.& . - f ' . f - - *** - 1 b I - * .A p I ! d 1 4 0 . "C- ' , 7 - \ - -- -4q T H E ORDQUIZ DECLINES TO INTE'RFER:. PdIJST BE SOLD ON MERITS A IYXIR.I-) LIFE BTC)B4V a aiOrcr. urieir prozise Sleep Changes the \u7 eb immunity fcr herself, she a7ns ind leed d jury recently zgreeLl soer ~elegaies~ es~#h etfulT~oyld ~ua. xo Subtertuge -~llowedi n Disposing of to leturn to Utah and she told the diet, sealed it and ~lent1 1~ ' - the t-nited Statcs Cannot Act. BLOODY AND ROMANTIC CA- State Board of Pardons the stoly of slecping oler it: +ey disag~ Methodist General konfqrenccT he state department has uet ti-; The olcornOalcroyl~nr3irngcaq ruirees. tion, wllicll REER QF GEORGE WRIGHT, tIht ew sahs otoot itnhge oeff ftehcet tthhate eth yeo tuhnrge em heaad. eslnlo "ths e mindp.o rlep of 'lhOto Ends Long Deadlock itsasuu eo fr atihsee dB obye r thdee lceogmatiinogn t ob Wy adsehcilnign-- thraosl ebre+e n btehfeo sreu bthjcec t aogf riecxutletnudraeld ccooinn-- A Catatosua of Criminal Deeds-An Ed- knowle6ge of \Vrigllt's guilt, as a cattle shouldin sotrmyn ialI osOter ttcsrt'Os-1?ri'a;cuh$ ic11 . thief-gullt for which a man is as like- Hansas has sent twenty cars of corn iny to interfele in behalf of the Souti1 mittee df tile house, reached a decisike urated Gentleman. Law~crN. inlng En- ly to I)e hanged without cerelnony in to6of6 u bftlFaaemc1kin n mes tzasmtuemf fsiehersoe rutslo d i mcnoa nktIern iidbtia aitn.e t oaS csotoamrinfe RMe~ceSssSarRk S.M OORE AND [mf+fIl10fiY P Agcijefs,r. ~icoainnan lrl c vqpiue;clwb.sl tiicoosfn si tnha tissh teoa p ntrnheoesue cnnhcta esrdatr cotdezcl-- spteLoear gthcead Tv ihan ugs~ tushbdes atmiynteu hateseun rf eot hri ent hseeub bacploegnneldm irnietg-- gai nQeueard, rLuepclteu rM-e ru radnedre r.J oureallst-dlso - . etUhtnaath& W(a~0sr i fmgohartk ,h eof emacirchiinadgreg -eathsn edya g mahiiangdsh t tt herhaeirmalty;- dodgels. 51g~o;<tyC olnes on thy S;,ep- of the 1cception to be extended to tho G~oubt, ill. The latter bill is practi- George H. Wright, a Michigan up!- out their threat, went to their cabin delegates and the suE~Ieecyo f tileit cally prohibitory,tasing oleomplgarine teenth in credentials dropptd at once into th' 10 cents a pound. The main prorisions versity law graduate, who is wanted one evening when their mother and rive?, . After all, it seems only natural that Service of the Church and \Tell background. of tllc substitute are that 'leomargar- fpr the murder of four men in Utah Etepfather nere amay, shot them doan, spring. \ the fire fiend, ragiag upon the grounds ,Il nolin In Literary \Vo~ld. Slonilay a note came to the state dc- ine and like eompougcls shall be put and Cionl orrraidpoe,. hasT hhea d a singular tcwao- chaorltee ldn t htheem icteo, aa nlda kpei anceeadr thbey, bcoudti eas of the Paris expozition, sho5d select partulfnt from the dslegates, asliing UP in and trio pound pacliab~es counties are him, and reward in the lake. r hi^ hearing before the wthhei chw aitte wr -aps-a lh-aics- e b-ua-ssi -nte hses toop ed esptrlaocye. lieAf that Jiay "?l2ldo tin~ "ould ebned- tthhealtu .utehlereys abte ptherew itdteedp arttom epnlet.s enAt olanrlgye; tihhralte neteadc hl epttrein~ts tshhena lolr dh a"voel eoi-n chaatsa lboegeune ooff fcerliemd efso ir~ hiits hwc haipcthu rWe. ri*I hihest -~s Ptari!t. ~~O~n~ dti noef pstartednogntsh of thhee lds talates-t prompt acquiernce was retnrne~*l by margarine." The print allpll then be Kansas City hotel men are ptTpar- the 10ng-drawu-Out (ontest Secretaly liay and at theC time fixed wlapped in paper bearing the $rinted is charged is suEcient, merit made by wight, the Hoard Is a tributed, to cause the hanging of four recommended that the prisoner be giv- ing to give every convention delegate attracted a lalgo audienCe the tlllee delegates appeared. Jnst nois~s L'oleomargarine." Outside of shoUldb e a bed by pirtting five beds in each the lllethcdist general con- nhat passed bctneen Secretary Hay package the revenue stamp shall be persons on the galloivs and to rarrhnt en his Iiberiy, and later the go\ernor hQllritt ired rboeodms . thihst E$e5e mas dtaoy bfeo ra egaacrhfi eo fc f thheigshe fdeitrOenricuem, being exery in A"- abncd e xtialec tdlye lkegnaotnens ,p rfoobr awbhlye nw tihlle mneereetr- wtoi abp~peeadl.cp aRckeatgaeiFs losr atore s enlol ta nalylothxixnegd ilonn agd deintoioung hs eilnlt etnhcee sa ogfg liemgparties otnom hFne-t ginldaonrtseedd a pthperd onr.e coImt mweansd saotioonn aaftnedr . pJoduorr blued.r+i, five. - H.A 1f1t.e rJ,V daervroenti ornaaplp eexde rfcoir$ so ydeeor.n ducteil inw watisl eo tBe~r,~ ~a~,f ttaetre dl astoti nag naubmobuetr aonf bpauctl ctahgec s.o rig~ihn~a ll epoonret wora s trneaod ptoo uthned qthueir er etmwoai nodr etrh roefe tmhoerire mnaetnu rtaol splievneds that he a'anllde gheids twriipflee scerpimalea teind *U atnahd t,ahpoaurislalsn. ds oTf ebalnubTntp orllauoidntlt eeclsdee d iku nnnt ohtihowae~tn it sthih hnie ie t ePh eag3rr,rti0eso0a. 0 t hsIaahtsv osenpi sostw,ba etn ehtiness bwMthyaoe sRo sreievxa,.n t 4enoI?efVoB nu.; t tnF-hh3c.e e .b O d\ajVl old.l utoatlHatns,nda llmt f*aoo ikfll letloo0hnw2n 1e,ysi o :e1r e1sat1sne;utD l1Jdl. . tta I h8yIc.,: cnhneao\puvposledpn‘ ,hep~adcv.r e nlmoetnh~ intgh u La.t:t:o s~ay a~~s ltlaoc~ \ walx~~;d~ at af\\uelnl~ tc oolsrnfemr.i tt eHe QaunRdR c'oDnsLidYe~r aB!hUq RNof~E Dit iihmteonosu lpt r~shadreiene s drsosst nt.eoo .a rtlyhi-TBentrhg~hu e,etc retlihimmseftbuer eegsinz ,i Itzcisb llv eueaemsd 'iespde sanel tostchs va,ete thtt filefoceo r frsgq4 iendurdaer- fhhamrceioosc mncohatu hpiands=its osg,1 s ee~fdsoc t- irahr~ r iWtstwie ohndrniea g.nmi hI ntenS ' s htaC henoleidoli on fftfrgrl a eaSddiitolm-o, WrmIiwstru hiYarginc.haihdstt ~ othnilsy goo ri aBroen mMeadrictahtei,n gL otuhver eo ragnadn LS-.aamtioanri toaf inaen, , DIYa,y 7, 8l;g e9T .I Bre; S Speelellll~'cy,4 e5r;. necesJs-a ry 'teor- a \n~ieaintti lt\ h\hei pchle ssitdaetenst thgaatv et ialeu t& aer sdtaetlee-- uas~lineE syloslon nlay Cause Death of lCitatnled isghir,l -tah eC hidcaauggoh tlearw ojef r\,V ?wilhllioa mi Jis. wtaaliss ctsw trog eindr wesitt hc ohnasviidnegr aibnldeu cseudm sc apoff- association of this kind. choice, 4'78. gates submitted at much length and Mrs. Francis. ,Wright's attorney, and ~ h ios n bw mosey in the vatious mining yr\oper- aork. At 0:30 o'cloclc the seventeenth ballot ,,itll great aria eloquence Mrs. J. IV. Franyis of 2124 Sorth wealthy by virtue of luini~gP IOPC~~Y with the UnderstandbJZ that the toT boeo r emspdocnhs ibblues ifnoers sth ep rfeascstu rteh ast eCehni-$ fnoars a t arkeesnu,l t.w iAthf teprr oas pelictttsl ef abvuosrianbelses lnnferllitCs ao f tthhee dceosnilter ooref rsy inB oseor ulteh- bPaotulllyt ebeunrtpee ds btrye eatn, eLspiniocsorlonn, omf agsa ssoo- htuer nAeedd ofvroerm t oC hhiicmag ob yt oW arilgohidt baerfipesret mdeovneeloyp iwngas t hteo mbien easp, palinedd thaetn misapto- cago's gang of porch-climbers siicceecls had been transacted a recess nas that tile united states line Wednesday forenoon that death on the cha~geo f murder. Wright gr- propridttng the fwds. The stockhold- in evading aptue. The police, accord- taken. / #_ interleue in tte ioterestsof peace and yay result. 