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RecordsoftheWesternAustralianMuseum22:253-258(2005). A distinctive new species of the deep-water shrimp genus Glyphocrangon A. Milne-Edwards (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Glyphocrangonidae) from southern Australia TomoyukiKomai NaturalHistoryMuseumandInstitute,Chiba 955-2Aoba-cho,Chuo-ku,Chiba260-8682,Japan E-mail:[email protected] Abstract - A distinctive new species of glyphocrangonid shrimp, Glyphocrangon elephas, is described on thebasis ofa single ovigerous female specimen from the GreatAustralian Bight, southern Australia, at a depthof 360 m. The new species somewhat resembles G. hakuhoae Takeda and Hanamura from Indonesia and the Northwest Shelf and G. robusta Komai fromthePhilippines,butischaracterizedbyaverystronglysinuousrostrum, very strong and elongate branchiostegal spine on the carapace, unusually thick and highly elevated median carinae on the abdomen and heavily crenulateventrolateralmarginsofthetelson. Glyphocrangoneleplwsisthefirst species of Glyphocrangonidae to be recorded from southern Australian waters. The discovery of the new species brings the number of Australian speciesofGlyphocrangonto11. INTRODUCTION SYSTEMATICS Shrimps of the genus Glyphocrangon A. Milne- FamilyGLYPHOCRANGONIDAE Edwards, 1881 exclusively inhabit depths greater than 200 m. They are characterized by the Genus GlyphocrangonA.MilneEdwards,1881 unusually hard body integument strongly sculptured by longitudinal carinae and/or Glyphocrangonelephassp.nov. tubercles, teeth or spines, and the peculiar locking Figures1-3 mechanismoftheposterior abdominalsomites and telson. Recently Komai (2004) reviewed species of Material Examined the genus in the Indo-West Pacific region, Holotype; Southern Australia: Great Australian recognizing 54 species, including 28 new species. Bight, 33°17'S, 128°32'E, 360 m, 19 March 1978, He suggested that intensive collections would trawl, coll. M. Walker, ovigerous female CL 13.6 eventually reveal existence of more unknown mm(WAM-C 14783). speciesfromtheIndo-WestPacific . Examination of material in the collection of the Description Western Australian Museum, Perth, revealed a Body (Figure 1) robust. Integument of carapace specimen of a distinctive undescribed species of andabdomennaked,glabrous. Glyphocrangon. This new species, described herein Rostrum (Figures 2A, B) moderately narrow in as G. elephas, is compared with G. hakuhoae Takeda posterior part, strongly deepened at about &Hanamura, 1994, knownfromIndonesiaand the midlength, 0.7 times of carapace length, directed Northwest Shelf and G. robusta Komai, 2004, from downwardinproximalpart,butstronglyupturned thePhilippines.Thenewspeciesrepresentsthefirst in distal half; dorsolateral ridges strongly sinuous species ofGlyphocrangonidae tobe recorded from inlateralview,with2pairsofshort,roundedteeth; southernAustralia, as well as bringing thenumber proximal part of dorsolateral ridge between 2 ofspeciesofthegenusknownfromAustraliato11. lateral teeth rather low, devoid of longitudinal Descriptive terminologygenerallyfollows Komai groove,anteriorpartdistaltoanteriorpairoflateral (2004). Size of the specimen is indicated by teeth highly elevated; middorsal carina low, postorbital carapace length (CL). The holotype of confined to distal 0.2 of rostrum; dorsal surface the new species is deposited in the Western lackingtransverseseptaorrugosity;ventralsurface AustralianMuseum(WAM). with shallow median groov'e becoming narrower 254 T.Komai NewGlyphocrangort 255 posteriorly, flanked by bluntly edged ventrolateral in contact with anterior fourth carina. Marginal carinae;midventralcarinaabsent. posterolateral comer not delineated. Lateral and Carapace (Figures 1, 2A,C) 1.1 times longer than cervical grooves shallow. Lateromarginal groove greatest width at about midlength; carinae and shallow. tubercles eroded with minute pits. Anterior first First abdominal somite (Figure 1) with dorsal (submedian) carinacomposedof3 greatlyunequal, elevation low, but clearly defined by shallow low, blunt tubercles (first and second tubercles transverse groove, with 1 blunt tubercle on either distinctly separated fromeach