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A New Species and a New Variety of Boehmeria (Urticaceae) from the Himalaya with Special Reference to the Status of B.penduliflora Wedd. ex D. G. Long PDF

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by  AcharyaNabin
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Preview A New Species and a New Variety of Boehmeria (Urticaceae) from the Himalaya with Special Reference to the Status of B.penduliflora Wedd. ex D. G. Long

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7・56.s' Acta Phytotax (]eobot, 53 (b/ 1-9 (2002) A Ne"r Species New X'ariety Boehmeria (Urticaceae) and a of from the Himalaya with Special Reference to the Status of B. Wedd. D. G. Long pend"lij7ora ex NABIN ACHARYAi・KOJI YONEKURA2 and MITSUO SUZUKIi'2 f Bvtanica l(]af'de tGii,'adita rSe4'hoo lctf'Sc'ience, n)hoku CJnii'eJ' sSic'rn.dvazi 980-0861 ,laf)a n2 ;'7Vie Afottnt il[ikA'o( BiottianiealLahoi'at()i; iC;i'aduatt ',S'('h ottofl'Sc'ic,n('e, 7iJhokt tC,Jnii'ei t.g・ilron.ivo, r0,i30-Oiii lapaiT iN ncw specics Bo('hnrer kittitmlc No,' ,Nehary'a & iv'enek. and a new variet> 'ofB. densif7? )IpIuook. & .ALm .var. intei'mt' Nd.i a,・Xchar y&a Yonek. are described from lhe IIimalay aS.tatu sofB. pen- dttlt'" o"t''eadd .ex D.G. I.ong and B. dc,nsifl oHio'otki, & iXrn. are discusse dand a ne"' coni- binatio Bn, ctt/nsifioi'a var. pendttlifZr )(f"'a'edd e.x D.(: }I..ong )N. tXcharya & fonek is proposed. Key -'ords/ Boeltine]'i aB,ot'htnei'i daenst.'1 7io'aii/' aintet'tnedi aB,vehnreri tktafnic tBlt'),('iinrai'ia pendttl{1fiot'a,Hinialaya Genus Boehrneri a(Urticace acoem)pnses ca, ously con fused with the other species. 100 species and is distribut cfrdorn tropical to A new species Boehineria kamk)' dcscribed temperate regions in Asia, Ocemiia and America, hcre is vcry similar to B. terntfi,li aD. Don, dis- This genus is quit edifTic utlaxtonomically and is tributed in thc southcni foothil olfthe Himalayu known to have bcen difTl:rcnti autndecdr the from Kumaon to Bhutan in sharing shruhb>, intricat especiation including apomixis (Okabe habit and oppositc, anisophyllous, suborhicu- 1963, ir'ahara I983, I990), Eight species have la rlcave swith teeth gradtiall y]arge rtowards been recerded frorn Ncpal (Ilar a19g2). rn the apex, But lhey can be distinguish efrdom each course of revisional study of Nepalesc BoeJi- other by thc fo11owin gkey: tneria, we found tNvo undescribed taxa previ- 1 . Leaii' esshailowly 2- or 3-lobed at apex, oficn dup[icat ocn ]atcr allobes ,teeth triangulu ra,cumi- nnte; fruitin gpcrianth wsith hairs I25-200 /2m Iong(F:ig .Ia) ,...,.,....M,.,,.,.,......,....H.....,.....,..,.,, .....H......"....,........,,,..."............,"... .B.o,e,h,t.n.e.r.i.a. .k.a.m.l.e.v,'.N.,, ,A.e.h.a.r,y"a.&. Yonek. 