111s. Fra.ncis had been rived at Chicago frcln the IClondike in ers in the Union mine,' for which the ing to a recent victim of the burglars, During reccss rumors ?~ei.e curlent u,e its in~uenceto that lroaing and clotlles mere hung jn close 1837. IIe gave the name of Case 'at most money h;~db een secured, were ale always too busy to atterzd to such that an e1cct;on ha$ been reached, a:~d ~ ~ i tgoive~lnmi e~nt. prosiulity to tile store. The stove the North Shore hotel. There he njet out about @Go, and those of the other rases and tte porch-clin~F,eisa re en- at the conclusion of the lecess the scv- gaged in so dourish~nga trade that enteenth ballot was read. they ha\e no time to bother with PO- L6urD. . 11. .*loore reeeircd~r~ot es t,lve,ltion at licemen. and is elected," announced Bishop Soutll ~~~i~~~ Warren, and great appiause ensued. James 3. Corbett is dnxious to be- "Dr. J. \V. 1Ialnilton received 510 i coae a congressman from Sew Yorlr votes and is elected," and again- the city, and his friends declare that he 'hall rar?g with applause. will be elected, Mr. Corbr-it might not Bishops-elect IIamilton and lloole shine in ,legislative hai;s, t ut it should were escorted to the platform, and I be a difficult affair to tear from amid applnuse and thelvavi~gof hand- FIGHT AT are Fox Lake, D{ his seat if once in the chai:.. He is a kerchiefs \rere introduced to the gen- Oebn, larger man than eith~rS enator Clark era1 conference. The final ballot was , I as follon s: D. H. Moore 534, J. !V. omra bM:e at hQimua yt,o awndh iph isa nsyc ksnercgee asnhto-ualtd- 7II1a, mTi. ltBo.n S51e4c,l Dy a4y1 ,1 01y,. 1 1J. . SYpeelrlrlyn ey2e2r. The de:cnse Y\r\ooprlbcsa soinf gJ. olla*n%neY s bu~g ----- arms that ever troll ihe rislcs. , h'ecessary to a choice 444. are plogicsslng rapidly, saJs a Lour- BERGE IS SELECTED There has been plolid+J 3 machi1.s taDkeissc uupss. ion of organic lair %\as then ebaror0og hMt aflrcoliune zt hdei fslpoantct hh.a ve,S biexe n geumns- Populist nicks ~ir;t District Congres- Warned l'eBopAloR KoIfN GU oDsiOegCedS It~afekln~F or panlphlet of "Sf ,' i for automntically cleaning shoes. The placed in a fort, while t~enchesi ntel- to Look Out for Shella. for 19$O,y or ;or+copy o? a. Gi foot is inserted into a piope-lf arrang- BOUND TO LYNCH KI MBLERN 5i.t l<a:~eraocl, near ~l:pri~er>li\ulg, siounl 1'1um A British sold:er rrlt:~gf ro= )!afe-I somriy il!qs!raf,ed Surjrpl 59L. I. : ed opening and the railLn,yc f the :xa- bchind tile race caul-e. The three congress:onal conventions king during the siege of thlt town titled p"I~'[h g &$eie~augtry,':~apily chine is firmly gr3spe3. A small Unsafe to Keturn h'eiro Nurdelcr' to The Star,tlard and Diggers' Sews the fusionists at Neb-, mentions the barking of dogs as one of' to nearest tic& 'agGnt, or' $dd;;ess mmootloer t haect muautde.s rTohtaer yf ob~ruitssh nees\ rt hpaldt crced- Calvin ]<ilnbleYrnp,c bthloe. negJo \\iOsho t egoirueflsr mn cs otnhfeu sreedl iaecfc ooufo tn loaff e!t<hiecg e. ven1t.t met a[tr :84 5p . TInh.u \rVslcldan~e,s dwaiyth a ntdri ob alhlOotJerds tbhaerd mmcesntt .c ur\iVouhes nf eathtuer ebsi go f Bthoee rb'gorunn- wHieta$f fofrodu, r ~c6enntks rainl Ppaosssteankgge, r$ e>p,A. geHnt., wisneht i tcohhf e ab crbutlssa hcaekss it nhigse d&aretrluaobntecgrd,e matnoed np tt dhlpeirs oth'pliinorgdr, tChhiosel . ,\%P wrifiaee ssa cnoadrpp tulhllaurenlcdsl 'e ilneldl ao l tnstael loo oacnht iilnpdu reeDnbe lionn-, A"ceunat r ~tlNlzragoru"lbkgoheg o~th eaena vdBit a oset hr feol iunrgeellsli,te f eSuuftonerdlceaedys nret"nuel tbiaWll oitns u-eorne. tbGalleceeea.n k,f \Vatsi-l te. Elearsgte O-n2e tcweoarussl, d l forbaoed mead c wctuhhreaent celeloy o akwlola uhttc ehare tdm ,h oge%aadveqern uteah?re-ts <O'lu\d\0h ,aC to tlohney d i~ePkuecioulpsdl!e'f. igoa,crC ceuh liaci) aicgnay r.e s Irlqlt.Lh ;ae t- A needle on a machine i3d;cates the rer. lIe confessed his crime. the to\llrl and began bolvbal cling the Linthcorelne, cpoonp'eunltiis0t,n ss.e curing. a majority alarm by sounding a dcep-toned bell, speare? varioas stages in the o-p-e~ ation. When it was learned at pu2blo that lioers, rt11o retleatcd. The Boers had Thecontest nas betl\een lbn. Mat- Calvin ICiInblcrq had beeu arreskcl t " k~ill ed and fite 1 : The membels of the International and lT-ould be talien to Pueblo krorrcls llritish ale reported as fleeing, but no thew Gering,of Ylattsmouth and ~ r . Commercial Congl-css held in Phila- gatbeled at cliserent points and it is e~~Ianati0isn g iven. , - Berge. ' SAYS"T-RU, S T IS UNLAWFUL delphia were told by Mr. W. C. Barker, certain he nil1 be lynched. The au- UNDER THE WHEELS -- as the ~esulotf his observations aniong topsy is said to'hart, shon n that the European manufactories, that time children nere cripinally assaultecl be- Ruling Blade dgalnst the Sew Jlork seerns to be rega~dcda s of compara- fore being mnrdeled. - Agcd German Farmer of Gage County tively little value abload, while in Am- Losrs lIis Life. Ice Combine. erica the maxim that "time is money" ~IOUfnsSsc~a 5-Hour Sill. E. ncn;lkJ5ea nc; crillan farlner aged At "l'erv York Attolrle~G eneral J. C. is practically applied. Mr. Barker The house committee uncler suspcn- S1, nho5e honlc is in IcIand c:,.~~na~v ies anno~uicedhisd ecidon in the fcoybohnyiuit lnyhnhe d atrr nryotidh pg,eam stht a haianennnu dmf%aa ccpeltrauio grlrlighyenety ,bua iensgaie lnni dgcwE uaadultlsrrul aoorwwpnaeolen rd mkt uehtadpoe- ' pelbuaaiinnogobcdrlno?t1 aetrtohr-n f h cetcot o~huolrelntm l lmllrtaeeuillartvl stae eutste0~oro -e% ao thsnl aplegrs ~9 ro e1vap1pet~1ao~rb~ron lttlsel elcd~lsict dnlents utrtbe eicyorl)lb v nottitpahtrhnltleece-o Jtnjlgeolirc\clavc ~nhn~eda sldssh o iogpn~fos, ,x ola l Ee efbfbii ar~etl.edeo,li ler yg\tn h~ Iactmsu titeIhl ntu,l3vgop ~i atn ~htceooa ~ a,t. ttm,ll~ i\lw~eee\ na.esds 'tt ~i ~ ethrhdcei~~e.sf- ~ o~cCspbaot,nialcrnmnodae cpi~ I,an ceagcetl~oia yoclinf.nio $ nisuntgtl~cP rIpsataaeiu gndn bdaYegiel, ni cicksiii d~ ttnp ase od ntlv hb itciuuehoyns la,.ial %ntaat ei\tnno.shldensfer u i ohlAci fean mcn wole Iarrricnewile---l mBptheuaartirt ek Onw nct aheGsA e c EutaahOgmceuqR esufG taot oEilSnae 1!