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A DICHOTOMY FOR FATOU COMPONENTS OF POLYNOMIAL SKEW PRODUCTS ROLANDK. W. ROEDER1 1 Abstract. Weconsider polynomial mapsof theform f(z,w)=(p(z),q(z,w)) that extend 1 as holomorphic maps of CP2. Mattias Jonsson introduces in [12] a notion of connectedness 0 for such polynomial skew products that is analogous to connectivity for the Julia set of a 2 polynomial map in one-variable. We prove the following dichotomy: if f is an Axiom-A n polynomial skew product, and f is connected, then every Fatou component of f is home- a omorphic to an open ball; otherwise, some Fatou component of F has infinitely generated J first homology. 6 ] S D 1. Introduction . h We consider the dynamics of mappings f :C2 C2 of the form t → a (1) f(z,w) = (p(z),q(z,w)) m [ wherep and q are polynomials. It will beconvenient to assumethat deg(p) = deg(q) =d and p(z) = zd+O(zd−1)andq(z,w) = wd+O (wd−1)sothatf extendsasaholomorphicmapping 2 z v f : CP2 CP2. (Throughout this paper we will assume that d 2.) Since f preserves the → ≥ 2 family of vertical lines z C, onecan analyze f via thecollection of one variable fibermaps 5 { }× q (w) = q(z,w), for each z C. In particular, one can define fiber-wise filled Julia sets K 2 z ∈ z 2 and Julia sets Jz that are analogous to their one-dimensional counterparts. For this reason, . polynomial skew products provide an accessible generalization of one variable dynamics to 5 0 two variables. They been previously studied by many authors, includingHeinemann in [6, 7], 0 Jonsson in [12], DeMarco-Hruska in [2], and Hruska together with the author of this note 1 in [8]. : v A more general situation in which the base is allowed to be an arbitrary compact topolog- i X ical space, while the vertical fibers are copies of C, has been considered by Sester in [17, 18]. r Meanwhile, generalization to semigroups of polynomial (and rational) mappings of the Rie- a mann sphere has been studied by extensively by Hinkkanen, Martin, Ren, Stankewitz, Sumi, Urban´ski, and many others—we refer the reader to the excellent bibliography from [21] for further references. As an analogy with polynomial maps of one variable, Definition 1.1. (Jonsson) A polynomial skew product f is connected if J is connected p and J is connected for all z J . z p ∈ Here, J is the Julia set for the “base map” z p(z). Jonsson proves in [12, Sec. 6] that if p 7→ f is a connected polynomial skew product, then the support J := suppµ of its measure of 2 Date: January 7, 2011. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32H50; Secondary 37F20, 57R19. Key words and phrases. Fatou components, linking numbers,closed currents,holomorphic motions. 1Research was supported in part bystartup fundsfrom theDepartment of Mathematics at IUPUI. 1 2 R.K.W. Roeder maximal entropy µ (see 2, below) is connected, the Hausdorff dimension of µ is 2, and the § associated Lyapunov exponents are precisely logd. (Note that J can be connected even if f 2 is a disconnected polynomial skew product; see [2, Lemma 5.5].) The Fatou set U(f) of a holomorphic map f : CP2 CP2 is the maximal open set in CP2 on which the sequence of iterates is normal and→the Julia set is its complement: J(f):= CP2 U(f). In this note, we prove \ Theorem 1.2. Suppose that f is an Axiom-A polynomial skew product. If f is connected, then every Fatou component of f is homeomorphic to an open ball. Otherwise, some Fatou component of f has infinitely generated first homology. The Axiom-A assumption ensures hyperbolicity of f on the non-wandering set. See, for example, [12, Sec. 