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A new sisorid catfish of the genus Myersglanis Hora & Silas 1951, from Manipur, India PDF

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Preview A new sisorid catfish of the genus Myersglanis Hora & Silas 1951, from Manipur, India

A NEW SISORID CATFISH OF THE GENUS MYERSGLANISHORA & SILAS 1951, FROM MANIPUR, INDIA1 WaikhomVishwanathandLaishramKosygin2 (With oneplate andone text-figure) Key words: Catfish, Sisoridae, Myersglanisjayarami sp. nov., Manipur A new freshwater sisorid catfish, Myersglanisjayarami is described here based on eight specimens collected from Laniye river (Chindwin drainage) of Manipur, India. It is characterised by a band oftransverse teeth in the upperjaw which is slightly indented in themiddleanteriorly,andconicalandpointedteethinthejaws. Thespeciesisalsodistinct inhaving 10branchedpectoralrays,5 branchedanalrays, 15-16branchedcaudalraysand an adiposedorsalfinconfluentwithcaudal fin. Akeytothespeciesof genusMyersglanis is also given. Introduction Myersglanis during an investigation of hill stream fishes in Ukhrul dist., Manipur, India. Day (1869) described Exostoma blythi TheydifferfromM. blythiinmanyrespects. The withoutmentioning itstype locality. Thespecies fish is described here as a new species. was assigned to the genus Glyptosternum The specimens were fixed and preserved McClellandbyHora(1923)andtoEuchiloglanis in 10% formalin. Measurements and counts ReganbyNorman(1925).HoraandSilas(1951) followedJayaram(1981).Allmeasurementswere proposed a new genus Myersglanis to made with a calliperto the nearest 0.1 mm. The accommodate Day’s species as ithadcharacters type specimens of the new species have been distinct from species of other glyptostemoid depositedintheManipurUniversityMuseumof genera. Myersglanisis distinctinhaving conical Fishes (MUMF). andpointed teeth onboth thejaws, a transverse Abbreviations: ASB, Asiatic Society of band of teeth in the upper jaw which is not Bengal; ZSI, Zoological Survey of India, producedbackwardsatthesides,andcontinuous Calcutta; SL, standard length; HL, head length; lower labial fold. Other characters include a SD, standard deviation; M, mean. dorso-ventrally flattened body with laterally compressed caudal peduncle, gill openings Myersglanisjayarami sp. nov. mm restrictedtothedorsalsurface,weakdorsalspine, Material examined: Holotype 82.0 : MUMF lunate caudal fin, first ray of paired fins SL, Regn. No. 2138, Locality: Laniye corrugatedventrallyinpinnatefoldsforadhesive river at Jessami, Manipur, India (94° 32' E, 25° purpose and absence of thoracic adhesive 38' N), Coll. L. Kosygin, 15.viii.1994. mm apparatus. Thispeculiarmonotypicgenusoccurs Paratypes 7exs.,54.0-75.0 SL,Regn. : MUMF only in Nepal (Misra, 1976; Jayaram, 1979; No. 2105, 2139-2144, collection data TalwarandJhingran, 1991). Recently,oneof us same as holotype. (L. Kosygin) collected eight specimens of Diagnosis: Myersglanisjayarami sp. nov. is easily distinguished from its only congener 'AcceptedAugust1997 M. blythi in having less branched pectoral rays departmentof LifeSciences, (10 against 16-17); more branched caudal rays ManipurUniversity Canchipur795003,Manipur. (15-16 against 13); anal fin origin equidistant JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2), AUG. 1999 291 NEWDESCRIPTIONS Table1 MORPHOMETRICDATAOFMYERSGLANISJAYARAMI SP.NOV.HOLOTYPE(MUMF2138)AND 7PARATYPES(MUMF2105,2139-2144) Holotype Holotype&Paratypes Range Mean SD StandardLength(mm) 82.0 54.5-82.0 - - % In SL: Headlength 20.1 20.1-23.8 22.1 1.2 Bodydepth 15.2 12.9-17.7 163 1.6 Headheightatocciput 11.6 11.2-14.7 13.1 1.2 Headheightatorbit 9.7 9.5-12.0 10.5 0.6 Headwidth 20.1 19.2-22.0 20.9 0.9 Snoutlength 9.7 9.7-11.1 10.4 0.3 Eyediameter 1.8 1.8-2.4 2.1 0.2 Inter-orbitalspace 5.5 5.2-73 6.2 0.7 Intemasalspace 4.3 4.3-53 4.8 0.4 Mouthwidth 7.9 7.9-9.0 8.5 0.4 Caudalpedunclelength 20.7 19.0-21.8 20.3 0.9 Caudalpeduncleheight 12.8 11.5-14.0 12.8 0.9 Dorsalfinheight 