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337-354 J. Physiol. AJ Buller and DM Lewis skeletal muscle tetanic contractions of mammalian fast PDF

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Preview 337-354 J. Physiol. AJ Buller and DM Lewis skeletal muscle tetanic contractions of mammalian fast

The rate of tension development in isometric tetanic contractions of mammalian fast and slow skeletal muscle A. J. Buller and D. M. Lewis J. Physiol. 1965;176;337-354 The Journal of Physiology Online is the official journal of The Physiological Society. It has been published continuously since 1878. To subscribe to The Journal of Physiology Online go to: http://jp.physoc.org/subscriptions/. The Journal of Physiology Online articles are free 12 months after publication. No part of this article may be reproduced without the permission of Blackwell Publishing: [email protected] Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 This information is current as of March 5, 2008 This is the final published version of this article; it is available at: http://jp.physoc.org This version of the article may not be posted on a public website for 12 months after publication unless article is open access. The Journal of Physiology Online is the official journal of The Physiological Society. It has been published continuously since 1878. To subscribe to The Journal of Physiology Online go to: http://jp.physoc.org/subscriptions/. The Journal of Physiology Online articles are free 12 months after publication. No part of this article may be reproduced without the permission of Blackwell Publishing: [email protected] Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 J. Phy8iol. (1965), 176, pp. 337-354 337 With 8 text-ffgure8 Printed in Great Britain THE RATE OF TENSION DEVELOPMENT IN ISOMETRIC TETANIC CONTRACTIONS OF MAMMALIAN FAST AND SLOW SKELETAL MUSCLE ByA. J. BULLER AND D. M. LEWIS From the Physiology Department, King's College, London (Received 8 June 1964) Followingthedemonstration by Buller, Eccles & Eccles (1960b) thatthe speed ofcontraction ofmammalian skeletal muscles was at least partially determined by the motor nerve innervation, two central problems re- mained. First, what part or parts of the contractile machinery of the muscleareinfluenced bythe motorinnervation,and, secondly, howdo the motoneurones bring about their influence upon the muscle fibres? The solution ofthe first ofthese two questions requires a more detailed study ofthecontractile mechanism ofmammalianmusclethanhashitherto been made,withparticularattentiontoanydifferenceswhichexistbetweenfast and slow skeletal muscle. In the mammal, both the fast and slow skeletal muscles consist of twitch fibres, and both types of muscle are therefore comparable with the fast fibre system ofthe frog. Onlyvery recently has there been a demonstration ofthe equivalent ofthe frog slow fibre system in mammalian muscles, andas yet such fibres have only beenidentified in extrinsic ocular muscles (Hess & Pilar, 1963). The present paper is concerned with an investigation into the rate of isometric tension development in mammalian fast and slow muscles following repetitive stimulation of their motor nerves. This study was a necessary preliminary to the understanding ofthe alterations which occur in the rate oftension development following operative cross union ofthe nerves tomammalian fast andslow muscle (Buller &Lewis, 1964, 1965b). A preliminary account of some of the experiments herein reported has already been published (Buller & Lewis, 1963a). METHODS Theexperimentswereperformedoncatsweighing between 1-8and 2-8kganaesthetized with pentobarbitone sodium (Nembutal). An initial dose of40mg/kgwas injected intra- peritoneally, andanaesthesiawasmaintainedbysubsequentintravenousinjectionsthrough ajugularcannula. Aftermakinganincisiondownthemidline ofthecalf,themusclestobe studiedweredissectedfreefromsurroundingstructureswhilststillpreservingtheirfullblood supply.Whileotherhind-limbmuscleshavebeenexaminedthispaperwillconfineitselftoa Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 