8] and [2]. Using the equivalence between (1) and (2) from Theorem 2.1 (below), connectivity of f can be expressed in terms of “escape of the critical locus”, so Theorem 1.2 is an analog of the fundamental dichotomy from polynomial dynamics in one variable (see, for example [15, Theorem 9.5]). Corollary 1.3. If f is an Axiom-A polynomial skew product for which J = suppµ is dis- 2 connected, then some Fatou component of f has infinitely generated first homology. We will discuss in Remark 4.4 the natural question of whether Theorem 1.2 holds if f is not Axiom-A. We first show that some hypothesis of hyperbolicity is needed, by providing an example of a disconnected product mapping that is not Axiom-A, whose Fatou set has a single component that is homeomorphic to an open ball. We will then show that the proof of Theorem 1.2 that is presented in Section 4 continues to hold if we replace Axiom-A with slightly weaker conditions. Acknowledgments. Many of the techniques and ideas from this paper were originally in- spired by John H. Hubbard during discussions that we had when I was his student (5 years ago). I have also benefited greatly from discussions with Laura DeMarco, Mattias Jonsson, Suzanne Hruska, Lex Oversteegen, and Rodrigo Perez. The anonymous referee has provided many helpful comments leading to substantial im- provements in the paper. 2. Background on polynomial skew products We present some background on polynomial endomorphisms of CP2 from [3, 9, 22, 19, 1] and on polynomial skew products from [12]. Let f : C2 C2 be given by → f(z,w) = (p(z,w),q(z,w)), with p and q polynomials of degree d 2, and let p and q be the homogeneous parts of d d ≥ p and q, respectively, of the maximal degree d. Such a mapping extends as a holomorphic mapping f : CP2 CP2 if and only if p (z,w) = 0 = q (z,w) implies that (z,w) = (0,0). d d Any holomorphic m→apping f :CP2 CP2 that is obtained in this way is called a polynomial endomorphism of CP2. → Suppose that f : C2 C2 extends as a polynomial endomorphism of CP2. The (affine) → Green’s function 1 (2) G(z,w) = lim log fn(z,w) , where log := max log,0 , dn +|| || + { } Dichotomy for polynomial skew products 3 is a plurisubharmonic (PSH) function having the property that (z,w) C2 is in U(f) if and ∈ only if G(u,v) is pluriharmonic (PH) in a neighborhood of (z,w). The Green’s current T := 1 ddcG is a closed positive (1,1) current on C2 with J(f):= suppT and U(f):= C2 suppT. 2π \ If f is a polynomial skew product, i.e. p(z,w) p(z), there is a refinement of this ≡ description. The base map p(z) has a Julia set J C and, similarly, a Green’s function p ⊂ G (z) := lim 1 log pn(z) . Furthermore, one can define a fiber-wise Green’s function p n→∞ dn +|| || by: G (w) := G(z,w) G (z). z p − For each fixed z, G (w) is a subharmonic function of w and one defines the fiber-wise Julia z sets by K := G (w) = 0 and J := ∂K . z z z z The extensio{n of f to C}P2 is given by (3) f([Z :W : T])= [P(Z,T) :Q(Z,W,T) :Td], where P(Z,T) and Q(Z,W,T) are the homogeneous versions of p and q. The point [0 :1 :0] thatis“vertically atinfinity”withrespecttotheaffinecoordinates(z,w)isatotally invariant super-attracting fixed point and (z,w) Ws([0 :1 :0]) if and only if w C K . z ∈ ∈ \ The action of f on the line at infinity Π := T = 0 is given by the polynomial map { } f (u) = q (1,u), where u = w/z and q (z,w) is the homogeneous part of q of maximal Π d d degree d. As usual, one can consider the associated Julia sets K and J . Π Π One can extend the Green’s current T as a closed positive (1,1) current on all of CP2 satisfyingf∗T = d T andhavingthepropertythatJ(f)= suppT andU(f) = CP2 suppT. · \ Moreover, the wedge product µ := T T is a measure satisfying f∗µ = d2 µ, which happens ∧ · to be the measure of maximal entropy for f. It is customary to define a second Julia set J J (f):= suppµ J(f). 