15.2 14.3-16.7 15.6 0.7 Adiposedorsalfin C C' length 31.7 27.2-34.3 31.4 2.1 Adiposedorsalfin Fig. 3:Natureofteethbandalongwithshapeoftooth: height 2.4 1.5-3.0 2.4 0.5 Myersglanisjayarami (A, A'), Pectoralfinlength 17.7 16.8-19.3 18.3 0.8 Exostoma vinciguerrae (B, B') Pelvicfinlength 15.8 15.3-16.7 16.0 0.6 Analfinheight 12.8 12.2-14.7 13.6 0.9 Euchiloglanis sinensis (C, C') UpperCaudalfinlobe length 17.1 16.0-17.5 16.8 0.6 frompelvicfinoriginandcaudalfinbase(against LowerCaudalfinlobe nearercaudalbase)andalsoinhavinganadipose length 18.3 17.2-19.3 18.1 0.8 dorsal fin which is confluent with caudal fin. Distancebetween snouttip&: Description Dorsalfininsertion 39.0 37.4-42.1 39.8 1.6 Pectoralfininsertion 15.2 14.5-17.2 15.7 0.9 The lateral view of the fish is shown in Pelvicfininsertion 44.5 44.5-47.4 46.4 1.0 Analfininsertion 73.2 73.2-75.2 74.0 0.7 Plate 1, Fig. 1. Morphometric data ofholotype Vent 67.1 67.1-69.5 68.2 0.9 and 7 paratypes are given in Table 1. Head and Posteriormarginof - body depressed. Ventral surface flattened from lowerlabialfold 7.8 7.8-10.0 9.3 0.8 snout to vent, caudal peduncle laterally Inter-dorsalspace 19.3 18.4-25.3 20.9 2.3 compressed, its depth 59.4 - 69.2% its length Veonritgrianlsfintoanaltin 26.4 25.7-27.5 26.8 »0.9 (M= 63.1; SD=3.4). Head broad, width 88.9- Analfinorigintocaudal 100.0 % HL (M= 94.7; SD= 4.1), height at base 27.8 25.2-27.5 26.5 0.6 occiput48.1-68.3%HL (M=59.2; SD=4.9). Eye Maxillarybarbellength 16.5 16.3-19.3 17.6 1.1 Nasalbarbellength 8.5 8.4-10.5 9.1 0.7 verysmall,subcutaneous,notvisiblefromventral Outermandibular surface, almost in the middle of HL, diameter barbellength 6.7 6.1-8.8 7.2 0.8 8.4 - 10% HL (M=9.3; SD=0.5). Snout obtuse, Innermandibularbarbel length 44.4-49.7 % HL (M= 47.3; SD= 1.9). length 2.4 23-3.5 2.8 0.4 292 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2) AUG. 1999 NEW DESCRIPTIONS Vishwanath, Waikhom etal.: Myersglanisjayarami PLATE 1 Fig. 1: LateralviewofMyersglanisjayaramisp. nov. mm (Holotype, 82.0 Standardlength) Fig. 2: VentralviewofMyersglanisjayarami JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 96(2), AUG. 1999 293 NEWDESCRIPTIONS Mouthinferior,transverse, surroundedbyfleshy Distribution: Lainye river at Jessami, lips, width 34-41% HL (M=38.5; SD= 2.0). Manipur (Chindwin drainage), India. Lower labial fold continuous. Teeth conical, Etymology: The new species is named pointedanddirectedbackwardsinbothjaws.The after Dr. K.C. Jayaram who encouraged us in band ofteeth in the upperjaw slightly indented this work and provided relevant literature. in the middle and not produced backwards at the sides (a comparison of shape of teeth and Discussion teeth bands ofMyersglanisjayarami and other Glyptosternoid fishes is shown in Fig 3). Hora and Silas (1951) classified However, the bands are not separated into two Glyptosternoidfishesbasedonthenatureofteeth as in Exostoma Blyth. Teeth band in lowerjaw and form of teeth bands in the jaws. They is divided in the centre andpointedtowards the consideredthenatureofthefoldoflowerlipalso sides. Plate edentulous. Gill openings dorso- as a generic character apart from dentition. The lateral, extending only to the opposite base of new species has all the characteristic features of the pectoral spine. Barbels 4 pairs, maxillary the genus Myersglanis i.e., the presence of(i) , barbels with broad base and its ventral surface all conical andpointedteeth in bothjaws, (ii) a provided with pinnate folds. It extends to one- continuous teethband inthe upperjaw, and(iii) third of the length ofpectoral fin base. Nasal a continuous lower labial fold. barbels exceed posterior margin oforbit, outer The species described here is similar to mandibular barbels just reaching pectoral fin Euchiloglanis Regan, in the shape ofteeth and origin.Innermandibularbarbelveryshort. Chest nature of teeth bands. However, it differs in transversely striated on the sides, gradually having a continuous lower labial fold