Rev. Mus. Argentirio Cienc. Nut., n.s. 3111: 93-108, 2001 Buenos A~resI, SSN 1514.5158 A catalog of the types of Hydraenidae (Staphylinoidea) and of Hydrophiloidea (Insects, Coleoptera, hlyphaga) deposited at the Rluseo Argentino de Cieneias Naturales, Buenos h r e s Axel 0.B AG KMANN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales eBernardino Rivadavia., A". A. Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Researcher of the CONICET e-mail [email protected] Abstracl: The tvoe svecimens (all acceuted catceories) of thc Hvdraenidac (Stavhviinoidea)a nd the families here by name-hearing types (holotypes,s yntypes and lectotypes), Later combinations andlot current biriomina are mentioned when known to the author In order to facilitete future research, two lists are added: 1, of specimens labelled as types of names not found in the literature, and presumably not published, and 2. of specimens labelled as types, but not originally included as such, and published ornot after thc original description. Key words: Hydmenidae, Hydraphiloidea, type specimeris -- A list of the type specimens of species of entered in the Entomological Division register; Hydraenidae (Staphylinoidea) and of Hydrophi- numbers under I0000 correspond to the old ge- loidea, deposited at the Entomological Ilivision neral register of the Museum. Later nomen- of this Museum is here given; they correspond to clatural or taxionomical changes are added, if 125 names, 2 of Hydraenidae, 123 of Iiydrophi- these are lrnown by the author. loidea: 50 holotypes, 52 syntypes (of 17 names; Entries with no description of the labels one ofthem dubious), 12 lectotypes, 722 paratypes correspond to formally correct cases; in the (including 36 allotypes), and 41 paralectotypes; remaining entries such a description helps to it follows that 79 of these 125 names (63 %,) are state the actual condition of the specimens here represented by name-bearing types mentioned. ('primary' types). For the identification of types not formally Although the Ilelophoridae, Georissidae designated in the original publication (art. 72.4 (neither group represented in this catalog), of the Code), evidences from the labels were used. Epimetopidae, Ilydrocl~idaea nd Hydrophilidae When a holotype, or its equivalent (etypusw, are now treated as separate families, they are .<type>o)r <<tipopw>a) s not f(~rmallyd esignated, and here included in a single list. the amount of specimens examinated was not Specific and subspecific names are alphabe- mentioned,it is assumed that there was a series tically entered, as is usual in type specimen ofsyntypes (recommendation 73 P of the Code), catalogs; each name is followed by the generic eventually 'single syntypes'. one (and subgeneric one if it was mentioned) as In the collection are found some specimens it was spelled in the original binomcn, or by the labelled as types, of names not found in the genericandspecific ones in the case ofsubspecies; literature, and assumed not to have been the biblio-zrao.hic citation follows. as well as an nublished. These names are nrobablv not availa- account of the types, if these were mentioned, ble in the sense of the Code; however, in order to starting with those deposited in this Museum. assist in future research, they are separately An account of the type specimens actually housed listed. follows. According to the International Code of Specimens designated as types after the ori- Zoological Nomenclature (4"" edition, 1999), ginal publication date, published or not, cannot allotypes are not 'name bearing types'. If the be accepted as included in the type series; country is not mentioned, Argentina is meant; in however,also in order to assist in future research, every other case, the country is mentioned first. they are included in a third list, along with other Some specimens bear a registration number, speciinens labelled as types, but not included in 94 Revzsta del Museo Argentzno de (' zenczas Naturales, n s 3 (11, 2001 the original publication. In each case a 'Note' is Misiones Prov.: Bonpland, in coll. Brueh. Other 2 parat. added to clear their situation. at MLP, 5 parat. in coll. Bachmann. Institutions mentioned in the list as housing Holot. d pinned, with a glass microvial, allot. some types, are identified as follows: BM: The 9, 4 parat. with glass microvials, all pinned, Natural History Nluseum, London, UK, CAS: Misiones: Obera: Rarra Bonita, 2 of themex coll. California Academy or Sciences, San Francisco, Bachmann; lqparat. Misiones:Bonpland,ex coll. USA; CEA: Centro de Ecologia Aplicada del Lito- Bruch; 1 9 parat. Misiones: S. Maria, ex coll. ral, Corrientes, Argentina; EM& lnstituto y Fun- Bachmann. daci6n Miguel Liiio, Tucumin, Argentina; INPA: Note: Pristoternus was synonymized with Institute Nacional de Pesquisas da AmazBnia, Dopisternus iTropisterrtusj by Hansen (1989: 54), Manaus,Brasil; TSNB: Institut Royal des Sciences and revalidated as a subgenus of Popisternus Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgique; by Bachmann (1993: 50,72). MACN: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; MG: Museu Emilio acutidens iFIydrabionwrpha!. Bachmann 1888: 8, Goeldi, Belem, Brasil; MHiVG: Musee #Histoire 34-35, f 19 A-H: Iiolot. d Brasil: M. Grosso State: Naturelle, GenBve, Suisse; MLP: Museo de La Corumbti, ex coll. Pellerano. Plata, La Plata, Argentina; MILS:M useo de His- Holot. d, pinned; Brasil: Mato Grosso: toria Natural 1,a Salle, Caracas, Venezuela; Gorumba, ex coll. Pellerano. iMiUPIN: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; MP: Museum Pragae, Praha, Czech adocetus [Guyanobiusl. Spangler 1986: 587-593, Republic; M%: Museu de Zoolo&, S6o Paulo, Bra- f. 1-24: Parat. Guyana: Mazaruni-Potaro District: Takutu Mountains. Holot. $,allot. and parat. idern at sil; TM. Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South USNM, parat. at several institutions. African Republic; UBA: University of Buenos Ai- 1 d, 1 9 parat. on pointed cards, Guyana: res [now in MACN]; USNM: United States Mazaruni-l'otaro District: %kutu Mountains National Museum (Smithsonian Institution), Washington, USA; ZNIB: Zoologisches Museum, aequatorialis ifIemiosus]. Oiiva 1894a: 276,283- Berlin-Dahlem, Germany; ZMN: Zoologisches 284, f 3.1, 21, 30: 1 d, 3 9 parat. Venezuela: Ttichira Museum, Hamburg, Germany; ZSB: Zoologische State: Santo Dorningo. Holot, and allot. idem at BM. Staatssammlung Bayerns, Miinchen, Germany I d, 3 9 parat. on cards, the d with dissected Personal collections are mentioned by the names parts glued to the same card, and with a plastic of'their owners. microvial, Venezuela: T6chira: Santo Domingo. The author is deeply indebted to Drs. Adriana Oliva and LilianaA. I<'ernindez Tor their valuable apicalis [Hemiosusl. Oliva 1994a: 280, 286-288, f. assistance in former drafts of this paper, 1, 7, 13, 23, 31.: Holot. d, allot. 9, 5 d, 4 9 parat. Misiones Proe: Bernard" de Irigoyen: UruguB-i River; CATALOG OF THE TYPES 6 d, 9 9 parat. Uruguay: Lavalleja Dept.: Minas. Other parat. at 13M, MIING, MZ [now at INPAI, USNM. Hydraenidae Holot. d, allot. 9, 11 d, 13 9 parat. on cards, the holot. and 7 d parat. with dissected parts anisonycha [Hydraenal. Perkins 1980: 37, 70, glued to the same cards, holot. and 13p arat. with 191-193, f. 2 C,E,50 B, 57A-F. 56 B. 153 11: Holot. plastic microvials, Misiones: B, de Irigoyen: d, allot. Q ,1714 parat: Colombia: Cundinamarca, Urugub-i River; 6d,99parat.o n cards,6 ofthem and Colombia: Meta, at USNM. with dissected parts glued to the same cards, 6 1p arat. on a card, Colombia: Cundiuamarca. of them with a plastic microvial, Uruguay: Lavalleja: Minds: El Perdido creek. fkancki [sub Franckii IOchtiiebiusl. Bruch 1015: 464-465, f 18: 10 ex. Buenos Aires. arcanus [Berosusj. Knisch 1924a: 137-138:4 ex. (the 1 synt. on a card, 8.A ires, ex coll. Bruch. author was allowed to retain one of them), Bolivia: Note: Recorded underOchthebius iKvmenodes) Cuatro Ojos, leg. Lizer and Deletang, sent hy Bruch. 3 paraleetot. on cards, Bolivia: Cuatro Ojos, labelled "Kniidet. I Berosus Son 11 1 arcanus [on alll" handwritten by Knisch, ex coll. Lizer y Hydrophiloidea Trelles. Note: Lectot. and paraiectot, designated by acaragua STropisternus (Pristoternusjl. Oliva (1995b: 77). Bachmann 1970:5 8-59,f 1-4: Holot. d,allot. 9,2 parat. Misiones Prov: Oberti: Barra Bonita; 1 9 pamt. argentinense IPhaenonoturnl. Brueh 1915: 465- Misiones Prov: Concepcidn Dept.: S. Maria; 1 parat. 466, f. 1.9: Several ex. among rotted roots of ornbii Aachmann Types ofHydraen~dae~ Stapfzylcno~deaa)n d Ujnlrophzlordea 95 [Phytolaeca dioical, and in an aged stem of ceibo Amazonas State: Paranii da Terra Nova. Holot. d [Erythrirza crista-gallil, B. Aires Prov.: La Plata, and Brasil: Santarbm, allot. 9 from Brasil: Obidos, and Itio Santiago; = P argentinum RBgimbart in litt. parat., at BM; other parat, at INPA and ISNB. Lectot. 9, 1 9 paralectot. on cards, B. Aires 3 d,3 9 parat., Brasil: Amazonas: SantarBm; Prov., labelled "Typus" on pale green paper, the 2 d parat. with plastic microvials, Brasil: Ama- lectot. in addition "argentinum I Reg. n. sp." zonas: SolimBes, all on cards. handwritten by Regimbart, ex coll. Bruch. Notes: There are 2 paralectot. at MLP, fide boliuianus !Helochares !Helochares.)l. Ferniindez Fernindez & Cahrera (1996: 3-4). 1,ectot. and 1989a: 146, 148, f. 2, 3: Holot. d Bolivia: Santa CNZ paralectot. designated by Archangelsky (1991: Degt.: GutiBrrez Prov.: Nueva Moka. 160). Holot. d, pinned, with a glass microvial, Bolivia: S. Cruz: Gutierrez: N. Moka. argentinensis iDerallus1. Bruch 1915: 459-460, f 14: Several cx. Buenos Aires Pro".: La I'lata; =Derallus brachyphalEus illerallusl. Oliva 1983b: 346, pl. i: argenlinus RBgimhart in litt. t: 2 a-c, ii: f. 2: I 9 parat. Brasil: Amaaonas State: Holot., 2 parat. on cards, B. Aires Prov., Moravia River Holot, d, allot. 9 at INPA. labelled "Typus" and "Cotypus" respectively, on I ?parat. on a card, Brasii: Amazonas: Tiriyos pale green paper, the "Typus", in addition, Reservation, Moravia River. "argentinus R6g. I n. sp. type" handwritten by brasiliensis [Hydrobzomorphal. Bachmann 1988: RBgimbart, ex call. Brnch. 9, 41-42, f. 26 A-I: Holot. d Brasil, ex coll. Bachmann. Holot,. d, pinned, with a glass microvial, atratus iHeielochares1. Bruch 1915: 451-452,181,f 4: Several ex., Buenos Aires: La Plata and B. Aires. "Brazils". Name of RBgimbart in litt. Lectot. d, 2 paralectot, on cards, with glass brevibasis [Berosusl. Oliva 1989: 81,165-167,198, microvials, B. Aires, labelled "Typus" on pale f 264-268: I d, 1 9 parat. Brasil: Mato Grosso State. ~oiotd. , allot. 9,26 , 1 ?parat. at BM. green paper, and "atratus Reg. I n. sp. type" 1d , 19p arat. on cards, Brasil: Mato Grosso. handwritten by Regimbart, ex coll. Bruch. Notes: There is 1 paralectot. at MLP, fide breviusculus [Philhydrusl. Bruch 1915: 455-456, Fernandez & Cabrera (1996: 4). Recorded under f 10: Few ex. Buenos Aires Prov: La Plata, and Jujuy Helocfzares (Helocham$ by Knisch (1924b: 196). Name of RBgimbart in litt. Lectot. d and 2 paralectot. designated by Loctot. 9, B. Aires Prov., labelled "Typus" on Fernandez (1982a: 35-36). There is a further pale green paper, and "breviusculus / Reg. n. sp. ex. from Misiones, not mentioned in the type" handwritten by Regimbart; paralectot. 9 original publication, labelled "Cotypus" by Jujuy, labelled "Philhydrus / breviusculus" Bruch (see below under atratus in Specimens handwritten by RB-g imbart, both on cards, ex coll. . labelled as types but not included in the original Bruch. series). Notes: Recorded under Enochrus (Lumetus) bv Knisch (1924b: 207): under Enochrus avernus IBerosusl. Oliva 1993: 93-94, f 17-23:1 d, ikgoscoltiai by Orchymont (1937: 254). Lectot. 2 9 parat. Brasil: S. Paulo State7 Monte Alegro [do Sul?l. iiolot. d, allot. 