2 2 ≡ ⊂ If f = (p,q) is a polynomial skew product, then [12, Cor. 4.4] gives J = z J . 2 z { }× z[∈Jp The following is (an excerpt from) Theorem 6.5 from [12]: Theorem 2.1. (Jonsson) The following are equivalent: (1) f is connected. (2) C K and C K , for all z J . p p z z p ⊂ ⊂ ∈ (3) J is connected, J is connected, and J is connected, for all z C. p Π z ∈ (4) C K , C K , and C K , for all z C. p p Π Π z z ⊂ ⊂ ⊂ ∈ Here C and C are the critical points of p and f , while C := (z,w) :∂q/∂w = 0 . p Π Π z { } The following appears in [8]: Theorem 2.2. (Hruska-R) If J is connected for every z J , then Ws([0 : 1 : 0]) is z p ∈ homeomorphic to an open ball. Otherwise, the first homology H (Ws([0 :1 : 0])) is infinitely 1 generated. The proof that Ws([0 :1 :0]) is homeomorphic to a ball is an application of G (w) as a type z of Morse function, while the latter uses non-trivial linking numbers between closed loops in Ws([0 :1 :0]) and the Green’s current T. 4 R.K.W. Roeder 3. Background on linking with a closed positive (1,1) current in CP2. We present a brief summary (without proofs) of material from [8, 3]. See also [16]. § Any closed positive (1,1) current S on a complex manifold N can be described using an open cover U of N together with PSH functions v : U [ , ) that are chosen so i i i { } → −∞ ∞ that S = ddcv in each U . The functions v are called local potentials for S and they are i i i requiredtosatisfythecompatibilityconditionthatv v isPHonanynon-emptyintersection i j − U U = . The support of S and polar locus of S are defined by: i j ∩ 6 ∅ suppS := z N : if z U then v is not PH at z , and j j { ∈ ∈ } polS := z N : if z U then v (z) = . j j { ∈ ∈ −∞} The compatibility condition assures that that above sets are well-defined. Moreover, since PH functions are never , we have polS suppS. −∞ ⊂ Let M be another complex manifold, possibly of dimension different from that of N. If f : M N is a holomorphic map with f(M) polS, then the pull-back f∗S is a closed → 6⊂ positive (1,1) current defined on M by pulling back the system of local potentials for S to form a system of local potentials on M that define f∗S. See [19, Appendix A.7] and [9, p. 330-331] for further details. Given any closed positive (1,1) current S on N and any piecewise smooth two chain σ in N with ∂σ disjoint from supp S, we can define σ,S = η , S h i Zσ where η is a smooth approximation of S within it’s cohomology class in N ∂σ, see [4, S − pages 382-385]. The resulting number σ,S will depend only on the cohomology class of h i S and the homology class of σ within H (N,∂σ). If σ is a holomorphic chain, this pairing 2 simplifies to be the integral of the measure1 σ∗S over σ. The following invariance property is useful: Proposition 3.1. Suppose that S is a closed positive (1,1) current on N and f : M N is → holomorphic, with f(M) polS. If σ is a piecewise smooth two chain in M with ∂σ disjoint 6⊂ from suppf∗S, then f σ,S = σ,f∗S . ∗ h i h i Notice that H (CP2) is generated by the class of any complex projective line L CP2. 