~1t,Hr au.nl ntrcgWhnCeege Ha. orn7I tfaGid m* CiEsse amhWt nr,aa d.a inilnsgyhdCe O aaOtsnhne-ed . tpntrPahooarLeuo re gttl ee bhsicia shtas oIee rrlt ttah~hectaroeis.ns i hn t r,mtesTehiregahrrglieielneeed r-ld aoe,to lnnligaettm s c ci~on:&!r inaajlpjaonlalenn*lgdolg iaitei t ndsgeg rr et,e hntaoae-t CtFhooIeort n ts-shEi soaa eIsn'soted.hu, -3 e(,- a$Br A 's.u.'p tro~ nonnoiawnglil.y 'odl p 1enDI rscr r.uet unro'geA.n s'gb esiekaFfs t ootissnafrh o't a-arElS nrnewdAsu oel Sl'lilelh nenCnt'soe, i drop. The Americzn power-hammer trafitc in priaon-made gv6ds by briny- tulni?lb. flom , ~ l ixc~itll ~his~ br~ide~. ciom u~ence proceedings lagainst the ers almost equally stranee- Sitting gagements; a thiid amused itself by Stores, 25c\ Sample sent FREE. .Ad- strikes 100 and more bless in a min- ing them under. the juriscl~ctiono f the Tht: old gentleman \yas trSinat o llold American Ice eolnpany to prol~jlsit it alone in his oE;.cet hat day Mr. Candish iuilning after the sraall Xaxim shells, dress Alley S. Ojmstcd- Lelioy, x. ute, ------ police panels-of the state: Tile former liis teem, jvhich had bccolne scared, froln doing busilless in this state. was ~onfronteds uddenly by Case, as barking loudly a d t ryillg hlrd to re- * thhaRartee c aebnnettes no pbosdseess~ecaslrst ii boaec ds s etiennn sdzthi niogsf tchooe lasahrmionnwg. bcoilnlc ilsu sdieosniT g-ti-nth oeed I lJtaoo\yv sc oaUfr rrlySo n9t2no.e di.t s logiIc *a l aJ.a"-IinOrd. Ue JtnUh1gee~cini noirle uel upnoilnneebn tm ehsie tt nthehl<erisove d~h ~itmhgter hin ani cai dkcflec,o nidnt eTtn hootef.f CFoAttIoLnS UFroOkeRra .'fMsFAirmN Y oMf ISLIITL IO1N0.kS Chpdaeaal syeek , h nfeeral envsqd huh oeiuemnlvdt,il dydwe hooha tosdlo y csm aagemidrtehe ta ihntilnagy t hhsaauagnrxriditesea odtdemladyye., tmtloiiresevs i"eoih nnepterioere 'vcste ehsrde ;o gswb holwelm' lahebs e -aapthr rdope ci utfh deae tn'tItaa crarhnne i'Odmm a-t lo. tphleaats ehb teurray i;Il(njf=bc osYaksole tu ~'w ~aiH son arhrnrieaerrn l lD cfCaafspn uhidrtoear.u!u'. l fdfY o.nrteeiay l: i.rze e- ' ' .I ltPeergsoteif,me sBosnoaylrt iMmoneo trcteha,le f asodufd bstjeh cseto \m\i'noem aia nnlte'set rtseCtri ontJgo- neWarh Silieo usx\v Cimitlvll,i nIsg, ,i nl itahreo ldB Dloln~udirs iovue,r *~hgceo nnty for fol ty yea:". l'rice, NFcCorocr:eudi clko !&he g o\\.-,a lol.n e of the Cfgoeatrnl idCeiras nhud'sni sehx.p eHctee cdd.a ids Oeitc n l iones enadt e wftihaneyg adlMotoor-r. htheerr em tsis2t etrh'se erxepd!oousibotn, wanads orveell.rl.a ined fuuSEt'dalft ucbIs tsfa i1nl sn. oBpaty2 ~is~ gonge~ F1''o. Y~fJ ,. 't~l,,e1\ 1 ' ' OtewSbhdychtri h eoeetnnswhroc aneutst. hn oi neduaOt sn o pndc eoaesocf l osuodftlnoi aidya!nt- er ies n oonoffs ottp gutbaeardlr efaetfacienctkwct u esta l xazsdtcn rhii ststecsetpmor niuvwtlbceceuahnkrs-.tt, Irapsxvewg'aecccneniaommditro xe emn nxri*eeen rdle?ea , d bl ~tyrhtvOO ocXt;ihenl\tg='etliet elrG.o dael nolnidrosg iteh . eiaUsL~ b 2erolnxr.diuerut:aeitrlislsnsy,,e fo d a n mtgbal blgeoweLoetrhydCd$ ebo~phfrla aoLa1Ccllagieeheued. idr utpa ~Gpip rtIa eri g:Irlindoiltl nala~ils s nas FtsTb theaitoernerltreelmat.slteol ,anpl y1te9s Ii DVlinnasregierkespt .tir ,plco) saale.i lmer sent5 dix Tcsi.rnol d hoef e efsc r foa gaohguniiv?errdrd,tl lcemsidantsiuoertt cyagiicolnb eknf bos aaeeetuitx .rle\bt ecc dordtlho :fh aaa linnitTtreghg t$hreeyed1u s3gsrca ,etsi0on dta0icfdan@eik yrdsh.m., 0a cs0tosorh @ fvtilb tino.rto Ttaho nhnh g ecebl fai olfanC iubrt&ihlti n Ylii pcititorsichaore ekaep-s s bhmw,akeeqeiii dtgnhm hgCilti noag o cnhb-kdeitee li rrsdhpbh eey iataa ,rlla docn,Jn.Wyrhoeeee ,n e p la soby9asse daisid iindb g:ih i aeit yc"nm IosTa iUanzff menyl(at eht~rOhde ni oatrenofet Iotf IhseS atllEatAhpliE i DdxFbeecPmA imtliTeicera Av laeGaLdstry eiM,sa X twA u.hLt4tlicAnac,le hDnw 1?Yt. &h .fe oo ulbtm.o, a anroddf cF~mi2oa;:~rost csrhtu3i laa4d;atletslni.c af %tnicer.eteTtnishiv1s .na1seglra o.qe ~wau ~io'arenfSt lae itonnsthosi. eett.~hhs ~ei i.rrt ngnoeg uus- unS~i se y~ mrddrrit~;jad?0nut. 1e.c ic s~"u :i-. n~ 2tC8.bd~!~~ ttefhhritaeehn ebatrion cut,osn n dsw soa oan ueevld rio eoflb icenoct hnooetmirmn eu weefidxath clqli'; tonaeug dl, w diah nngitsdroto l ewiaf, bu"t c "o' uldK naoitlr boea d'rt 1eM?s;uar'nint "i?rc"Ka2title lded. . of dacaoiubs:vdoci uouortpf e t roett hdboe c b tsyih'oe oreo r nc efle adh to,!a .fudb l tu'shbt ee e itsnhti eoset a~getlryeatsnhs bs.e e 1gfA1o iacl~s-l e UnJiothedn SCFtraa-itresms~,e irl lL-a.O SfEaSr mb-ye rk i'iirrei.n g a fer;vI atibItneo cdsuo hbmoolefue . l adml lIyb temhc oe~un sopSt ecucc?z.aoAnl netfr iaedI n eydk oi rnuzo iwsiwor iimIl~ lirpenbrrgoe?' Sf teyor, spastlo lr,guni,cls,,&ih ,,s eginnu cepe,h eatrhss oebkn iumsl tl:e doddf w lemuh ouiccltfhet e It,Il alt&arhncleo b 1n.5 tT0,, h cearlel , cmchi_$sttis\ snghooomodro tiYi ueo kctuL aia \sk'a Feu pi nloll soeNhrse so?x o re1ko:rd.u K Abnbsloole w d Ci e2:lreotLenrsg. i. o~h t, wAanttesr o fm ootshte r ssupreiociuensd p:na'gd noth aetitre nnt:eosnt. .w"liiothta herdqcarter5 at L~rilxno~rtlh9ee. l i0l, , i11s,d u tttcoiiltya c~le~pctloniv dcdrr /t1ilI e t~htlnetee ddtlo lsdet rtsihee Lm-ielreJ sl lsr.oauTtJ? o~f Ci-totingi ltaocnc,o SLelbot. . of\ ~fdires,n 1 anCda ndish rreipn,tL eOdn "I hhe are aill'Ol"r g I aDreea tnho , ensd2e5s0 Rilllt hflrno mf ot~herd adiis~eeaf ztee.r st~.aivlerr;est o be ,en=jaow~a b le. toA tihteh os>oiu-gnhd- ? the - I-nh --a- -bi-t an-ts of the mftrr'oacmJsc 'le'a ri!alnlodre '"'en k'lnleeda l @'"l 'cIeC 'nlcaal ln a arJtaur,domgjaeeld 5 C laonnnodditi ta adclool L!utehmne ~c lft~taeildcul ltilhej nes a,agp riprdrl l2eteol- mosanhdeid cclheo .nb u,a rnnn.dicl d 1am ld;ason blyiab rl,n o,s tcehrte iurbf > ht,i alanin~dg n,b einsosa,f, abthliteite eaord ffryiic lO ifa :t~ho ef Gltuhf fCy,l ,ap pt:eo caanu stehda timr ihese '3ri' ne tmhue caht tsaccok.;,ee arn rt,ydth -ifanOn dt hr ethh omauta.r sjo. ritByo dofi ecsha asheosfe / aSUF,c.1a,": T.d RSa. f In 'ileyfrr .m3 F KskKnLatenEI t\'cEb~t L ,*6c t,rJ2m ,.Kgtd0a~l 0l u& ~tLe 8o iL a( 6l. ,Stehat~vt, to 1'iherL cr aaer1dx13 3~1v i,*1 ecrL.o~tuts-,sI- tni.c rt.. ~~~~lir tehaer thn raarned enrlontg pmerocetipotnib lyof atfhfeec teKdo rbthy sl;inea llw as t"I1h lo,a\!nie a"f ro.n hthise lcnaarc haicned, tie inii.,,:r'al school at l\llln auiiee. spmaratlilaelrl y rcaolxneei.e d tlhIeis loinssa u\rvaln~eiec h omn11ly1 mhaovset jOJfs t mreyc epl'reodp ear tyl ipis thloatc aat eda.a r-I tdhiaet e~ly.i caftfli tmers td oerant hb. laTckh ea llumnogsst ailme ra?p:e-- t\lSec saoncdiaill omru paot 1biet: ckale pnto ariiidr.e in e,tl;c r pole, let ~t is a pheriorno~~oonf un. struck on his head, fractu:ing his Siar.ese ddmir.11 Arri~cs. go far up into t!le hunclicds of dollars. rant has heen sacrn out i3 Guffy for the filst ~h~~~ are cJloeagans u:lnatgr y n ien1rtslettr aei sntnt eotwo eafpsfltearcont r. .foomTr ehirena ~, measonttdii ogonnn,t - skull. Uov of Fifteen Miasing. nofa TPshe aek pinaacgs7s, .tnn.sll!glaielc rl loo f nh ?t.tsh heje u Ssitit aemaalerlcrleietr e ndCa siatyjt fIitr eis \ \ahso ts taprotieidti.v ely kno.?n how. the mnJaaymn ueaadrr rrC ersnate mafrop rtto hnte,hr eea. to1 wscaas rckeilllye ad h mlnaasnet ~fdh rlei%gahr,t ut fliatay1 paiatnti ancsrke seinpd i,l t.ahaneti doh ude, erda tThah nedfn c glrletohanets ,b mpa A~Kllla~ lmd~fSeulree-Bn e;Macd.k l eealnront irbs8 n " tCCahOhli. seo p~i ac'pnete ordK.\ T~e.c o ir psel~ aL)" i [neg~r&, 9 9i.n, owfh iac ht opis, iss l~exgtgreemsteil\ye o fs litghhet wwPa.ebilb litnhge oefr A flifavariollllngi s Voa nafn eVsna\ onmcsh,l olfceif,~ tseao e u\nt~-h)e caoarf-l otl!thdlfl ~acrso )o.x;n-. bKai,cllEle'l]ainecJ,i 5Rciole for til:se al aIs)tu tn e5nit;y5 -sdiea An Er]aBro.sdvyi lFleo,u nIdn din., Cd'irscpcka.t ch sa~s: tnbhoeerd 'ys jury ttIhh aawtt a rs efotluaenmr ainnialqe Lolelfe' tr ldhiec t that qCuoicnkl~y.l ~Nctho~asdtt tpheel sodnisse aisne Bisu tat ef oairme splingtime, aveacsot ijsnltz e oSf intchee 1e8a9r0t ht heis Stoakrte'nn Pinotloe Spaerbt.s. ulenfktn ooni +hnis a bfreolTth neirg'sh tsb iacgjcol.e for -&,all b1ut, e b~e;eeni nt cu,ntmhaant d prooft etc!,tes cToh-er eb~oeddyin o fP ai ggeoonj rgcr e\e\-lo<m, anne ar hdei~s-e . h~eo u ~ Ci?nf lichteids dbye atah plarrctmy ao r gpuanrstiheost obyf plleatguLrne-i bnr-go l-slgo-hld-ti fe-rlso-.m ire pbiiippines n~I;h;hy~;a~a\c~ossrh,s~t,Ah le; b~a;ctt ;cuLr;e; f;ucrU ~-uoc~or lno sr. W15itX8, I ~h7~ fhraosm n ethreer p5lcz+cen mit osrheo tuhladn o 3c5c ~feipety l af wthaye PbauLt eanst sj eatr e cvaenry fainn3x ionuos cabio~uett o h:lhis ~isn , titlii,leeeu steean,r ntA cinim irRul aKDtiaiconhnies lllif eruoIr mai, js foaelsso oinas a~wrhao~su nadtth aetchahede ndwe aca khs emabvayasd aslyt o ynocepr.a u stTlolhe edn lbiaoiecdhdy ucennktn oo-fn . his' Id esanthe.a r MthYa ta rrI esatm i s inndoe-- It is ~powsasilblolel,\ iadpU plasr eSnutslpye,n tdoe tss.w allom ceTasheesr teo ibse a ecpoonionmt y.! vhere cheapness iena rtdhi'rso catxioisn .o f Breulto lth~et icmnno teiroenr visa rieerd- \\hereabouts. now on the ,Tay to his ,,,tiTe city .of was nearly nude, eaccyt a shirt waist "orre da t to aus ina scheemntee rtpor ‘kslelsl ,a mned, one's su.ip~rdelsa nd yet lhe. It is lrlaetmic ,p laannd ofit so bcsaeursvea tiiso ~opb lsocr~lried. esfT ohuer I.'orincrC Dooelpeuyt nUYnU dnerit eAdr reSstta tes Mar- gcoop te' nllngel,, on' ea s\~~isoist.i t~ioHn~ ~ ~ als o asfoanmcde e b, laaacsbk os uoct ob transdeeltyn. tbySr uShiees aehldas d to hfba eateg ined ,eh naftnlidfeir-- thoa*s" befoenr tphlaatn npeudrp obsye .p eIo pclaen oPf roa ler im~ya l mtheenyz ae hda. leL suanaa'tliocns eodf teanr taicnlneosb me bcaet thuas-t 1 obsening stations, all close to the 39th Shal Coo!ey, recently indicted by the Lnoreate on nlafekir 6. cation \T as almost impossib!e. innocence, if arrestEd cow I must ually ~t is a11 in their mind. ihis man, degree of north latitucle, and all a-ithin grand jur~.m as arrested at Alfred Austin, the English poet lau- lie in jail some time before a grand 5a0r0e faete tM oifd ztihlsea nsaa,m Jea ppaanla;l lCela. rloTfohretsee, Ofomrmahaal) c hSaebrg.$e- oafn pde ttmyu esxt toarntisoinr erp rtihoer racsa ftoei,l onnri st:e s of the relief of hlafekicP The Innedwl.r nI rBdiilal nK ebaidlly, xtov hiPcahs si.s now jcuarsye annidl gbiev e ~e a chatcoc ep afossr ao nt rimaly. at the afgreo mof 29, ihnasda neju st been diass- USakridaihn, iaC! alGifaoirtnhiear.s burPgr,e c>isIealryy la~nidm,a!nladr ttoh ahnis a d Fiselnairs wag.1o .f rom the serrice mole LL~o~cg~ aass tfhaem \eT ag\u easr dssh ahlel rr oslcll,o ll, cporamcmticitatleley oft htrhoeu ghho usteh,e a ndco nrefeardeyn ctoe Me"Wanhtiamt eI Iw manigt hyt oluo steo a6l0l Ii s htaol eg.o Out fctaou'r reea!d n&, d"aIe n d hhee pentt hfaeatet 'oinngc e to a hofbpei-- koibnsde rvofa tizoennsit hw tleth!e sceoxpaesc tlwy iltlh ebe msaamdee It mSasix trye nploernt eRde ptohratte d aDne aedx. plosion And lnTehn rtihllr otou gtlhu lel egalroti ya.r ia soul p\\a.isnsn, epbroaghoid es for a $?0,0s00 buildin~ga nadt tlhveor~lek aunpd a stcrh~asieg hftoern mOy~u t demfye ncaeff,~ aalnlsd. ahne dh ~ahda dtr iseudc cteoe~ d~eud ainl lgohe,it~sti ns gu sppeanr dt eorsf / at each station 011 caiefully selected occur'& in the Cumneck miner near Their tale from to age, a of $+.;,oo0 for (he school at rhen jou are leady for me 1 come them donn, but how mXch he didn't stars. Any change in the dlrectlon of Charlotte, N. C. The nexv s ~vdst hat and velre engage, G ~ xebr~aska, ~ The ~pians ~and o,ut an d stand trial. 1 haven't much know. He had pain, but rather the pole releals itself by a shift of the betneen fifty and sixty minets nere Sm the splendid page specificationsf or the \\.innebagos are ready money just now, but I habe some di"Omfort~ white eatingn A skiagram Of Eng!and's story. prepared and ready to send out as soon valuable ploperties, and I want you stars. killed, but this is not confirmed. as the bill is signed. to tahe them, straighten things out <h lhe X-iay shOhcd a suspender ewlepixrova Stsereftenronmcyirdnr aeeigncsntsea'ags,rrs , vyt Tf,si octaK~reag ,li oillnts wthco haehincrin oc r b ylhptde hr rtoeeihTpsf e iaort uvs ndereoaoas fwl llay tnff hardrwaare mtpeef ia redtdothrhlessye--t. imsJniuch slitiiaahalnemeu .fam i~ nsrsohdehui obntatlhg ,f,U, t sebrlle~rHroc a~ataka lh si i~ic1miUal0iosgi-is sey te aldeaT fak oefraeor-xcnoot~ach ln,itd.ndot ieb natno~o atypaot hiltoloyhy,nf-, 'paO nlrtIeodn te stdp>,eRa cstit hcoeeoFor'xi ifvin Pivsldi jhhntst ehic hcS !apiahotnoi rsg n'sthS 'o deil iis eoe sierxnh taao ea(ar;~ittena c.j gaueetslit lo eJen'uxnO miatoos. n rft -s. iLKneaH sttipjasadtoit lina e t n fPSHoitlraata hbrtktbs siaeemn drse kob rrnuyte it xlahfyoe ,u \ ,nYE :co:e umTbt1a,t:\e.inT an.o ngmdl l iaFpnrl,rah.a cianenrkds- ftatshrotboa\irlnvcne mkgr si, pfeg ie,rsa hroa nrtcnpd elgde e$a atr thpit~etee)od n ei nC auh sampitumn .