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A New Host Record for the Afrotropical Parasitic Wasp Genus Bathyaulax Szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) Confirmed using DNA Sequence Data PDF

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Preview A New Host Record for the Afrotropical Parasitic Wasp Genus Bathyaulax Szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) Confirmed using DNA Sequence Data

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 14(1), 2005, pp. 96-101 A New Host Record for the Afrotropical Parasitic Wasp Genus Bathyaulax Szepligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) DNA Confirmed using Sequence Data Donald L. Quicke, Nina M. Laurenne and Max Barclay J. (DLJQ) Division of Biology, Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7PY, UK; (NML) Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Entomological Division, P.O. Box 17 (P. Rautatiekatu 13), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland; (DLJQ, MB) Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK — Abstract. An apparently undescribed species of the braconid wasp genus BathyaulaxSzepligeti from Kibale National Park, Uganda, is recorded as a parasitoid of the callichromine cerambycid beetle, Chromalizusfragrans (Dalman) subspeciescranchi (White), a borerof'forest mahogony' tree, Trichilia dregeana Sond. (Meliaceae). The association was confirmed using DNA sequencing of a parasitoid pupa recovered from the pupal chamber of the beetle. A gabuniine cryptine ichneu- monid wasp, Gabunia aff. togoensis Krieger, was also confirmed as a parasitoid ofthe samebeetle. These rearings are discussed in the light of previous host records. — Key words. Parasitoid, DNA, Gabunia, Ichneumonidae, Chromalizus, Cerambycidae, Trichilia, Me- liaceae, mahogony. Of the approximately 40 genera of Bra- DNA sequencing provides a powerful coninae that are believed to be endemic to tool to confirm host parasitoid associa- the Afrotropical region (Quicke 1987), host tions where cryptic hosts are involved be- records are available for fewer than five, cause it enables identification of other- and some of those records that have been wise, at least currently, unidentifiablehost published may well be erroneous. Com- and parasitoid immature stages (Quicke et mon problems with records of host-para- al. 2003; Laurenne & Quicke 2004). This sitoid associations include misidentifica- can be likened to a bar-coding approach tions of the parasitoid, or of the host or (Hebert et al. 2003a,b), and in principle misidentification of both, or wrong asso- food-webs can be constructed and ana- ciations, especially when substrate rear- lysed largely based on taxa whose actual ings are involved (Noyes 1994; Shaw 1994, ide—ntities are only known approximate- DNA 2003; Quicke 2003). Whilst the majority of ly appropriate sequences will usu- braconines are parasitoids of concealed ally allow placement to genus or species hosts, usually larvae of wood-boring bee- group. For tropical studies, this actually tles for larger species and groups such as may not be very different from current stem-borers, leaf-rollers and leaf-miners morpho-taxonomic studies, as many ofthe for smaller ones, the lack of reliable host taxa are likely unidentifiable to anything data for the great majority of species is more precise than morpho-species, and hampering our understanding of the fac- even generic placement can sometimes be tors that permit coexistence of so many problematic for many less well-known in- species of parasitoids with essentially sim- sect groups. ilar life histories. Here we use DNA sequencing to con- Volume 14, Number 1, 2005 97 firm a host-parasitoid relationship for FIELD SITE Baihyaulax Szepligeti, a poorly known Af- Observations were made near Makerere rsnoietdcroownpadiscpaplsar,agseainntudosida,dodfaitlmiaorengmeabllpeyarraroseifvteitachlebtrcharacytop--a Uydana,iwvaiernrasa,intKyiabraBeilaoelooNfgaitmcioaonlntaaFlinePeladrrkaS,itnWatefiosortne,sUtgKtaahnna--t bTtiahnueemoeibrcs,henrievsautmaiolosnnoisdianlgvseoonlupvrseodvGiaidnbeutnahieanesKwyrsitehecomhs.