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A CRITICAL AMD HISTORICAL STUD! OP THE ROLE OP RULER AMD COMPASS CONSTRUCTIONS IN THE TEACHING OF HIGH SCHOOL GEOMETRY IN THE UNITED STATES Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of tbe Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Valter August Albrecht, Jr., B.S., M.A. I The Ohio State University 1952 i contents Pa^e 1 INTRODUCTION statement of the Problem 1 Importance of the Problem 3 Scope and Limitations of the Study 4 Definitions of Terms 5 Basic Assumptions 6 II REMARKS ON GEOMETRICAL INSTRUMENTS, POSTULATES, AND HYPOTHETICAL CONSTRUCTIONS Geometrical Instruments o Postulates of Construction 9 Hypothetical Constructions 1r III A HISTORICAL PICTURE OF THE ROI£ OF CONSTRUCTIONS IN GEOMETRY Early Geometry in Egypt 14 Greek Geometry IT Euclid and the Elements 20 Three Famous Problems 21 Other Sets of Restrictions upon Instruments 27 Geometry During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 29 Geometry from the l6th to the 19th Centuries 30 Su canary 34 IV GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTION IN HIGH SCHOOL TEXTS Introduction 36 Justification for the Restriction to Straight-edge and Coiqpasses 37 1* The restriction Is not even mentioned* 37 2. The restriction is specifically mentioned but is not Justified. 4l 3« Ike restriction is Justified on the basis of convention or historical usage. 48 4. ike restriction to straight-edge and coqpasses is Justified on the basis of being demanded by postulates. 53 5- The restriction is Justified on the basis of theoretical accuracy. 59 6. The restriction is Justified as being one rule of a game. 64 7• Miscellaneous other Justifications 66 ii Treatment of Concepts Closely Related to the Ruler-And- Compass Constructions 69 1. Carrying distances with the corqpasaes 65 0 c. • frisection of any angle 70 3. Construction of the regular polygons 71 u. The approximation of n 73 5. Discussion of inqpossible constructions 75 6. Improper use of the word ■^neasure* 7b Summary of Discussions of Justifications Proposed for the Use of the Ruler and Cotq?ass Restriction 77 V GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AITD JUSTIFICATIONS OR THE RULER AND COMPASS RESTRICTION APPEARING IH WORKS OTHffl THAN PIANE GE­ OMETRY texts Teaching Manuals 80 Committee Reports 89 Miscellaneous.Standard and Popular Works 98 Articles Appearing in Periodicals 107 Summary ill VI SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Earlier Chapters ll6 Sumnary of the Role of the Classical Restriction 119 Recommendations 123 BIBLIOGRAPHY Part I: A List of the Seventy High School Geometry Text­ books Examined in this Study 125 Part IB Bibliography Relating to the Classical Construc­ tion Problems and to Constructions With Other 3ets of Restrictions 129 Part His Books Other Than Geometry Textbooks Consulted in this Study 131 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem Whenever geometrical constructions are mentioned, most persons who are at all familiar with geomstry recall the straight-edge and compasses, but they remember them as the only tools or Instruments allowed in geometry, and those with which all the constructions must be made. For example, the problem "to draw a straight line through a given point and parallel to a given line" is easily solved by the use of a pair of triangles or a parallel-ruler, but students are re­ quired to use straight-edge and compasses only. Those who study plane geometry in our high schools come under the Influence of teachers and textbooks which, almost without exception, continue in the tradition of universal and unquestioning acceptance of the so-called Tlatonic" or ’Euclidean" restriction to straight-edge and compasses as an inte­ gral part of demonstrative geometry. After a year of high school ge­ ometry, students remain unaware of the origin and the great Influence upon mathematical thinking of the restriction to straight-edge compasses; they have little or no Idea of what is meant by "impossi­ ble" ; they think it strange that so much stress is laid on these two instruments when all about them they see a great variety of instruments, such as T-square, triangles, protractor, carpenter'a square, and paral­ lel rulers, used in solving practical problems of geometry which con­ tinually arise in carpentry, navigation, engineering, architectural drawing, and other practical occupations and trades. Educators in general, and writers on the teaching of imthematlcs In particular, have seldom seriously questioned or given critical at­ tention to the role and importance of ruler-and-compass constructions in the teaching of geometry. It Is possible, of course, that other phases of geometry are felt to be so much more Important than are con­ structions, that the former merit practically all of our attention; on the other hand, the apparent ignoring of constructions may indicate a passive acceptance of the traditional restriction to straight-edge and compasses as an Integral part of plane demonstrative geometry. There Is little evidence in the literature of mathematics education to Indi­ cate whether or not this restriction on the Instruments of geometric construction Is contributing to generally accepted objectives of geom­ etry teaching. Many textbooks place a rather strong emphasis upon the mechanics of construction, and because the usual geometry course la governed by the textbook, much time is devoted to manipulating the instruments. Al­ though major stress is purportedly placed upon reasoning and the nature of proof, few students gain a correct concept of the postulates or as­ sumptions which underlie the ruler-and-compass constructions, or of the logical way in which the constructions follow from the basic assumptions. Most students and many teachers have never heard that other equally valid and acceptable sets of restrictions might have been Imposed upon the in­ struments of construction, and many do not make the distinction between drawing and constructing geometric figures. Construction*, for the most pert, continue to be taught in the traditional manner, used for two thousand years with little variation, of memorizing medals presented in the texts, and attempting to prove that the construction procedure is correct. The pupil has little con­ cept of what he is doing or of why it is being done. The problem, therefore, is this: there is little written evidence, as will be shown, that much critical thought has been given to the pos­ sibility of using constructions effectively in the course in plane ge­ ometry. Teachers, on the whole, are not familiar enough with geometric