~de"d d ilseirhnga lh!ydute ~ adewbdiphslseaea np tro pk eie l\ayealareniyudd--. ~ batagIin ruuot~ csnip,ckt rllrweea~eisfn naei dsnrgt aeh ttppnlttoeoace]rsce~f sh loliotgebrowdmlh y te te htrro~dye a p. in ansmo rgJbtut hV rutoaeolt felrb h s,tr hheraaeimi gnn feho goaoe\,ole rpipt eit,tuprhfhapasne-.-. wornan it is claimed has centered her H, had been traced by Sheriff Storls of half a suspender aith tno buckles, and IVith universal ru.cal free Eelivsry, no trace of the bullet nas found. The "' ' affections upon Katison for the time Utah county, Col. It de\eioped that finally a third buckle, aere removed. every householder mny receive a boy will live. , daily visit from a representative sf t>e Shot for :<efusal to Narry. being and resents any attention he ahen l\-right was living beside Utah The man le-colelc yapidly. United States government. The siig- Fireman and Engineer K~lled. \Tilt1 cd Y. 9. Lindegren shot and may pay other lake, near Pelican Point, Utah, three gestion is a reasonab'.e ore that the A Sari Pranci,co, cal., >fay 22 d;s- kil:ed Ljdia Carbon, a ser~dnt,a t the Explosion Kills k'ixe. , young men, stepsons of his neighbor, An Historic Iqland. suddenly disappeared, and betnecn the Tortugas is!and, which has been mail carrier should attend to other patch sags: A local southern pacific county seat of Jlai Sathan, in Yonk- At "y., a at 'Ic- next t\\o dajs IVright and his aife le(t transferred to the nary Ce~artmentb y gbuotvieornn mofe ntth me ahtteeartsh,e orf fwohreiccha sats dismtraiy- tfrialeinm amna asn \d\ reencgkeinde eirn I reOraek klainllde.d Tanhde eod'"f ainta~irlre Y ! ga~gi relli. e]e ljheecnte dsh Lote nhliemgsleelnf'.s Nofafne-r pmFleearnnr itn. a'sn 3sa wco mmiplll eetxeplylo d~erde, kciklilin~gig fti hvee bthoed iesst atoef ' theT hteh refoel lo~woiungn gsmp reinn gw tehree tah?.e erxeecceuntti vwe aor rJaeIrrr,; ohs\a se xuc6!:du si\edlyu rluags te tte first umn an extiending li4s t. sereral passengers injured. washed ashore from the lake and each a hospltal station for the mil~tary coCuonnt gorf esths e spoeeftde nw icthri taic-ihsiecdh tohne paacs-- SheMrioffs t BFyarcuee sB oafs taCrodlyu Cabhuasr.g e.S eb., &kAta CaFrLaotanld Falieg*h t O~crtah eG ibrol.r desra yos:f seTnahtee mhailMsi tcialoiitnyacarlyfu fdsUeitidls lc coRomenasidni"yi..tr taetieo nof thoef fwta~atshe eefron utohn fe d t chtyoee shb.a oSvyeus baas .eabqsuu letlrneitte ldyw otfhouern dst htebepeir-- sfwoerrrlvtl slc oean.n ed Idtca ahyna csbo na ,t lhoedt oo.mIfP ilon?laedtsi-tnf ags fheiwdcenhreaadtl $5.00 R DAY! ~~,"~,f$,",~f~l$r~ eagc of pe.nsion bills is rushed. Eight.y- . wbaist hr Jeotuhrnn eMdo rtefrnozmen , "\O\hooiernh ehaed ' fouland" a man na:ncd SC' heatham during a the military academy appropriation murder, conhicted and sentenced to be naval coaling station in southern AuirLs.e Coou.,r gYo~o,dI *3O,nL ?,Kb. Ue S. Liy, lte lnteru&t,":&L fou~b ills in forty-five minutes Is a had a wife and thlee ch'ldren' lie is quatrel a girl. In the quarrel bill. The bill \\as amended by adding hanged, h short time before the sen- waters. The principle of exclusive na- ' rsoehf coetuhnletd brbeielc losr redhn axdomf bbeteherened csteahnreaafttu eel.l vye rBeyxu ato mnie-t mcoof' auAnnntteynd,i eat ht aJCeto nhliueeL nin sb tOuhfse t o Lf afitnahdceesra yao 'f ch'hIeaartt reig ne- jtrurnhgi'acclhed arp tr- erCecheieandt.i'e adml the fihreids amarsam jaoymr ergneedonmrcge~anant!isc ~ oatmhtiomosnea n bdsileilnc gtig oitnvhsie no gfa rttmhhgee tpcelaincntaeet itnong a hsis W taotr tiobgerh nte eyxh eatchdua tte deb vekeidnne oracfloee udinmgde-, olpafo 1stt hcieos nbqtreuositlt e moiunoe drle inrnseu cwghoi tlhae nrtn hneime pnprtoaacr,t taiacnle-t ined by a committee, and was accom- fant illegitimate chlld. the lank of lieutendnt general and the Th~ssu ggestion of Wright's guilt soon thqugh it has neler before been rec- fpoarntihe d thbey faa ctpsr itnhtueds arsecpeortrati nesde.t tinIgf Fritz &feSer was put to in the Smith-sYootu the aFnadu lJt oonfe sJ ondeosn. 't sfen mpraejsyern tg aendejuratal.n t general the rank of gthreew > oiunntog mbeelnie fw efrreo m h otth eb y fasoctm etohnaet ognized here-Philadelphia -R ecord. 5M --- m- Congress were to devote to every pen- electric chair at Sing Sing prison for to be as ad you were. D0.s A new telephone will be put in from who nas expert in handling a rifle, The bottom of the Pacific beta-fen 1 ~x., ~ ,-LISCOLS-~~~. ~ - l t ) 0 0 sai otna rbififll btihlle, tiht ewo nuelcde shsaarvye toti mdies'c luesfst tShmei tnhl uinrd eSre wof Y oPrckl icOcDm atnh e Ynrieg~het riocf * ehe~ nOrce tlyyto~uut he BrOnnto-.N"--oS,t ?agn ot EBiluaierr uTn., illt ota Okem oahna a a nnedn arfotaetre manadk ining. for Wright had been knonn as a crack H~oa wleaviei l atnhda t Caa lriafollrnn.iaay Icso usladi db et ol sbide Wtta Ansiseriag Ad\ertiscmeots KindIii for notbin'g else. October 27, 1&97. 4 Stories. . , clude 1)eSoto acd Calhoun. dePnrcieo ra gtaoi nstth We driigschot,v eMryrs . oWf rtihgihst ehvaid- fwohr ere5.0 0 mil~s without glading any- Neatioa This Pa~tr. - - £ L, Sizes 3 to 8. THE RED STOCKINGS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM. Berlpan Oleson went to Fremont . d the s~mdea y. P. L. Perkins. will receive his pay by popular subscrip- order that the grourlds might be leased toruinb t he Iqland Saturday morning \vater~roocf ansds pre~ioost ~ opeuiny No. 8Z.