9,5 d, 2 9 parat. at BM; 1 d at and paralectot, designated by Fernindez (1989b: IML; 1 d, 19a t MZ; 1 d at USNM. 123-124, f 5-11. 4 d, 2 9 parat. on cards, Brasil: MonteAlegre, the 4 d with plastic microvials. bruchi [Hemiosusl. Knisch 1924a: 139.140: 8 ex. (3 in coil. Knisch) Cordoba Prov: Alta Gracia. in coll. Bruch. bacchusi Oliva 1994a: 282, 288- 289, f 14, 24, 31: 2 d, 3 9 parat. Venezuela: Tachira 5 synt, on cards, on 2 pins (2 + 31, C6rdoba: state: santo ~ ~H,,IO~6. ,a ~llot. 9,2d i,59 ~ Alta~ Gracia,~ labelled.'"bw"on pale green paper, idem at BM. Other parat, idem at MZ [now at INPAI, and 'Knisch deb. 1923 Hemiosus 1 Bruchi USNM, ZSM. Knisch", handwritten by Knisch, ex call. Bruch. 2 d, 5 9 parat, on cards, 4 of them with dissec- Note:There are 2 further ex. on cards, labelled ted Darts slued to the same cards. the 2 d. in "Cot.y .p u~"d, et. Knisch, ex call. Bruch (see below addition, with plastic microvials, Vonezuela: under bruchi inSpecimens labelled as types but Tachira: S. Domingo. not included in the orzginal series). batesi [Berosusl. Oliva 199'3: 88-91, f. 5-8: 3 d, 3 9 bruchi [Hydrochusl. Knisch 1924a: 115-116: 2 ex. parat. Brasil: Amazonas State: SantarBm; 1 d parat. Neuquen: Zapala, in coll. Bruch (the author was B1.asi1: Amazonas State: Villa Nova; 1d parat. Brasil: aiio~~etod r etain one of them). 96 Reuzsta del Museo Argenttno de Ccg ?ncias Naturales, n. s. 3 ilj, 2001 1s ynt. on a card, Neuquen, labelled "Typus" Iiolot. 6, allot. 0,b oth with plastic microvials; on pale green paper, and "Knisch det. 1923 I 8 parat., all on cards, Venezuela: Barinas: S. Hydrochus / Bruchi m.", ex coll. Bruch Barbara. bruchianus IBerosusS. Knisch 19248: 126-12: 8 ex. ehaquensis iHelochares iHelocharesjS. Femiindez I3uenosAires, in coll. Bruch, 1 ofthem 1abelled"Berosus 198213: 87,f 1-3: 1 dparat.B rasii: [Mato Grosso Statel: chalcacephalus Reg.". Corumbd, er coll. Pcllerano. Holot. 8, allot. 9,1d , 1 $? Leclot. on a card, labelled "Typus" on pale parat., Chaco Pro",: S. Bernardo, at MLP; parat. Formosa Prov. (I), and Chaco Prov (I), in coll. green paper, and "Knisch det. 1922 / Berosus Bachmann. (Enopiurus) I Bruchianus m." handwritten by 1d parat., partially dissected, parts glued to Knisch; 5 paralectot. on cards, on 4 pins, labellcd 2 cards, Formosa: Pileomavo Nat. Park: Blanca "Cotypus" on pale green paper, and "Kilisch det. Pond, ex coll. Bachmann 1922. IBruchianus m.", allB. Aires,ex coll. l>rnch. Note: 1,ectot. and paralectot. designated by eircumcinelus IPhilhydrusl. Bmch 1.915:4 54-455, Oliva (1985: 191-1941 sub Berosus (Enoplurusj f 8: Several ex. Buenos Aires Pro".: La Plata. Name of bruchianus = B. ualparudiseus Moroni 1973. Regimhart in litl. Lectot. 9 on a card; B. Aires, 1abelled'Typus" burmeisteri [Tropislernus iPristoternusj1 on pale green paper, and "Philbydrus / Fernainlra & Uachrnann 1981: 274-275, E 32-16: IIolot. circumcinctus / Rbg. typ." handwritten by d, allot. PEntre Rios Prov.: Primera de Mayo; 1p arat. Regimbart, ex coll. Bruch. F,. Rios Prov.: Parang, ex coll. Burmeister; 4 parat. Notes: There is 1 paralectot. at MLP, fzde Santa Fe Prov: CayastB; 3 parat. Buenos Aires Prov: FernBndez & Cabrera (1996: 4). Recorded under Parana Rivor delta; 5 parat. Corrientes Prov.: Sun Cosme; 3 parat. Corricntes Prov.: Santo Tome; 1 parat. Enochrus ilunetus) by Knisch(l924.b: 207);u nder Uruguay, and 1 parat, without locality label, the last 2 Enochrus fMethydrusj,andQlectot. andparalectot. er coll. Bunneister Other parat. from the same and designated by FernBndez (1989b: 126-127, f 12-35) other localities at IML, MLI: and coll. Bachmann. Holot. d, allot. 9, 3 parat., E. Itios: Primero de cochZ(?aris[ Helochares iHelochures)l. FcrnAndez Mayo; 1p arat. E. Rios:ParanB,excoll. Burmeister; lg82b: 89, f 6: Holot, d, allot. 9, 8 parat. Corrientes 5 parat. E. Rios: Lazo,ex coll. Bachmann; 3 parat. Prov: SantaTom~,excollP. ellerano;5 garat. Paraguay: Corrientes: S. Cosme; 4 parat. Corrientes: S.Tome, CaaguazC Dept.; 2 parat. Paraguay: S. Pedro Dept.: ex coll. Pellerano; 4 parat. B. Aires: Parana River Carumhe. Other parat. at IML. Holot. d with a glass microvial, allot. 9, 8 delta; 7 parat. S. Fe: Cayasta, 3 of them ex coll. parat., all on cards, the parat. on 4 pins, 2 of them Bachmann; 2 parat. S. Fe: Villa Ana, ex coll. with glass microvials, Corrientes: S. TomO; 5 Bachmann; 1p arat. "Banda Oriental" IlJruguayS ex coll. Burmeister; 1 parat. without locality label, parat. on 4 pins, 3 of them with glass microvials, Paraguay: Caaguazu. ex coll. Burmeister. All pinned. Notes:There are 5 parat. at'MLP,w Fernandez coelacanthus [Berosusl. Oliva 1989: 78, 99-101, & Cabrera (1996: 4). Currently in Troj~isternus 198, f. 82-88: Hoiot. d, allot. 9, 5 d, 5 Q parat. (Popisternus). Catamarea: Rodeo. Other parat, at BM, MZ, USNM. Holot. d, allot, p, 10 parat, on cards, holot., bI,u 2r,r 5u,y 6a;c pui. [iiE: pf.i n1e, 2to: pHuosllo.t O. dli,va 5 1p9a8r7a:t .4 ,T 7u,c puii,n i:t ifn allot. anfi d 1 parat. with plastic microvials, Catamarca: Rodeo. Prov.: Burruvacu Dent.. 2 of them Salas Stream. 3 of them La ~ocha0. thk parat, at BM, IML, MZ, USNM, and coll. Oliva. coheni IChaetarthrial. Spangler 1977: 566-573, f. 5 parat, on cards, with plastic microviais, 1-10: Parat. Ecuador: Guayas Prov.: Olon. Holot d, nurruyacu, salas allot., parat. idem at USNM, parat. at several T ~ ~ ~ ~ Bofthe~m : Stream, institutions. La Cocha: Pizarros Dam. Id, 19 parat. on pointed cards, Ecuador: Guayas Prov.: Olon. caratingaiHydrobiomorpha1.B achmam 1988: 9, 35, f 20 A-L: Holot. d, allot. 9 Brasil: Minas Gerais confusa [Helobalai, &Bachmann1 987: State: Caratinga. 165.156, 12-14:H olot d, allot. 9 Paraguay:Asuncihn; Helot. dwith a glass microvial, allot.?, Brasil: d parat. 27351 from paraguay 1 d parat. E~~~~~ f~~ M. Gerais: Caratinga, both pinned. Prov: Victoria Dept.: Manantiales Creek, and 3 parat. y: Coneei>ci6n Dellt.: Puerto Vallemi, in coll. caribense [Phaenonotum iiPhaenonotum)]l. Bachma~n n. Archangelsky 1990: 218-21.9, f 1-3: Holot. d, allot. 