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A New Determination of the Binding Energy of Atomic Oxygen on Dust Grain Surfaces: Experimental Results and Simulations PDF

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Preview A New Determination of the Binding Energy of Atomic Oxygen on Dust Grain Surfaces: Experimental Results and Simulations

Draftversion February2,2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.12/16/11 A NEW DETERMINATION OF THE BINDING ENERGY OF ATOMIC OXYGEN ON DUST GRAIN SURFACES: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND SIMULATIONS Jiao He1, Jianming Shi, Tyler Hopkins and Gianfranco Vidali2 PhysicsDepartment, SyracuseUniversity,Syracuse,NY13244-1130, USA Michael J. Kaufman 5 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,SanJos´eState University,SanJose,CA95192, USA 1 Draft versionFebruary 2, 2015 0 2 ABSTRACT n The energy to desorb atomic oxygen from an interstellar dust grain surface, E , is an important des a controllingparameteringas-grainmodels;itsvalueimpactsthetemperaturerangeoverwhichoxygen J resides on a dust grain. However, no prior measurement has been done of the desorption energy. We 0 report the first direct measurement of E for atomic oxygen from dust grain analogs. The values of des 3 E are1660±60Kand1850±90Kforporousamorphouswatericeandforabareamorphoussilicate des film,respectively,orabouttwicethevaluepreviouslyadoptedinsimulationsofthechemicalevolution ] of a cloud. We use the new values to study oxygen chemistry as a function of depth in a molecular A cloud. For n = 104 cm−3 and G =102 (G =1 is the average local interstellar radiation field), the 0 0 G main result of the adoption of the higher oxygen binding energy is that H O can form on grains at 2 h. lower visual extinction AV, closer to the cloud surface. A higher binding energy of O results in more formation of OH and H O on grains, which are subsequently desorbed by far-ultraviolet radiation, p 2 with consequences for gas-phase chemistry. For higher values of n and G , the higher binding energy - 0 o can lead to a large increase in the column of H2O but a decrease in the column of O2. r Subject headings: astrochemistry—ISM:abundances—ISM:molecules—ISM:atoms—ISM:dust, extinc- t s tion a [ 1. INTRODUCTION models and observations, Hollenbach et al. (2009) con- 2 structedagas-grainmodel ofthe chemistryofmolecular v Althoughoxygenisthethirdmostabundantelementin cloud surfaces and interiors. They found that the low 6 the universe, finding it has proven to be challenging, es- O abundancescouldbeexplainedbymodelsinwhichO 3 peciallyinmolecularformindenseclouds. Observations 2 waslargelyatomicatcloudsurfacesandlockedprimarily 8 of molecular oxygen with the Submillimeter Wave As- in water ice deeper into the cloud, with smaller contri- 3 tronomy Satellite (SWAS) toward nearby clouds yielded butions from CO, CO ice and refractory grain material. 0 nodetection,whilewiththeOdinsatelliteupperlimitsof . 10−7 (referredtoH )wereobtainedforseveralcolddark Thismodelandothers(e.g.Garrodetal.2008;Hasegawa 1 2 &Herbst1993)highlighttheimportanceofgrain-surface clouds that were examined (Pagani et al. 2003; Larsson 0 reactions in understanding abundances in the interstel- etal.2007). Yildizetal.(2013)putanupperlimitof6× 5 1 10−9 in a Herschel HIFI search toward a low-mass pro- larmedium. Depletionofoxygeninsilicategrainsiswell constrained,aswellasinCOandN-containingmolecules v: tostar. DetectionwithHerschel HIFIofO2 inOrion,via (Jenkins 2009, 2014). Oxygen is present in water, but the rotational lines at 487, 774, and 1121 GHz, gave an Xi estimatedO2abundanceof10−6(Goldsmithetal.2011); gmaiss-spinhgasoexwygaetenr. aWbuantedraniscealissoniontiecneo-cuogahtetdo egxrapilnasin, bthuet suchalargevalue is attributedto the passageofa shock r more water ice than it is observed in