338 A. J. BULLER AND D. M. LEWIS comparison of the soleus and flexor hallucis longus muscle. This latter muscle is more correctly called the mesial head ofthe flexor digitorum loingus (Chin,Cope& Pang, 1962), since in the catitstendonofinsertionfuseswiththat ofthe largerflexordigitorum longus. Inthispaper, however, weshall retainthe commoner terminology offlexorhallucis longus (F.H.L.). SoleusandF.H.L.muscleswerechosenbecausetheyaretheslowestandfastestcon- tracting calf muscles respectively and because, in any one cat, their maximum tetanic tensionsrarely differ bymorethan 30 O0. Theindividualmotornervestothemusclesto be usedwere carefully dissected to allowanample lengthforstimulation. Theywere then cut centrally and thedistal ends prepared formounting onbipolar stimulating electrodes. The individual muscle tendons were very firmly tied to steel hooks which could be attached directly to the strain gauge. The length oftendon betweein the muscle and hook was in- tentionally kept short. This is important, because the 'available' length of tendon for a musclesuchas F.H.L. ismuchgreaterthanforamusclelikesoleus, andtheincorporationof alonglength (- 2cm) oftendonintherecording systemintroduces anappreciable distor- tion. The total compliance ofthe recording system (shortlength oftendon, steelhook and straingauge)wastypically05mm/kg, andtheintroductionof2cmoftendonchangedthis figureto 3mm/kg. Thesefiguresindicate onlythatpartofthetotalcompliance overwhich theexperimenterhassomecontrol. Ittakesnoaccountoftheintramuscular tendonorthe serieselasticelementswithinthemusclefibres. Inordertostabilizetheleg,steeltwistdrills wereinserted into bothends ofthetibiaandthenmountedinchuckswhichweremagneti- cally anchored to amassive metal table uponwhich all the associated equipmentwas also located. The skin flaps formed by the primaryincisionwere sewn back tometal supports, thus creating a pool of some 50-200ml. capacity which was filled with warmed liquid paraffin. Oncefilled,thetemperatureofthisparaffinpoolwasmaintainedbetween36-5and 37.50 C by means ofheaters and even temperature distribution ensured by stirring. Care was taken to see that the muscles were always fully immersed in the paraffin. On those occasionswhenatendonwas outofthepoolduringrecording itwas coveredwith awisp of cotton-wool soaked in paraffin. In addition the cat's body temperature was continually monitored and the reading used to regulate the current supplied to an electric blanket on whichthe catrested. The deviceusedwas similartothatdescribedbyKrnjevic' & Mitchell (1961). Inordertoallowaccessforthestraingaugetheposteriorpartofthecalcaneumwas excised and the cat's foot fixed in maximum dorsiflexion. The master stimulator (Digitimer, Devices Ltd.) allowed the programming ofup to five pulses separated by individually variable intervals during each oscillograph sweep. Each pulse could be used to initiate a single stimulus, or any two pulses could be used to gate atetanictrainofpulses,thetrainstartingsynchronouslywiththefirstofthetwopulsesand stoppingatthesecond. Thefrequencyofthetetanictrainwascontrolledbyaseparateunit, the fixed frequenciesavailable ranging from 1 to 1000pulses/sec. The calibrationaccuracy was determined bya 10kc quartz crystal. Allpulseswhether singleor repetitivewere fed tothenervethroughatransistorized stimulusisolationunit. Foreachinputpulsethisunit provided an earth-free output pulse variable in duration and intensity. The output impe- dance ofthe stimulus isolation unit was 500ohms. The stimuli were applied to the nerve through platinum or silver-wire electrodes. Recording. (a) Mlechanical. IsometrictensionwasmeasuredbymeansofeitherStathamor Langham Thompson unbonded wire strain gauge bridges. The particulartransducerused dependedonthesizeofthecatandwaseither G1 64orG 1 80(Statham)orUF2(Langham Thompson).Thesegaugeshadtensionmaximaof1-9, 2-4and4-8kgandmeasuredunloaded natural frequencies of approximately 720, 840 and 1100c/s respectively. All gauges were d.c. excited (15-20 