2 ⊂ Since S is non-trivial, L,S = 0, so that after an appropriate rescaling we can assume that h i 6 L,S = 1. This normalization is satisfied by the Green’s Current T that was defined in 2. h i § Definition 3.2. Let S be a normalized closed positive (1,1) current on CP2 and let γ be a piecewise smooth closed curve in CP2 supp(S). We define the linking number lk(γ,S) by \ lk(γ,S) := Γ,S (mod 1) h i where Γ is any piecewise smooth two chain with ∂Γ = γ. Unlike linkingnumbersbetween closed loops inS3, itis often thecase that that Γ,S Z, h i 6∈ resulting in non-zero linking numbers (mod 1). Proposition 3.3. If γ and γ are homologous in H (CP2 supp S), then lk(γ ,S) = 1 2 1 1 \ lk(γ ,S). 2 1This measure is well-defined,since ∂σ is disjoint from suppS ⊃polS. Dichotomy for polynomial skew products 5 Moreover, since the pairing ,S is linear in the space of chains σ (having ∂σ disjoint from h· i supp S), the linking number descends to a homomorphism: lk(,S) :H (CP2 supp S) R/Z. 1 · \ → Similarly lk(,S) : H (Ω) R/Z for any open Ω CP2 supp S. 1 · → ⊂ \ Theorem 3.4. Suppose that f :CP2 CP2 is a holomorphic endomorphism and Ω U(f) → ⊂ is contained in a union of basins of attraction of attracting periodic points for f. If there are c H (Ω) with linking number lk(c,T) = 0 arbitrarily close to 0 in Q/Z, then H (Ω) is 1 1 ∈ 6 infinitely generated. 4. Proof of the Main result We recall the characterization of Axiom-A polynomial skew products from [12, 8]. (For § the actual definition of Axiom-A, see, for example, [12, Def. 8.1].) Let A be the set of p attracting periodic points of p and consider the following postcritical sets: D := pnC , where C = z : p′(z) = 0 , p p p { } n≥1 [ D := fnC , where C := (z,w) : z J ,q′(w) = 0 , Jp Jp Jp { ∈ p z } n≥1 [ D := fnC , where C := (z,w) : z A ,q′(w) = 0 , and Ap Ap Ap { ∈ p z } n≥1 [ D := fnC , where C := λ :f′ (λ) =0 . Π Π Π Π { Π } n≥1 [ Let J = z J . Ap { }× z z[∈Ap The following appears as [12, Cor. 8.3]: Proposition 4.1. A polynomial skew product f = (p,q) is Axiom-A on CP2 if and only if: (1) D J = , p p ∩ ∅ (2) D J = , Jp ∩ 2 ∅ (3) D J = , and Ap ∩ Ap ∅ (4) D J = . Π Π ∩ ∅ In particular, if f is Axiom-A, then everyFatoucomponentofp(respectivelyf )isthebasinofattractionofanattracting Π • cycle whose immediate basin contains a critical point from C (respectively C ), and p Π C J = over every z A J . z z p p • ∩ ∅ ∈ ∪ We can describe the fiberwise dynamics as follows: Let L := W = 0 be the horizontal projective line. The vertical projection π(z,w) = (z,0) induces a{rationa}l map π : CP2 L → whose only point of indeterminacy is [0 :1 :0] (which blows up under π to the entire line L). Although L is not invariant under f, we can consider the action of p on the line L and we let µ be the harmonic measure on J , i.e. µ := ddcG (z). Within CP2 we have the vertical p p p p current T := π∗µ . p p 6 R.K.W. Roeder Throughout the remainder of the paper we will denote by C the closure in CP2 of the “vertical critical points” (z,w) : q′(w) = 0 . It is an algebraic curve of degree d 1 with { z } − C = C (z C) and C Π = C . Since q (w) = wd +O (w), we have that [0 : 1 : 0] C. z Π z z ∩ × ∩ 6∈ Therefore, π :C L is a branched covering of degree degC = d 1. → − Proposition 4.2. If f is a polynomial skew product with J connected for every z J , then: z p ∈ (1) For any piecewise-smooth two-chain Γ C, we have Γ,T = Γ,T . p ⊂ h i h i (2) LetU beany Fatou component U of pand C := π−1(U). The sequenceof restrictions U |C fn is a normal family2. { |CU} Proof. It suffices to consider any irreducible component of C, which we parameterize by its C normalization ρ : ; see [5]. Since has dimension 1, is a compact Riemann surface. C → C C C The following diagram summarizes the maps ρ and π: b ρ b > C C π b π ρ ◦ >∨ L. Since [0 : 1 : 0] , we need only consider within two systems of affine