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Algorithmic Learning Theory: 10th International Conference, ALT’99 Tokyo, Japan, December 6–8, 1999 Proceedings

Katharina Morik (auth.), Osamu Watanabe, Takashi Yokomori (eds.)
·374 Pages
·7.6 MB

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Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: 4th International Conference, ICES 2001 Tokyo, Japan, October 3–5, 2001 Proceedings

Jim Torresen (auth.), Yong Liu, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Masaya Iwata, Tetsuya Higuchi, Moritoshi Yasunaga (eds.)
·350 Pages
·8.462 MB

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Web Knowledge Management and Decision Support: 14th International Conference on Applications of Prolog, INAP 2001 Tokyo, Japan, October 20–22, 2001 Revised Papers

Oskar Bartenstein, Stephane Bressan (auth.), Oskar Bartenstein, Ulrich Geske, Markus Hannebauer, Osamu Yoshie (eds.)
·311 Pages
·4.584 MB

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Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 12th International Conference, CICLing 2011, Tokyo, Japan, February 20-26, 2011. Proceedings, Part II

Leonardo Lesmo, Alessandro Mazzei, Daniele P. Radicioni (auth.), Alexander Gelbukh (eds.)
·545 Pages
·8.937 MB

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Computer Vision – ACCV 2007: 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Tokyo, Japan, November 18-22, 2007, Proceedings, Part II

Yufei Han, Zhenan Sun, Fei Wang, Tieniu Tan (auth.), Yasushi Yagi, Sing Bing Kang, In So Kweon, Hongbin Zha (eds.)
·933 Pages
·32.876 MB

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Advances in control education 1994 (ACE '94) : IFAC symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 1-2 August 1994

Atsunobu Ichikawa; Katsuhisa Furuta; International Federation of Automatic Control. Technical Committee on Control Education
·301 Pages
·18.705 MB

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Proceedings of the 9th International Cancer Congress: Tokyo October 1966 Congress Lectures and Official Speeches

Harold L. Stewart (auth.), R. J. C. Harris (eds.)
·134 Pages
·3.515 MB

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