-PaseengUerN IO...N.. .P.. L.,.I.C. .I..F .I Cha. ves 8.30 8, m in nHmH' after seeing the cless of whlch she ~ d Osf d ools. We do not belleve that it 18 a possgbil- ity for a perion to grow grass on a corn- mon pine board. Why, then, is lt nec- learing OrJ st Q 45 on that day only. AU trains are daily except Sonday. a lady couipelled to gather up her skirts -- and make a quarter of a mile de$cur in Happenings & Commenl the dusty road to avoid the summer nature appears to rejoi~ea a this " ~ ~ ~ ~ c r eicea Cr ~nV ~tL IL LV~.YA. Mjbs Ethel Morrow, of Glenmood shos tr? Water appli4d to the sidewalk Yure cream ice cream at Lloyd'e. Pure cream ice cream at Lloyd'e. The eclipse of the sun appeared o came instruments. I carry one ot the, finest and business transacted as well a8 prosperity set of tools on wheels, in a community. Yours for business, visit to Lincoln last Friday. Pure cream ice cream soda- a t Lloyd's. FEEDL . DRAKE, Head Repairmas. Attention Hog Raisersf have ended worse than it really did I have secured the back from Lincoln Friday night. iAt Irte pyaoiur ehda vrieg 8h tw atatckhe oitr tcolo cBk ra~uddg fwoirndt' s wrescckailne' boOof ktsh ea tt rtehee' Qrrz ,,fice, 3 i f Clarence Barnes wont to Grand I~laod , money. Ask your druggist. thia sumoler that the water works are i Respectfullj, 1 language durink her summer vacation payable at Ord. erable at the end of the month. visltiny re!atives rrnd friends. on J. H.Oapron, agent for you policy. the week, S. J. Corner. Greeley Nebr. . . . We HAVE e W haven't any BUGS Organdie, Batiste, Dotted &lull, * on our big Vernon a Rayure worth 14c, lBq, and toe bnt Our Stock in this Department is too a yard'. 1 8 ~for IOC we large and must be reduced. 'ro have been do this we offer you (for the nest 30 days 10 per cent. off actul MAKING only) of the value 500 yai*tlsP i8uito f Loo111i ~l~l%liii of all Clothing. the SHOES W e have the lnrgest and finest line uf Clothing in worth 10e for 8~ a y&rd ;central Nebraska, and can fit anycne froln a boy 4 Fly. years old to a tnan 99 years and 6 600 yilrds L~ll~lIin~llues lin months old if he doesn't weigh over 8~ a yard \ril*tll 1O c for. Our offer of 10 per cent. off of shoe 300 pounds, , f prices has greatly reduced our stock but Suits \vortl~$ 5.00 for 4.50 The finest line of laces and embroid- Sfi ll too 6 c 4 c 8.00 7.20 ery in Valley county. it is large,and we have I 4 c 10,oo 0,oo I " " Lace from i c a yard t o 84.76. decided to leave the offer open until , 1 0 13,50 46 L6 July 1. Remember the date as the Any $113 or $20 suit For $16.00 ~ r n b r o i d e rf~ro m Rc yard a to 800 pairs of pants at 10 per cent dis- * = ** offer WILLPOSITIVELY CLOSE. Call count. Any pant worth $1 or 1.25 early and have your wants s1.1pplied. \ for 75c. Buy your Dry Goods at - - - - I - R * I \ r ' ~~b atrta niatorioal soolctr f 4 - - - r * , THE ORD QUIZ THE ORD QUIZ Goes into more families each week Bas the bzst Job Printing Plant in than all other papers in the county. the Loup Country. Our work is the - It's advertising rates are low, " best. Prices low as the lowest. k' 6 , - . , . - . , I J , r: -- - . I. 7- Established April 6, 1882, Whole No, 946, , VOL. 19, NO 10. -'. '4- % . ! - -.=eeeeee' .&. e eeeeeaeeeeseeeee~~r &~9~; ~e~&~~ NATIO, NAL -7-- " . ALL SORTS. THE FIRST PANK .q-,\\~\kbk~kkkkk~kkkkbk~k\~kb~bkb, -k, ~kkkaN,~. .\I COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE* It will probably Le Duke Bob at the fib OBD, NEBBASKA. cloe.eofthe war. - 1.1) IF- County udings by THEQ UIZ Special Correspondents. A man has died in Western Nassa CAPlTAL AND: BU&LUB iw$6 4,000.00. ' 04, leaving ninety. . chu~etts.atth e age ank kin'^ ~akingpo wder \ . ~ ~ . . k k ~ ~ k k ~ k k ~ k k ~ ~ k ~ w w \ \ \ \ \ \ a \ \ \ y nwine d-es cendants. He was a member of in all its BIa nches. Forelgn Exchange Bought and sold . . + a + * i I F z the Smith family and helps to explain ' 1 .* triplast Wednesday. Phey returned &d Mrs. A. I. Smith$j ointly ;are ita distinction. ,, OFFI3l3H.S: . j - * \ , -c&redatm j- forf omta prtuarrer North LoupJ u~nee w1,1s0.0 0. I Sfiashtu. rday bringing with them lots of a bJr.e aWkf. asBt raoncdku tse a.a d wife, Joblr haMs brse.e En .1W1, .f oEra rylye,a rMs, awrlrorbte, s1, nd".11 wWhaos aP.. y$vIO. MSTIEONHSEELNW, APIrTe,s iVdeicnet-.,P resid>,nt. , E0. .M H. .W PAILINLI!,A MASs,a 't Ooaassbhiieetr,. Mrs. Mary Brown was called to t - Ord Wednesday afternoon by tele- ~h~ folks at ~~~d~~~~~ Butterfield and laud. Tackson took tired. could not sleep or eat, and wag ! DIRECTORS: Safe%guaahrsdts 'athluem > fo.A od pbehionnge v eorny asciccko.u nt of Mrs. Ballard SuMndisasyeesd B aets s&ie Iarn. d Theresa lthodes Tsuhpopmepr sorvni tShu nMdar.y a. n4ri ID'lrOs.R ISJ.o . hn ccraauplrleied dml yie t. bglIoo oinadmg d inisnootwrod eirdn,e cbluint e.c ouDlhdeo acnlttoohrt G. Fiv. .M hlOICKKETLEWNASYET~, ~ e.Y M.. B \.V GILOLOIDAEMNO~,W , J. 83:. WR OWODILULUlARMY.S' . I .I .. njr. and ~ lA, ~~~~k~ of ~. ~attende~d the pticnic a~t Oak ~Grove , , P oplar Grove People. and give all the credit to Beggs' Blood They report a good Purifier. Ben UriJgford. Iowa have been visiting friends here last A~ tlAo b%ji x* dpwtdhusdut& c ptrbucrpnnrt+ttys. t for a seek or two returning holne time. wears How the ~ p e a forf~ t~he House v pYq.M lN. 6r OWD8R W. ,&W YO& FrEid.a Jy. oBf albacsot cwke reekt. urned from Om- , Cornstock is growinag cviefryy* r apidly. sniingJchoeth .In th e~ nuikcee sroa fi n~ ilarset lrT?his u brsydialdy- seianxy pt rhehese si inootnep rpferosostme os f t htthehe e p p~euobplliec iw~s hd~eis~nt iie~nv~c betlirlyyl Tl Hs E~. GROCER. ; ,r A, Jf, HOBBz INS aha Friday and Art came Saturday. Mrs. Perry Pierson visited at nlrs. ing ah addition to his house. in its favor? . • • 1 So ATTORNBY AT LAW. Mrs. Arnos Burclick arrived on L0see'~l ast ''onday* ' Carl Bouda is pretiy bad1y crip- J. 0. Kefinedy, Boanoke, Tenn., says, .. cNOTARP PUBL1o IN dFF'cJ3 TAhnunras,d aCya lioffo rlnaisat. wSeehke f rsonar ~Sstah netya at R11lrr.. aRnhdo dMerss .l asJto Shunn Wdaoyr.k visited gpoleidn gw tiot ht hrhee usalnnaittaisrily9 nl IIief hinet ednodess "IVIi ctcahn noHt azBealy, tsoaolv em. uchO nfeo rb oIx)e \vofit t9its ! GROCERIES EXGLUS- Attention given to Iegal bueiness in Valley and cured what the doctors called an incur- i . have had foui dry seasons in sue- Mrs. John Wheeler visited at Mr. not pet along better than he Pas SO ORD, pdjo-in ing c-o untieNs.E BRASKA. cession there and crops that have not Ij'allace's last Monday. far. i ' aablll esk uinlc edri soena smesy. jLao\vo.k,, oCuut kfoesr worthalensds i IVELY. Here to : 1 ' R. L. STAPLE, beTenI e irrer imgaetree ?o nhlayv eth breeeen sac hof:aairlsu rien. ite1d1 , ata Mnrd. 1Wlerssl.e yjo Shmn it~h's last ~S,u,ins-- Ou~rM missi dsLt a~roqulmt ov~Setadi,f 'ord,O trhda ws hleerhfet Just !as two wars are fBl~enc kBerriidngiof ourtd a. ' li/ I serve you to Bonded AbeLtrAacWterY anEd SN otary Public. tshperi gnrgaedru aatinndg class thisa yneda r, V. E. daTy.h e Maoderson Sunday SchoIo l is snohecscesu h.p aastJ iIsoaenyt, usph ea pdrroesslip~arikn in hge rb nueswi- tempret roofu bJlaen us may niont be closedT hine 1 Of.fic e in Court House, Pinckney. All three nlade credit- progress1in g nicely. t . , time for a peace celebrati'ou at the be- the best of Q-li V, ' . NEBRASKA. able addresses at commencement. V. Hurdy and family, Carl Bouda ginning of the new century. - Misses Cora and Ida Easterbrook ATToL(NAE,Y A &. LCOAU VNESERLOTRY A,T LAW from st.L eoneLAtel oNnedianvl-l art returned vishiltre.d A artt hMurr. RBhroigdhets cl~asltl eMdoa ntd Mayr.. lKyr i,kerafeac m's illRyam,s toJ Sl,~nu ~n~dt haey~ . :,, i~s{tor~s ;fRat~ mVi-. k wa.Ls ass,ot sr~purni nd~go wEdn. inJ . hEeavlathn s,h aCdf aitroo, gIilvl.e, i our ability. i I, =E6tat( m~ piobate mitten made a Mrs. Jelly was a St. Paul riaitor Neff's last Sunday. Ask him what Chas. Palmatier hait Gired o ~to~ autnpd u zeocrzke. maW. asH seo w trrioteusb:l ebd' l)owcittohr sb odiilds PllOde 31, Free delivery OR& -D , .