coordinates: 6∈ C C the original affine coordinates (z,w) and the coordinates t = T/Z and u = W/Z, defined in a neighborhood Ω of [1 : 0 : 0]. In the (z,w) coordinates the Green’s current is given by T = 1 ddcG(z,w) with 2π (4) G(z,w) = G (w)+G (z). z p Meanwhile, in the (t,u) coordinates it is given by T = 1 ddcG (t,u) with 2π Ω (5) G (t,u) = G (u)+G#(t). Ω t p # Here, G (t) is obtained by extending G (1/t) log(1/t) continuously through t = 0 and p p − G (u) is the PSH extension of G (w) described in [12, Lemma 6.3]. One has that (0,u) K t z Π ∈ if and only if G (u) = 0 and, for t = 0, (t,u) K if and only if G (u) = 0. 0 1/t t 6 ∈ Because J is connected for every z J , Proposition 6.4 from [12] gives that C K z p z z ∈ ⊂ for every z C and C K . Therefore, if (z,w) C2 we have that G (w) = 0 and Π Π z (4) gives tha∈t the restrict⊂ion of G to C2 coincide∈s wCi∩th G (z). Similarly, using (5), the p C ∩ # restriction of G to Ω is just G (t). Ω p C ∩ The above calculations give (6) ρ∗ T = ρ∗ T = ρ∗π∗µ . p p Let Γ be any piecewise smooth two chain and Γ its lift to the normalization. Then, ⊂ C ⊂ C Γ,T = Γ,ρ∗T = Γ,ρ∗T = Γ,T . h i bp bh pi D E D E There is a general principle that for any complex manifold M and holomorphic map φ : b b M CP2, the family fn φ is normal in a neighborhood of x M if and only if x → { ◦ } ∈ ∈ M suppφ∗T; See [3] and also [12, p. 409]. \ In our situation, it follows that (7) fn ρ: CP2 ◦ C → 2In other words, {fn◦ρ} is a normal family for abny parameterization ρ of CU (see below). Dichotomy for polynomial skew products 7 is normal at x if and only if x supp(ρ∗ T ). Since G is harmonic outside of J , p p p ∈ C ∈ C \ we have that is disjoint from supp T and, hence, that ˆ is disjoint from supp(ρ∗ T ). U p U p C C Therefore, fn ρ ibs normal on ˆ . b (cid:3) U ◦ C Corollary 4.3. Suppose that f is Axiom-A and satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 4.2, z is an attracting periodic point for p (possibly z = ), and U is any component of the 0 0 ∞ immediate basin for z . Then, C is in the immediate basins for some attracting periodic 0 U points of f within z = z . 0 Proof. Since f is Axiom-A, is in the immediate basins of attraction for some Cz0 ⊂ CU attracting periodic points of f . Because the line z = z is transversely attracting, |{z=z0} 0 these periodic points are also attracting for f in CP2, giving an open subset of is in these U C immediate basins. Since fn ρ is normal on ρ−1( ), all of is in the union of these U U immediate basins. { ◦ } C C (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 1.2: Case 1: f is connected: We begin with Fatou components for f that are bounded in C2, i.e. those on which G(z,w) 0. ≡ Since J is connected and p is hyperbolic, the Fatou set U(p) consists of the basins of p attraction of finitely many attracting periodic orbits together with the basin of attraction for the superattracting fixed point at z = . Moreover, each component of these basins is ∞ conformally equivalent to the open unit disc D. For simplicity of exposition, we supposethat each attractingperiodicorbitsforpisafixedpoint(otherwise, onecanpasstoanappropriate iterate of f). Let z C be an attracting fixed point of p and let U be the component of its basin of 0 0 ∈ attraction that contains z . 