9, 1 parat. 27351 on a card, with a glass 11 parat. Venezuela: Barinas State: S. Barbara. microvial, Paraguay: Puerto Guarani; 3 pdrat. Rachmann: Types of Hydraenzdae (Stnphyl~nozdea)a nd Hydrophzlozdea 97 Paraguay: I? Vallemi, 1o f them pinned and with lower Aripuana Stream. Holot. d, allot. Q, parat. idem a glass microvial, the remaining on cards, ex coll, at MZ inow at INI>AI,a nd ZSM. ~ ~1 parat, i~n alcohol,h a ~ 3d~parat.onca~rds,2ofth~?~mwithdisse;ctedparts microvial, E. ~ ivict~oria: ~~ : ~ ~creek.~ glue~d to thet samei cards,~all3 wilth plas~ticmicr~ovials, Brasil: Amazonas: lower Aripuani Stream. eordobana kinacaenal. Knisch 1924a: 122-123: G ex. C6rdoba Pro".: Alta Gracia, coil. Bruch. eostera [Hydrobiomorphal. Bachmann 198%9 '23- 2 synt, (both?) on cards, ~ 6 ~ d ~G b ~~ :24, ~~f. 10lA-~~G: H~olo~ t. d, 1p ~arat, d:, witho ut locality label (presumably Brasil: Rio de Janeiroi. La Granja, lahelled "Typus" and "Cotypus" Holot. d, ex coll. Burmeister, 1d parat., hoth respectively, on pale green paper, ex coll. Bruch. pinned and with glass microvials. Note:The"T.v. ~ us"w as labelled by Knisch, but the "Cotypus" only by Bruch, suggesting that it cristalrL[s ~ ~ d0liv~a ,99~6b: 3~07,3h19.32~1, ~ ~ . might not be a type specimen. f, 15, 16: 2 Q parat. Brasil: Arnazonas State. near Manaos. ~olot:Q Brasil: Para State: Bel6m, at MZ. eorruscans IHydrochusi, Rruch 1915: 462-463, L 2 paral. on cards, dissected parts glued Lo 16: Buenos Aires Proe: La Plata, always "cry abundant. the same cards, BrasiLr\mazonas: near Manaos. Name of Regimhart in litt. Note: A synonym of ?I. dewnumini Makhan 11 synt. on cards, on 7 pins (1 + 1+ 1 + 3 t 2 1992 fide Makhan (1998: 148); synonymy lone ex. missing1 + 1 + 2), tho first 3 labelled discussed by Oliva (2000: 14) "Typus", the remaining 4"Cotypus"on pale green paper, the first one labelled "Hydrochus I decolor [Berosus iEnoplurus)].K nisch 1924a: 129- cormscans IRBg. typnhandwritten by Rbgimhart, 131: 1 cx. Ruenos Aires Prov, in coll. Brucl~T. ypus eut.Two of them with plastic microvials, B.Aires. and other ex. Paraguay: Santa Trinidad; 1 ex, Bolivia: Notes: There are 7 synt, at MLE: fide Yacuiva, coll. Lizer y Trelies and IIel6tang; 1 d Fernandez & Cabrera (1996: 5). A synonym of Argentina in ZMH, labelled B, oecipitulis; name of Hydrochus obscurus Sharp 1882,fide dliva il992: Rdginrhart in litt. 90, 95-97, i: 5, 27). 1 parat. on a card, with a glass microvial, B. Aires Prov., labelled "Typus"; 1p arat. Paraguay. Note There is another d on a card, labelled corumbaensis [~~,~b~t~l, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ 1987: 155.1. 8-11: Holot. 6 Brasil: Mato Grosso state: "Cotypus", from C6rdoha: Alta Gracia, Knisch Corumb6, in coil. Bruch. det., ex coll. Bruch (see below under decolor in Holot. d on a card, with a glass microvial, Specimens labelled as types but not included in Brasil: Mato Grosso: Cornmbi, ex coll. Bruch. the original series). Specimens of the Lizer y Trelles coll. not found. eorumbana [Anacaenal. Orchymont 1938: 267: Type and many parat. Brad: Mato Grosso State: denticulata lHydrobiomorphai.Bachmann 1988: Corumbd. 10, 39-40, f: 24A-K: 1 d, 1Qp arat. Brasil: Pard State: 2 parat, on cards, on 1p in, Brasil: M. Grosso: Alenquer IIolot. d, allot. Q, 2 d, 3 Q parat. idem in Corumhi, labelled "Para- I type" on pink paper, MG; 9 in Bachnydnn. 2 d, 2 9 parat., the d with glass microvials, 8orchymont det./~nacaenalc orumbana m,,,,handwritten by orchymont, ex toll, Brasil: Para: Alenquer, 2 of them ex coll. Bachmann, all pinned. cossyphoides Bruch 1915: 458-459' diZatatlls [~~opisternlL,B3rju, eh 1915: 449.450, f, 483,C. 13: 8 ex. Buenos Aires Prov: Ida Plata. 2: Few ex., Buenos Aires I'rov.: La Plata. Same of 2 paralectot. on cards, B. Aires Prov, labelled RBgimbart in litl, "Tmns"and"Coty~us"res~ecti~oen~ pxa lo green 1s ynt,, pinned, n,ilires pro"., labelledG"rypns,, paper,and"Helopeltislcossyphoid~s/m."(oonn e, pale green paper, and -dilatatns ~ 61n ,~ sp, . "Bruch" on the other) handwritten by Bruch, ex typ? handwritten by n6girnbart, ex col~~, ~ ~ ~ h , coll. Brnch. Notes: Synonymized with Helobata striata ethmonolus [Berosusl. Oiiva 1988: 78, 117-120, f (Bdle 1841) by Knisch (1924103 223). Resurrected 135.141: ~olotd., allot. Q, 148. 16Qvarat.E ntreRios from synonymy, recorded as Helobata cossyphoides, Pro,:V ictoria. Otlier piat, at BM; ~MLM, Z,U SNM. andkctot. and2 paralectot. designatedhy FemAndez Holot, d with a glass microvial, allot. Q, 30 & Bachmann (1987: 151-153,f . 2-41; lectot. at MLP, parat., one of them with a glass microvial, all on fcle FernAndez & Cabrera (1996: 5). cards, E. Rios: Victoria. costalis IHemiosusl. Oliva 1994a: 282, 289-290, f fimbriicoZlis [Sperchet'sl. Bruch 1915:4 60-462,f. 15: 2, 8, 15, 25, 31: 3 d parat. Brasil: Amazonas State: 2 ex. Buenos Aires Pro".: !A Plata; Santa Fe, coU Richter 98 Reulsta del Museo Argentlno de Cli 1s ynt. on a card, S. Fe Prov.: Chaco, lahelled Paraguay: Concepeiiin l)ept.:PuertoVallemi. 1Qparat. "Typus" on pale green paper, and "Spercheus / idem at MLP fimbriicollis / Bruch" bandwritten by Bruch, ex Holot. d, allot. 9,2 parat, on cards, holot. and coll. Bruch. 1 parat. with glass microvials, Paraguay: Note: There are 3 synt. from B. Aircs Prov at Mosquito River, in rront of Puerto Vallemi. MLP, fide Fernindez & Cabrera (1996: 51, who remark that Bruch recorded only two. guarani [Stethorus iStethoxusjl. Bachmann 196fi: 12, 14-16, f 1; 6, Ek Holot. d, allot. 9 Formosa Pro",: fitlkaui [Hemiosusj. Oiiva 1994u: 278, 290-291, f. Ingeniera Juarez; 4 d, 4 9 parat. La Rioja Prov.: 3, 16, 26, 31: 4 d,5 9 parat. Brasil: Amazonas State: Patquia, ex coll. Breyer; 1 9 Santa Fe Prov.: Villa Itii River, near Negro Rivcr fiolot, 8, allot. 