ice is necessary to a (Chen et al. 2014). Towards ρ Oph A, the estimated account for all of the oxygen. Some water can be in O abundance is 5 ×10−8 (Larsson et al. 2007; Liseau 2 hydrated silicates, on grains in low A regions before et al. 2012). No detection at 487 and 774 GHz toward V thick ices are formed, or on large (>1 µm) grains; how- the Orion Bar, an far-ultraviolet (FUV) illuminated re- ever, each of these proposed oxygen reservoirs has its gionattheinterfaceofHIIregionandadensemolecular own weaknesses (Whittet 2010). It has been suggested cloud, was reported (Melnick et al. 2012). Overall these that oxygen is trapped in other types of grains, such as observationsconfirmedthatmolecularoxygenabundance oxygen-bearing carbonaceous grains, similar to organics in dense clouds is muchless than predictedby gas-phase in cometary particles (Whittet 2010). models, that is, 7 × 10−5 for O in a cold molecular 2 Ongrains,oxygencanreactwithhydrogentoyieldOH cloud in steady state (table 9 in Woodall et al. 2007). and then H O via hydrogenaddition reactions, or it can Hincelin et al. (2011) looked at gas-grain oxygen chem- 2 diffuse and form molecular oxygen and ozone (O is al- istryandstudiedthesensitivityofratecoefficientsonO 2 mostexclusivelyconvertedintoOH/H Oonthe surface. abundance. Motivatedbytheconflictbetweengas-phase 2 O is likely formed in the gas phase and eventually con- 2 denses ongrainsurfaces). Fromlaboratoryexperiments, 1Current address: Department of Chemistry, University of weknowthatO leavesthesurfaceofdustgrainanalogs 2 Hawai’iatManoa,Honolulu,HI96822, USA at ∼ 30 K, but O at a much higher temperature, ∼ 67 2CorrespondingAuthor: [email protected] 3 2 He et al. K (He et al. 2014). O can be hydrogenated on grains sure is of the order of 1-2 × 10−10 torr. The detector 3 and form water (Mokrane et al. 2009; Romanzin et al. isaHidenAnalyticalHAL-5quadrupolemassspectrom- 2011; He & Vidali 2014). In recent years several experi- eter (QMS) that is mounted on a doubly differentially ments were done on dust analogsin order to explore the pumped rotatable platform. Therefore, the detector can routes to water formation via hydrogenation of O, O beswunginfrontofthebeamtocharacterizetheincom- 2 and O (see references in Vidali 2013). How successful ing beam and can be placed facing the sample during 3 these routes are in forming water or hydroxyl products thedepositionandthetemperatureprogrammeddesorp- depends in large part on how successfully a dust grain tion (TPD). The detector itself is placed in an enclosure keeps O on its surface. Tielens & Hagen (1982) derived that is differentially pumped. The aperture to the ion- the adsorption energy of O on grains, E , by assuming izer of the QMS is fitted with a Teflon cone with the b that it is held by physisorption forces that depend on apex facing the sample. The distance between the tip the atomic polarizability and the dielectric function of of the cone and the sample can be adjusted by reposi- the solid (Bruch et al. 2007). Making an analogy with tioning the axis of the sample via an XYZ manipulator. adsorptionofgasesongraphiteforwhichanextensivelit- The purpose of placing the cone is to maximize the flux eratureexists(Vidalietal.1991;Bruchetal.2007),Tie- coming from the sample and minimize the flux of par- lens&Hagen(1982)derivedE =800K.Eventually,this ticles coming from other parts of the sample holder. In b value was adopted in codes of simulations of gas-grain this way, the signal/noise is enhanced. The procedures processesintheISM(e.g.Stantchevaetal.2002;Garrod to calibrate the beam flux are described in (He et al. et al. 2008). One case where the models of Hollenbach 2015). When the molecular oxygen beam is about 0.34 etal.