0 Let x and y denote points in C2. Sincef isAxiom-A,J isahyperbolicset,havingalocalstablemanifoldWs (J )formed z0 loc z0 as the union of stable curves Ws (x) of points x J with each Ws (x) being holomorphic. loc ∈ z0 loc These stable curves satisfy the invariance (8) f(Ws (x)) Ws (f(x)). loc loc ⊂ They are transverse to the vertical line z = z since it is the unstable direction of J . { 0} z0 Hence, there is a sufficiently small ǫ > 0 so that each Ws (x) is the graph of a holomorphic loc function over z D (z ) := z z < ǫ . In other words, this describes Ws (J ) as a ∈ ǫ 0 {| − 0| } loc z0 holomorphic motion (see, for example, [10, 5.2]) over the open disc z D (z ). ǫ 0 § ∈ Because f : z C z C is hyperbolic, its Fatou set consists of the basins of |z=z0 { 0}× → { 0}× attraction of finitely many attracting periodic points (including w = ). We will use some ∞ hyperbolic theory to show that if z D (z ), then either (z,w) Ws (J ) or (z,w) is in ∈ ǫ 0 ∈ loc z0 the basin of one of these finitely many attracting periodic points for f . Because most |z=z0 classical treatments of hyperbolictheory arefor diffeomorphisms, we appealto the discussion for endomorphisms that appears in [11]. The natural extension of J is z0 J = (x ) : x J andf(x ) = x . z0 { i i≤0 i ∈ z0 i i+1} Associated to any prehistory xˆ J is a local unstable manifold Wu (xˆ), which, in this case, b ∈ z0 loc is just an open disc in the vertical line z = z . 0 b 8 R.K.W. Roeder We will now verify that J has a local product structure; see Definition 2.2 from [11]. If z0 Ws (x) Wu (yˆ) is non-empty for some x J and yˆ J , then Ws (x) Wu (yˆ) = x, loc ∩ loc ∈ z0 ∈ z0 loc ∩ loc since Wu (yˆ) is contained inbthe vertical line z = z and Ws (x) is the graph of a function loc { 0} loc of z. In particular, the intersection is a unique point. Morebover, the unique prehistory xˆ of x satisfying that x Wu (fi(yˆ)) for all i 0 is in J , since every local unstable manifold i ∈ loc ≤ z0 lies in z = z . 0 { } Because J has a local product structure, Corollbary 2.6 from [11] gives that there is a z0 neighborhood V of J in C2 so that if fn(z,w) V for all n 0, then (z,w) Ws (x) z0 ∈ ≥ ∈ loc for some x b∈ Jz0. If z ∈ Dǫ(z0), then fn(z,w) must converge to the line {z = z0} since D (z ) U . Existence of the neighborhood V implies that (z,w) is either in Ws (J ) ǫ 0 ⊂ 0 loc z0 or is in the basin of attraction for one of the finitely many attracting periodic points for f : z C z C. |z=z0 { 0}× → { 0}× We can now see that if z D (z ), then J = Ws(J ) ( z C). From the preceding ∈ ǫ 0 z z0 ∩ { }× paragraph we see that if (z,w) Ws (J ), then w J . Meanwhile, if (z,w) Ws (J ), 6∈ loc z0 6∈ z ∈ loc z0 then the family of iterates fn cannot be normal at w, giving that w J . {z}×C z | ∈ Repeatedly taking the preimages of Ws (J ) under f that intersect the vertical line z = loc z0 { z , we obtain a stable set Ws(J ) over all of U . For any z U , we have that (z,w) is 0} z0 0 ∈ 0 either in Ws(J ) or is in the basin attraction for one of the finitely many attracting periodic z0 points of f . We also have J = Ws(J ) ( z C). |z=z0 z z0 ∩ { }× ByCorollary4.3,C U(f),sothatC isdisjointfromWs(J ). Arepeatedapplication U0 ⊂ U0 z0 of the Inverse Function Theorem, together with (8), allows us to extend (in the parameter z) the holomorphic motion of J from z D (z ) to a holomorphic motion of J over all of z0 ∈ ǫ 0 z0 U . (For details, see the proof of Theorem 6.3 from [8].) 