constructions, the classical restriction to the use of ruler and compasses, and related ideas and concepts to assign to them their proper role In the teaching of high school geosmtry. The purpose of this study will therefore be to Investigate the role of geometric constructions In the geometry teaching of the past; to in­ quire Into their Importance and possible contributions in a modern course in demonstrative geometry; and to present materials which should help teachers and prospective teachers to understand the whole problem of ge­ ometric constructions and to make good use of them in the classroom. Importance of the Problem Comparatively little work of this nature has been done. This study should serve to focus the attention of high school geometry teachers and those who train teachers, upon a phase of geometry normally overlooked when critical examination and analysis of values are brought to bear upon the teaching of geometry. It should assist teachers and those who train teachers to determine for themselves what uses can be made in their own classrooms of geometrical construct Iona in tbs development of important learning values. Tbs study will bring together in one place information and materials relating to geometric constructions, which la of value to teachers, those who train teachers, and textbook writers, and which is now found in scattered places. The study should further assist teachers and prospective teachers of high school geometry to decide how to Justify the ruler-and-compass re­ striction to their pupils, to determine the amount and kind of stress to be placed upon constructions, to stimulate their own and their pupils* interest In the further implications of the restriction. A thorough knowledge of ruler-and-compass constructions and an understanding and appreciation of their role in geometry will result in a much more inter­ esting and meaningful geometry course. Bcope and Limitations of the Study The study will gather reasons and Justifications that have been pro­ posed for the original restriction Imposed by the early Oreeks, and trace the role and influence of geometrical constructions through to modern times. Other sets of restrictions will be briefly examined. Tbs various ways in which modern authors Justify the Platonic" restrictions to stu­ dents will be determined and compared with the objectives of geometry teaching. An attempt will be made to evaluate recent implications that constructions are over-emphasised, improperly taught, or, as suggested by Hathan Lasar in classroom lectures and public talks, a hoax foisted upon the pupils. Information will be gathered from original and secondary sources Including: (1) old and recent high school geometry texts, (2) works pertaining to the teaching of plane geometry, (3) reports of Important regional and national councils and committees on geometry teaching, (4) articles in periodicals and Journals of mathematics and mathematics education, (5) other books which include material on geometry and constructions, such as works on the history of math* ematlcs, books on mathematical recreations, math­ ematical works of a popular nature, and works devoted to the study of special problems. The study will confine itself mainly to materials published end used in the United States, and to a lesser degree In Canada and England. German and French works which have had an Important Influence on geometry teach­ ing in the United States will also be used; but the great difficulty in obtaining modern textbooks and manuals from countries outside the United States has made it necessary to eliminate all such works from consider­ ation. The study is further confined to plane, demonstrative geometry, with little reference to solid geometry or to Informal geometry. Definitions of Terms The familiar term "ruler-and-compass constructions" will be used to designate "geometrical constructions performed with the aid of only an unmarked straight-edge and a pair of compasses." A geometrical construction is regarded as a problem situation in which It Is required that a desired figure be drawn with the aid of specified Instruments (such as the straight-edge and compasses) and using specific given data. Textbook will mean any book containing a definite body of systemati­ cally arranged subject matter and intended for use as a principal and primary source of atudy material for a high achool course In plana geometry (uaually given in the tenth grade). Objectivea of a courae of lnatructlon are the deaired behavlora or changea in behavior of the pupil aa a reault of experiencea originating in and arlaing from the courae. Content of a courae will dealgnate the factual informa­ tion, knowledges, and attltudea which are to be imparted to the pupils, and methods are the proceaaea ueed to impart the mathematical informa­ tion and underatandlnga. Authorltlea are thoee lndlviduala and groupa, who ty virtue of their works, writInga, and pronouncemanta concerning nathematlca and mathematics education, or poaitlona aa outatandlng teachera of mathenatlca, are regarded by the profeeelon to be sourcea of productive thinking in the field of mathenatlca education. Elemen­ tary geometry will include the uaual theoreme, principles, construc­ tions, and applications found in good textbooks. When It is confined to points, straight lines, polygons, and circles in a plane, it con­ stitutes elementary plane geometry. Throughout the paper the following distinctions will be made: to construct a figure means to effect its completion with the straight­ edge and compasses only; to draw a figure will mean that any instru­ ments deaired may be used, such as ruler, protractor, compasses, tri­ angles; to sketch a figure will imply a freehand drawing, made with­ out aid of Instruments, which represents the required figure. Basic Assumptions A study of this kind must necessarily proceed from a number of general assumptions, such as: that geometry is of sufficient importance as a high school subject to warrant a study of one of Its Important phases; that constructions constitute a large and important phase of plane demonstrative geometry; that a problem, as stated above, does exist with regard to constructions; and that the sources of Information ere authentic, reliable, and adequate. It will be further assumed that, since most high school courses In geometry are determined by the textbook used, an examination of text­ books will reveal the content of the usual course In plane demonstrative geometry and, for the purposes of this study, the role assigned to the classical constructions.

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