-t wStarsuhlsiagkhetrly19l9o7g).ged in 1960 (Area 14 in tree record for the longhorn beetle in- OBSERVATIONS, RESULTS AND volved. Because the tree, 'forest mahoga- DISCUSSION ny', is noted for its high qualitywood, this may be of some economic significance. A large black and red female parasitic wasp was noticed 'drilling' into a dead MOLECULAR MATERIALS AND trunk (6cm diameter) of a young 'forest METHODS mahogany' tree, Trichilia dregeana Sond. neWeet alf.o(l2l0o0w0e)dttohoebtparionce2d8uSreDs2-iDn3LaruDreNnA- yf(eeMlaelrle.idaTcdehuaere)iw,nagstphp,aattihdaepncptleieafairreiedndgasteoaarlhisaepvreeciinebsetehonef sequence data from the adult Baihyaulax Bathyaulax, was collected and the point of and two of the immature parasitoids noted and marked. ovipositor drilling found in the host's pupation chambers. Two days later a length of the dead tree The sequences for the adult Bathi/aulax sp. was cut and taken to a more convenient and the presumed conspecific pupa have site for dissection. This approximately 2m GenBank/EMBL accessions numbers long stretch of the wood was found to be AY604326 and AY604327 The respectively. heavily bored by larvae of the longhorn sequence of the ichneumonid larva was beetle Chromalizus fragrans (Dalman) sub- virtually identical to ones obtained fortwo species cranchi (White) (Cerambycidae: Afrotropical Gabunia species that will be Cerambycinae: Callichromini); sometimes reported elsewhere as part of a molecular this subspecies is treated as a full species. phylogeny of the Cryptinae (GenBank/ The beetle is recorded by Duffy (1957) as EMBL accessions numbers AY527195 and being widely distributed in central and AY527196; Laurenne, Broad & Quicke, western equatorial Africa, viz. Angola, submitted). Additional braconine 28S Democratic Republic of Congo (as Belgian rDNA sequences used (EMBL accessions Congo), Cameroons, Ghana (as Gold numbers given in parentheses) for com- Coast) and Rio Muni. Its host plants are parison are: Baihyaulax sp., Kenya reported to include Coffea canephora Pierre (AJ231501), Baihyaulax cyanogaster Szepli- ex Froehner (as robusta Linden) and Teclea geti, Nigeria (AY527194), Monilobracon sp., viridis Verdoorn, but it has not previously Sierra Leone, Lumley (AJ296046), Iphiaulax been reported from any Trichilia species sp., Africa (AJ296052), Merinotus sp., (Duffy 1957). Most Callichromini attack Uganda, Kibale (AY296649), Plaxopsis sp., their host trees while they are still alive, Africa (AJ231533), Latana keijua Laurenne & supporting our assumption that the tree Quicke, Uganda, Kibale (AY296638), Odon- involved had been alive until fairly re- toscapus sp., Kenya (AJ231503), Ipobracon cently before we discovered it. sp. 1, Uganda, Kibale (AY296642), Ipobracon In total the borings included three with sp. 2, Uganda, Kibale (AY296641),Arc!'libra- beetle pupae, two ofwhich were extracted con deliberatorSzepligeti, Benin (AY529702), alive and reared for identification. In ad- Sororarchibracon sp. Africa (AY296645), Syl- dition to these beetle pupae, three of the vibracon sp., Africa (AY296643). beetle pupation chambers contained par- 98 Journalof Hymenoptera Research Fig. 1. Photographs of parasitoid cocoons found in Chromalizus fragrans pupation chambers: Gabunia sp. (Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) on left, removed from cocoon; Bathyaulax sp. (Braconidae: Braconinae) pupa in cocoon on right. asitoids. One contained a large parasitoid tional sounding to locate hosts (Quicke et pupa at an advanced stage of develop- al. 2003). The host remains associated with ment judging from its pigmentation with- it show that it had attacked its host in the in its reddish-brown silk cocoon, the sec- larval or pre-pupal stage. DNA ond contained a large whitish larva within sequencing of the cocooned par- a reddish-brown cocoon within which asitoid larva in the reddish-brown cocoon there was also a reddish meconial pellet and of the yellow parasitoid pupa re- (Fig. 1 left), and the third contained a more vealed these to be a Gabunia species and a slender, pale yellow parasitoid