Description:After Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi left the body in 1950, many of Sri Ramana Maharshi's devotees came to recognize Swami Sadhu Om, the author of this book, not only as one of the foremost disciples of Sri Ramana Maharshi, but also as someone with the rare gift of explaining Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings in an easy, clear and simple manner that could be easily understood and also easily practiced by all sincere seekers of true Self-knowledge.Thus many of Sri Ramana Maharshi's devotees began to approach Sri Sadhu Om seeking clarification of all aspects of Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings. This also included among other things the proper use of the method of Self-inquiry in one's practice.This book is about The Essence of Spiritual Practice. This book is filled with advice, tips and pointers towards how to make your spiritual practice, especially the practice of Self-inquiry, Self-awareness and Self-attention more effective.Sri Sadhu Om spent five years in the company of Sri Ramana Maharshi and decades in the company of Sri Muruganar.