other, third tubercle side of median carina; median carina low, very longest);posteriorfirstcarinathick,faintlybi-lobed; broad,notreachingposterodorsalmarginofsomite, posteriorlobeconvergingtomidlineposteriorly,its terminating anterodorsally in broadly rounded posterior end not overhanging posterodorsal projection. Dorsolateral carina low, thick, with marginofcarapace. Anteriorsecond (intermediate) rounded anterior margin. Posterior section of carina composed of 3 low, blunt tubercles; second, tergum with 5 or 6 low tubercles on either side of smallest tubercle aligned with other tubercles; midline. Lateral carina low, broad, entire. Pleuron posterior second carina composed of 3 low lobes with 1 blrmt submarginal tubercle anterolaterally; (second lobe longest). Anterior third (antennal) posterior depression not abruptly delimited; carinaveryshort,blunt,confinedtoantennalspine; anteroventralcomerweaklyproduced,blunt. posterior third carina low, broad, faintly 3-lobed Second to fourth abdominal somites (Figure 1) (anteriormostlobeshortest),terminatingobtuselyat with only few intercarinal tubercles; surfaces of anterior end. Anterior fourth (lateral) carina carinae and tubercles minutely punctate; median divided in 2 discontinuous lobes, slightly carinaeunusuallythick,posteriorendseachweakly unaligned; anterior lobe weakly compressed tosomewhatproducedposteriorly;crosssectionsof vertically, terminating anteriorly in blunt point; median carinae T-shaped; posterior transverse posterior lobe low, weakly compressed vertically, groovesveryshallow;dorsolateralcarinaeshowing slightly divergent posteroventrad against dorsal as low, rounded tubercles; pleura each with some plane of carapace, terminating anteriorly in blrmt large, low tubercles orprotuberances;ventrallobes point;posteriorfourthcarinalow,broad,parallelto of pleural elevations lacking prominent tubercle or posterior third carina. Anterior fifth (sublateral) spine; pleural teeth greatly unequal, blunt, only carina low, but clearly delineated; posterior fifth slightlycurvedlaterally. carina very low, irregularly shaped, partially fused Fifth abdominal somite (Figure 1) humpy with with posterior part of divided sixth (submarginal) rounded tubercles; anteriormediancarinashowing carina. Sixth (submarginal) carina divided in two as blunt tubercle; posterior median carina short, parts; anterior part low, roughly eroded; posterior thick, its posterior end rounded. Tergum with part very low, irregularly shaped. Submarginal shallow dorsal groove; anterior submedian carina posteroventral ridge very low, distinct from sixth showing as blrmt tubercle; posterior submedian carina. Postorbital region unarmed, but with low, carinaehigh,thick,reachingnearlytoposterodorsal blunt submarginal ridge extending to antennal margin of somite, slightly diverging posteriorly in spine. Medianpartofgastric regionwith 2rows of dorsalview;pleuronwith2shortventralteeth. 3 or 4 tubercles on anterior part; posteromedian Sixth abdominal somite (Figure 1) with high, region smooth. Lateral part of gastric region with somewhat compressed median carina, entire, space between first and second carinae nearly flat, terminating posteriorly in large, blunt projection; with 1 low tubercle; space between second carina dorsal margin smooth, convex in lateral view. and lateral groove narrow, also with 1 small, low Tergum with 1 large, rounded tubercle on either tubercle. Posterior dorsolateral region slightly side ofmediancarina;lateral carinacomposed of2 concave, smooth. Hepatic region with upper part large tubercles; posterolateral carina distinct, only shghtly convex, with row of 2 low tubercles, slightly produced beyond posterolateral margin of possiblyrepresenting trace ofanterior third carina; somite.Pleuronwith5largetubercles;lateroventral lower part nearly flat, unarmed. Each part of carina extending onto posterolateral tooth; branchial region unarmed. Subbranchial region posterolateral tooth strong, rather subacute, with spacebetween anteriorfifth and sixth carinae noticeablyflaredlaterally. moderately broad, shallowly depressed below, Telson (Figures 1, 2E) 0.8 times as long as smooth, in contact with lower part of