(2009)predictedhighO abundances(∼10−5)was ML minute−1 (3.4×1014 cm−2minute−1), the efficiency 2 inregionswithveryhighFUVfields,wheredesorptionof of dissociation is 42 %. Thus the beam intensities of O O from grains would allow gas-phase production of O . andO are0.29MLminute−1(2.9×1014cm−2minute−1) 2 2 Recognizing that observations were in conflict with this, and 0.20 ML minute−1 (2.0×1014 cm−2minute−1), re- theysuggestedtheObindingenergywasatleast1200K. spectively. Observations of the Orion Bar by Melnick et al. (2012) Thepreparationandcharacterizationproceduresofthe set a stricter limit on the O2 abundance in a high FUV 1 µm thick amorphous silicate film have been described region, leading these authors to propose that the bind- before (Jing et al. 2013). The sample was mounted on a ing energy was as high as 1600 K. He et al. (2014) used sample holder that was cooled with liquid helium. Prior a rate equation model to analyze the data of O3 forma- to a set of experimental runs the sample was taken to tion on an amorphous silicate in the temperature range 400 K for cleaning. We found that this procedure yields of 30–50 K and indirectly obtained the atomic oxygen the same results as by sputtering the sample with Ar adsorption energy, 1760 ± 230 K. ions (Jing et al. 2013). The sample temperature was Herewepresentadirectmeasurementofthedesorption measuredbyacalibratedsilicondiodeplacedbehindthe energy Edes of atomic oxygen from porous amorphous sample; a thin silver foil assures a good thermal contact water ice and from a bare amorphous silicate. (The des- between sensor and sample. There is a thermal switch orption energy is the binding energy Eb, if there is no between the sample holder and the liquid helium stage activation process, as we assume here in absence of evi- that allows the heating of the sample without warming dencepointing otherwise). Then, weusethe photodisso- up other parts of the apparatus. This assured a lower ciation region (PDR) model of Hollenbach et al. (2009) backgroundgas pressure during the experiments. to look at the consequences that this revisionhas on the During the atomic oxygen (O) exposure, because the chemistry of the ISM by doing a simulation with the old dissociation rate is not unity, there is always O mixed 2 andthenewvaluesofthedesorptionenergy. Wealsolook with O, so ozone formation via O+O → O is likely. 2 3 at the effect on ISM oxygenchemistry of using a revised When O desorption is seen in the TPD, it could come value for OH desorption energy (He & Vidali 2014). from the bare silicate surface and/or from ozone that 2. EXPERIMENTAL was formed on the silicate as explained above. To find outwhichoneistrue,thesilicatesurfacewaspre-covered Herewegiveabriefdescriptionoftheexperimentalset- withdifferentcoverageofozonebeforedepositingatomic up and measuring methods; details can be found in Jing oxygen. If O desorbs from the silicate surface, then as et al. (2013) and He et al. (2014). The apparatus con- the pre-covered ozone approaches one monolayer, the sists of a triply differentially pumped atomic/molecular amount of O desorption should decrease to zero. In the beam line connected to an ultra-high vacuum chamber. other case, if O desorbs from an ozone patch, then as Molecular oxygen is dissociated in a water-cooled Pyrex thepre-coveredozoneamountincreasesfromzerotoone tubing placed in a radio frequency (RF) cavity. The O 2 monolayer, the amount of O desorption should increase gas flow is controlled by a mass flow controller. The linearly. The correlation between the coverage of ozone beam enters the sample chamber through a 2.5 mm col- and the amount of atomic oxygen direct desorption in limator. The narrow angular spread and the triple dif- the TPD can suggest whether O is desorbing from the ferentialpumpingofthebeamlineminimizethegasload silicatesurfaceorfromozone. Itwillbeshownlaterthat tothesamplechamberandthedepositionofbeamparti- the former is true. The presence