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RecordsoftheWesternAustralianMuseum22:17-22(2003). A new genus and species of trigoniuline milliped from Western Australia (Spirobolida: Pachybolidae: Trigoniulinae) RichardL.Hoffman VirginiaMuseumofNaturalHistory Martinsville,Virginia24112,USA Abstract-A new genus and species, Austrostrophus stictopygus, is described fromnorthern Western Australia. The presence ofpunctate paraprocts, very rare in spiroboloid diplopods, is shared with Ainigmabolus chisholmi of New SouthWales,butapparentlyonlyasahomoplasiccondition. INTRODUCTION austro (from Latin australis, in allusion to the Whether considered a subfamily of the country of origin) + -strophus, a combining form Pachybolidae or a discrete family, trigoniuline employedinmanygenericnamesinthissubfamily. millipeds comprise a conspicuous element in the fauna of southeastern Asia and Indonesia, whence some 21 genera are currently recognized (Jeekel, Austrostrophusstictopygussp.nov. 2001). The group is, however, only marginally Figures1-10 represented in Australia, chiefly by Zygostrophus Material examined and Ainigmabolus on the eastern edge of the Male holotype (WAM T46241), from Western continent, and the recently described Speleostrophus Australia: BurrupPeninsula, Rocky HillatHearson (Hoffman, 1994) from an island on the west coast. Cove (20°37'06"S, 116°47'05"E),R. Tealeleg. 22May The recent discovery of a highly disjunct new 2002. Two immature females (WAM T46956) from trigoniuline from Western Australia suggests that the same locality, 30 September 2002, R. Teale and undercollecting along the western and northern M.Maier,leg. periphery of the continent may account for this apparentpovertyofAustralianspiroboloids. Diagnosis Withthecharactersofthegenus. FamilyPachybolidaeCook Holotype mm SubfamilyTrigoniulinaeAttems Adult male, length approximately 52 (broken), maximum diameter4.2 mm. 51 segments Austrostrophusgennov + telson. Colour of recently preserved specimen: prozona grayish, mesozona piceous to black, Typespecies metazona orange-brown. Mesozonal black pattern Austrostrophusstictopygussp.nov. narrowed ventrad and absent above leg bases; antennae, legs, sterna and pleural region similar in Diagnosis colourtometazona. A trigoniuline genus characterized by the Head without modifications, sides of genae enlarged, distally excavate, gonopod coxae, into slightly convex but convergent ventrad; whichtheelongated,slendertelopoditesarebasally interantennal and interocellarial widths 1.2 mm, recurved. Submarginal belt of paraprocts ocellaria subrounded, maximum length 0.5 mm, conspicuously set with large coarse punctures. about 36 ocelli in rows (4-5-7-6-6-5-3). 7+7 labral Posterior edge of metazona with specialized fringe setae, 2+2 clypeal setae, those of each side widely composedofsmalldenticulateprojections. separated. Antennae short, 2nd and 6th articles longest, similar in size and shape, 3rd-5th shorter Distribution and slightlymore triangular in outline; outerdistal WesternAustralia. ends of 5th and 6th articles with rounded, slightly convex sensory area, depigmented and appearing Etymology semimembranous; 7th article very short, with four Amasculineneologismcomposedoftheelements terminal sensory cones. Mentum of 18 R.L.Hoffman Figure1 Posterior end ofbody, showing abbreviated form of the epiproct and coarsely punctate condition ofthe paraprocts(SEMx32). Figure2 Posterioredgeofmetazonumshowingthepalaeatefringe(SEMx200). gnathochilarium with low but distinct median pattern of longitudinal striations; prozona with ridge, prebasilar sclerite very thin. Mandibular several concentric striations below level of baseswithoutlobesorothermodification. ozopores, curved posteriad at their ventral ends. Lateral ends of collum subtriangular as usual in Pores prominent, located in mesozona below level this family;pleuralregionof2ndsegmentproduced of lateral suture. Pleurotergal suture line visible; ventrad and visible beneath end of collum as a sterna subquadrate, smooth (Figure 4). Metazona digitiform lobe. Surface of collum and all body slightly elevated above level of mesozona, and segments superficially smooth and polished: with caudallydecurvedslightly,becomingmuchthinner magnification (60X) surface texture is a uniform and edged with a fringe composed of small isodiameteric mesh, on which is superimposed a separate,denticulateunits(paleae)(Figures2,3). Anewgenusandspeciesoftrigoniulinemilliped 19 3 5 Figures3-5 3.Twoindividualpaleae,greatlyenlarged(freehand,about2000x).4.Sternalregionofmidbodysegment, legs removed to show coxal sockets and partial closure of posterior sockets. 