V) and had measured non-linearities ofless than +1% full scale. Calibrations were obtained by shunting one of the arms of the transducer bridge with precision resistors (0-1 %Alma). Theaccuracyofsuchcalibrationswasperiodicallychecked byloadingthevariousstraingaugeswithweights. Thevoltageoutputfromthestraingauge Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 ISOMETRIC TETANI OF MAMMALIAN MUSCLES 339 was amplified initially by a d.c. differential amplifier, subsequently by a d.c. single-sided amplifier, the output ofwhich wasthen displayed on one beam ofa doublebeamcathode ray oscilloscope (Tektronix 502). The frequency response ofthe amplifier system was flat within3dbto 1 kc/s.Thetotalnoiseofthesystemwastypicallysuchthataneasilyobserved deflexionofthebaselinecouldbeproducedbyaforceof0-1%ofthestraingaugemaximum. Muchmorecommonly,however,thegainoftheamplifierwasreducedsothatlargertensions wererecordedintheapparent absence ofnoise. Bymeansofassociatedcircuitrydescribed inmoredetailelsewhere (Buller & Lewis, 1965a), theinitial tension onthemuscle andthe peakactivetensiondevelopedbythemuscleduringeachcontractioncouldbereaddirectly frommeters. Inaddition, provision wasmadefortheelectrical quasi-differentiation ofthe tension record. This was performed as illustrated diagrammatically in Fig. 1 using a R 12C I I1 10 ~6 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 4- 2 C 16 32 48 64 10msec Volts Fig. 1. Left top. Blockdiagram ofdifferentiator. K2W = Philbrick operational amplifiertype K2W; C = differentiatingcondenser;R =feed-backresistor; V = in line readout voltmeter (Solartron L.M. 901). Left middle. Ramp input to differentiator and square wave output from dif- ferentiator. The dotshave the same significance asin Fig. 1A. Leftbottom. Calibrationofdifferentiator, plottingthe slope oftherampinput measureding/msecagainstthepeakvoltageoftheoutputsquarewavemeasuredin voltsbyvoltmeter V. Right (A) upperbeam. Typical fastisometric twitchfromF.H.L. Lowerbeam, digital representation of some of the contraction characteristics (see Buller & Lewis, 1965a). Theleft-handgroupofthreedotsindicatestheinitialtensiononthe muscle,eachdotrepresenting5g.Thenextgroupoftwenty-threedots(raisedfrom the base line) each represent 1msec and measure the time fromthe start ofcon- traction until the time ofpeak tension development. The next group oftwenty- threedotseachrepresent1msec andmeasurethetimefrompeaktensionuntilthe instantofhalfdecay.Thefinalgroupoftwenty-fourdotsmeasurethepeaktension developed during the twitch, each dot representing 10g. (B) Upper beam same twitch, lower beam differentiated tension record. (C) Two beams superimposed. Uppershowingoriginal twitch, lowerelectricallyintegratedrecordofthe differen- tiatedrecord of(B). Time scale 10, 50 and 100msec. 22 Physiol. 176 Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 340 A. J. BULLER AND D. M. LEWIS PhilbrickK2Woperationalamplifierconnectedasadifferentiator. Switchedinputcapacitors provideddifferentiatingtimeconstantsofbetween100tusecand1msec,whilehigh-frequency noise was reduced by adding series resistance to C (Fig. 1) and shunting R with a small capacitance. Theadvantagesofusinganoperationalamplifierasadifferentiatorratherthan asimpleinputRCnetworkfollowedbyavoltageamplifierprovedconsiderable (cf. Korn& Korn, 1956). The differentiator was followed by a peak-reading voltmeter and the peak voltage developed by the differentiator was displayed on an in-line readout voltmeter (Solartron L. M. 901). The accuracy ofthe differentiatorwas tested byelectricallyintegra- ting the differentiated tension record (see Fig. 1). The linearity ofthepeak-reading device wasmeasuredbyfeedingvoltagerampsequivalenttoknownratesofchangeofinputvoltage persecond into the differentiatorandmeasuringthesquarewave voltagedevelopedbythe differentiator (see Fig. 1). By suitable scalingthe readingofthein-line readout voltmeter couldbeequatedto changes oftension (measureding/msec) attheinput ofanyoneofthe strain gauges used. Ifrequired the output ofthe differentiator could