9, parat. Guiilermina; 19 S. Fe Prov.: Calchaqui; 3 d S. Fe Pro".: idem,a t MZ Inow at INPAI; 2 parat. at BM, 2 parat. at Chaco es eoll. Bruch; 2 d Tucumin ex colt. Bmeh, one USNM, 2 parat. at ZSM. of them 16811; 3 d, 2 p Corrientes Prou: S. Cosrne. 17 parat. on cards (2 of them on pointed ones), Other parat. from thc ssmc localities, and S. Fe Prov: I1 of them withdisseetedparts glued to the same Hersilia, Rasario, and Raiai?la;E ntre Rios Pro".: Calera card, 6 of them with plastic microvials, Brasil: Barquin: Ciirdoba Prov: 1,cones; Santiago del Estero Amazonas: ltu River. Prov.: Tintina; Brasii: Prlaranhiio: S. Luiz, ex coll. Note: There is a further ex. on a card, labelled Bachmann. Other parat. at MLP, coil. Dayerrc, call. "Paratypus" from Brasil: Amazonas State: lower Jim6nez Asiia. Aripuana Stream, not mentioned in the original Holot. d, with a glass microvial, allot. 9, publication, hut all labels are authentic. Formosa: Ing. Juarez; 8 parat. La Rioja: Patquia, ex colt. Breyer; I parat. S. Fe: V. Guiilermina; 1 franca [Hydrobiomorphal. Bachmann 1988: 8,3G, parat. S. Fe: Rosario; 1p arat. S. Fe: Calchaqui; 1 f 21 A-FI: 1 d parat. Brasil: S. Paulo State: Franca. parat. S. Fe: Chaco; 1p arat. Cbrdoba: Leones ex I-lolot. idem at MZ. coll. Bachmann; 1 parat. S. dei Estero: Tintina Id parat., pinned, with a glass microvial, Brasil: ex coll. JimBnez Asua; 3 parat. (one 15811) S. Paulo: Franca, lahelled "Hydrophil./ grundis TucumBn, ex coll. Bruch and ex coll. Breyer IE6gimbart det." handwritten by R6gimbart. rcspectiv.; 4 parat. Corrientes: S.C osme; 1p arat. E. Rios: Caiera Barquin; 3 parat. Brasil: gaeae [Tropisternus (Pristoternusjj. Bachnx~nn MaranhHo: S. Lnizex call. Bachmann; all pinned. 1969b: 94-96,i'l-6: ~olot.d,allot.B9u enosAiresProv.: Note: SteLhoxus Solier 1834 is considered a Parana River delta. 1 d, 1 9 parat. idem, in coll. synonym of Hydrophilus Miiller 1764 (Hansen Baclimann 1991: 170-172, 297.293, f. 60,233). 1-lolot. d with a glass microvial, allot, p, 2 parat. ex coll. Hachmann, all pinned, B. Aires: Paran5 River delta. hispidulus IBe~.osl~sOll.i va 1993: 92-93, f 13-16: 3 Note: Cnrrentlgr inTropisternus (l).opisiernusj. 6, 1 9$ arat. Brasil: Mato Grosso State: Corumha. Holot, allot, 9, 3 d parat. idem, at BM; 1 d at l!vIL, 1 d at MZ, 1 d at USNM. graniformis [Paracymusl. Brueh 1915: 457-458, f. 3 d, 1 9 parat. on cards, one of them with a 12: Few ex. Buenos Aires Prov: La l'lata. Name of glass microvial, Brasil: M. Grosso: Corumbi. Ithgimbart in litt. 1s ynt. on a card,B.Aires Prov., lahe1led'"Sypusn iguazu [Beralitral. Oliva 199Fa (1): 38-40, f. 1, 2: on pale green paper, and "graniformis K6g. 1 n. sp. Holot, d, allot. 9, 4 parat. Misiones Pro".: iguazh typ." handwritten by Regimbart, ex coll. Bruch. National Park. Other parat, idem, at BM, ISNB, MZ, ' USNM, ZSM. gravidus [Helocharesi. Bruch 1915: 452-453, 6: Holot. d, allot. 9, 4 parat. on cards, holot. and Several ex. Buenos Aircs Prov.:L a Plata; and Formosa: 1p arat. with glass microvials, M'isiones: Iguazh Puerto Bouvier Nation. Park: San Martin Is. 3 synt, on cards on I pin, B. Aires Prov, labelled "Cotypus" on pale green paper, and iguazu [Hydrobiomorphal. Bachlnann 1988: 9,15- "Helochares /gravidus / Bruch" handwritten by 16, f 31 A-II: Halat, d Misiones Prov: Iguazh National Bruch, with a red frame, ex call. Bruch. Park. Notes:There are 6 spt,a t MLP,/ide Fern6ndez Holot. d, pinned, with a glass microvial, & Cabrera (1996: 5).A synonym of Helochares pinncd, Misiones: Iguaz6 Nation. Park. iSindolusi femoratus (Bruli6 18411, fide Orchymont (1926: 236). inpa LBerosusl. Oliva 1.993: 91-92, f. 9-12: 5 d,5 Q parat. Brasil: Amazonas State: Aripuanzl River Holot. guarani [Enochrus (Methydrusil Ferndndez 1990: d, allot. 9,2 d, 2 p parat. idem,a t INI'A. Other parat. 87, f. 4, 5: IIoiot. d, allot. 9, 1 d Land 1 ??I parat. at RM, IML, USNM, ZSM. Bachmann: Types of Hydraenzdae fS 5 d, 5 p parat. on cards, the d with plastic microvials, Brasil: Amazonas: Aripuani River . . ~:~stero~:e iiburde,x coll. Bachmann; 1 parat. irinoides 1fIydrobiomorphaI. Bachnlann 1988: 9, C6rdoba: Capilla del Monte; 1 parat. C6rdoba: 30-31, f. 15 A-K: Holot. d Venezuela: Barinas State: Morteros, ex coll. Bachmann; 1 parat. La Rioja: Santa Bbrbara; allot. 9, 1 d parat. Venezuela: Patquia, ex coll. Breyer; I parat. Corrientes; 3 Amazonas Fed. Terc: Ijcpt. Atures, rr eoll. Bachmann. parat. Corrientes: S. Cosme; 5 parat. Entre Rios: Holot. dvenezuela: Barinas: S. Barbara; allot. Primero de Mayo, ex coll. Bachmann; 4 parat. E. p, 1 d parat. Venezuela: 'i'err Fed. Amazonas: 12ios: Lazo, ex coll. Bachmann; I parat. Buenos Atures Dept., both pinned, allex coll. Bachmann. Aires Prov., ex coll. Bruch. Note: Currently in Tropisternus i7).opisternusj. irinus [Hemiosusl. Oliva 19948: 276,286-286,i : 12, 22,30: Ilolot. d, allot. 9,4 d,6 9 parat. Misiones Prov Bernardo de Irigoycn: iJrugua-i River Other parat. (one Eongus IHydrophilusI. Bmeh 1915: 448-449, F 1: ineach),idem, at BM,MNHN, MZ' inow at INI'AI, ZSM. Several ex. Santa lie: La Gallareta. Name ot'R4girnbart EIolot. d, allot. 9,ll parat. on cards, 4 oi'them in litt. with dissected parts glued to the same cards, the Lectot. 9, pinned, S. Fe Prov,labelled"Typus" holot. and 4 d parat. with plastic microvials, on pale green paper, and "Hydrophilus / longus I Bruch" handwritten by Bruch, with a red frame; Misiones: B. de Irigoyen: lirugua-i River ". . halahariensis [Berosus is. s2r:jl. Orchymont 1'336: " 115: Iiolot. d, 30 parat. Iialahari: Nkate, Makarikai; paper, "Hydrophilus I longus I RQg. n. sp. typ.", 112 parat.Tsotsoroga Pan; 1? from Kabulabula: Chobc handwritten by Rbgimbart, and "Flydrophilus / 12iver; 1 9 kom Makarikari, Nata River, all at TM. longus I Rruch" handwritten by Hruch, with a 1p arat. on a card, N'Kate, Makarikari. red frame, both ex coll. Bruch. Notes: Transforred to Neohydrophilus by laeuieollis [Hemiosusl. Oliva 1994b: 75-77, i: 1,3, Orchymont (1919: 161-162); to ffydrobiomorpha 5-9: 5 parat. Vcnezuela: Bolivar State: Middlc Orinoco by Mouchamps (1959: 324, 333); lectot, and River: Cuba Island. Holot. d, 30 parat. idem, at 1jM. paraleetot, designated by Bachinann (1983: 19- 5 parat. on cards, 4 or them with plastic 21, f 7 A-H). microvials, Venczucla: Bolivar: Middle Orinoco River: Cuba Is. margaritinus IBervsusI. Oliva 1999: 24G-241,243, f. 1, 3-10: 1 d, 1 9 parat. Brasii: Rio de Janeiro State: limbatus IParacymusI. K'ooidridge 1973: 120.121, f. 5: Holot. 