of ozone on the sili- clesonthe sampleholder. Theultrahighvacuumcham- cate surface actually helps to decrease the formation of ber is pumped by a turbomolecular pump, a cryopump O and O via, respectively, the O+O and the O+O 2 3 2 and an ion pump. The background pressure is about 1 reactions, since O and O do not react with O . Ozone × 10−10 torr when the system is at room temperature 2 3 functions as an obstacle in the diffusion of O and O on and 5 × 10−11 torr when the sample holder column is 2 thesurface. The proceduretopreparethe samplewitha cooled. When the beam enters the chamber, the pres- Oxygen desorption from dust grains 3 layer of ozone was described in He et al. (2014). Briefly, the silicate surface was exposed to the dissociated oxy- 8000 temperature 70 gen beam and ozone was formed by O+O → O ; then 2 3 the surface was annealed at 50 K to desorb unreacted O2. Duringthe exposurestageofozonepreparation,the nt/s) 6000 32 amu 60 K) bdbeeepaammosiflitniuotxenn,wssiaotsytshoeafttOtto2haewhdasiigsshhoiegcrihavetariloutnheartnahtaeOnwstaohsattlhoafwoterart.lhmTeohsOet S signal (cou 4000 50 emperature ( all the O was reacted. QM 16 amu 40 T In dense clouds, dust grains are usually coveredby ice 2000 mantles, with water as the main component. We also carried out measurements on porous amorphous water 30 48 amu ice. Theicesubstratewaspreparedwithbackgroundde- 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 position through a microcapillary doser. The thickness Time (second) wasestimatedfromthebackgroundpressureandthedu- Fig.1.—TPDtracesofmass16,32,and48amuafterdepositing rationofthe deposition. A500ML(with anuncertainty 480sofO/O2at48Konporousamorphouswaterice. Theheating of 30%) porousamorphous waterice film was deposited ramp is 0.17 K s−1. The dashed line shows a fitting of the mass at 70 K on top of a 500 ML single crystalline water ice. 16amupeakusingEdes(O)=1660K(seetext). The ice film was cooled down to lower temperatures for O/O2 beam irradiation and TPD. During the following desorptionandO+ fragmentation,aremergedintoasin- TPD experiments, the porous ice film was maintained gle broad peak. T3o find out the peak position and peak below 70 K to prevent pore collapse in the ice films (see areaofOdirectdesorption,theO+ contributionneedsto the temperature ramp in Figure 1). be subtracted out. The fragment3ation pattern of O+ is 3 2.1. Results and analysis measured by O3 TPD experiments and not shown here. The raw TPD data and that after subtracting O+ con- Figure 1 shows TPD spectra of oxygen from a porous 3 tributions are shown in Figure 3. In each panel of this amorphouswatericefilm. Wedeposited480sofO/O on 2 figure, the first row has the raw TPD data, while in the porousamorphouswatericeat48K.Aftertheexposure, bottom row the contributions of ozone fragmentation to the surface was cooled down to about 20 K and then heated up at a linear ramp rate of 0.167 K s−1 to 70 mass 16 amu have been subtracted to show the amount of direct O desorption. After this subtraction, the O K to desorb the atoms and molecules on the surface. direct desorption peak is centered at about 64 K and is During the TPD, the desorption rate was recorded by clearlydifferentfromtheozonedesorptionpeak. Wealso the QMS facing the sample. Ozone was formed on the foundthatasthecoverageofthepre-coatingozonelayer ice and came off at about 67 K. Because ozone is fragile increases from 0.2 ML to 0.4 ML, the amount of O di- againstelectronimpactionization,agoodfractionbreaks rect desorption increases. This is because the increased up into O+ and O+, as it can be seen from the peaks of 2 ozone amount helps to lower the O diffusion rate. How- mass 16 amu and 32 amu at about 67 K. In the mass ever, when the pre-coating ozone is more than 0.6 ML, 16 amu signal, there is a peak at 57 K, which is due there is almost no O direct desorption peak. This indi- to O direct desorption. As the sample was heated, O cates that the observedO direct desorption is from bare diffuses and forms O , and O leaves the surface upon 2 2 silicate surface instead of ozone ice; otherwise, the O di- formation, because of the short residence time of O . 