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US. Department of Jute, Federal Bureau of investigation Washington, BC 20828 August 21,2017 muorrocK DEPT MR 41819 SIA HIGHLAND AVE SOMERVILLE, MAQ2144-2616 FOIPA Roques No: 1982628 000 ‘ubvect RARDIN. T# ‘ear Mga “This isin rxgoese te your Freedom of Infomation Act (FOI) eet. | scans fie Cental Recon Systm maintained FI |lesdquaere mite thal ecards pteraly respanlve tothe FIA have boon sent he atonal Archwae and Racods Adincbalon (NARA. Since these Frenrda were ot feviwod tant kncom ft am atl eapanaive 9 the FOI. you wl a ova the potently resyorive rears, send yourvequea to KARA at he lowing eddast Using fle ort 100 HO SaS4B0 a a oborerc: National Archives and Recas Annatrton (601 Adepni Rand Clloge Pars, MO zo740.e00% fy standard Fl practice wg puma! to FOIA exemption f)(TKE) and Prvoey Act exam Xo) 5 US.c #4 sense WOME. DE), tie magne nether eine no dios he xiionce of your sees ane Ge ony watchs, Itisunnecetry to salutoste your raquastfor a fea waiver as no responsi mam Fes wars cated, For your inormalon, Congres axle tres tect categorie oaw enfrcemnt and nainalsecuty tneceds om eo rogutements fife FOIK, Sea'S USC. § 862e) GO06 8 Suny 1V (2010) "Tle response is Tinted ( Ivverscrda nate subjea o ha teustemers ote POW. Theis a atandard notion Bak gven ‘al our mquestrs and shold note ata ee an nce fat exceed records, or nt, exe, For gusto regarlng out detrminains, ithe ve i goes webio under "Cantack Us” “Tha FOIPA Request Humber fed above Mas Baan osaighod io yourfeawest.Pleaee lee ve umber inal careepondenes scncaming yaur ques. Your paberes I eppretialed ‘Youray lean appeal by wri toe Decor, Offce of Infrmation Poin (OIF, Unt Sites Departron of Juste, ute MOSH, 1426 Naw York Avenue, NW. Wosingan, D.C. 20590-00021 you Pray sit an appa! rough O1P' FolAacinepotal Ey ering an accourt one tlavang wat he hipetPeisonine seiniens.acvistctorioulcfions. Your apped must bs podria or slactroricaly ‘evar wrt rinay {90 das Per the daa of is aa in oder be conelsred tinal. Ifyou 5.80 yout tppeal by ral both a eran the crlope nau be dear marked Fwdom of formant Apoaal™ Plagca cfs tne POPPA Request Numbar assigned to yur ree wo na may be aay rahe. ‘You may sek capita elution servoas by conactng the OMce of Govemmen'nfomaven Sences (0GIs) 877-084-544, 21 by snaling mgatinata,loy.”Ahernatvaly you may cori he FBI9 FOIA Pobtst0n Cremeling Rimequesbonseb. gov. H you stat your dlgpts reas ion crrecpandenca by ama, he elect Fading shoud Glaty sate ‘apite Ranatton Servoss Planes seo ofe the POIPA Rue! Numbe signed to youre! so tat tray be easty Were, Enclose tor yoursnformation is tad Explanation of Exerpine apy ofthe FB Fat Sh sShecere, Phi, anid Hany Seeter Cn Revordtnformation ‘iaserunaon Section ‘Ranotde Management Osison atone) FBI FACT SHEET Th Imary functions of the FBI are nation jpcurty and law anforcomant. ‘The FBI dasa nat keep a tlle on every chtzon of te United States. ‘The FBI wae not setabilzhed until 1908 and we eve very few racorda prior tn the 19206. FBI files ganerally contain raports of Fel Investigations of a wide range of matters. including counterterraris, ‘punterimaligancs, ter crime, pubic corruption, civ ight, organized crime, white colar crime, meter thefts, olentcrme, and applicants, ‘The FBI does not Isaue elgprancas or non-clearances for anyone other than Ite own personnel oF pereone having acteae to FBI fecities, Background invegigations for secur claarences are canducted by many different Government agenciss. Persone who recelved a clearance we i te multary or employed with some ‘ther government agency should conact that ently Most goverment sgencies have wabstes which ars ‘B0p29eIble onthe internat which hava thor contac information. An identity history summary check of “rap shoot" ie NOT the same ax an "FBI fle.” Its ating of Information taken fem figerpint carde and relateo documents audited to the Fal in connaction wilh arests {edetel employment, naturalzation er millary serves. The subject of rap sheet’ may obtain a copy by submitting a witan request fo FBI CIS Divison - Summary Reqpest 1000 Custer Hollaw Road, Clrksbura, WY 28308 Along with speciic wetten request the individual rust subm ta new ful eet of nisin fngerpnnis Dero lacata the recor, estalieh postive idenufication, and ene.te tat an individuals reootds srerot ‘aseaminated a an unauthorized person | The fagerpriné submission must include