6, allot. 9, 45 d, 42 9 parat. Venezuela: Itatinia National Park. Holot. d idern at MZ; 1 dgarat. at UM. Guarico State: S. Fernando, at USNM, paratypes 1d , 1p parat. on cards (one on a pointed one), Venezuela: Barinas State; Bolivia: S. CNZD ept.; Brasii: Brasil: R. de Janeiro: ltatiaia Nation. Park. Ijahia, Mato Grosso, Pard, Ria Grande do Norte, and S. Paulo Statcs; Colombia: Meta Pro".; Paraguay: Asunciiin. Cordillera Dept., San Bernardino; Per": meridionale [Pelosomal. Rruch 1915: 468-469, f. Amazonas, Huinueo, and Loreto Depts.; Suriname; 20: Several ex., Buenos Aires Prow La I'lata, always ,I,r m. idad; Portuguesa, ail thesc at CM. among rotting plants. Name oSR6gimbart in litl. 1 parat., specimen missing on the card, 3 synt, on cards on 2 pins, labelled "Typus" Venezuela: Guarico: S. Fernando. and "Cotypus" respectively on pale green paper, B. Aires Prov., the "Typns" labelled "Pelosoma i Zongispina 1Tropisternus iPristolernusji. meridionale KBg." handwritten by Rbgimbart. Fcrnbndcz & Bachmann 1981: 272-273, f 1-G: Ilolot. Notes:There is I parat, at MLP,fide Fernandez 8, allot. 9,5 d, 5 p parat. Chaco Prox: San Bernardo; & Cabrera (1996: 6).A synonym of I! luferlei 4 parat. Salta Prov.: Acambuco Valley; 1 parat. Salta (Muisant 1844) fide Orchymout (1941: 14). Prov: Tartagal; 1 parat. 27543 Salta Prov.: Metiin; 4 parat. Formosa Prov.: Ingeniero Juiirez; 5 parat. (Sour mesostitialis [Helochares lSindolu.~jll.p erndndez 7725, one 27343) Chaco Prov.; 1 parat. Santiago del de Morras 1981: 189-191, f. 1-3: 4 parat. Buenos Aires Estrro, ex coll Bruch; 3 parat. La IZioja Prov: Patquia, Prov,ezmll. Bruch; 1 parat. Ciirdoba Prov:Alta Gracia, ez coll Brcycr; I parat. C6rdoba Prov: Capilia del tx coll. nruch; 2 parat. Formosa Pror: Clorinda; 1 parat. Monte; 4 parat. Corriontes Prov: S. Cosme. Other Santiago del Estero Prov.: Airport; 15 parat. Santa Fe parat, from the same and several other localities at Prov: Colonin Macias. Holot, d, allot. 9, several parnt. CEA, IML, MI,P, and coll. Bachmann. at MIB; ather parat, from the sairie and several other Holot.dwith a glass microvial, allot.9, 3 parat. localities at IML, and coll. Bachnann (B. Aires Prov.: Chaco: S. Bernardo; 8 parat. Salta: Acambuco l'uran6 River delta; S. Fe. Prov.: Madrcjdn Don Felipe, Valley; 1 parat. Salta: Tartagal; 1 parat. Salta: arid ElToka River; Entre Rios Prav:V ictoria; Corrientes Rivadavia Dept.: El Palmar, ex coll. Hachmann; 4 I'rov: Caranbolas Itivcr; Chaco I'rov: Ortega Rivulet, 100 Revista del Mweo Argentina de Clencias Naturalos, n. s. 3 (lj,2001 S. Bernardo, and Resistencia; Formosa Pro".: Negro mucajai [Hydrobiornorpilaj. Bachn~ann1 988: 9, River, He-He Grarlde and He-He Chico Streams, 16-17, i: 4 A-I: 1 d parat. Venezuela: Terr Fed. Pilcomnyo Nation. Park, etc.). Amazonas: High Vcntuari River, ex uoll. Bachmann. 13 parat. on cards, on 8 pins, S. Fe: Garay Holot. d, 1 d parat. Brasil: Roraima: Caracarai, at Dept.: ~ o lM.a cias; 1 parat. S. del ~stero:Air~ori;M G. I parat. Formosa: Clorinda: Pilcomayo River, ex 1 d parat. Venezuela: Amazonas: high toll. ~ ~. 37 n. arat~,o n cards. ohn 15 .D ins..~ Ventuar~i River; 1~ 8 parat., ~Brasil: Ca:racarai B. ~ i28 pa~rat,i n~ alcoh~ol in 3; vial s, B. ~ i Riv~er, bo~th pin~ned a:nd w ith glass microvials Parana River delta, ex coll. Rachmann; 4 parat. S. Fe (at light); 1 parat. S. Fe (city); 3 parat., 2 of mulliearinatus iBerosusl. Oliva 1989: 79,104-105, tliem with microvials, S. F ~~: ~ dD~~~ 1~98, f j94-969: tlo~lot. d , allot. 9,6 6, 3 9 parat. Saita ~ ~ elx toill,~ ~ ~ , ~2 parat, ch~aco: ortegha IJmv.: M~artinez del T~ineo. Other~ parat. idem~, at IML, ; and USNM. Creek, ex coll. Bachmann. Holot. d with a plastic microvial, allot. 9, 8 Note: there is a further ex. 1abellod"Paratypus" all on cards, Salts: M, del Tinen, from Para.e, uav: Concencion Dent.: PuertoVallemni. " ex coll. Rachmann, not mentioned in the original multicoslnlus [Hydrochusl.O liva 199% 309,316- publication, but the labels are authentic. 319, f 13, 14: Holot. 8, allot. 9 and 7 9 purat. Buenos Aires Prov.: Paranb River delta. Other parat. at UM, mini [Helochares (Sindolusjl. Fernhdez 1982b: 89- ISNB, MZ, USNM, ZSM. 90, f 7, 9: 9 parat. Formosa Prov.: Clorindii. Holot d, Holot. d, allot. 9, 3 parat. on cards, with allot, 9, Chaco Prox: Barranqueras: La Cavu, at MLI'. dissected parts glued to the same cards (except 1 parat. Tucuin6.n at IML, 2 parat. Formosa in coll. one parat.), 1. parat. with a plastic microvial, R. Ilachmann. 1 d, 1 9 parat. on cards, the 9 on a pointed Aires Prov: Parana River delta. one, the d on its side, with a glass microvial, Note: A synonym of II. merlzli Makhan 19% fide Makhan (1998: 1411); synonymy discussed by Formosa: Clorinda, ex coll. Bachmann. Oliva (2000: 14). misionensis [Enochrus (Methydrusjl. Fernjndcz 1990: 87-88, f 6-8: Holot d, Misioncs Prov: Uruguui nitidissimus [Berosusl. Oliva 1989: 79, 169-171, River 198, f 273-280: 4 d, 2 9 parat. Brasil: M. Grosso State: Holot. d,dissected parts glued to 2 cards, with Corun1b6. Holot d, allot. Q, 11 d, 1 9 parat. idem, at a glass microvial, Misiones: Uruguai River. NM. 6 parat, on cards (3 with plastic microviais), missionurn ITropisternus (Tropisternusjl. Rrasil: M. Grosso: Corumba. Fernkndez (l: Bachmann in Fernkndez, Bachmann & Archangelsky 2001: 193-194,i: 13-15.H olot.d,8parat. noa iTro~2sternu.Si %ouasternu,~ji.F ernandez & Misiones Prov.: Bonpiand, 3 parat. Misiaries Prav.: Bachmann m