2 rect desorption amount should be positively correlated The mass 32 amu peak centered at about 50 K is due to with the amount of ozone pre-coating. We also checked O formationviaOdiffusion. AsOisgraduallyusedup, 2 that the desorption energy of O atoms is not influenced theO formationratedecreases,andtherateofOdirect 2 by the presence of ozone at low coverage. In a work desorption increases. The TPD peak area of O direct by Bennett & Kaiser (2005), the formation of a O –O desorption corresponds to about 3% of a layer. 3 complex was deduced from IR data in an experiment of Similar experiments were performed on the surface of bombardmentofan O ice at 10Kby 5keVelectrons. In an amorphous silicate. Compared to porous amorphous 2 ourexperimentwefindthatthemass16amupeakshape water ice surface, the amorphous silicate surface is flat- and temperature, see Figure 3, do not change as a func- ter. ThemobilitiesofOandO onitarehigher,andthe 2 tionofO pre-coverage(atlowcoverage)suggestingthat formationofO andO arealsofaster. Tohinderthefor- 3 3 2 there is no effect of a possible O –O interaction on the mation of O and O , and leave more atomic oxygen on 3 2 3 desorptiononO.Furthermore,thereisnoreactionofO the surfaceavailablefordirectdesorption,we pre-coated 3 withObecauseofanactivationenergybarrier(Atkinson the surface with a fraction of a layer of O . O does 3 3 et al. 2004). notreactwithatomicoxygenormolecularoxygen;O is 3 The desorption energy of atomic oxygen from differ- usedtohinderthediffusionrateofatomicandmolecular ent surfaces can be calculated using an Arrhenius-type oxygen. To find out whether atomic oxygen is desorb- expression: ing frombareamorphoussilicatesurfaceorozonepatch, measurementswereperformedto check the amountofO dN(t) E =−νN(t)exp( des ) (1) direct desorption from silicate surface covered with 0.2, dt k T(t) B 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 ML of ozone. Figure 2 shows the TPD spectra after depositing 480 s of O/O on a 0.2 ML O where N(t) is the number of molecules on the surface at 2 3 pre-coated amorphous silicate surface. In the figure, the time t; ν is a pre-exponential factor which is standardly twocontributionstothemass16amupeak,i.e.,Odirect takentobe1012 s−1; E isthedesorptionenergy;k is des B 4 He et al. x 104 extinctions AV >10, deep within the shielded inner lay- 2 ers of a molecular cloud. For the comparisons below, we 120 1.8 ure (K) 10800 urasteethcoeesffiamcieencthseamsicinalHaoblulenndbaancchese,tgraal.in(2p0r0o9p)erwtiieths atnhde 1.6 erat 60 32 amu exception of the binding energies of O and OH on grain e (count/K) 11..24 Temp 24000 500 1000 bsaucintrefdaricinsegtsi.cenFveaorlrguytehfoerfobmOinHdth,iniwsgeweaondrekorg,pyEtboth(fOeO)h,=iwghe1e8as0td0ovpKatl;uafeocrfhrtoahmre- at 1 Time (s) on r 16 amu He & Vidali (2014), Eb(OH)=4800 K, though the pre- esorpti 00..68 acissedvisacluuseseisdnboetloimw.poHrtearnetwsoeloanssgumaseEtbh(aOtHE)d>esE=b(EOb),, D i.e., that the binding (adsorption) and desorption ener- 0.4 gies are the same, which is true if the processes are not 0.2 48 amu activated. 0 Inthemodels,theabundancesofspeciesondustgrains 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 are controlled by competition between adsorption onto Temperature (K) grain surfaces, chemical processes which occur on the Fig.2.