the subject name, dale and Place of bith Thre i 2 requld fee of $18 fo hi earvles, whlcr must be submntad by money order o bertied eneck made payable 10 te Treasuty ofthe United Siales. A credit card payment opticn is alsa fvallable Forms fer t's option end additonal directions may be obtained by accusing the FE Wa St at ‘or 3, govlaboutustfedentiy-hisfory-summary-checks, ‘Tha Natlonal Name Check Program (NNCP) conducts a search ofthe FBI"s Universal Index (UNI) 0 ideriy ny information cantalned in FBI records tat ray ue associated with an individual and provides the results ofthat sean (oa requesing federal, sale or local agency. Names are searched ina mattude of cambivations and phonetic epelings to ensure all scards are located. The NNCP also searches for both “main” and “cross Faterence’ fies, Armainfle san enty thet caries the rame corresponding to th subject of afl, while a cioss reference is merely a menfan af an individual contained ina tie. The resus trem a search ofthis magnitude fn feauk in geveral his” and dente” on an ind vidual in aach inalance where INI has ientiied a rame \otiion or relevance information must bo reviewad lo dete IRs appheable toe individual in question “The Recordnformation Diakemination Section (RIDE) searcnes for records and provides cories of FB flee respontiva ta Fieeaom of Ifermaton or Privacy Act FOIPA) request For infomation RIDS previdos Feaponsive documents fo requestor: sapking “reasoratly cescribaa information’ Fora FOIPA search, the ‘ubjects name, event, ae, oF Businass is searched to determine whether there is an assopisted investigatiea fis. This is caled a sin Sle search" and differs fam the NNGP search FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FBI, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www folgoy rhe 0) wa a) corey cox axe wo tot, om cas) or wa, 52) wor ees 8) (x6 we LEXELAR ATION OF EXEMPTIONS SERGECIONS OF TITLES, UMITFD STATES CODE, SECTION Sst (8 ose auhriaed unk ris ebay an Esco nde: belay seen ere nal dele gt ali and (Been ft propery esa puch Cosco de tec lesa he our perenne: lesa rcs of aban snecily camp ua or by se fther omen SSN athe depraved as snl gue at bs {ese tc aris pulc sac aur ee Kav bo aston or eaBine pare er ning reefato puuke pes often he ed, le recesses or Agi afseatin ohne fam wpe anderen inurapency latins worms eters whith would tenes y let pny ten gyn aa i Semen perme an mi i wad alate declosre of wich mould conse nce wari of pr yay, ites inrtion copie or encephalocele arene ecards te ron ( 3 coud tuoably be expe ta nese ich nfroment proce fig (B) wont bee perineal a ‘ls tl eran pir aeoleao, (©) sl mabye apecal cnt x wowace oi of paca pitch (CY ‘hu each Bexpcted ts dance te Hea ef onrAoenal wre, mldings Sate ao Kip eee or ay oa nate tion ease! aboot on 3 oni ti andra of ear nari cry 2a Eoremeat tony th couse emia vegan nyo age ug te ol cy neigece frvetigaty ines ois ky x ntdcudl sowce (E 1 eulddacloe teenies and prone fr nv enresment [toesiguios or pean in hoe gto a enna ives ot promeone suehaore ov ‘ruuoaly be ngosed io ea eocuaenonf Ge er (Fea reconhy he eve ger The lr ye ly any sd mtd in or rela a nian opening oni ep pcp. behalf o forthe ase oan ger enpncteor ‘derellton se mperson neni mae logic end septic ifematon scl nti maps oni elle SUBSECTIONS OF TITLE, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION S826 ‘ntamation samp resale alopton aac eon proces ‘mse nuvi sclera pertain oth enforteatf cole isting efrso prove vm, wees ime ‘rappehen sins, infomation hic cura spony caf pao cue dt nh inns of he ana ene afin pe Torexmpl,ifomaton [volag megenc Tes oe wats vestry meal corp ee enforce pup tno bl id oc esl ia os fs, bene ot [rvdegeundes Peer rns, or beh wna ety» cae he ha rman param om ese vy nel wali io coansvien wi eovidiogpoetiv series othe resist of he intel Ses nny sherpa {fe ahr of Tile 1, Veal State Cn Sin 058, rid hy ate he msn end wl sy atc a, fnvesigny aera cpl rte pup toons sab hy of qualietins for ode iin fleet rir wcees¥o evs formato, be dco hich eid evel he oly Uc eau wn aed ‘nino puna te prutie ther ietiy wold br sete (esing or aminnon nati do Secor individu] quicaons fr primer pomation Fer Gianeranent eves {orca of wt woul aun De ea or enw ees steal ued dotemins petal promotion io he med ses, te dstose of which wool ev he iy of the perm ‘tka Smine be meri pose ura tater Hs weal nein nz0s

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