E), minute secondary teeth (Fi g4E., F, shorter ones (Fi g4B.), Dorsa lcirri of chaetiger 1 longe rthan arrow) and slender, acute tip ,dorsall dyirecte d(Fi g3,C-J); NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan 374 G. SanMartfn and E, Nishi mp .xr/x' t ".t/ "ts L-t. ..H) / / ./-;-. -f //f/- ei- /'I/ !' / ' , , rM) .<-7 sBK Li( ' ,l"J.".xXi (I))7 l?, Iktll ,,J/tlg・tt1, ' s (FG )E "'t" 'L f1 lt(L i,Il ii H c ,L Fig. 3. Atqyonoqyll tgstasby tn. sp, A, anterior part B, parapodium ot midbody. C-J, chaetae with various tip shape, K, anterior part of epitoka[ chaetae, L, acicula. Scales are O.18 mm {A) 4,8 pm (B) 7, pm{C-K), 20 pm (L). Fig. 4, Atcyonosyll igstasbyi n'. $p,, SEM micrographs. A, anterior part and midbody, dorsa lview. B, anterior end, dorsa vliew. C, dorsum and dorsa lcirrus of midbody, showtng dorsal pores. D, posterio ernd and anterior par tof stolon, showing the regenerated tai lE., middle part of cha- eta, showing a boss and small teeth (arrow )F,. chaeta with small teeth (arro awnd) folded tip. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocaglical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan A New Species of Symbiotic Polychaeta 375 the ti pappears to be flexible ,since sometimes i tis curved genus; i tdiffe rfsrom the new species in having two chaetae to bases of chaeta, formin ga hook (Fi g4.F> or right angle per parapodium ,with stronger boss and, in some chaetae (Fi g3,G, H), and fragil eb,ecause sometimes is broken or there are big secondary teeth (se eHartmann-SchrOder, with aberrant shape, then ti pmodified into some shapes, as 1960) .Syfli sonk)tlochaeta Hartmann-SchrOder ,1991, a ti pweakly curved CFig 3.C, D), bent upward (Fi g3,E) and species collected in an aquarium of DUseldorf <Germany), downward (Fi g3, 1 ,J) ,curled (Fig 3.F, 1) ,formin ga right livin ogn corals ot the genus )Ceni aa,nd probabl oyriginal angle (Fi g3.G, H); normal chaetae usually with curved tip from Bal i(lndones iis ap)r,obabl yclosely related with Aicy- as Figs .3C, D, H, 4F, Aciculum solitary, indistin cdti,stally onosytts, but i thas articulated dorsa lcirr iand compound rounded (Fi g3L.). Pygidium small, with two anal cirr isimilar chatae, togethe rsimple chaetae similar to the described for to leng dorsal cirri .Pharynx through 4-5 segments when the species of Alqyonosytl (isse eHartmann-SchrOder, 1991). retracted ;anterior rim provid ewidth a crown of 1e soft papil- Among the Japanese Syllida et,he species of the genus lae ,each provide dwith numerous cilia ;pharynge atlooth t-laplosy llGleSm,inosylli sand 77)(panosyt I(ZsT)ypanobia) small, lecate dnear dorsa lanterior margin. Proventriculus have $imple chaetae only, However, all these taxa have through 5-6 segments, with about 25-30 muscle cell rows. articulated dorsa lcirri ,Moreover, Geminosytfi asnd T7ypano- Reproductive biolqgr A single stolon per one stock still syilis (Ttypano bhiaave) a pharyngea ltrepa nand the latter attached to the paren twas observed among the paratypes has flatten beoddy <se elmajima ,1966). and a few non-type specjmens of AlcyonosyMs glasby ni. sp. During the development of the stolon, a new regenerated tail is in pro¢ess of formatio n(Fi g4.D); anterior chaetigers of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT regenerated tai lhave small chaeta and posteri oornes with- We first tlhyank Mr Naoki Kumagai for givin gthe sylli dpolycha- out chaetae. Stolon swith 2 pair sof anterolateral eyes and etes and fo rbringi nugseful informatio nand photos on host and two pair sof