pupa with- Bathyaulax species respectively. Some of in a pale yellow brown cocoon (Fig. 1 the molecular data supporting the latter right). The beetle pupae and the parasitoid identification are shown in Fig. 2; the oth- cocoons were all found in cells behind a er sequence was identical to that obtained hard, concave, white, rather crystalline de- from the Gabunia aff. togoensis specimen posit (probably a meconial material from whose behaviour was reported by Quicke the beetle larva) that sealed the chamber et al. (2003). To date three Bathyaulax spe- off from the rest of the boring. cies, collectively from different parts ofthe The well-developed parasitoid from the Afrotropical Region, have been se- red-brown cocoon emerged (though rath- quenced, and all share a very similar in- er deformed) after approximately 2 weeks sert region (Fig. 2). Apart from that, the and was identified as Gnbmiin aff. togoensis three sequences, which include the very Krieger (Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae), a morphologically aberrant B. cyanogaster species that is quitecommon in Kibale and Szepligeti, are virtually identical, though which probably relies largely on vibra- interspecific differences are also apparent. Volume 14, Number 1, 2005 99 Wasp Gene fragment Bathyaulaxsp., Kibale TATGGGTTACT ACTACAG-TTAC---T GTA-GT GT GTATTGCC Bathyaulaxsp., Kenya TATGGGTTACT--CTGCTACAA-TTAC---T GTA-GTAC-GT GTATTGCC Bathyaulaxcyanogaster TATGGGTTACT--CTACTACAA-TTAC---T GTA-GTACTGT GTATTGCC Monilobracon sp. TATGGGTTACT TTTACAC--CTTGTGTGTATT AT GTATTGCC — Latana TATGGGTTACTATATGCATATATGCAC---TTGT GTATGTA-TGT TTAGTATTGCT keijita Odontoscapussp. TATGGGTTACTATTCTTTAATCGG-TC---TT A GTATTGCC TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC Iphiaulaxsp. Merinotus sp. TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC Pla.xopsis TATGGGTTACT- AC---TTA-T-GTA GTATTGCC Ipobraconsp.1 Ipobraconsp.2 TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC Archibracondeliberator TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC Sororarchibracon TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC sp. TATGGGTTACT- AC---TT GTA GTATTGCC Sylvibracon sp. Fig. 2. By eye arrangement of part* of28S D2 rDNA sequence from the Kibale specimens (adultand pupa) of Bathyaulax, plus two other congeners and various taxa of large braconines representing genera found at Kibale. Features unique to Bathyaulax are highlighted in bold face. *, corresponding to part starting at position 23 in the alignment shown in Fig. 1 of Belshaw et al. (1998) and running into firstbox. Previously Bathyaulax species have been forests where Acacia is effectively absent, reared on only three occasions (Quicke though other pod-bearing trees are of 1989). On two of these, they were reared course present. The present observations from Acacia pods in Namibia (recorded as show that Bathyaulax species are not re- South West Africa) and in one of these stricted to attacking hosts in pods though two cases the host was reported as being an exclusive association with Cerambyci- a larval cerambycid. In the third known dae is still possible. It seems unlikely that rearing, made in Kenya, the host was the arched telotarsi would be of any spe- identified as the cerambycid beetle Enar- cial use in the species involved here as the ett'a castelnaudi Thomson (Cerambycidae: hosts were inside a normal piece ofwood, Lamiinae: Tetraopini) also on Acacia. En- albeit one of a relatively hard type. aretta castelnaudi iswidespread throughout No meaningful key to species of Bathy- the Afrotropical region and its larvae feed aulax exists and therefore it is not possible on the seeds of several Acacia species in- to identify the species involved here. Al- DC cluding A. albida Rojas, A. hebeclada though Fahringer (1928) provided keys, and A. stolonifera Burch. (Duffy 1957). based very largely on the original litera- Thus Bathyaulax species appeared to be as- ture sources rather than examination oi sociated with hosts in Acacia seed pods, specimens, he split members of the genus and the large arched terminal tarsal