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A contribution to the study of the ground-beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Osogovo Mountain. I PDF

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Preview A contribution to the study of the ground-beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Osogovo Mountain. I

— Historianaturalisbulgarica,6, 1996:29 35 A contribution to the study ofthe ground-beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Osogovo Mountain. I. GUEORGUIEV Borislav , , , 1, ComparedtotheotherhighBulgarianmountaias(over2(000m),,Osogovoremains the onewiththemostpoorlystudiedcarabidfauna. Only 18 species andsubspecies from 7generaofthislargebeetlefamilyhavebeenreported 1909; 1928; 1928; 1928; Breuning, 1932; COIFFAIT, 1970; Pawlowski, 1972, 1973; Ganev, 1984; HiEKE,Wrase, 1988). Thus, themaingoal ofthepresentpaperisto addnewdataaboutthefaunistics, seasonal activityandhabitatconditionsoftheadultcarabidsoccurringthere. Studiedarea — Osogovo Mountain (withthehighestpointRouen 2251 m)iswell separated fromtheadjacentmountainsbynaturalgeographicalbarriers.ThroughVelbuzhdM Pass (1160 m) to north Osogovo Mountain is connected withthe mountains from KraishteRegion,whereasbytheChemataSkalaCol(970m)andtheregionPiyanets t(osoutheastitisjoinedtothemountainsVlahina,MaleshevskaandOgrazhden.Over 2/3fromthemoimitainbelongtotheMacedonianterritory,astherestpartwitharea m 497.5 sq. UesinBulgaria. The a.nnual average temperature by the Osogovo Chalet (1640 m) is 5.4° — ugp., 1977).ThemonthwiththelowestaveragetemperatureisJanuary (ofra3i.n0f°aCl)l,swishe9r25eamsmth(atOswoigtohvtohCehhailegth)e.stMiasyJu—l—yJ(u1n4.e6°anC)d.OTchteobaevre—ragNeoavnenmubaelrsaurme periodswithhigherprecipitation,whileAugust Septemberarethedriestone.The highestparts ofthe mountain are coveredbysnowusuallyfromthe thirdtenthof OctobertillthethirdtenthofApril. ThelargerpartofOsogovoMountainiscoveredbydeciduousmesophillousforest withpredominance ofFagussylvatica, asweU as Quercusconferta, Q. cerris andQ. sessiliflora. The mostpartoftheprimaryconiferousforests arereplaced atthepre- se—nttimebythebeechones andgrassplots,becauseoftheirclearingduringthelast 3 4centuries. Thus, the upperforestborderconsistsnowmostlyofbeech, ffighest parts(over 1800m)arecoveredwithjuniperbushes andgrassvegetation. 29 ——— Materialandmethods The present investi—gation is based mostly on materials collected bythe author duringtheperiodApril November 1994 (theyearomittedfa—rtheroninthetext). Alllocalitieswiththeexceptionofone (RepublicofMacedonia theregionofKriva RekaRivernearto KruklyaVillage) arefrom BulgarianpartofOsogovo Mountain. Singlespecimenscollectedbyotherpersonsbefore 1994havebeenenlisted, too. Themainpartofthe carabidshasbeencollectedbytraps. 