1 . Leaves not lobed at apex, teeth simple, eN・ate, acute; f}'uiti pngerian] t"'histh hairs 75-125 Jir nlong (.Fig.1 b.)HH.H..H.-H.,...m,.H.".,,.,H.,."..,..,.."."",.,..,..", "B,o,e,h,m.e,r,i,,a. "t.e"rn,U,h,l"i.a. ,D,.. Don Boehineria kamlc) a'ppcars to be similar to B. lobed leaves with acuminate tecth. Boehinej'ia piattinil?)ii t(rMaxim. )Franch .& Sav. ex C.H, platctnt'f? i)sl ,ihao"Jcvcr ,unbranched herbs up to NEv'ri gdhitstribu tien dEast ('hin aand Japan in lts 1 m tall and is easily distinguisha bflie'om B, NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncleestyefo rSociety for PPllanatnSyts teSmaytslctsematics 2 XP(, Xol)., -tt t lt .-Aaj !lit E +a±Ejtit E : i. E I・l,, } EEEE ES EEAA,s ili EEtEtEE{;;: ! E:i::i:iI!EEt llEli.,il IE ;; i!lil E fllxII tt' A:i :f Et IIIIiil,: ilifiE 't,, ・ss eli iiil II il *! i ・ k i l;Ig ':E;ii s . i : IE lll i±'.tiEI:tltltiIt!'; ilSt lAs± E,ElEf:Et I, , Ilff±I.'itEtIA ll tII ± 'tE : :lf li :!,EII E E{ iisi;kS I iEit:A ciiii E{ ' Fki Sl Xt nvLTogrlphs V 'f b f, i BU f li tllLfl)l7Lt,iOPC ]-!a Bifi) tcIhiJHJ "" i AunTt" {(f i[u vJii ck it)ng VJh, {Su-rtAitra i94{Ata tiLtblff)hJ1 lr fkiiJ,"ira (I)tJhJLinL L6"i BVtd IlE)bBi(tTVtti ,il]t tJlTtciiitffJb(r1lr `fuhflt)J[i(MJi"ci`it BNf) CgL dk bll Oh"lm} NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics June 20(]2 XCH・XRYX t・r ttl Ne" tny,iuf'BtJt,hnfL'Jv t it ' rlo hme H im a l av'a 3 kanilt) 'Boehntet'i aplar(in{'fo hias an agarno- "'ang 19gl, Yahara 19gl, Gnerson & I.ong gpermou. taxon (Okab e1963) "hcreas B. kam- 19Sl,1983), but "i'an g{I995 )united theni under tc )b¢ars rnale fiexvcr sand thc pollen gruins get thc namc B. penditllfio ta'nacl treated B cletiyi- svcll stained c9g Oh) "hen stained Nvith cotten- .floi 'aag a variety ofthe ft)rmcr. blue (Fig 2.) ,-hich suggests tlia tthe latte irs not "'e found that beveral specirnens collected agamospermous. Boehnieria kamle. 1i's distrib- from Ncpal, Northeas tInd[ aand Yunnati Prov- uted in the eastern Nepa] and Bhutan and B. ince of'South"'est C'hin ahaNe achenes xcTv gini- terttilbli{ iis distribut efdrern Kumaon to Bhutan, ila rto BoelmreJ'i aclenstf7},i'a (Fi gIc) ttltheugh a[ong the southern foothi ]oflthe Hirnalaya. they are almost itlcntic wailth B pendttl{71o ii'iai BvehnreJva pentlttltfl" i"''aedd. ex D,G, ]ea[ -hairiness .Thc), ure res,arcled as rhe intcr- Leng (s>n, TB. inacroph.i'11{t D. Don, non mcdiutc p]anis bet"ecn the t"e taxa. ,ALIthough }{omicm.) is a specics "'idely distmbute dfrorn the upper gurfttce of rnaturc Ieaies of B /)en- Southcas tiNsia. Himalaya to Southeas tChma dtthf7( mantd the intemiedia tp]eant sis gl,ibrous, This species is c]esel> relatcd to B [len,si71oi'a their young leave sare pubcgcent " ;th hair ssim- Hook & ALrn. oflhc Rlrukyug, Taiwan, thc ila rto B tlen,s if7} )Rie'gatr;d,ing the distrihution. Philippin