— TPD traces of 16, 32, and 48 amu after depositing grainsurfaces,anddesorptionprocesses—includingpho- 480 s of O/O2 at 48 K on an amorphous silicate that has been pre-coated with 0.2 ML of ozone.The heating ramp is 0.5 K s−1. todesorption by FUV photons, thermal desorption from Theinsetshowsthetemperatureramp. warm grains, and cosmic ray desorption. The chemistry of oxygen-bearing molecules was shown to be driven by theBoltzmannconstant;T(t)isthesurfacetemperature. grain-surface reactions. The chemistry of water, in par- In Figure 1 the dashed line shows the fitting of mass ticular,beginswiththeadsorptionofatomicoxygenonto 16 amu trace using E = 1660 K. In Figure 4, the agrainsurface. Ifthe grainencountersahydrogenatom des mass 16 amu traces in the top-right panel of Figure 3 before the oxygen atom is desorbed from the surface, aftersubtractionofO contributionareplottedtogether then OH ice is formed. In the model, it is assumed that 3 with a fitting using E = 1850 K. The energy values H atoms are highly mobile on the grain surface can eas- des are shown in Table 1. The error bars of the desorption ily find O in ice. If the OH is at least as tightly bound peak temperature are determined by the uncertainty in to the surface as the O, then OH will also abstract an locating the peak positions. The width and shape of H,forming waterice onthe grain. This grain-surfaceice the TPD peak are not taken into account. Therefore, is then the source, via photodissociation, of gas phase the error bar of desorption energy does not represent water near the cloud surface. The main result of the in- the width of distribution; instead, it represents only the creased O binding energy described in this work is that uncertainty in finding the peak of the TPD trace. Owillsticktograinsthatarewarmer,sothatthegrains can catalyze water formation in higher FUV fields and closer to the cloud surface. TABLE 1 Following the discussion in §2.5 of Hollenbach et al. Desorption energyof atomicoxygenfromporous (2009), we find that the new value of the O binding amorphouswater ice andfroman amorphoussilicate energy should allow formation of water on grains for surface. grain temperatures as high as ∼ 50 K. In the models, the grain temperature in the unshielded cloud surface is Surface DesorptionPeakTemperature Edes(O) T ∼ 12 G0.2 K. Thus grain surface formation of water Porouswaterice 56±2K 1660±60K shgoruldproceedefficientlynearthecloudsurfaceforFUV Amorphoussilicate 64±3K 1850±90K fields as high as G ∼ 103, and may also be efficient in 0 regions with higher FUV fields deeper into the clouds where the grain temperature has dropped to ∼50 K. To illustrate the effects of the increased binding ener- 3. SIMULATIONS AND ASTROPHYSICAL gies,wehavecomputedmodelswithE (O)=800Kand IMPLICATIONS b with E (O) = 1800 K for two different combinations of b In order to explore the implications of a higher oxy- n and G . In the first case, we compute the results for 0 gen desorption energy, we have used the PDR model models with n=104cm−3 and G =102, conditions ap- 0 of Hollenbach et al. (2009) which computes the chemi- propriate for a molecular cloud interface near the outer cal and thermal structure of a molecular cloud edge ex- edge of an HII region. In Figure 5, we show the results posed to FUV radiation from either the interstellar ra- for E (O) = 800 K and in Figure 6, we show results b diation field or from nearby hot stars. The important for E (O) = 1800 K. The effects may be seen in the b input parameters are the gas density, n , the strength outer edge of the cloud, where the grain temperature is H of the FUV radiation field, G (where a value G = 1 above 30 K. In the case of the old binding energy, O 0 0 corresponds to the FUV radiation field in the diffuse in- does not stick to grains and begin to form water ice un- terstellar medium), the abundances of important atoms, til the grain temperature has dropped below ∼25 K, at andthepropertiesofinterstellardustgrains. Withthese A ∼ 0.5. For the higher O binding energy, O can stick V inputs, the