compared becoming posteriorly directed skin folds on the to the widely interrupted fold ofthe latter. Hora extremities (Plate 1, Fig. 2). and Silas (op. cit.) considered this a major Rayed dorsal without strong spine. It has character in distinguishing the two genera. The one simple and 6 branched rays. Its origin lies new species has a continuous lower labial fold nearer to snouttip than to caudal base. Adipose as in Exostoma Blyth. But Exostoma is distinct dorsal fin low, long and confluent with caudal in having oar-shaped teeth and two clearly fin. Paired fins are broad, rounded, their inner separated upper teeth bands. halfverticalandouterhalfhorizontalinposition. With this report, the genus Myersglanis Thefirstrayofpairedfinsflattenedandventrally is no more monotypic and its range of corrugatedinpinnatefolds.Pectoralfinwithone distribution extends up to Manipur, India simpleand 10branchedrays.Pelvicfinwithone (Chindwin drainage). simple and 5 branchedrays. Pectoral andpelvic Comparative materials: Myersglanis finsareseparatedbyaconsiderabledistance.Anal blythi: ASB Cat. F 599 in ZSI, 2 ex., 55.0-57.5 mm fin with one simple and 5 branched rays. Its SL, Pharping, Nepal, Coll. F. Day, no date. originliesequidistantfrompelvicfinoriginand Euchiloglaniskamengensis:ZSIF2106/2, 2ex., caudal fin base. Caudal fin lunate, lower lobe Paratype Norgum river, Kalaktang Kameng , slightly longer than the upper with 15-16 Frontier Division, NEFA, Coll. K.C. Jayaram, branchedrays. Laterallinedistinct. Skinsoftand 22.iii.1961. Exostomavinciguerraem-mZSI¥6661/ smooth. 1, ZSI F6671/1, 2 exs, 34.0-37.5 SL, Pazi, Colour of live specimen: Yellowish grey Moughong, N. Shan States, Myanmar. Coll. J. MUMF to dingy olive brown with pale white ventral Coggin Brown, no date, 2356, 4 ex., mm surface. Head, dorsal streak and lateral line 50.6-76.7 SL,Adaikistream,Manipur,Coll. darker; caudal fin dusky. M.G. Sharma, no date; E. berdmorei, ASB cat JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2), AUG. 1999 295 NEWDESCRIPTIONS mm 597, type, 64 SL., Tenasserim, Myanmar, Pectoral fin with 10 branched rays, Caudal fin with Coll. Maj. Berdmore, no date. E. stuarti, 15-16 branched rays M.jayarami mm Holotype,44 SL,ZSIF9742/1 Putaoplains, : , Acknowledgements Tanja, Tibetan Frontier, Myanmar, Coll. Dr. Murray Stuart, no date. We thank Mr. T.K.Sen, Head, Freshwater FishSection,Dr.Karmarkar,ZoologicalAsst,and Key to speciesof genus Miss Lina Sarkar, ProjectFellow, Z.S.I., Calcutta Myersglanis Hora & Silas for their valuable help during thejunior author’s study at the IndianMuseum, and the Ministry of Pectoralfinwith 16-17branchedrays;Caudalfinwith Environment & Forests, New Delhi (ProjectNo. 13 branched rays Myersglanis blythi 1141/IFD/97) for financial assistance. References Day, F. (1869): Remarks on the fishes ofthe Calcutta India, No. 14: 1-62. Museum.Proc.Zool. Soc.London., 511-527. Jayaram, K.C. (1981): The freshwater fishes ofIndia, Hora, S.L. (1923): Notes on the fishes ofthe Indian Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka - a Museum5.-onthecompositegenusGlyptosternum handbook.ZoologicalSurveyofIndia,p.475. McClelland.Rec. Ind. 25: 1-44. Misra,K.S.(1976):TheFaunaofIndiaandtheadjacent Hora, S.L. & E.G. Silas (1951): Notes on the fishes of countries, Pisces 3. Zoological Survey ofIndia, IndianMuseum,47.RevisionoftheGlyptostemoid p. 367. fishesofthefamilySisoridae,withdescriptionof Norman,J.R.(1925):TwonewfishesfromTonkin.Ann. newgenusandspecies.Rec. Ind. 49:5-29. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15(9): 570. Jayaram,K.C.(1979):Aidtotheidentificationofthesisorid Talwar,P.K.&Jhingran,A.G.(1991):FreshwaterFishes fishes ofIndia, Burma, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and ofIndiaandadjacentcountries,2.Oxford&IBH, Bangladesh, 3, Sisoridae. Occ. Pap. Zool. Surv. NewDelhipp.543-1158. 296 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2) AUG. 1999

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