eansd southeastcm China in sharing B. pen`hilif7or ais also found ip Guangdong such characters as shntbby habit o.ppogite Iancc- ProN'inc cin Southcast Chma cX.i f'Zhu, pers, e]ate icaN' eungb,ranched pcndulous t'emal etnflo- coinin.) -herc B, denst77o rlts ialso distributed resccnces and sta]ked achenes with oblanccolutc Thcy suggcsl lhat thc characters used to diht]n- perianth sT.hey haN' ebcen treated as dist]nct guish B. pendulffivJ -ta'ror Bn. dc'iisi" far}ei 'T}coti species from each other based en the differ- a]"ays correlated to cach other and gcographical enceg ofsueh charactcrs ah leafhairincs gs,hupc iso]utie nbctwcen them ig not great as hitherte and haimnes sof fi'uiti npgerianths ag xvcll as considered T tsupports Wang's Niew { 1995} that thut of gcographtca] d]stributi oCnHoeke r& beth taxa "'crc rcgarded as conspecific. The 4rnott 1g36, X]v'eddel ]1854 ,1S60, "'mght 1g99. nainc B. densifloi '"a'as. ho"'cver .publtshe din il$・i{e sill ii, ・IliSil &ii lilililligeiiiiili l{glfiii ieiiiiii iill s i iii :IIIIIililliSliili IigiasII,:$If:II/Iii Ieei'!l・l/Igefigi /ifs/i iilillt S ll!ili i Giki iird iISIk/1 iilliigi・I: iiiilllllllli ,illill, :IIIIIIII{ ' il/Iilll/ii/Ii ttt iji :-,';t 'piet`r'"it ・SIIIIilil SlillVel lillllll ・efegl illlll/llillilllllll FE, i2 Plx)tograp oht" polle ngrain sof B"c,hinc, rAakJinlta(Giv[v'To LiwkiQig 107,S'I ) sEuincd "ith uvtt"n-blue solutiun, unJeE hght mTcroscope (sca] ebar 60 , rLm) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 4 ,NPG Vol, 53 1g38 and antedates ]44 years than B. pen- nim fructiferor uITonngiorib L1i2s5 - 200 um dit/ifio t('1a9g2 h)e,nce B, densiflor ashould be longis di fll)rt. adopted as the species name. W'e trcat here B. Iil,f"t.i XpreFiP,tYL Koshi Zone, Sankhuwa- iJendul{'fZ r)asr aa variety ofB, ck]n,sif7oi'a and sabha Distr ,ln,khuwa Khola, alt. 5000 ft. J,ul .5, the intennediat eplant sare deseribe das a nevv' l974, ,J. D.., lS.tainion 6995 ( F). variet>, efthe latte rT,he distincti oannisong the thrce varieties are sLimmarized in Fig. 3, Sparsc[y branchcd shrubs, up to 2.5 m tall; yeung branche spuberulous <thos ocf current Boehmeria kamle} ,N', Achar}'a & Yonck. ,sp. ycar densely xN,ooll)f') :leavcs opposite, aniso- nov. (Fig .4). phyllous ,petiolate l;cafb]ade elliptic or subor- Boehniei'i aiei'nCl?)i iaauct. non [) ,[)en: bicular ,8.5-15 x 6.5-12. 5cm, rounded or Gricrson & I.ong Fl .Bhutan 1 <1) :127 (1983). cuneate at base ,shalloiN'fiy 2- or 3-lobe dat apex, p・ p・ if3-lobed the ccntral lobe 1.5-4. 