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Probability Concepts in Eng·ineering· Planning· and Desig·n VOLU1l1E II DECISI01V, RISK, AND RELIABILITY ALFREDO H-S. ANG Professor of CiL·il Engineering Unh·ersity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign WILSON H. TANG Professpr of Civil Engineering University oflllinois at Urbana-Champaign. s· r r JOHN WILEY & SONS f New York • Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore :, Dedicated to Myrtle and Bernadette \ Copyright l!:l 1984 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All righis reserved. Published simultaneousi)· in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any pan "of this worl; beyond that permined by Sectic>ns 107 and 108 of the 1976 United States Copyrij!ht Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department. John Wiley & Sons. c c Librtzry of onxrtss llttzloxinx in Publictztion DIIUI: !Revised for volume 2) Ans. Alfredo Hua-Sin~;. 193(}- Probability concepts in engineering planninl! and design. Includes bibliographical references and in~exes. Contentl: , .. I. Basic principles-v. ::!. Decision. risl.:. and reliability. I. Engineering-Statistical methods. !!. Probabilities. I. Tang. Wilson H. TA340.AS 620 .. 00422"01519::! 75-589.::: Printed in the Republic of Sinppore s 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 preface. _ Like Volume I, this volume emphasizes the applications of probability and statistics in engineering. It is built on the basic principles contained in Volume I but additional more advanced tools are developed. including statistical decision analysis. Markov and queueing models. the statistics of extreme values, Monte Carlo simulation. and system reliability. Again, the necessary concepts are introduced and illustrated within the context of engineering problems. Indeed, the developrr.ent of the logical concepts and the illustration of established principles in engineering applications are· the main objectives of the volume. The tools provided should form the quantitative bases for risk evaluation, control, and management, and intelligent decision making under uncertainty. In some instances. problems in several diverse areas are used to illustrate the same or similar principles. This was purposely done to demonstrate the universal application of the pertinent concepts and also to provide readers with wider choices of illustrative appii~ations. Much of the mathematica( material is, of course, available in the literature and some of it is in text form: for example, Gumbel (1958) on extreme value statistics; Rubinstein ( 1981) on Monte Carlo simulation; Raiffa (1970) and Schlaifer ( 1969) on statistical decision analysis: and Parzen (1962) and Saaty (1961) on Markov and queueing processes. However, the concepts that are especially useful for engineering planning and design are emphasized: moreover, these are presented purposely in the context of engineering significance and in terms that are more easily comprehensible to engineers (supplemented with numerous illustrative examples). Much of the material in Chapters 6 and 7 on basic and systems relia bility is. for the most part, only currently available in scientific and technical journals-in this regard. only typical references to the available literature are cited. . as there is no intention to be exhaustive. The material is suitable for two advanced undergraduate or graduate lrvel courses. One would cover engineering decision and risk analysis, based on Chapters 2. 3, and 5 of the present volume supplemented by Chapter 8 of Volume I; the other would focus on system reliability and design and may be developed· using the material contained in Chapters 4, 6. and 7. Both courses would require a pre requisite .background in introductory applied probability and statistics, such as the material in Volume I. During the preparation a:nd development of the material for this volume, the authors are indebted in many ways to colleagues and students-to former students who had· to endure imperfect and incomplete versions of the material; to our colleague Professor Y. K. Wen for numerous discussions and suggestions over the years; and to Professors A. der Kiureghian, M. Shinozuka, E. Vanmarcke, and J. T. P. Yao for constructive suggestions and incisive reviews of the manuscript. A number of former graduate students also contributed to the development ·or some of the material including numerical calculations of the examples; in par ticular. the contributions and assis.tance of R. M. Bennett, C. T. Chu, H. Pearce, v vi PREFACE J. Pires, I. Sidi, M. Yamamoto, and A. Zerva are greatly appreciated. Finally, our thanks to Claudia Cook for her patience and expert typing of several versions of the manuscript material, and to R. Winburn for his professional artwork of the figures. A. H-S. Ang AND W. H. Tang \ contents l. Introduction 1.1 Aims and Scope of Volume II 1.2 Essence and Emphasis I 1.2.1 Decision Analysis I 1.2.2 Markov, Queueing, and Availability Models 2 1.2.3 Statistical Theory of Extremes 3 1.2.4 Monte Carlo Simulation 3 1.2.5 Reliability and Reliability-Based Design 3 1.2.6 Systems Reliability 4 2. Decision AJIO:lysis 5 ....... 