be displayed on one beam ofthe oscilloscope. (b) Electrical. Action potentials from muscle were recorded either by means of belly tendonleadsofsilverwireorbymeansofbipolarconcentricneedleelectrodes. Ineithercase the signals were fed to a conventional a.c. coupled preamplifier (Tektronix 122) with 3db pointsat 80c/s and 10kc/s. Theoutputfromthepreamplifierwas a.c. coupled (O I,uFand 1 MQ) into a Tektronix 502 oscilloscope. Timetraceswerederivedfromcount-downcircuitsdrivenfroma10kc/scrystaloscillator. Permanentrecordswereobtainedbyphotographingthefaceofthecathoderaytubeonfilm (Ilfordtype 5B62) using a camera systemwith an optical reduction ofapproximately 1:3. Thedissection completed, the catwas setup andthepoolformed. Theanimalwas then leftforhalftoonehourforthemusclestocomeintotemperatureequilibriumwiththeparaf- fin in the pool, since despite efforts to the contrary the muscles often cooled during the dissection. After this the motor nerve of the muscle to be studied was stimulated approximately once every 6 or 9sec with shocks of 30 or 100gsec duration and 2-5V intensity (approximately 3 times that necessary to produce a maximal contraction). The lower repetition frequency was used particularly for fast muscles such as flexor hallucis longus. This reduced to avery low level thepotentiating effects ofprevious stimuli onthe mechanical responses. Considerable carewasthentakentoaligncorrectlythestraingauge in the natural line ofpull ofthe muscle,and to applythat amountofinitialtension tothe muscle which produced the maximal twitch response. The initial tensionwas adjusted by meansofamicrometerdrivecoupledtothestraingauge.Theextremeimportanceofcareat thisstagehasbeenstressedbyBuller, Eccles& Eccles (1960a)andinmoredetailedstudies byBuller & Lewis (1963b). Next, evidencewas soughtforanyeffect onthemuscletwitch ofa back response in the motor nerve fibres (Brown & Matthews, 1960; Buller & Lewis, 1963b). This was done by applying two maximal stimuli to the motor nerve separated by intervalsrangingbetween05and1*5msecandnotingwhetheranydecreaseinthesizeofthe mechanicalresponseoccurred. Ifsuchaneffectwasobserved (itappearedmorecommonly inlargecatsandinsoleus) themusclewasexcludedfromthepresentstudy. Measurements werethencommencedofeithertheeffectsoftwostimuliatvariousintervalsortheeffectsof short tetani (100-400msec) at various frequencies. After a tetanus the motor nervewas stimulated bysingleshocks once every 9sec until any alteration which had taken place inthetwitchsize(post-tetanicpotentiation, Brown&vonEuler, 1938)and/orrateoftension developmenthaddisappeared. This rarely took longer than 60sec andwaseasilyassessed sinceboththese contraction characteristics could be directly read out on meters after each twitch. Usually thefrequency ofthe tetanic stimuliwas increased insteps up to amaximuim of 400-600pulses/secandinafewcasesto1000pulses/secandthenreducedthroughintermediate frequenciestoensure thatno changeshadtakenplaceinthemuscle asaresultofthehigh- Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 ISOMETRIC TETANI OF MAMMALIAN MUSCLES 341 frequency activation. A similarprocedurewasadoptedwiththetwo-stimuli experiments. Occasionally the frequency changes or intervals were randomized. No differences were noted in the results obtained. At the conclusion of the experiment the muscles used were dissected out ofthe body, blotted'dry'withfilterpaperandweighed.Theover-alllengthofthemuscle(butexcluding any tendon) was also measured. Source8 of error. The finite time constant of the differentiating network and the peak voltagecondenser(Fig. 1blockdiagram)introduceerrorsinthereadingofthemaximumrate ofchangeoftension. However,calculationshowsthatthemaxrimumerrorproducedwiththe highestratesofchangeencounteredwasoftheorderof-5%.Amoreimportantsourceoferror was theoccasional deterioration ofthemusclesfollowingrepeatedtetani. The changes ob- servedwereeffectively confinedtothefastmusclesstudiedandwereevidencedasareduced peaktensionanddecreasedmaximuimrateoftensionriseduringthetwitchwhilethepeakte- tanictensionandtherateofrisewerelittleaffected.Wehavenotinvestigatedthisphenomenon