5cm long, acuminatc; later al]obe sarc a litt slmealler than Haec species Boehniei'ia etei'nilblia eaflinis, sed or subegual to terniinnl one; margin coarsely ft)l iaipisce lcvit ebri -vel trilobat ilsobis later- toothed cxcept base ,tceth 7- 1 3 on cach side, tri- ttlibus sacpe duplicato-serr aptiilsi ,sperigonio- angular, O.5-1 .5 x O.5-I ,2 cn], graduall iyncrcas- yaT. densCtlora var.pendulptora var. interFnedia Upper surface hairy glabrous glabrous ofleaves (hai wrheyn young) <hair ywhen young) Fruitingperiafith v Narrowly ohlanceolate Narrowly oblanceolate or Narrowly oblancoolate or obovate. gradually obtriangular with rounded or obovate, gradually tapering towards apex, shoulder and exserted tapering towards apex, without tubular ncck, tubutar neck towards apex, without tubulaf neck, hairy throughout, hairy towards upper part.hairy throughout. Distribution SE China. Taiwan, I Iimalaya - SE China Nepal, Assarn, Yunnan Ryukyus,Philippines Fiq 3 Distinctions ameng the thrcc vurietLes L)fRvehm('J'ici ci,vtx'itit),'tt IIo-k &.Xrn. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncleestyefo rSociety for PPllanatnSyts teSmaytslctsematics June2002 X('HXRY,XL,t at NeNs lnx:iei'BtJc'hnic'rtafrOTIITheThmalt-n 5 liL ;ttssi.・ F i l}l'.1, lll li?,i''i's 1, vi IIfll, 11{I i l i'l I!l1I 11 ・itl;1/ :I gS・・ 'fl-l-' .,,,,i{elll t:III ileeeelk ";t' {l,,,.ts. ' r., , 1/tX I/,.1 l{. 'tt '1 E" tl? , - ・ ," , !:2: rl{, 4. Ho]ety pe ofBitelunertLi AanrfeiN ・Xcha-a&}'onekC SJtai"ii -6n99K, + ) NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 6 ,XPG Vol. 53 ing te"'ard sapcx, teeth on lutcr a]lobc softcn spccies inc]udin tghis ncw one. duplicat cb;oth sLLrfaecs hispid "ith micropapi]- lat ehairs pzetio[ 5e-8 cin Iong :stipules O.6-O.C) Boehmeria densiflora Hook. & rXrn,. Bot. crn ]ong, narroxvl>' triangular, hairy :niale inflo- Beechey Voy.i 271 ( 183g) ;"Jedd, in DC., Prodr. rescences axillary at the rniddle par tof' steTns, I6 (,1 ,2)1:5(Ig69); Nlaxim. in Bull. Acad, Sci. paniculat eor almost radiate, axis of panieles St.-Peters b2.2: 254 <1g76t C.H. N"v'rig hitn often leaf yat apex; branchcs 5-12 ¢m long. Forbes & IIcmsl. in J, I.inn .Soc. Bet, 26: 4g4 simple or rarely branched ;male flo"'e risn elus- {.1g99) ;Satake in J, Fac. Sci ,lmp, Unix' ,R)kyo, ters, densely arranged on inflorcscenc cbranch- sect, ][1 ,4: 479, f i7A (1936) ;T.S. I.i u& T.C. es forn]in gspikcs; bracts ovatc 2・- 3mm leng. I[uang in }1.L .Li, Fl, Taiwan 2: I65. pl ,250 hairy ;bracteo lncarrow, lanceolat ee,5-l .2 mm ( 1976) ;NMT. "'ang in ,ALeta Bot .5itmnan 3,: 4l5 long; each flo-,e grlobu]a r1,.5 Tnni acrogs, peri- (.19gl )i:tlP. iv'ang et a], in T,C. Huang. Fl. anth 4-lobed ],obc sovatc, 1 .5-2 mm long ,haiiN Tai",a ned. 2, 2i 199 c1996). outside; stamens 4, opposite to and longe rthan Z57) JE,' APiLAN, [.eo C'hoo ,Jun, ]g2 7・. L(u 's, thc pcrianth-lebe sa; c]avate pistillo dpcrcscnt at ti .CK ,IIOTI VidiJ. the center; female spikes axillary at the upper part of stenis, siniple, IO-3, Ocni leng ,hispid; var. dcnsiflora flowe rclustcrs intcnupte dgl.obular ,2.5- 3mm in Boc'Iuitei 'pilaat.iphsil a[) ,Don var. Ioo- diam. at fuiiti nstgage; bract sbroadly ovatc, 2-3 c'hooensi.s "Tcdd. in DC., Prodr .16 C1} :213 mm Iong ,hairy 1bracteol engarro",, lanceolale,(1g69 .