arti- mostly between Bathyaulax, Megagonia cles and slender claws of BatIn/aulax spe- Szepligeti and Goniobracon Szepligeti, and cies (Quicke 1981) could reasonably be in- included within each of these members of terpreted as being adaptations to gripping other braconine genera with large antero- these hard and smooth host substrates. lateral areas on the 3rd metasomal tergite However, no data are available for Bathy- such as Zaglyptogastra Ashmead species, aulax species dwelling in moist tropical though these appear to bebut distantly re- 100 Journalof Hymenoptera Research lated to Bathyaulax. The list of species in ereUniversity)whokindlyidentifiedthehosttreefor Shenefelt's (1978) catalogue is thereforeef- us. We would also like to extend sincere thanks to The RosieTrevelyanand theTropicalBiologyAssociation fectively meaningless. type specimens for their support during our visits to Kibale. of virtually all described species of tropi- cal Braconinae have been examined by the LITERATURE CITED senior author, along with all the original descriptions, and as a result approximate- Beentje, H. J. 1994. Kenyan trees, shrubsandlianas. Na- ly 35 species are now placed in Bathyaulax tional Museums of Kenya, Nairobi. Q(sueieckQeui&ckvean19A8c1h,te1r9b8e3r,g 11998950a,,bQ,ui1c9k9e1a&, BelshtDi.aownL,.RJo..f,QMut.ihceGk.eI.Fcit1ht9no9ne8,.umEA.onHpeohriynldioeogaue,ne(CtH.iycGmiermeneconopnots,terarunacd)- Koch 1990). Based on these observations, based on theD2variableregionof28Sribosomal the species of Bathyaulax dealt with here DNA. Systematic Entomology 23: 109-123. appears to be new to science and will be Chishti, M. j. K. and D. L. J. Quicke. 1994. Revision dealt with in a forthcoming revision ofthe of the Indo-Australian parasitic wasp genusMa- genus (Kaartinen & Quicke in prep.). In- crobracon withthedescriptionoftwonewspecies (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Zoological journal of deed, although revisions ofgenera oflarge the Linuean Society 111: 265-296. and colourful ichneumonoids from the Chishti, M. J. K. and D. L. J. Quicke. 1996. A revision tropics often leads to no major increase in of the Indo-Australian species of Stenobracon the total number ofknown species (e.g. El- (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitoids of lepi- Heneidy and Quicke 1991; Quicke 1991b; dopterous stem-borers of graminaceous crops. Chishti and Quicke 1994, 1996), much of DuffyB,ullEe.tiAn.ofJ.En1t9o5m7o.loAgicMaolnRoegsreaaprchho8n6:t2h2e7-I2m4m5a.ture the material collected by the authors in Ki- Stages oftheAfrican Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae). bale in 2002 and 2003 seems to be new, Trustees of the British Museum, London. and it is possible that this represents a rel- El-Heneidy,A. H. and D.L.J.Quicke. 1991.TheIndo- atively distinct and very little studied ich- Australian species of the braconine wasp genus neumonoid fauna (as also indicated by its Ztoargyly2p5t:og1a8s3t-r2a01A.shmead. journal of Natural His- cryptine ichneumonid fauna; Gavin Broad Fahringer, J. 1928. Opuscula braconologica 2. Aethiopis- pers. comm.). che Region. Lieferung 1-3, 1-224. Trichilia P. Browne, the host tree genus Hebert, P. D. N., A. Cywinska,S. L. Ball, andJ. R. De including the widespread Afrotropical WDaNaArd. 2003a. Biological identifications through vwspeoerocyidegsotohaidtn,virosaltwvhieeddreldhyeernues,seedaisnfdokrnclmooawsknei-gnfrgoarifnuiertd-s HeberWLtoa,nadrPod.n.baSD2re.0cr0io3edNsb.e.,sB.B—Sa.PrrBcioRocoaledoteigndniiacgnsagliasnnSgicohimfeaatnlmhc,eelsiRfaoe2:yn7a0cdl:ytJS3.oo1cc3Rih-.er3t2oyD1m.oeef niture and utensils, but is reported to be c oxidase subunit 1 divergences among closely heavily attacked by wood-borers (Noad related species. —Proceedings ofthe Royal Society of and Birnie 1989; Beentje 1994). Further, London Series B Biological Sciences, Supplement 270: S96-S99. sNeevoetrraolpiscpaelcigeesnuisnhathvies bAefernotsruobpjieccatltoainnd- LaurQeunincek,e.N.20M0.0,.RM.olBeecluslhaarw,coGn.fiBrrmoaatdi,onanodfhDo.stL.reJ-. tense investigation as a possible source of cordsforichneumonoidparasitoidsofwood-bor- biologically active compounds, both as ing beetle larvae, journal ofHymenoptera Research bptoeoctrteeinrotniaaalngdemnetadssi.scoaFcluiraatthneeddrppioantrveaensstititiaogliadtcirosonypsotpfermiots-s Laure9cs:opnenn2cie4id,1ea-se2N:4.o5Bf.rMaL.caotaannniadnaeCD).amfLer.romJo.nKQiu(biaHclykemee.Fnoor2ep0s0tt4e.rNaaAt:ionBnreaawl- will therefore be particularly interesting. Park, western Uganda, with the firsthostrecord ofthegenusconfirmed by moleculartechniques. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS African Entomology 12: 55-62. Noad, T. C. and A. Birnie. 1989. Trees ofKenya. Gen- We are grateful to Sharon Shute (The Natural His- eral Printers, Nairobi. tory Museum, London) forkindlyhelpingtoidentify Noyes, J. S. 1994. The reliability of published host- the host cerambycid, and DrJohn Kasenene (Maker- parasitoid records: A taxonomist's view. Norzve- Volume 14, Number 1, 2005 101 gian JournalofAgriculturalScienceSupplement16: tion, Systematics, Biodiversity and Biological Con- 59-69. trol. Agroinform Kiado, Budapest. Quicke, D. L. J. 1981. A reclassification of some Ori- Quicke,D.L.J.andC.vanAchterberg. 1990.Thetype ental and Ethiopean species of Braconinae (Hy- specimens ofEnderlein'sBraconinae(Hymenop- menoptera: Braconidae). Oriental Insects 14: 493- tera: Braconidae) housed in Warsaw. Tijdschrift 498. voor Entomologie 133: 251-264. Quicke, D. L. J. 1983. Reclassification of twenty spe- Quicke, D. L. J. and F. Koch. 1990. Die Braconinae- cies of tropical, Old World Braconinaedescribed Typen derbeidenbedeutendstenHymenopteren by Cameron, Strand and Szepligeti (Hymenop- Sammlungen der DDR. Deutsche Entomologische tera: Braconidae). Entomologist's Monthly Maga- Zeitschrift 37: 213-227. zine 119: 81-83. Quicke, D. L.J., N. M. Laurenne,G. R. Broad,and M. Quickreot,roDp.icLa.lJ.an1d985Ian.doF-uArutshterralrieaclnasBsriaficcoantiinonaeof(HAyf-- mhBaoersnctolpratyee.cro2ar0:d03fI.ocrHhGonasebtuumlnooincaiadtaifafoe.n:tboCegrohyeapnvstiiiosnuaKrer)iaenigndeKrai(bnHaeylw-e menoptera: Braconidae). Oriental Insects 18: 339- ForestNational Park, WestUganda.AfricanJour- 353. nal ofEntomology 11: 308-310. Quicke, D. L. J. 1985b. Reclassification ofsome Indo- Shaw,M. R. 1994. Parasitoidhostranges. Pp. 111-144 Australian and Afrotropical Braconinae (Hyme- in: Hawkins, B. A. and W. Sheehan,eds. Parasit- noptera: Braconidae). Entomologist's Monthly oid Community Ecology. Oxford University Press, Magazine 121: 215-216. Oxford. Quicke, D. L. J. 1987. The Old World genera of bra- Shaw, M. R. 2003 (2002). HostrangesofAleiodesspe- conine wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Jour- cies (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and an evolu- nal ofNatural History 21: 43-157. tionary hypothesis. Pp. 321-327 in: Melika, G. Quicke, D. L. J. 1989. Further new host records for and C. Thuroczy,eds. ParasiticHymenoptera:Evo- genera and speciesofBraconinae(Hym.,Bracon- lution, Systematics, Biodiversityand BiologicalCon- idae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 125: 199- trol. Agroinform Kiado, Budapest. 205. Shenefelt, R. D. 1978. Pars 15. Braconidae 10, Bracon- Quicke,D. L.J. 1991a.TheBraconinaetypespecimens inae, Gnathobraconinae, Mesostoinae, Pseudo- ocfonGi.daSez)e.plAingnetaiteisn BHiusdtaopreicsot-N(aHtyurmaetneosptMeursae,iBNraa-- gdBiercnarecoroganeindaiainendaeis,npegTceeinleeesrn.aglaP,ipn.maae1j,4o2rY5p-gs1ri8so7tu2opcse,irn:iunnaApeclhatpcelerud-s tionalis Hungarici 83: 169-186. berg, C. van and Shenefelt, R. D., eds. Hymen- Quicke, D. L. J. 1991b. The African speciesoiZaglyp- opterorum Catalogus (nova editio). Junk, The togastra (Hymenoptera) with a checklistofworld Hague. species, journal ofNatural History 25: 755-771. Struhsaker,T. T. 1997. Ecologyofan African rainforest: Quicke, D. L. J. 2003 (2002). Parasiticwasp taxonomy logging in Kibale and the conflict between conserva- into the21stcentury. Pp. 3-10 in: Melika,G. and tion and exploitation. University of Florida Press, C. Thuroczy, eds. Parasitic Hymenoptera: Evolu- Gainesville, USA.

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