-, ~l-yeAci a~tyN. EBRABKA' ovherl isSsu Mndianyn iree tJuarmniensg w Menotn dtaoy D. an- forl.l iss M~~~ ~~~t~~ yisited at a ~ htho~eu seP~se. ts.kas ' to pain.- t;5," t heir llew monee bnoo tgtloeoodf bBuetg gbse' foBrelo oId haYdu rfifinieisr,h edI - b - YrHj.Y DBI.O IHANA L&D BEUMfiQAEONN, . / nmveeeln,er ttoiisgnt sgl.‘ uoesf dtahye to attend a caAlildp- WedhM aeret. l Aeri'rs. Blhoriirngshd, ta'Wsy .eM sloenyd aSym. ith visit. 0n1i1e C adh ovri isnstioyt.t KkiCnno~gwi as nthydei sr b ,hnp%btyi;Y r ranhralem h heuo tmw BeeS bmeaAgna .sn c 1h0o iomlbpom~mv ae ssaenndg Bearme in s Bhn,orlirwdryg ifnogrbd e.t lol A -7);VIslljj .* 4 moe and reeldeuce oppoalte I'resby terian Mr. and Dlrr. Orville Uurrlich cel- call her ICriz, and hokeishe will not Aguinaldo with a pleasage of sympathy ----___________+-________ QRD - chu-r ch. NEBRAsKh, ebrated their tin wedding annivers- noLonO rwa iStLh UMitabr gy and hhIlOarllyd aHy haofdteesr.- offend$d and exellbe Our kno- dfreosmtin aCliaonna dath. e Bstora h(eJa nr&eaiacnh es whiilsl Is macle by those who buy . 4 . ary Monday evening. - A large num- rance. realize that the task he has under- their provisio~lsw here they call , I ,, D, ber of friends were preseat and en. Rose Valley Round-de-lays. A few of our people drove to Ord taken is no child's play, get the best allcl freshest at the PH*81,,fd~ AND SUB~EON, joyed themselves amazingly until a Quite a while since we have fur- on Decoration day. ( " -0ftioe over Fir& ~ationa'lB ank. late hour. nished the Quiz with a letterb ut The boys in blue (yere glad last whI icwha csa oasfefldic mtedy whaitihr tao csokmine diseaisne lowest illarltet price. . -i~ncbelofcok= hborl.t~h :.cokf #Ew peis~cotqosf@l NchBuQrBch~R. A~O~n:~ KA~ha J:vaem: peu~sl le~Hd ~ooeul t~ f1ovro ar thne bwid situfaamtioilny, 'wJsotlrakll yi nb tuhsey somhaes t ime. ull- SWaemd'sn ebsodyasy atth oant e tthimeye. were Uncle lhaeragro opf attoc hceuar e tIh itsri,e bdu te vweirt)h t hnion gs uccocuelsds Eveiaybocty knows . - moving into Greeley county for the Crops in this vicinity were neveP JOH~RIE. until I used Beggs' Hair Benengr, 8, J. BOND, M. D., first stage. Here he expects to get looking finer than in this vicinity which cured it at once."-W111 J. Hegert, that the Blue Front Store is ~HYSIOIAN; a job of breaking. at the present tio?e. Much breaking A surprisMe ira Mwitaess . plan.n ed for Memphis, Tend the place where you call get AlloallaproulptlY attended day and nleht. E. W. Black returned to Port isbeing done and considerable the last it Every p?litlciancan not be the bapient your ii~o~ley~'sv orth. , , tCe8~ldfedncoeue fp osutari brl#o ocvrea.r wP easttt yo'rs Pphuba1r1m0 ascqyu. are Robinson Tuesday. IIe reported is under being Miss Uessie's sixteenth birth- @to onho af yae s aairnotuendd e iroec, cbuupti etsh en oh abnadcyk6 man OHD, NEBRASKA tlre boy b k enough now to get his Everyday bri%s settlers day, but the big slorm took the it c.6 _m_ e~to resu~t~, A Large stock of ~eliable own living, consequently he can go into nose Valley. Land is clmng- starclr out of that of the pro- DR. 7. C. HOLSON, back to worlr. ing hands quite freely and pros- Litlle ~iheAlr mou.r of Rockford, 111. Goods always on hand, ,*? who was so severely burned a few weeks 1 ,' .I DENTISl', Decoration day services mere held perity abounds On hand. Ilis3 Alice Van Kirk is giving ego,hasentirely rocooeril and without a F. J. DWORAK i. 060e over ~ ~~ ~ ~ h~ere aiks ug,ua~l on the~ 30th i~nst. Al We have heard little complaillt excellent satisfaction as teacher in single scar. Used Begys' German Salve, TELEPHONE NO. 34. - large crowd were in attendance. from farmers over the potato bug 'district So. 10. She is also givirlg tha alwa)~c ures scalds, burns, cuts snd - ORD, NEBRASK k. Ray Thorngate is doing the paint- thus far, There are some but not music lessons to &,tie apd Nellie sore:* quickly withoilt leaving scars. t , DH,H . 7. CLARK, ing on the Quaker Church. enough to offer any mer:dce to the Lee. Don t be without it. Ben Bridgford. DENTIST. Mrs. J. B. Clement of Grand Is- Rev. ,irnold of Elba ;reached to a Mr. Bryan's present silence is due to NEW WEMDOSNEDSDAYY,. NEW PUBLISHED ON i land is visiting friends here this The recent rains have put the large audience at lllidvale Sunday the fat that talkin:! between the Sioux YORK FHIDIY, YOHI( THURSDAY. Falls and the Kansas City conrentions O-f iice over- P ostotllcc. week. pasture lands in fine c~ndition. morning, also filled the pulpit at P~I(>TLCILLY OHD NEBISAGKA June 8 1900. There are lots of cattle being Davis Creek in the evening. i8consider-e- d lmprudenf, TflI-WEEKLY WEEKLY For over fifty-ei~hyt egar sumnlered on the Cedar this year, Mr. young had a fine colt killed "D"l~'ltt's Little ealiy Klsers are the a 9 a National b'auily Paper DEALFE.R J IlNlS HKAORN, ESS, SReoTastsht! ees ,t aWrhtleiadfss heMs- ,ot oEn d.sjtoahiyne r mthoaerinrnd ip naEgr denfiotthsr Stoe v3e0r0a l chaenr dbse nsueemnb eirni nag hfraolmf- d1a.y50's nbyes dliagyh tenvioegn indgu.r ing the storm \Ved- lMivielbr roaponllkdl,s bAIo Iwe~'eel.r ~ trhoupbylqeus .i ckBlyJe nac uBrer idagi-l TRIBUNE AXESDT T KHXEO <\VHNE. AP- TRIBUNE mfRo hre orfsiatere rrduse aiJtshe aerns d v hveairvlylea gbreemrpst-, eacjOdulrlerh sr, nwceho ufmpsbue,ea r*ilobyb reku@espbh tle alaaan nkad ef tl@rsot,- o llars, w.ho lccited there last ~pring. ride. People mere pretty badly scared ford, licAa tinoenw, apnrodf nresemlya rlkllaubrltyra atettdra cwtiv~et hpp uobr-- element of our country - 0 KD, clu8sehal o&h a rosnnpe mNssao arretto.h rN eE. BRABB;A, Etht.eNW FPisorasiiu ekRln hutdoats hs'a cctCtheelauensrmdecd hes n.uf tmo rhm aaes r tgismocnehe o ootlon. sllaatesnHHtpd as~ wbhr~rree~yoe ~ ktrBhe.