- )B.. pendttlt77o rWuedd, cx D.G. Long O.5-O. 7mm long ia fruiti npgcrianth ].2-l.5 var, looc'hooeii CsXis]v'e dNVdI,T) ,"iang in VN'ZT. mm ]ong, e]1iptic "'ith a tubula rncck, 2 -・lobcd at Wang & C.J ,Chen, FI .Reipubl. Popul. Sin, 23 apcx, densely pubesccnt at upper half "ith ([ ) :354 (1995). rnicropapil]ate hair sI25-200 1 ,.m long ;an achcnc ll7 )Svaime as B. ct"nst'17?)ra Hook. & Arn. compressed ellipsoid, ca. I mm long ;style pcr- Disti'ilnt tJinopna:n cdi eRyLtkytts )T,ai"ran, sistcnt, 1.. Smm long, SE ('hin a(Guangdong .Hongkong) and thc Philippines. Othc)r speeiinens exainined. NFPAI., Koshi Zonc, SankhtLxvasabha I)istr .K,handbari c[ 1 S( }m) - Bhotcbas (1gOO m) Ju] .7, [9gS. ,ldr. ,S:ttriiki er aL var. penduliflor a<XAv' cedxd .D.G. Long) N. t9tSIOi97(K yiH, ii, it s), BIII.TT・X BNe,tween I.obeysti Aeharya & Ybnek. ,comb. nov. and [.otnetsaxv na,ll. cii. 2 ・OOO m, Jun. I 7, 1975, i.IC B()ehmeria ma('ivph.1'11[; D. Don, Prodr .Fl. Gf'ieJ:vonD.a.1/otT4g.i;O・)G:}'oTnJana,bet"'ecn cC・ Ncpal. :60 (1825) ,non Horneni. ( 1,8I >;) :IIook. "'angduPhodransT Pe]eL.a, 2]50 )L,lay and alt. cu, m, f..Fl.Brit,Ind.5/579 {.ISgg):Tuyama inH, ]6 .I97'9 .,l.,1.C. Grief'so ncg D.G. Long 107S (f)i Hara,I'I.E,Hitna],/56 (1966):XAv',NTV.'angin Tashigaon,GamrichLL,Jun.11,19S5,S.B()wes'Lson 9J16 (f, )T:on."sa L)istr .al,l. 106(} tn, Mar, r ,[, [`)S2, Aeta Bor, it'unnan, 3/ 415 (198I) ;Yahura in ,l. .(1' ,,Griei',go (n{・ t),G, Long 4l61 {F }. Aetu Ph>,totax G.cobot. 32 ( l-4)i I3 (198I) .Il. Di,striintt iaondn 1iahita tiEastern Ncpal Hara in H. Hara et (iL, Etiur nF.low .Pl .Nepal 3: and Bhutan. Pathsides in the fores tat altitudes 201 (19R2 )- ,B. pcintl!iltl Wleodfdu, ri n.ALnn .Sci, bet-'ee n1OOO -2 ・1>' Om. Nut, scr. 4. 1i 19( )(]854) ,non]. nud.l H.IIara in tkamicv'' The specific epithet is dcrived II .ILara et aL Enum. f;lo" ,P.l, Nepal 3: 201 t'ro mthe loca lnamc comrnonly used in Nepal, (19g2) .pro syn.] ex D.G. I.ong in Grierson & Sikkiin and Bhutan f:c )seri.'cral BoehnieJ'ia D,G. Long iT iNotes Roy, Bot. Gard. Edinburgh NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncleestyefo rSPloacntiSyestteym atflcosr Plant Systematics June 2002 ACHARYA et al.: New taxa ofBoehmeria frorn the Himalaya 7 ll .・l・ij 'Il ,l"/.,t,t il 'I II' II: ' ' }i i 'ii' s,slv'g ;-inac at rt7cti,lt ng AL. crf ue er VaV Se "- ; a , , ,. '.,ti ;/,r$kenLadie ,-} rv Ace<":y" n). stJ.VLe"igt'.,it''g /:. evuv#t"#p ;".ge. t)mmareNvan suvar eNtzav wo ectwjuewthrv tslseXmef.A ' t/t'/tt tptf'4tr'pt t,t sfleel.ne", Fla S. Holotype of Boehrneria densijio" Haook.