25 %watersolutionof ethyleneglycolwasusedas afixator. Thetrapswerevisitedevery30 days. The material—is preserved in the collections ofNa—tional Museum ofNatural History(NMNH) SofiaandInstitute ofForests (IF) Sofia. Thehabitatsvisitedbythe authorarethefollowing: — H1.Coniferousplantationsabovethepark'Hisarluka',640 670m,northofBogo- slovVillage.Pinusnigrapredominating, alsoPinussilvestris andCorylusavellana. — H2. Meadow abovethepark'Hisarluka', 640 670m,northofBogoslovVillage. Stronglyanthropogenicinfluence (villas). H 3. AlongKriva Reka Rivernearto KruklyaVillage, sandyfluvial soils, 660 m 680 (RepublicofMacedonia). H4. ThevalleyofEleshnitsaRiver, ca. 3kmfromtheMacedonianborder, 950 1000m. H 5. Mixed forest (Picea excelsa andFagus sylvatica) near to the ex-residence Tuchbounar', 900—950m. H6. The—bridge'Tchekanets—ki'overEleshnitsaRiver,neartotheroadforkNovo SeloVillage RakovoVillage SazhdenikVillage, 9—50—1000m. H 7. North slope abovethe road BogoslovVillage 'Trite Bouki' Chalet, 950 980m. Middle agebeechforest. H8. PopoviLivadi, 1230—1250m. Beechforest. H9. PopoviLivadi, 1230—1250m. Meadows. — H 10. Neartotheroadbetween'TriteBouki'Chalet NovoSeloVillage, 1340— 1370m. Deciduousmesophillousforestnearto abigtorrent. H 11. Abovethereserve'Kyustendil', 1350—1400m. Mixedforest. H 12. Beechforestswithmeadowsby'TriteBouki'Chalet, 1500—1570m. H 13. Around the bridge over Mlachka Reka River, close to ChervenaYabulka — Village, 1440 1460m. Fluvialhumidbiotop. H 14. Oldconiferousforestby'TriteBouki'Cha—let, 1550—1580m. H 15. The roadbetween 'Trite Bouki' Chalet Peak Choveka, 1700—1800 m. — Orophytic(woodless)zone juniperbushes andgrassvegetation. — H 16. OrophyticzonebetweenPeakChovekaandPeakShapka, 1850 2050m. Listofthe species — Calosoma (Campalita)auropunctatum(Herbst, 1782) PeakChoveka, 2000m, 31.VII.1980, 1Cf,leg. J. Ganev, (NMNH). — H Carabus(Morphocarabus)scabriusculusbulgarusLapouge, 1908 8(V., 1Cf). ^'^ Collectedintraps. 30 — Carabus (Archicarabus) montivagus bulgaricus Csiki, 1927 HI (traps: V., 3CfCfand 5QQ;VI., 1Cfand3QQ;VII., 38CfCfand35QQ;VIII., 12CfCfand9QQ; DC., 2 QQ; X., 17 CfCfand 15 QQ); H 7 (traps: X., 1 Cf ); H 8 (X., 1 Cf); H 9 (traps: IV., 1 Q); H 15 (l.rX., 1Q). Balkanendemic. — Carabus (Oreocarabus) hortensis Linnaeus, 1758 HI (V., 3 QQ; VI., 1 Cf and 1 Q; IX., 1 Cf); H 6 (VII—IX., remains); H 7 (V., 2 CfCf and 4 QQ; VI., 2 CfCf and 1 Q; VII., 3CfCf;VIII., 1Cfand 1Q; EX., 1Cfand 1Q); H8(V., 1Q;VI., 1Q;VIII., 2CfCfand H 1Q; rX., 2CfCf); 9 (V., 1Q). Allspecimens collectedintraps.