in detail, but have rejected results in which the peak twitch tension fellby 15% or more during the course of the whole experiment. Apart from these occasional exceptions the muscles remained in excellent condition, and consistent responses could be obtained over many hours. Soleus F.H.L 83 12-5 32 50 25 50 80 125 100msec 10msec Fig. 2. Genesisoftetanusforslowandfastmammalianmuscles. Ontheleftfour tetaniofsoleusatthestimulusfrequenciesshownbeloweachrecord. Ontheright fourtetani of F.H.L.at thefrequenciesshown. Notethedifferent sweepspeedsfor thetwosetsofrecords. Thedotsonthelowerbeamofeachpairofrecordsindicate the peak tension developed during the contraction shown above. Each dot is equivalent to 20g. RESULTS Figure 2 illustrates the classical genesis oftetanus experiment for both a slowly contracting skeletal muscle (soleus) and a fast contracting skeletal muscle (flexor hallucis longus). As has been pointed out many timespreviously (cf. Cooper & Eccles, 1930), thestimulationratenecessary tobringaboutapparentfusionofthemechanicalresponsesishigherforthe fast muscle (125 pulses/sec) than for the slow muscle (50 pulses/sec). The term apparent fusion frequency is used because, although no obvious oscillations of the tension record may be seen at the amplification used, Ritchie (1954) has rightly stressed that the apparent fusion frequency is 22-2 Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 342 A. J. BULLER AND D. M. LEWIS dependent on the sensitivity of the recording system. If the apparently fusedtetaniofFig. 2wereexaminedathigheramplification, oscillations at the stimulus frequency would certainly be visible. However, from the maximum frequencies illustrated (50pulses/sec for soleus and 125 pulses/ secforF.H.L.) anyfurtherincreaseinfrequencyproducesnegligible change inthepeaktensiondevelopedbythemuscle. Definitionmustherebemade of peak tension since, while the fast muscles usually show a plateau of tension, the slow muscles often show a slow rise of tension for several hundred milliseconds after the initial faster rise. Peak tension will there- fore be defined for the purposes of this paper as the maximum tension reached 400msec after the first stimulus ofa tetanic train, since by this time any residual climb in tension is small. While it is true that no increase occurs in the peak tension developed if the stimulation frequency exceeds 50pulses/sec for soleus and 125pulses/ sec for F.H.L. it is apparent from Fig. 3 that the rate at which the peak tension is developed is considerably enhanced by further increases in the stimulation frequency. Figure 3 shows superimposed isometric tension records of two tetani of soleus at stimulation rates of 50 pulses/sec and 310 pulses/sec and two tetani ofF.H.L. at stimulation rates of 125 pulses/ sec and 500pulses/sec. In order to study this change in the rate oftension development more closely differentiated records of the tension rise were employed (see Methods) andanillustrationofsuchrecordsobtainedduringtetanicstimu- lation are showninthe lower beam recordings ofFig. 4. The differentiated tension records serve in fact to increase the effective amplification ofthe recording system and clearly demonstrate changes in the rate of tension build up with time. In the lower oscillographic records ofboth the soleus tetanusat50pulses/secandtheflexorhallucislongustetanusat 125 pulses/ sec obvious oscillations are apparent while with the tetani at 310pulses/ sec and 500 pulses/sec the differentiated records are much smoother. Close examination ofFig. 