2.1 Introduction 5 2.1.1 Simple Risk-Decision Problems 5 2.1.2 Characteristics of a General Decision Problem 9 2.2 The Decision Model 10 2.2.1 Decision Tree 10 2.2.2 Decision Criteria 13 2.2.3 Decision Based on Exis~ing Information-Prior Analysis 16 2.2.4 Decision with Additio'nal Information-Terminal Analysis 25 2,.2.5 Preposterior Analysis 28 2~.6 Value of Information 30 2.2.7 Sensitivity of Decision to Error in Probability Estimation 32 2.2.8 More Examples 33 2.3 Applications in Sampling and Estimation 47 2.3.1 Bayes Point Estimator 47 2.3.2 Optimal Sample Siz~ 50 2.4 Elementary Concepts of Utility Theory 56 2.4.1 Axioms of Utility Theory 56 2.4.2 Utility Function 57 2.4.3 Determination of Utility Values 60 2.4.4 Utility Function of Monetary Value 63 2.4.5 Utility Function of Other Variables 66. 2.4.6 Maximum Expected Utility 67 2.4.7 Common Types of Utility Functions 70 2.4.8 _ ~nsitivity of Expected Utility to Form of Utility Function 73 viii CONTENTS 2.5 Assessment of Probability Values 74 2.5.1 Bases of Probability Estimation 74 2.5.2 Subjective Probability 75 '2.5.3 ~ubjective Distribution of a Random Variable 76 2.6 Decisions with Multiple Objectives 77 2.6.1 Weighted Objective Decision Analysis 78 2.6.2 Multiattribute Utility Approach 84 Problems for Chapter 2 96 3. . Markov, Queueing, ~nd Availability Models 112 3.1 The Markm· Chain 112 3.1.1 Introduction 112 \ 3.1.2 The Basic Model 112 3.1.3 State Probabilities 113 3.1.4 Steady State Probabilities 118 3.1.5 First Passage Probabilities li2 3.1.6 Recurrent, Tran~ient, and Absorbing States 125 3.1.7 Random Time Between Stages 136 ... ... . 3.1.8 Continuous Parameter Markov Chain 138 3.2 Queueing Models 140 3.2.1 Introduction 140 3.2.2 Poisson Process Arrivals and Depanures 140 3.2.3 Poisson Arrivals and Arbitrarily Distributed Service Time 149 3.2.4 Distribution of Waiting Time 154 3.3 Availability Problems 156 3.3.1 Introduction 156 3.3.2 Continuous Inspection-Repair Process 156 3.3.3 Inspection and Repairs at Regular Intervals 166 3.3.4. Deteriorating Systems 176 Problems for Chapter 3 . 178 4. Statistics of Extremes 186 4.1 Introduction 186 4.1.1 Engineering Significance of Extreme Values 186 4.1.2 Objective and Coverage 187 4.2 Probability Distribution of Extremes 187 4.2.1 Exact Distributions 187' COiHENTS _;~ 4.2..2 Asymptotic Distributions 194 4.2.3 The Symmetry Principle .:!04 4.3 The Three Asymptotic Forms 206 4.3.1 Gumbel's Classification 206 4.3.2 The Type I Asymptotic Form 207 4.3.3 The Type II Asymptotic Form 216 4.3.4 The Type III Asymptotic Form 222 4.3.5 Convergence Criteria 228 4.4 Extremal Probability Papers 235 4.4.1 The Gumbel Extremal Probability Paper 235 4.4.2 The Logarithmic Extremal Probability Paper 238 4.5 Exceedance Probability 246 4.5.1 Distribution-Free Probability 246 4.5.2 Significance of Probability Distribution 249 4.6 Estimation of Extremal Parameters 255 4.6.1 Remarks on Extreme Value. .E stimation 255 4.6.2 The Method of Moments 256 4.6.3 The Method of Order Statistics 256 4.6 •. £ Parameters of Other Asymptotic Distributions 261 4.6.5 Graphical Method 266 Problems for Chapter 4 268 5. Mont~ Carlo Simulation 274 \ 5.1 Introduction 274 5.1.1 An Example of Monte Carlo Simulation 275 5.2 Generation of Random Numbers 278 5.2.1 Random Numbers with Standard Uniform Distribution · 279 5.2.2 Continuous Random Variables 281 5.2.3 Discrete Random Variables 288 5.2.4 Generation of Jointly Distributed Random Numbers 290 5.2.5 Error Associated with Sample Size 291 5.3 Variance Reduction Techniques 292 5.3.1 Antithetic Variates 292 5.3.2 Correlated Sampling 296 5.3.3 Control Variates 298 5.4 Application Examples '301 Problems for Chapter 5 326 X CONTENTS 6. Reliability and Reliability-Based Design 333 6.1 Reliability of Engineered Systems 333 6.2 Analysis and Assessment of Reliability 334 6.2.1 Basic Problem 334 6.2.2 Second-Moment Formulation 340 6.2.3 Linear Perforniance Functions 347 6.2.4 Nonlinear Performance "Functions 359 6.3 Modeling and Analysis:ofUncertainty 383 6.3.1 Sources and Types of Uncertainty 384 6.3.2 Quantification ofUncertainty Measures 387 6.3.3 Analysis of Uncertainty · 390 6.3.4 An Alternative Representation of Uncenaimy 406 6.4 hobability-Based Design· Criteria 412 6.4.1 On Design and Design Criteria. 412 6.4.2 Second-Mc;>ment Criteria 414 Prob_lems for Chapter 6 434 ·< . 7. Systems Reliability 448 7.1 Introduction 448 7.2 Multiple Failure Modes 448 7.2.1 Probability Bounds 450 7.3 Redundant and Nonredundant Systems 471 7.3.1 Series Systems 473 7.3.2 Parallel Systems · 474 7.3.3 Combined Series-Parallel Systems 478 7.4 Fault Tree, Event Tree Analyses 485 7.4.1 The Fault Tree Diagram 486 7.4.2 Probability Evaluation 495 7.4.3 Event Tree Analysis 498 7.5 Approximate Methods 504 7.5.1 The PNET Method 505 Problems for Chapter 1 517 CONTElVTS xi" Appendix A-Tables 531 Table A."I Values of the Gamma Function 532 Table A.2 CDF of the Standard Extremal VariateS 533 ' Table A.3 The Three Types of Asymptotic Extremal Distributions 537 Table A.4. Weights a and b for Leiblein's Order Statistics Estimator 538 1 1 Table A.S Relations Among Parameters of the T)i:,e III Asymptotic Distribution 539 Appendix B-TransforTTUJtion of Nonir.orrnal Variates to Independent Normal Variates 540 B.l The Rosenb_latt Transformation 540 B.2 Determination· of Safety Index 544 References 549 Inde;c 559 -· ..

Apply the principles of probability and statistics to realistic engineering problems The easiest and most effective way to learn the principles of probabilistic modeling and statistical inference is to apply those principles to a variety of applications. That's why Ang and Tang's Second Edition of P
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