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(1985) al-Furūq fī al-lughah by Abū Hilāl al-ʻAskarī PDF

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Preview (1985) al-Furūq fī al-lughah by Abū Hilāl al-ʻAskarī

Chaudhary, Mohammad Akram (1985) al-Furūq fī al-lughah by Abū Hilāl al-ʻAskarī : a thesaurus for distinctions of meaning between assumed synonyms in Arabic. PhD thesis http://theses.gla.ac.uk/6922/ Copyright and moral rights for this thesis are retained by the author A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the Author The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the Author When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given Glasgow Theses Service http://theses.gla.ac.uk/ [email protected] AI-Furuq fi al-Lughah, by Abu Hilal al-cAskari: a Thesaurus for Distinctions of Meaning between Assumed Synonyms i:nAr9bic. .. -~ ", ... , . presented by ,'," ' ;:"; J .. " Mohammad: . Akr:-am '. Chaudhary .. \ ~, I . I I"' " . , >, . \i , ;"'. Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts, University of Glasgow. December 1985 J •• , , ,/' ." .. Table of Contents Acknowledgements (i) Transliteration (ii) Abstract (iii) Introduction ( v) Part I Critical study of al"':Ftiruq fI ,al.:...Lughah by - .' """·c - Abu Hilioll' al- Aska:ri. ' , ; Chapter' I \An Introduction to .al-Furuq fi al-Lughah \ ' "Cha,pt'er II . Methodology' of Abu Hilal al-9Askari ,in determining ',' " me,anings 16.,..25 Chapter III Abu Hilal al-cAskari's views on Synonymy 26-36 Chapter IV Sources of al-Furuq fi al-Lughah 37-51 Chapter V The Impact' of Abu Hilal al-cAskar'f on Subsequent Linguistic Studies 52-59 Conclusion 60-64 Selected Bibliography 65-70 Part II 71 Distinctions of Meaning between Assumed Synonyms c made by Abu Hilal al- Askari in al-Furuq fi al-Lughah . Cha]2ter II 72 .- CtiaEter III 119 ',- ... ,"; , ., :·,Chapter IV· ,- " :"'" '13.T<,": - , ChaJ?ter V .',' 167 \' , ,. " " '::c " Chap,:ter VI' 188' .'~ ,. ;0', , -' Cha:eter VII --, 194 . ('i' Chapter VIII 224 Cha:eter IX 243 " ., Cha:e1::er X 251 Ch'~:eter XI 256 Cha:eter XII 259 Cha:eter XIII 281 Cha:eter XIV 297 Cha:eter XV 314 Chapter XVI 319 Cha12ter XVII 328 Cha:eter XVIII 333 Cha:eter XIX 357 Cha:eter XX 370 Cha:eter XXI 380 Cha:eter XXII 383 Chapter XXIII 388 Chapter XXIV 398 Cha:eter XXV 404 Chapter XXVI 420 Chapter XXVII 424 Chapter XXVIII 428 Chapter XXIX 431 Cha;eter XXX 435 List of entries' ~n al-'-Furuq fI al-Lughah. 461 'c •. ~, , , , , in In[iex 'of words d~al t wfth b~Abu Hilal , ' al-Furu<:],fi al-Lughah., . (Referred to in Part IJ; by the symbol A.) .. " 477 , (i) Acknowledgements It is with gratitude and appreciation that I acknowledge my indebtedness to the Islamia University, Bahawalpur, Pakistan, for sending me to Glasgow to carry out this work. I express my gratitude to my supervisor Dr J.N. Mattock, Head of the Arabic & Islamic Studies Dept., for his continuous eJ?coura~ement, assistance ,and' 'invaluable advice thro~ghout " eVery. stage, 'of t.his thesis':" . I: also~xpresk my grati tude to , 1_' • • " " ' " .~: ,_~' ' _ ' _ L,'"", -;: :., . _, ~. .,. • ,.".... ~ 'Dr Hasan Muhammad Baju9-ah, Head of the Dept. of, Highe,r Studies • , • _ .. , v. ' " ' in AraJ?ic, intheUmmal"".Qura Univers~ ty, Makkah aj:~Mukarramah, . fcirhisccmtinuou~ guidarice,for a period 6f'six montps during :"J, '. , ." ". , ' whl.!;!h the critical' study of al-Furiiq ,fi L~ghah wai completed. 'My thanks are due to my wife Reh~ma Akram, who,has stood by ',' . ~ - " me so statindily during these years. My deepest thanks are due to all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in completing this work. FinallY,I thank Miss Jane Livingston, who has very patiently and conscientiously carried out the typing of this thesis. Mohammad Akram Chaudhary, Glasgow, December 1985. (ii) Transliteration The following symbols are used to transcribe the Arabic letters: ~ a u b \...J • i t ~ . o ; aw th L:J .!j - ay j ," l:J a' h 1; .. ;~h' ' 'U i ." " ,c , :'·':'r-, d '.-') .. " U , "-~ ~, .. ;::. q.h ';;} r ..J ,,:"::" .. Z ...J -'1' S ~. .... sh lY" s uP. d uP .h t .b z tJ c .. ,l ) ::., gh . f '--' q <-' J 1 m ( n l:) h l5 w --' y L..S. -Hi- Abstract The struggle against ~ "inaccurate use of the language" began in the first Hijrah century. To safeguard the Arabic language against this and to preserve their linguistic heritage was the prime concern of early linguists. Writings on al-Furuq "differences" were originally confined to works on 'hayawan "animals". Abu Hilal al-cAskarL (d.395 A.H.) was thef~rst linguist to adapt this' format to language , with his book on al-furuq al-lughawiyyah "linguistic .(semantic). diffe~nces" • .· He devised eight rules of' his own for discr:iminati~g'betwe'ei1 words of close meanings, which he applied in his al-Furuq fi ~l-Lughah, in. addition to those propounded by his linguist predecessors, like al-:MUbarrad~ Thaclab and Ibn Durustawayh. Abu Hilal presents his rules for discrimination between various different meanings and his methodology in. the first chapter of his \ book; in the rest of the 29 chapters he deals with nearly 1000 pairs of words generally considered to have similar meanings. He successfully employs his rules on. this material. We have divided our work of this important book into two parts. The first comprises a critical study ,of it and . of Abu Hilal's views on the occurrence of synonymy in Arabic. It consists of the following chapters. Chapter I: Introduction of al-Furuq fI al-Lughah. - - c - Chapter II: Methodology of Abu Hilal al- Askari in determining meanings. Chapter III: Abu Hilal al-cAskarI's views on Synonymy. Chapter IV: Sources of al-Furuq fI al-Lughah. -iv- Abu Chapter V: The impact of Hilal al-cAskarI on subsequent linguistic studies. In the second part we have attempted to present the Abu di.stinctions of meaning between assumed synonyms made by - c - Hilal al- Askari. We give all the usages of the various words, Abu as cited by Hilal. It has been necessary to paraphrase and rearr~~ge his m~terial, and to shorten some of-his definitions -and,ito omit_superfluous examples, _~hile preserving, and of:ten clarifying, the points -that he is making ... __ . J', ,.,:,-',,-,-' ~ ," ",; ~. , .t,"

very popular among contemporary Arab linguists, i.e. semantic extension in the (1) Lahn is to commit a mistake in the pronunciation, or grammar, or. --.- derivation, or .. (28) Al-Samarra'i, I. Min Asalib al-Qur'an, p.9. (29) AI-Furuq
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