4 will also show that in both the slow and fast musclethemaximumrate ofchange oftension (thepeakofthe differential record) is greater and occurs earlier with the higher frequency ofstimula- tion. This latter point is illustratedin Fig. 5A,where the maximumrateof changeoftensionmeasureding/msecisplottedagainststimulusfrequency. The filled circles show the maximum rate ofrise oftension during a single twitch, the crosses show points observed with increasing stimulus fre- quency and the open circles points obtained with decreasing stimulus frequency. For any particular muscle the shape ofthe curve is extremely reproducible from animal to animal, though the absolute value in g/msec varies. In order to compare the maximum rate oftension development during Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 ISOMETRIC TETANI OF MAMMALIAN MUSCLES 343 isometric tetani in different animals use was made ofa derived term-the percentage ofthe maximum tetanic tension (defined above) developedper msec (%P0/msec). ItmaybeseenfromFig. 5Bthatslow andfastmuscles Soleus F.H.L. 500g ................................ I kg . ........... 10msec 1-5kg 10msec Fig. 3. Left. Superimposedtetani ofsoleus muscle at stimulationfrequencies of 50 pulses/sec (lower record) and 310 pulses/sec (upper record). Right. Similar records (at different sweep speed) for F.H.L. at stimulation frequencies of 125 pulses/sec (lower record) and 500 pulses/sec (upper record). Tension calibra- tionsof500g, 1 and 1-5kg. -Soleus F.H.L. 50 125 _ 500g 1 kg 1-5kg 310 500 .......................................... ......... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 10msec 10msec Fig. 4. Paired recordings of isometric tension development and differentiated tensionrecordsforsoleus(left)andF.H.L.muscle(right).Thestimulationfrequencies used are shown under each pair ofrecords. Note the different sweep speeds for soleusand F.H.L. Differenttimeconstantsofdifferentiationwereusedforthetwo muscles. Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008 344 A. J. BULLER AND D. M. LEWIS typified by soleus and F.H.L. have clearly distinct maximum rates ofrise, and that by plotting the time to peak tension of the isometric twitch response against the maximum rate of tension development in isometric tetani two distinct populations of points occur, filled circles representing F.H.L. muscles and crosses soleus muscles. 25 A Soleus -3 I ~~~~0x 15 - Ox x Ox 2 E -e -1 5 30 t -2 10 10~) 20 50 100 200 20 Stimulation frequency (pulses/see) Timeto peak (msec) Fig. 5A. Plot of the maxrimum rate of tension development (ordinate) during tetaniofthefrequencyshown (abscissa) forsoleusanldF.H.L. Thetwofilledcircles indicate the maxrimum rate oftension development during a twitch. The crosses indicate the maximum rates measured during a series oftetani ofincreasing fre- quency, the open circles the maximulm rates observed with a series oftetani of decreasing frequency. The durations of the tetani were 200 msec for soleus and 100msecforF.H.L.Thetwoshortarrowsindicatethefrequenciescommonlyquoted inthe literatureasthe'fusionfrequencies'for slowand fastmuscles,respectively. The longer arrows indicate the absolute refractory periods between the first and secondstimuliinthetwomusclesusedinthisexrperiment. Theordinatescalestothe right ofthe two graphs indicatethemaxrimum rate oftensiondevelopment inthe twomusclesatvariousfrequenciesofstimulationwiththemaximumrateobserved inthe twitchscaled as one. Fig. 5B. A plot ofthe time from the start ofcontraction tothe development of peaktensioninanisometrictwitch(abscissa)againstthemaximumrateoftension developmentduringanisometrictetanus(ordinate). Crossesindicatesoleusmuscles, filled circles F.H.L. muscles. We were initially surprised at the high frequency of stimulation necessary to produce the maxsimulm rate of rise of tension in both soleus and flexor hallucis longus. While it may easily be shown that the large diametermotor axonLs supplying bothsoleus andF.H.L. muscle can conduct trains ofimpulses at such repetition rates, it was decided to make a direct attempttorecordthemuscleelectricalactivityinorderto confirm thatthe muscleactionpotentialswerefollowing thestimulation frequency. Bipolar Downloaded from jp.physoc.org at BIUSJ (Paris 6) on March 5, 2008

1965;176;337-354. J. Physiol In order to stabilize the leg, steel twist drills .. A plot of the time from the start of contraction to the development of.
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