modelself-consistentlycomputesthe gasand to grains all the way out to the cloud surface, where the graintemperatures,andtheabundancesofmorethan60 grain temperature is ∼ 30 K. However, the strong FUV species in the gas phase and in ice mantles on grainsur- field is able to photodesorb water ice from the grains at faces,startingfromthecloudsurfaceandextendinginto a rate high enough to prevent a monolayer of ice from Oxygen desorption from dust grains 5 12000 0.2ML O3+0 min O 0.2ML O3+4 min O 0.2ML O3+8 min O 12000 0.4ML O3+0 min O 0.4ML O3+4 min O 0.4ML O3+8 min O 10000 10000 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 8000 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 8000 Desorption rate (count/K)1024680000000000000000 aTfetemr pseurbattrmuamrc/ezt/i/z=oK=4n186 aTfteemr psuebratrtmmaucr//etzzi/o==Kn1468 Taefmtepr esruabtmmutrra//ezzc/==Kti14o68n Desorption rate (count/K)1024680000000000000000 aTfteemr spuebratrtammucr//tezzio/==Kn4186 aTfteemr spuebrtartammucrt//eizzo/==Kn4186 afTteerm spuebrtarmatmuc/zrt/ei=zo/=1nK648 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 2000 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 0 0 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 Temperature/K Temperature (K) 0.6ML O+0 min O 0.6ML O+4 min O 0.6ML O+8 min O 0.8ML O+0 min O 0.8ML O+4 min O 0.8ML O+8 min O 6000 3 3 3 6000 3 3 3 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 m/z=16 4000 4000 esorption rate (count/K)2460000000000 aTfteemr spuebratrtamumcr//etzzi/o==Kn4186 aTfteemr spuebratrtammucr//etzzi/o==Kn1468 aTfteemr spuembra/tzrtamu=cr1/etz6i/o=Kn48 Desorption rate (count/K)2460000000000 aftTeer msupbetrraatcmutmiro/ez/n/z=K=4186 Taeftmerp seurabttmurmar/e/czz/t==Kio41n86 aTfetemr pseurbatmtrua/mrzce=t/i/zo1K=n648 D 2000 2000 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 m/z=48 0 0 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 Temperature/K Temperature/K Fig.3.— TPDtracesofmass16amu(blue)andmass48amu(green)afterdepositionof0,240,and480sofO/O2 on0.2,0.4,0.6,and 0.8MLofO3 pre-coatedamorphoussilicate. Theheatingrampis0.5Ks−1. ThetoprowofeachpanelhastheoriginalTPDtraceswhile inthebottom rowthecontributionofO+ fragmentationtothesignalofmass16amuhasbeensubtracted. 3 11000 energy on the ability of O to reside on grains. 0 min O 4 min O 10000 8 min O fitting K) nt/ 9000 u o e (c at 8000 n r o pti esor 7000 D 6000 5000 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Temperature (K) Fig.4.—Fittingofthemass16amuTPDtracesaftersubtraction inthetop-rightpanel(4minO3+0,4,8minO)ofFigure3using Edes=1850K. forming. Thus, although the water ice and gas phase Fig.5.— Photodissociation region model for n = 104cm−3 water abundances in the outer regions of the cloud are and G0 = 102. with O binding energy of 800 K. Left axis shows severalordersofmagnitude higherthanif the O binding theabundances ofO-bearingspeciesasafunctionofclouddepth, energy were lower, the effect on the total column den- while the right axis indicates the grain temperature. The dashed sities of water and other O-bearing species is negligible. lineshowstheabundance ofwatericeongrains. This model simply illustrates the effect of the binding 6 He et al. Fig.6.— SameasFig. 5butwithanObindingenergyof1800K. Fig.7.— Photodissociation region model for n = 106cm−3 and G0 = 104 with O binding energy of 800 K. Left axis shows theabundances ofO-bearingspeciesasafunctionofclouddepth, AmoreextremecasecanbeseeninFigs. 