— Carabus {Procrustes) coriaceus cerisyi Dejean, 1826 'Hisarluka' Place, 11.VI.1967, 1Q(NMNH);H1(traps:V.,3CfCfand5QQ;VII., 1Q;VIII., 1Q);H6(traps: H H H v., 1 Q); 7 (traps: VIII., 1 Cf); 8 (traps: VI., 1 Q; IX., 1 Cf); 9 (27.IV., 1 Q; traps: VI., IQ; IX., 2CfCfand IQ). — Leistus {Pogonophorus) rufomarginatus Duftschmid, 1812 H 1 (V., 1 Cf); H 7 (X., 1Cf). All specimens collectedintraps. — Leistus {Pogonophorus) spinibarbis rufipes Chaudoir, 1843 PeakTash-Tepe, 2000 m (= Peak Kamen Vruh, 1996 m), 21.VI.1926, 2 QQ (leg. N. Radev, NMNH); PeakBozhderitsa, 2000m, 21.VI.1926, 3CfC—fand3QQ (leg. N. Radev, NMNH). HI Notiophilusbiguttatus(Fabricius, 1779) (V.,21specimens;VI., 1specimen; H H IX., 3 specimens); 7 (V., 3 specimens; VI., 1 specimen; X., 1 specimen.); 8 (VI., 2 specimens; VII., 4specimens). Allspecimens collectedintraps. — H Clivinafossor(Linnaeus, 1758) 1—0 (5.VI., 1 specimen,undertrunk). Asaphidionflavipes(Linnaeus, 1761) H7(27.IV., 1specimen,inmeadow,with entomologicalnet, leg. E. Manasieva—). Xenion ignitum (Kraatz, 1875) H 7 (traps: V., 9CfCf and 3 QQ; VI., 4CfCf and 4QQ;VII., 1Cfand1Q;Vin., 1Cf);H8(traps:VI., IQ;VII., ICfand 1Q);H11(27.IV., 1Cf). Balkanendemic. — Myas chalybaeus (Palliardi, 1825) HI (V., 38CfCf and 32 QQ; VI., 4 CfCf and 7QQ;VII., 1Cf;VIII., 3CfCfand4QQ; IX., 1Cfand2QQ;X., 2CfCf); H 7 (V., 3CfCfand H 3QQ;VIII., 2CfCf; EX., 1Q); 8(V., 2QQ;VI., 1Q; IX., 1Q).Allspecimens coUectedin traps. — H Poecilus {Poecilus) lepidus (Leske, 1785) 4 (28.IV., 6 CfCf and 2 QQ; 5.VI., 1 Cf); H 6 (traps: VII—IX., 1Cf);H 8 (traps: VI., 1 Q); H 9 (traps: VI., 1 Cf;VII., 2QQ); H12(10.VIII., IQ). — H Poecilus {Poecilus) versicolor(Sturm, 1824) 4(28.IV., 2QQ,—under stones). H Pterostichus{Bothriopterus)oblongopunctatus(Fabricius, 1787) 6(5.VI.1994, 1Cf;traps: IV., 2CfCfand 2QQ;V., 7CfCfand 5QQ); —H8 (traps:V., 1 Q). H Pterostichus{Melanius)nigrita(Fabricius, 1792) 3(Macedonia, 16.VI.,2CfCf); H H 11 (27.IV., 1Q); 13 (2.IX., 1Q). — H H Pterostichus {Platysma)niger(Schaller, 1783) 6(traps:V., 1Q); 7 (27.rV., 1 Cf, under stone); H 10 (traps: V., 1 Cf); H 12 (lO.VIII., 1 Cf; 26.X., 1 C^); H 13 (2.IX., 1Q);H14(25.III., ICf). — Abax {Abax)ovalis (Duftschmid, 1812) H8(VI., 1Cf). Collectedintraps. Abax{Abax)carinatus(Duftschmid, 1812)—H1(V.,2CfCfand2QQ;VI.,8CfCfand 3QQ;VII.,5CfCfand5QQ;VIII.,2CfCfand 1Q;IX., 1Cfand—1Q).Allcollectedintraps. Agonum {Anchomenus)dorsale (Pontoppidian, 1763) H 2 (27.IV., 1 Cf, under H H stone); 8(traps:V.,Q); 9 (traps: V., 1Cfand2QQ). 