Fcrnandez, Bachmdnn & Archangolsky Concepcidn Dept.: Santa Maria, and Oberd Dept.: 2001 187-192,f 1-3,28-38 Holot d,a llot Q, 1 d parat Barra Bonita; 1 parat. Para~way:C oronel Bogado, ez Tucunldn Pro",: Harco Molle,excoll. Bachmann;parat. coll. Bacllmann; 1 parat. without precise locality Tucu~njnP rov.: Quebrada de 10s Sosas (3 ex coll. Holot. d with a glass microvial, 9 parat. (one Bachmann), Sari I'edra de Colalao (2 ez cull. without head and pronoturn), all pinned, Baehmiinn), La Crialla (11, SiamMn (I),w ithout precise Misiones Prov: Bonpland; 1p arat. Misiones Prov: locality (5, 1 of them ex eoll. Bruch). Othcr parat.from Barra Bonita, ex coll. Eachmann; 2 parat. Salta Prov, at IMl,; 2 parat. Cbrdoba Prov at ISNB, and from several localities in TucuinBn, Catamarca, Misiones Prov: Concepci6n Dept.: Santa Maria; Cbrdaba, Jujuy and Saita ProK at MLE 1 parat. Paraguay: Coronel Bogado, ex coll. Holot. d with a plastic microvial, allot.. Q, Bachmann. Tucuman: Horco Molle. ex coll. Bachmann; 3 parat. Tucumbu: Quebrada de 10s Sosas, ex coll. monstrosus IHemiosusl. Oliva 1994a:2 78,292-293. f. 4, 9, 17, 20, 27, 31: 7 d, 8 9 parat. from Brasil: Bachmann; parat. Tucuman: S. Pedro de Amazonas State: Itu River,near N~~~~ stream. HO~O~. Coialao (one 4362,2 ex cull. Bachmann); I parat. d, allot. Q at hlZ [now at INPAI. Other parat. (a couple Tucumin: Siambbn, ex call. Bruch; 1 parat. in each). idem. at BM, USNM. ZSM Tucuman: La Criolla, labelled "Tropisternus / 13 parat, on cards (one of them on a pointed nigrinus ~h~,/v.~eniculatusl~lug"h~ndwritten one, with an elytron glued to a further pointed by Bruch, ex coll. Bruch; 5 parat. (one 11847, 4 card), 5 of them with dissected parts glued to the ex coll. Bruch, one of these 1abolled"obesus Reg." same cards, 7 of them with plastic microvials, handwritten by Regimbart), Tucuman; 1 parat. Brasil: Amazonas: Itu River, near Negro River 15818 Tucuman. All pinned. Bachmann: Types ofHydruenzdae (E obesus [Dopisternusl. Bruch 1915: 450-451, f. 3: Note: A synonym of Berosus minimus Knisch Buenos Aires Prov.: La Plata, and Santa Fe Pro".: La 1921b, B. pauxosus Orchymont 1943, and B. Galtareta. Name of 12tgimbart in lilt. slratonicus Orchymont 1946,fide Oliva (1989: 78, 1s ynt., pinned,B. Aires Prov, 1abelled"Typus" 107-110, f 108-115). on pale green paper, and 'Tropisternus / obesus RBg." handwritten by RBgimbart, ex coll. Bruch. pectoralis iDerallus1. Oliva 1983b: 343-344.. u. l . i: f. 1 a-c, ii: f 1: 3 9, 1. 6 parat. Brasil: Par6 State: Beltin. obsolelus [Philhydrusl. Brucb 1915: 453-454, f, 7: Holot, d, allot. 9 idem at 1NW I d at BM, 1 d, 19a t Several ex. Buenos Aires Prov.: La Plata. Name of USNM; Ida t ZSM; 1d , 19t emporarily in call. Oliva, Regi~nharti n litt. now deposited at MACN. Lectot. on a card, labelled "Typus" on pale 6 parat. on cards, 2 of them with glass green paper, and "obsoletus Rbg. 1 n. sp. typ." microvials, Brasil: Para: BelBm: Milnaties Basin, handwritten by RBgimhart; 6 paralectot. on cards 2 or'them ex coll. Oliva, deposited at MACN. (on 3 pins), 1abelled"Cotypus"on pale green paper, B. Aires Prov., ex coll. Bruch, perpunctata LHeloliatal. I'ernhndez & Bachmann Notes: There is 1 paralectot. at MLP, ficle 1987: 156-158, f. 15, 16: iialot. d, allot. 9, I d, 4 Q Fernandcz & Cabrera (1996: 7). Transferred to oarat. Chaco Prov.: S. Bernurdo. at lieht Enochrus ilumetus) by Knisch (1921a: 701, and Holot. d, allot, 9, 1d , 3 pparai., holot. and I to E. (Methydrusj, and lectot. and paralectol. parat. with glass microvials, all in alcohol in 3 designated by Fernbndez (1989b: 124-1.25,f : 8-11). vials, Chaco: S. Bernardo. orchyrnonti [Hydrochusl. Oliva 1996b: 310, 313- 316: Iioiot. d, allot. 9,6 d parat. Buenos Aircs Pro".: - . Parana lliver delta. Other parat. at BM, USNM, ZSM. Cachoeira near Cue& River EIoiot. d, allot. 9 idem, Holot. d, allot. 9,6d parat. on cards, dissected at INPA; 19a t BM; 1 d, 1 9 parat. at IJSNM; I 9 at parts glued to the same cards (except one parat.), ZSM; 1 9 in coli. Oiiva. all with plastic microvials, B. Aires Prov.: ParanB 1 d, 3 9 pardt. on cards, the d with a glass River delta. microvial, Urasil: Amazonas: Cneiras River: Note: A synonym of H coeneni Makhan 1992, Igarapi. Cachoeira, at light. fide Makhan (1998: 148); synonymy discussed by Oliva (2000: 14). phallicus [Berosusl Oiiva 1989: 81, 181-182,f.3 12- 320: Holot. d, allot. 9, 2 d, l 9 parat. Buenos Aires paraensis [Enochrus [iMethydrusjn. Femindez Prov: ingeniero Otamendi. Other parat. idem at BM. 1997: 25, f 15-17,26:H olot. d, allot. 9,2p arat., Hrasil: Holot. d, allot. 9, 2 d, 19p arat., holot, and d Par6 State: Bel6m: Manaties basin. parat. with plastic microvials, all on cards, B. Holot, d, allot, 9, 2 parat., dry preserved, in Aires: Otamendi. glass microvials, Brasil: Para: BelBm. pichilingue LHelochares (Helocharesjl. Fernandez paranensis iDerullus1. Oliva 1982: 292-294,pt. i: f 1989a: 147, f. 4-7: I-Iolot. d Ecuador: Los Rios Prov.: 6 a, b, ii: f 6 a, b: Holot, d, 10 parat. Buenos Aires: Queveda: Pichilingue River Paran6 Kivcr delta. Other parat. at IML, MLP, USNM, Holot. din a glass vial, with a glass microvial, coll. Baehmam, coil. Oliva. Ecuador: Los Rios: Quovedo, Pichilingne River. Holot.d,19 parat.on cards, holot, and 1p arat. with glass microvials, B. Aires: Parana River pseudosecretus [Hydrochusl. Oliva 1996b: 306, delta, 5 of them ex coll. Bachmann. 321-322, f 18-20: Holot. d. allot. Q. 4 d.. 2 Q narat. Venezuela: Barinas State: ~antBai r7b.a ra. Othe7rp.a rat. paulista [Hydroliiomorphal. Bachmann 1988: 9, at BM, ISNB, MZ, USNM, ZSM. 33-34, f 18 A-I: 1 9 parat. Brasii: S. l'aulo State: Holot. d, allot. 9, 6 parat. on cards, dissected Riheirao Preto. Holot. d, allot. 9 Brasil: S. Pauio Statc: parts glued to thew same cards, holot. and 3 Francs, at MZ. parat. with plastic microvials, Venezuela: I 9 parat.,.pinned, Brasil: S. Paulo: Ribeirso Barinas: 9. Rbrbara. Preto. Note: A synonym of H. purpureus (Knisch 1921) fide Makhan (1998: 148); synonymy pallzillus [Berosus js. strll. Eoiiscl11924a: 136-137: discussed by Oliva (2000: 14). 