& Arn. var. iniermedia N. Acharya & YOnck. (Dobteme z673,BM) NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics s ,NPG Vol, 53 40: 130 (I98 )2 ;・Grierso n& D,G, Lons, ,F]. ules, slcndcr, 14-16 cm Ions, .pendulous; Bhutan I CI):1 2<51.983 )X;]vl TW.ting in "'.T. glomcrulc scontiguous, 5 mm across, many- XAFJa n&g C.J .C'hen ,Fl .Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 23 flowcred; fruitin gperiant ohbovate or oblance- C2) i354-355 (1995 )i,ncl .var. pendtilt'f lcoctr.a , olate, creamy xvhite, I,g- 2.5・ rnm ]ong ,apex excl, gradually narrowed, 2-lobed without tubular Lc・crot.vp e(Grierso n& l.ong I9g2)i ncck, basc attcnuate, hairy throughout with NEPAL, "Ad Narainhetty Nepalensium:' I: J many hooked hairs ;sty]e slender, O.5-1 mm Buc'hanan-Jfuini rs.t on.n (BM!). leng ,exserted t'rom pcrianl he,urved at apex; I)is'trihit tHiiomnailaya (Ncpa t]o BhutEui) , an achene compressed el]ipsoid, O,7- Imm long, Burma, Thuiland, SXJv 'to SE China <Xizang . "ith a stalk ca. 1 mm long. Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhau, Guangxi and Guangdons,), Orhei -,v)eeimens (ii'aJJiiiie dI.NDIA, Sikkim?, Rong7o, tSLug. 29, 19[2, (i H. Cave 2000 ([/); Mcgha]aya, Khasiya Hi]Is ,JflS .Kur: ,s ,n. (I,), var. intermedia N, .ALcharya & 'r'onek., var. CIIINtX ,Yunnan. prccis clocalit yunknown, Oct, nev. (Fig .5). I922 ・, J.E Roc'A 69,V6 (>g' yh)';unnan, ,d ,ilent) '12)F40 (Ny) :iv'unnan, alt, 4600 il ..,'Xu g31, .l. Hen,p '9063.4 I'Iae ciL'arietas inte riv'ar. dens{17oi' eatn viar. pen- (NY). dPeurli(gRoonriaa mf rsiutca.t iFfoe laripaiac esu pgrara dgilaatbra emastcteennutatiaa. S " ' CDhiisnra r(i'httftut inNoncn pa,:aXnltl), .I1nrd,iOa O(-S17iUkO km.i rAns,sam> and haud tubulosa constanter hirsuta. "rllek ,arkcy ogratci' ut]e Pr{}t /IIideak i()hba efUnii"'ersity ot' ffoiot.t7 N)EeP:AL, Gandaki Zone, Gorkha to proK,i dfeiel drescarch faci] idtu.rvin gthis Distr.,Jagat,Marshyangdi, 28=29'N,84t22'E rescarch. XAt 'eexprcss our sinccre thanks to Pro[', I!nicrituHsireyeshiC)hushi Tehoku Univcrsity alt .1300 m, Noi' ,28, 1970 ,,IF Dohreme: 673 and Prof .N・Tasa}r L M]ikkiage o foKfan azawu Univcrsity (Brvo. to provide vurious rc forence sand herhariun sipeci- mcns. "ie alse thank Dn Xiang-yun Zhu ofPE for "'ell-branchcd shrubs, 4 -5 m tall ;branch- infonnati eanbout disiributi ootn' sB, den,s't' tanido iB'.a es slender, oftcn glabrous; lcave sopposite, iso- r]c'ndttlt'f iion iC'haina .Our sinccre thttnks ulso go te phyllous, petielate ;blades lanceolatc ,7-22 x the directer sand curators ofA, BM, E, und N}' tbr the ]oaT iet' the hcrbariuni spccirncng and to C.ALL, 1.5-4 cm. graduall tyapering to acuminatc apex, KtNTII, KYO, M,-XK, TI and TNS tbr proN'idi nfgaci]- base cuneatc, sharply serru]atc with subequal itie sdurin gthis rcscarch, I'iel drcsearch in Nepal teeth at margin from thc base to acurnen, coria- "'us supportcd b> 'a (}rant-in-.,V d('ror nNTinistr yo・t' ceous, glabrous abovc, pubcscent bencath, I:.ducatio nS,cicnce ,Sport sttnd C'ultur cJa,pan, No. strongly nigose, reticulations conspicuously ele- 1 1691 17S in 1999, and N'1idori-ikusci-z iuni 2d0a0n0, vated beneath p;etiol e3s-5 cm long ,h"iry ;infio - JapaT t{.t eII .Ohba). rcgcences axillary, male enes on the lowcr nodcs References 4-5 leng.hranched base, ofbranches, cm at pubenilou sma;lc fiowers globular ,1 mm across, Grierson t,X,J,C. t hiI).G .Long. 19S2 .Notes relating to 4-merous: pcriant hlobes clliptic, hair ynt upper t he f i or ao r B hu t a n / V . N ol e s R o vJ. Bot. Gard. part ;stamens 4, glabrous ,opposite to the lobes ; Fdinburgh. 40 (]) /I15- ]r S,, pistil]od eprcsent ,clavatc, "'ith tufts ot' hairs T.. 1983. BoehtneJ'ia Jaeq .In/ 1:lor aot' Bhuran 1 O)/ on it sbase ;femalc infiorescen coens the uppcr F l ar a1 ,2I4 I-.] 1 92872. .RBo(y,ae]h Bmoerra'n iiIaen. /GIaIrdaerna ,H,. E. dCihnubutrcgr h,A,.O. nodes ofbranchcs, spicate "'ith man}, glomer- & I..HJ. Vv'illiam sc.eds,) ,・Xn NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics June 2001 ,XC}IARYA (・t al, Newtata of BrjeJirneri at'r'e mthc Himalaya c) E'.numeratie nef Flowcring Plants of Ncpul 3/ iv'egetabilis 16(1)/I9.sr-216 P.arisiis, 20]-2e2. Trustees of British Svtuseum (Naturul NVright ,C.II. 1899. B(,ehtneria dcns(flbra IT()ok .et Hihtory )L,ondon, Arn, ln/ Forbcs, F.B, & "・LB. Hemsley, }{ooker N,Ai' ,aJn,d G, A."i Arnott ,1g36. The Betany Fnumcration ef all plunts kno-,n fror MChinu ofCaptain Beechcy"s Xloyage, 271. I.onden proper ,Formosa, IIainan t,he Corca, thc I,uehu Okabe, g, '1l9k6}3h. oAkpuemixis in gcnus Bwehnteria, Sci. Archipclago, and thc Island of Hongkong; Rep, Imp. Univ. ,Scr. 4 Biol. 29/207-215, togethcr "ith their distrihul iaondn synonyin). J. Wang, W.T. 19SI. Revisi oBoehmcriae Sinica c..ttcta I.inn S,oc, ,B'lotti, 2.x6o/n4egm4ic. Bet .Yunnan. 3 {3> /307-32S. (i nC'hinese). Yahara, T. 19gl. studies ofthc U]ticaceac I995. BouhnTcri aJacq ,ln /XSv'a n"gL.T, and C.J, [ .The gcnus Boehmeria in Thui]und . .!tcta Chen (eds ,F:)Ior Raeipublica Pcopulari sginicae Phytotax ,Gcobot. 3. ?<.E-4)/1 1-.2 23 c2J / 32 ・O-35.5. Science Press ,Beijin g(in 19g3. A bios},stema tsitucdy en the Ioca lpopula- Chincsc), tion of genus B(Je]vneri awith rcfercncc to XN'edde]l ,H,A, I854, Revue dc lu Familic des upornixis. J. Fac. gci. LJniv T,okyo. Scct. 3, Bot. Urticees. Ann, Sci. Nat., Bot., Ser. 4 0)i 173 - 13i217-261. 212, . I990. Fvo]ution of agamospermous races in 1869. BoehineJ' iJaacq . tn/ I)e Candellc ,A. Boc.hnier iaand EupattJriu mP,] .Spec. Biol ,5/ {ed. )ProdroTnus S.vstenia tNiasturali sRegn{ lg3-196, Recen'e[i,ht 2i3j. '2001; accE7)ted FZ'hrtta i2)2', 2002 NII-Electronic Library Service

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