31 — Agonum (Platynus) scrobiculatum (Fabricius, 1801) H 5 (25.III., 3 CTCf and H 3QQ)\ 6 (traps: IV., 1CS;V., 2QQ). — Agonum {Platynus) assimile (PaykuU, 1790) H 4 (28.IV., 1 Cf, under stone); H 5 (25.III., 1 Cf); H 6 (25.III., 3CfCfand 2QQ; 5.VI., 1Q; 26.X., 2Q; traps: IV., 3CfCf and4QQ;V., 10CfCfand 14QQ). — Agonum {Agonum)sexpunctatum (Linnaeu—s, 1758) H 13 (2.IX., 1CT). Agonum {Agonum)viduum (Panzer,1797) —H 15 (4.VI., 1Cfand 1Q). m Calathus {Calathus)fuscipes (Goeze, 1777) PeakTash-Tepe, 2000 (= Peak KamenVruh, 1996m),21.VI.1926,2CfCfand2QQ,leg.N.Radev,det.Kryzhanowskij, NMNH); H 1 (27.IV., 1Cf, under stone; traps: V., 1 Q;VII., 2QQ;VIII., 1Cfand 7QQ; rX., 4QQ); H 2 (27.IV., 1 Cf, under stone); H 6 (traps: VII—EX., 2 CfCf and 2QQ); H 8 H (traps:v.,4CfCfand5QQ;VII., 19;VIII., 1Q;rX.,3QQ;X., 1Cfand7QQ); 9(25.III., 2CfCfand2QQ;traps: IV., 3CfCfand6QQ;VI., 1Cf;VII., 3CfO'and2QQ;VIII., 2CfCf and5QQ; IX., 17CfCfand45QQ). — Calathus{Neocalathus)melanocephalus(Linnaeus, 1758) aroundIglikaChalet, H131020—(3114.0VI0IIm.,, 3lOC.fVCIfIaLn,d11QQ,;uln.dKe.r,s1toCfn;e,26l.eXg..,P1.QS)t;oeHv;1H3(92.(ItXr.a,p2s:CfVC.f,);1HQ;1V4II(.2,1.1VICIf.),; 2QQ); H 16 (traps: VII., 1Cfand 2QQ;VIII., 1Q). — Calathus{Neocalathus)metallicusaeneusPutzeus, 1873 PeakTash-Tepe2000 m, (= Peak Kamen Vruh, 1996 m), 21.VI.1926, 1 Q, leg. N. Radev, NMNH); Peak Bozhderitsa, 2000 m, 21.VI.1926, 1 Cf, leg. N. Radev, NMNH); Peak Choveka, 2050 m, 31.VII.1980, 3 CfCfand 2QQ, leg. J. Ganev; H 10 (traps: V., 2QQ); H 12 (31.VIII., 1Q);H14(25.111.,2CfCfand4QQ;21.VIL,6CfCfand1Q);H 15(4.VI.,1Q);H16(4.VI., 3 CfCf and 3 QQ, snow-drifts; 11.VIII.1994, 1 Q, leg. P. Stoev; traps: VII., 21 CfCfand 59QQ;VIII., 4CfCfand9QQ). Balkanendemic. — Calathus {Neocalathus)erratus Sahlberg, 1827 H9 (25.III.,—1Cfand 1Q). HI Laemostenus{Pristonichus)terricolapunctatus(Dejean, 1828) (V., 1Q;VI., H 19;VII.,39;VIII.,3CfCfand299;IX., 3CfCfand899;X.,4CfCfand399); 7(VII., 1 Cfand 19;VIII., 299;X., 1Cfand 19); H8 (X., 19; H9(VIII., 1 9). All specimens collectedintraps. — Amara {Amara)ovata (Fabricius, 1792)— HI (V., 19). Collectedintraps. Amara {Amara)saphyrea Dejean, 1828 HI (V., 3CfCfand399;VI., 1Cf). specimens collectedintraps. — Amara {Amara) morio nivium Tschitscherine, 1900 Peak Choveka, 2050 m, 31.VII.1980, 1Cf, leg. J. Ganev. — Amara {Amara)aenea (Degeer, 1774) H 2 (27.IV., 1 9, imder stone); H 3 (Re- public ofMacedonia), 16.VI., 1 9; H 6 (5.VI., 1 Cf and 1 9, imder stones); H 9 (traps: V.,19)- — Amara {Amara)tibialis (PaykuU, 1798) H—4(28.IV., 1Cf, understone). Amara {Celia)erratica (Duftschmid, 1812) —H 16( 4.VI., 299, snow-drifts). Amara {Bradytus)apricaria (PaykuU, 1790) —H 15 (4.VI., 1CS; l.IX., 19). Amara {Bradytus)fulva (O. F. MuUer, 1776) H—9 (IV., 19). Collectedintraps. Amara {Percosia) equestris (Duftschmid, 1812) H 9 (IV., 1 Cf; VI., 1 Cf; VII., 3CfCfand299;VIII., 1Cf; IX., 19;X., 3CfCfand 19); H 16(VII., 1Cfand299;VIII., 4CfCfand 599).Allspecimens collectedintraps. 