branchial carapace; anterior projection moderately high, region. Antermal spines short, nearly straight in somewhat compressed laterally, directed dorsal view, weakly ascending in lateral view posteriorly; dorsolateral carina smooth; (angle about 15° against horizontal plane of ventrolateral carina strongly crenulate almost over carapace).Branchiostegalspinesverystrong,visible entire length with short vertical tubercles or indorsalview,directedforwardinbothlateraland roundedtubercles. dorsalviews,extendingtodistalmarginofantennal Eye (Figures 1, 2A) relatively small for genus, scale; lateral face with 2 inconspicuous ridges, not maximal diameter 0.15 ofcarapace length, without 256 T.Komai Figure2 Glyphocrangon elephas sp. nov. A, anteriorpartofcarapace and cephalic appendages, lateralview (antennal flagellumomitted);B,rostrum,ventralview;C,ventralpartofcarapace,ventrolateralview; D,leftantennal scale, dorsal view; E, telson, dorsal view. Holotype ovigerous female (GL 13.6 mm; WAM-C 14783). Abbreviations: A4, anterior fourth carina; A5, anterior fifth carina; AP6, anterior part of sixth carina; P4^ posterior fourth carina; P5, posterior fifth carina; PP6, posterior part of sixth carina; SPLR, submarginal posterolateralridge;7,seventhcarina. darkpigmentationinpreservative;ocularpeduncle marginofscaphocerite; marginal spines on distal2 withsmallanteromesialprocess. segmentsslender. Antennular peduncle (Figure 1, 2A) reaching First pereopod (Figure 3A) with palm devoid of distalmarginofscaphocerite; penultimate segment pubescence or short setae on lateral face; ischium twice as long as wide. Outer flagellum with with moderately broad, distally acute ventral moderatelylongaesthetasc-bearingportion. lamina. Second pereopods (Figure 3B) slightly Antennalscaphocerite(Figures1,2A,D)elongate unequal with right chela smaller; neither reaching oval, 0.33 times as long as carapace, 2.20 times distalmarginofscaphocerite;leftcarpuscomposed longer than wide; dorsal surface naked; lateral of 22 articles. Posterior 3 pairs of pereopods margin weakly convex, with distinct lateral tooth moderately stout. Third pereopod (Figure 3B) arising at proximal 0.44 of scaphocerite length. overreaching distal margin of scaphocerite by Carpocerite not reaching distal margin of length of dactylus; propodus without distal tuft of scaphocerite. setae. Fourth pereopod (Figure 3D) reaching distal Mouthparts not dissected, but typical of genus. margin ofscaphoceriteby tip ofdactylus; dactylus Third maxilliped slightly overreaching distal (Figure 3E 0.78 times as long as propodus. ) NewGlyphocrangon 257 Figure3 Glyphocrangon elephas sp. nov. Left pereopods. A, first pereopod, lateral view; B, second pereopod, lateral view; C, third pereopod, lateral view; D, fourth pereopod, lateral view; E, dactylus of fourth pereopod, dorsalview;Ffifthpereopod,lateralview.Holotypeovigerousfemale(CL13.6mm;WAM-C14783). subspatulate, terminating in simple, acuminate Philippines, and together differ from all other unguis partially obscured by tufts of setae arising congeners by the combination of the strongly from just lateral to base of unguis; dorsal surface sinuously curved dorsolateral margins of the shallowly broadly sulcate medially, without rostrum in female and the two unaligned lobes distolateral groove; ventral surface not carinate in composingtheanteriorfourth(lateral)carinaonthe midline. Fifth pereopod (Figure 3F) overreaching carapace. However, the new species is quite midlength of scaphocerite by tip of dactylus; distinctive in having unusually thick and highly dactylus 0.73 times as long as propodus, generally elevated median carinae on the second to fourth similartothatoffourthpereopodinstructure. abdominal somites and the very strongly sinuous Egg size 1.53-1.76 x 1.24-1.47 mm; number not rostrum. Other characteristics of the new species recorded. include: the branchiostegal spine is very strong, reaching the distal margin of the scaphocerite; and Distribution the ventrolateral carina of the telson is strongly Known only from the Great Australian Bight, crenulate with short vertical ridges or rounded southernAustralia,atadepthof360m. tubercles. Komai(2004)recordedthefollowing10speciesof