5. Bases of leg pairs 2-6, showingformofprocessesof3rdand4lhcoxae,posterioraspect. Terminal segment (Figure 1) not produced withmoderateholdingability).Tarsalclawssimilar dorsomedially; most ofparaprocts visible in dorsal in size and shape to those of other legs. Coxae of aspect, their posterior edge set offby a moderately legs 3 and 4 produced into conspicuous, flattened deep, broad groove beset with numerous large lobes, those of 4th coxa turned laterad apically coarse punctures, disk ofparaprocts impunctate or (Figure5). nearly so. Hypoproct transversely narrow, Anterior gonopods distinctive in the globosely unmodified. enlarged coxae, deeply excavate on mesal side, Posterior coxal cavities partially closed by small accommodating basal half of telopodites, anterior median projection of sterna (Figure 4). Legs surface of coxae not produced into slender apices relatively long, tarsi visible in dorsal aspect when (Figure6). Sternummodified"Y"shape,prolonged extended; length ratio ofpodomeres in descending slightly behind coxae, sternal apodeme reflexed order: 2-3-6-4-5-1. Podomeres essentially glabrous, caudad and not visible in anterior aspect; posterior basal four with a single small seta at distal end extension of sternum separated as a discrete ventrally,postfemurwith a distinctly larger setain elongate sclerite, narrowed at each end, and in that position, tarsi typically with three large setae contactwithbasalendoftelopodite(Figure8,PXS). (nearly length of tarsalclaw) in a ventrodistal row, Telopodite differing from typical trigoniuline and a single large supra-apical seta. Anterior legs structure inbeing attached to anelevated posterior without pads, although ventral surface of apical rim of the coxa, then abruptly recurved into cavity podomeres appears depigmented and less of the latter, distal half reflexed ventrad behind sclerotized than dorsal surface (perhaps endowed mediansternalprojectionasaslenderstalk,apically 20 R.L.Hoffman Figures6-8 6. Left sideofanterior gonopods, anterior aspect. S, sternum, C, coxa, T, telopodite. 7. Lateral aspectof gonopods (posterior pair concealed) with prostatic gland (stippled, at left) and retractor muscles of telopodite indicated by broken lines inside coxa. 8. Posterior view of left anterior gonopod, showing prolongation ofcoxa (C),withbase (TB) and distal shaft (TD) oftelopodite. PXS, posteriorextensionof sternum;SA,reflexedsternalapodeme. capitate just beyond apex of sternal projection discharges, and (2) a small, short, digitiform (Figures7,9). projection.Distal2/3rdsofgonopod(telopodite)set Posterior gonopod (Figure 10) generally off at nearly a right angle by a deep flexible conforming to basic trigoniuline pattern: median articulation(A). Prostaticgroovecourses onmedial sternal element (S) present, mergingeach side into side to a clear membranous subapical lappet; form acoalescedcoxostemalregioncontaining(1)asmall oftelopodite and itsvarious lobes andprocessesas chamber into which the prostatic duct (PD) showninFigure10. Anewgenusandspeciesoftrigoniulinemilliped 21 Etymology From the Greek stiktos (punctured) + pygos (rump), in allusion to the coarsely punctate paraprocts. COMMENTS Punctateparaprocts Myinitialimpression,confirmedbyapreliminary literature survey and survey of material at hand, wasthatthischaracterwasnotknownfortheentire order Spirobolida. Only through serendipity did I notice the remark by Verhoeff (1937: 149) that in Ainigmabolus chisholmi the “Analklappen neben dem innenrande mit mehreren, unregelmassigen Eindriicken." This species, a trigoniuline from New South Wales, shows virtually no similarities in Figure9 Obliqueposteromedianaspectofgonopodsto gonopod structure with A. stictopygus, and showtheprominentflexureofthetelopodites apparently the paraproct modification must be into the distal coxal cavity unique to this considered a "geographic homoplasy" peculiar to genus. Australia rather than any kind of synapomorphy forthetwotaxa. Metazonalfringe In many orders of Diplopoda the posterior edge of the metazona is provided with a thin, transparent, sclerotized membrane ("limbus"), variable both in width and ornamentation of its edge.Thedefinitivetreatmentoflimbusoccurrence throughout helminthomorph Diplopoda (Schmidt, 1962), recorded that in the three "trigoniuline" families (Pachybolidae, Trigoniulidae, Spiromimidae) "ein eigenlicher Limbus ist auch hier nicht vorhanden" - at least in species of the six genera examined. In one, Trigoniulus ceramicus, the edge of the metazona itself is irregularly indented and darkly pigmented, but the typical limbus structure of a clear