32 — Anisodactylus(Anisodactylus)nemorivagus(Duftschmid, 1812) H9(traps:IV., H 1 Q;VI., 2CfCf); 11 (27.IV, 1Q,understone). — Gynandromorphusetruscus (Quensel, 1806) H 2 (27.IV—, 1Q, understone). Stenolophus discophorus (Fischer-Waldheim, 1823) H 3 (Republic of Macedonia), 16.VI., 1 Q). — Egadroma marginata (Dejean, 1829) H 2 (27—.IV., 1Q). Ophonus(Ophonus)cribricollis(Dejean, 1829) H9(—V, 1Cf).Collectedintraps. Ophonus{Ophonus)signaticornis(Duftschmid, 1812) H4(28.IV., 1CT,withen- tomologicalnet, leg. E. Manasieva). — Ophonus(Metophonus)nitidulusStephens, 1828 H—6(5.VI., 1Q,understone). Ophonus (Metophonus)gammeli (Schauberger, 1932) HI (V., 1 Cf). Collected intraps. — Pseudophonus(Pseudophonus)rufipes(Degeer, 1774) HI(traps:V.,3CfCTand 3QQ; VII., 2QQ); H6 (5.VI., 1Cf,understone); H 7 (traps: VII., 1Q); H 9(traps:VII., 10CfCTand 8QQ;VIII., 1CS; IX., 1Cf); H 10 (5.VI., 2QQ, understone andtrunk; H 14 (21.VII.,1Q). — Harpalus (Harpalus)affinis(Schrank, 1781) H6(5.VI., 1Cf,understone); H9 (traps: IV, 1 Cf; VII., 1 Q); H 12 (21.VII., 2QQ, under stones); H 15 (4.VI., 4CfCf and 1 Q; l.IX., 4CfCfand2QQ); H 16(ll.VIII., 2CfCf,under—stones). Harpalus {Harpalus)rubripes (Duftschmid, 1812) H 9 (V, 2QQ). Collectedin traps. — — Harpalus {Harpalus) quadripunctatus Dejean, 1829 1300 1700 m, (23.VII.1992, 1 Q, leg. V. Sakalian, det. D. Wrase). — Harpalus {Harpalus) serripes (Quensel, 1806) H 3 (Republic ofMacedonia, 16.VI.1Q). — Harpalus {Harpalus) autumnalis (Duftschmid, 1812) H 3 (Republic ofMace- donia, 16.VI., 1Cfand2QQ); H 6 (5.VI., 1 Cfand—1Q, understones). Harpalus{Harpalus)atratusLatreille, 1804 H 1(V,3d'Cfand2QQ;VI.,9CfCf and 5QQ; VII., 2CfCfand 1Q). All specimens collect—edintraps. Harpalus {Harpalus) rufipalpis Sturm, 1818 1300—1700 m, (23.VII.1992, 1Q,leg. V. Sakahan, det. B. Kataev); H9(traps—:VI., 1Cf). Harpalus{Actephilus)pumilusSturm, 1818 H3(RepublicofMacedonia, 16.VI., ICfandlQ). — Parophonusmaculicornis(Duftschm—id, 1812) H9(V., 1Q). Collectedintraps. H Callistuslunatus(Fabricius, 1775) 9(V—,3CfCfand5QQ). Collectedintraps. H Licinus{Licinus)depressus(Paykull, 1790) 9(traps: IV., 1Cf V., 2QQ;VII., 1 Cfand 1Q); H 12 (lO.VIII., 1 Q). — ; Lebia {Lebia)cruxminor(Linnaeus, 1758) H4(28.IV, 1Q,withentomological , net, leg. E. Manasieva). — Dromius {Dromius)schneideri Crotch, 1870 20.VII.1956, underbarkofPinus — 1 specimen, leg. G. Tsankov, (IF). Known