latera lantennae (Fi g2G., H); body ligh tpink in symbionts, We acknowledge staff of Shimoda Marine Research color and generall yenlarged relative to the stock, chaetae Center, Universit oyi Tsukuba, for collection of the specimens, stafi aerteae w i(thsdlraewnnd awenidrth ipna rpatrl afypload tica,a,. a1n5d teom 2er0g eintn nu mebpeirt,ok al4 0c0h at-o ofhfoe rlC apocfacus eltsrseavS iBterwo saa,n vcTahhi leoaf bw loNera ktsp uiersc aip lmaHerintssl,t yto ur aynMndudse edabunymo nSy hmaoonuwdsa lSn esrietvtiietowuek rtMusCeeh,mi obf-ao,r 500 pm in Iength ;Fig ,3K) appear between parapodia llobe ria lFoundation to E.N. This is contribution number 681 from the and dorsa lcirrus (Fi g2, G, H). Immature stolon with short Shimoda Marine Research Center U,niversi otf yTsukuba. spitokal chaetae and eyes indistin cmta,ture ones with extended chaetae and disti necytes (Fi g2G.): the epitokal chaetae absent on body of stock, The stolonizatio npattern REFERENCES is the same describe dby Glasby and Watson (200 1f>or A. phili.Etymologr GIasby CJ, Watson C (2001 A} new genus and species of Syllidae Glasby ,Mus eTuhme annedw A rstp eGcaielsle ri yso fn atmheed No ratfhteerr nDTre. rrCihtroirsy, (gTleAern ,rRnietecolo r1riy 7dd:s Pa 4oo3:fl- y5tc1hhea eMtuas )ecoummme nasnadl A rwti tGha olclteoc rooyrfa ltsh. e TNhoer tBehae-rn Darwin ,Australi aw,ho made importan tcontributions to the Hartmann-Schr6der G (1960 P)olychaeten aus den Roten Meer. knowledge of the polychaete sin genera land syHids in par- Kiele rMeeresforsch16:69-125 ticular ,and also participat itnhge past descripti oonf the Hartmann-SchrOder G (199 1S)ytl oincshytochaeta sp. n., ein koral- genusAlqyonosy"is. lenfressen deProlychae (tSylli dauase d)em Korallenaquarium Remar ks :AbyonosylL gilsasby Tn'. sp, diffe rfsrom all other Ha r tdmeasnLn6-bSbcehcrkOed -GeM r<us1e9u9m3 sH)a.Hpellogsoyltatn idxseenriaMiecoelra,es uenin4 5n:eu5e9r-6 P3oly- species of the genus in having a solitat ychaeta per parapo- chaet {Sylli dvoane )den Molukken (Indonesi Heenlg)o.lander dium, occasionally two, but thi sappears to be a process of Meeresun 47: 305-31O replacement, and the shape of the chaeta. Alojtonosylli pshifi lmajima M ( 1966) The Syllida e<Polychae tAnonueslids }from Japan hneaws 2s-p3ec cihease, twaieth psemra lplaerra bpoosdsi, uams , twheillc kaesr tmhuacnh t hmoosree o fa ctich-e Ku m a(igcIaai V ,S} (yNlA l(mi2pna0h e(0i1 1p P))oo.P dpuaubP:lll Seaeuttsi oto piMnedarrase iB)siaotssle oLnciac abetoe fd1 P4l ( eu3wsi) t}2h:1t9 m-t2Me5 es2slymibtiohta-eid ulae per parapodiu mI. tis also a larger species, with differ- Gorgonian sU.npublish eMdaster Science Thesis, Universit oyt ent colour patter nand more strongly marked differen ciens Tsukuba, 39 pp the size of the dorsa lcirri (se eGlasby and Watson, 2001). Martfn D, Britaye vTA (199 8S)ymbiotic polychaet erse:view oi Tthhaet sspeenciioers a uatnhdor h e( Gh a.Sd. v-eMr.if )ihead s tehxeamsien dediff eonreen pcae rAsal.toyjpet oonfo- Ni s hkS inhEoi, wmKnoad tsaop e cTPi,oe srU.te ,s hSOiacmgeaaa mnRio g{Ba 2yM0,a 0rJa 1 BPp}ioaoln ly.A cMnhenam eRt eoNvua s3ta6nn : nS2ecl1 ii 7Md-su3 s4f r0Tomo koyfof s)tlli sxeniaecola has 2-4 chaetae per parapodiur na,nd the 37: 251-259 (i Jnapanese with Englis habstract) chaetae are differe ntalthough similar (se eHartmann- Schr6de r1,993). Haplos}tl Ybiissetos alike lbyelongs to this (Receiv Seedptembe r12, 2002 / Accepte dDecember 18, 2002) NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service

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