Remarks Glyphocrangon from Australian waters (Table 1); G. Glyphocrangon elephas sp. nov. somewhat confusa Komai, 2004 (previously known from resembles G. haknhoae from Indonesia and the Australia as G. investigatoris Wood-Mason, in AustralianNorthwestShelfand G. robiista from the Wood-Mason and Alcock, 1891; see Jones & 258 T.Komai Table1 Summary of the geographical distribution of REFERENCES Asupsetcriaelsia.of Glyphocrangon known from Davie, P. J. F. (2002). Crustacea: Malacostraca: Phyllocarida,Hoplocarida,Eucarida(Part1).InWells, Western Eastern Southern A. and Houston,W. W. K. (eds).Zoological Catalogue Australia Australia Australia ofAustralia19.3A.CSIROPublishing,Melbourne. Garrey, J., Maxwell, H., and Cresswell, G. R. (1981). G.confusa G.holthuisi G.elephassp.nov. Dispersal of tropical marine fauna to the Great G.faxoni G.kapala Australian Bight by the Leeuwin Current. Journal of G.hakuhoae G.lowryi MarineandFreshwaterResearch32:493-500. GG..pliungenataax GG..ntoavsameacnaisctaellum Jonecsr,usDt.aceSanasndofMAoursgtraanl,iaGn.wJa.te(r1s9.94R).eeAd,fiNeledwguiSdoeuttho Wales. Jones, D. S. and Morgan, G. J. (2002). Afield guide to Morgan, 1994,2002;Davie,2002),G.faxoniDeMan, crustaceans of Australian waters. Reed, New South 1918, G. hakuhoae, G. holthuisi Kensley, Tranter & Wales. Griffin, 1987, G. kapala Komai, 2004 (previously Kensley, B., Tranter, H. A., and Griffin, D. J. G. (1987). Deep-water decapod Crustacea from eastern referred to G. assimilis DeMan, 1918by Kensley et Australia (Penaeidea and Caridea). Records of the al.(1987)),G. lineataKomai,2004,G. lowryiKensley, AustralianMuseum39:263-331. TTrraanntteerr && GGrriiffffiinn,, 11998877,,GG..npouvagencaaxstDeleluMmaKne,ns1l9e1y8, Komsapie,cieT.so(f20t0h4e)g.eAnusreGvlyipehwocorfantghoenAI.ndMoi-lWneesEtdwPaacridfsi,c and G. tasmanica Komai, 2004. Itis remarkable that 1881 (except for G. caeca Wood-Mason, 1891 species the species composition is quite different between group) (Decapoda; Caridea: Glyphocrangonidae). In western and eastern Australia, although the Marshall, B. and Richer de Forges, B. (eds.). Tropical numbers of the species occurring in those regions DeepSeaBenthosVol.23.MemoiresduMuseumnational are similar (five species are known from Western d'Histoirenaturelle,Paris191:375-610. and Eastern Australia, respectively). There are no Man, J. G. de. (1918). Diagnoses of new species of common species between the two regions. The macruran decapod Crustacea from the Siboga- marine fauna of Western Australia contains many Expedition. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Indonesian elements, probably owing to the south Vereeniging(2)16:293-306. flowing LeeuwinCurrent (e.g.,Garreyetal., 1981). Milne-Edwards, A. (1881). Description de quelques In fact, aU species of Glyphocrangon recorded from Crustaces macroures provenant des grandes the Northwest Shelf are commonly found in profondeurs de la mer des Antilles. Annales des Indonesian waters. In contrast, all known species SciencesNaturelles,Zoologie(6)11:1-16. fromeasternAustraliaappearstobeendemic.From Takeda, M. and Hanamura,Y. (1994). Deep-sea shrimps andlobstersfromtheFloresSeacollectedbytheR.V. southern Australia, so far, only Glyphocrangon Hakuho-maru during KH-85-1 cruise. Bulletin ofthe elephasisknown. NationalScienceMuseum,SeriesA(Zoology)20:1-37. Wood-Mason, J. and Alcock, A. (1891). Natural history Etymology notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer From the Latin elephas (elephant), in reference to "Investigator," Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., the elephant nose-like rostrum with strongly commanding.Notesontheresultsofthelastseason's sinuousdorsolateralmargins.Itisusedasanormin deep-sea dredging. Annals and Magazine ofNatural apposition. History(6)7:186-202,353-362. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Manuscript received 25 May 2004; accepted 22 September 2004 I am grateful to Diana Jones of the Western Australian Museum for providing material. I also thank Drs. Peter J. F. Davie and Shane T. Ahyong for reviewing the manuscript and offering helpful commentsforimprovements.

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