0 TheimageofthisholomorphicmotionispreciselyWs(J ). BySlodkowski’sTheorem[20], z0 it will extend (in the fiber w) as a holomorphic motion of the entire Riemann Sphere CP1 that is parameterized by U . Therefore, every bounded Fatou component of f lying above 0 U is given as the holomorphic motion of a Fatou component of f . Each of these is a 0 |z=z0 disc(since f is hyperbolicwith connected Julia set), so every boundedFatou component |z=z0 lying above U is homeomorphic to an open ball. 0 Letz beann-thpreimageunderpofz andU bethecomponentofWs(z )containingz . n 0 n 0 n We will use induction on n to show that there is a holomorphic motion of J parameterized zn by z U so that n ∈ (1) for every z U , J is obtained as the motion of J , and ∈ n z zn (2) the motion of any w J is precisely stable curve of w. ∈ zn Then, as above, Slodkowski’s Theorem will give that every bounded Fatou component of f lying over U is obtained as the holomorphic motion of some component of K J , n zn \ zn parameterized by z U . In particular, every such Fatou component will be homeomorphic n ∈ to an open ball. The desired holomorphic motion already exists for n = 0, so we suppose that it exists for n = k in order to prove it for n= k+1. It is sufficient to show that the part C of the horizontal critical locus that lies above Uk+1 U is intheFatou set U(f). In thatcase, theImplicitFunction Theorem can beusedtolift k+1 theentireholomorphicmotionofJ underf toaholomorphicmotionofJ parameterized zk zk+1 by U . The result will automatically satisfy (1) and (2). k+1 Dichotomy for polynomial skew products 9 Let be some irreducible component of C . By Proposition 4.2, the family of CUk+1 Uk+1 restrictions of iterates fn is normal. Therefore, fk+1 is either in the Fatou set { |CUk+1} CUk+1 U(f) or is within the stable curve of a single x J . Suppose the latter happens. Then, every p∈ointz0of fn+1 lying over any z U is CUk+1 ∈ 0 in J . Let be portion of the horizontal critical locus lying over ∂U J that is z C∂Uk+1 k+1 ⊂ p in the closure of . Lower semi-continuity of the mapping z J (see [12, Prop. 2.1]), CUk+1 7→ z combined with continuity of fk+1, gives that fk+1 z J z J = J . C∂Uk+1 ⊂ { }× z ⊂ { }× z 2 z∈[∂U0 z[∈Jp However, since f is Axiom-A, Proposition 4.1 implies that fk+1 D is disjoint from C∂Uk+1 ⊂ Jp J . Therefore, we conclude that every component of C is in the Fatou set. 2 Uk+1 We now consider the Fatou components for f on which G(z,w) > 0. Recall that (z,w) ∈ Ws([0 : 1 : 0]) if and only if G (w) > 0. Since J is connected for every z J , it follows z z p ∈ from Theorem 2.2 that Ws([0 : 1: 0]) is homeomorphic to an open ball. It remains to consider Fatou components on which G (z) > 0 and G (w) = 0. Let U p z ∞ ⊂ CP1 be the basin of attraction of under p. Since J is connected, U is simply connected. p ∞ ∞ For simplicity of exposition, we suppose that 0 U (otherwise, one can conjugate f by an ∞ 6∈ appropriate translation in the z-coordinate). Let us work in the system of local coordinates t = T/Z and u = W/Z in which td Q(1,u,t) f(t,u) = , (r(t),s (u)), t P(1,t) P(1,t) ≡ (cid:18) (cid:19) which is a rational skew product. The first coordinate has 0 as a totally-invariant super- attracting fixed point, whose basin of attraction U is entirely contained in the copy of ∞ C parameterized by t. The Fatou components of f that remain to be studied each have projection under (t,u) t lying entirely in U . ∞ 7→ The line Π is given by t = 0. Since f is Axiom-A, J is hyperbolic, having a local stable Π manifold Ws (J ) that is formed as the union of stable curves of points x J . Each of loc Π ∈ Π these stable curves is transverse to Π, since Π is the unstable direction of J . Thus, we can Π choose ǫ > 0 sufficiently small so that Ws (J ) is described as a holomorphic motion of J loc Π Π that is parameterized by t D (0). ǫ ∈ Using the same proof as for J , one can check that J has a local product structure, so z0 Π that if (t,u) satisfies t < ǫ, then (t,u) is in the basin of attraction for one of the finitely | | many