~~ aec ier3l ne~ftyrlw1 oywm a1as p s tu helroenct ohekearitasanseigtnd ioo dlvl:ie:en r tdthhahiiyess sTstshoheheliuunvlnerge sslhcderalsaavl yyabele rls oge wwebv eeinhetna hnrfil nricSgoty r qcv alihonnongdoe s ,tspeuoisro no,v pcteeredo ct vtahiiondenned, -igcsoi sQoacndeo n,es b,hx uOaptpet ieirsst. iisun sq eugdae rttatoiu ntgcino ttmhdrp olutilgct ahSf, aiotnhn eFsm,r aa ninnd- ststclbrirttuuOtiorralilri tlkltieau sell.n ros naad,gtu loS h dnrlump moetehrnnacaetaositital iregfofolrn-e nsutw ao ,e tancc urfaeO r~asre1es;lds lhrfeu ueco~sseoitploI pnratynahontt ac ttoeuiirht ondeeesneaLsa .nst), ee ,~t lddlIIieyol,d~ s A mhTu gtoehrrsrsiiet-.-. kStiecoItin teur nnge~tepiivfxoneiclcstWde s la.ai lonelr ddlIB d mSM,ag psrteoclhccirenhtud aalmntn~,tu,ii rcnsanatgl le swrhIesnol ifroaotf br tmlshet eoau trNiiaeesrns.-,, 1 r' 1 \Vnr Freetnan of Cuslling and vi,,il,ity olle day last weeks Mrs. IIanlilton mil1 go to Illinois Urnahat May coluprehenaioe and rel~abief iuancidl and Fnshion .irticles for the Women, Hum. . . Dealer in . . for~nerly Miss Mintlie Freeman, coWrnersn. uTnuitr~sne elrl inisg gcroancevraisessi?nn go titohniss sooAn coonl nalnle elex tended visito. ccnrrrd at aTcohI eWa, mha ontmdro huitba vlMeeda y trc iCoendos nicdaelem)rna,,:bs tl y nith head- mhPoraourprk oeartst lrtoehnpe o 0rd1ta sl.s luyb eIstdc ritiiibso earm,s raoelanlce hid easat teR solaafrm igsee- oisr o',uTsh Iel iufestorpalieio,an s lor old faourd tyhoeu negn.t i~rte FURNITURE lwaesrte Fyriisdiatoyr,s thitl rsA. lo\nVsioll SFhreepeamrda'ns etc. He is meeting with quite good the hoSlrllaa loasf t 31hrf, oaoldld1 3~Jl rs, Johll which is used as a prev@nti\eo r cure, suupe-,t oa-ndda tee adcha llyed iftaiomni lyi +nea w tshpoarpoeur ghfolyr United Stdtes. i =? success. but there is ootbiug thrit Oils done me as b~lsyp eople. Regular subs~riptionp rice, -UA -N DERTAKING o\If 7\SyVcoiolmltiiisan gaL,le swoH icesa mchoaens ot rvareecrtt uewdrn itrehhd e tuhfrtenomma.- froAm b rHoathsetri no fg J ohsahs 'rpuurnrcehr1a sceodl nitrhlge pTwlhearene n etctdhl ritolhd\verne an r rcaohnmagdpe tlSel~Ote elnyct ostom hfapft l etththeeeliyyr smuu:ecsh. b gyo AoBldbe enar stB BKrierdalgluefsroe,r '1sd 1. 1H4 eFaadranchhoam O aspt.- Reg$u1la.0r0 s uPhEscRri pYtiEi 1A11R p.r ice, $1.00 per year. , ( GOODS. tism out there and has to ase a Crane place in this vicinity. guard. 3lrs. Bell had gone calling M'e fnrnish it with THEO HD Q , ~foIr~ f~rni ~it hw ith the bO RVQ UIL f3 crutch now. The Rose Valley Sullday school early ill the morning at a neighbor's us a call before buying. Niss Florence Kellogg is spend- will join the Plane Vitlley scliool in and did not get holne until all had $2.25 PER YEAK. $2.25 per year. ing th~ws eek at Jlrs. Ehegards. Children's Day exercises next sun-" rived. Supper was announced Send all orders to THE QUIZ, Ord, Nebraska, The band stand is being erected day, and all enjoyed the lnasniticent re. "- SULI ESCUKSIOSS, past prepared in honor of the day. on the vacant lot across from the Considerable excitement was iiEK post ofice. caused in this vicinity when it was The evening was spent in conversa- VIA George Jollnson bas had his learned that Ed. Peterson had ati ogno oadntdi wjoek:i ng, everybody having . * office painted which i~nproser the skipped out carrying with bim Edith Leonard llhs been visiting appearance very much. many valuables belonging to John iL1O rd a days, , \v. E, G~~~~ and D, A, stewart IVitsche. IIe was at the time he 4 Some of our young folks attended eacl, sllipped a load of hogs tllis left under $100 bail bonds for ~t sounds like old tilnes to ~1100tinga colt belonging to P. F. church at Davis Creek Sunday evening. hear D ~ gentl~e ~ urgin~g Hall'eck. ~It is th e sincere desire of Our General Catalogue quotes Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Narks have the piggieJ to get into the car and the comnlunity that he be captured them. Send lgc to partly pay beell visiting the 8redthaur family and prosecuted. take a ride. at Klyria. A~~usE,\IEN~. N, I<, Redlon m2nt to ~ ~ Qu~arterly~ meeti~ng inl the sc~hool a Yale Yowlings. \Vednesday on his way home. 'louse was a decided successo In Tlle willd stornl of June 12 did The unionp aclfiow ill place iu erect 31rs. E. J. Uabcock and children the neighborhood of 153 penpl considerat~le dalna,w e in and about crowded the room and for 'heir Yale. It took down the windmils on June 21, JUIY 7 to 10 inc., July 18 end are at Tecumseh, Neb. vis- pairis had the pleasure of listeping of 31r. Wygellt alld ~uguet 2, ~ummerE xcllrsion.rateg of iting with her parenta. de~noliqhino the latt ONE FARE EOR ROUND TRIP A. II. Sweet and fanlily arrived to two of the deeyes t sermons ever ihe D8teel tower, preaclled in R~~~ plus $2.00 from Kansas and Nebraska J. B, 1Iughes place it I frorn Gratid Island Tuesday. ,, pointe I-'~~~PI;SIEXI .:D. off his boggy and drove t 1 To Mrs. J. 13. Clement returned to chJ-o ff the. farm. It plso DENVEH, COLORADO SPRINGS, Grand Island Th~rsdaJ'. Ida Items. of the roofs off the gra aly ~uEBLOO' GDEN and SALT LAKE OSCE-AGAIS. A full Pouse at church Sunday. the house on the \~h!ts i 1 Tto~ErGs OOD FOR RETURN Come againg. tore things up in general. a UiiTIL.OOTOBER 31. Manderson Mites, "lr. and ]jergrud in weMrer .i nJ eYnsaelen laasntd ~ Aartt uG fi For Time Tablee and full information Julie 1, 19a). Reno's show at Ord Saturday. up a new windmill fo opll on , %, F, ,R. . FBIOKA, gent, Crops are needing rain at Man- Nrs. Noble and niece visited 311s, Jim Je~etits break derson. Tetschner Teursday. C. E. Corlett. The easiest aud most effeotive methdo of piiifrindthe blood sad invigoratibg ' Mr. Lewis IIollowaJ' and 'liss A number of Bur~velly oung peo- Mbru. siDn.e d31s . laRsto sms eewke,n t to Omaha rbeBystem is lo 'take ~ ~ ~ i lLtitt'les &laud Snow visited the ple spent Sunday at 111s. Butts, Dr. Bartoo and He Early Ri$er., fhe famoud little pill8 for last Sunday' blrs. N. B. Goodellow returned passed througll Yale, lfo olean$np' the a4d bowels. &n Mr. 1%. F. Rllodes and C. L. from Ord Friday where slie attend- hire. is still Hunter and sons went on a fishing ed the Nortensen reception and she Bridgford, 3