onlyfrom RilaMountains Gove- dartsiVillage (Wrase, 1991)uptonow. — H Philorhizusnotatus (Stephens, 1827) 7 (27.IV., 1Q,withentomologicalnet, leg. E. Manasieva). — Cymindis humeralis (Fourcroy, 1785) Peak Rouen, 2253 m, 21.VI.1926, 1 Cf, leg. N. Radev, det. Kryzhanowskij,NMNH); PeakBozhderitsa, 2000m, 21.VI.1926, 33 — 1 Cf and 2 QQ, leg. N. Radev, det. Kryzhanowskij, NMNH); PeakChoveka, 2050 m, H H 31.VII.1980, 1Cf, leg.J. Ganev; 9(traps: VI., 1Q); 16(traps: VII., 2QQ). All enlisted 62 species £ind subspecies are new forthe Osogovo Mounta—in (60 of them were found on the Bulgarian area of Osogovo Mountain and 5 in the Macedonian area).Dromius (Dromius)schneideri Crotchis foundforsecondtimein Bulgaria. Iwishtothankthecolleagues DrA. Popov(NMNH); DrG. Georgiev(IF) andDr P. Mirchev (IF) for committingmaterials; to MrJ. Ganev (Sofia), DrV. Gueorguiev (Sofia), MrsE. Manasieva(Sofia), MrP. Petrov(Sofia), DrV. Sakalian(Sofia), MrP. Stoev(Sofia),MrG.Tsonev(Sofia)forthecollectingcarabidsfromOsogovoMountain; to DrB. Kataev(SanktPetersburg), ProfO. Kryzhanowskij (SanktPetersburg) and Mr D. Wrase (Berlin) for determination ofsome specimens. I theink also to Dr K. Kumanski(NMNH) andDrA. Popovfortheirgoodideas andlinguistic corrections. References — BreuningS.1935.MonographiederGattimgCarabus. In:Best.-Tab.europ.Col.,109:1121 1360. — CoiFFAlTH. 1970.UnremarquableDuvaliuscavemicolenouveaudeBulgarie. Ann.SpeleoL, 25(3): 721—723. GanevJ.—1984. BeitragzurErforschungderFamilie Cicindelidae (Coleoptera)in Bulgarien. Articulata,2(5): 123—124. — HiEKEF.,D.W.Wrase. 1988.FaunistikderLaufkaferBulgari.ens(Coleoptera,Carabidae). Dtsch.. ent. Z.,(N.F.)35(1—3): 1—171. — PawlowskiJ. 1972.TroisnouveauxTrechus(Coleoptera,Carabidae)deBulgarie. Bull.Acad. Polon. Sci.,ser.biol.,(2)20(12): 873—879. — PawlowskiJ. 1973.EspecesbulgaresdugenreTrechus(Coleoptera,Carabidae). ActaZool. ; Crakov. 18(10): 217—270. — WraseD. 1991. FaunistikderLaufkaferBulgariens(Coleoptera,Carabidae). 1.Nachtrag. . .M,it.t. Entom. Ges..Bas1e9l2,,8.41 (1): 2—20. Carabinae (. —Ca.r.abidae, Coleoptera) u. — . . ...., 1n9p7u7.p. 1:45 107. — , .—,..3.46. 1928. 1926 1927 . -, . 4: 17. — . .. 1928. Cicindelidae(Col.) -, — .. 4:91.11,4. — 1909. — 25: 1 32. Receivedon15.11.1995 Author'saddress: BorislavGueorguiev NationalMuseumofNaturalHistory 1,TsarOsvoboditelBlvd,1000Sofia Bulgaria 34 - . (Coleoptera, Carabidae) I. () - - , , . 6, 18 u (Cara,bidae) 7 ( - .2000). gage , - u — . , (1994 ., - U — (NMNH) u — ) - , (IF) . . 25% , 30 . — go - . , . 62 u (Carabidae), 60 5 Dromius{Dromius) schneideriCrotch 35

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