7and8. Here while the right axis indicates the grain temperature. The dashed we make the same comparison as in Figs. 5 and 6 but lineshowstheabundance ofwatericeongrains. with n = 106cm−3 and G = 104, about the most ex- 0 tremevaluesexpectedinadensestarformingregionlike Orion or a dense nuclear starburst. Here there are two possible routes for water formation. In the outer layers of the cloud, the gas temperature can be several hun- dred degrees, high enough to drive the neutral–neutral reactions O + H → OH + H and OH + H → H O 2 2 2 + H, forming water directly in the gas phase. In addi- tion, O can form from O + OH. These reactions are 2 responsible for the broad water peak in the two figures at A ∼ 0.3. Beyond this depth, the gas temperature V is too low to drive these reactions, and water formation must depend on the grain surface mechanism. In the model with low binding energy, O stays off the grains beyond A ∼1 and is driven into O which reaches an V 2 abundance ∼10−5. The fact that this was not observed ispreciselywhatledHollenbachetal.(2009)tosuggesta higher binding energy. The effects of the higher binding energy on H O and O abundances can be seen in Fig. 2 2 8. Once the grain temperature drops below 60 K, the Fig. 8.— SameasFig. 7butwithObindingenergyof1800K. model with the high value of the O binding energy can begin to form water ice on grain surfaces. The result is ofoxygenbindingtodustgrainanalogs,wefindthatthe anincreasein the column density overthe lowerbinding values of the binding energy (1660 and 1850 K for O energycaseofafactor∼4,withacorrespondingincrease on, respectively, porous amorphous water ice and a bare the in the intensity of optically thick but effectively thin amorphoussilicate)aremorethantwice the previouses- water emissionlines. The effect onthe column of molec- timate (800 K, Tielens & Hagen 1982). Our values are ularoxygen,however,isintheothersense;withahigher near the ones that were suggested in order to reconcile value of the O binding energy, O is locked up in water observations with abundance constraints (1200 K and ice and can not form O2 by the O + OH reaction as it 1600Kproposedby,respectively,Hollenbachetal.2009; would if O were still in the gas phase. The result is a Melnick et al. 2012). Since the estimated value (800 K) lower gas-phase column of O2 than had been predicted has been widely used in simulations of the chemicalevo- for highG0 casesin Hollenbachet al. (2009). Inanother lution of ISM environments, we performed simulations paper,wewillmoreextensivelyexplorethe effects ofthe with the old and new values using as a test the same new binding energies. ISMenvironmentasinHollenbachetal.(2009)andMel- nicketal.(2012),i.e.,amolecularcloudedgeexposedto 4. SUMMARY FUV. For a moderate illumination (G =102), the abun- 0 Oxygen is the third most abundant element, and sig- dances of H O and H O increase by orders of mag- 2 ice 2 gas nificantobservationalandtheoreticalworkhasbeended- nitude, althoughit leavesthe columndensitymarginally icatedtounderstandingitsdistributionintheinterstellar affected. More interesting is the case of higher FUV il- medium. In this work, we explored the possibility that lumination (G = 104), a case expected in a dense star 0 oxygen might reside on grains over a wider temperature forming region as in Orion. The higher gas temperature rangethanpreviouslyaccepted. Inthefirstmeasurement allowsneutral–neutralreactionstoformOHandH O.At 2 Oxygen desorption from dust grains 7 A ∼ 1, the gas temperature has dropped enough that This work is supported by the NSF Astronomy and V water ice formation occurs aplenty on surfaces of grains. AstrophysicsDivision(GrantNo.1311958toGV)andby While the columndensityofwaterincreases,the column NASA support for US research with the Herschel Space density of gaseous O decreases because more oxygen is Observatory (RSA No. 1427170to MJK). We thank Dr. 2 locked up in grains. J. Brucato of the Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri (Italy) for providing the sample. We thank David Hol- 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS lenbach for helpful suggestions. REFERENCES Atkinson,R.,Baulch,D.L.,Cox,R.A.,etal.2004,Atmos. 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