14 d and 9 Buenos Aires Pro".; 1 ex. Tuclllndn Prov in coll. Bruch. puncticolle IPhaenonotuml. Bruch 1915: 461.468: 3 synt. on cards on 1 pin, with a glass Several ex. Buenos Aires Pro".: La Piata. Name of microvial, B. Aires Prov,, labelled "Cotypus" on Regimhart in litt. pale green paper, and"Knisch det. Ipauxillus m." Lectot., 6 paralectot. on cards, on 3 pins (1 + handwritten by Knisch, ex coll. Bruch. 3 + 3), B.Aires Prov.,labelied"Typus","Cotypus", 102 Revlsla del Museo Argenllno de C~enczaNs aturales, n. s. 3 (11,2001 and "Cotypus" respectively on pale green paper, rufulus [Berosus is, st~)lK.n isch 1924a: 1.35-136: 1 the lectot., in addition, apuncticolle / RBg, n, sp, 9 Mendoza, IdS antiago del Estero, both in coll. Bruch; tv"n.."N hand~w?'hrietr~tee na br~ey" n2e pr~"ra irmaleb:catrbtt., ex acto zMz. LBP~, fUidCe ~ .1 9 T1ud c usmynatn., wlegit.h B aru cghla, sins mcoiicl.r Kovniiaslc, hS. antiago del Esiero Prov., 1abelled'Faratypus" [emor?], 19s ynt. ~ ~ & cabre~ra (1996~: 7). ~ ~a ~andt ~~ t . d ~ ~ paralectot, designated, and recorded as Mendoza Prov., labelled "Cotypus" on pale green phaenonoturn ( ~ ~ d ~pu~ncti~collle b~y bpap~er, ~and) "B erosus 1 Knii det. lufulus Kn." ~ ~ ~(1992h: 47-50~), hi^~ is the~ type ~ handlwriiten~bytiniskch, bo~lhoncar ds,excdl. Bruch. Note: There is another specimen from Cbrdoha: species of I-lydroglobus Knisch (1921a: 78). Alta Gracia, ex coll. Rruch, labelled "Cotypus" on punetipennis [ H ~ ~oliv~a 199~1a: ~278, ~293. ~ pIale g.ree n paper, and"Knisch det. 1922 Berosus 294, f 5, 18, 28, 31: Holot. d, 9, I d,3 9 parat. S. st' 1 rufulus Knisch" handwritten by Knisch, Urueuav: Artieas Dent.: San Greeorio. not mentioned in the original publication (see fioiot. d, allot. i;, 1d , 3 Q on cards, the below under rufulus in Speczrnens labelled as holot. and 3 parat.'with dissected parts glued to types but not included in the original series). the same cards, the holot, and 1 parat. with plastic microvials,Uruguay:Artigas:S . Gregorio, Sanupana ~~opisterll(uPsri st0ternus)i. Bachmam ex coll. Bachmann. 1970: 59-61, f 5-8: Iiolot. d, allot. 9, 10 parat. Paraguay Coiiceoei6n Deot.: Puerk Vallcmi. Other narat. idem, at MLP, and coll. Bachmam. regimbarti [sub Regimbartil lPhoeno,ioturni. Holot.d, allot.'?, 25 parat., pinned, holot. and Bruch 1915: 466-467: Several ex. Buenos Aires I'rav.: d parat. with glass microvials, Paraguay: La Plata; = P Brucizi Regimbarl in lilt.) Concepcibn: 1' . Vallemi, all ex coll. Rachmann. Lectot. d, 2 paralectot. on cards on 2 pins, Note: Prisloternus was synonymized with leclot. and 1 paralectot. with plastic microvials, Tropislernus (Tropisternusj by Hansen (1989: 54); B. Aires Prov., labelled "Typus" and "Cotypus" the name was revalidated as a subgenus of respectively on pale green paper, the lectot., in addition, "Bruchi Re-g . / n. so. tv.o-e" handwritten ?Yopisternus by Bachmann (1993: 50, 72). A by Regimbart, ex call. Bruch. sapucay [Chasmogenusl.F em6ndez 1988: 192-193, Noles: There are 3 paralectot. at MLP, fide f. 3-9: Holot. 6,al lot. 9, 6 parat. Paraguay: Sapucay Fernandez & Cabrera (1996:7). Lectot. and Other parat, from the same locality and Argentina: paralectot. designated by Archangelsky (1991: Formosa Prov.: Clorinda, and Santiag.o del Estero, at 158-159, E 1-3, 7). BM, IML, MLp Ho1ot.d with a glass microvial, al1ot.P. 6 oarat. richteri [SILR~ic hteril IHydrochwl. Bruch 1915: (5 on cards on 1 pin; 1 in a giass vial), ~ar&ay: 463-464, f 17: Few ex. Buenos Aires l'rov: La Plata; Sapuca y 10 ex. Santa Fe, eoll. Richter Lectot., I paralectot. on cards, B. Aires Prov, sapucay iTropisternus mutatus, subsp.1. Rrnhdez labelled "Typus" and "Cotypus" respectively on & Bachrnann, in Fcrnandez, Bachmann &Archangelsky pale green paper, and "Hydrochus / Richteri ! 2001: 195-196, f. 22-27. 5 parat. Salth Pro".: Poeitos, ex Bruch" handwritten by Bruch, ex coll. Bruch. cull. Bachmam; 16 parat. Salta Prov: Aguas Blancas, Notes: Thcre are 4 paralectot. at MLP, fide ex coll. Bachm-; 1 d parat. Jujuy Prov.: Yutn, ex eoll. Fernindez & Cabrera (1996: 7-81. 1,ectot. and Bachmam; ld,29p arat. Jujuy I'rov: between Ledesrna 8 paralectot, designated by Oliva (1992: 90,99-100, andValle Grande, ur coll. Bachmann; 1 arat llucm&n. f. 8,301, who says N,s oesilaae Mackan 1994 is a Prov.: Choromoro,~~0~1 1B. adunann; 2 parat, Misiones Prov: Bonpiand, labelled "Typus" and "Cotypus" (of T synonym. Included in IZinhwanlus by Makhan (nutatus Orchymont) er coll. Bmch; 3 parat. Misioncs (1998: 146, f. 17). Rishwanius is considered a Prov, without precise locality, lahelied "llpus" (1) and synonym of Ilydrochus by Oliva (2000: 14). "Cotypus" (2) (of T mutatus) ex coll. Bmch; 1 d parat. Misiones I'rov: Puerto Berhus; 4 parfit. Corrientcs Pro".: rufocinctus [Paracymusi. Brueh 1915: 456.451, f. Santo Tam(., ez coll. l'ellerano; 2 d parat. Bolivia: Nor- 11: Many kx. Buenos Aires Prov.: La Plata Name of Yungas Prov.: Capari; 1 9 parat. Paraguay, no precise Regirnbnrt in litt. locality, labelled "Cotypus", ex eoll. Bruch. Holot, d, 4 sgut., 13 parat. on cards, labelled 'Typus" allot. 9, 2 9 parat. Paraguay: Sapucay, labelled "Paratypc" (of 1.' mutatus); 1 9 parat. Misiones Prov.: and "Cotypus" respectively on pale green paper, Banpland labelled "Cotype" (of ?! ,nutatus); 1 9 parat. B. Aires Prov.; one of the synt. in addition Misiones Prov.: near San Ignacio labelled "Cotype" (ofT "Paracymus / rufocinctus ! RBg, n, sp. typ.'" mutatus); 1 d parat. Paraguay, no precise locality, handwritten by Kkgimbark all ex call. Bruch. 1abelled"Cotype"( of 7: mutatus) ex coll. Bruch, all these Note: There are 4 sent.a t MLP, fide Fernandez labclled by Orchymont, at ISNB. Thirteen other parat. & Cabrera (1996: 8). from Jujuy and Misiones Prov at MLP