attracting periodic pointsbof fΠ (including u = b, which corresponds to [0 : 1 : 0]). ∞ Similarly, if t < ǫ, then J(f) (C t ) = Ws(J ) (C t ). Π | | ∩ ×{ } ∩ ×{ } By Corollary 4.3, the horizontal critical locus ∂s (u) t C = (t,u) : = 0 and t U U∞ ∂u ∈ ∞ (cid:26) (cid:27) lies in the Fatou set for f. As before, the Implicit Function Theorem can be used repeatedly to extend the holomorphic motion of J to one that is parameterized by all of U . Then, Π ∞ Slodkowski’s Theorem can beused to extend this holomorphicmotion in the fiberw. Each of theFatoucomponentsoff thatliesoverU (otherthanWs([0 : 1: 0]))isthenaholomorphic ∞ motion of a bounded Fatou component of the polynomial map f , parameterized by the Π 10 R.K.W. Roeder simply connected domain U . This gives that each such component is homeomorphic to an ∞ open bidisc. Case 2: f is disconnected: If J is disconnected for any z J , then Theorem 2.2 gives that H (Ws([0 : 1 : 0])) is z p 1 ∈ infinitely generated. It remains to consider the case that J is connected for every z J z p ∈ and J is disconnected. p Let U be the basin of attraction of z = for p(z). Corollary 4.3 gives that each of the ∞ irreducible components of C = π−1(U ) i∞s in the immediate basin of attraction Ws(ζ ) of U∞ |C ∞ 0 i one of the finitely many attracting periodic points ζ := ζ1,...,ζn1 ,...,ζ := ζ1,...,ζnm 1 { 1 1 } m { m m } of f . Π The proof of Proposition 4.2 from [8] shows how to generate a sequence of piecewise smooth one-cycles υ U bounding regions Υ C with the property that Υ ,µ 0. n ∞ n n p ⊂ ⊂ h i → Perturbing the υ slightly (if needed), we can suppose that none of them lie on the finitely i many critical values of π : C L. For each i we let → γ := π−1(υ ) and Γ := π−1(Υ ), i i i i so that each γ is a finite union of closed loops in C bounded by a piecewise smooth chain i U∞ Γ . Moreover, π :Γ Υ is a ramified cover of degree d 1. i i i → − Proposition 4.2 gives Γ ,T = Γ ,T and the invariance properties of , from Propo- i i p h i h i h· ·i sition 3.1 give Γ ,T = Γ ,π∗µ = π Γ ,µ = (d 1) Υ ,µ . i p i p ∗ i p i p h i h i h i − h i Since Υ ,µ 0, we have that i p h i → lk(γ ,T) = Γ ,T (mod 1) = (d 1) Υ ,µ (mod 1) 0 (mod 1). i i i p h i − h i → Proposition 3.4 gives that the first homology of Ws(ζ ) is infinitely generated. Hence at i 0 i least one of the finitely many Fatou components from this union has infinitely generated homology. (cid:3) S Remark 4.4. We will now discuss the question of whether Theorem 1.2 holds without the hypothesisthatf beAxiom-A.Toseethatsomeconditiononhyperbolicityisneeded,consider the disconnected product mapping f(z,w) = (z2 6,w2 +i), − which has that J is aCantor set and that J is a (connected) dendritefor every z C. Since p z ∈ J is connected for every z J , Theorem 2.2 gives that Ws([0 : 1 : 0]) is homeomorphic to z p ∈ an open ball. Moreover, the closure of Ws([0 : 1 : 0]) is all of CP2, giving that it is the only Fatou component for f. Meanwhile, the author does not presently know of any example of a connected polynomial skew product having any Fatou component that is not homeomorphic to an open ball. One can somewhat weaken the hypothesis that f be Axiom-A and still have the proof of Theorem 1.2 that is presented in this section hold. (We leave the Axiom-A condition in the statement of Theorem 1.2, in order to keep it simple.) More specifically: If J is disconnected for some z J , then no hypothesis is needed in order to determine z p ∈ that Ws([0 :1 :0]) has infinitely generated first homology. See Example 5.5.

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