membrane with modified edge is in no way approximated. The condition in Austrostrophus is perhaps an elaboration of this simpleform.Themarginofthemetazonaisnotably thinner than the sclerite otherwise, but is opaque and pigmented, no clearmembrane is present, and the scale-like individual units (for which the term paleae is suggested, singular palea) of the fringe originate separately from the edge itself. Perhaps thisexpressioncouldbedistinguishedby thename "paleate". In those taxa in which a true limbus is well-developed, e.g., Odontopygidae, the hyaline membraneitselfcan usuallybe removed intactas a continuous clear strip. In a general way, the true limbusseemstobebestdevelopedintaxainwhich other character systems are clearly derived, and Figure10 Posterior gonopod, lateral aspect, sternal apodeme concealed by the protractor and therefore indicative of an evolutionarily advanced retractormuscles. PD, prostaticductwithits statusforsuchgroups. sclerotized internal tube. S, sternum; A, flexible articulation between coxal and Gonopods telopoditalregions. Although it seems generally appreciated that the 22 R.L. Hoffman sperm transfer process in most helminthomorph Relationships diplopods is facilitated by a what is regarded as a As there remain a number of Papuasian prostatic secretion (with ?enzymatic, ?nutritive, trigoniuline generaofwhichthe gonopodstructure ?bufferingfunction)theglandsthemselveshavenot is unknown or only poorly known, I am unable to received a thorough comparative study. In this time to suggest any candidate sister-group for Polydesmida, they lie in the coelom of segment 7 Austrostrophus. The singular form of the anterior (oftenadjacentsegmentsaswell)and theirsecretion gonopodsisnotapproachedinanygenusknownto is conducted through the gonocoxae to a prostatic me,northepresenceofamodifiedmetazonaledge. groove originating at the base of the telopodite. In Curiously, the posterior gonopods offer no Spirostreptida, the glands are generally located on corresponding pecularities, and in fact these the posterior side of and in close proximity to the appendages tend tobe conservatively quite similar gonocoxalfolds.Theyhavebeenscarcelynoticedin throughthesubfamily. Spirobolida,buttheirsclerotized ductsenteringthe bases of posterior gonopods are frequently illustrated. Because of the excellent state of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS preservation of the holotype ofA. stictopygus I was I am very much indebted to my colleague Mark able to determine that the glands are located in the Harvey (WAM), who on realizing that a 8th segment well behind the bases of the gonopods trigoniuline from Western Australia would be of agonndoceoaxcah(iFsignueraer7l)y. Aaslloanrggeducats ctohnenepcrtescteoditnhge patatretnitciuolna.rIianmtermeustc,hbirnoduegbhttedtthoeDrs.peHcairmveenyftoormthye coxosternal region, the central sclerotized tube the opportunity to examine and describe this surrounded by a thick layer of what appears to be curious, disjunct spiroboloid, and to Patrick additionalglandulartissue(Figure10). Brannon, VMNH technician, for the SEM The function of the small internal chamber photography. (Spermagrube of Verhoeff, 1937, Figure 13) remains unknown; it appears too small to be an effective reservoir. Some trigoniuline genera are credited REFERENCES wiFtihgtuhreepr8essehnocwesoftthweousnuichqucehafmobremrsa.tion of the JeekeSlp,irCo.boAl.idWa.o(f20t0h1e).OAriebnitballiogarnadphiAcusctartaallioagnuereogfiotnhse anterior gonocoxa in this genus. The posterior (Diplopoda).MyriapodMemoranda4:5-103. surface is greatly elongated distal instead ofbeing Hoffman, R. L. (1994). Studies on spiroboloid millipeds. short and basically transverse with the telopodite XVIII. Speleostrophus nesiotes, the first known hinged along an exposed seam and apparently troglobiticspiroboloid milliped, from Barrow Island, capable of very limited movement. In Western Australia (Diplopoda: Pachybolidae: Anstrostrophus, the base of die telopodite is only Trigoniulinae).Myriapodologica3:19-24. narrowly joined to the edge of the coxa, and Schmidt, D. (1962). Uber die taxionomische Wertigkeit apparentlycapable ofbeingextended and retracted von Strukturen des Metazonit-Hinterrandes bei (Figure 7 shows retractor muscles only, I did not Diplopoden.Senckenbergianabiologia43:65-80. wishtolocate theextensorsbyfurtherdissection of Verhoeff, K. W. (1937). Ueber einige neue Diplopoden thesinglespecimen). aus Australien. Records ofthe Australian Museum 20: 133-149. Manuscriptreceived11November2002;accepted11 December 2002

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