[email protected] www.creativelandscapedepot.com Office 519 - 664 - 0225 Fax 519 - 664 - 0226 1175 King Street North, St. Jacobs Ontario, N0B 2N0 FULL BED & THIN veneer stone PRODUCT GUIDE trends creative interior & exterior wall cladding stone thin veneer creative trends interior & exterior accent walls cre ative trends interior & exterior fireplaces cre ative trends interior kitcheextneriosr creative trends baths & showers trends trends trends trends trends trends trends trends trends trends trends 12 13 [email protected] MASONAL www.creativelandscapedepot.com VENEER STONE 519 - 664 - 0225 Ledgestone Collection Rustic Rubble Collection Granite Collection The Ledgestone Collection is a mosaic of texture, colour, Stones in the Rustic Rubble Collection have one Our Granite Collection has and shade, highlighting the creative artistry of a master craftsman. thing in common, they combine different shapes, sizes, emerged from requests by designers The random patterns of thinly sliced stones offers a beautiful outcome. and colours into an artisans collage. This collection and architects. The ageless attraction conveys moods and tones that enhance of our Ontario granites inspire new ambience both inside and out. colour palettes, and the strenght and Blue Mountain $13.79 sqf F Leatherback $please ask Elora Rubble $please ask durability of granite stone $21.29 lnf C Ledge $please ask $please ask Modern Ledgestone$14.49 sqf F Cobalt Ultra $13.99 sqf F Cobalt Rubble $please ask Algonquin $16.99 sqf F $27.49 lnf C $19.99 lnf C $please ask $27.50 lnf C Old Rustic Ledgestone $16.29 sqf F Tiger Ledgestone $please ask New Montreal $14.49 sqf F River Rock $15.79 sqf F $27.49 lnf C $please ask $22.49 lnf C Granite Fieldstone $ 2 4.49 lnf C Oxford Ledgestone $16.29 sqf F Sahara $please ask Olde Quebec $8.99 sqf F Fieldstone $29.99 sqf F $21.49 lnf C $please ask $18.99 lnf C $39.99 lnf C Rosemount $14.49 sqf F Montrose Grey $17.49 sqf F Rustic Rubble Buff $12.79 sqf F Muskoka Ashlar $18.99 sqf F $27.49 lnf C $23.99 lnf C $19.99 lnf C $29.99 lnf C F = Flats C = Corners SQF = Square Feet LNF = Linear Feet Creemore Rubble $13.69 sqf F St Jacobs Country $14.99 sqf F Rustic Rubble Charcoal $please ask Muskoka Grey Ashlar $18.79 sqf F $21.99 lnf C $22.99 lnf C $please ask $29.99 lnf C 14 15 [email protected] MASONAL VENEER STONE www.creativelandscapedepot.com 519 - 664 - 0225 Valley Estate Collection Rustic Wilderness Collection The Valley Estate Collection blends the beauty of natural stone with the The Rustic Wilderness Collection includes a great variety of colours and textures of natural edged stones. sophistication of crisp detailed lines. Stones are cut to specific combinations The rectangular stones are reminiscent of old traditional stone buildings where masons split and shaped each piece to fit angular lines. allowing masons to tighten joints, lay patterns, and convey an elegance in fine detail. Black Ontario $ 13.60 sqf F Indiana $18.75 sqf F Frontenac $15.29 sqf F Aberdeen $17.50 sqf F Vermont Gray $16.88 sqf F Conestoga $please ask Niagra Valley $23.50 sqf F $19.95 lnf C $26.95 lnf C $22.99 lnf C Valley $24.99 lnf C $24.48 lnf C $please ask Hand Rocked $35.00 lnf C Brown $12.49 sqf F Old English $14.49 sqf F Autumn Blend $13.69 sqf F Hudson Valley $18.95 sqf F Glasgow $15.99 sqf F Dover White $16.47 sqf F Northern $16.88 sqf F $18.59 lnf C Blend $22.49 lnf C $19.99 lnf C Hand Rocked$29.75 sqf C Valley Dark $25.50 lnf C $23.50 lnf C Grey Valley $26.95 lnf C Buckhorn $13.25 sqf F Provincial $14.49 sqf F Spring Blend $please ask Glasgow Valley$15.99 sqf F Cobalt Valley $17.99 sqf F $19.29 lnf C Grey $22.49 lnf C $please ask $23.50 lnf C $22.99 lnf C Castle $please ask Tiger Buff $12.49 sqf F Old World $14.49 sqf F Hudson Valley $14.50 sqf F Valhalla $12.49 sqf F $please ask $18.59 lnf C Blend $22.49 lnf C $22.50 lnf C $28.00 lnf C F = Flats C = Corners SQF = Square Foot LNF = Linear Foot Guelph Buff $12.49 sqf F Vancouver Gold$12.39 sqf F Summer Blend $14.65 sqf F Jasper Lodge $17.95 sqf F Whistler $please ask $18.59 lnf C $19.49 lnf C $22.35 lnf C $27.65 lnf C $please ask Tiger Dark $12.49 sqf F Hampton Hills $13.99 sqf F Highland Thistle $please ask Edinburgh $please ask Hampshire $15.75 sqf F $18.59 lnf C $19.00 lnf C $please ask $please ask $21.99 lnf C 16 17 [email protected] MASONAL www.creativelandscapedepot.com LUXESTONE VENEER STONE 519 - 664 - 0225 Luxestone Glacier Marble Collection The Luxestone veneer collection is designer-based, and offers so much elegance and class to both interior and exterior decor. The contemporary The Signature Blend Collection allows us to create contemporary masonry combinations that traditionally don’t exist. We take design of each stone, and the unique colours available within the product line make this stone an architects choice! Create outstanding accent walls, stones from all parts of North America and combine them to produce exciting new styles blending colour, texture and form. add weight and formality within any room, and give your home a personal touch by selecting a complimentary veneer stone that matches your style! Glacier Blue $15.25 sqf F Pacific Pearl $16.45 sqf F 3D Mosaic $18.95sqf F 3D Mosaic $18.95sqf F Ashlar $23.45 lnf C $22.95 lnf C Travertine Silver Wave Sapphire Blue $13.95 sqf F Ocean ledge $18.25 sqf F Split Face $9.95sqf F Split Face $9.95sqf F $23.40 lnf C $22.95 lnf C Snow Grey Extra White Windsor $13.49 sqf F Rideau Valley $13.60 sqf F Black Galaxy $8.99 sqf F Autumn $9.95 sqf F Castle Stone $23.79 lnf C $20.79 lnf C Classy $9.95 lnf C Blend Classy $10.45 lnf C Emerald $14.25 sqf F Ottawa Valley $17.95 sqf F Egypt Copper $7.25 sqf F Silver Valley $9.95 sqf F $22.49 lnf C $22.90 lnf C Classy $9.49 lnf C Gray Classy $10.95 lnf C LNF = Linear Foot SQF = Square Foot C = Corners F = Flats Extra White Z $8.95 sqf F Spring Forest $11.75 sqf F Classy $9.25 lnf C Classy $12.25 lnf C Sandy Grain $9.95 sqf F Wood Grain A $7.95 sqf F Classy $10.50 lnf C Classy $8.50 lnf C 18 19 [email protected] LUXESTONE www.creativelandscapedepot.com VENEER STONE 519 - 664 - 0225 Autumn Blend $11.95 sqf F Black Galaxy $10.75 sqf F Extra White $17.95 sqf F Country $12.95 lnf C Thin $11.35 lnf C Elegant Trio Desert Gold $10.75 sqf F Carbon Grey $7.50 sqf F Extra White BH $17.95 sqf F Rainy Cloud $10.95 sqf F Mountain Gray $11.95 sqf F Country $11.50 lnf C Thin $7.50 lnf C Elegant Trio Hybrid $11.25 lnf C Classy $12.45 lnf C Ebony Country $10.75 sqf F Creamy Crystal $10.95 sqf F Neo Terra $17.95 sqf F Coastal Brown $9.95 sqf F Extra White $9.95 sqf F $11.50 lnf C Thin $11.25 lnf C Elegant Trio Classy $10.95 lnf C Hybrid $10.45 lnf C Egypt Copper $10.75 sqf F Wood Grain $9.95 sqf F Rainy Cloud $17.95 sqf F Creamy Crystal $8.99 sqf F Silver Valley $10.95 sqf F Country $11.50 lnf C Thin $10.50 lnf C Elegant Trio Classy $9.95 lnf C Patterned $11.75 lnf C Rainy Cloud $10.95 sqf F Silver Wave $10.95 sqf F Silver Wave $17.95 sqf F Ebony Streamy $6.50 sqf F Sunset Streamy $6.50 sqf F Elegant $11.45 lnf C Elegant $11.45 lnf C Elegant Trio $6.50 lnf C $6.50 lnf C F = Flats C = Corners SQF = Square Foot Violet $17.95 sqf F Egypt Copper $12.25 sqf F Wood Grain A $7.95 sqf F LNF = Linear Foot Elegant Trio Natural $12.95 lnf C $8.50 lnf C Elegant Trio Series